My Old Flame

By Michael Stanton

Published on Apr 28, 2013



My Old Flame By Darchylde612

The following depicts graphic sexual situations between men and takes place in the mid to late Eighties, long before the advent of cell phones and mp3 players. If you are underage or if this type of material offends you in any way then I suggest you not read any further. This story can be posted as long as you keep the header acknowledging that I am the author. Comments can be sent to

I had just come to the end of a long and rather grueling week at work; my team and I had just launched what appeared to be a successful national marketing campaign for a new snack product called "Yummy Kritters", chocolate-flavored animal shaped graham crackers. I had been working on this campaign for months, putting in long hours at the office not to mention bringing work home with me. Finally, the end was in sight; the initial numbers regarding how well the product was selling had come in and demand for "Kritters" was going through the roof in the test market; it seems as if they couldn't get enough of them. Before doing any follow-up with the campaign, I decided to take a well-deserved vacation. I didn't have a special destination in mind; I was simply restless and needed to get away. When I get in such a mood, I've found that the best tonic for me is to throw some clothes in a bag, grab my passport and some credit cards and play airport roulette. Once I'm there, I check out the outbound flights and book whatever strikes my fancy.

And this was just the thought running through my mind as I stood at the door to my condo fumbling with the keys and fighting a losing battle with a tearing bag of groceries. I managed to get inside just as the bag gave way and dump everything on the carpet. Luckily, nothing broke or exploded; I cursed softly as I knelt down and began scooping up the spilled contents. While down on the floor reaching for an orange that conveniently rolled under the couch, the phone rang. Not bothering to check to see who it was, I let the answering machine pick it up, deciding that I'll call whoever it was later. Upon hearing the voice I let out an audible gasp; it was Julio Mendez, an old..?flame.

Damn, how I used to crave this man! It was like I were an addict and he was my fix. I couldn't think properly sometimes when I was around Julio; he had the most hypnotic, sensual hazel colored eyes that seemed to bore into my very soul. He had an uncanny knack for being able know just what I was thinking which was at once both wonderful and unsettling. It worked both ways, as I would finish many of his sentences before he got them completely out. And the sex! Incredible doesn't even remotely begin to describe the way Julio made me feel! When we made love, it as if we were one heart, one mind, one person; we would spend literally hours touching, tasting, exploring and exploding. The slightest touch was ecstasy. I hadn't heard from Julio in nearly three years; he had left Chicago for the West Coast after landing his dream A&R gig with a major record label; I chose to stay. My career was just beginning to take off and I didn't want to jeopardize what I had worked so long and hard to attain. Julio said that he understood; I told him I didn't want to stand in his way that if the job was what he wanted then go for it. We parted amicably, but it still hurt nonetheless. According to his message, he was in town and wanted to see me. He was staying at the Drake; he left the hotel phone and his room number and asked me to call him when I got in, "no matter how late. We have a lot of catching up to do; I can't wait to see you, mi amor." is how he ended the message. The machine beeped and the computer voice announced the time of the call. My mind raced, wondering how Julio managed to get my number after my taking great pains to make sure it was unlisted. For about a minute but what seemed infinitely longer, I couldn't move, couldn't speak. No other man I had ever been with other than Julio had that effect on me.

Not to say I was a slut or anything like that, mind you. In the three years since Julio and I parted, I've had a total of five lovers, three of which were one-night stands, and one lasting a bit longer than one night. The last was an "almost"; you know, we "almost" made it but for some reason or other it just didn't work out. As with Julio, the split was amicable and I even keep in touch with Sean from time to time. Part of me would like to think that we made better friends than lovers but that would be lying to myself, which is something I swore I'd never do. The other part of me knows that since Julio, I've been searching for that kind of intimacy that I had with him, with no success.

Julio had been my first serious relationship with a man after I came out. We met while attending Columbia College here in Chicago; I was a second year student working toward a degree in Marketing, he was in his third year of Entertainment Industry Management. I used to see him hanging out at the Student Union off and on. The Union, which served as a retro 60's coffeehouse/beatnik/amateur performing arts center, was a place where anyone who had guts enough could get up in front of a gathering of people and do pretty much what they wanted creatively, like reading poetry that made sense to no one else but the person who wrote it, sing a song or two, or do performance art, or just sit around and drink gallons of coffee and talk to whomever about whatever. One day we both happened to be in the Union at the same time but with different groups. We had what I termed a "nodding acquaintance"; we'd nod hello to each other or give a brief "hi". I really couldn't extend the conversation beyond that because I was very shy back then. I thought Julio was very cute; he had this thick luxurious head of wavy red hair, not bright and brassy but almost the color of deep brick red, which I constantly had to resist the urge to run my fingers through it, it was so sexy! And his body wasn't too bad, either! Julio wasn't overly developed but he wasn't a beanpole by any means. He had the lean look of a middleweight wrestler, with muscle definition in all the right places if you ask me! His biceps were fairly decent size that bulged appreciatively when he flexed them, he had a very nice chest, not Mr. Universe (not my type anyway!) but definitely worth looking at. His chest tapered to a flat stomach, not a rock-hard six-pack but nice and firm, as if he followed some sort of ab regimen on a somewhat regular basis, and to top it off, Julio had the most delectable butt I've ever seen! Firm, muscular and obscenely round, I would ogle his ass every chance I got, which was quite often! Add to that a bulge the size of two jumbo eggs in the front of his tight jeans and there were times I caught myself drooling! Julio never walked so much as he did saunter, slow and stealthily, as though he were a panther on the prowl. In my mind's eye, I could almost hear a low growl in his throat as he roamed the halls of Columbia. I think the thing to me that was most striking about Julio was his complexion; for him to be of Hispanic origin, he didn't have the rich dark brown to olive complexion a lot of Hispanic men often have, in fact he was the exact opposite. Julio had a cream-with-coffee skin tone - which complimented his red hair - that to me made him sexier all the more. Julio only stood maybe 5'7" tops (I had a good three maybe four inches on him) and weighed no more than 160 pounds, but somehow he seemed to tower over people, not domineering but in a subtle, quiet way that let you know you were in the presence of a man!

And boy was he ever! All in all, Julio Mendez was just about the sexiest package I'd ever laid eyes on; if I didn't picture that man naked at least a dozen times a day then my name is Gunga Din! Me, I'm about 5'10" or 11, around 170-175 pounds, black hair, brown eyes with long lashes (my play sister Mickey gets so jealous because her lashes aren't nearly as long as mine!) and a smooth golden brown complexion. I'm best described as a medium kind of guy, not too bulky and not too scrawny. I'm just a bit more developed (not a lot) than Julio; that comes from my dad and I doing the father-son weight training-bonding thing when I was a teenager. I never "bulked up", but I did develop definition in my arms, chest and abs. I've got a killer bubble butt that you could bounce a quarter off of (I've been told!). With a bit of modesty, I must admit I've turned a few heads, both female and male, especially when I wear tight jeans. Anyway, enough about me!

One day while at the Union, a few of the guys and girls I hung out with (we were all in the same Marketing class together) cajoled me into singing. Realizing that they weren't going to leave me alone until I got up on stage and made complete jackass out of myself, I relented. I asked the piano player, a guy in his fifties, if he knew the song "My Old Flame", a standard written by Sam Coslow and Arthur Johnston, and one of my personal favorites. The piano player's eyes lit up when I mentioned that song; I guess someone my age asking him to play a song from his era kind of got his playing juices flowing. After a brief four-bar intro I started singing the song, with a slight change in gender. At first I didn't seem to be making much of an impact but slowly, the room started to quiet down; halfway through the song you could hear a pin drop. People actually started to lean forward as if listening intently to me singing. I always thought I had a decent tenor voice and could carry a tune, but not enough to garner this type of rapt attention. I finished the song to round applause and whistles, especially from my friends at my table. Thoroughly embarrassed and blushing to the roots of my hair, I started to exit the small stage when to my complete and utter surprise several people, including my group, were urging me to stay on stage and do another number. My first thought was no way, but my friends insisted. Again I gave in; one more song and that was it; my friends agreed. So I asked the piano player to play "What'll I Do?" by Irving Berlin, another of my favorites. The piano player couldn't believe his good fortune to find someone as young as me who loved standards written long before I was even thought of, but yes I did, I told him.

After my "encore", I said a shy thank you and made a hasty exit from the stage and back to the table where my friends were sitting. Pats on the back coupled with "I didn't know you had it in you" greeted me upon my arrival. The piano player said I had a great set of pipes and should think about singing for a living. I thanked him but told him that singing was just a hobby and the degree in Marketing I was working towards would be the thing to pay the bills. I thanked my friends and gulped down my now cooling coffee. After shooting the bull with them a bit longer, I drained the cup and prepared to leave. Bidding my cronies adieu, I grabbed my backpack and exited the Union and headed for the elevators. While waiting, I softly hummed "My Old Flame" to myself, the sound reverberating in the cavernous lobby.

"That piano player is right; you are good. Very good." said an unfamiliar voice from behind me. I nearly jumped out of my skin because I thought that I was alone and was kind of lost in the song; I turned to address the person paying me a compliment and to my surprise it was Julio. At once I could feel a blush tinge my cheeks scarlet and shyness creep into my demeanor. I gave him a smile of thanks. Finding my voice at last I mentioned that I hadn't seen him in the Union when I was on stage. He told me that was behind the stage leaning against wall. The ding of the bell signaled the arrival of the elevator and the doors slid open. I boarded and asked him if he was getting on. To my relief tinged with a bit of disappointment I'm sure registered on my face Julio said no. As the doors began to close, he said again that I had a great voice and should give what the piano player said to me some thought. "Maybe I will." I replied and then the doors closed. Punching the button to take me to the ground floor, I leaned against the wall of the elevator car and exhaled noisily. Normally, with anyone else I'm gregarious and never at a loss for words, but around Julio Mendez, I become completely speechless. It then occurred to me that I was extremely attracted to him. I had come to grips with my sexuality in high school, realizing that I liked guys instead of girls sexually, though at that point I hadn't done anything with either sex. The next day after classes were over, I was about to hop the train home when I bumped into Julio - literally. I was busy searching for my train pass in my backpack and not watching where I was going while rounding the corner when smack! I collided into what seemed like a brick wall. Teetering on the edge of falling flat on my ass, Julio's hand shot out to grab mine and steady me. Feeling like a boob, I blushed again, thanking him.

"That's the second time I've made you blush; I think that's a record for me." Julio said with a smile. The fact that he still has not released my hand had not gone unnoticed by me and this makes my cheeks even more crimson, thinking that's an odd thing for one guy to say to another guy. Ohmigod, he noticed that I was blushing when we talked yesterday! Could Julio be gay also? I thought to myself. As quickly as the thought entered my head I banished it.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't even see you. I should really pay attention to where I'm walking. I was kind of caught up searching for my train pass." I told him. Again he smiled and my heart gave a little leap. Those gorgeous hazel eyes of his twinkled with devilish delight and also, I could swear...interest?

"Hey no harm, no foul; no damage done." Julio said, finally releasing my now sweaty hand.

" Say, you never did tell me you name."

"Brenton Foster, but everyone calls me Brent." I said.

"Nice name. I'm Julio Mendez. Uhm, Brent, would you ah, like to uhm - " Julio paused. Would I like what, Julio, have you bend me over and fuck my brains out? HELL YES!! I screamed inwardly. There was no doubt in my mind; I was definitely attracted to this guy!

" - like to grab a cup of coffee?" he finally managed to finish. I accepted and off we went to the Union. Sitting at a corner table further to the back, we chatted amiably back and forth about family, school, friends, favorite types of foods, movies, etc. Julio was intelligent, funny, damned sexy and little bit mysterious. We shared a lot of the same interests, old music being one in particular. His love and knowledge of standards and dusties rivaled my own; very few people I know can rattle off not only the name of a song, but the artist, the year it was released, what label it was on, and for good measure, who wrote it, but Julio was that one. Before I knew it, nearly an hour and a half flew by; it was nearly seven-thirty! My goodness where did the time go? Explaining that I had a train to catch out of Union Station, I grabbed my backpack and thanked Julio for the coffee and bade him good evening.

Not wanting to part just yet, Julio offered to walk with me to the train station. Inwardly I was doing somersaults; I don't think he even had a clue as to what he was doing to me and I had to keep reminding myself that he's only looking for a friend, that Julio couldn't possibly be gay. I noticed that some of his questions started turning to the love life side, girls and such. I managed to give what I thought were satisfactory answers as to why I didn't have a girlfriend and my lack of a love life, being that a full-time student I was more driven by the need to finish college right now than the need to get laid. He laughed out loud, displaying even white teeth. I loved his laugh; it was a low and throaty chuckle that started from deep within and radiated outward.

Arriving at last at Union Station I thought Julio would go on his way, but again he surprised me. Asking what time my train was due in; I told him that it wasn't due for another 10 to 15 minutes. I usually stood out on the boarding ramp to wait because at this time of evening it was practically deserted; tonight was no exception. I leaned against a support column while we made more small talk about school and classes and such, again the topic came back around to romance. Damn, he was good; I didn't even see it coming! I thought I had nicely deflected that question earlier and before I knew it those words were out of my mouth.

"You did Brent, it's just that - " Julio stopped mid-sentence, moving ever so closer to me with the most intense look in his eyes. At once a feeling of nervousness washed over me; my body tensed, preparing for anything. I realized that because I was up against the column I had no place to go. My heart began beating wildly against my rib cage as Julio came even closer; what was he about to do? Was he about to take a swing at me because he thought I was gay? I hated to fight, but if backed into a corner I would; he'd find out that I wasn't some namby-pamby "queer" who'd fold with one sucker punch. Looking him square in the eye I asked him what was he doing. "Hoping I'm not wrong for what I'm about to do and hoping that you won't deck me," he said. Before I could say a word, Julio brought his face to mine and planted the biggest, deepest, slowest and wettest kiss I'd ever experienced. For a moment I was too startled to do anything but stand there; then instinct took over and I began to respond in kind. My knees buckled when I felt Julio's tongue probe my mouth; now I was glad that I had been leaning against that column for if I hadn't I surely would have collapsed. I felt his fingers caress my face as his kiss grew bolder, more demanding, felt another hand explore my body as if he were charting territory. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Julio broke the kiss, still stroking my face. The look in his eyes made me shiver; no one had ever looked at me that way before, with such passion. "Wow," was all I could manage to get out. All the stereotypical euphemisms I'd ever heard about hearing music and bells ringing were true; I was hearing not just music but a whole damn choir! Light-headed, breathing very unevenly, I tried to sort out my scrambled senses.

"I've wanted to do that all evening." Julio said, a sexy smile on his lips. "How did you know?" I finally managed to ask.

"I didn't; I hoped, then prayed to heaven I was right! I was attracted to you the moment I saw you, Brent. I don't know something inside told me to just go for it." Julio explained. When he said that, I knew I was in love; right then and there I knew that nothing else mattered but being with this handsome and sexy man. I wanted Julio with an intensity that frightened me; this was my first time in every sense of the word and I didn't know what to do or how I should react. Julio sensed this; taking my hand he said, "Look Brent, I don't want to rush you or force you into something you might not want to do; I just had to let you know how I felt. I want to see you, get to know more about you; I hope you feel the same."

"You sure do have a way with words." I told him. Julio laughed again. To my dismay, my train had pulled into the station. We quickly exchanged phone numbers before I boarded the train. "I should be home by 8:45; my parent's house isn't that far from my stop." I told him. Julio promised he'd call when I got in. I began giggling like a schoolgirl. "What's so funny?" Julio asked me mock-angrily. "Now you're blushing." I said. "So I am." He replied, grinning. He gave me another quick kiss then I got on the train; finding a seat, I took out my train pass and stuck it in the slot on top of the seat in front of me. I could see Julio standing out on the platform waving to me with the sweetest smile on his face. I waved back as the doors closed and the train prepared to exit the station. My mind was still racing over what happened; the guy I had been secretly lusting after had not only felt the same way I did, but made it clear in such a way as I could not mistake it! Just thinking about that kiss again produced a warm sensation radiating from my crotch, spreading outward. I glanced down and noticed to my surprise I was hard as a rock! My dick throbbed as if it had a heartbeat all its own! I placed my backpack on my lap to hide my hand as I adjusted my aching dick into a somewhat more comfortable position and to hide my "excitement". After a moment or two my erection seemed to die down a bit but it flared up again when this gorgeous conductor arrived in the car to collect fares and punch ride tickets. He was cute White guy about 6'2", buzz cut blonde hair, piercing blue eyes with a body like Sylvester Stallone in his "Rocky" days and an ass you bounce a roll of quarters off of! For some odd reason the sight of this hunk made me think of Julio and our kiss and once again I was at full mast! I felt like this sudden influx of heat and not just from my crotch; I'm sure by now I was scarlet all over and was feeling my clothes sticking to my now dampening skin.

Perhaps it was my eagerness to get home so I could hear Julio's voice, but this was the longest ride home I'd ever taken! During the forty minute train ride I must have looked at my watch at least fifty times! My impatience for the train to arrive at my stop at the breaking point, I got up from my seat and stood near the doors of the car as to be the first to exit. I never wanted to get home so badly more than I did that evening! My stop was first one and as the train finally arrived; my heart was beating against my rib cage like a drum. The moment the doors opened I was out like a shot; I think I crossed the length of the parking lot to my car in ten seconds flat! I jumped in my car and proceeded to tear out of the parking lot, the wheels spitting out gravel and rock in every direction. I glanced at my watch for the fifty-first time to check the time; it was just 8:20; I'd be home in another five minutes. I think I set a new land-speed record getting from the station to home in those five minutes but I couldn't care less; my boyfriend was going to call me at precisely 8:45! Breaking for a red light, it occurred to me what I had just thought - my boyfriend? It sounded kind of funny, but I couldn't repress the giggle that escaped my lips. I felt like a giddy adolescent instead of a grown man of 20. I took several deep breaths in an attempt to calm my jangling nerves; geez, from the way I was acting, one would think I had just one the lottery or something!

Arriving at home at last, I was a little calmer and my head a lot clearer. A quick hello to my mom and dad and I was off to my room. 8:41 p.m.; only four more minutes! Wanting to be comfortable when Julio called, I quickly got out of my clothes and into a pair of old gym shorts and T-shirt. Just then the phone rang. With a dive that would have made Troy Aikman proud, I leapt for the phone.

"Hi Julio."

"How'd you know it was me?" he laughed through the receiver.

"Instinct." I returned. And for the next three hours we talked about everything under the sun, which was surprising considering how much we covered while at the Union. Julio told me that he knew he was gay for as long as he could remember; he had fooled around with one guy in high school off and on for over a year, primarily oral, jacking off, kissing, that sort of thing. I told him that I was still a virgin; hadn't done anything with a guy or a girl for that matter. "Then I'll be extra gentle when we finally do make love." he said and my heart quickly sped up several thousand beats per second. Julio was fairly aggressive but not in condescending "only-out-to-get-mine" sort of way, but one couldn't mistake his intentions only if they were totally clueless. I chalked it up to that whole Latin machismo thing; most Latin men are known worldwide for being aggressive in all aspects of life, especially when it comes to the bedroom I said.

"Of course we are! We're not called "Latin Lovers" for nothing!" Julio said and I laughed out loud, long and heartily. Those early days with him were heady and intoxicating; the first time we ever made love was the day of his graduation, or rather that night. After all the festivities were over and time spent with his family, Julio told them he was going out with some friends to celebrate. We rented a room at a downtown hotel, went out, ate a ridiculously expensive dinner and saw a show (my treat to him); afterward we came back to the hotel made love all through the night. And to give him his "bragging rights", the "Latin Lover" title certainly was true in his case and very well deserved! In bed Julio was an amalgam, all at once gentle and loving then wildly passionate and aggressive. The first time he entered me I felt absolutely no pain at all, only a intense kind of pleasure that made me breathless and blurred my vision. My legs were wrapped around his waist as he thrust into me over and over again, hitting that "spot" inside of me each time. Before I knew it Julio made me cum without touching myself and I think we both blacked out a bit. After we recovered, we went at it again and again; when Julio went down on me, I had to bury my face in a pillow to muffle my moans and screams; his tongue, lips and mouth were most skillful in producing the most deliriously intense sensations I ever felt and I only hope I made him feel half as good as he made me feel when I returned the favour. Between his legs Julio smelled of cocoa and cinnamon and just a hint of sweat; the aroma was intoxicating and I proceeded to lose myself down there. I guess I must have been doing something right because Julio moaned and groaned constantly; several times his body tensed up, his eyes tightly shut, mouth wide open and he grabbed handfuls of the bed sheets all the while slowly and sensuously thrusting himself in and out of my sucking mouth. When he came I swallowed him eagerly, greedily; he tasted oddly enough, like sunflower seeds. I lost count of how many times we both came that night. Utterly spent and happily exhausted, we drifted off into a coma-like sleep, a tangled mass of legs and arms.

That was over 6 years ago that first night, which did many more nights as well as days follow. In Julio I knew I had found the one I'd spend the rest of my life with; it was the most intense feeling I'd ever experienced. Being so in tune with Julio left no room for anything remotely untrue or any kind of game-playing, and that kind of intimacy was a double-edged sword; it was great while it lasted, but once it ended, I found it extremely difficult to establish a rapport with anyone else. Hearing his voice again, experiencing those old memories again, put me into conflict with myself; part of me wanted to drop everything, rush over to the Drake and fuck Julio into coma, but the other part, the thinking rational half stopped me dead in my tracks. "Do you want to go through this again? Can you go through this again? Build yourself up just to be let down?" I asked myself. I sat down on the sofa, determined to think this out, and not let my hormones - or the fact that I hadn't been laid in too many months too numerous to mention - get me into a situation I couldn't handle.

After a half-hour of deliberation, I decided the best thing to do was to go with my original plan - airport roulette. I've never run away from anything in my life but I knew I didn't have it in me to get involved with Julio again and not have it lead to something permanent. Fucking around just wasn't my style anymore; I wanted, at the risk of sounding like a Hallmark card, a house, the white picket fence, and someone to share it with. In short, the whole nine yards. But the killing part was that I knew that without Julio it just wouldn't work and it wouldn't be fair to get involved with someone new knowing that he would never completely have my heart.

My choice made, I put away the groceries, went into the bedroom and from the closet grabbed a large carry-on and garment bag and placed them on the bed. I then proceeded to select items from both winter and summer so no matter where I ended up I'd have appropriate clothing. Continuing packing I then made the first of three phone calls. The first was to my boss letter her know I was taking a few vacation days and when I'd be back in the office; number two was to my parents letting them know I was going out of town for a few days and that I wouldn't be over for Sunday dinner. (Sunday dinner is a tradition with my parents; despite the fact that I, my brother and sister are all grown and left home years ago, my parents still insist on us having dinner on Sunday as a family) They were a little disappointed but wished me a great time nonetheless. The last call was to my best friend and "road dog" Michelline "Mickey" Ford. Mickey and I grew up together, went to grammar, high school and college together; we know all of each other's most embarrassing secrets; there wasn't a thing in the world I couldn't tell Mickey and she'd never judge me, and vice versa. In many ways Mickey was closer to - and more like a sister to me - than my biological sibling Jennifer, who's older than me by three years. As much as I love Jennifer, Mickey and I have often joked that we were twins separated at birth; she being adopted by her family the Fords, and me being taken in by the Fosters.

"Okay Foster, what's the deal?" Mickey demanded.

"Nothing sweetie, I'm just getting away for a few days. I'm taking a much needed break, is all." I replied.

"Yeah right and I'm freakin' RuPaul. C'mon Foster, this is me you're trying to bullshit?..OUT WITH IT!" I gave her an abridged version of the marketing campaign going great and wanting to take a few days before diving in with the follow-up, conveniently leaving out the part about Julio's phone call and could she please just check on my condo while I'm gone?

"Honestly Mickey there's nothing wrong, I'm just putting my feet up for a few days." I explained. I was met with silence.

"Foster, if I didn't know you - and I do - I'd say you were running away and from the sound of it, it can only be one person you're fleeing the country from and that's Julio which means he must be here in Chicago, but hey, who am I to judge?" Damn she's good! The fact that I didn't protest was all the proof Mickey needed.

"Brent, you are my oldest and dearest friend in the world and there's no one closer to me than you. In many ways you're like my kid brother - "

"You're only older than me by four months!" I interrupted.

"ANYway," Mickey kept right on like I hadn't said a word, "Baby Boy, whatever is going on between you and Julio you need to face it, stand your ground. Hell, at least get some closure on it once and for all." She explained.

"You're right Mick and even though my head's agreeing with you, I don't know if I can go through this again with Julio. You know how bad it was after he left for Los Angeles; I was damn near a basket case and even though we tried to do the phone thing, it only underscored how much I loved him. I've never run away from anything in my life; technically I'm not 'running', just getting away for a few days." I said.

"If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, odds are it's a duck." was all Mickey replied. I got the message.

"I'm not gonna try and talk you out of it Brent; you do what you feel you have to. You know that no matter what, I got your back."

"Thanks Mick. I promise to call you soon as I'm home. We can have dinner at Las Mananitas." Las Mananitas is this kick-ass Mexican cuisine restaurant on the North Side, smack in the center of Boys Town that makes the best margaritas I've ever had in my life. Mickey's one weakness is Mexican food so I knew I had her at the mention of Las Mananitas. "Bite me Foster!" was all she could reply; I roared in laughter. I spent a couple more minutes with Mickey just going over some minor stuff and then hung up. I placed one last phone call for a cab and continued with packing. All the while Julio kept running through my mind. Snatches of the past submitted themselves for my review; our college days, our first date, the many places where we had mind-blowing sex, which included many an empty classroom at college. With a shake of my head I cast those memories aside and finalized my packing.

Exiting the bedroom I set the luggage by the door. Glancing at my watch I noticed I still had at least fifteen minutes before the cab was due. I toyed with the idea of a quick shower and change of clothes when a knock on my door almost made me jump to the ceiling. Part of my edginess was due to nerves, but because the building I live in is a secured building with cameras in the lobby and no one can get in unless you buzz them in, I wondered whom could it be. I assumed it was probably my neighbor Craig Robbins from the second floor more than likely wanting to moan about - his words not mine - his psycho-ass girlfriend. I'm still scratching my head as to how I became Craig's armchair psychologist; I think the reason we "bonded" was over relationship issues. Craig is one fine chocolate drop of a brotha standing about 6'2 185 pounds, short cut fade, dazzling smile, nicely muscled and all put together in a fine brown frame, with an ass so fine it should have its own zip code, not to mention that the brotha looks like he's packing a fire hose down the front of his pants. Yes indeed Craig is eye candy at its best, but right now was not a good time to sit and torture myself drooling over a straight brotha.

Without bothering to look through the peephole, I opened the door, a ready-made raincheck explanation on the tip of my tongue when to my complete and utter surprise stood Julio. He was dressed casually in black Giorgio Brutini shoes, polished so bright I could almost see my reflection, pleated black light wool slacks clinging to him in all the right places, a cream-colored Henley shirt that accentuated his gorgeous chest, and a black leather bomber. My mouth watered at the sight of him. The three years since our split had been nothing but kind to Julio; if anything he'd gotten even hotter with the passage of time. Unbidden, my dick sprang to life as I felt a rush of heat emanate from my crotch and slowly spread over my body.

"So you gonna let me in or what?" Julio asked. I stood there gawking at him like someone who rides the Short Yellow; he smiled as if sensing my confusion. Oh that smile, that beautiful have-your-way-with-me heart-breaking smile. With a shake of my head I waved him inside and closed the door.

"Before you say anything, a guy who lives here let me in with him, a Craig somebody or other." Julio explained, again as if reading my very thoughts. Mental note, next time I see Craig, whack him upside the head - HARD! I said to myself. Seeing my luggage Julio remarked in his inimitable low and sexy growl, "How have you been Papi? You taking a trip?" Papi?.just the very mention of that word sent shivers down my spine. It was Julio's pet name for me and it always made me feel so sexy the way he said it. There were times when he'd call me that and I'd get bone hard from just that one word. This was one of those times.

"Uhm, as a matter of fact y-yes I am; just for a few days. A much needed break." I stammered.

"Well at least you didn't lie to me Brent. Didn't you get my message?"

"I did Julio, it's just that - "

"You thought that by not seeing me that you could make the past go away." Julio said, drawing nearer to me. "Papi don't you know by now that's never gonna happen? We've shared too much, been through too much. You're all I've thought about Brent, every day for the last three years you've never been out of my mind; when the phone calls stopped at first I thought I did something wrong but because I know you I understood. Papi I love you, always have and always will. The first night we made love I told you no matter what I'd never let you go, don't you remember?" Tearing up, my voice totally gone, I could only nod yes.

"I always told you we were meant to be." The passion in Julio's eyes left no doubt; his face was mere inches from mine and I could feel his warm breath adding to the heat that was raging within me; although I'm a little taller, it was Julio who towered over me in every sense.

"But what about your job, your career? I know you're not about to give that up." I said.

"Don't have to. Uptown Records is opening an office here in Chicago and guess who Bobby Simon, the founder and president, wants as head of A&R?" Julio asked me with an excited smile. My scream of joy could no doubt be heard all over the building. I leapt into Julio's arms and immediately was rewarded by a kiss that took my breath away. I felt his tongue enter my mouth and proceed to wrap itself around mine as our kiss deepened and took on a life of its own. I don't which of us was moaning the loudest, Julio or me. Backing me up against the door of my condo Julio grabbed my rock hard dick and squeezed it gently but firmly and this made me moan even louder and my breath come in short gasps. Between kisses of fire, with very shaky hands, I took off Julio's jacket and placed my hands on his incredible chest; I could feel his heart beating like a runaway freight train to which he replied, "it only beats that fast for you baby" before re-claiming my mouth in another kiss. Snaking his arms around my waist Julio pulled me hard up against him; I gasped when I came in contact with his raging hard boner and the thought of him being inside me again made my legs buckle. While kissing my neck, his hands slid lower and cupped my ass, kneading the cheeks like dough. This brought even more moans from me as I wrapped my right leg around his hips and he then ground his crotch into mine. This frottage was mind-blowing and I could feel my dick dripping pre-cum like a faucet. Grabbing my left leg Julio proceeded to lift it up and instinctively I wrapped it around his waist as his large hands were filled with my ass. Totally in his arms, between kisses he asked me where the bedroom was; I pointed out the way and he then proceeded to carry me there, both of us engaged in a mad lip-lock.

Once inside Julio laid me down on the bed, him on top of me, never breaking our kiss. It took all my concentration not to give in to the raging orgasm that was hovering near the head of my dripping dick begging to break free; I've never had to work so hard in my life not to cum and Julio wasn't making the situation any better; he knew all the buttons to push to turn me into a totally foul-mouthed slut, begging to be filled and fucked by his beautiful uncut dick. I began tugging at his shirt in an effort to get it off him; once done Julio followed this up by doing the same with me with a quick kiss once it was done. Underneath his Henley Julio wore a white "wife-beater" undershirt which clung to his frame like a long lost lover. I literally drooled and had to wipe my mouth, he looked that good. Sitting on his haunches, Julio took off the wife beater and tossed it casually on the floor alongside the bed. Again I had to mentally keep myself in check as I took in that hot chest of his; I reached out and tweaked his nipples and he groaned low and throaty, eyes closed, lost in pleasure. My hands traveled lower to Julio's belt and I began to unbuckle it, never taking my eyes off the obscene bulge in the front of his tailored slacks. Julio then proceeded to help me, getting off of the bed, pulling me along with him, only long enough to kick off his shoes and in one fell motion his pants and underwear were at his knees; he hastily kicked those off as well and stood there before me naked as the day he was born, sporting a hardon that looked like it could cut diamonds. Julio's dick was as beautiful as I remembered it; 10.5 inches of uncut, beer can thick Mexican chorizo. I wrapped my hand around it and gave it a few gentle tugs. Julio let out a low and throaty moan and again I almost came. His body was magnificent to behold; if anything he had gotten a bit more defined in the chest area and his arms had filled out quite nicely; Julio had also developed a six-pack during our time apart.

Turning him around I lustily ogled his perfect ass; if anything it had gotten more round and muscular. I greedily molested his cakes as he gasped and moaned. "Oh you like that huh?" I asked lustily. "You know I love it, Papi!" Julio replied. Smacking his fabulous ass a few times brought even more gasps and moans from Julio; I was rather taken aback at my sudden streak of aggressiveness, which apparently Julio loved every minute of. "Oooh yeah baby spank that ass!" he panted, bending over the bed to expose his butt more. I spanked him more, turning those pale cheeks a bright red and Julio bucked and squirmed begging for more. He was really turned on having his ass spanked from the looks of things; his dick was dripping so much pre-cum I thought that he had actually cum just from the preliminaries but he hadn't.

"OOOHHH Papi YEESSSSSS! Don't stop! Spank my ass baby, SPANK MY ASSSS!" he begged me, wiggling his ass in an obscene manner. Again I obliged my man; it turned me on because it turned him on to get his ass spanked and the sound of my open palm slapping against the bare skin of his bottom made us both breathe quite raggedly. Julio moaned like a whore in heat, eyes tightly shut, mouth formed into a tight "O" as he was caught up in the sensation of having his ass paddled. A light film of sweat coated my chest and torso; my dick throbbed madly inside my jeans. I paused only long enough to take them off when Julio stood up, grabbed me and again played tonsil hockey with me; he then began to unbuckle my jeans and undo the button. It was a bit of a struggle for him to get the zipper down over my raging hard-on but he managed. Pulling my pants and underwear down at the same time, Julio sank to his knees in front of me. I kicked off my shoes, socks and jeans and stood naked in front of him; he stared at my rock hard dick with a mixture of lust and awe; muttering what sounded like my dick being good enough to eat, Julio then opened his mouth and proceeded to swallow my eight inch rod down to my bush. I screamed before I could catch myself and would have surely fallen over had Julio not grabbed me by my waist as if anticipating that reaction. My hands shot out to grip his shoulders to steady my balance.

I was out of my mind with lust as Julio blew me with an expertise that made me light-headed; sensing how close I was Julio would only lick the sides of my shaft, deliberately ignoring my head and the underside where it and the shaft meet. He would keep up a steady suction and pistoned his head up and down my shaft followed by occasional licks from his tongue. Now it was my turn to groan like a slut in heat as he continued to give me the most exquisite head I'd ever gotten from anyone in my twenty-six years on earth. "Ohshitoshitoshitoshit?..FUCKING SHIT!!!!" was all I could get out; only Julio could turn me into a filthy mouthed whore without even half-trying. Hands firmly gripping my waist, Julio slid a hand lower and cupped my quivering ass. With his other hand he grabbed my other ass cheek and spread them apart. He then ran an index finger up and down the length of my crack before he zeroed in on my tight rosebud. Pausing sucking my dick just long enough to coat his finger with his saliva, Julio took that finger and once again pressed it at my back passage and eased it in all the way. Coming in contact with my prostate, he gently swiped the walnut sized bump over and over and again I lost it as streams of pre-cum flowed from the head of my aching dick only to be greedily gulped down by Julio's demanding mouth. He moaned his approval as a torrent of vulgarities flowed from my mouth.

"Oh FUCK baby, suck my fucking cock! Swallow that cock stud! Finger fuck my tight ass baby! I can't wait to feel your huge dick ramming my ass!"

He steered me over to the bed, never releasing my dick from his mouth. Easing me down onto the bed, Julio camped out between my legs for what seemed like an hour but in reality couldn't have been more than fifteen or twenty minutes and sucked my dick like a vacuum cleaner. I moaned, gasped, cried out in pleasure as I ran my fingers through his beautiful wavy brick red hair, feeling like silk on my fingertips. I didn't know how much longer I could hold out; my body began jerking spasmodically under his expert ministrations. Julio sensed this and stopped sucking my dick and focused on my balls, which were high and tight in their sac. He lapped at them like a cat with a saucer of milk, at times just using the tip of his tongue to tease me, all this time his finger was still firmly planted up my ass. He swirled it around in my ass several more times, swiping my prostate every time before mercifully he took it out; I guess he must have sensed I couldn't take much more without cumming, I was just that close. Obviously Julio had added some new moves to his sexual repertoire and was more than eager to show me what he had in his arsenal.

Licking further down to my perineum, Julio continued using that same tip of the tongue motion there. This spot between my balls and my ass was extremely sensitive and Julio took great delight in it when he heard my moans grow in pitch and intensity. Every now and again he'd travel up to lap at the pre-cum that continued to flow copiously from my dick head, smacking his lips like he was eating the most fabulous dessert ever known to man. He moaned his approval and sought more. Licking my head clean, Julio would dive back down to my aching balls. Pushing me up further he took the cheeks of my ass in his large hands and pried them apart, exposing my puckered hole. Without a second thought Julio dove right in, licking and tonguing me to within an inch of my life. "Unnnnghhh!!!" I cried out as my ass instinctively ground against his tongue, seemingly having a mind of its own. Julio lustily grunted his approval and ate me out like a sex-starved virgin; the position he had me in, my legs over his shoulders and the lower half of my body partly off the bed allowed me no escape at all from his loving assault; each swipe of his tongue on my ass continued to elicit another torrent of filthy words from my mouth.

"Oh Julio eat me! Eat my ass! Eat my fucking aaasssssss!!!!! I moaned and Julio gladly obliged. His hands gripped me firmly as he dug deep into my passage. My hole had relaxed considerably as Julio forced more tongue up my quivering hole. A low moan continued to emanate from me while my man attempted to push his whole face into my backside. As much as I was thoroughly enjoying this extended foreplay I was now hungering for something more substantial, Julio's rock hard dick. Sensing this, Julio stopped his loving violation of my hole and asked for some lube. Reaching over to a nightstand drawer I pulled out a bottle of Astroglide; a lewd smile spread across Julio's face as he took the bottle from me and squirted a generous amount into the palm of his hand. I was more than ready for him to plow my ass like a field in planting season but Julio surprised me by not greasing up my hole but his own, then applying the rest to my flag pole of a dick, which was already liberally mixed with his saliva and my pre-cum. "Julio, baby, what are you doing?" I asked in a very shaky voice, still recovering from the mind-scrambling way he ate me out. "Sssshhh Papi, just lie back and enjoy the ride sexy!" Julio growled.

Before I could open my mouth to utter a protest, Julio grabbed my eight-inch dick, rubbed the head lewdly over his winking hole and proceeded to sit on my pole, easing slowly down until every hard inch of me was buried inside him. I could feel his hot walls gripping and surrounding my dick from all sides and Julio let out a scream of ecstasy I'm sure everyone in my building heard, but he couldn't care less. "D-d-don't MOVE!!!! If you do I'll cum and I don't want to yet, that's how close I am baby!" Julio hissed through clenched teeth. Holding that position for what seemed like forever, Julio recovered, tucked his legs underneath and began riding me like a horse, his hard dick bouncing up and down, occasionally slapping his six-pack stomach, leaving large spots of pre-cum which slowly trickled down to his dark red bush. I scooped some of it up with my fingers and brought it to my mouth, savoring the spicy taste. Julio looked at me with lust filled eyes and moaned, "Ohhhoooohh Papi I'm so full, so full of your beautiful hard webo baby! It's so big inside me baby and it hurts sooo fuckkkinggg goooodddd!!!! Julio panted.

Up and down, up and down Julio continued to ride me, his hot tight wet ass clutching my pistoning dick with every stroke. He would grind his beautiful hips in a circular motion in order to get every possible inch of my dick up his needy ass. Julio would moan and gasp on every down stroke as I realized that the head of my dick was massaging his prostate. I was still in shock to see him on top of me riding me like a bull instead of him usually fucking me until my eyes rolled into the back of their sockets; this turn of events totally threw me for the proverbial loop. I grabbed Julio's luscious ass cheeks began thrusting my dick up my man's hot tight chute and it seemed as if his groans went up an octave in pitch; Julio panted "yes, yes, YEEESSSSS!!!! FUCK ME PAPI, FUCK MEEEEE!!!!!" over and over; the feeling was incredible! I didn't know how much longer I'd be able to last but I was determined to enjoy every hot minute of it and give my baby what he demanded!

Holding him in an iron embrace, I managed to maneuver us until Julio was now on his back and his legs were wrapped around my waist. I was now on top and with that I proceeded to go to town on Julio's ass, thrusting into him like a pile driver. In this position I could easily feel the head of my dick rubbing up against his prostate which continuously made pre-cum flow from the head of Julio's dick. I glanced down at it; it pulsed with need and the tip was an angry purplish-red; oh God it looked so fucking delicious, I only wished I were flexible enough to twist lower to suck it. Julio growled low in his throat, perfectly mimicking a horny male jaguar as he purred filthy words of encouragement to me. Our eyes locked together as he reached up and claimed my mouth yet again in a searing kiss of passion and true love; our tongues dueled madly as he began squeezing his hole around the shaft of my dick, all the while lewdly grinding his gorgeous ass as he bucked upwards. Our bodies were both drenched with sweat and the smell of sex permeated my bedroom. This was without a doubt, the hottest fuck I've ever experienced with Julio due largely in part to him turning the tables on me, sliding down my pole and taking me on the ride of my life. In all our encounters I've always bottomed, mainly because I loved the feel of Julio's ten and a half-inch beer can ramming my ass like there's no tomorrow, but topping was pretty fucking hot too, even moreso because I was inside the ass of the man I loved more than life itself and that's what made this even more special. "I love you so much Papi, I never wanna be away from you again!" Julio breathed in my ear; that did it. I grabbed him, held him close as my orgasm began.

"Oh shit Julio I'm cumming, ohmyfuckinggod I'm cumming!!! AAAAGGGGHHHH!!!!!! I screamed as I began to shoot my load deep into my man's ass. I gave one last hard thrust into him as my dick continued to pump its burning hot cum deep inside Julio. He screamed himself as his dick, without him touching it, began to shoot like a pump action rifle, blasting several shots of hot cum over my chest; a couple even managed to reach the bottom of my chin! Julio continued to wail as he ground his ass completely on my shaft; the suction of his ass muscles and the heat from his walls milking me dry made my body jerk as if I were in my death throes. I shuddered violently as my orgasm began to subside but every now and then Julio would tighten up his muscles and grind on my still rock hard dick that was buried deep in his ass, causing us to both gasp and moan. The last spurts of Julio's orgasm dribbled out of his now-deflating dick and began to pool in the hollow of my navel. I lazily reached and dipped my fingers into my navel, scooping cum onto my fingertips and licking them as Julio watched. He groaned in pleasure as he grabbed my hand and sucked on my fingers as well. With my last remaining strength I lifted me head from where I had it buried in his shoulder and kissed Julio, the taste of his cum on both our tongues. My dick began to go down and eventually escaped from my baby's tight ass with an audible plop. "I love you Papi, forever." I heard Julio whisper tenderly as folded me lovingly in his arms. "I love you too Julio, forever." I returned as I snuggled deeper in his embrace as sleep overtook us both.

I woke the next morning to the smell of fresh brewed coffee and the pleasant aroma of frying bacon. I glanced at the clock on the nightstand; it read 8:45 a.m. Normally I'm up by 5:30 and out the door by 7:00 but because I was officially on vacation I wasn't worried in the least. My thoughts began to drift back to last night and those erotic memories, still lingering warmly in my limbs, brought a smile to my face. As if on cue, in comes Julio dressed in nothing but my apron, carrying a breakfast tray loaded with bacon, scrambled eggs, toast, juice and coffee. My stomach growled appreciatively as I kissed him good morning. Acutely aware that I hadn't brushed, I was about to make a bee-line for the bathroom when Julio grabbed me and kissed me again. "What was that for?" I asked. "For being so damn sexy even this early in the morning." Julio replied back, giving my ass a squeeze. I grinned and blushed to the roots as I thanked him and headed for the bathroom. After washing my face and brushing my teeth I called out from the bathroom to Julio and asked him what he wanted to do today; when I didn't get a reply I thought maybe he hadn't heard me so I exited the bathroom and was about to repeat my question when there was Julio, still clad in only my apron, down on one knee. "I thought maybe we could fly to Vermont and get married." He said. In his hand was a box that contained two gold string and diamond wedding bands. My heart stopped and for about ten seconds I was stunned speechless.

"I told you Pa, I never wanna be away from you again. I love you and I can't imagine spending the rest of my life without you. Will you marry me?" Julio said, with tears in his eyes and his voice breaking. I ran to his arms and kissed him yes. After a few quick phone calls to our parents and to Mickey, the seven of us were on a flight to Montpelier where I married my soul-mate and the love of my life, with our parents and my dearest friend as our witnesses.

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