My Pal Gary

By Lonnie R

Published on Jun 24, 2017


My Pal Gary

The following story is fictitious and happened only in my mind. That said, there is a guy named Gary that I do talk to now and then on the net but have never met. This story is about what I think life would be like with him.

The story does contain sexual content, and if it is illegal in your area, or you are not interested in man to man sex then please leave now.

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This day had been so long and humdrum that I have wanted to scream at my computer screen all day at work. I have had to do the same report over five time because of freezing. My deadline for getting this done was three and it was now four and it is finally done and printed. I was ready for a beer for sure. I take the report in to the boss, and lay it on his desk.

"Sorry it took so long the computers around here are dinosaurs."

"Well at least you got it done. Actually I don't need it til tomorrow but I wanted to look over it." He puffed out, " Tell ya what, take off early and get some rest, you deserve it."

" Thank Mr. Rawlings sounds good to me, I do need a beer or 10." I was livid as I walked out that day, telling me 3 and don't need it til tomorrow. Fucking son-of-a-bitch. I wanted nothing more than to tell him to take the job and shove it so far up his ass.....

When I got to my car I took the time to look at my phone and check messages. One from my sister saying she was just checking on me, and one from my best friend Gary. Gary was wanting to come by about six and talk about something. That would give me time to get home, unwind, shower and get a couple beers in me before he got there. Don't get me wrong I loved Gary dearly, he is almost like a brother to me, but all he ever wanted to do was talk about him and his fling of the month. Oh well a couple of beers will help to take the edge off before he got there.


"What the hell am I gonna do or say?" I wondered to myself, "Ray has been so good to me, listening to all my problems all the time. And now this, fuck" I realized I was talking to myself again and a woman in the store was staring at me like I had just grown a second head.


The first thing I did when getting home was strip right inside the door, go the the fridge and grab a beer, turned on the radio, then started the jets in the hot-tub in that order. As I sank down into the warm water I could instantly feel the day fading away and that was something I needed badly. I was still pissed at the boss for being such a demanding prick, but the beer and water was helping.

I sat there and started thinking about life so far, and how I got to where I am now. I always did good in school, never went to collage but landed a great job. The pay is outta sight and most of the people I work with are good people. The boss on the other hand is a beady eyed prick that gets his kicks by over working us all with unrealistic demands. Hell here I am 45 years old, in decent shape maybe a little soft around the middle, good job, great house, but utterly miserable. Here it is Thursday afternoon, one more day then I have nine days off. Here I am daydreaming away when the doorbell rings. I look and notice it is 6, "Shit" I mutter to myself as I get out the the hot-tub and throw on a pair of shorts and go answer the door.

"Hey Gary, sorry I almost went to sleep in the tub again. So what's up?" I say swinging the door open and letting my best and only friend in.


"Oh you know not much, thought we could chill for a while is all" I lied

"Sure, always a pleasure com'n in, you wanna beer?"

"How bout something a little stronger." I asked pulling out a half gallon of bourbon

"Hell I think we could go for some of that too. Com'n in the kitchen and I'll get us fixed up." I follow my friend into the kitchen still wondering what I am gonna say.

I have known Ray for quite a while now, he has a good heart, so loving and caring, but how do I tell him what has been eating at me for the last two years. I do not remember how we met, I just knew I had an instant hate for him. And now, I can't imagine my life without him there to help me pick up the pieces when my life seems to have fallen apart again and again.

"Earth to Gary." he says bringing me out of my deep thought. "Still half and half right?"

" Yes, you know me half and half light on the ice."

We take our drinks out to patio and sit at the table under the umbrella and I have to take a couple longs sips before I can get started. "Ray, I need to tell you something."


"Let me guess, your latest conquest dumped you, right?" I start, knowing I have heard this sad song before.

"Actually no," Gary says rather deadpan, "I, for a change, did the dumping."

I didn't see that one coming, "What.....I mean......when, how....what the fuck is going on Gary?"

"Well, I really don't know where to start or how this all started or even when it started Ray. Really I don't, but I am pretty sure I am in love with someone else."

"Okay, go slow you have totally lost me. Every time you get with the next flavor of the month you don't have time for other people. How the hell can you find time to fall in love with someone else?"

Gary drains his glass, "well, go fix us a couple more and I will try to break it down for ya."

I drain my glass quick and head toward the kitchen leaving Gary to get his thoughts together. Could this finally be my time to tell him I want him so bad it hurts me sometime. Damn every time I see him with someone new it kills me. I remember the day we met, I walked into the hardware store he works at and it was love at first sight for me. He was this man about my age, all man. Rugged, outdoorsy type looking like a God to me. I wondered how those hard working hands would feel touching every part of my body. How it would feel to be embraced by those strong arms. His top two buttons was opened and I wanted to play in the hair on his chest, get lost in his maleness, to be taken by this beautiful specimen of man.


"Here ya go bud, now tell me what the hell happened." Ray started

"Well like I said, I don't when or how this happened." I start but have to take another good drink my mouth was so dry.

"What the hell happened, did you turn straight overnight, what?"

"Like I said, I am pretty sure I am in love with another man. I feel it is the man I was meant to be with all along." I was about to tell him it was him but his phone rang giving me a couple more minutes to get the words formed right in my mind first.

He gets up and goes into the house leaving me to sit and think this out, but also giving me time to back out of the whole thing and find an excuse to leave so I wont have to face this right now. Scared of the rejection I am sure to get. Fuck, why did I ever come over here. Why do I find it so hard to tell my best friend I love him? I grab my cell phone and make a quick call to check time and temp when Ray comes back out the door and I pretend to be talking to someone. " Yeah okay, I'll be there in a few minutes." I go on trying my best to look aggravated. "Look Ray, I gotta run, problem at the rental house."

"Need some help?"

"Naw I got it, I'll give ya a call later." and I head toward the door.


"I don't mind coming along and helping, then we can come back and finish our night." Damn, did that sound too gay I thought

"Tell ya what, if I get done at a decent time I'm all yours." he said, and to me it sounded like something else entirely.

I walk Gary to the door, but I just can't let him leave without telling him I love him. "Um..........Gary.............uh.............well fuck, before you go I need to tell you something."

"Sure shoot."

"Well Gary, it might be best if I showed you." Damn the torpedoes full steam ahead I thought quickly and grabbed Gary and gave him a soft gentle kiss on the lips.

For about 30 seconds he just stands there looking bewildered, "Ray, what was that"

"Gary, I love you. I have loved you since the first time I saw you in the hardware store 5 years ago." There I finally said it, out in the open and now I will probably lose my best friend over it.

"" Gary reaches over and grabs me by the shoulders and shoves me against the wall. Before I can say anything, his lips crash into mine, his tongue slowly snakes out of his mouth and into mine. There is fever pitch excitement, our hands exploring each others bodies. Our bodies are molded together and I can feel his cock growing by the second to match my already hard as steel rod. Then with our lips still touching, he loosens his grip and moves his hand to my dick. When he grabs my cock and and grips it a shiver runs through my soul.

I am fumbling with his pants to open and unzip them. I needed to have his dick in my hand. We break the kiss just as I grab his dick and we start deep into each others eyes. We both know that we have found the soul we wanted to be with.

End of chapter one, hope you like it.

Look in the authors section for Ray Dukes and Lonnie Ford for more of my stories, thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 2

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