My Pilates Dream

By Frank Russ

Published on May 30, 2007



This will be a fast story. Because it's true.

I take pilates from this very hot hot guy. He is very exotic looking with a massive and solid body, dark skin, huge muscles, tatoos and piercings. He either shaves or waxes which shows off his mucles very nicely and he always wears loose fitting work out wear which often give us a peak at his amazing body. Very hot. I take the class because it's a great work out, but the eye candy is a great motivator too.

He's not gay, but that doesn't matter since I'm just looking anyway.

Well, last night I dreamed that he and I were shirtless and alone at the pilates class. I noticed he had tuffs of hair on the back of his shoulders, so I asked him if he wanted me to shave them for him. He agreed and I got my electric trimmer and shaved his shoulder hair from behind, then I moved around front and trimmed his pits, getting right into his underarms with my face, smelling his pits and rubbing my body against his massive torso. Then I started on his massive pecs and was face to face with his amazing body. As I was leaning in to kiss him, I woke up. Shit!

I woke with a major hard-on of course which I finished off in the shower imagining how that dream could have ended. Maybe this would have been a more interesting story if made up a nasty fake ending, but I got a thrill from it anyway.

I have pilates class tonight and I expect I will have a tough time concentrating.

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