My Next Door Lover

By Iain Bell

Published on Sep 27, 2018


My next Door Lover chapter 3

I hope you enjoy this new story of mine and as always you need to donate to NIFTY to keep this website alive for those us that write here and you the reader who enjoy the various scribblings.

I love to head feedback of any kind, so please do email me.

Greg and Tito appeared over the wall. "Can we come over?"

"Of course." I said turning, both were just in jock straps and had big grins.

"What are you two smiling at?" Stuart asked.

"Nothing" and they looked at each other a giggled.

"What have you done Greg? I know your guilty face a mile away."

"Dad, how could you. I haven't done anything. Yet."

"Actually Stuart. I have asked Greg if he would like to go up to London next weekend with me. I know that he want to visit a couple of London clubs and, well I know my way around" he said licking his lips. "I would like to show Greg around."

"Fetish clubs I suppose?" Greg nodded "yeah, I know my son only too well. Want me to stump up the train fare?" Greg nodded. "No problem son, happy to." Greg got down on his knees and kissed his dad on the lips.

"Hey he's mine" I said without even thinking. Stuart looked at me a little shocked but smiling. I just shrugged my shoulders and smiled back.

Greg stood up and walked over to me, he whispered in my ear. "I hope you meant that, Dad needs a loving man." And he stood up took Tito's hand and went back over the wall and back inside.

"What did he say Gil?"

"Nothing you need worry about Stuart." I said firmly.

Stuart said nothing more as we finished our cigars and went back indoors. I sat on the settee and Stuart sat next to me as I switched on the television. He rested his head against my shoulder and made himself comfortable against my body, he wasn't interested in watching as he told me he rarely switches it on. I was watching a documentary that interested me and during the adverts I looked down at Stuart. He was staring into space and I could see that he was happy just being close to me "You okay Stuart."

He looked up at me and smiled nodding "Yes thanks Gil." I could see his dick was hard as usual as it always seemed to be, I smiled at him gave his dick a playful swat and kissed him, the adverts finished and I went back to my program. At one point Stuart's hand went towards my nipples. He hesitated wondering if he should or not which made me smile. He obviously decided that he was going to and tweaked them, not hard just gently playing and alternating between each one. They quickly became erect and were nice firm nubs. He moved and kissed and suckled on each one before settling down again.

I wanted to know if he was thinking about going further but he settled down and let me watch my program not even looking up at me but I could see he was contented. I smiled to myself and finished watching the documentary. I switched the television off and grabbed hold of Stuart's blond hair and pulled his face up to mine. I planted a kiss on his lips. "I suppose you enjoyed playing with my nipples and making them hard and then sucking on them? I said with an authoritative tone to my voice. He nodded but didn't smile. "Good, because I enjoyed it too." And I smiled as did Stuart. "What would you say if I asked you not to have your hair cut anymore?"

Without even thinking about it he answered me "I think that would do as I was told." He said grinning.

"Good." And I pulled him into a kiss and snogged him deeply. His hands reached for my nipples and he tweaked them as we snogged. I need a run, you going to join me on your new bike?" he nodded quickly and run upstairs to change into Greg's old white Lycra cycling suit and trainers.

I followed him up "I thought you were going to chuck that?" He went red and nodded. "But I suppose you like it filthy and covered in your own cum and Greg's sweat?" again he nodded still very red. I pulled him into a kiss. "What a dirty cunt you are." And pulled his hair until he sank to the floor. I forced my dick down his throat not that it needed forcing. I needed a piss and I pissed it all into his stomach. "Now you can piss yourself when we ride, I'm sure that'll work its way through before we get back." I said smiling. I let him go and pulled on a pair of shorts, vest and my trainers and we headed down stairs and out the front door.

I opened the garage and Stuart got his new bike out, smiled broadly and got on and started off at a very brisk rate, I ran behind him once more enjoying watching his cure arse jiggling inside the tight white Lycra. I could feel myself getting a full erection, like Stuart I was always half hard, well looking at his constant hard on is enough to get me hard but watching his arse inside that tight Lycra and of course seeing the black base of the butt plug helped me along too. As I was running I realised that my now very hard dick had fallen out of my shorts, it was just as well we were heading away from town. "Stuart" I shouted. He slowed down and looked behind him. He noticed my hard dick bouncing outside the shorts. He got off the bike and stood in front of me looking around him he got to his knees and looked up at me.

"We shouldn't" I said unsure. He stood up. Gaining a little bit more confidence "well perhaps" and quick as a flash he was on his knees taking my entire dick into his throat.

"Fuck you are eager." I started fucking his throat and he stopped sucking me allowing me to ram in and out of his throat. "This is so fucking naughty but fuck am I turned on." I said as I rammed in and out of Stuarts tight throat.

I managed to stifle a yell as I unloaded inside his throat. I quickly pulled out and rapidly put my dick away. "I shouldn't have let you do that Stuart."

"Well I enjoyed it."

"Yeah well so did I but what if we got caught?" he shrugged his shoulders again "You don't care do you?"


"What am I to do with you, you'll have me fucking you outdoors next."

"Mmmm sounds nice."

"What?" Stuart smiled and turned and bent over. "You are incorrigible." He turned back and nodded before getting on his bike and cycling off still wiggling that cute arse of his. I started running after him.

As we had a break we went further and for longer than we usually do, we headed for home and I noticed that when he slowed down and I caught up, he was pissing himself inside the Lycra. "You're not."

"I am, besides you told me I could piss myself." He said grinning.

"Oh yeah I did didn't I."

We soon got home and I opened the garage and he put his bike away. He went to walk out "Just a second Stuart." I took him to the back and unlocked a cabinet at the back "These are my leather riding suits. "This one is for winter riding and therefore not used much as I am out of the country. This one" I said pointing to a black and white one piece suit "is a bit old, a bit smelly" I noticed Stuarts eyes raise in delight. "And this a newer and identical one." I picked up the two summer weight suits and handed them to Stuart. "I'll show you how to clean them properly for me later. Now take that stinking suit off." He stripped of the suit. I cleared a space on the table "Now bend over." Stuart smiled, bent over the table and I got naked too. I pulled out the butt plug and rammed in my rock hard dick burying every inch inside his incredible arse.

"Fuck Stuart. It doesn't matter how many times I fuck you, your arse is always tight." Stuart only moaned as I filled his arse to maximum thrusting deep, pushing inside and pulling nearly all the way out before ramming deep and hard. "You are a very sexy man Stuart." I said and stopped fucking.

"Please don't stop." He begged "Please fuck me, please ram that big dick in my arse. Make me scream. I need to be filled, I need your seed inside me sealing my fate as your fuck toy."

"Fuck yeah Stuart." And I rammed deep once more and filled him with my hot seed. I leant down and pulled his head round and kissed him deeply. "Thanks Stuart."

I pulled my dick out of his arse and he grabbed his butt plug and pushed it back inside himself moaning as he did so. "That's feels better, I like being full of your seed." He picked up his discarded white Lycra suit. "I think this is beyond washing now."

"Yeah, I think your right. Just as well I rang Joe and ordered one for you as well as the replacement for Greg." Stuart came over and hugged me kissing me. "Now pick up those leather suits and I'll show you what to do." Stuart nodded eagerly. "Come on Stuart, let's shower and clean up. I have a few things to organise and you can pop next door and make sure the boys are okay."

We went upstairs and we showered together washing each other and Stuart pinched the odd kiss. I grabbed hold of his head and pulled it back grinning at him. "Pinch a kiss would you" I kissed him and then I shoved the plug deeper into his arse "do you like me helping myself to your body?"

He nodded grinning. "Of course I do." Stuart grinned and reached in for a kiss, I moved away before he got close.

I pulled him in for a kiss this time. "Come on let's dry and we can get on with things." I decided to wear one of my newer jock straps as they needed to get sweaty, cum and piss stained for Stuart to enjoy. I threw Stuart a pair of nylon shorts in bright yellow. "Now fuck off and go and see your son and his boyfriend and let me get on."

I went into the study and I had an email from an old school mate of mine, he usually sends me his latest book to proof read for him before it goes off for publishing. I never knew how he got his ideas, his mind was as filthy as mine and his writing was just the same.

I printed it off as I prefer reading from a hard copy rather than on screen and then started to read. I must have got half way through when I heard Stuart laughing and coming into the kitchen from I assume over the low wall separating the gardens. Stuart didn't make any more noise as he must have known I was working as my study door was closed. "He's thoughtful, not bothering me when he knows I am busy."

I smelt cigarette smoke "mmmm I could do with a break" and went out to Stuart who was sitting in the lounge smoking. He looked at me and lit one up handing me mine. "Coffee Gil?" I nodded and he got up and dashed into the kitchen and soon came back with a steaming mug of black coffee.

"Not having one."

"Don't fancy one."

"Well thanks for this." I sat down next to him and we relaxed together "So what were the boys up to?"

"Well I knew my son was a slut but I never knew how much of a slut until I saw Tito with half his arm inside Greg's arse. Tito saw me and grinned, Greg didn't see me initially as his eyes were closed. Tito was using all sorts of colourful language calling Greg a slut, a whore, a fuck for anyone and Greg just moan agreeing with anything. Tito pulled out of Greg's arse and he was so fucking open it was amazing. Now clean my arm using your tongue, cunt boi. Tito demanded, Greg then opened his eyes and looked at me in horror. I simply said well-done Greg and walked out laughing. Gil, his face was a picture, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry."

"Well it sounds like he was enjoying himself."

"He certainly had a smile on his face."

"Thanks for the coffee Stuart" and I kissed him on the lips "And the smoke, I need to get on, will you be okay?"

"Of course, I bought my lap-top from next door, I want to read up on cleaning leather properly."

"You are so good to me Stuart." I felt as if Stuart wanted to say something but changed his mind and turned away as if he was embarrassed. I got up and went to walk back into my study but grabbed Stuart's hair "Be better when it is longer, more for me to grab hold of." I pulled his head back and planed a kiss on his lips pushing my tongue into his mouth. "I so want to fuck your throat Stuart, but it will have to wait until we go to bed, I must get on." and I walked out as I left the room I heard Stuart moan under his breath.

I closed the door and got on with reading David's book smiling to myself that Stuart wanted me so badly. "Mind you" I said to myself "I want him as badly." I got on with where I left off and came to the end of the chapter and my mind started wandering. I realised that I had enjoyed my sex more since I came home and met Stuart, sex was always good but with Stuart it was always great, whether it was soft and gentle or rough and tumble. "Mmmm" I moaned "Must get on." I said again.

I put the book away in my desk and walked out into the lounge. Stuart was standing there in my old and smelly leather motorcycle suit. He was smelling the piss and cum stained leather. I loved riding and I sometimes got off and shot a load as the tight leather rubbed against my dick and the throbbing of the engine to bring me to a massive orgasm. "That's a bit big for you Stuart."

He jumped out of his skin. "Sorry Gil, I couldn't help it, I was cleaning it and all I could smell was you, I just had to put it on. Feels so sexy even though I know it is too big for me." He looked to the floor in embarrassment.

I walked over to him and lifted his head. "Stuart." I said kissing him "I think it is delightful that you want to wear my old cast-offs. You seem to love my sweaty and piss stained jock straps so this is a nice and logical next step." I pulled him into a kiss. "Do you really like it, I was actually going to dispose of it as it really is past its best."

"Please can I have it? I know it doesn't fit me but I really would like it."

"Of course, if it means that much to you." He nodded "In fact, maybe we could have it altered to fit you, a mate of mine makes his own leathers and he will also get off on it like you do." Stuart looked down "come on now don't get all shy on me." He looked up and we kissed. "Now get that thing off and come to bed."

He ran upstairs and went into the bedroom, by the time I got there he was lying flat on the bed with his head over the edge of the bed and his mouth open wide. "Ah the perfect position to fuck your throat." I pulled off the jock strap and stood in front of him. I put the piercing into his mouth and he closed his mouth round the large piercing and pulled on it as I teased him.

"You ready?" he closed his eyes in anticipation and opened his mouth even wider. I pushed in gently forcing every inch into his throat. "Mmmm" and I start face fucking his mouth and throat. "So good Stuart." I always enjoyed fucking a throat and Stuart was the best I had used for years. As I forced my dick in and out of his throat hard Stuart briefly closed his eyes and I saw his dick suddenly pulse and shoot his load everywhere. "Fuck." I said as I watched his shoot his cum all over the place. I soon felt myself getting close, watching Stuart shooting bought me ever closer. I closed my eyes and rammed in twice more stayed deep inside his throat and shot my load.

"You really get off on me using you don't you?" I said when we sat next to each other on the bed.

"I can't help it Gil, you get me so horny and knowing that I am pleasing you brings me off. I know you like to hold off cumming, I am sorry if my own cum brings you off too soon."

"You have nothing to apologise for Stuart. You are a sexy man and I love it when you enjoy me using you as much I enjoy using you." I got on top of Stuart and pulled his tits hard. I could feel his dick get hard underneath me as I played with them. I rolled off, kissed him and pushed him over and yanked out the plug sealing his arse. I lay on my back and Stuart got on top pushing down taking my dick into his arse.

"Oh my God, I'll never tire of that feeling Gil. To feel that big dick filling my arse so completely, the huge piercing rubbing against my prostate, oh fuck it feels so good." He said as he fucked himself on my dick. I relaxed slightly and pissed in his arse as he fucked himself. "Oh fuck, you beautiful man. Yeah fill me up with your piss." Stuart was fucking himself as I pissed in his arse, I could feel him tightening himself so nothing would leak as I knew he wanted to keep everything inside.

I finished my piss and pushed Stuart off me. "Get that plug in." he pushed the plug in and sighed as he did so. "Happy?" he nodded and kissed me. "Good so am I, lets sleep, you are up early." I snuggled close to him and he pushed back so my dick was resting against his plugged arse. We both settled and were soon asleep.

I woke first the following morning, my arm was over Stuart and I managed to reach for one of his tits, I gave it a squeeze and he woke moaning. He turned "Morning sexy." He said looking into my eyes.

"Suck me Stuart." He went down the bed and took my dick into his mouth. I needed a piss and I hadn't given him my morning piss before and wondered how he would like it I knew it would be bitter and foul tasting. I slowly gave him my piss and he took it like a champ, not pulling away or anything. When I finished he started sucking me properly and was giving me a wonderful blow job. His used his mouth and lips to make sure he was giving me the best ride he could. The sensations he was giving me were wonderful.

I started moving up and down on the bed pushing into him as he descended down. "Fuck this is good." And I flooded his mouth and throat with my seed.

"Mmmm thanks Gil." And he kissed me and jumped out of bed and got dressed not bothering to shower. "Dirty boy." He nodded smiling. And kissed me. He went to brush his teeth and left for work.

I dozed again for a couple of hours and then got up and showered and went downstairs in a jock strap. I poured a coffee and I opened the back door and went outside, I heard the boys next door. Greg came out "can I come over?" I nodded and he stepped over the low wall also wearing just a jock strap. Tito followed dressed the same. They both sat down next to me.

"Gil, I'm worried about what Dad saw."

"What the hell are you worried for Greg?"

"Well, seeing me with half of Tito's arm shoved inside my arse for one thing."

"I wouldn't worry about that Greg, Stuart is happy knowing that his son has finally found a man that loves him. He said he knew you were a slut but he didn't know how much of a slut you really were, he was impressed at how much your arse was stretched when Tito pulled his arm out."

"God this is embarrassing."

"Why. Just accept that your dad loves you and wants the best for you, he knows Tito loves you and wouldn't hurt a hair on your head. He also knows like I do that Tito will look after you and protect you if he needs to."

"Nobody would dare hurt my baby." Tito said pulling Greg towards him and pushing his tongue down Greg's throat.

"This is going to take getting used to, what about you and Dad?"

"I don't know, I swore that I wouldn't let anyone get close to me but Stuart is getting under my skin. He is nearly old enough to be my Father."

"You know he loves you don't you?"

"How do you know that?"

"I know my Dad. He doesn't make friends easily, especially after all the bad things that happened with Mum. He finds it extremely difficult and for a long time he became quite a recluse. He would never tell you, but I know that is one of the many reasons we moved away from London. Meeting you struck a chord with him. I haven't seen Dad this happy for a long, long time, I know when Mum left he went out and had sex at our local cruising area, I saw him there a few times but I ensured that we never met. Dad and I had a heart to heart before we moved here and he told me that he always knew he was gay but getting married to Mum was what grandpa wanted and when I came along he was over the moon. Mum leaving was the best thing for him, it was soon after that that he went back to his old ways."

"He hasn't told me anything like that."

"No and he won't. Please don't say anything to him about our conversation and please don't hurt him. If you don't want commitment please don't just drop him, please let him down gently."

"Greg, I don't think I could drop him even if I wanted to. I do have deep feelings for him but being much older than me, well it scares me as it is the first time that I have gotten this close to anyone."

"Gil" said Tito. "Age is but a number. True love is the meeting of two like minds. From what I have seen of you two and heard through the walls you both are of a similar mind." he grinned and I returned the smile.

"You both have wise heads on your shoulders and have given me a jolt, you have made up my mind for me." I got up and hugged both Tito and Greg. "I do love your Father very deeply, in fact I am going into work to see him and ask him formally to move in with me."

"Way to go." And we all hugged again.

"Come on Greg, we need that run." They bounded over the low wall.

"You going in just jock straps then?"

"Yup." They both grinned and run off together.

"Mmmm time to make a move then." I ran upstairs and looked through what I wanted to wear to visit Stuart at work. "Ha, I'll ride the bike and wear the stinky, smelly suit and make sure I take the long way round to build up a bit more sweat first." I dressed and pulled on my Sidi bots and went downstairs and started the bike. It started first time as I knew it would pulled on my helmet and roared off.

It was a very hot day and I knew I was sweating inside the already smelly suit. I stopped and lay in the sunshine for a while the heat of the sun made me sweat even more. I got back on the bike and roared off to the hypermarket.

I stopped the bike and saw Stuart, he was talking to two guys he worked with. I pulled off my helmet, he saw me and smiled he excused himself and came over. "What." I stopped him speaking by putting a finger to his lips.

"Don't say a word." I unzipped the leather suit and pulled it nearly all the way down to my crotch. He could smell me I noticed his eyes glaze over as he took in my smell. I snapped my fingers and he looked up at me grinning. "Now Stuart. Firstly I want you to have these." And I handed him a set of keys to the house. "As you have stayed with me for a while now, you might as well move in permanently." He looked up not quite believing what I said "I want you and me to live together. You will always do as I tell you when I tell you, you will wear what I tell you to wear if you get to wear anything. Basically Stuart I will run your life from now on. What do you say?"

"Fuck me."

"I could do, anywhere to go?"


"You asked me to fuck you." He grinned.

"I didn't mean it although it would be great."

"Well Answer me."

Stuart pulled me to him sniffed my smelly body and planted the biggest kiss he could on my lips, he didn't give a toss that his work mates and customers were watching. "Yes, yes and yes."

"One yes would be sufficient."

"I didn't want you to be mistaken." He went red.

"I love it when you blush." He went even redder. His work mates looked on in disbelief as did some customers. I pulled him back towards me and snogged him. As we parted I said a little louder so his work mates would hear. "I'll get around to fucking you when you get home from work." I grinned when he looked to the floor, I knew I had totally embarrassed him now. I pulled on my helmet and roared off back towards home, as I rode I took the long way home and opened the bike up, the throbbing of the engine between my knees gave me a hard on and I soon felt my dick leaking into the leather suit. "Fuck yeah." I moaned as I rode hard. I felt myself getting closer and closer and suddenly stooped the bike in a lay by and shuddered as I shot my cum on the inside of the tight smelly suit. "FUCK" I shouted "that was ace, I haven't done that for fucking ages."

I arrived at home and put the bike in the garage and headed indoors. I took off the motorcycle boots and was about to peel off the leather suit, when I decided to leave it on. I zipped it up tight and took one of my cigars and a couple of beers and went into the garden. I lay on the sunbed and lit my cigar and opened a beer. "Mmmm now I can relax. I couldn't wait to hear what happened with Stuart." I said to myself and I finally realised that I was happy, really happy for the first time in years.

I smoked my cigar enjoying it immensely as soon as I had finished the cigar and the beer I lay back and must have dozed off as I woke up boiling hot and sweating buckets. I went back indoors and cooled off and had a large glass of water. I looked at the time, a couple of hours till Stuart gets home. I stayed dressed in the stinky leather suit and read some more of the story I was proof reading. "Fuck this so horny." I picked up the phone and rang David.

"Gil you cunt, how are you?"

"I just had to ring, where the fuck do you get your ideas from, this latest story about the skinheads is so fucking horny. I thought I had a filthy mind but this is disgusting and fucking horny stuff."

David laughed down the phone "Actually Gil, it is based on two real people. My husband's brother told me about these two skinheads that wanted a story written about them, I met them and we talked for hours and you have the result. Nearly everything you read is true, I have embellished a few points but not many."

"Mmmm that's why it reads as true then. I have picked up a few things but not much, I'll send it back when I have finished it."

"Great thanks, when are you coming up to see us?"

"Mmmm not sure, I have been a bit busy recently. I've sort of met someone."

"You have met someone, you mean met someone other than a casual fuck?"

"Err yes.

"Jesus Gil, are you telling me that you've met a guy that has lasted longer than one night?"


"This I have to see. You are both coming up for dinner on Saturday and I won't take no for an answer. Chris will no doubt want to know all the details."

"Okay David, it is a date."

"Good." And he rang off no doubt he would be straight on the phone to Chris and fill him in." I started reading again and then heard the front door. I looked at the time "Fuck I got carried away with this book."

I went out of the study and Stuart was in the kitchen naked getting a beer for me. "I saw the study door was closed, so I guess you were working." He handed me a beer after popping the top and then had one himself. I grabbed hold of his head and pulled him towards me, I shoved my tongue in his throat and we snogged for ages. "Welcome home" I said after pulling apart.

Stuart grinned "I could get used to this."

I pulled the zip down on my leathers and pulled Stuart into my chest. "Have a good whiff Stuart. Get used to the smell of your man." Stuart grinned and took in the smell of my stink, he licked my chest and the build-up of the dried salty sweat inside the hot tight leather racing suit. I pulled my arms out of the suit whist he was busy on my chest and raised my arms over my head.

Stuart work up my chest biting each nipple and attacked my armpits. I heard him moan and shudder and he shot his cum "You are a dirty boi aren't you?" Stuart looked up at me nodding. He carried on and when he had taken everything from one arm pit he attached his mouth to the other.

I pulled him into a kiss tasting my own sweat on his lips pushing my tongue as far as it would go into his mouth. I grabbed hold of his hair and pulled him to the floor. He looked up expectantly. I pushed the tight leather suit down and released my hard dick. Stuart took it into his mouth licking round the head and pulling on the huge piercing. I grabbed hold of the back of his head and forced my dick down into his throat. He gagged slightly but relaxed and opened up taking all of me "mmmm well done Stuart." I face fucked him for a while and I stopped and let him do the work.

I grabbed hold of his head again and forced myself all the way down his throat, my balls held tight against his chin. I unloaded deep inside him, he looked up as I unloaded and I winked at him.

I let him go and he sat back "Thank you that was wonderful Gil."

I pulled him up and kissed him. "Drink and a smoke or a fuck?" Stuart smiled and turned away and bent over the kitchen table. He pulled is arse cheeks apart "grrrrrrrr" I reached and pulled out the plug sealing his arse off and rammed my hard dick inside. The few things on the table clattered to the floor. The table moved as I fucked Stuart, the harder I rammed inside his arse the further the table moved. Finally the table came to a stop as it had reached the kitchen units. I fucked Stuart even harder he was moaning until he screamed out and unloaded tightening his arse as he came. I reached the point of no return and pushed as deep as I could unloading deep inside him.

I picked him up my dick still lodged inside him and carried him out doors. He stood up and I reached his head round and we managed to kiss whilst I relaxed and filled him with my piss. "Oh fuck Gil that does feel good."

"Clench those cheeks Stuart I need to go and get your plug." I came back with his butt plug and pushed it inside his arse sealing everything inside where it would stay.

Stuart turned and kissed me "Thanks, I've been looking forward to that all afternoon."

"Mmmm so have I." we snogged for a while. "I need a smoke." Stuart ran into the kitchen and got two out, lit them both and passed one to me.

We sat on the loungers smoking. I looked at Stuart and wondered what he was really thinking about me or him or even us. He said he was gay before he got married, has he always been eager to please or perhaps I should say he liked to serve. Stuart turned to me and looked me in the eyes "What are you thinking Gil?"


"You're miles away, you are thinking about something, something is clearly bothering you. I studied body language years ago, so I know something is on your mind. If you want to finish with me you only have to say so."

"Finish with you. You are fucking joking Stuart. I don't want to finish with you. I do have things on my mind though." Stuart got off his lounger and knelt on the floor next to me.

"Come on Gil, please open up. Perhaps I can help."

"Mmmm." And I looked deep into his eyes and continued "Okay then." I pulled him in and kissed him deeply on the lips. "I have never let anyone get close to me before and never really had a long term relationship. You and I seemed to hit it off quickly and I feel as if we have known each other for years." Stuart smiled and kissed me deeply. "Yes we have and age difference but I don't care about that, in a way I am worried about what the future may bring. I have had a lot of unhappiness and been on my own for such a long time and getting close to someone and the fear of losing them scares the shit out of me."

"You are insecure aren't you? Look Gil, I am nearly old enough to be your father but that doesn't matter to me either, all I know is, I love where you are taking us and I mean in every way possible. You are a dominant young man and it brings out a side of me that I never knew was there but I love it and I love you." Stuart pulled me into a long kiss "I want us, no. I want you to continue to be dominant towards me, I like being told what to wear, what to do and when to do it." I felt myself go incredibly red.

"That's what I like about you Stuart." I said grinning "you go red so easily and I do admit I love to embarrass you whenever I can."

We kissed again. "Just this simple thing of kissing each other means so much to me Gil." Stuart smiled.

We heard a round of applause from over the low wall. Greg and Tito appeared "Couldn't help hearing you two talking, sorry to be so fucking nosey but now you two have got everything laid bare as it were, I hope you can both admit that you love each other even of you have only know each other for the briefest period." Stuart and I looked at each other and then at Greg. "Well come on then." He demanded.

Stuart turned to me we looked deep into each other's eyes. We both spoke at the same time united in voice "I love you." And we kissed.

"About time you two realised it." Greg said as we parted both smiling. "Does this mean Tito and I can move into the Master bedroom?" he said cheekily.

Stuart got up from my side and ran over to Greg and pulled him into a head lock "Just because I have accepted my new place in life with Gil it doesn't mean I can't still tan your hide young man." And he managed to bend his son over and slap his arse a couple of times before he wriggled out of the way. "Tito, you may need to tan his hide to keep him in his place."

"Oh I will Stuart believe me I will, especially if he gets out of hand."

"Hey you are both ganging up on me." Tito and I looked at each other and smiled at Greg. "Gil help me out here."

"This is nothing to do with me, I am staying well out of it."


"Come on sulky" said Tito "Let's go for that ride we promised ourselves." And Tito pulled Greg back inside out of sight.


Next: Chapter 4

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