My Next Door Lover

By Iain Bell

Published on Nov 21, 2018


My next Door Lover – chapter 9

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As soon as we finished our smoke I jumped up, right I am going to do some shopping." Greg disappeared next door and I pulled on some denim shorts and a t-shirt and trainers and walked into town, I didn't really need anything but I loved shopping and usually found something to buy.

I got into town and started wandering round the lanes and looking at the smaller shops which I always prefer to the large chains. I was gazing in the window of one shop when something caught my eye. I went inside and looked around. "Please can I see the rings on tray number three please?"

The young girl went to the window and bought out the rings. I picked up the one I saw in the window and loved it straight away. "This is gorgeous."

"It is new in Sir, we've not had this range before."

I tried in on and it fitted me perfectly "I love it, can I buy two one for me and one for my partner, he's at work but I can meet him and get him here before you close."

"Of course Sir, we have all sizes in stock as I said it is new and only came in this week."

"Do you want me to pay now?"

"Please." I handed over my card and she rang the sale through.

"I've never bought rings before but this seems so right."

"You must be in love Sir."

"I am deeply and I want to show my commitment to him and I can think of nothing better than matching rings."

"That's so sweet but why are all the good looking men gay?" I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.

"See you about four." She nodded and I left the shop a happy man.

I wandered round the shops for a bit but eventually headed to a café I knew for a bite of lunch. I sat outside and watched the world go by as I enjoyed my hot strong coffee. I was about to get up when I was stopped by one of the waiters. "Excuse me Sir."

I looked him up and down, he was wearing an apron but I could see his legs and the skin tight skinny jeans and the tight t-shirt he was wearing showing the faintest hint of muscles. "What can I do for you?"

"You don't know me but I want to thank you."

"Whatever for?"

"I've seen you and your partner a lot in the lanes over the last couple of months and you gave me the courage to walk around hand in hand with my lover, it had been so liberating to be able to walk round hand in hand with the man I love."

"I'm glad I was able to help." We shook hands and I left for the promenade. I walked down onto the beach and walked along the seafront, something else that I didn't really do in the past, I lived by the sea but never really enjoyed it `Stuart has more of an effect on me than I realise.' I smiled to myself and plonked down on the pebble beach and lit up a smoke.

After that was finished I noticed the time `good time to get home and get the car to meet Stuart' I rushed home as I was getting excited about meeting him from work. I went indoors got my car keys and got it out of the garage and headed off to the hypermarket. I saw him straight away he was just putting tools in the cart and heading off to the shed to put them away.

I followed him inside and pushed him against the wall making the tools rattle "Hello boy." and planted a kiss on his lips."

"Hello Sir." I felt myself get instantly hard as did Stuart, I could tell by his moan as my tight jean shorts rubbed against him.

"Come on boy." and I took his hand and pulled him to the waiting car. His colleagues were used to me by now and the three that were waiting just smiled.

I raced into town and parked up and pulled him into the jewellers. "Hello again Sir, This is the lucky man then?"

She quickly measured Stuart's ring finger and got on in his size and handed it to me to put on. "I give you this ring as a sign of my love and commitment."

Stuart started crying "Oh Sir" and Stuart kissed me in front of the assistant.

"I think the rings are a success."

"Thank you Sir."

"Whenever we are apart we can look at the rings and know the other is not too far away."

Stuart took my hand and pulled me back to the car "I didn't have the courage to say it back there, but please Sir, can we go home, I need my Sir's big dick."

I got in, Stuart sat beside me and we raced home and straight upstairs to the bedroom and both stripped naked and jumped on the bed.

Stuart's gaze never left my face as he took my dick into his mouth, the four piercings jangling as he sucked round the head of my dick. He took me deeper inside and I felt myself enter his throat, I closed my eyes in sheer pleasure as his tight throat enveloped my thick dick. I opened my eyes and he was still looking up at me.

He pulled off my dick "Sir, you look even sexier with that amount of stubble, if it were possible to look sexier that is."

"Thanks boy. I think." And I pushed him back to my dick. He deep throated me again still looking up at my face and into my eyes. I smiled at him and blew him a kiss. Stuart worked my dick sucking me like it was the last thing he would ever do. I soon felt myself getting close to shooting. Stuart knew too I was getting close and when I was about to shoot he stayed deep and let me shoot deep inside his throat.

I grabbed hold of his hair and pulled him up the bed, he reluctantly let go of my dick and came up the bed to face me "Thanks boy, I needed that release." He grinned and nodded.

He looked at his finger and the ring. "This is beautiful and somehow sexy too. Thank you for the gift, this means so much to me. Knowing you it was expensive, I gave up trying to stop you spending your money on me ages ago, so I accept this with the love it was given." We kissed and Stuart lay his head on my chest. "Sir."

"Yes boy."

"Sir, can we go out tonight perhaps to the gay pub in town, I would like us to dress in full leathers."

I pushed him off my chest and sat up in the bed "You actually want to go out round here in full leathers, baring your arse no doubt showing off to all?"

"Yes Sir" he said and promptly went red.

"You have come out of your shell haven't you, of course we can, and I'd love to go out with you on my arm tonight." I kissed Stuart "Now go and see about dinner boy."

"Yes Sir" and he went to go downstairs naked.

"Hang on boy." Stuart turned and his dick was still hard and needy. "What about that beating I owe you for shooting off when you were at work?" he promptly went red and looked away. I got up and walked over to him and lifted his head and kissed him deeply. I whispered in his ear "you know that I'll get even more horny when I slap you don't you?" Stuart smiled through his red face and pulled away from me and bent over the bed.

"Mmmm" I moaned as I looked down at his cute muscled arse. Stuart turned his head and smiled looking at my hard dick that had fallen out of my denim shorts.

"See something you want Sir?"

"Take the piss out of me boy?" I said in mock anger and walked over and slapped his arse hard, very hard three times. "That is for talking back to me" and I hit him even harder six more times "and that boy is for cumming when I am not around."

Stuart's arse was nice and red and very inviting and I wanted to get deep inside it and Stuart knew it too but I resisted the urge "now fuck off and get dinner ready."

Yes Sir and he disappeared.

I sort out some leathers for us both to wear tonight. It promised to be a very hot night so I sorted out my chest harness and some well-fitting leather jeans and my Dehner's boots. I got Stuart his leather chaps and one of my jock straps and his new Wesco engineer boots that we purchased in London. I would get him to wear a waistcoat of mine it should fit him okay. Happy with everything I went downstairs and Stuart was busy making dinner for us. He hadn't seen me and I saw he was rock hard, I crept up behind him and reached round and squeezed his tits hard. He moaned and pushed back feeling my hard dick up against his plug.

He spun round and kissed me and suckled and bit each of my nipples, he turned back and carried on with the cooking. At one point he bent over to check the oven "grrrrrr" he came over and turned round and pulled out his butt plug and bent over in front of me. I couldn't help myself and pushed inside him, I grabbed hold of his hips and started fucking.

The kitchen door opened and in came Greg "oops sorry" he said with a huge smile.

"Hello son, just making dinner." Stuart said looking up at his son.

"Well I've never seen dinner made that way before." He laughed turned on his heels and left. Stuart was beside himself with laughter and the fuck was forgotten and I joined in.

I pulled him up and turned him round I kissed him. "I am so happy since you moved in next door Stuart, you and Greg have turned my life upside down and I couldn't be happier. I always thought I enjoyed the solitude but I actually miss you when you aren't here." Stuart hugged me tightly and I felt tears falling on my shoulder. "Hey don't cry boy."

"Sorry Sir, but I never in a million years thought that I would find love, deep meaningful love especially with a man young enough to be my son, I feel as if everything is going to go wrong because I am so very happy."

We kissed each other "Stuart nothing is going to go wrong. You and I are a perfect match for each other. I never realised it until Greg pointed it out to me when we were chatting. Your son has a wise head on his young shoulders." Stuart nodded still shedding a few tears "Now get my dinner boy." and I slapped his arse "And fucking get the plug back where it belongs." He picked it up and handed it to me. He spun round and I pushed it home and slapped his arse again.

"Beer Sir?" he asked already going to the fridge.

"Thanks boy." I took a large glug and kissed Stuart pushing it into his mouth. He smiled and turned to finished getting the dinner ready.

There was a knock on the kitchen door "COME" and Greg came in.

"Sorry about earlier."

"No worries Greg, we have nothing to hide, actually Stuart loves an audience." I looked at him and he went red. "What can we do for you?"

"Tito and I want to have a party and invite all our close friends. A sort of belated moving in together party."

Stuart looked at me for guidance, I nodded smiling and he turned to Greg. "Great idea son just don't wreck the place."

"Dad" Greg said disapprovingly.

"When are you thinking of having the party?"

"Next weekend."

I looked at Stuart "We'll both go up to London for the weekend. I know he wants to go clubbing again and get some more dick." Stuart went very red and looked to the floor.

"Way to go Dad, we'll have you as much of a slut as I am." He chuckled and left us alone.

"I like the way you get my approval before agreeing boy." he didn't say anything and for once I couldn't read him "It just proves that you are subservient to me your Master, which I approve of whole heartily." I pulled him towards me and kissed him "I wouldn't want you any other way either boy as long as you don't lose that little bit of rebelliousness." Stuart grinned and turned back to the dinner and laid it on the table.

I tucked in and he as always he waited to make sure I wasn't about to complain. I smiled at him and he started on his own dinner. As soon as I finished my beer he ran to the fridge to get another for me. "You can have one boy."

"I'd sooner wait until it is recycled Sir." He said with a huge grin.

I laughed "Well I will have to have a few more then won't I?" and we ate the rest of the meal in silence, Stuart getting up and getting me a beer as each one emptied.

"Great meal boy, thank you."

"My pleasure Sir, I enjoy cooking again and watching you enjoy my food."

"I need to go to the gym and have a workout, I've let things go the last month or two as a certain boy has taken over my life."

"Sorry Sir."

"I'm not complaining boy and you are coming with me. I want to see if I can get your body looking even better than it does now." He nodded smiling at me. "When you have cleared everything away boy, come and join me on the settee and we can snuggle for an hour before we dress and go out."

I left him to it and sat in the lounge, Stuart joined me and sat down next to me and lay his head on my shoulder. I put my arm round his and we rested listening to some music that Stuart chose. "You realise I suppose that you are actually educating me in your choice of classical music, I never really listened to it before but now I really enjoy it." And I kissed him on the head. "Your hair is coming along nicely boy, I think it is longer than Greg's is now."

"Fancy an after dinner cigar Sir?"

"You mean you want an after dinner cigar?"

"No sir, I want you to have one and I hope that I will be allowed to have your used smoke."

"Okay boy." and he raced to the humidor and got one out and prepared it for me. I smiled when he passed it to me. I lit up and smoked a bit before taking a long drag and kissed Stuart passing him the used smoke from my lungs.

"Thank you Sir."

"You can have your beer now boy." Stuart got to his knees and took my dick into his mouth I wanted to go balls deep but I knew he wanted to taste and savour my piss, so I let him. I could feel him moaning as he swallowed. Better now boy?" he nodded and rested back against my shoulder.

"What is this boy?" I asked as the music started. "You play this quite a lot."

"Elgar's cello concerto, this particular piece is one of my all-time favourite pieces of music. The best part of living in London was going to a concert at the Royal Albert hall and watching Julian Lloyd-Webber playing this piece, it was superb." We rested and I continued smoking my cigar and gave Stuart some of my used smoke as we listened to the music until it finished.

"Come on boy, time to dress if you still want to go out?" he got up and held out his hand, I took it and he pulled me up grabbing a kiss as I stood. "Helping yourself again boy." and I grabbed him and slapped his bottom. He got away from me and ran upstairs, I chased him and pushed him on the bed and slapped his arse a couple of times. "Maybe I'll get a cane and give you some nice red stripes across your arse when we next go up to London." He turned and looked at me with fear on his face, I simply smiled and kissed him and said nothing. "Come on let's get dressed." Stuart went to help me "We'll get out quicker if we dress ourselves boy."

We dressed quickly and Stuart stepped back and looked as me in my full leathers minus jacket and fell to the floor and licked my boots. "Come on boy, let's go." We went downstairs and out the door, Stuart hesitated slightly but I took his hand, he looked up and smiled and we headed into town. "You okay boy." I asked caressing his naked arse with his plug clearly visible.

"Yes Sir."

We walked into town and got a few stares but all in all nobody really cared which surprised me, we got to the pub and went inside, all the men inside looked open mouthed, we were the only leather guys in the place and probably the only ones in this gay pub ever. Stuart went to the bar and got a couple of pints, I noticed that a few guy were staring at Stuart's plugged arse. "You got a few stares boy." He stood in front of me his arse facing the crowded bar. I smiled and kissed him and whispered in his ear "you are fast becoming a show off boy and that is not a criticism."

He smiled at me and we stood drinking our beers. A guy standing close to Stuart tapped him on the shoulder "excuse me for asking but what is the meaning of the chain and padlock round your neck?"

Stuart looked at me "Okay boy you can answer."

"It shows everyone that I am owned by my Master."

"Owned, that's a bit OTT isn't it?"

"NO, of course it isn't, I am proud to be owned by my Master, I am a boy who gets used by my Master and I enjoy serving my Master in any way he chooses."

"Floor boy." Stuart knelt on the floor without question.

"My boy worships me and does anything I ask of him, he may be owned by me but he is his own man and I love him and would never make him do anything he would not do willingly, I sometimes put him in situations that embarrass him but I know deep down he loves it even if he does go red occasionally."

"Does that answer your question?"

He nodded "I meant no offence."

"None taken." He turned back to his mates and chatted."

"Stand boy." Stuart stood up and I walked to the bar and Stuart followed. One of the bar staff came over to us and asked us to go to the back as he wanted a chat.

"You have livened up a rather boring evening, everyone is talking about you two, and you will be the gossip of the place for weeks. I hope you'll both come back again?"

"This was my boy's suggestion tonight but if you are okay with us coming in like this then yes, you can be assured we'll be back."

"Good, in that case let me get you a couple of pints on the house." He soon came back with two pints for us. "I myself am heavily into rubber, if you let me know when you are coming in again, I'll also shock this place and wear full rubber."

I smiled at him nodding. "Okay then, you got your number and I'll text you." He handed over his business card. "Thanks, it will be interesting to see what happens. You never know you may turn this into a leather, rubber and uniform bar, there are more of us around this small town than you think."

"That would be great. Anyway, I need to get back to the bar." He disappeared and carried on serving. "Get on the floor and lick my boots boy." Stuart got to the floor and stared to lick my boots. He was rubbing the pouch of his jock on the floor. "Stop pleasuring yourself boy, just fucking concentrate on my boots." He stopped and worked my boots. His arse was high as he licked and guys were staring at his bubble butt nodding.

When I felt he had done a good enough job I grabbed hold of his chain and pulled him up from the floor, his dick was rock hard and poking out of the jock strap. "Just fucking look at you boy." I made a gesture and pointed out his hard dick almost falling out of the jock strap. "I thought I told you to fucking stop pleasuring yourself."

"Sorry Sir, but I cannot help it. Worshipping your boots always turns me on." and he looked to the floor.

I turned to the two guys next to us "What the fuck am I supposed to do with that in here?" I said pointing to his hard dick.

I heard a shout from the bar "I've got some ice."

"Now there an idea."

"Please Sir, not the ice."

"Why not?"

"I'll be good Sir, please no ice."

"Okay boy no ice."

"Thank you Sir." And he leant in and kissed me." I looked down his dick was pulsing on its own and I knew he wanted to cum. I whispered in his ear "You want to shoot a load don't you boy?" He nodded. "Go into the toilet and pretend you are having a piss and then you can cum." Stuart smiled and dashed off quickly.

I drank some of my beer and Stuart came back, his dick tucked away only half hard. "Better boy?"

"Yes Sir thank you."

"Good boy." we stood in the crowded bar and chatted making some new friends along the way. By the time last orders were rung, I had a great time and I know Stuart did. We started to walk home. "I hope you enjoyed yourself boy, I know I did."

"Oh Sir, it was a great night, I've had so much fun."

"Mmmm so have I, I hope you realise I was playing up to the crowd."

"Were you?" he said with a cheeky grin on his face and kissed my cheek. "Can I light up Sir?" I nodded and Stuart lit up two cigarettes and we smoked those as we walked home.

It was still a very hot evening even at midnight, when we got home I went straight to the patio and Stuart dutifully followed, I plonked down on the lounger and Stuart sat on the floor next to me. "Good decision boy." and I gave him a long kiss. "Now what do you think you deserve for being cheeky earlier?"

Stuart looked down and mumbled something that I couldn't hear. "I can't hear you boy." and I lightly cuffed him over the head.

"I guess I deserve a spanking Sir." He said still looking down.

"Too fucking right you do boy." I snarled but I was far from angry, I was going to enjoy the spanking and I wanted Stuart to enjoy it too. "Get in position boy." Stuart got on all fours with his arse facing me. Fuck I wanted to lick that arse, get my tongue inside as a prelude to fucking him hard but that would have to wait, but not for too long. I stood up and caressed his cute arse a couple of time before yanking out the plug and using all my arm strength and spanked him three times. "Mmmm" I moaned as I caressed him again. `Fuck' I thought to myself, this is making me extra horny. I wet a finger and pushed it inside his open arse. "As much as I want to fuck you boy, it will have to wait a while longer."

I started slapping him again. Another three hard slaps with my hand. I felt round his arse to the pouch of his jock strap. He was rock hard. "Turned on boy?"

"Yes Sir, is that bad?"

"It is when I am supposed to be chastising you for being cheeky."

"Sorry Sir."

"Mmmm." And I disappeared indoors. I suddenly remembered that I had an old riding crop that I used when I used to go riding with dad. I was never sure why I kept it when everything else got disposed of, but I suppose it was a gift from dad and it did hold memories. I searched and finally found it and went back outside. Stuart hadn't moved.


Next: Chapter 10

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