My Pimp Miguel

By Justin Abbott

Published on Apr 5, 2006


I am always interested to hear your thoughts on this story, as well as plot suggestions. Thanks to those who have written. I try to respond to every e-mail. Peace, Justin. (

Let me tell you, it was pretty freaky seeing my bud Robbie, down on his knees, in a public bathroom, sucking off a guy. My world had been rocked pretty good these last few weeks, but this was just too nuts.

I didn't know what to do- I just stood there for a few seconds- when in the door comes these cops, about four of them. The gig was up, and within five minutes me, Robbie, and the fat guy he had been sucking off were hustled out of the store and into a police van, in handcuffs.

Robbie wouldn't even look at me, and the fat guy just kept saying you stupid faggots, now look what you got me into. We got booked for prostitution and public exposure, and locked up. They put Robbie and me in a big cell with several other guys around our age, all black dudes.

It didn't take long before the other guys found out what we were in for. The police never came for any of us for five hours, and that was some long time to be locked up with those dudes. After about two hours, this one really muscular black guy named Derrick started talking shit to us.

Said we were white faggots. He called us white boy cunt, and said he was gonna take what he wanted. The other guys just laughed and egged him on. Pretty soon Robbie had enough and said something. This Derrick told Robbie to step off. Then Robbie went at him, but Derrick just collared Robbie, and bent him over a bench. Several of the other guys came over and held Robbie down. Derrick pulled off Robbie's jeans, over his lace less sneaks, and then ripped off his boxers.

Derrick tossed the boxers to one of the other guys who stuffed them in Robbie's mouth to shut him up. Then he really fucked him, hard and dry. He kept calling him his bitch, and his white cunt. He came pretty quick, and then he pissed all over Robbie, who just laid there and had stopped fighting.

One of the other guys started eyeing me up, and said he really liked blond pussy, and unless I wanted to get the same treatment as Robbie, I better get over and get on my knees. I sure didn't want to get fucked like that, let alone pissed on, and I had sucked off Miguel a few times, so I got down in front of the dude.

Derrick had just finished pissing on Robbie, and was telling the other guys to fuck the blond bitch's mouth real good. He zipped up and told Robbie to get up and spark his cigarette. The guy I was kneeling in front of had his jeans so low that he just reached in the fly of his boxers and pulled up this huge black dick. I always thought Miguel was big until I saw this dude.

I guess there's not much difference between black cock and white, just bigger. This dude smelled a little ripe, but I took his cock and started to suck. The alternative was a butt fucking like Robbie had had.

Derrick just sat and smoked while Robbie watched me. Derrick told them to make it quick before someone came by, and if you can believe this, I sucked all three of the other black guys off in ten minutes. I was disgusted with all the cum I swallowed, but I was alive and my ass hadn't been raped like Robbie. And he was beginning to smell like piss.

They took the black guys out in twos, not too much later. Robbie and I were alone. What the fuck happened to you, I asked him. I knew you were escorting for Miguel, but sucking guys off in a men's room? He told me to shut the fuck up.

But I kept at it. I told him Miguel was looking for him, and wanted to get paid. I told him he was ass to be doing crack, that he had it good with Miguel, up to that point.

Robbie just threw one of his sneaks at me and stared off towards the corner. About an hour later, a cop came in and said we could leave if we had someone who'd come by and make our bail. I couldn't think who to call, except Miguel. Robbie just sat there.

Let me tell you, it was awkward, having to tell Miguel over his cell that Robbie and I had been arrested for prostitution in a public toilet. He started cursing and yelling, calling me a stupid faggot. He said he'd come get us out, but when we got out he was gonna really have to teach us a lesson.

He scared me when he said he was gonna hafta beat us like faggots deserved, fuck us up real good. I didn't tell Robbie this, because the no good prick wasn't talking to me. I couldn't decide what was worse, staying there in jail and getting a belly full of gangsta cum, or having Miguel work me over.

He showed up an hour later, bailed us both out (a thousand each), and we walked outside the Roundhouse with him. Somewhere he'd picked up a panel truck, and he opened the back doors and threw both of us in. It was like the police van all over again.

He got in the back and punched both of us in the face, calling us worthless bitches, and the stupidest faggot whores he'd ever pimped out. He slapped both of us over and over again, spit on us, and then kicked us. Then he got out, and slammed the doors, locking us in the back.

He drove off somewhere, and finally pulled over about a half hour later. We were sore, bruised, and both of us were bleeding from the nose and mouth. Robbie's wifebeater had been ripped off.

Miguel let us sit in the back of the van, in the dark, for about half an hour. Then he came back out of where ever he had gone, opened the truck's doors, and yelled at us to get the fuck out. We were outside of some kind of old warehouse back in our hood, and he told us to go in the door near where we were parked.

Once we were inside, I could see the place was empty and dark. It was real cool inside and smelled of piss and beer. Miguel told us that we owed him big time now. I would have to pull about six or seven dates just to make up the bail, and Robbie owed him twice that from crack he hadn't paid Miguel for. He said Robbie was going to have hustle for a good two weeks, for free, to get even. And he said that there would be more beatings, because we had pissed him off and inconvenienced him.

He kept telling us we were stupid faggot whores, who didn't deserve what he did for us. He grabbed a bottle of Olde English he had brought in, started to chug it and told me to light his cigarette. Then he told me to go sit in the corner until he called for me.

He told Robbie to strip. He did, and I could see his bruises from the beating Miguel gave him in the truck. Miguel pushed him over towards a wall where there were two chains hanging down from the ceiling. He cuffed Robbie's wrists into the dangling chains, and then pulled out some duct tape, and taped his mouth closed.

Miguel pulled off his black leather belt and began to whip Robbie with it. He was really worked up and I thought he was gonna kill him. He whipped him on the face, the back, the chest, the ass, and on Robbie's legs. All the time he kept telling him that if he ever stiffed him for money again, or did side tricks, or got busted, the next time he'd kill him. He called him the stupidest, most disgusting faggot whore he'd ever seen. Finally he finished up by letting Robbie have a few to the crotch with the belt buckle.

I almost passed out watching it, wondering if I was next. Robbie did pass out, as tears ran down his chin.

Then Miguel stopped, and looked at me. He snapped his fingers and I came over real quick and got in my position, on my knees, between his legs. He looped the belt around my neck and said, ok faggot, unless you want the same, you better give me the best blowjob of your life. No teeth, and swallow Miguel's babies.

I was never so glad to suck his cock as now. I felt like he had favored me over crackhead Robbie, my former best friend, a queer who had gotten so low he was sucking off fat old men in public bathrooms.

I was grateful to Miguel for sparring me the whipping, and giving me the privilege of sucking his dick, something he denied Robbie. And I thanked him and told him so after he stuffed himself back in his boxers when I was done cleaning his cock off.

Miguel didn't acknowledge shit like that. He just pushed me down to the ground, and left the building. Then I heard him drive off, leaving me and Robbie there. Robbie was still passed out and hanging from the chains, bleeding from a bunch of belt lashes. I licked my lips, still tasting Miguel's cum, knowing I had escaped the same treatment as Robbie. And I wondered why I was the lucky one to have earned Miguel's cum.

Next: Chapter 9

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