My Next Door Lover

By Iain Bell

Published on Nov 1, 2018


My next Door Lover – chapter 6

I hope you enjoy this new story of mine and as always you need to donate to NIFTY to keep this website alive for those us that write here and you the reader who enjoy the various scribblings.

I love to head feedback of any kind, so please do email me.

Traffic was fairly light and I made good time roaring up the motorway towards London, Stuart was quiet "You okay boy" I asked through the intercom.

"Yes Sir, this is so exhilarating. I am quiet as I am really enjoying myself." I let Stuart enjoy the ride and pointed out a few old haunts of mine as we rode through the London Streets. We arrived at the fetish shop I wanted and went inside. "TJ around?" I asked one of naked skinheads behind the counter.

He went over and spoke to a guy sitting behind a desk. "I'm TJ."

"Gil" and we shook hand.

"We have everything ready you ordered and he shouted one of the naked skinheads "get the order for Gil please."

"Yes Sir." The boy disappeared and came back with everything I had ordered.

"Now I also want leather chaps, leather trousers and a motorcycle jacket and none of you cheap crap either, I want the best for my boy." the boy looked Stuart up and down and raced around grabbing everything. "Strip boy." Stuart took of my smelly suit and stood naked and hard. He looked up at me and shrugged his shoulders. He started to dress in the things that I had selected, I rejected some and agreed with others.

After around an hour or so I had two pairs of leather trousers, a pair of chaps and three motor cycle jackets of various styles. I threw Stuart one of the leather jock straps "put this on boy and the chaps and this jacket." Stuart started to dress and his dick was so hard it wouldn't go down.

"Piggy, come and suck this guy off as he cannot dress properly." TJ shouted. He bounded over and knelt on the floor and Stuart closed his eyes as piggy gave him an expert sucking, Stuart lost his load deep in piggy's throat and piggy stood up and smiled.


"No thanks are requited. I enjoy serving."

Stuart finished dressing and he looked great, I pulled the zip a little way down showing off his bare chest. "Mmmm you'll do for me boy" and I kissed him. "Can you send everything else by carrier please?"

"Of course" and TJ and I shook hands and we left the shop after packing the old suit in a leather backpack.

I was surprised that Stuart didn't baulk at walking outside with a plugged and bare arse and he took it in his stride, he even stood with his plugged arse on display to anyone that cared to look. "You amaze me boy."

"You expected me to be scared didn't you Sir?" I nodded "I will never be scared with you by my side." And he grinned broadly.

I started the bike and we got on and roared off to my mates who would alter the suit for Stuart. He opened the door as soon as we got outside and stood there watching. "This is Stuart."

"You are one lucky man Stuart. Gil doesn't make friends easily. Come in."

We went inside his workshop and he showed us around. "So Billy, how is my investment doing?"

"Great Stuart. The business is growing faster than I imagined. I will either have to stop taking work on or get someone to help."

"Great news Billy."

"I will be able to make the payments easily now, I will never be able to thank you for trusting me."

"Look Billy you are one of my oldest and most trusted mates, we have been through a lot over the years and I was pleased when you came to me with your business proposal. I am looking forward to receiving some bonuses."

Billy smiled as Stuart got my old smelly suit out of his rucksack. "Ah this is the suit, I remember it well. This has seen some scenes Gil."

We both laughed and Billy took loads of measurements of Stuart "Yeah this won't be a problem Stuart. I can see why you want it for yourself, I tried to get him to part with it the last time I was down with him but he refused. You should be honoured."

I noticed Stuart smile "Come on boy let's get off. Stuart made his way to the door and I kissed Billy following Stuart closely behind.

"I'll ring you when it is ready for you Gil."

"Thanks mate." And we left his workshop and I started the bike up and we headed back into central London. I headed to Soho and one of the gay pubs. I parked up and I took Stuart's hand as I felt that he was uncomfortable. "Okay boy?"

"I haven't been in Central London since, well for ages anyway."

"I know all about it boy, you have me by your side now." He grasped my hand tighter and smiled. I picked up my Muir cap, centred it on my head and put on my aviator sunglasses. "Come on boy."

We walked to one of the gay pubs and went inside, Stuart ordered two large glasses of lemonade and we sat outside at one of the tables and Stuart lit up two cigarettes and handed me one "Thanks boy." Stuart grinned at me. "What?"

"I like being your boy Sir." I planted a kiss on his lips, here in Soho nobody cared. We sat and watched the world go by, at least the world in which this small street existed. "I am surprised that two guys in full leathers, and one baring his arse don't turn heads."

"Anything goes in this little part of Soho boy." We said nothing else, we both just enjoyed sitting in the sunshine smoking. I looked at my watch "We need to get going boy, we are meeting David and Chris at a wine bar they know."

We made our way back to the bike and got ourselves ready and set off towards Hampstead where we were meeting them. I found the place easily, mind you the big Harley outside the front door helped. We went in after changing my head gear and went inside. "David, Chris this is Stuart my lover, Stuart this is David and Chris, two of my most trusted school friends." Stuart shook hands with them both and I kissed them both on the cheeks. We certainly turned heads, all four of us in full leathers.

"Champagne please Simon, Bottle of Bollinger."

"No David, I need to stay free as I am riding home."

"Nonsense, you are both staying overnight as our guests and I will not take no for an answer. Besides I want to know the boy that has won the heart of my dearest friend."

"Mmmm well okay then."

"Good." The champagne arrived and we all had a toast to old and new friends. "Come on outside I need a cigar." We went outside with the bottle and our glasses but before we did David turned to the barman "another bottle please Simon." He nodded and gestured that he would bring it out.

"We were looked upon as a very odd couple when we first turned up here in full leathers, but after three years they know us very well and look after us, mind you the money we spend here they ought to."

Simon bought the new bottle "Can we leave the bikes out back tonight Simon."

"Of course David, not a problem.

"So tell us everything then." I started to tell them the whole story of Stuart and me, David and Chris were listening intently taking everything in.

A couple of hours later they knew everything even about Stuart wanting my old racing suit that was now being altered. "He does get embarrassed easily doesn't he?"

"That's one of the many things I love about him." and I gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

"Come on we need to get home. Giorgio will be in a strop if we are late for dinner." Stuart must have looked confused as David turned to him "Giorgio is our house boy and looks after us both." We all walked easily and soon arrived at a huge Georgian house in an expensive neighbourhood.

I leant over to Stuart and whispered in his ear "old money. David and Chris are rolling in money and have a hell of a lot more than me."

Giorgio opened up, he was a camp as Christmas and wearing a pair of leather shorts. "Good timing Sirs."

We were shown to the dining room and all sat down and we were served a fabulous meal and a hell of a lot more Bollinger. We chatted late into the night and I felt that Stuart felt comfortable with my oldest friends and I know that David and Chris approved of Stuart, they would have made it clear if they didn't.

"David." I said after we had finished yet another bottle of Bollinger. "Thanks for the meal, it has been far too long since I last saw you both. Now I need a fuck so I am taking my boy to bed."

David laughed "You are in the blue room."

"Thanks, see you in the morning." I stood and held out my hand, Stuart took it, thanked David and Chris and we walked upstairs. "You okay Stuart?"

"Fine thank you, I haven't been back in town since I moved next door to you, I was a little worried but with you at my side it is okay." He changed the subject quickly. "You have some great friends, I felt as if I was on trial."

I laughed as we reached the blue room. "In here Stuart." And I guided Stuart into the room. "In a way Stuart you were on trial. I have never let anyone get close to me before and those that have were after my money, so they were checking you out. Trust me when I say that they adore you, they would have made it clear if they didn't like you and they would never in a million years ask me to stay over."

"But they said that as soon as we met."

"That's the way they let me know they are happy for me, a sort of secret code. I told you we go back a long way." Stuart came over and kissed me on the lips. "Boy?"

"Sorry Sir, I just wanted to show my love." I smiled and pulled him into a long snog. We exchanged tongues fighting each other for space in each other's mouths.

I pulled away and Stuart stripped so he was naked putting everything away in the wardrobe provided, he knelt before me again and I looked him in the eyes. He was smiling and looked contented. "Undress me boy."

He smiled at sat on the floor and pulled my long heavy boots off followed by my socks, I sat there and wiggled my toes as the air round my feet was nice being encased inside the leather all day, Stuart looking into my eyes and fell to the floor and caressed my feet with his hands and fingers, rubbing and massaging them for me. "That's feels great boy, thank you." Stuart looked up at me grinning. He lay prone on the floor and kissed each toe once before sitting on his haunches waiting. "Okay boy you can get on with the rest now." Stuart pulled the zip down on my leather motor cycle jacket and carefully took it off hanging it up on the hangers provided. He couldn't help himself and licked and gently bit each nipple once before sitting back smiling and undoing the well-fitting leather chaps. He hung those too and returned and undid the buttons on my well-worn 501's and hung those and returned and sat at my feet looking me up and down sitting almost naked apart from the jock strap. "Like what you see boy?"

"Fuck yes Sir I do, I could sit and look at your body for hours."

"My body or one part of it." He went red. "Mmmm that's what I thought, you love my dick don't you boy?"

"Sir" he said a little indignantly "I love every muscled part of you, I couldn't wish for a better person to take control of my life like you have, okay your dick is I suppose the best part of you." He grinned and looked into my eyes to see what my reaction I would have.

I burst out laughing and Stuart relaxed. "Oh Stuart never change will you." And I grabbed hold of the back of his head and pulled him up and snogged him. "Finish your job of undressing me boy, the jock strap is not doing what it should anyway." He grinned.

I stood and Stuart pulled down the jock strap and took the pouch to his nose and sniffed deeply moaning as he took in my scent and the scent of the leather. I could see his dick pulsing "you need to cum boy?" he nodded not letting my jock strap move and carried on sniffing it. "Go on then boy." He took a huge sniff and his dick exploded sending his huge load everywhere. "Oh well done boy. You had better lick that up." he got to work cleaning all his mess from the floor, my feet and the side of the bed.

Stuart sat back when he had finished and was grinning broadly "Thank you Sir."

"Why are you thanking me boy?"

"You let me have pleasure without giving you any." And he went red.

"Boy, watching you have pleasure like that is a delight to watch. Now get into bed, I need my pleasure and I need my fuck."

Stuart quickly stripped put his things away and got on the bed and raised his legs high in the air. I got on the bed between his legs and put them over my shoulder, Stuart hadn't stopped grinning yet. I put the head of my large piecing to his anal hole and pushed it inside. A soft moan escaped his lips and I slowly pushed inch after inch inside his arse. His eyes never left mine and I could see them sparkle as my balls hit his anal lips. "Mmmm so nice boy." And I started fucking.

Stuart's dick was still hard and hadn't gone down from his earlier mammoth cum and as I fucked him his dick bounced around. Stuart was grinning from ear to ear and moaning all the time as I pushed my dick in and out of his tight arse, I never know how his arse was always tight every time I fucked especially as he is always plugged and that isn't that small. I rammed in and out of his arse fucking Stuart as hard as I wanted and he needed.

Every time I pushed I could feel Stuart tighten his anal muscles giving me wonderful sensations through my dick. I leant down and kissed him, he pushed his tongue inside my mouth and I returned and pushed his out and my own inside his mouth. We both moaned loudly as I filled his arse with a large dose of alpha male cum.

We collapsed and rested "Thank you Sir, I've needed that all fucking day, I love to be full of my Sirs seed, filling my arse as it does."

"If the truth be known boy, I've needed to fuck you all day too." We kissed and relaxed in each other's arms and fell asleep entangled with each other.

I woke first the next morning and was facing Stuart, he was still asleep and he was I could tell happy, he was smiling in his sleep and I could feel his hard dick tight against me. I poked out my tongue and brushed it against his lips, he didn't wake but his mouth opened and I pushed my tongue inside him. This time he did wake up and moaned and returned the kiss and we ended up snogging each other.

"I need a piss boy." He nodded and went down the bed and took my dick inside his mouth and waited. As I started my piss the door to the bedroom went. "Come." The door opened and David walked in dressed to the nines in full leathers. He was holding two mugs of steaming coffee. He smiled when he saw Stuart on my dick.

"Morning piss Gil?" I nodded. "Now what do you want to do today, Chris and I would love you both to stay over and perhaps go home tomorrow morning, we could hit a club, they are having a leather party tonight so it will be packed." Stuart had moved back up the bed after I finished my piss. He poked his head out of the duvet and was red and embarrassed.


"As long as you are with me I'll do anything Sir."

"Good" said David "We haven't been for ages and I know you haven't been for at least three years. It will do us all good. I'll make the arrangements." And he left us to it.

"You okay boy?"

"Yes Sir." And he lay his head on my shoulder and we relaxed as we drunk our coffee.

"Boy, I must say this." I said sternly and Stuart looked up and me and realised I was smiling, he relaxed immediately. I like waking up next to you, I feel more comfortable than I have ever done, I have no idea what it is but I like it." Stuart didn't say anything he just looked at me, grinned broadly and kissed me on the lips and finished his coffee.

"Do you want to shower first Sir, or shall I go first."

"We can shower together boy, they have showers that fit two at a time." I stood up after putting my coffee mug down and held out my hand, Stuart took my hand and we padded to the en-suite shower room. Stuart turned to me and smiled as he looked in the shower.

He turned it on and waited for it to warm up. This time he held out his hand and wondering what he was up to I took it and he pulled me gently under the water. "Now let me Sir." And he carefully and very passionately washed every part of me taking the time and trouble to gently massage each muscle as he cleaned me. My dick was rising all the time and by the time he reached my dick I was steel hard again. Stuart knelt on the floor of the shower and looked up and me. I nodded and he took my dick into his mouth and slowly down inside his throat.

He was still looking up and into my eyes as he gave me one of his expert blow jobs, I soon felt myself getting closer and closer, Stuart must have sensed it too and he forced all of my dick into his throat as I shot my load. I picked him up off the floor of the shower and hugged him tightly. "That boy, was one of the best ever." And I hugged Stuart hard. "Now it is my turn boy."

I washed Stuart carefully and lovingly as he did to me, I finished up on my knees in front of him and returned the blow job he gave me. All too soon though Stuart flooded my mouth with his load.

"Thank you Sir." And we hugged and turned the water off and stepped out. We dried ourselves and I left Stuart to douche his arse out properly whilst I dressed myself. Stuart came out and looked visibly upset. I know immediately what was up "Sorry boy, but I decided to dress myself otherwise I would end up wanting to fuck you all day."

Stuart smiled and went for his clothes and dressed himself. He gave me his plug and I lubed it and pushed it home sealing his arse off. "Mmmm that feels better." He said grinning.

"Right boy, let's see what David and Chris have planned for today." I let Stuart go out of the bedroom first "Grrrrrr" I said softly as he walked on front of me his muscled arse showing the plug sealed tightly inside him. He must have heard me as he wiggled it as he walked towards the stairs.

"About time you two surfaced" said Chris as we appeared at the bottom of the stairs "Thought you were going to hibernate up there."

"I thought about it."

"Come on we're out on the patio." We trooped outside and Giorgio was serving bucks fizz and smoked salmon sandwiches. It was a bit odd, four guys in full leathers sitting drinking champagne and eating smoked salmon but to David and Chris it was normal.

"I want to thank you for opening your home to me" Stuart said after Giorgio left us.

"Stuart, Chris and I go back a long way with Gil as I'm sure he told you, he is one of our closest mates even if we don't see him as much as we would all like. I am pleased to see him happy at last."

"Stuart, you don't remember me do you?" asked David.

"I worked with your ex-wife, I knew her and through her I got to know you, we only met the once but I knew then that you were not happy with things, I am very good at reading people and I also knew you were a submissive even if you were not really aware of it yourself." Stuart got embarrassed and went red. "I still see her occasionally. She has become quite the slut since you split up. She is sleeping her way round the boardroom where she works." I looked at David glaring "Sorry Stuart, the look on Gil's face tells me I've said too much, me and my big mouth."

I reached for Stuart and took his hand, he grasped it firmly. "So what have you got planned for today then?"

"I thought about a nice long sweaty ride up Box Hill on the bikes and have a late lunch and then back here to get ready for tonight."

"Sounds good to me" I said grinning at Stuart who was smiling at last. "I think he likes the idea of the sweaty part of it." He nodded and grasped my hand tighter.

"Will I be okay with my arse bare and plugged?"

"Would you be happier if I did the same Stuart?" asked Chris. Stuart nodded. "Okay then."

"Chris hoped that you would say that Stuart, he's only happy when he is showing off."

Stuart smiled still grasping my hand tightly, I felt him relax. I pulled his hand and he followed falling on the floor at my feet. I grabbed hold of his hair and snogged him deeply.

"So good to see, my old buddy in love."

"Not so much of the fucking old David." As I released Stuart from the snog.

Chris re-appeared dressed like Stuart in tight leather chaps and as he spun round you could see the base of his plugged arse. He pulled on his leather motor cycle jacket "We going to walk and get the bikes then?" a huge grin across his face.

We set off towards the wine bar where we left the bikes at the previous evening, I could tell Stuart was wary and scared, it was dark the previous night when we walked home, but in broad daylight, I understood and grasped his hand tighter.

Anyway we made it easily and got the bikes and made our way out of London, as soon as we got out of town we sped up opening the bikes up. I could feel Stuart was getting more comfortable as he moved his hand down to my dick and rubbed it through the leather, I soon got hard. We had to stop at some traffic lights because of some road works. I grabbed his hand and opened the leather jacket and put his hands on my nipples. He got the message as the lights changed and we roared off again. Stuart was still squeezing my tits hard making them into nice firm nubs.

David pulled off into a deserted layby and I followed them in, we all got off and David and Chris jumped over a low wall into a small field, I followed as did Stuart. "We usually stop here as both of us are always horny by now." They walked off together hand in hand and we went the other way.

I pulled Stuart to me and kissed him. I unzipped my leather jacket and pulled it off completely dropping it on the floor. My nipples were still hard "So boy, fancy playing with my nipples when I was riding, I suppose you never thought about what it would do to me riding at 50 odd miles an hour?" Stuart looked down "What if we had an accident where would we be then eh?"

"Sorry Sir." He was still looking down.

I lifted his head and kissed him deeply. "You have nothing to apologise for boy, it pleases me greatly that you feel comfortable enough on the bike to be able to pleasure me." His shoulders dropped and he smiled totally relaxed. I grabbed hold of his shoulders and pushed him to the floor. He looked up and I pulled down the zip and opened my leathers. Stuart was watching my crotch intently and when I hauled out my bulging jock strap he leant forward and started licking and sucking in the smell of my jock strap and my leathers. Stuart didn't stop looking up at me as he licked the pouch making it wet, I closed my eyes for a moment letting him enjoy my smelly jock strap, I opened my eyes and smiled down, somehow he knew what was needed and used his teeth to move the pouch out of the way, releasing my dick which bounced up steel hard.

"Please may I Sir?" he asked nicely.

"I'll fucking give you a slap if you don't." he grinned and took the piercing inside his mouth followed by the head of my dick. he licked all-round the sweaty head getting all he could from it before taking me deeper inside his mouth and inching the piercing down his throat, Stuart had got me so fucking horny and he knew it. I grabbed hold of his hair, it was getting longer and nearly enough to grab hold of as I fucked my dick deep inside his throat. "Fuck yeah boy." I looked down and Stuart had his eyes closed in pleasure "Look at me boy." he opened his eyes immediately. "This what you want boy, you want me to stuff my dick down your throat, fucking your throat like I would your cute arse?" I felt Stuart moan as I fucked his throat.

"You need it in the other end don't you boy?" he closed his eyes for a second and I knew I had my answer. I pushed him away and he fell to the floor I lifted his legs over me shoulders and I felt his leather boots brush against my ears as he got into position. I yanked out the plug sealing his arse and moved forward and put the head of my dick to his arse and he clasped his booted feet together round my neck and pulled me into his arse. "Fuck boy, you do need this don't you?" he nodded grinning. I started my fuck and a serene look of sheer pleasure came across his face.

"Happy now boy?" he grinned and nodded. "Me too." I took it slowly at first, gently fucking my boy. I leant down as I fucked and we kissed. I slowly got faster and as I got faster Stuart started moaning and rocking back and forwards trying to get more of my dick inside him but as he had everything there was not more to give. "Fuck boy, your arse is hungry."

Stuart simply smiled "I can't help it if I love your big dick filling me so masterfully and giving me so much pleasure." He grinned at me as I fucked and added quickly "I hope that my arse give you a lot of pleasure too Sir." And promptly went red.

I couldn't help but laugh "Stuart I do love you." Stuart smiled and it was the biggest smile I had ever seen on anyone. "Just don't change boy, I love you just as you are." I lifted his legs higher and fucked him a lot harder until I felt myself getting close to shooting, I pushed deep and unloaded.

I kept my dick inside his arse and I remained hard, well maybe only just a little soft, I felt myself needing a piss and unloaded that inside him arse. "Oh fuck Sir that feels nice, thank you."

"Mmmm I enjoyed it too you know" I pulled out albeit reluctantly and replaced the plug in his arse so he wouldn't leak cum and piss all over the bike. "Stuart I meant what I said when I said don't change, that slight rebellious streak you have does things to me as I have never really liked very passive men. I might even get around to spanking your cute arse one day." And I slapped his arse once as we got up. Stuart bent over his arse high, I slapped him again and he turned and smiled pulling me into a kiss.

"You know exactly what you are doing don't you?" he nodded grinning and pinched yet another kiss, I grabbed hold of him and I sat on the wall and pulled him over my lap. I started to slap him playfully at first but I saw Chris and David approach, so the last four were a lot harder.

"Mmmm nice" said Chris.

"What did he do Gil" asked David.

"Took liberties with my body." Stuart looked into my eyes, I could see he was not upset at anything in fact he was glowing.

"Come on time we set off." We headed back over the wall and standing there was a motorcycle cop I thought we were in deep trouble.

"Thought I recognised the bike." He said looking at their Harley. "As soon as I saw it I knew what you two would be up to."

"Liam, thank fuck it's you." The road was very quiet and David and Liam hugged and kissed. "Liam this is an old school mate of mine Gil and this is his lover Stuart." We all shook hands Stuart was a little uptight but soon relaxed as we chatted.

"You had better set off boys, I'm expecting my Sargent along soon and he doesn't like us faggots." We all hugged and kissed and set off again towards Box Hill.

Stuart immediately went for my nipples and started to tweak them, despite shooting a load inside Stuart's arse, I was getting horny again, Yeah he knew what he was doing all right. We stopped at some traffic light in the middle of some town when a car pulled up next to us "Very sexy boys." The guy said smiling. He was naked as the day he was born, and had a pump covering his dick which made it look even bigger than it was. The lights changed and we roared off into the distance leaving him way behind us.

We pulled up on top of Box Hill and got off the bikes, "It has been a long time since I rode up here, I had forgotten how beautiful it is." I said looking at the scenery.

"There are a lot of people around." Stuart said very unsure.

"Don't worry Stuart. Just act like you own the place." Chris nudged David and noticed a police car parked at the café. David pulled us over and they both got out. Chris shook hands with them and introduced us. Apparently they were leather mates of theirs from the London branch of the gay motorcycle club. "Just don't try and have sex will you?" they both grinned and got back inside the car and we went to the café and sat outside. David and I went in and ordered.

When we came out with the food and drinks all eyes were watching us but we ignored everyone and carried on like we were normal, well for us we were normal I suppose except two of us were baring plugged arses to anyone who dared to stare and a lot did. I leant in to Stuart "you have an admirer." And I nodded left. Stuart turned and sitting a couple of tables away was a guy in cycling gear his state of the art bike was next to him and was identical to Stuarts in the garage at home. Both Stuart and I could tell he was erect, very erect and he was gently rubbing his dick inside the skin tight yellow Lycra.

"I dare you to go over and chat." Stuart looked at me in horror. "Go on boy." I goaded him. "Go and say hello and do not ever say baulk at an instruction from me boy."

"Yes Sir." He said scared witless but nevertheless he did as he was told and got up crouched kneeling in front of him.

"Stand up." I barked and Stuart immediately did as he was told and stood up. The cyclist stood up too and I heard them talking but not what they were saying. I could tell the guy was well built and I could see his dick was even bigger and fatter than mine. Stuart was staring as they talked "Stop salivating boy." He turned to me, he was very red I was enjoying myself embarrassing him. David and Chris were both grinning and nodding.

They stopped chatting and he came over and shook my hand "Thanks for letting your boy chat with me, I must go now but you four have given me something to wank over when I get home." He grinned and walked off and rode away.

"You okay boy?"

"Please let me Sit Sir."

"No." he looked at me begging with his eyes. "No means no boy. Do you want me to slap you here and now boy?"

"No Sir." Stuart stood straight hands by his side.

"Good boy."

"And I thought we liked to show off Chris."

Stuart hadn't moved a muscle and people were staring "Okay boy sit down."

"Thank you Sir." He sat down and finished his drink and cake.

We left the café and walked off to the park area where we lay on the grass, I took off my leather jacket and used it as a headrest. Stuart also took off his jacket and lay his head on my chest. "Helping yourself again boy?" he moved quickly "Okay boy only joshing" and I pulled him down onto my chest again.

David and Chris were a little way away and also resting and soaking up the afternoon sunshine. After a couple of hours rest we walked a while and then headed back to town.


Next: Chapter 7

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