My Piano Tutor

By Gavin Tyler

Published on Dec 11, 2003


I took piano lessons during my high school years and my lesson was scheduled right after another boy's lesson. I was sixteen and had a huge crush on him, but never did anything about it due to my incredible shyness. Anyway, his name was Kyle and he was also 16. To say I thought he was totally hot would be an understatement. He kind of looked like Jimmy, one of those 70s teen idols, face and body, at that age. Whenever we were together, my mind just went haywire and I couldn't concentrate on anything! Well, one very hot day I went to my lesson and Kyle answered the door wearing red beachcomber slippers and red gym shorts and nothing else. I couldn't believe my eyes--he was even sexier than I had imagined with large nipples, slender waist, and a gorgeous tan. His chest was completely hairless and buff. Yeah, this boy worked out. What's more, he knew he was sexy. "Hey, Gary," he said nonchalantly. "Hi," I whispered, trying to breathe at the same time, realizing my breath was caught in my throat. "Our teacher had to go out. She'll be back in a little while." I enjoyed the view as I followed Kyle into the family room where the piano was. His bare back was flawless. From this angle, his gym shorts looked a size or two too small as his butt cheeks swayed sensuously with each step. His legs! Oh, those legs! Long, slender, and smooth. Now I understood why he was slightly taller than I was. Since we were together, we decided to practice our duet for the upcoming recital. Although Kyle played just fine, my mind couldn't make my fingers work at all! We were sitting there on the piano bench shoulder to shoulder, our bare elbows often touching, his natural body scent wafting up into my nostrils. No, he didn't stink. It wasn't a bad smell at all. All I remember is that it made me feel even hornier that I already was! "You're not concentrating, boy!" Kyle said. I liked the `boy' at the end. "Yeah, I know," was all I could respond with. "Are you hot?" Kyle asked. I guess I was starting to perspire. My breathing and heart rate certainly felt funny. "C'mon, let me show you. And take off your shirt before you burn up!" Kyle said as he stood up. I couldn't believe what I'd just heard, but as if operating on instinct, my hands slowly lifted my T-shirt up and over my head and onto the floor. "Scoot up," Kyle said. I scooted up and felt Kyle settle onto the piano bench right behind me, his legs wrapping around mine, his nipples and bare chest pressing into my bare back, his hands sliding in under mine on the keyboard, and his growing erection pressing into my tailbone. Kyle--hot for me?! I thought to myself. Nice! I was well into unfamiliar territory by now and felt totally dumbfounded--and very aroused, of course! I had no idea what I as supposed to do next, but it wasn't a problem because Kyle was seducing me. He was the leader. It's okay. Just follow his lead I told myself. In fact, I could think of nothing more I'd rather do than completely give myself to him--let him have his way with me. To my surprise, Kyle actually began playing the duet slowly with my hands resting on his hands, my fingers following his fingers. When I felt his warm lips brush across the back of my neck, my fingers wrapped around his and I squeezed his hands. By now I could feel sweat beginning to form between his smooth chest and stomach and my bare back. His breathing had grown deeper and I could even feel his heart rate. It had increased. I sat frozen, basking in a feeling of total submission, not knowing whose move it was next and not caring. I loved that heavenly moment! Kyle pulled his hands free from my grasp and placed one of his palms on my bare chest and his other on my now quivering stomach where he began kneading my supple skin. I felt his tongue licking back and forth between my shoulders. As one set of fingers toyed with a nipple, another set worked their way under the waistband of my shorts. I raised my arms and caressed his head and wavy auburn hair in my hands as he sucked on a shoulder. My head fell back as I felt Kyle's fingers touch the tip of my rock-hard erection.

You can imagine how the story might continue on from here. Any ideas? I might continue this story or start a new one. Let me know. I love feedback.

Next: Chapter 2

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