My Next Door Lover

By Iain Bell

Published on Sep 25, 2018


My next Door Lover – chapter 2

I hope you enjoy this new story of mine and as always you need to donate to NIFTY to keep this website alive for those us that write here and you the reader who enjoy the various scribblings.

I love to head feedback of any kind, so please do email me.

We went upstairs to the bedroom and we both stripped. "Right get on the bed on your back with your head over the edge of the bed." Stuart got into position "Get that head lower." He moved again until the position was perfect. I stood in front of him and put my piercing into his mouth. I pushed in and he opened wide and I started to fuck his throat "Oh wow this is great." I built up a nice speed fucking his throat as I would his arse. "Fuck this is good."

As I fucked Stuarts throat I could see that his dick was rock hard and pulsing, clearly enjoying the scene I knew he wasn't in pain and continued ramming in and out of his throat. As I was ramming in and out of his throat I saw his dick literally explode, his load went everywhere. I had never seen a man produce so much cum and he never even touched himself. That scene bought me off and I shot my load deep in his throat.

"You okay?"

"That was one of the most amazing things ever. I have never been so fucking turned on and I have shot my load again without even touching my dick. I can't find the words."

I grinned at him, I don't think that I've enjoyed sex this much for ages, something good always happens when we have sex."

"I know what you mean."

"Shall we clean up?" I took Stuarts hand and we walked to the shower.

As soon as the water was cascading down we started to clean each other, I yanked out the plug in his arse and Stuart groaned at the loss. I soaped him up cleaning up every inch of him and returned the favour and did the same to me.

"You got any piss?"

"I could probably find some why."

"I want you to fill me with your piss and push the plug back in, I want to be full of your essence."

I pulled him into a kiss "Nothing would make me happier." We grinned at each other and I turned him and rammed my dick inside his arse. I gave him what he desired and pissed a huge load inside him. Stuart moaned loving the feeling of being filled up. "Clench." I said when I had finished. I pulled out and reached for the plug and pushed it back sealing my piss inside him.

"Fuck that feels nice, thanks."

"I thought you were straight laced guy, but you really are a dirty cunt."

"What can I say, you bring the worst out in me and I haven't had this much fun for years."

We finished and dried, walking into the bedroom neither of us bothered to put clothes on not that Stuart had anything here, only what he jumped over the wall wearing yesterday.

"Now I know you need some supplies your cupboards are virtually bare, let me go and do some shopping for you."

"No" I said firmly "we'll go shopping."

"Okay then." He said with a smile.

"Go and get dressed."

"I will have to go next door."

"Oh yeah." I said grinning. "I'll come with you." I threw him a filthy jock strap and pulled one on myself. Stuart pulled up the used smelly jock strap and he got hard again, the well-used pouch not doing what it was supposed to.

We padded out into the garden and over the low wall into Stuarts home. We went in and heard sounds from the lounge, we went in and Greg was getting royally fucked from behind by Tito. "Nice. Only come over for some clothes, off out shopping."

We left them to it and went upstairs. I selected a few things and started to get dressed. "You are not going out with me dressed like that."

"What's wrong with them?"

"Every fucking thing." I pulled them off him and dumped them in the corner. I rooted through everything and found nothing that I liked. "You have a crap dress sense, you have a great body, and you should show it off more, in fact you will show it off more."

Gil noticed Greg's bedroom was opposite and the door was open, Gil went in and looked round "Your son has great dress sense." He picked up a few things and bought them into my bedroom. "Put these on." and I handed Stuart a pair of black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt"

"I can't wear these."

"Do as you are told Stuart and take the jock off too." He shrugged his shoulders and pulled the jeans up his legs. They were much tighter on him as he was larger than Greg. He pulled them over his cute arse and tucked his dick down to the left and did them up. He moaned as the plug was pulled deeper in his arse. "Mmmm very nice Stuart."

"They are so fucking tight."

"They are meant to be, you can't tell me the plug feels even better being pushed deeper by the tight denim."

He nodded "Actually it feels great but I have never worn anything like this before."

"Pull the t-shirt on" he did and that was tight over his body.

"Mmmm very nice, I can't wait to strip you out of it though.

He pulled on a pair of his own white Reebok trainers and we went downstairs. Greg and Tito had finished fucking and were sitting in the kitchen drinking a beer. "I don't know Tito, first my dad steals my white Lycra cycling suit, he then steals my bike and then he has the fucking cheek to help himself to my clothes."

"Sorry son but." I interrupted him.

"It was my idea, I didn't like anything he owns."

"Actually dad you look great. Shows off your body much better."


"Yes Stuart" said Tito "you do look great."

I turned to Gil and smiled. He took my hand and we left and went back over the wall. "Now what shall I wear." I went upstairs and changed. I opened the laptop and used my favourite on-line shopping site and made a quick order for super rush delivery. I appeared downstairs 20 minutes later with black super skinny jeans, a white t shirt and white Reebok trainers. "Ta-da" Stuart could help but stare at the bulge my dick was making down the left leg of the skin tight jeans. He licked his lips. I went over and kissed him "You can have that part of me later, we need to get on otherwise we'll end up fucking all day." Stuart looked at me and smiled.

I opened the garage and Stuart saw that I had a couple of motorbikes, both Harley's a brand new one and a classic in need of restoration. In the garage was a BMW open top sports car. Stuart turned to me and grinned "these suit you perfectly Gil."

"Come on let's get going." I got in and it started first time despite not being used for 6 months. I turned to Stuart and kissed him and we drove into town.

I parked in the old part of town where the boutiques and antique shops were. We wandered from shop to shop just looking. I pulled him into a sports shop that I knew very well. "Gil, is it that time already, didn't realise."

"It's good to be back home Joe. I miss the old place." And we hugged. "Joe, I need some sports gear for Stuart. You know the sort of thing I like." Joe nodded grinning and he went off in search of the things he knew I would like. "Can you get hold of a white Lycra all in one cycling suit?"

"Yeah think so, why." I need one in a small size for a mate.

"Okay leave it with me and I'll get it organised for you." Joe came back with lot of things for Stuart to try.

He went towards the fitting room. "Where the fuck are you going."

He stood still and thought for a moment "Nowhere." I smiled and nodded winking at him.

"I've got compression shorts, tights and matching tops."

"Try them all on Stuart." He stripped off in the middle of the shop and pulled on the compression shorts first. "Fucking ace. They show everything. Turn round and show me your cute arse." he spun round "Very nice. I'll take those, in all three colours with matching shorts sleeved tops and the tights."

Joe nodded "I've got some very skimpy nylon shorts in florescent yellow, Blue and red." Joe held them up and I threw one at Stuart, he pulled it on.

"They're a bit small."

"They need to be tighter got a size smaller Joe?" he ran and got the same in a smaller size. "Yeah much better" when Stuart tried them on "I'll take all three colours. I'll need some more Jock straps for me. Stuart had acquired some of mine." I said grinning.

"Get dressed Stuart and we'll go." I paid Joe and Stuart took the bags and we left. "Ring me when you have found a Lycra cycling suit for me."

"No problem Gil." And we walked off down the small lane. We had only walked a little way when I saw a small exclusive boutique. "This is new, come on Stuart let's have a look around." We went in and a camp guy who must be the owner came over and introduced himself.

"I'm looking for super skinny jeans for my partner. The tighter the better."

"Certainly Sir." He looked Stuart up and down and got a few pairs from the rack. "Basically Sir, I have three different types." He showed me one pair that had a high rise waist, the second had a medium rise and the third a low rise. I picked the style with the lowest rise. "Good choice Sir. They should look great on."

Stuart started to strip without even being asked and right in the middle of the shop. He was soon naked and sporting an erection despite being nervous. The assistant smiled and handed him a pair in light blue. "These should be perfect."

Stuart pulled them on and he had to move position and the assistant saw his plugged arse. We both heard him moan to himself when he saw it. As Stuart pulled up the jeans he moaned as the plug was pushed even deeper into his arse. You could clearly see the top of his crotch and his pubes over the top of the waist. "You'll have to shave all that off Stuart." I said matter of factly. He simply nodded going red. "Whilst you are at it, you can get rid of all your hair from the neck down, we'll get some cream before we go home." I could see Stuart was completely embarrassed and I loved it, I liked showing him up in front of strangers.

"How many colours do these come in?"

"Five Sir."

"Great, I'll take a pair in all five colours." I whizzed round the shop and found a dozen shirts of various types I liked. "I'll also take all those in his size, the t-shirts are to be tight and the fitted shirts must all be slim fit."

"Thank you Sir."

I paid up and Stuart took all the bags and carried them as we left he shop. "You haven't said much Stuart."

"You seem to be spending a lot of money on me, I have no hope of ever paying you back."

"Who said I wanted paying back. I like spending money." I pushed Stuart into a doorway out of sight of everyone and everything. "Don't question me again, is that clear?" he nodded. I let him go and took his free hand and held it tightly. We carried on looking in all the shops in the lanes around the old town.

Stuart was quiet. Far too quiet. I stopped in a small café and we sat down outside, a waiter came over and I ordered two mugs of black coffee nice and strong. I got a packet of cigarettes and lit two handing one to Stuart who took it happily. "Now Stuart, I think I scared you earlier. I am not used to being questioned by anyone and I mean anyone and I always get my own way. I said to you that I like you pushing me, just choose how you push me. Does that make any sense?"

"I think so yes."

"Good, I really didn't mean to frighten you." Stuart nodded and smiled. The waiter bought our drinks and we drank them whilst enjoying the cigarettes. "I'll need to go into work tomorrow at 8am. If you want me to sleep at my own place I can, then I won't disturb you."

"You'll disturb me my not being next to me. I slept better last night than I have done for fucking ages."

"Thanks Gil. I hoped you'd say that." I took his hand and held it nothing else was said the hand holding said enough.

"Come on let's get the food." We made it back to the car and we went to the supermarket and I stayed with the car and the packages and let Stuart go in and get everything he thought I would need.

He came back grinning. "I got cruised, once in the aisles and also the guy on the check-out."

"See the changes I have made are making guys notice you."

"You were right."

"I always am. Remember." He looked at me and got in the car putting the bags down. He looked round and seeing nobody he reached in and kissed me.

"Thanks for everything today."

"I have enjoyed myself today Stuart it was fun despite you totally embarrassing me." I started the car and I drove home. I pressed the button on the dashboard and the garage door opened. I smiled to myself when I saw a brand new top of the range racing bike.

Stuart turned to me and kissed me. "There is nothing I can say, except thank you." Stuart pulled the bike out of the garage so I could park the car inside. Just then Greg and Tito came back from a run.

"Fucking hell Dad, that's a top of the range model, bloody expensive."

"I know son, a gift from Gil." I walked over to Gil and pulled him into a long hot kiss. "Thank you so much. I don't know what I have done to deserve everything today but thank you." We kissed deeply.

"Come on Tito, let's leave this pair of lovers in peace." They walked off. And Stuart went indoors with all the bags whilst I locked the garage properly.

Stuart was about to start putting everything away he bought in the supermarket, but stripped naked first. That make me smile and I stripped naked too. Did you remember the hair remover?" Stuart threw me two large tubes. "Well done, you can get this done before we go out for our meal tonight. I will select what you are going to wear tonight." Stuart turned and nodded, he quickly got used to taking orders and not questioning me.

"So Gil, where do you keep all your leathers for the bike?"

"They are in the garage, I find they keep better rather them in the house, I keep them there and covered in dubbin when I am out of the country in the winter. Are you offering to clean them up for me?" Stuart quickly nodded and grinned. "Great, we can go riding then."

"Do you sweat a lot inside your leathers?"

"I fucking knew what you were thinking." And I pulled him into a kiss. "Yes I do and you want it I suppose?" he grinned nodding.

"Finished?" he nodded "Great, now go and use the hair remover on everything from the neck down, when you come out of the bathroom I want you as hairless as your son." He looked to the floor and went upstairs. "Hey haven't you forgotten something?" he came back for the tubes of cream and ran back upstairs. "Let me know when you are done and I'll come up and inspect you to make sure you've done a good job." I head a groan of embarrassment from Stuart.

I sorted through all the bags of clothes. I selected a bright yellow pair of the extreme low rise jeans and a red and yellow patterned t-shirt that quite short and fitted, it would sit well above the jeans and show off his midriff. "Yeah" I said to myself "This should embarrass him enough."

I sat and read an email from my bar Manager, apparently one of the staff was caught stealing from the till, he was sacked and he put the word round every bar and restaurant in the Yumbo centre so that no one else would employ him. He heard of a young good looking guy that needed a job, he was going to see him and see what he was like. He knew I only liked good looking young guys that liked to show off, the holiday makers used my bar for that reason alone.

"Ready Gil." I heard from upstairs.

I went up and Stuart was standing looking in the mirror. I saw his cute arse first and immediately wanted it. "Grrrrrr." Stuart turned round grinning. I looked closely at him and as I did my own dick rose to full hardness, Stuart couldn't take his eyes off it.

I was trying to ignore that I needed his arse or throat, difficult as it was. "Good job Stuart, you've done well. Very, very nice." I rubbed him all over "Yeah fucking ace." I kissed him "I thought you might back out of really doing it."

He went red "I did think about it but" he looked down and away from my stare "I wanted to please you."

I pulled him into a hug and shoved my tongue as deep as it would go "You have pleased me Stuart." And I shoved my tongue into him again. "Will you stay like that for me?" he nodded. "Good." I moved down and took a bite on his tits, giving him just a little pain but not too much. "Now get dressed, things are on the bed. I'll shower and join you downstairs and we'll head into town for a couple of drinks before we go to the restaurant."

Before I went into the bathroom I looked as saw Stuart checking over what he was to wear, I expected him to hate it but he was all smiles as he checked the clothes over. I had my shower humming to myself and thinking about the last few days. I still didn't understand why this man was getting so close to me, I knew deep down I had feelings for him but didn't understand why, I swore years ago I would never allow any man to get close to me.

I finished my shower, dried and got out the things I wanted to wear tonight. Skin tight black trousers, crisp white slim fit short sleeved shirt and loafers. No socks and no underwear. I dressed and looked in the mirror, I could see my muscled body through the tight clothes and my dick looked good pushed down the left leg of my tight trousers. "Looking good boy" I said to myself, Stuart will love this I'm sure."

I went downstairs and Stuart was in the garden smoking. I went out and as he spun round, I did a Madonna pose she used in the song vogue. "Sexy." He said looking me up and down his eyes lingering on my dick clearly visible through the tight black trousers.

"I need to make one small adjustment to my outfit Gil."

"What?" I said a little confused.

Stuart went over to the garden chairs and picked up his butt plug. "Please deal with this." And he handed it to me with a smile.

I pulled him in for a kiss "If this is your way of getting me to fuck you, you are out of luck."

"Sod it." And we both laughed.

"Stuart you do things to me no man has ever done." I kissed him "Now pull those jeans down and let me push this baby home." I disappeared into the lounge on the premise to get some lube but I actually went and got a slightly larger plug. I lubed it up and went outside, Stuart was bent over the table waiting for me. "I need that arse Stuart, but it will have to wait." I slapped him playfully and he jumped a little. "So fucking sexy." I got to work and started pushing the new larger plug inside him. "Surprise." I said and rammed it home inside him. He screamed as it went in and Greg and Tito appeared at the low wall wondering what was up.

"Oh it's nothing Tito." Greg said turning "Dad you've changed your style, Gil is good influence in you. I love it."

"Ah good, you boys ready?"


"Didn't I tell you Stuart, Greg and Tito are joining us?" We heard a beep from outside. "Come on, taxi's here." And we all trooped off and got into the taxi and headed into town.

Gil took us to a wine bar close to the bistro and bought us all a large glass of white wine each. "Cheers."

We chatted about cycling and how I liked running with Stuart and I could run behind him and watch his cute arse in front of me spurring me on. Tito agreed and turned to Greg. "We'll have to try that."

That caused us all to laugh, Gil grabbed my arse and pushed the plug deeper causing me to moan. "Dad are you plugged?" Stuart nodded going a little red.

"I like to keep him full at all times, reminds him of what he is missing when he can't have the real thing."

"Nice idea." Said Tito "Think we'll go shopping for you Greg." Another laugh.

"Come on drink up, time to get to the restaurant." We finished and walked the few yards to the French Bistro.

As soon as we walked in the waiter came up to Gil and they shook hands "Good to see you again Sir." And we were shown to our table.

We all sat down and were handed the menus. I noticed Greg and Stuart looked at each other knowing what the other was thinking. "Now tonight is about me saying thank you to all of you. Thank you for moving in next door to me. You have all turned my life upside down and I wouldn't have it any other way. I used to enjoy the solitude of this place but all that has changed and you three have changed it for the better."

I looked up and the waiter was watching me closely. "Bottle of Moet please Louis." He nodded and came back with the champagne and 4 glasses.

"Ready to order Sir?" I looked at each of them and the nodded. We gave our order and Louis went away.

We chatted long into the night and the starters came and went, the main course came and went and we all finished with Crepes. All of us drunk far too much champagne and were a bit tiddly.

The taxi came and we made it home, Greg and Tito couldn't help but giggle all the time and literally fell through the front door. Stuart and I were a bit better but still giggling like schoolgirls. We went inside and closed the door. Stuart planted the biggest kiss on me. "Thanks for tonight Gil, it has been wonderful."

"Come on upstairs, you need your sleep as you have to be up early for work." We held hands and went upstairs and undressed and crashed into bed falling asleep quickly.

The alarm went off making me groan as the ungodly hour of 6am, Stuart was up and showering and getting dressed in his work clothes. He came back and kissed me and was about to go when I pulled him down on the bed.

"Hang on a minute you are not going anywhere."

"But I shall be late."

"I don't give a toss, you are not plugged. I can see it on the bedside table. Now get that fucker deep in your arse otherwise you are staying here." And I held him down whilst I reached for the plug. I pushed it in his mouth "Lick it that's all the lube you deserve." I said with demand in my voice.

He licked the plug and he stood up and pulled down his work trousers. "Oh so you are wearing one of my jock straps then?"

He went red. "Sorry."

"Don't be." I said grinning. I pushed the plug inside him knowing it would hurt "That'll teach you. Now go." I pulled him into a final kiss and he left for work. I went back to sleep for a couple of hours and when I woke at around 9am the bed was cold. I got up showered and went downstairs naked and made some coffee and had a light breakfast.

I went outside and had a smoke drinking my coffee. "Must go for a run later." I said to myself "Ah, I can surprise Stuart." My mood perked up immediately, not really understanding why.

I went into the study and read my emails, replied to the few that needed it and sent others. I got carried away by surfing the internet, not really looking or for anything but I did see a few things for Stuart that would suit him. I looked up at the clock and it was close to midday. "Fuck I need to go for that run." I dashed upstairs and put a new jock strap on smiling to myself as Stuart had appropriated some of mine, I pulled on a pair of shorts and a loose vest.

I ran out of the house and went the opposite way to where the hypermarket was as I wanted to build up a good sweat, it was a beautiful day and the temperature was creeping towards the 90's nice for a good sweaty run, I thought to myself.

I looked at my watch and time was getting on, so I turned and went towards the hypermarket. I soon saw Stuart working in just his shorts, his t shirt in his back pocket. I stopped and watched him work for a few minutes and when nobody was around I shouted at him "Oi faggot." He looked up and I saw the biggest smile appear on his face.

He came over to where I was and looking round, seeing nobody either he kissed me on the lips. "Mmmm tasty." He said grinning.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"No reason." Stuart looked down and could see I was horny.

"You sure about that?"

"Okay Stuart, I fucking missed your mouth and arse this morning okay?" he kissed me again. Seeing some people around us quickly moved back going red. "Embarrassed?"

"A little."

"Scared of kissing me in front of people?" I smiled and he knew I was goading him. He moved forward and pulled the back of my head towards him and shoved his tongue deep in my throat. We snogged each other for ages before parting.

"You okay?" He nodded smiling. He looked round and nobody cared at the affection we showed each other. "I'll see you later, I'll fuck your throat first and then fuck that arse of yours."

"Can't wait." He shouted after me as I ran off towards home.

I got indoors and thought about not showering but I ended up showering and then relaxing in the garden. The afternoon passed quickly as I did a few tasks and tidied the garden a bit, the handyman I have does most of the garden but I love to potter around doing the odd thing. I realised that I was happy and humming to myself "Maybe Stuart has some effect on me after all."

I went back to the sunbed and smoked a cigar enjoying it immensely. I looked at the clock and knew he would be home soon.

I saw Stuart at the low wall next door, naked and hard. "Oh is that the time." I said sounding as if I didn't care. He nodded stepping over the wall.

My own dick gave me away getting rock hard quickly. He glanced over at it smiling. "Okay yes Stuart, I've fucking missed you, now get that" and I pointed to my hard dick "down your throat NOW." He grinned and knelt on the floor next to me and took my dick into his mouth and slowly (too fucking slowly) into his throat. "Yeah, mmmm"

Stuart sat up "You have missed me then?"

"Of course I missed you Stuart. Get back where the fuck you were." Stuart took me back into his throat and gave me a wonderful sucking. I grabbed hold of his blond hair and pulled him up to me and we kissed. "I need your arse." he stood up and leant over the table in the garden and pulled out the plug sealing his arse and pulled his arse cheeks apart waiting. I got behind him and teased him a little by putting the huge piercing inside him and waited.

"Please don't tease me. You've had me all worked up since you met me today."


"Yes now please fuck me, please ram that fucker inside me, and please give me your load deep in my arse."

"Mmmm okay." And I grabbed hold of his hips and lunged inside shoving all of me inside him.

"Fuck that feels great Gil. I've wanted this all day."

"Actually Stuart so have I. Now shut the fuck up and let me get on with seeding your arse." I started fucking Stuart properly. Stuart was grunting like a pig on speed, every time I thrust inside he grunted enjoying the fuck and I had to admit, Stuart was a great fuck. Better than the boys I usually managed to pick up.

"Get on the lawn on your back." Stuart almost ran into position and got his legs high. I got in between and started my fuck again "Much better, I can see the pain and pleasure in your eyes as I fuck you. I leant down and kissed him briefly before fucking him hard again. The problem was I wanted this to last but I also urgently needed to shoot a load off.

My need to shoot won over and as I rammed hard I moaned loudly and filled his arse with my seed. "Fuck. I needed that."

"So did I Gil." And Stuart pulled me down for a kiss. I lay by his side both of us looking up to the sky. "Want me to make something to eat Gil?"

"Mmmm that would be nice." Stuart reached for his plug, pushed it inside his arse and leant over and kissed me and then got up and went into the kitchen.

He came out with a beer "Thanks Stuart." And he disappeared back to the kitchen. I re-lit the cigar and finished that before going into the kitchen and checking on Stuart. "How long?"

"10 minutes."

"Do you need to watch it?" he shook his head "Well fucking bend over then." He bent over where he stood and I went behind him and yanked out the plug sealing in my load of cum. I shoved my dick inside him and had a piss. As I pissed I pulled him up and pulled his head round and kissed him.

As soon as I finished I put the butt plug back in place and patted his arse. "Thanks Stuart."

Stuart turned to me "anytime Gil. You can do that anytime you like, since I met you I am actually enjoying sex again."

"Why thank you Stuart." And we kissed deeply.

Stuart glanced at the pots and dishes "sit down Gil and I can serve you" He served me my food and I tucked in.

"This is good."

"Thanks Gil, I got to be quite a good cook when that bitch of a wife left me and Greg to fend for ourselves."

Gil smiled and we ate in peace. Stuart was looking at me closely I said nothing but realised why he was watching as when I drank the last of my beer he was up and getting me another before I could even ask. I looked deep into his eyes and wondered if it was servitude or friendliness that made him do that. "What?"

"Oh nothing, just thinking." And we finished dinner. "Join me in the garden when you've finished clearing the things away, we can relax with a cigar." Stuart smiled and nodded and got to work clearing the things away. I looked at him as he turned away to the sink. I went out into the garden and mumbled to myself `for someone 15 years older than me is one fit looking guy'

"I heard that and thank you Gil." My turn to get slightly embarrassed. Stuart head appeared at the kitchen door, he was grinning. "Beer?" I nodded and he passed me one and got back to clearing the things away.

Stuart joined me in the garden as I looked at him he was hard again. "Do you ever go soft Stuart?"

"Only when I am away from you." He said matter of factly and he sat next to me and lit one cigar and handed it to me and then lit his own. There it was again, serving me and looking after me before himself. I can only assume he wants to serve me. I'll have to delve deeper and see what happens, I think I might like the idea of having an older man serve me. I thought to myself.

"Thanks Stuart, you do look after me."

"I enjoy it." And we both relaxed smoking our cigars.


Next: Chapter 3

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