My Phyne Roomate

By moc.liamtoh@erukococ

Published on Jan 20, 1999



"I hope my roomate ain't some kinda freak," I thought to myself as I began unpacking my things into the dorm. This was my first year at college and I'd heard all the stories about crazy, funky, nasty, wierd roomates and I did want that to happen to me. I was getting ready to blow up my inflatable Urban Outfitters chair when I heard a knock at the door. I got up to open it and stood speechless at the sight. The most divine chocolate god stood in front of me. He was flawless from his cornrows down to his Timbs, this nigga was phyne! "Whaddup?", he said snapping me up out of my daze, " You Frederico?" "Yeah, but my peeps call me Rico." "Oh, you a p-rican or sumptin?" "Yup, half." "Oh aiight well I'm Jason, but my boys call me Jazz, I must be your roomate." Halellujah! This bomb ass nigga was my roomate..I got so excited that I almost fainted. "Yo you almost done unpackin?" "Yeah" "Could you help me" "Yes" We carried in his stuff which wasnt much but a huge duffle bag, a few boxes, and a cd player. Unpacking his things made it kinda hot so I had pulled off my shirt by then wearing my wifebeater underneath. I sat down on my bed and Jazz pulled off his Mecca t-shirt showing his well developed chest. He pointed to my un-inflated chair, "What's that?" "My chair" "Whats wrong wit it" "It need to be blown up" "Oh, you want me to do it for you" "If you want" He started blowing the chair up, his chest rising huge then falling. I imagined my hands all over it. Kneading and grabbing and massaging his beautiful body. These thoughts started makin my dick hard so I had to stop and think about something else. He finished the chair and sat on it. " Diz is aiight.", he said pulling out a lighter and a piece from his pocket. He lit it and took two deep puffs, "Yo, you smoke?", he asked handing it over to me. "Sometimes" I said taking the blunt and puffing. "I hope we dont get caught and or kicked out for this" I thought to myself before passing it back.

We finished the blunt and started talking. I found out that he didn't have a girl friend so maybe I had a chance I was thinking before falling asleep. I was awakened by moaning noticing that it had gotten dark. When I opened my eyes, I saw Jazz sitting on his bed, his pants around his ankles and his hand massaging his big dick. It was about 9" and three fingers thick, it sprouted out of a soft patch of curly black hair. He pumped his chocolate stick quick, his eyes almost closed. He probably couldn't see me. I watched him pump, massage, and squeeze his massive dick until he unleashed a big load of man juice onto his hand. He layed back on th bed and rubbed the cum on his stomach falling asleep. My own dick was rock hard and got up to go to the bathroom planing to unleash my own load once I got there. As I passed Jazz's bed on the way, his hand grabbed my arm pulling me to the bed. "Yo you coulda helped me instead of watchin ." "W-What." "You heard.", he smiled pulling me on top of him. " Bu-" he shut me up by placing his juicy lips on mine. I didn't resist him, letting his tongue slip into my mouth. Our tongues danced as I kissed him back only stopping briefly to remove our clothes. This is exactly what I wanted I thought to myself, our dick grinding into each other as our tongues slipped and slid in and out of our mouths. "Damn I want yo ass.", he whispered in my ear before he started licking it. I was determined to give it to him. I began my journey down his body with my tongue circling around his chest, that chest I had only imagined touching a few hours ago. I licked all the way down to his happy trail, his dick stabbing me in the chin. I lifted my head up to start licking his meat. I licked slow up and down his now hard penis holding it at the base. "Don't tease me" Jazz said. I put my lips around his mushroom head letting my tongue dart in and out of his slit. I was savouring it like it was my last meal. I started slowly sucking him going down slow, coming up slow. By his moans and groans I could tell that I was doing a good job. I stopped sucking and got up. I wanted this nigga to fuck my puerto rican ass. I turned him over on top of me, him licking my neck. "oh I know what you want", his head moving in between my legs. His hands held my thighs apart as he dove in. He devoured my hole with his tongue, licking and probing, making me squirm on the bed. "I wanna fuck you" he moaned his tongue loosening up my boy pussy. He got up and reached for some vaseline. I grabbed a little and spread it my ass, sticking in two fingers. That felt so good I almost lost it moving my ass back and forth on his fingers. He pulled his fingers out and rubbed the rest on his black pole. He pushed the head in holding my legs around his waist. He kept pushing until I could feel his silky hairs. His dick was giving me the most intense pleasure ever inside me. Jazz started rotating his hips driving his dick in slow and deep. I met him with each rotation sliding on his meat. "I wanted to fuck dis ass since you opened da door", he groaned. Sweat started to bead up on his chest and forhead as we began to pick speed. He licked and sucked my nipples as we moved into a heavy rhythm. He drove me wild biting then sucking each nipple as I moved my ass in sync with him hips. Jazz's dick massaged my prostate, his thrust going in deep. His breathing was getting heavier meaning that he was close. I contracted my ass hole on his dick to give him more pleasure. "Oh baby I'm bout to nut" he groaned before he shot his load up my ass. The look on his face while he shot his load and the feeling my hole made me so hot that I blew my own load hitting me in the chest. My roomate collapsed next to me. I layed my head on his chest as he licked my ear again. "I could see dat dis is gonna be a good semester.", he whispered in my ear.

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