My Pal Gary

By Lonnie R

Published on Jun 27, 2017


My Pal Gary Chp 3

The following story is fictitious and happened only in my mind. That said, there is a guy named Gary that I do talk to now and then on the net but have never met. This story is about what I think life would be like with him.

The story does contain sexual content, and if it is illegal in your area, or you are not interested in man to man sex then please leave now.

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I opened my eyes just as the sun was breaching the horizon, having been dozing for only a couple of hours. Last night was magical, the most amazing night I had spent with a man in a very long time. What made it perfect was that it was with Ray, the man I had been falling in love with over the past two years.

We had just been friends, best of friends actually. I had been through so many men and every time I was dumped, Ray was there for me. One thing I was not honest about was, this last one that I dumped, I was looking for Ray in him. I only dumped him cause he was not Ray, my Ray. I had know Mitch for a couple of month, and things were going great really, he just wasn't Ray.

"Hey Mitch, we need to talk."

"Sure G what's up baby?"

"I really don't know how to say this, but things just really aren't working out."

" what?"

"Look Mitch, you're a great guy and all it's....."

"What the fuck dude? It's about the other guy you're always talking to right?"

"Who, Ray. He is nothing more than a friend."

"Friend my ass, what you got a thing for him?"

"This has nothing to do with him. It comes down to chemistry, it just don't work"

"It was working good enough for you to fuck me last night, and now this shit."

"Hey man, just calm down, there is no reason we can't be friends."

"Fuck you, you sack of.......forget it."

I just keep running that through my mind. Mitch was a good man, he would have been good for me. I love him and I love Ray too, but I can't have my cake and eat it too can I. Dammit Gary, quit thinking so much before you drive yourself crazy.


The day started out good with Gary in the bed with me. After fooling around a bit we both had to get ready to go to work. He back to the hardware store and me back to the office. I have to come up with something good to do for him now. I am so glad we was finally able to tell each other how we felt. Oh God, last night was amazing, though I can't help but have the feeling like the other shoe is about to drop. I guess it is because every time something good happens, there always seems to be something there to totally fuck it up.

I thought today for lunch I would go see Gary and reiterate what all I said last night to him. Telling him that I fell madly in love with him the first time I saw him. I stayed by the sideline while he had his flings with countless other men, and how badly that tore me up. I probably should not have told him that, but I was being honest while his dick was inside me. It was a fairly nice day, so I thought I would walk the short distance to his store and see him.

I left the office a little early and made it there in 15 minutes, hoping he would be able to take a break and we could grab a bite to eat together. Just as I was about to cross the alley between storefronts something caught my eye. I stopped and looked and Gary was out there talking to another man. I moved to the side and stood there kind of spying on what was going on. After about 5 minutes I was just about ready to let my presence be known, when the other guy leaned in and kissed him on the mouth. The final straw was when they embraced and at that point I lost it.

"What tha fuck........" I must had said it too loud cause both looked my way. At that point I just hurried off.

"Hey Ray..............Ray...............hey wait up...." I could hear Gary saying all this but I just didn't want to hear anything from him at that point.

It didn't take as long to get back to work cause I was pissed and walking a lot faster. By the time I got there I had made up and emergency and took the rest of the day off. "Ray how you be so stupid and believe anything he said last night?" I kept asking myself. I felt so used and lied to, and to be quite honest stupid. For the next two hours my phone rang like every 15 minutes and yes it was Gary. Fuck I had nothing at all to say to him for real. "How the fuck could he do this to me after I had been so good to him all the times he got dumped?" I screamed in my head.

After getting home I packed a bag and was heading out for somewhere. I needed time to think, to try to figure out where I went wrong. Hell I had nine days off so I was gonna take a mini vacation and just get away.


"What was that all about Gary?" Mitch asked

"That was the guy I left you for, and now I think that is fucked up."

"He seemed pretty upset to me. Are you sure you want to deal with that kind of drama from a flake like that?"

"That's it Mitch, get the hell away from me and don't ever let me hear you say anything like that about him again."


"But nothing, you know what just get the hell away from me."

"Well now what?" I wondered out loud

I started call almost immediately, but got no answer. So I figured I would give him some time to cool down and go see him as soon as I get off work. Yeah right, I was call like every 15 minutes but still wasn't getting an answer. "Shit, he must be really ticked off, can I wait til 5 when my shift ends?" After about two hours I gave up, I was gonna try to leave early but a delivery came in and that took up the rest of the afternoon.

Five finally rolled around and I went straight to Rays place. I didn't see his car so I figured I would wait til he got home and we could talk this through. I was sitting on the front steps when a man came up " Can I do something for ya? Are you looking for Ray Wilson?"

"Yes sir I am." was all I said

"Well you may be waiting for a while he took off for a few days, the wife and I are supposed to pick up his mail for him til he gets back."

"Well you know where he went or might have went?"

"No he didn't say, all he said was he needed a break and was gonna take a few days to get his head together. He seemed real upset bout something but I wasn't gonna pry. Are you a friend of his?"

"I was til earlier...........never mind. Hey thanks." With that I got up and headed for my truck. I spent the next hour calling everywhere I could think of. I call the hospital, police station, bus station but nothing. I finally called his sister, bad mistake.

"Hey Shelly, it's you talked to Ray today by chance?"

"As a matter of fact I have." I didn't like the tone in her voice

"Well I was looking for him, we had plans for tonight. You know where he might be?"

"Well let me think, ah yes I do." okay what the hell this is gonna be like pulling teeth.

"Ah, would you mind sharing with me where I might find him?"

"Well actually fuck no I would not." she started, and continued very hotly, "Look Gary, he has pined and pined over you for the last five years. Every time you had a problem he was there to pick you back up. Now last night he finally pours his heart out to you. You fuck him and today he sees you kissing another man. I really don't think you deserve to know where he is, and further more you sure as fuck don't deserve a friend like him."

"Shelly, it's not.............." Then I realized I was talking to dead air.

Why the heck did Mitch have to come see me today? Really why did I let him kiss me? Damn I screwed every thing up I should have tried harder to catch him this afternoon. Now I may never get the chance to explain to him what he saw.

Five days later


Well Gary hasn't tried to call in a whole day so when I got home and unpacked I grabbed a couple beers and went for the hot tub. I really think these few days away helped to distance myself from him and think about things. I can still see it so clearly in my mind how we both was taken over by lust that night. Him pushing me hard against the wall and attacking my mouth. "Dammit Ray, quit doing this to yourself." I said out loud to no-one but me.

After about an hour the doorbell rang and first thought was Steve bringing my mail over. "Hey Steve come on.............." I started then noticed it was Gary.

"I'm not Steve, but can I come in? I think we have a few things to talk about."

"I really don't think we do. I poured my heart out to you, you used me, and then started making out with the next guy that took you fancy."

"Ray please it isn't what it looked like.............please let's talk about this..........let me explain what you thought you saw."

"What I thought I saw was you kissing another man right after you told me you loved me and we made love."

"Ray, please can I come in? We can have a couple drinks or beers and please give me a chance to explain."

"Okay fine, but don't mistake my kindness for a weakness."


Finally I get a chance to explain, "While you was there more or less spying on me, did you happen to hear what was being said?"

"No I didn't, really didn't need to, I saw what I saw."

We were midway through our first drinks and we both finished with a long gulp. As I make us both another one I started. "Ray, I told you that night I had dumped a man to be with you because I love you right?"

"Yea you did, how long did it take to find this other little fucker to throw me over for?"

"You are gonna make this difficult aren't you buddy? The man you saw in the alley with me was Mitch, the guy I dumped."

"Bullshit Gary, kissing him didn't look dumped to me."

"GDMFSOB, Ray he came to tell me that he was going back to Chicago. It was a slight peck and a hug to wish him the best is all."

"Yeah, so he is moving."

I get in the floor right in front of him, take his hands in mine and look into his eyes. "Ray, Mitch is gone. You are the only one I want in my life, please Ray believe me." I start running my hands up his thighs and under the leg openings of his shorts.


"Please don't.........what?"

"Stop............oh Gary..........fuck.........."

I grab his growing cock and start taking off his shorts. When they are fully off I start licking the underside of his rigid meat. When I get to the head it is already leaking sweet and salty pre I greedily slurp it down. I swirl my tongue around the head before taking that beautiful dick in my throat.

"Oh Gary..........yes......oh fuck yes...........suck my cock............oh yes."

I am humming on his pole while bobbing my head up and down in a steady rhythm felling his dick at the back of my throat in each downward move. I reach up and tweak both nipples kinda hard bringing them to hard peaks. I move my right hand to his balls to give them a gentle massage. Rolling them in my palm gently. Ray starts thrusting in the chair moaning, not able at this point to form any words.


When Gary first got here, I was seeing red, now all I see through half closed lids is his head going up and down on my hard throbbing cock. "oooohhhh yes.....make my hard dick....oh suck it baby"

Gary is staring deep into my eyes while sucking me. He pulls back just to the head begins working hard on the head, licking and sucking. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...................fuck take my cum" my cock is aching as I feel the starting of a powerful orgasm he is sucking out of me. Then I am sucked over the edge in strong cum. I can feel rope after strong rope shooting out of my well sucked meat. Gary keeps working my dick til he get every last drop and then rises up to kiss me. He still has some of me in his mouth and we share my essence.

"Baby I love you so much." He says

Breathing still ragged, "Gary let's go to the bedroom, lets make love properly now. I have always loved you."

End of chapter three, hope you like it.

Look in the authors section for Ray Dukes and Lonnie Ford for more of my stories, thanks for reading.

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