My Older Lover

By HomelessCub ...

Published on Dec 12, 2011


The following story contains graphic descriptions of adult male-to-make sex. If this topic offends, upsets you or is illegal for you to read for whatever reason then please leave this page along with the site.

This story does not detail safe sex and while this is perfectly fine for fiction, life is always different. So protect yourself and your partner and be safe!

Comments about the story are, of course, welcome along with any constructive criticism you may have.

I hope you enjoy the following story.

My Older Lover Chapter Two: Weekends in Bed

The weekend came in with the sun rising in the sky to split through our curtains, waking my bear up and leaving him to take care of his morning business while he makes sure the alarm does not go off as to give me more time in slumber. Letting the time in which we would play together before he makes himself up to leave for work to be soon followed by myself, to pass as he soon returns to bed and cuddles up close beside me once more. To catch up on the sleep our jobs had forced us to give up during the mundane workdays of the week, with the only thought of soon being back around the other to keep us going in a growing excitement for the nighttime.

Time passes a little more before my bear wakes up once more, now more content in his relaxed state as his eyes look over me with a smile to watch me in my slumber, almost trying to protect me from any nightmares that could plague my mind. With his hand rubbing, my furry, chubby stomach in a soothing manner as his lips press against my neck for me to wake to the feeling of his light sucking and nibbling of my neck. That came from the ritual of him remarking his territory to show off any competition and to let them know I had found my papa bear, which could turn nasty against those stupid enough to try to separate one from the other.

My charade of fake slumber ends with the slightest groan escaping my lips, alerting him to my waken status and letting him know I enjoy the feeling of his body so close to my own that I could feel his heat comforting my own body. As his right hand traced down my body, pinching my non-pierced nipple along the way in a form of teasing and patting the chubby stomach he helped create with his fine cooking, that he had since passed on to me. Until I felt his hand wrap around my morning erection, forcing another groan from my lips and a sharp inhale that followed in my moment of carelessness. Allowing him the time needed to take his left hand away from my tubby and soak up his chubby middle finger to move around and slip between my cheeks, leaving it pressing against my rosebud, as if asking for its permission first. To the feeling of it opening and practically sucking his finger inside my itching hole that clenched around the finger, that was stroking my prostate, in an effortless bid to milk something it could not. Leaving my ass with a rising hunger that sent a heat wave through my body and left my face reddened as he threw the quilt from our bodies and I shut my eyes to the feelings that rushed over my body. As he used deliberate strokes to bulge my exposed head and leave the foreskin unable to retract for the moment, all in the motive to milk my juices that covered his chubby fingers for me to lick clean. Distracting me once more as I sucked each finger like it was his cock, while his right hand moved around to steal my precum as he used it to lube up the two fingers that came back to enter my well trained hole, working his fingers to stretch my insides with the promise of more to come. As I felt my mind shut off to all other feelings in my body to let my senses heighten for my body to achieve a state of bliss brought on my his very touch.

Him feeling me drawing closer to my orgasm and ending our fun too earlier for either of us tastes, I feel him remove his hand from my pulsing cock, letting me catch my breath and for my body to cool itself down. Before his hand moves around my body to join the right, as I felt, his hands spread my cheeks about in a gruff manner, revealing my rosebud as it winked for his body to connect with mine once more. As I feel him blow lightly against my ear, with a whisper escaping his mouth to the babbles of a gasp as my only form of a reply to let him know I am ready. Leaving the moment set, as I feel him push his bare, unprotected cock against me until the lips of my rosebud parted to accept him and his cock entered me. Filling my insides with his heat, yet freezing my world to allow time to stop even if just for a moment, and giving me the chance to feel every inch of his monster slide up inside me to leak a small amount of his precum over my aching prostate. Until the feeling of his pelvis, resting against my back broke the frozen moment to let time move once more in my mind with a noticeable sigh escaping both our mouths over the sensation that now connected us together as one being, lost to the outside world and not wanting their intrusion. As his arms wrap around my chest, his fingers resting over my nipples, and my head leans back to rest on his shoulder letting him give me light kisses on the neck, pampering me and spoiling me to the moment.

That moment of initial pain that came from his penetration lasted no longer than usual, letting my bear know I was alright as I felt his pelvis moving away from my ass, letting each inch of his cock escape from me until only the head remained resting just past my rosebuds lips. Leaving me feeling an emptiness I could never find myself able to explain, as my bear, sensing my struggle, let out a chuckle over the conundrum that only a bottom could have, while a growl escaped my lips over the frustration that only he could bring upon me. As I feel a light slap on my right cheek, for speaking back to him, as he forcefully pulls my cheeks about to force himself back up inside my awaiting hole. Giving me, what I both what and what I need from him in order to feel complete and at my most natural. As he holds for just a moment longer, loving the feeling of my ass milking him for more of his juices and the feeling of him being balls deep inside the person he loved and in return loved him back.

"You ready?" was all he asked in a gruff and out of breath tone, in more of a statement than a question really. Before his cock took over, one mind shutting down and another waking up, as he began to fuck me in a manner which showcased both his sheer strength and ability and left my ass bouncing back to take what he was giving me while in the vein of hungering for more. Leaving us to fall in sync with the others body as he moved in the bed, now lying on his back as he pulled me with him to leave my body covering his own and my cock to point up at the ceiling, every drooling to the beating of my prostate. As the once silent room filled with the noise of him fucking my tender ass, using the sweat that ran down both our bodies to help loosen up my hole that continued to pulse around his chubby monster, sending shockwaves through out bodies and left my cock now aching for its release. Giving him a boast to his ego over how only he could make my body react in such a manner that drove us closer to the end and left the room spinning in my attempts to catch my breath. While his fingers pinched my nipples, sending further waves down my body and forcing my cock to give him a pending warning with my ass tightening around him and me now lost to everything around me. Leaving my bear in control of both the situation and my willing body, as he used it like his own to bring pleasure to the both of us as the only thing my mind could register was his hand moving my head before I felt his tongue enter my mouth to play with my own. As his strokes became fewer and now with such a force against my prostate that his cock seemed to be trying to fuck the boiling cum out from my cock without the aid of an added stimulation. Until finally he felt me groan out in his mouth and his thumb moved down to press against my slit, stopping my release and building it up in a growing pain that left me growling out nonsense in a drugged like hysterical state. That lasted up until the moment his wet thumb moved away from my slit and I felt his cock give a final stroke that forced a loud growl to escape his mouth into my own. As I felt his cum make its first splash inside my ass sending waves through my body as my cum painfully forced itself my burning slit that left me crying and pull back from his mouth to stare up at the ceiling but with my eyes shut. As my own first spurt shot up from my cock and landed on my face, leaving each spurt that followed to soak the outside of my body while my bear soaked the insides.

He opened his now heavy eyes and looked over at me to watch as I tried to lick the dripping cum from my face with a chuckle escaping his lips over the scene. As he waited, simply holding me in his grasp, for the peaceful wave we were both experience to come and pass through our bodies, using his cock to block his cum from leaking out of my ass. Before he carefully moved our bodies on the bed and grabbed a butt plug to lock his see inside me, another marking technique he used and claimed would help one-day turn me into a papa bear like him when the time came in his absence to find and raise a cub of my own. Before he broke the moment, surprising me to his actions that were now taking an unusual direction for him that morning, and moved us in the bed to leave us in our weekly spot of me lying on his side of the bed and him with his cock resting on my body lip, with his knees resting by my head. As I watched in wonder as he furiously stroked his, darker than usual, cock to another orgasm as he forced it inside my lips and feed me my morning breakfast a second time. Letting me milk his cock until he was empty and done for the morning as with a final kiss I let his shrinking cock escape my mouth and then watched as he moved in the bed to cover my body and lick the cum from my face to then kiss me deeply. Leaving time lost to us once more until that kiss ended and I found I somehow managed to doze off for just a moment in his hold.

"You were a hungry cub this morning." He noted with his trademark chuckle over his seed that was making two different trips through my body. As I sighed out in content and yawned over the relaxed feeling that took over my body and left him watching, now moving in the bed to hold me close as I fell back to sleep in his arms knowing he would do the same.

End of Chapter Two To be continued.

Copyright "HomelessCub" 2011

Please do not reproduce or distribute this story anywhere else without the original author's permission.

Next: Chapter 3

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