My Next Door Lover

By Iain Bell

Published on Oct 23, 2018


My next Door Lover chapter five

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I ran outside, started the car and headed off towards the hypermarket. I parked up and couldn't immediately see Stuart and had to wander round a bit. I saw him pushing a petrol mower at the back of one of the large DIY stores. I crept up behind him and made a grab for him, he screamed a bit too loudly and calmed down when he saw it was me. "You fucking scared the shit out of me" he said breathing rapidly "Sir" he added quickly.

"Sorry to scare you boy, but I wanted to thank you for breakfast and I needed my morning fuck." I looked around me and dragged him down the slope and noticed a door, I tried it and it was open, I pulled him inside. I pushed Stuart over and pulled out the plug from his arse. I had no idea where the fuck we were and quite honestly I didn't really care, I was horny and needed my fuck and my fuck I was going to get. I released my dick and rammed deep inside Stuart who moaned."

"Oh my God, fuck me Sir, please fuck me." I grabbed hold of his hips and started ramming in and out of his arse.

"Oh yeah this is good, trouble is boy, you have me so fucking horny I am not going to last very long." I managed to ram in and out a few more times before burying myself as deep as I could and unloaded a huge amount of cum.

Stuart turned and pushed in his butt plug and then kissed me deeply and lovingly. "Thank you Sir, that was awesome."

"Mmmm it was wasn't it?" Stuart nodding and smiling broadly. He pulled up his shorts and took my hand and we walked out of the room closing the door behind us.

Outside was his boss. "I wondered where you were Stuart." He said with a huge knowing grin across his face. "Could wait until you got home I suppose?"

"We slept a little late" Stuart said going very red.

"Well just don't do it every day." And he turned still grinning and walked off.

"Thought I was in trouble there."

"Boy, I think you'll find that he will want some of you too." And I patted his arse pushing the plug.

Stuart turned "He's straight."

I shook my head. "Doesn't matter, I think he wants inside you boy."

"Yes Sir." Stuart wandered off following his boss, I went back to my car and off towards home. As soon as I got indoors I parked the car in the garage and went to the back and next to the cabinet I keep my motorcycle leathers was another locked cabinet. I got the key off my keyring and mused to myself as I opened it "I haven't been in here for a couple of years." I looked through and everything was still in great condition and took it all indoors with me, after a couple of trips I had everything on the lounge floor. "Right" I said to myself "let's get cleaning as I want to look my best for Stuart coming home tonight."

I picked up my boots first. I had three pairs, a pair of Wesco boss engineer boots, a pair of real LAPD motorcycle boots that were given to me by a good mate in the States and a pair of Dehner's I cleaned the boots first making sure that they all had a great shine, Stuart would need to know that is how they were to be kept. After the boots I got to work checking out my leathers, I had leather chaps, leather jeans in fact I had five pairs of leather jeans all slightly different and nice and close fitting showing off my more than healthy bulge. Three different motorcycle jackets, leather waistcoats a couple of leather shirts and of course not forgetting the two Muir caps.

"Now I wonder where my Ray-ban aviators are." I asked myself when I was happy that everything was in good order. I searched through all my hiding places and found them, I never take these when I winter in Gran Canaria as I only ever wear them when I am in full leathers.

The phone went and I looked and saw it was a message from Stuart. #going to get a few things for dinner tonight. Might be a bit late# I smiled when I noticed it was signed boy. I fancied a beer and stripped off the few things I was wearing and went outside and lit up a cigar and had my beer enjoying both.

I decided that I was going to dress in full leathers for Stuart's arrival home. It was about time that he saw what he was letting himself in for. With renewed vigour I got up and showered and decided not to shave as I wanted some stubble and afterwards selected the items I wanted to wear for Stuart.

I first pulled on a sweat stained jock strap followed by a pair of leather jeans, they were tight and the Italian leather moulded to my muscled legs easily. I zipped up the crotch hiding my large bulge behind the tight leather. "Mmmm it has been a while since I wore this." I said to myself, "looks good." As I posed in front of the mirror. I put on a pair of boot socks and decided to wear the Wesco Boss knee high harness boots with the double sole. I could feel my dick starting to get hard inside the tight leather.

I put the leather belt through the loops and did it up, the metal of the belt shining brightly. I opted for the traditional short sleeved leather shirt and pulled it across my muscled chest clicking closed the press stud openings. My dick was getting harder and harder inside the confines of the jock strap and the tight leather. I rubbed my bulge "this is going inside Stuart's throat as soon as he gets indoors." I picked up the leather motorcycle jacket and pulled it on. I zipped up only a couple of inches and popped open one of the studs on my shirt leaving it open at the top. I looked in the mirror and put on one of my Muir caps and sunglasses. I turned and looked in the mirror "Fuck" I said as I surprised myself at my horny look. "It has been far too long since" and I stopped myself remembering the pain of the past. "Stuart will be beside himself when he sees me in this and you couldn't see the smile behind the mirrored glasses.

I needed another beer and a smoke, so I went outside and got myself a beer and a cigar. I heard the boys next door and they came out and looked at me standing there in full leathers smoking. "Fuck Gil" said Greg. "Dad will be amazed."

"Yeah I hope so, about time he realised what I want from him."

"I think" said Tito "that he will be at your feet licking your boots as soon as he comes through the door and you won't even have to order him either."

"Actually Gil I was going to ask what time you want us over for dinner, 7pm okay."

"Better make it a little later, Stuart will be busy for a while and won't have time to cook."

"Okay see you later." I head Greg and Tito whispering as they went indoors closing the door behind them. I was totally relaxed and as I smoked the cigar my mind wandered, I thought of Stuart at my feet dressed in leathers as my boy, watching me enjoy my smoke, I would give him the odd kiss pushing the used smoke deep inside his lungs. I only hope that Stuart wouldn't run a mile when he knew what I was really into.

I Looked at the time and got up and went inside, I stood there as the door opened, and my heart was pumping so hard I'm sure Stuart could hear it. He looked at me dropped the bags to the floor and came over and knelt on the floor looking up at me. His face was a picture he was grinning from ear to ear. "Sir, I had no idea."

"Do you want to run away?"

"Good God no." and he lowered to the floor and kissed each one of my booted feet once and got up again. "Sir, I told you once not too long ago that I loved where you have taken me. I cannot wait to find out where you will take me now."

I felt a small tear escape my left eye but behind the mirrored sunglasses Stuart couldn't tell. I opened the belt of my jeans and lowered the zip his eyes fixed on my crotch. I released the pouch of the jock strap out of the tight leather my solid rock hard dick desperate to be inside Stuart's throat. I pulled Stuart towards the bulging pouch of the jock strap and he smelt and sniffed in all the aromas my body was giving off.

He licked the pouch making it all wet before releasing my steel hard dick, he licked up the underside of my dick and then along the top, I grabbed hold of his ears and forced my way inside his mouth and down his throat. "Ahhhhh, much better." I said as I stared face fucking my boy as I looked down I could see Stuart looking up at me. Suddenly Stuart shuddered and I knew at that moment that he had just shot his load inside his work shorts. "Just what I like to see, my boy enjoying being used by his Sir. Stuart closed his eyes briefly acknowledging my statement.

I knew I too was getting close to shooting deep inside Stuarts throat, I was so fucking horny, the leathers and Stuart saw to that. I moved and grabbed hold of the back of his head and pulled him as deep as I could by balls banging against his chin I closed my eyes as I unload deep in his throat. I opened my eyes after shooting and noticed Stuart was still looking up and into my eyes.

I released his head but he didn't move "Ah you want my beer?" I felt him moan around my dick, I relaxed and gave him my load of piss. He pulled away slightly knowing that he would want to taste when I finished he released my dick and licked the head and then stood up and hugged me tightly and kissed me.

"Thank you Sir. That was unexpected and wonderful." He kissed me again "and I love the look, so fucking horny, so fucking sexy." He suddenly went red.


"Sir, I love the stubble on you, I like the way it grazes against me as we kiss" he looked down totally embarrassed.

I lifted his head and smiled at him "just wait until the stubble rubs against the back of your neck as I fuck you doggy style." I pulled him into a kiss and as I did I opened his shorts and they fell to the ground, his dick was rock hard despite cumming earlier. "You do like this don't you boy?"

"Yes Sir, very much." He was still very embarrassed but he was smiling.

"Come on boy, put the shopping away and get on with dinner and then you can undress me layer by layer. I pulled him into a snog and he rushed to pick up the bags and almost ran into the kitchen. I stood in the doorway as he raced round getting everything together.

As I stood there watching Stuart a warm glow came over me, for the first time I knew I was in love, deep meaningful love with a man old enough to be my father, I also knew that he cared not about my wealth always insisted on paying his way whenever he could. I smiled to myself as I thought about everything. I was worried that he wouldn't accept me in full leather and the scene that went with it.

"Sir?" Stuart enquired when he was me grinning.

"Nothing boy, just thinking." He shrugged his shoulder and carried on getting dinner ready or at least trying to, he kept staring over at me and grinning.

"Please Sir, can you find something to do, you are distracting me and I am worried I will end up burning something." he looked down to the kitchen floor.

I walked over and lifted his head and planted a kiss on his lips. He moaned as my stubble grazed his face closing his eyes. "Come and find me when you are done boy, and you can unwrap me." I turned and walked away he groaned and I turned to see him grinning.

I walked into the study and left the door open, I checked my emails and answered a few and ignored others. I lit a cigarette and wandered into the lounge and out into the garden. I sat on one of the chairs smoking. A little while later Stuart appeared with a beer for me. "Mmmm very nice thanks boy, just what I need." He smiled and disappeared back into the kitchen.

I zoned out for a while and was bought back to the present by Stuart sitting on the floor in front of me "sorry boy, I was miles away there. Everything ready."

"Yes Sir."

"Good now you can unwrap me." I stood and took his hand and we went upstairs into the bedroom. I stood in the middle of the room and Stuart knelt on the floor in front of me. "Come on then boy."

"Yes Sir." And he stood up and started by pulling off my leather jacket. He stood back and looked at me grinning. "I'm going to enjoy this." And he leant in for a kiss.

I pushed him away "Who told you, you could kiss me boy?" I said in mock anger, I pushed him down on the bed and held him down he looked worried but when I smiled and kissed him deeply and lovingly he relaxed and returned the kiss. We parted and I got up off him "Come on boy, continue to unwrap your present."

He popped the press studs on the shirt and gently pulled it out of the jeans and took it off, he leant in and smelt me "mmmm a mixture of leather and sweat." He gently licked each nipple once and as I sat down on the bed he got to work and pulled off my boots. After the socks it only left my well fitted leather jeans and jock strap.

They soon came off and I was naked and hard, very hard for my boy. Stuart looked down and my steel hard dick he looked up and turned round and bent over. "Have we got time boy?"

"Please Sir, fuck me, dinner can wait, I need you inside me so fucking badly."

I laughed "okay boy" and I pulled out the plug sealing his arse off and lunged inside. We both moaned loudly at the same time, me at entering his nice luscious arse and Stuart needing always needing something inside him.

I started my fuck, lunging in and out, this was going to be fast and furious and I knew we had dinner and guests arriving soon even if it was only Greg and Tito. I fucked Stuart hard and he was pushing back and tightening his arse at the same time. I soon felt myself getting closer and closer and as I pushed inside him one more time I sent my load deep inside my lover. "Good fuck boy, we can make proper love when we go to bed."

Stuart turned, kissed me and pushed in his plug. "Thank you Sir." He sucked my dick clean and ran down stairs attending to things in the kitchen. He soon came back and sat on the bed as I looked through my wardrobe wondering what I should wear. I pulled out a pair of black leather running shorts and a leather waistcoat. I delved deeper and found a leather jock strap and a chain-mail waistcoat.

"Put these on boy." Stuart quickly dressed and looked great in the items I had selected for him, I was soon getting erect again. He glanced over and smiled up at me. I shrugged my shoulders this time and dressed myself.

We both looked good and went downstairs just as the back door opened and in walked Greg and Tito. Tito turned to Greg and smiled "We need to go and change, back in 15 minutes." And Tito pulled Greg back outside and next door.

"Wonder what they meant boy, anyone would think we are dressed oddly." We both laughed and went outside for a quick smoke.

The boys soon appeared, this time Greg was wearing a pair of tight rubber shorts and a rubber vest and Tito was wearing a rubber surf suit. We all looked at each other and laughed. Stuart handed the beer round and we all lit up and smoked. Stuart went inside a few times until he announced that dinner was ready.

"You will enjoy this Gil, Dads chilli is definitely the best." Dad put the serving dishes in the middle of the table and then a pot of parmesan and some crusty bread.

"Tuck in guys." Tito and Greg dived in serving large platefuls for themselves, I helped myself and took a mouthful and I looked at Stuart nodding. He relaxed, smiled at me and then served himself.

"So Dad when did you find out that Gil was into leather?"

"Erm, not long after you Greg."

"And you don't mind?"

"No should I?"

"No of course not, I'm just shocked that's all."

"I was surprised to find all of Tito's arm in your arse but I accepted it as I know my son is finally happy, just be happy for me son."

"Fuck Dad I am happy for you, it is about time that you found love again especially after mum." They both grinned at each other and nothing more was said on the subject.

Stuart played a good host jumping up anytime anyone needed a beer. "Stuart. Greg was correct that was a great chilli. I have never tasted one as good at that." Stuart smiled and cleared the plates away. We all went outside smoking and drinking and sat talking late into the night. We parted and the boys made their way next door and Stuart and I went indoors and upstairs.

"I am proud of you today boy." And I kissed him deeply and lovingly. "You were a great host looking after me and our guests."

"Thank you Sir, I enjoy looking after you."

"Good boy" and I kissed him again "now undress me and yourself and we can get to bed and we can make love before we get some sleep.

Neither of us wore much but Stuart took my things off and put them away and then stripped himself and put them away also. Stuart got into bed after removing his butt plug and I got in behind him I snuggled so my dick was resting in the crack of his arse. Like Stuart my dick was hard so I gently pushed and pulled until it found its own way inside him. This was not going to be a hard and fast animalistic fuck, I wanted to make love to my boy.

Stuart moaned as I pushed inside him, gently rubbing against his sweet spot both of us totally turned on and both of us loving the soft and gentle fuck. As I fucked him I kissed the back of his neck, he reached round and we managed to kiss each other as I fucked. Stuart started pushing back nice and gently meeting my inward thrusting. I wasn't about to cum anytime soon which for a while was nice as I was enjoying pumping in and out of Stuart.

The problem was I needed to shoot and the only way I was going to cum was to fuck him hard. I pulled up Stuart so he was in a doggy position. I started to ram hard "Yeah boy this is better isn't it." Stuarts only response was to push back as I fucked. Now I knew I could cum and probably cum hard.

I used Stuart's arse hard until we both knew I was on the verge of cumming, I rammed deep and Stuart pushed back as I unload huge long ropes deep inside him at the same moment Stuart's dick exploded and send his load all over the bedclothes. "Thank you Sir" Stuart said as we both came down from the session.

We collapsed together both getting covered with Stuarts cum on the bed sheets but neither of us cared, we were facing each other and smiling, and kissing. "Thank you sir for fucking me hard."

"That's okay boy, I enjoyed it too, in fact boy I actually enjoy sex more since I met you that I have for a long time, sex in the past was just about getting my rocks off but now, it is about making love." I saw a few tears well up in Stuart's eyes. I kissed each tear away "come on boy let's get some sleep. He rolled over and I spooned behind him my dick nestled tightly against his leaking arse, I knew I would soon get horny and need another fuck, I think Stuart knew too.

We both woke with a start, a fox was crying right outside our window and if you have heard foxes before you'll know what a fucking row they make. I reached over and tweaked Stuart's tit. He automatically pushed back on my dick "no boy, it is your mouth I need." He sniggered and turned round and in the moonlight I could see him grinning. He went down the bed and took my dick into his mouth, I could have forced it into his throat but he wanted to taste and savour my waste.

I started my piss and Stuart gulped down eagerly, he stayed on my dick when I had finished pissing, he was waiting for further instructions. I grabbed hold of his ear and pulled him back up the bed, I could have said something but why bother. I kissed him as I wanted to taste myself. "Thanks boy, now settle down again." he spun round and we settle down, Stuart making sure my dick was lodged in the crack of his arse in case I needed (or was that hoped) another fuck.

Neither of us woke again until the heat from the morning sunshine woke us both up at the same time. Stuart turned round and looked me in the eyes smiling "Morning Sir." And he kissed me.

"Morning boy. Get the coffee on the go will you boy and I'll have a shower and you can jump in after me, we need to set off as I want to make some visits to various shops today. He nodded and we both got on with our tasks.

"Right boy" I said when we had finished showering and drinking our coffee. "We are going on the bike today, it will be easier than taking the car. Stuart nodded "Ever been on a bike before boy?"

"No Sir."

"Okay we'll take it easy to begin with but I am sure you'll be fine, you can hold onto me all the way and I know you'll hate that won't you?"

"Fuck do I have to?" he said with a gleam in his eyes. I quickly pulled him to me and bent him over and swatted his arse.

"Yes Boy." And we both broke up laughing. I looked out of the window and saw Greg and Tito loading up the taxi and heading off to the station. Greg looked up seeing us both arm in arm and waved as they set off.

I pulled on a jock strap and a pair of ripped 501's. I put on my leather chaps over those and Stuart gave me a hand to pull on my knee high harness boots. Stuart's dick was getting harder and harder as I put on each layer. I went without a shirt and chose one of my leather motor cycle jackets, this one was the oldest and had loads of studs everywhere this was my first leather purchase and fitted like a second skin. I got one of my Muir caps and glasses and I was set. "I see you approve boy." Stuart nodded sheepishly and went red. I pulled him into a kiss. "Now let's get you sorted."

I had already ordered Stuart three pair of boots and some leather jock straps and shorts for collection, everything else would have to wait until we got to town. "You can wear my old smelly suit for the journey boy and we'll drop if off for altering when we've done some other leather shopping for you."

"Yes Sir." He quickly pulled on the suit which drowned him but he loved it and kept smelling it. You are the same size as me in shoes, try these, like my boots they are past their best but they'll do at least for the ride up, you'll come back with a new pair like mine." Stuart pulled on the old Sidi boots and did them up, we headed downstairs for a light breakfast and out into the garage to get the bike ready. Stuart stood there as I checked everything and started her up. I put my Muir cap in the pannier. We put on the helmets and got on and Stuart got on behind me. I grabbed hold of his hands and pulled them round me "Hold me like that boy." I said through the intercom between both helmets. I fired up the bike and she roared into life and we roared off towards town.


Next: Chapter 6

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