My Night With Toby

By Jonboy

Published on Jul 25, 2007



I was on summer vacation in California, staying with my dad in San Juan Capistrano. I had just finished my junior year of college and was looking forward to some much needed relaxation. The last five months had kept me locked in the library for hours on end. I only stepped out to maintain my exercise regime. Running thirty miles a week in the Arizona sun had tanned my 6'2" frame a nice bronze and had kept me at a thirty inch waist. My hours of swimming kept the rest of my body toned and my weight at 180lbs. I don't want to sound narcissistic, but I looked pretty hot.

Now, as I said, I was locked in study, so I hadn't been with anyone in five long months. I was aching to get fucked by a nice, hung top. I went to my usual website to track down someone in SoCal who could give me what I needed. After an hour of searching, I came across TToby22.

According to his profile, he lived in San Juan. He listed his height at 6'6" and his weight as 190 lbs. He was not quite as muscular as I normally like, but his height and lean, toned body helped make up for that shortcoming. Searching for the most important thing, I saw what I was looking for: an eleven inch cock. That settled it for me. I sent off an email and hoped for a quick response.

Around seven that night, I saw that TToby22 had responded. He wanted me to meet him down by the pier at nine o'clock. I took a quick shower and threw on something simple but sexy; running shorts to emphasize my tanned and toned legs and a sleeveless shirt to show off my muscular arms. I looked my self over and I must admit, I looked a little like a hustler.

I drove down to the pier early and decided to kill time with a little walk. I always loved strolling along the pier and listening to the waves roll in. I found my self a nice spot near the middle and stared off into the distance, thinking about how much I wanted to fuck this guy.

I caught some movement out of the corner of my eye. Turning, I saw a silhouette of someone who was exceptionally tall. As he walked over, I tried to think of something clever to say, but lust had shut down that part of my brain. Right now, it would take some concentration not to throw myself on his crotch before he opened his mouth.

"Hi," he said, extending his right hand, "I'm Toby. Are you Jon?"

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. I reached for his hand and we shook, his hand engulfing mine. "Do you wanna take a walk to the end of the pier?" he asked. I nodded again.

We started a slow walk to the end of the pier, heading for the small snack shack. Since it was after nine on a weekday, the pier was practically deserted. We passed a couple of fisherman who were packing up for the night. While we made small talk, Toby admitted something that surprised me.

"I've only been with one other guy," he said. "We were on the volleyball team together. I wanted to fuck him, but the first time we tried it, he said it hurt too much. So I haven't really been with anyone else since."

My mind raced at the thought of having such an untouched guy at my disposal. I changed the direction of our walk so that we'd end up behind the snack shack. "Don't worry, Toby," I said, "You'll get the chance to use that big cock of yours tonight." At that moment, we reached the back edge of the shack and I quickly pushed him behind it.

"What the fuck?!" he cried.

"I need to do this," I said, grabbing his cock through his shorts. His eyes went wide and his jaw hung slack. I started to rub his cock, feeling it stiffen in my hand. "Relax, Toby. I just want to make sure you enjoy tonight."

I kneeled down in front of him and unzipped his shorts. I reached in and pulled his stiffening cock out. Semi-hard, his cock was already at eight inches. I leaned in and took the head of his cock in my mouth. As my tongue ran along his glands, Toby let out a low moan of pleasure. I began to work his cock in and out of my mouth, taking a little more down my throat each time. I could taste the precum that was almost pouring out of his cock. "Jesus," I thought, "This guy needs to get off bad."

While I was sucking his cock, I could hear Toby moaning in pleasure. He would whisper things I couldn't hear because of the surf. I felt his hand tentatively touch my head. He slowly ran his hands through my hair, unsure of what to do. I had about nine inches of his cock down my throat when he put his hands on the back of my head. As I kept sucking, I could feel him exert a little pressure, trying to force more of his cock down my throat. I decided to go "balls to the wall" and pushed my self to take his whole cock. As I swallowed all eleven inches, I could hear him moaning, begging me not to stop.

Now that my throat was accustomed to his massive tool, I really started to work his manhood. I loved feeling his cock slide down my throat. I also loved taking his large head and sucking it, coaxing him to cum. Toby began to get a little more forceful with his grip, pulling my head on to his cock, his hips thrusting to force it down my throat.

Once he established a good rhythm, I let him take control, fucking my face for all he was worth. Since it had been so long since his last time, it wasn't long before he said, "I'm cumming."

He started to withdraw his cock from my throat. Not wanting to miss out on his spunk, I stopped him when his head was on my tongue. Suckling on his cock like a newborn on a teat, I pushed him over the edge. He flooded my mouth with his tasty cum, shooting at least seven times. I eagerly swallowed his load, cleaning his cock when he was done. I gave his cock a little kiss and put it back into his shorts.

Standing up, Toby looked at me with half closed eyes. "That was amazing. No one's ever swallowed my stuff before."

I smiled at him, loving his inexperience. "I'm glad you liked it but the best is still to come. Why don't you take me to your place and let me take care of you," I said, my hand gently rubbing his crotch.

He swallowed hard. "Um, sure. That'd be great." We walked back to the parking lot and got into our cars. I followed him to a little bungalow on the beach, isolated from the other houses by a quarter mile of sand in either direction. "It's my parents' place," he said shyly, "I just stay here during the summer."

"Very nice," I said, trying to keep the jealousy out of my voice. "Is this a private beach?" I asked.

"Yeah. It's nice because nobody ever comes out here."

"Really," I said, my mind racing with possibilities. "Toby, why don't we sit on the beach for a little while and enjoy the surf?"

A look of confusion crossed his face. "I thought you wanted to go inside."

"I do," I said, chuckling a little at his naiveté, "But let's just rest on the beach for a few minutes. Bring those towels with you." I then turned and started to head down to the sand.

I heard Toby's disappointed mumblings as he followed me down. I chose a spot about fifteen feet from the water line and asked Toby to lay out the towels. Toby sat down, his legs stretched in front of him, his arms behind him to prop himself up. I sat next him, my legs crossed. I rested my head on Toby's shoulder and decided to wait to see if his confidence had been bolstered enough to make a move. After a couple of minutes, I knew that I would be in charge of this evening's activities.

"Toby," I whispered, to get his attention. When he turned to look at me, I moved in for a nice deep kiss. I forced his mouth open and let my tongue go exploring. Not wanting my mouth to have all the fun, I reached for his tented crotch. Unzipping his fly, I put my hand inside and started to slowly jack his rock hard cock. Feeling it throb as I ran my hand along its length was getting me hornier by the second.

I wanted this go farther; being out in the open was really turning me on. I took his cock out through his fly and gave it a couple of strokes to smear the precum along the shaft. Thankfully, I'd had some practice in getting my shorts off while making out. Not breaking our kiss, I shucked the shorts and climbed in to his lap. I could feel his cock pressing against mine, his head rubbing against my tight stomach.

I could tell that Toby was starting to feel more confident. As I pulled my tongue back, he pushed his into my mouth. My hands stayed busy, unbuttoning his shorts and exposing his entire crotch. My right hand went back to stroking his cock while my left moved to his nipples. I gently squeezed the right one and gave it a little twist.

That action seemed to electrify Toby. He gave a long moan into my mouth; his hips thrusting his cock through my hand. Now that I knew how to push him over the edge, I decided to move on. Pulling my self away from our kiss, I looked him in the eyes. "You just relax, baby. I'm going to make you feel real good."

Toby gave a slight nod as I moved down. His breathing deepened as nibbled and sucked the flesh along his neck and shoulder. I moved my hands under his shirt, massaging his toned stomach and chest. I let my hands brush his hard nipples and enjoyed the soft mewling sound he made from the contact.

I leaned back and pushed the bottom of his shirt over and behind his head. Now that his chest was exposed, I licked my way down and latched on to his right nip. Toby took a sharp intake of breath as I took his nipple between my teeth; rubbing my tongue across the top.

"Oh man, that feels so good," he whispered, "Please don't stop."

I could feel the precum that was pouring out of his cock coat my stomach. I continued to suck on his right nipple for a couple of minutes before moving over to the left one. Giving it the same treatment, I knew that Toby was on the edge. I could feel him thrusting his hips up, pushing his cock into my stomach.

I broke off from his nipple and ran my tongue down his stomach. I continued down further, pulling his shorts down as well. I stopped to lap up the small amount of precum that had pooled at the base of his cock. I then gently started to lick the edge of his groin.

I moved slowly towards his nuts. I loved the feeling of the small amount of hair that covered them as I pulled one into my mouth and rolled it along my tongue. Toby's quiet moaning excited me but I forced myself to go slow. Once I had thoroughly coated the left, I moved to the right side of his sack and began to lick and suck. I moved my hands along his thighs and hips, rubbing very gently.

After giving his sack the proper amount of attention, I moved towards my ultimate goal. Starting at the base, I licked my way up his cock, my tongue taking in all the precum that had coated it. I thought of it as a nice, big Popsicle. I made sure to clean every inch of his shaft as I moved towards the head; taking a little longer than necessary because I just loved the taste of his cock.

Once I reached the back of the head, I gently massaged the ridge with my tongue, coaxing more precum to flow. This also increased the flow of moaning and quiet begging from Toby.

"Oh please, suck my cock. I wanna cum so bad. Please suck it, suck it hard please."

I teased the head of his cock a little while, enjoying the sound of his pleas. But I wanted to suck his cock as much as he wanted me to suck it, so I wrapped my tongue around the under side of his ridge and took the head into my mouth. I swirled my tongue around the head, swallowing the tasty precum as it came from the slit. I began to bob my head, taking three or four inches into my mouth. Within a couple of minutes, I started to deep throat all eleven inches, setting a slow steady pace. When his shaft was buried, I would massage it with my throat muscles. It took a lot of practice to learn to do that, but it drives every man wild. Toby was no exception as a loud cry of pleasure escaped from his mouth. I was glad that I blew him at the pier because I knew that he would have shot just then.

Letting Toby enjoy the pleasures my talented throat had to offer for a few minutes, I reached a point where I could no longer suppress my own lust. Moving slowly off his long cock, I made sure to leave a nice amount of spit behind to thoroughly coat the head. I rose up on my knees and started kissing his mouth. Toby opened up and I enjoyed the tenderness of a nice deep kiss.

Taking his cock in my right hand, I put my left hand on his chest to steady myself. Putting the head of his cock at my entrance, I began to push down. Toby's eyes flew open at the realization of what was happening. I broke the kiss and whispered softly to him, "It's okay, baby. I want you inside me. I can take it."

The anxious look on his face disappeared the moment the head of his cock penetrated my ass. The look of pure ecstasy on his face is something I'll never forget. I slowly lowered my hips down, taking his cock in inch by glorious inch. I love the feeling of a big, fat cock filling my ass. When my ass was resting on his pelvis, I took a moment to enjoy having eleven inches of cock in me. I began slowly riding his dick, pulling four or five inches out before pressing them back in.

My breathing got harder as the head of his cock kept rubbing my insides. I could feel my nuts churning as my cock leaked precum. I flexed the muscles of my ass to increase both our pleasure. Toby started thrusting his cock into my ass, his cock hitting me harder and harder.

"Oh Toby," I moaned, "I love how your big cock fills me up. It feels so good stretching me out. Fuck me, fuck me harder."

Toby responded, slamming his hips up to meet my ass. I was no longer riding his cock; I was riding a bucking bronco. The feeling of his cock slamming up my ass, his nuts slapping my cheeks, was sending me over the edge. I did everything I could to hold back long enough to make Toby cum. I squeezed my ass tighter and started pushing down harder. I knew he was close as his breathing became labored and the speed of his thrusts increased.

"I'm close," he panted, "I'm going to cum. Oh, Jesus, I'm cumming!"

The first throb of his cock sent me over the edge with him. My ass flexed around his cock as I shot my load over his chest and stomach. I could feel him filling me with his seed; my orgasm helping to milk every last drop from his cock.

When he finished shooting, Toby collapsed backwards onto the sand. "That," he panted, "That was amazing."

I smiled down at him. "I'm glad to hear that but we're not done yet."

He looked up at me, astride his hips, his cock still buried in my ass. "What do you mean?"

"Toby, it's not even midnight. We've got all night. Trust me, you'll never forget this." I leaned down to give him a kiss. While we made out, I gently played with his nipples. I knew he was enjoying it as I felt his cock harden in my ass. The feeling of it expanding in my hole got me hard again too. "Let's get inside," I said, rising off his cock. I missed having that monster in me, but I knew I would have it again soon.

I stripped off my shirt and grabbed my shorts off the ground. I sauntered back towards the bungalow, putting a little shimmy in my ass. I turned to see Toby quickly gathering everything up and walking hurriedly back to the door. In his anxiousness, he forgot a towel on the beach.

With the door open, I could see that the place was setup like a hotel suite. I quickly scanned the area and spotted the door to the bedroom. I stepped inside and turned around when I heard Toby close the front door. I reached up and pulled him down into another kiss. He dropped the towels and put his arms around me. One hand rubbed my back while the other massaged my ass.

We made out at the front door for several minutes. I extricated myself from his grasp and reached for his cock. With his cock in my right hand, I turned and gently pulled him towards the bedroom. Stepping inside, I was greeted by a four poster king sized bed. I smiled as my mind filled with ideas of how to take advantage of my hung stallion.

Thank you for reading my story. I have a few ideas for the next chapter but any comments, questions, or suggestions are always welcome. Just email me at .

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