My Older Lover

By Chris Matthew

Published on Apr 23, 2020


My Older Lover, part 6

This is part six of my journey with my older lover. I hope you like it. And please, to support this site, make a donation -- small or large -- to

We dressed for the party. My lover wore slacks and a nice shirt. He looked good, and I was so happy to be there with him. He asked me to put on my tight jeans. "You look great, so hot!" he said, as he looked at me. "Turn around -- I want to see your fine bottom fill out those pants!" I did as I was told, acting sort of coquettish, and looked over my shoulder, smiling. He put his hands on my cheeks and squeezed, and my cock hardened a little, not sure if I wanted to go to the party, or stay here with him. But he said, "Let's go, I think you are in for a great time tonight" and I followed him out the door, not knowing exactly what he meant but wanting to find out.

Coming out of the elevator, I saw a large crowd in the ballroom. I guess I was not really thinking about it, but it was all men, all ages and sizes and races, some very good looking guys, some not so much. Most were older men with younger men as their companions. I turned to look at my lover (his name is Allen, I don't think I ever mentioned before), and he was smiling at me. "You've never been to a party of all guys, have you?" I just shook my head, and he took my hand, leading me down the few stairs to the crowd.

We found a booth and sat down next to each other. He ordered a bottle of champagne. The waiter was a young man dressed only in a small swimsuit. Opening the bottle, he filled our glasses, his eyes and smile on my lover. He then turned to me, bent down and handed a glass to me, his bottom facing Allen. He then turned back, and smilingly asked if there was anything we required. My lover smiled back, and reaching out, put a tip inside the waiter's suit. "Thank you, that will be all for now." I have to admit I was very turned on by all this, and wondered what it might take to entice our waiter to join us back in our room later. I watched him as he walked away.

"I think I know what is on your mind," Allen said, breaking the spell. I turned towards him, and blushed, and then we both laughed. "He is quite good looking, isn't he?" he said, and I could only nod. "Let's toast to us," he said, and we clinked glasses as I felt his hand move up my leg. "Let's have a good time here tonight."

When the band played a slower number, he took my hand and led me to the dance floor. His arms around me, holding my hand to his chest, he pulled me close. I rested my head on his shoulder, feeling in heaven, as my man led me. The number over, I pulled back a bit, applauded, and heard my lover say hello to an older man nearby. "I thought I might run into you tonight," he said, "Looks like you are having a good time." The other man was with a younger guy, maybe a few years older than me, who I recognized as the desk clerk who checked us in.

"I am indeed," the other man said, putting his arm around his companion, who had his arm around the other's waist. They looked at each other and smiled.

"Join us," Allen said to them. We all returned to our booth, and ordered more champagne.

"Introduce me to your friend," the other said. Allen told him my name is Chris, and said that we were visiting for a few days while he attended his conference. The other man slid a bit closer to me, and looking me directly in the eyes, said to Allen, "You are a lucky man, such a good looking young companion!"

"As are you," Allen said, looking admiringly at the cute young man who was with the other. We sat and drank our champagne for awhile, talking and getting comfortable. Allen then said, "Why don't we take this little party up to our room, where we can relax and it's quieter?" Our friends quickly agreed, and we headed upstairs.

Once inside, my lover asked me to make drinks for everyone. I did, and I brought one to the other man, sitting on the couch. He looked up at me, and taking his drink with one hand, put his other on my hip, smiling up. "Sit with me," he said. I looked over at my lover, and he nodded his okay. I sat down next to him, his arm around me, pulling me towards him. As I did, I saw that his friend, a very cute Asian guy, sat next to my friend, his fingers moving through my lover's hair, his lips lightly brushing his ears.

I have to admit that I was turned on being next to this other man. He was quite handsome, a full head of gray hair, clean shaven, about six feet tall, long legs, broad shoulders, and looked to be in good shape. I had not been with any man but my lover to that point, and the thought of having a man like this make love to me, while my lover watched and had a different young lover himself, made me very excited. And thinking about perhaps indulging with that other young guy was a wonderful thought too.

"Why don't you both get undressed, let us take a look at you," Allen asked. Koji (the other young guy's name) and I looked at each other and stood, moving towards each other. Facing me, he reached out and unbuttoned my shirt, pushing it over my shoulders and letting it drop to the floor. I did the same to him. I could tell the older men were watching us intently, and were very aroused. "Kiss him," the other said. I put my hands on Koji's face, leaned down, and pressed my lips to his. He put his arms around me, and kissed me back, his tongue licking mine, as our breathing quickened. We parted, still looking at each other. He was very cute, slender, with a smooth torso and beautiful nipples. I leaned down, licked one and then the other, his hands around my head holding me close to him. He pulled me up towards his face, and kissed me again, deeply this time.

"I think I'd like to see you guys make love," Allen said, the other older man agreeing. I looked at Koji, telling me with his smile that that is exactly what he wanted as well. Kneeling in front of him, I undid his belt and unzipped his pants, pushing them off of him. To my delight and surprise, he had nothing on underneath. He had a moderate sized cock, cut, and it was fully erect -- and it was as beautiful as the rest of him. My hands grasped it, stroking it softly as I kissed the tip. My tongue circled the head as he gasped, and I let it slide into my waiting mouth. "You've taught him well," the other said to Allen. "Just wait and see," he replied.

Pulling me up, Koji led me to the bed, and told me to take off my pants. "Lay down on your stomach." He lay on top of me, kissing my neck, licking my ears. I could feel his hardness against my leg. It felt so fine, so erotic, but I was still a little nervous, being with another man, and performing for an audience. Soon, however, those feelings disappeared, as my attention was drawn back to this beautiful younger man.

Raising himself up to sit on my legs, I felt Koji running his cock along my crack. It was electric. He kissed down my spine, softly, slowly. He reached my bottom, spreading my cheeks, and I felt his tongue softly caress my hole. I had never been rimmed before, and it felt wonderful. He began to lick me in earnest, sliding his tongue in and out of me, and I was squirming beneath him, the feelings so arousing, so sensuous. I pushed my hips up to meet his probes, and he reached underneath to hold my cock. I felt myself leaking onto his hand, and he used that to lubricate his stroking. I felt lightheaded from his passionate lovemaking!

I glanced back to the couch where my lover and the other sat. Both had their pants down, and were stroking themselves. The sight of two large, erect cocks turned me on immensely, and I told Koji I wanted him inside me. Taking a condom, he slid it over his cock, and then spread lube on it and on me. I felt him push his tip at my hole, and then slide in, quickly. An exquisite pain filled me, not as intense as that given me by my lover, who was much bigger. But it was soon replaced by wave after wave of pleasure as I felt Koji move in and out of me, building his orgasm. I was on all fours. He held my hips, my bottom in the air facing him, and I could feel him tensing, nearing his climax. When it came, he shuddered, and made a soft groan. He collapsed on my back, still holding me, and moved his cock in a circular fashion, still inside me. Coming down from his orgasm, he kissed my neck, and then rolled off of me.

I lay down as well, now towards him, and softly stroked his pretty face. He smiled, and I gently kissed him, our lips just touching, and we relaxed in each other's arms, our legs entwined.

Soon, however, we were joined by the two older men, who lay down on either side of us. Koji and I looked at each other, smiled and kissed. I felt our guests hands on my body, stroking me, and his breath against my back. I could see my lover doing the same with Koji, who turned towards him and was enveloped in his arms. I guess I was a bit jealous, but soon overcame that thought as I myself turned over, and was soon in his arms, kissing him. He pushed his tongue into my waiting mouth, and I responded by sucking on it. Taking my hand, he pushed it down onto his now hard cock, and told me to masturbate him. I obliged, feeling his hardness increase with each stroke.

He had a larger cock than Koji, even larger than my lover. I wanted to feel it in my mouth, and so I pushed him onto his back, and began to kiss down his front. I licked and nibbled his nipples, which he seemed to enjoy immensely, as they hardened and expanded with my touch. His stomach had little hair, just a soft, downy covering, and my fingers played with it, while my mouth continued to the area below. Soon, I was holding his cock, running it softly along my cheeks, kissing its underside, and licking his testicles. He responded by holding my head and groaning loudly, a sign that I was pleasing him. I could also hear my lover and Koji, who were similarly engaged, his cock in Koji's mouth by now, Koji's head moving up and down.

Soon, I could see my lover rise off the bed, telling Koji to turn around so that he could take him anally. The man I was pleasuring took that as his signal to do the same, and I obliged. Koji and I were both on all fours, our heads on pillows, facing each other. He winked at me, and I smiled back, knowing that I would be penetrated by this new man, and wanting to feel what his cock would feel like inside me.

I found out, as he pushed inside me, hard. I gasped, and tightened my anus around his cock, wanting him to stay put until I could relax around it. "Slow down, lover," I said, and he held my hips, not moving. I could tell he enjoyed fucking my behind, though, and the feeling my clenching and unclenching must have given him, as his breathing became harder, and he gasped with each contraction. I was learning how to pleasure a man with my bottom, I thought, something I would have to try on my lover when we were alone again.

Within a few minutes, I became used to his large cock inside me, and I moved forward a little so that his cock pulled out of me some. He rightly took that to mean I was ready, and he began to rock back and forth, in and out of me, sending waves of pleasure through me, and I suspect him also. I lost track of time, losing myself in this moment of passion, but soon felt him cum inside me, and pull out, collapsing on the bed beside me. I saw that his condom was full, and half wished I had taken him in mouth so that I could have tasted and swallowed such an appealing load. Looking over, I saw that my lover was done with Koji as well, and they lay together, spooning, Koji in front, watching us with satisfied smiles on their faces.

I turned towards them, and my new lover lay behind me, his arms around my waist, his body pressed up against my back. It felt good, relaxed, warm. I reached over towards Koji, who was looking me in the eyes, and my fingers softly stroked his cheek. He smiled, and closed his eyes. We all fell asleep, that wonderful sleep one gets after making love, drifting off, happy and satisfied.

Next: Chapter 7

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