My Older Lover

By Chris Matthew

Published on Mar 27, 2020



Please note this chapter is written from the perspective of my older lover, not me. It is his version of how he seduced me, and comes from a letter he wrote me a few years after we met and became involved. I hope you like it. I was overwhelmed by him, and by his letter. Reading it again, many years later, still arouses me and makes me wish we could spend just one more night together.

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I was 58 when I met you at my friend's house that summer. You had just graduated, and were back in the home trying to figure out what to do with your life. I was lucky enough to meet you then, and I hope I helped guide you, to find what you were looking for. You certainly turned out to be what I was looking for.

That evening, I had returned home from work, and decided I did not want to make my own dinner, so I walked over the Jack and Jessica's place, my good friends, who had an open house of sorts. I had dinner with them pretty regularly, and found their company and usually that of their other guests quite entertaining.

When I walked in, I saw you across the room. You were over in the corner with some other younger people, and you all seemed to be engaged in conversation. My first impression was that you were very cute, with a smooth complexion, beautiful lips, and a smallish, very appealing figure. You had on some tight-ish pants which accentuated your small, round bottom. I was intrigued, and wanted to get to know you. I wondered if you were gay, hoping so, and whether you would find an older guy like me appealing.

So, when it came time for dinner, I maneuvered myself to sit across from you. I asked your name, and you told me. I introduced myself, and focused my conversation towards you. I think you noticed; you smiled back at me, and seemed a bit shy, often looking down at your plate when I asked a more personal question. I was smitten, I have to say.

Dinner broke up, and I went to help clean the kitchen. When I was done, I asked Jessica about you. She said she didn't really know you well, other than you were a college friend of her son, and that you liked to hang around and especially seemed to like the library upstairs. She gave me a knowing look, as she knew I was gay and that I was attracted to younger men. She said she knew what I was thinking, but didn't know if you would be interested. I winked at her, and said I would be finding out.

I went upstairs and found you sitting by yourself, reading. I said hello again, asked what book you had in your hands. You seemed a bit startled, but told me. I think it was a history of some period, a subject that I enjoyed also. I asked if I could sit down, and you shyly said of course. I really enjoyed talking with you that night, and determined that I would try to seduce you. But how? I thought that I would have to go slowly, so as not to frighten you off, and that I would simply plant a seed that night. And so I said, "Maybe we can get together sometime, have a drink?" You blushed, but said that you'd like that. "Good," I replied, and then, "Well, I have an early day tomorrow, but I'm looking forward to seeing you again." We said good night, and I left, knowing that I had piqued your interest at least.

A few days later, thinking about how to get in touch with for our "date," I saw you enter a local bar. Now was the time, I thought, and I walked in myself. Seeing you at the bar, I wandered over, and said something like, "Well, we meet again!" You turned and saw me. I saw a quick smile cross your face, and then disappear, but you said "Hello." I knew I had your interest.

I suggested we find somewhere quiet, and we found a booth away from the bar and the crowd. Sitting next to you, I made sure my leg touched your leg when I moved, feeling you out so to speak. You did not recoil! Our conversation, as I recall, was mainly about you – what you thought about your future, and so on. And then I asked if you had anyone in your life, a girlfriend perhaps? You blushed again, said no, you weren't seeing anyone, had never had much luck with women. I thought I would take a chance, as my "gaydar" was going wild with you, and asked "What about a boyfriend?" That made you pull back, tense up, and really reddened your cheeks. (By the way, I found your blushing very appealing!) "No," you stammered, "I've never had a boyfriend."

I asked if that was something you had ever thought about, and to my surprise, you looked up at me and said "I've never told anyone this, but I do think of men sometimes." I smiled back, said, "What about an older man?" I placed my hand on your knee. I could feel you jerk back a bit, but then, again to my surprise, you leaned closer and said, looking away from my gaze that in fact you thought about older men a lot. My hand moved up your leg just a bit, and I squeezed. "I live around the corner; how about we go back there to have another drink?" You practically jumped up, and we left the bar.

On the elevator, I wanted to so much to take you in my arms! I opened my front door, and showed you in. Our first kiss – do you remember? - was soft, just lips brushing, my arms going around you, holding you closer. I could feel you relaxing, and then I kissed you again, more fully this time, wanting you to know how much I wanted you that evening, what an older man felt like. You responded with your lips, and I was so aroused. I could feel you getting hard too.

You asked me to show you around, and I made sure the bedroom was our last stop on the tour. I told you to relax, that I found you so cute, so attractive, just what I had been looking for, and that I would take care with you, that I would be gentle and good to you. I kissed you again, and put my tongue in your mouth that time, feeling your excitement (and mine) grow.

I asked if you'd like me to undress you, and you said yes. I unbuttoned your shirt slowly, reaching my hand inside and feeling your breast, and softly stroking your nipples. (I came to love that, taking off your clothes, feeling your chest, your nipples, running my fingers over your smooth skin.) That seemed to excite you, and I kissed your neck, taking off your shirt. Licking your now exposed nipples, I undid your belt, your button, and unzipped you. I pushed your pants to the floor. Sitting on the bed, I looked at you, almost naked, for the first time. I was pleased to see that you had smooth, soft skin, something that really turns me on, and shapely, lightly muscled legs, and I told you to take off your underpants. What a beautiful cock you had! It was cut, six inches, and by now hard as a stone. How I wanted to have that in my mouth, as I did many times after that. I reached out and softly stroked it.

I asked you to turn around, wanting to see that small, round bottom that had first attracted my attention on that first evening. You turned, and I saw that it was everything that I had anticipated. I signaled you to come closer, and you stood between my legs, letting me kiss and lick your stomach, and feel your fine bottom. What a treat for me!

I stood, told you to undress me, and I watched as you did as I asked. "Are you nervous?" You said, yes, but that you had thought about a night like this for a long time, never telling anyone, but using it to fuel your fantasies. I told you to relax, we'd go slowly, and that if you ever felt uncomfortable to let me know. You gave me that cute smile of yours, and reached up to kiss me.

Both naked, we lay down together, and told you that I wanted to cum inside you. You gave a little gasp, and said that is what you wanted also. Kissing you again, I asked you to sit astride me. I reached into my nightstand and grabbed a condom and lube. Our eyes were locked together, I remember, so sexy, so erotic, and I rubbed lube along your crack and ran my finger around your hole. You were so excited, I felt you drip precum on my stomach. "Are you ready?" I asked, and you nodded yes. Having pulled on the condom, I held your hips, and gently pushed you down onto my cock. Your breathing, and mine, was harder, and I entered you for the first time, hearing your soft gasp and seeing your look of pain. I stopped, told you to get used to the feeling of a man's erection inside you, and waited for you to relax before pushing further into you.

I always find it so erotic to be the first to have a young man, or any man for that matter, and love the feeling of seeing him move from pain to exquisite pleasure, and to tell me he wanted more. And so it was with you, your slim, smooth body on top of me, the tip of my cock inside, waiting for you to come to me, to admit that you wanted more of me, to tell me with your body that you wanted me to take you more fully. After a few moments, your body relaxed, and you yourself pushed yourself down on me, taking me all the way inside you. It was then that you leaned down, kissed me, and told me not to stop. I moved your hips back a bit, and rocked you on my cock, feeling waves of pleasure, as I was to find only you could give me, until finally I could hold no longer, and released myself into you, with an orgasm that lasted a long time. You collapsed onto me, my arms encircling you, holding you close, my cock still in you.

I kissed you, softly, and we lay together for what seemed a long time. What a sweet embrace! You were everything I had hoped for that first night we met. And I wanted to make you happy too. So that was how I remember our first time together. I imagine your remembrance might be different in the details, but I hope you felt the same pleasure in me that I felt in you. Our years together have been the best of my life. Thank you.

Next: Chapter 4

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