My Next Door Lover

By Iain Bell

Published on Nov 8, 2018


My next Door Lover chapter 7

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"What is this place like Gil?" Stuart asked as soon as we got upstairs at David and Chris's.

"Well it is a club frequented by the leather, rubber and skinhead crowd, they are very strict on who they let in and if you aren't dressed properly then you don't get in. All the guys are like minded."

"And if Greg is right they allow all sorts of sex to go on?"

"They do, I'm not sure yet if I will allow you to have sex with anyone else."

"Please Sir." Stuart said kneeling on the floor in front of me and stared at my crotch.

"Stand up boy." Stuart stood up "Undress me boy to my Jock strap." Stuart smiled and took of my leather jacket, he kissed my nipples and gently bit into each one. He undid the studded leather belt and pulled it out of the tight leather jeans.

"Please sit down Sir." I sat on the bed and Stuart pulled my boots and socks off. He knelt on the floor and sniffed at my feet, realising they were sweaty he moaned and licked in between each of my toes. He sat back grinning I stood up and he released the buttons and pulled down the fly on my well fitted leather jeans. He pulled them down and I sat as he pulled them off me leaving me in a sweaty, smelly and piss stained jock strap. He reached forward "No" I shouted "Wait to be told boy." He looked down to my feet.

"Sorry Sir."

"So you fucking should be boy. If you cannot behave I will start slapping your cute arse."

"Yes Sir." He said still looking down.

The bedroom door went "come."

Chris opened the door and came in with a large bag "Oh dear." He said when he saw Stuart looking to the floor kneeling in front of me. "Thinks of me or rather my dick as an object to get his jollies with." What Stuart didn't see was my wink at Chris.

"Did you remember you left some gear here last time you were in the UK?" he said putting the bag on the floor.

"I had totally forgotten, thanks." And Chris left, no doubt to tell David. I left Stuart kneeling on the floor and looking down. I smiled as I looked round to see him, I wanted to pick him up and plant a huge kiss on his lips but I was having fun. "Are you soft or erect boy?"

"Erect Sir." He said but didn't move a muscle.

"Good boy." I knew he wasn't that worried and I looked through the bag. "Mmmm" I mumbled to myself as I remembered what I had left here last year. "Now boy" I said turning to Stuart "What do I do with you?" and I stood directly in front of him having taken off my jock strap. My dick was rock hard and only pulled down a little by the steel piercing.

"I don't know Sir."

"Look at me boy." Stuart looked up and stared transfixed on my rock hard dick. "I said look at me boy not my dick" he looked up to my face I could tell he was very tense not knowing what to expect. I wasn't angry with him far from it. He looked up slowly and saw my smiling face. His face turned from no emotion to a huge smile of his own.

"Good boy" and I knelt on the floor with him, I pulled him into a long kiss. "Now get over the bed and let me fuck your throat." I had never seen Stuart move so fucking quickly, he was lying flat on the bed with his head over the edge and his mouth open wide. I walked over and put the head of my dick to his mouth and pushed, he stayed dead still as he let me fuck his throat as hard as I wanted. Tears started to flow from his eyes, I was probably a bit rough on him but I was enjoying myself, really enjoying myself and that was all that mattered to me.

I fucked his throat hard and I soon felt my balls start to contract and rise, I knew I was going to shoot my load. I slowed down as I wanted to last longer but Stuart also knew and tightened his throat muscles and bought me off. "You bastard Stuart." I shouted as I unloaded deep inside his throat.

I pulled out of his throat and Stuart sat upright and looked at me. "No Stuart, I am not angry with you, I slowed down as I wanted to last longer but you had other ideas as you wanted my load. I can't be angry with you for that." We kissed and I got on the bed with him and we rested for a couple of hours.

I woke and looked at the time, I kissed Stuart on the lips and he woke up grinning. "Time to get ready boy." He went to turn on the shower "No boy, just wash your hand and face, have a shave and clean out your arse."

"Yes Sir."

"Do you want me to shave boy?"

Stuart stepped out of the bathroom and shook his head "I like you with facial fuzz Sir."

"Okay boy." And he went back to the bathroom. Whilst he was in there I got out the things I wanted for tonight. I put on my chest harness and pulled on the stinking jock strap, I pulled on my tight leather trousers and then my socks and boots and finally the studded leather belt. I looked in the mirror and I was pleased with what I saw. Stuart came out of the bathroom and dropped to his knees in front of me looking up. "Like what you see boy?"

"Yes Sir, very much."

"Good. Stand up and spin let me look at you." Stuart stood and as he turned I could see that he was totally shaved and naked of all hair apart from the long hair on his head. "Good boy, well done."

"Be back in a minute boy." I went to see Chris. "Can I borrow one of your chains and locks, I want everyone to know Stuart is owned.

Chris smiled and hauled out a rather large chain and a large padlock. "This do?"


"Taxi in 15 minutes Gil."

"Okay." I closed the door and went back to Stuart. He was dressed in his leathers "Good, one final addition boy." I locked on the chain round his neck. "This will tell everyone that you are owned and if they want to use you they will have to ask me first.

"Yes Sir." He said proud as punch.

"Ready?" he nodded and he picked up both our leather jackets and my Muir cap which I put on as we headed down stairs where David and Chris were waiting. The taxi beeped and we all trooped out into the warm night air and off to the club.

They arrived outside the door of a plain building under the arches of one of the main train lines into London. They went inside and paid the fee to get in. Stuart was not yet impressed I could tell by his face but as soon as we opened the door to the main part of the club, I'm sure his jaw dropped to the floor. We arrived a little later than most others as I liked places when they were busy. Lots of guys milling around drinking and chatting over the loud music. One area was cornered off with a notice that read smoking area. I leant into Stuart's ear "Some guys have a fetish for cigar smokers, so they go in there."

He looked at me and grinned "Want to try it later boy?" he nodded. "Good boy." I gave Stuart some money and he headed to the bar and got four bottles of Grolsch. He handed me mine, then David and then Chris. I guess he was looking after the tops first. I grabbed hold of his metal collar and pulled him towards me and kissed him whispering in his ear "relax boy, nothing will happen unless you or I want it to happen."

He returned the kiss "It is just a little bit over whelming for me, I never knew places like this existed."

"Come on boy, I'll show you around." I took him to the toilets first. "This is where the piss boys hang out. The guys on the floor are wearing rubber, waders and wellies and some are gas masks with funnels. Guys can come in and piss in the funnel and the guy in the mask would drink it down happily, the guy bending over the urinals is looking to be piss-fucked."

"Wow." Stuart said his eyes brightening up.

"You like that idea?" he nodded. "Maybe next time."

I pulled Stuart out of the toilets and took him to the darker areas away from the bar where the cruising went on, I took his hand as we wandered round in the semi-darkness. I pushed him up against a wall and kissed him. "You can always get what you want in here. You can suck or get sucked, you can fuck or get fucked and if you are really lucky you can get a dick in both ends." Stuart moaned, only softly but I did hear it. I was a little surprised. I pulled him out of the cruising area and upstairs. "This is a little quieter and you can chat or whatever else takes your fancy." Guys were sitting talking, boot lickers were worshipping boots, one guy was even getting fist fucked to an audience.

I took Stuart's hand and guided him downstairs again. I took him into the cigar smokers area, his face was a picture, all sorts of butch men were smoking huge cigars with their boys at their feet, some were resting there boots on the boys backs, some were being sucked whilst they smoked and others were watching and waiting for a lonely top to come in and use one of the boys watching and waiting.

I lit one of my cigars and leaned against a wall. Stuart knelt on the floor and looked up at me. You okay boy?"

"I am now Sir."

"Good boy."

I took a huge hit on the cigar and leant down and kissed Stuart and he breathed in deeply taking my used smoke. "Thank you Sir."

A man came over, he wasn't much older than I was and dressed in a tight leather motorcycle suit that showed off his muscular body perfectly. "My boy's off somewhere getting fucked. Can I use your boy's mouth?" and he showed me his cigar.

"Of course."

"Stand boy." Stuart stood up and the guy took a huge hit on his cigar and kissed Stuart sending his smoke down into Stuart's lungs. He didn't let go and they snogged each other. He took another hit and gave that to Stuart. "Do you smoke boy?"

"When Sir says I can Sir."

"Good, I like a boy who also smokes cigars." And he retreated into the darkness. Stuart came back to me and knelt at my feet watching me smoke my cigar.

"You okay boy?" Stuart nodded quickly and looked relaxed on the floor at my feet. I handed him my cigar and he took it thanking me. "Good boy." I rested my feet on his shoulders as he smoked my cigar. The guy who gave Stuart his smoke re-appeared and this time he had his boy on a chain. The boy was naked except for boots his dick rock hard.

He sat next to me and his boy sat at his feet. "Table boy" he grunted and the boy got up on all fours and made a table with his back. He then rested his feet on his boys back. He handed me a cigar and lit it for me. "I'm Gil."

"Rocky" and we shook hands. Nothing else was said between us and we relaxed with our feet on top of our boys.

Stuart started squirming. "Keep still boy." He didn't stop moving "What the fuck." And I put my feet on the floor and pulled him up by the chain to my level. "What the fucks wrong boy."

"Please Sir." He said looking to my feet. "I need a piss."

"Well you'll just have to hold it in then won't you until I have finished my cigar. If you disgrace me by pissing on the floor I will beat you here in front of everyone and I will make it known what the fuck you have done."

"Yes Sir, sorry Sir." He said still looking to the floor. This time he made a table like Rocky had his boy make. I smiled to myself and rested my feet on Stuarts back. He kept dead still mot moving a muscle.

I finished my cigar and stood up "Thanks Rocky, see you later maybe?"

"Sure, I'd like to take your boy for a ride if you allow it."

"Yeah maybe." We shook hands "get up boy." Stuart stood up straight and hand by his side, I felt his leather crotch he was rock hard and dry. "Good boy." I walked off and Stuart followed.

I made my way to the toilets but very slowly, I saw some guys I knew and stopped and chatted. I introduced Stuart who was quiet "He wants a piss but I won't allow it just yet. I think he is trying to concentrate on anything except pissing, as he knows what will happen if he disgraces himself."

I looked at Stuart who had his eyes closed, scrunched up tight. I grinned and pulled him along. We reached the toilets. "Okay boy." And I pointed to a guy wearing a gas mask with a funnel attachment. "I can't trust you not to shoot a load off so piss in there boy."

He pulled his dick out of the leather jock strap and pushed his hard dick down and started his piss. I thought it would never stop he must have pissed a couple of pints. "Fuck boy you were desperate weren't you?" he nodded.

"Finished boy?"

"Yes Sir, thank you for allowing me to piss."

"Good boy." And I pulled him into a kiss. "How close were you to pissing yourself boy?"

"Seconds Sir."

"Good I timed it right then, I don't want to beat you boy but I would have done." And we snogged and Stuart held me tightly "Come on boy." And I took his hand and we went back to the main part of the club. "Need fucking boy?"

"Yes Sir."

"Come on then." And we headed to the cruising area. I sat down on the low bench and pulled Stuart on front of me and pulled him so he was bent over directly in front of me. I reached and pulled out his butt plug. "There you are boy let's see how many dicks you can get for being such a good boy and not disgracing me."

Rocky appeared "Saw you come in Gil, can I?" he said pointing to Stuart. I nodded and he lowered the zip on his tight leather motorcycle suit and hauled out a dick that was as large as mine but he had three huge piercings through the head of his dick. I smiled "Boy, you will love this."

Rocky pushed the three large piercings inside Stuart's arse "Oh my fucking God" he moaned as the piercings went in followed by the rest of his dick. Clearly Stuart was loving this I pulled him towards me and kissed him as Rocky fucked.

"Nice cunt your boy has." Rocky fucked and fucked hard. He was ramming in and out of Stuart whilst we snogged, Stuart was loving this I could tell. Rocky pushed deep and stopped his fucking. He closed his eyes and relaxed. I knew he was getting ready to piss inside Stuart. "Mmmm" Rocky moaned as he started his fuck again "Like to fuck a piss filled cunt." He moaned and lunged deep once more and unloaded inside my boy. "Fuck that was good Stuart, Thanks." He walked off and stopped a young lad in rubber knelt before him begging to clean his dick for him.

"Thank you Sir." Stuart said when I looked back at his face.

"What for boy?"

"For allowing your boy to be fucked Sir." He said grinning as another guy entered his arse.

Stuart grinned at me and kissed me. "Fuck this boy's full of piss." He said as he fucked Stuart. "God this feels good, I've never fucked a piss filled arse before." He was ramming in and out of Stuart making all sorts of squelching noises as he fucked. "FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK." He screamed out as he shot his load in Stuart. "Sorry boy to shoot so soon but I was so fucking horny watching you get screwed by Rocky and when I felt the piss I knew I would shoot too soon." He kissed the back of Stuart's neck and walked off smiling.

I sat there for the next 45 minutes and watched Stuart get screwed another three times. He had been fucked five times and took piss on three occasions and cum every time. I went to push in his plug but his arse was too sloppy. "This is too small boy." I said with a grin. "Come with me and clench hard boy."

"Yes Sir."

We walked to the main bar and I whispered to the bar Manager who I knew quite well as he worked for me when he was on holiday, if my bar was ever short staffed. "Sure Gil, happy to."

"Eddie get your sloppy cunt over here now." Eddie was one of his bar staff and I knew he was always plugged.

"Yes boss."

"Get that plug out of your sloppy cunt boy."

"Yes boss" and he pulled out the plug which I knew would be larger than the one that Stuart used and handed it to Barry. "Here you are Gil."

"Bend over boy." Stuart bent over the bar and I pushed the larger plug inside his arse. "Here comes the widest part boy." I pushed and he tensed up "relax boy, you can do it." He relaxed and with a loud plop it was sealed deep inside him. "Better boy?"

"Yes Sir thank you, but what about Eddie?"

"Don't worry about him, when he has a break he'll go to his locker, he always keeps a few spares." Eddie turned to me and grinned.

"Once a slut always a slut." He yelled across the bar to Stuart. And he shrugged his shoulders.

"Come on boy, let's sit and relax for a while and drink a couple of beer, I want to cuddle my boy for a while." Stuart followed me to the sitting area after getting a couple of beers for us both. I sat on the soft couch and Stuart stood wondering if he should get to the floor or sit next to me. I patted the couch next to me and he smiled and sat next to me. He groaned as the new bigger plug pushed deeper inside his arse.

Stuart looked into my eyes "Thank you for bringing me here Sir."

"My pleasure boy, are you enjoying yourself."

"Yes Sir, very much."

"Good." I pulled Stuart into a kiss. Stuart lay his head on my shoulder and he lit a couple of cigarettes handing me one. "Thanks boy." We both enjoyed our smokes watching the men and boys at play.

David and Chris appeared both with huge grins across each of their faces. "What is it with you two, you are in the best fetish club in London and you two are sitting here like two old ladies."

Stuart went to get up and say something. "Down boy."

"I think your boy is angry with me Gil." And he started laughing.

"What the fuck do you expect David, you took the piss out of me."

"I don't understand Sir."

"Stuart, the first time I met David and Chris here they were sitting here like we are now, and I said much about the same thing to them." I kissed Stuart "thank you for trying to defend my honour."

"I feel used."

"The amount of cum and piss in your arse I'm not surprised." Stuart went red. "Ah that's better." And I pulled him into a deep kiss and whispered in his ear. "I love you Stuart."

"Now are you two done as I think we need to go home so you two can get to bed." Chris said with a huge grin across his face. I nodded and we headed to the exit and a waiting taxi.

We got back to in good time as the traffic was light at this time of the morning. "Fancy a nightcap or do you two want to be alone?"

"Cut it out Chris." I said as I dragged Stuart upstairs and into the bedroom. We heard laughter from them as I closed the bedroom door. "Those two are really something Stuart. They love you and I know that they are happy for us both." We kissed "Now undress me boy."

"Yes Sir." Stuart stood on tip toes and took off my Muir cap first, he unzipped the leather jacket and slipped it off my shoulders. He went to the wardrobe and hung the jacket up. He next undid the chest harness and pulled it off, licking each nipple once as he did so, I knew I was getting horny again and also knew Stuart would be too.

He knelt on the floor and opened the belt buckle and took it out of the belt loops of my tight leather jeans. Stuart went for my flies next "Oh no you don't boy." And I pointed to my feet. "Boots first boy." I sat on the bed and Stuart got to work pulling my boots off. Having done that he took my socks off.

"Please Sir, Can I?"

"Of course you can boy." I stood up and Stuart pulled my trousers down and I sat whilst he pulled them off and hung them up in the large wardrobe. I stood again wearing just my smelly jock strap, Stuart knelt looking up into my eyes waiting. I smiled down at him "what if I said no boy."

"I would do it anyway Sir, you have allowed me a lot of sex tonight but I haven't had my Sir yet and I want you in both ends, I want my Sir filling me full of his cum." Stuart looked at me not moving of flinching.

"What do I say to that boy eh?" Stuart stayed still and didn't move, he didn't even blink. "Scared boy." he nodded slightly "Good." He immediately went red. "Ah my favourite colour boy, at least on you it is."

I pulled him up by the chain round his neck. I undressed him slowly until he was naked. His dick was hard and needy. "For me boy?" I looked him in the eyes and nodded but didn't smile. "Still worried boy?" again he nodded.

I sat on the bed and pulled his chain until he was lying over my lap. I caressed his cute arse with both hands and I felt him relax and moan slightly. I slapped him as hard as I could but just the once. I let him stand up again. "Sorry for speaking out of turn Sir."

"Good boy." and I pulled him into a long hot snog. "Just because I love you doesn't mean I won't hit you if you screw up."

"Yes Sir."

"Now what do you want to do boy?"

"Not my choice Sir."

I grinned at him he sort of Half smiled back "You want to suck and bite my nipples don't you boy?" he nodded "you want to suck on my dick boy, you want me to fuck your mouth and slide my dick into your throat?" Stuart moaned and nodded. "you want me to yank out that plug sealing your arse off and force my big dick inside you and fuck you hard until you cum without even touching yourself?"

"Fuck it" he said and shot his load all over me.

"You had better start licking me boy and clean your mess off me" Stuart actually smiled this time and got to work licking his cum off my body. One particular splat landed on my dick he of course left that to last and made a real fuss of licking that bit up. He was about to sit back and wait for his next instruction when I grabbed hold of his collar and pulled him to my dick.

"I suppose you had better get that" and I pushed my dick in his mouth "down your throat." He swallowed all of my dick and my balls were banging against his chin. "Mmmm good boy." Stuart stayed still and didn't move, he knew that I wanted to fuck his throat.

"Good boy." I grabbed hold of his head and face fucked his throat. I was so horny but managed to stop myself shooting as this load was going inside his arse. As soon as I felt myself getting close I pulled out of his throat and pushed him to the floor. "Get those fucking legs high boy." He raised his legs and I pulled out the plug and rammed my dick inside. As soon as was all the way inside I knew I was shooting and loaded his already full arse with my cum. "Fuck I needed that boy." and I leant down and kissed him. "You take direction very well boy." I kissed him and felt my dick go down just enough to allow me to have a piss. "If you carry on like that boy you and I are going to have so much fun."

"Thank you Sir." And he hugged me tightly round my neck.

"You looking for another slap so soon." He simply shrugged his shoulders and grinned.

"That was awesome Sir" he said when I finished pissing and replaced the plug in his arse.

We both stood up "Bed time boy?" he nodded, I took his hand and we both got into bed and spooned and fell asleep almost immediately.


Next: Chapter 8

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