My Older Lover

By HomelessCub ...

Published on Feb 11, 2012


The following story contains graphic descriptions of adult male-to-make sex. If this topic offends, upsets you or is illegal for you to read for whatever reason then please leave this page along with the site.

This story does not detail safe sex and while this is perfectly fine for fiction, life is always different. So protect yourself and your partner and be safe!

Comments about the story are, of course, welcome along with any constructive criticism you may have.

I hope you enjoy the following story.

My Older Lover


"All work and no play makes for a dull, dull day." That is something I hear my bear tell me every morning before heading off to work. Using his words to remind me that life cannot always be strenuous to those that part in the rat race. For us to take each moment as they come and to spend each precious one with the one you love the things you love doing.

It has become something I hold my life too and intend to keep a reality for us, to make each moment of my life count and with each moment spent with him getting to know the finer details of his body in the most intimate of ways. Until the day, I truly know his body and soul, and he in turn knows my love for him is more than just mere lust or simply from a cub searching for a bear to give him a home out of the cold to, never be lonely again.

Chapter Three: By the Fireplace in the Evening

It has been a strenuous day at work for the both us, he had phoned ahead to warn me he would be late home that night and by the tone of his voice, it someone at work had put him in a less than good mood for me to deal with. Still, it all gave me the chance to get home first and set everything up for the evening to help ease him out of the days stress and into a more relaxing night spent together. As I returned to our home to kick off the shackles of my work clothes, freeing myself for the night and leaving me in my favorite outfit, my birthday suit!, while I went about placing everything out for our dinner and then made my way to our room to grab what I needed to take a shower in our bathroom.

Thoroughly working my body over to leave it spotless for tonight, with only the hint of my sweat lingering to give an extra spice to my body for his tongue to taste and lap up as he would lick each inch of my body clean, like a papa bear cleaning his dirty cub. Giving me a different kind of pleasure to send waves down my body since we knew I would not be cumming that night and in turn leaving it so my moans would cause his pleasure. As different scenarios played out in my mind giving hope for the night to end with us both exhausted, with our pleasure sought and me falling asleep in his embrace. The whole time my cock remaining dormant, resting on top of my fat balls and once more hidden in its slumber inside my foreskin. Too tired and unresponsive from its last draining to leave me with any other cravings than to focus solely on him and his needs, with just the hint of my own hunger seeping through, for his juices to help quench that unquenchable thirst within me.

The place was soon set, the fireplace in our sitting room now burning brightly to fill the room with its only light. As I stood in front of it, basking in its glow and now in a pair of old sweats as I finished the drink in my hand and licked my lips in the hopes of another to draw me back into the kitchen. My nostrils being filled with the smell of my cooking upon entry and leaving my mouth dry, giving a further need to that second drink of the night, that I left waiting for me on my side of the table. While I plated up our food and left it in the oven to keep warm in his wait and for myself to relax as I sat down at the table, flicking through a magazine, and waited patiently for the sound of the front door to open and shut, bringing him home to me for another night. As the whole thing would leave me looking like a puppy dog, knowing who had suddenly returned from their scent look imprinted in my mind, bringing my body excitement that if I had a tail it would surely be wagging.

"God I hate that fucking office!" I heard escape his lips in a mumbling anger for the day I would surely hear about over dinner. As I looked up at him, as if looking at him for the first time once more with my eyes watching his every movement as he undid his tie to throw it over his seat, heaving already kicked off his boots by the door and now seeming a little more relaxed because of it all. Much to my amusement of course, as I watched at his nose twitching to the smell of my cooking that enticed the hungry bear and trapped him for my taking as a grin came over his face and he moved over to me to nibble on my neck as I hugged his body close to my own, inhaling his scent. The same scent that originally burned my nostrils and fueled a flame I had never forgotten in my love for him since back in the beginning.

"You can go on up and take a shower first if you want? Everything is ready and waiting for whenever you're ready." I offered loving his worked up scent that made me in turn what to dive nose first into his pits and lick them clean. As he grunted out, sounding too tired to the thought, and kissed me deeply letting a promise linger for more to come, with the hint of surprise along the way brought on by his actions. Before he sat down at the table across from me and we ended up having our usual, though later than planned, dinner together setting a relaxing evening ahead for the both of us and laying past to the workday with his final words proclaiming his office dead to him for the night unless they wanted trouble.

We soon parted, him making his way into the sitting room to relax in his old chair by the fireplace, a pipe resting in the ashtray on the table beside him with a glass of scotch sitting beside it while he read the days paper. Giving me ample time to make my rounds of the house, locking everything up for the night and setting the alarms for the added safety before I went up to our room and turned the bed for the night, leaving it just how we liked it. For me to then make my way down to the sitting room to join him. Stopping at the entrance to take him in, watching him shuffle through the paper while he took a long and proclaimed puff of his pipe, enjoying the rush to his head and letting it all relax his body before he slowly blew it out in the air to fill the room with its smell. Leaving me to stare at the scene with love in my eyes over the life we had created together, a far cry from the life I had thrusted upon me before he came into my life and helped show a homeless cub how to stand on his own two feet.

Still, why, as I stood there watching him in my own little bubble, did I suddenly feel a chill run down my spin. A hint to something my mind could not pinpoint without trying to sound like the ramblings of a mad man that blinded me to a potential situation on my hands and in turn left an unspoken worry rattling about in my stomach and mind. Lingering to try to keep me alert in the hopes of freeing the blind to help see once more the truth yet undiscovered.

I entered the room, alerting him to my presence as I saw his ear twitch to my detection while his body simply turned the page of the newspaper and continued in his relaxed state of body and mind, his trousers already unzipped and his bulge visible to my eyes only. As, trying to act like I wasn't there disturbing his daily ritual to set the mood for the rest of evening, I moved over closer to him to get down on my knees between his legs and rest my head on his lap. Loving the warmth of the fireplace as its glow resonated over our bodies in a tender moment as I felt his paw rub the back of my head for me to close my eyes and drift off for just a moment. For the moment to be lost to the night with my head moving closer to his jockstrap for my tongue to roll out and rest over his bulging cock, rushing blood down to his organ by my touch and forcing a small groan from his lips at my ability to lap up his cloth-covered cock in my own greed. Us both loving the teasing manner that left his cock throbbing against the fabric, trying to force its own freedom in search of my tongue to give it both pleasure and pain for its teasing manner that annoyed his cock and made each bulge that much harder to my touch.

He read the remaining pages of the paper in a hurry, each word he read only forming a distant memory he would forget by the time he would finish because of my assault. My mouth blowing lightly against his bulge to entice his cock further in our little game for my lips to then cover the base, soaking up his buildup of sweat from a hard days work to, in turn, leave the jockstrap soon dripping with my own drool. As my tongue slowly traced up his cock to force another groan from his lips, as I swear for just a moment I saw his bottom lip tremble before he growled out and threw the paper down on the table. Shifting in his chair to pull down his bottoms and rip off his jockstrap, flinging it across the room and leaving it hanging on a wall ornament that would surely leave us laughing about it in the morning.

His cock sprung free as the jockstrap flew across the room leaving it to go a moment unnoticed, much to its annoyance, as I turned back to find his third eye having already forced his foreskin back and glaring at me in anger. His hand now gripping the base to bulge his cock without the aid of a cock ring as I moved in to kiss the head, an act of asking for its forgiveness I would gladly do a hundred time a day if only possible. As I watched his thumb move up to force his foreskin back over the head, with a pearl of precum escaping the head to drip down the back of his cock and for my tongue to catch it as I moved up and took the head in my mouth. Working over his covered head by nibbling on his foreskin and gently pulling on it for my tongue to probe and tease his head to give me a stronger taste of precum. Before he growled out in a booming tone and I felt his foreskin skin back in my mouth, his head once more free and now rubbing the roof of my mouth for me to feel its presence. As I felt his hand grip the back of my head, slightly pulling at my hair as he forced me down on his cock with the head hitting the back of my throat, nerving my gag reflex and leaving me splutter over his unusually rough manner. Once more giving me that nagging feeling upon when I watched him from outside the room, as if trying to warm me of something by setting of an alarm in my barely functioning mind.

The water ran from my eyes, my body overreacting the only way it knew how in a moment as such, as I stared up in his eyes, expecting to see worry and perhaps a little guilt and instead finding him grinning down at me. Loving every minute, he held onto my head to stop his cock from escaping my mouth along with the feeling of my throat working his cock over in its own panic. Keeping things the way they were until he felt my throat relax and he sank in, defeating my reflexes and gaining control over my body in a dominating manner. To then go and remove his cock from my mouth, leaving me on my knees and gasping for air while he slapped his dick across my face a couple of times before smearing the end of his pipe with his precum and putting it in his mouth to take a more than enjoyable puff while he stroked his cock.

"Nothing better than a good pipe and a cocksucker between your legs in the evening to relax!" he mused, taking another puff while he rubbed his cock head against my lips to coat them in his juices to feed my cravings. Leaving me fighting against something in my body over words I had never heard come from his mouth before, and in such a meaning that sounded as if from someone else. Striking a nerve in my mind over the thought and scaring me in a sexual way that confused me as it left my body feeling strange to the thought and my sight blurring over the images I no longer could separate from fiction. As he growled out in a papa bear tone for me to take notice and stare up at him once more, my eyes burning in hunger and questioning as he let go of his cock for me to take it in my mouth and play with it. While his hands traced over his body to slowly unbutton his shirt, in a small strip-teasing manner until it slipped off his body and fell on the chair, revealing his same old chest, but now with a new additive.

"You like?" he asked me, seeing the shock in my eyes over his right nipple being pierced and yet not looking recent as he began to tweak it, working both his nipples to send waves down to his cock much to its bouncing joy against my tongue. Signaling his end was coming, his cum now boiling in his balls and begging for release into my more than waiting mouth that began to work with him over with new devotion for his cum he knew would make me forgive him for this dominating daddy figure and let tomorrow simply be another day.

"Not that easy!" He snapped at me, shoving me away from his cock and slumping back down in his chair as he took a swig of his drink and rubbed the sweat from his brow that had long since dripped down over his heaving chest. As he barked out his orders for me to strip and come closer, my mind wanting to scream out at him now with a pissed of attitude of my own that defied my body, unable to lie against my desires as my eyes never left his cock, now so red and begging for something wrapped around it again. Leaving my body stripped within moments, my sweats practically ripped from my body as I threw them on the ground to move closer to him, trying to go back down on his cock. Before he cupped my balls, rubbing them roughly with his thumb that had me gasping for him to stop while my body thrusted for him to continue, while he took a deep inhale and removed the pipe from his mouth to pull me down into his body and kiss me. Letting the kiss linger, almost in a forgiving tone, as I felt myself become lightheaded as if melting into his body with our heat combining with his hand moving down away from my balls to part and then enter my cheeks, stopping teasingly at my rosebud. To let my sweat run over his fingers, acting as my only lube, as his digits circled around my rosebud to send shivers through my body and bring both a cooling wave and a burning sensation over my body as if I were an animal in heat.

His finger penetrated me, adding fuel to the burning heat in my body as he pushed the finger up to the knuckle in search for my prostate to rub it and take control of my body, the one button he knew that could will me into his biding. As it became apparent his bidding was to force my slumbering cock awake, with a second finger forcing itself up to join its brother in their torture of my prostate. Rubbing relentlessly and opening up my hole for more to enter until he felt my cock poking his stomach and leaving a small puddle around his bellybutton. For him to pull me back in order to stare down at in, in an almost gloating manner unbefitting of him all over the nature he could will my body awake better than I could. Before I felt his fingers sliding out of my ass, unable to clench down and stop them in time as he chuckled over the sad expression on my face and promised to fix the problem quickly. By gripping my cock with his other hand to pull my foreskin back and use my leaking juices to cover his fingers, giving them a better lube to help open my ass more than he usually did. As his fingers fucked me, to leave me soon bouncing against them in my own body's hunger, feeling each finger stretch my hole beyond my usual limit for me to, soon, feel four of his digits wiggling inside me. Sending a wave of inexperience pain through my body that gave confusing yet exciting new feelings to keep me drawn close to my bear, almost unable to say no in a growing want to feel used by the one I knew it would never come from.

A whimper escaped my lips at the feeling of his sticky fingers being removed from me one after the other to leave an emptiness burning in me for him to cool and again in turn heat up in the form of his pulsing cock. Leaving my body acting as if begging for him while my mind never had the chance to register such actions as he helped turn my body around, letting my head lean back and rest on his shoulder. As I felt him lift my waist, up and aim his bare head against my ass to pause for a moment. Letting a moment come for me to take the next step by resting his cock at the entrance and waiting until he felt my ass open, trying to suck his cock up inside me to fed a side of myself he knew I would not have willingly gave to him this night. As I felt him pull my body down onto his, his cock, disappearing inside my body for me to feel each inch that he fed to my hungry, greedy hole that itched and craved for more. Leaving us both to sigh out, almost simultaneously at our bodies becoming one once more as everything around us became forgotten and time slipped in that moment to help ease my body into a state of grace.

Time is a fickle being when overused to often for ones own personally needs, as I felt the glass shatter for the hands of time to spin recklessly in their aim to catch up on the stolen time I had allowed myself. Bringing me back to our sitting room, my body lying on top of his and with us sitting in his old worn chair by the burning fireplace, glistening our sweating bodies in its glow as I felt him fucking my ass with both a mixed sweetness and a new sense of forced-control. His actions feeling as if he was trying to take it easy on my willing body in a growing failing attempt that caved with a violent growl that boomed from his chest and shook my body. An unknown nature taking over him and leaving his intent seemingly now on his need to bred my ass and make me surrender complete control over my body, no longer my own and now seen in his eyes to be merely a sex toy for his using and under his beck and call. As the pain, no... pleasure! Left me unable to cry out from his almost rape like fucking that made me shut my eyes to block out the world around us and my body caved. Giving up the final fight for him to use me as he pleased, my body soaking in sweat and unable to fight against the slut that craved this side of him and had been left unable to speak of its desires until now. As the screaming inside my mind, the one that tried to fight back up until now to warn me of something about my bear stopped, disappearing in a fading sound to go back to the void that had taken over.

"That's my baby bear! You enjoy this moment." He whispered in my right ear, as I felt a hand wrap around my cock, acting both as a cock ring to force me painfully erect and as a form to slowly, stroke me to an orgasm. As the usual feelings soon washed over my body, leaving me trying to form words to warn him or speak back, of course in a failed attempt at my part as all that came out was a gargled cry. That made him reach out for his glass and drink what was remaining to empty it for another need, his hand now stroking me roughly to milk me through the orgasm as if I were some bull. As he rested my head inside the glass and watched me fill the bottom with my cum, making sure no drop went to waste while he fucked my ass throughout it all, cooing in my ear over the feelings my ass was giving to him as if it were the first time he had ever fucked my ass. Sending another chill, that went unnoticed; to try to warn me of the rouge bear fucking me, and who no longer seemed to be whom my eyes and body led me to believe he was.

The night was far from over yet, at least in his plan for us both. His hand still stroking my cock long past the initial orgasm, waiting for my balls to refill in a need to milk them further of my juices, and now acting as if trying to punish my body by refusing to let me go soft amidst his fucking. Leaving my body shuttering at each stroke that passed a barrier my body was unused too, forcing a new high and low upon me for me to cry out loudly in a grow that sounded as if unable to escape from my lips. As I felt the second orgasm unleash from my body, filling the glass once more while my ears felt his breathing become shallow, now nibbling on the ear to bath it in a forgiving manner, as he growled out and I felt each shot fire from his cock to fill my ass. A larger amount that usual for him, as it seeped out of my ass and ran down his base to mat his crotch and drip down his large balls onto his shirt that lay on the chair.

Our bodies slumped back, his further down into the chair and mine onto his, done, defeated, heaving and begging for sleep to come and take over. As he came down from his own high and placed the glass back on the table, his victory trophy of sorts over, his win against my body and in part my very mind, to watch me drifting off to sleep with a burning wave that came over me. Making him chuckle out in a tone that fitted the final piece of the screaming puzzle inside my mind, that had tried to act as a warning to aid my body, that had been too blind to see in a moment of lust and need. That the person I was resting on, and had just given myself up to, was in fact not my bear! Sure, this imposter looked the same, had the smell that did more than hint of my bear and the mannerisms that belonged to the one I loved deeply. However, this really was not my bear! This was some form of an imposter; a fake bear that had came here and tricked me, to give leave of my senses. Giving my mind so many questions as to how or why this had happened, and yet leaving me unable to answer any of them in my faltering moment. As sleep finally came and my eyes shut to black out the world around me for the night, my body too tired to dream as I slumbered in a dark and dreamless world for the night.

With myself out of the picture for the night, somewhat blissfully unaware of my surroundings and no longer conscious to who was around me. He lifted me from his body to rest me on the rug, taking the quilt over the sofa to throw over my body in an almost loving manner as he leaned down and stroked my hair, nibbling lightly on my ear.

"I can see why he loves you deeply." The imposter mused, before he rose to his feet and lifted the glass, filled with my cum, ready to drink its contents before the sound of someone entering the sitting room drew his attention. Making him turn and grin at the shadowy figure as he raised the glass in a celebratory manner and drank from it with a sigh to follow as he licked his lips clean and his chuckle filled the room.

End of Chapter Three To be continued.

Copyright "HomelessCub" 2012

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