My Older Lover

By HomelessCub ...

Published on Dec 3, 2011


The following story contains graphic descriptions of adult male-to-make sex. If this topic offends, upsets you or is illegal for you to read for whatever reason then please leave this page along with the site.

This story does not detail safe sex and while this is perfectly fine for fiction, life is always different. So protect yourself and your partner and be safe!

Comments about the story are, of course, welcome along with any constructive criticism you may have.

I hope you enjoy the following story.

My Older Lover Chapter One: Morning Routine

The time never changed throughout the week, as I would wake up fifteen minutes before the sound of the alarm would chime out in its usual routine to wake him up at six in the morning to prepare him for work. As I stretch, my body awake and scratch my furry stomach to the sound of him snoring in his heavy sleep, making my eyes open to stare over his slumbering body with love burning in my eyes for the bear I fell in love with ten years ago.

"What was it about him I loved?" Well you see that was hard to pinpoint down to a single thing. The truth was I just generally loved everything about the man, appearance in body and down to his soul. He had helped me through a difficult period in my life, when I was a younger man and still scared to the real world in which my parents kept me protected from, and ultimately got me back on my feet with a new lease on life. Over his helpings that gave me the ability to take care of myself without always needing to rely on others as he made me into the adult I was beginning to fear I would never become to this world.

With my momentary gaze adverting to another part of his body, I move quietly in the bed to sneak under the quilt and disappear from view as I slid down in the bed to rest in front of his body and on my knees. As I rested my head on his right leg and waited for my eyes to adjust to the darkness until his body came into view with a smile sneaking over my face for the image only I would get to see for every morning to come. Sure, he had gained a few pounds over the years and it left him with a noticeable beer gut that hung over his work trousers and hid whatever belt he picked out that morning. But to me, it only added to his character, he really could live up to the jolly image of a bearded fat man, and yet snap to become an uncontrollable bear that only I seemed able to tame in its wildest moments and bring him back to the cuddle bear that made the other half of my world complete.

My head moves away to let my hands gently trace over his furry legs, with his fur having given way to the grey that now covers his body and leaves only a hint of the old light brown color that once shun on his chest. As they reach up to stroke his chubby tummy, making sure to be gently around the small scar on the right hand side from the appendectomy he required a couple of years ago, while I press up to kiss his stomach and lick his inside his bellybutton in my morning ritual. That came from me showing his body how much I worshiped it in a bid to thank him for everything he had helped shape in my life.

Before I move back down and my eyes make contact with his third eye, that peaks through its foreskin in search over what has woken it up from its peaceful slumber in annoyance, leaving a smile on his face as I inch closer and low lightly against the exposed part of the head. Angering it to the cool sensation, as I watch it grow out of its shell, coming from a resting two and a half inch, slumbering cock to soon stand at a beautiful eight inch monster that forced back its own foreskin to expose the mushroom shaped head. In which throbbed for proper attention instead of my teasing ways with the first little pearl of precum appearing from the slit to slide down the base of his cock, leaving in its wake a small trail. As I rested my tongue just above his heavyset, balls and waited for the pearl to touch the tip of my tongue, before following the trial back up and licking my way from the base. Until my lips hovered over the glistening head, moved down, to part at its touch, and take the head inside to give it a warm resting place as my tongue acted like its pillow. While my left hand moved to grip him by the base, with my thumb and first two fingers acting like a cockring to force his chubby cock out and leave it pulsing to his heartbeat in my grip. As I stared down in a lust filled glee over the veins that began to pulse around the shaft and bulged to give me more of the monster to take in my selfish lust filled rage.

The sound of a grunt snapped me out of my daze, as my eyes darted away from his cock and looked up in the darkness of the quilt to listen as I heard the grunt soon followed by his loud snoring as I felt his legs part to give me a better angle. Leaving me to my business and in a sleeping sense him giving me my orders for the morning, as I shut my eyes to the darkness that surrounded me and my senses awoke with the feeling of my tongue. Licking around his sensitive head in a waiting game for more of his honey-sweet precum to soak into my taste buds and leave me with something to remember throughout the day. Before I allowed myself to move down, now breathing through my nose to help my body relax like he had taught me to do all those years ago, as I feel every inch slowly enter my mouth and slid down the back of my throat. Feeling every small vein along the way with my tongue sliding over each one and help soak up his cock and ease it down further, with my throat relaxing and opening for him to hit the back and for my face to rest down on his pelvis. Letting my lips kiss the fat that hides a little more of the root and push in the hopes of more entering my mouth to connect his body to mine in our ceremony act, with a pleasure I enjoyed more than cumming itself.

Thanks to my low sex-drive that has often left me wanting to please the lover I'm with more than wanting to cum, as it wasn't until he came into my life and taught me how to really use my body that I enjoyed cumming only once a day for him alone. As the knowledge that I was pleasing the man I loved, while selfishly loving the feeling of his pulsing cock either in my mouth or ass, to earn his cum rather than being given it filled me with a pleasure that cumming more than once would never do to my body. Instead knowing that act of show would only leave me exhausted to our different meetings throughout the day leaving me only able to cum once a day and instead had me excited for when we would both meet in bed later in the night.

With a final sniff of his scent that embodied who the man and the bear were, and as my eyes looked over his furry body, I began to move up from my resting place letting his eight inch cock escape my mouth by the inch. Until only the head remained resting on my tongue once more to coax more precum from his now leaking fountain that had soaked the back of my throat, helping it relax a little further. As I shove my mouth, down on the base and force my nose against his pelvis in a steady rhythm to fuck my face, as I knew he would if he were awake. Loving the feeling of his cock head hitting the back of my throat in a gently yet forceful manner and leaving its sticky precum behind to coax my throat, while my nose steals little sniff of his scent. That gives me the same high in which some experience from poppers, every time I press against his pubes and a groan escapes my mouth to vibrate around his cock in a loving manner.

In my pig like blissful state, my ears failed to notice that his snoring had subdued and the room's only noise came from my slurping as I felt a hand gently pat me on the back of the head and stroke my hair for just a moment. Before he rested his right hand against me and took control by working his hips and my head into a steady rhythm that both fucks my face in a controlling manner yet still possessed my bears loving manner that came from the promise he would never try anything to hurt me. As he soon rips the quilt from his body to expose me from my hiding place by his crotch, with my eyes squinting to the blinding light and leaving me unable to see until once they focus and he comes into my view with a sexy old grin covering his bearded face.

"You're a hungry little cub this morning?" I heard his muse aloud as our eyes made contact for him to see that twinkle in my eyes as he winked down at me before pulling me away from his cock. To slide it around my mouth and slap it against my waiting tongue in a teasing manner that always brought out a more aggressive side to myself, as he waited for the look in my eyes to change and for to snort out. Before he lifted me, effortlessly, and changed out positions in the bed to leave me lying on his comfort and warm spot while he rested over me with his knees at both sides of his face and his cock lying on my face. Always having loved the image of his third eye resting in the centre of my own two, as I would make eye contact with it, in my own cross-eyed manner, before he would then let it slide down my face. Marking his territory on me with his honey, sweet goo and waiting for the head to make contact with my lips as they would suck him inside my mouth to use the head like a pacifier, sold only in adult stores for those in need to keep their hunger at bay for the time being. As he would let me have my moment of nursing, his cock before moving up and placing his hands on the headboard to fuck my face once more with his length effortlessly sliding down my throat with each thrust that made me wish someone was recording us just to be able to watch his beautiful ass move in his rhythm.

We continued in the same pace of things with the clock ticking down to end that would sound out with the sound of the alarm clock chiming throughout the room to kill the mood of the moment. While I feel him moving towards the end with his sweat now glisten down his body and once more marking me for his territory, with me loving to wear to scent like some love to wear aftershave or cologne, as he gives a final thrust. Before pulling his cock from my mouth and growling out for me to lick, and lightly chew, on his heavy balls as he moves them up over my mouth and leans his head against the wall to look down and watch me. Now stroking his cock and forcing the foreskin back over his bulbous head that would force it back without any needed assistance with a sensation that brought both pleasure and pain together in a sweet yet toxic addiction. As my eyes watched the magnificent sight unfold before them, taking every little detail in to remember it by in my older days, while I bathed each ball in my spit with my tongue making sure to clean them off his sweat in a more selfish meaning than to simply keep him clean. Before swallowing each nut in turn to show them each, the love of my affection for the juices they would soon be giving only to me in order to subdue my addiction that left me feeling sick without my fix for the day. As my tongue, now leaving a trial of spit in its wake, moves down from his balls to his ass with my hands parting his chubby cheeks to let me shove my face into his hairy hole as I gently nibble at his rosebud. With kisses being added to make it part for my tongue to rim him expertly as I know he loves to have done to him thanks to the groans that escape his lips and signal me to my reward that grows closer in time.

The sound of a booming growl that filled the room brought about an end to our game, as the sound sent shivers down my body and made me move up in a hurry to rest my head on his pillow once more, with my mouth open in waiting. As his growls became many, ranging from low little ones to boom loud ones I'm guessing even the neighbors were used to hearing by this point, all because of his strokes that went in a tight and short manner up and down his cock. Before he forced the head in the mouth and his whole body shook to the first spurt of cum that shot to the back of my throat and give me the first taste of his elixir that morning. Making my lips tighten around his cock and help suck him dry with each shot that filled my mouth and slide down my throat like a fine wine that only got better with age as I made sure to steal every drop I could no matter how little until I found him empty in a growing relaxed state. As he placed his head against the wall once more and looked down at me to sigh out with a chuckle to match the smile that came over his face, at the site of me still nursing his cock and not wanting to be parted from it. With a final kiss being given to the exposed head before it fell from my mouth for the foreskin to cover up his now slumbering head, once more until the time would come later in the same day for us to play together again in a similar manner.

The blissful state that followed his morning milking and my feeding to keep me a happy cub broke by the sound of the alarm clock that chimed throughout the room in its annoying and overbearing tone that screeched against our ears and made us both look over in annoyance to find it reading six o'clock in the morning. Letting a grin come over my face, in a self-victory for once more beating the infernal contraption to its goal of waking him up from his night slumber as his hand reaches over to shut the thing off for another day and he stretches his relaxed body in the hopes of waking himself up a little more. Before I felt his body shift down to cover me under his embrace as his left hand cupped my face and stroked me gently while he kissed me good morning with our tongues meeting to share his honey-sweet seed.

End of Chapter One To be continued.

Copyright "HomelessCub" 2011

Please do not reproduce or distribute this story anywhere else without the original author's permission.

Next: Chapter 2

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