My Next Door Lover

By Iain Bell

Published on Jan 31, 2019


My next Door Lover chapter 13

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Stuart undressed me and then himself, we got into bed, and I got in behind him. I pulled the plug out of his arse and entered him, I was gentle as I wanted to make love to my boy not simply fuck the life out of him. I knew I loved my sex hard particularly the fucking but sometimes making love is all I need and that is what my boy was getting tonight. I was slowly fucking in and out and Stuart was gently pushing back both of us enjoying the love making.

I kissed the back of his neck as I fucked. "This is so nice boy." I reached round and flicked his tits gently. "You know I love a hard fuck and using your arse hard too but romantic is also nice. Just don't expect it to often." Stuart giggled. "Can you get your leg over my shoulder?"

Stuart moved and got his leg over my head and put both legs on my shoulders. "Much better, I can kiss you now boy as well as make love to you." I reached down as I fucked kissing Stuart pushing my tongue as deep as I could.

Stuart took hold of my tongue and pulled on it. I moaned at the slight pain he gave me. He let go and pushed his tongue into my mouth and so I did the same and grabbed hold of it and tugged on it giving him the same pain he gave me. I pulled back and we looked at each other smiling. "I need to cum boy." Stuart lifted his legs even higher and I ramped up the fuck.

I rammed in and out of his arse until I felt myself get ever closer. I lunged inside him and sent my load nice and deep inside him. "There boy, much better isn't it?"

"Yes Sir, I am only happy when I am full of your wonderful seed, feeling it deep inside me."

We kissed and I pulled out and pushed in his plug. We settled down to a nice wonderful sleep holding each other.

I woke up in exactly the same place we both went to sleep, holding each other, Stuart was grinning deep into my eyes as I woke, he reached into me and kissed me "good morning Sir."

"How long have you been awake boy?"

"Ages Sir, I like watching you sleep, just staring at the man I love and worship."

I smiled and kissed him back "Keep saying things like that boy and my head will get bigger." Stuart moaned "Not that head."


"Go and get the coffee on the go boy."

"Yes Sir" Stuart kissed me and dashed downstairs. I smiled to myself after he left the room.

I padded downstairs about 5 or so minutes later and I could not have timed it better Stuart was just serving the hot coffee into mugs. "Here you are Sir." And he handed me mine and went back for his.

"We are going into town to meet Charles and Don later. I want you in the new white super skinny jeans and matching denim jacket with white trainers. The jeans should be extra tight on you boy, just the way I like them, I will be in trousers and shirt as it is a business meeting."

"Yes Sir." I noticed Stuart was looking me directly in the eyes trying so very hard not to look down at my dick which was semi-hard and getting harder for my boy.

"You want to look down at my dick don't you boy, you need to get on your knees and worship that stiff and hard dick, you need to take it inside your mouth and down into your throat and receive my piss and then my hot alpha male seed don't you boy?"

"Yes Sir." He said with eagerness and then suddenly he looked down and saw it was as hard as it had ever been, he smiled and stepped forward "I don't care what you do to me Sir, but I have to have it." Stuart dropped to his knees and just started for a minute or two before licking up and down the entire length and pulling each of my large set of balls inside his mouth and gently pulling on them "You know you are up for a beating boy."

"Yes Sir and I don't care, I just have to worship your dick." he took me inside his mouth and licked round the head jangling the four piercings inside his mouth, he soon swallowed all of me taking me deep inside is throat. It felt good, it felt wonderful and I wanted to moan in pleasure at my boy servicing my dick but I managed to stop myself, I needed Stuart to know that he was doing wrong and he pleasures me when I wanted it and not when he wanted to but fuck it felt good being buried in Stuart's throat. I needed to piss, so I grabbed hold of the back of his head and pushed as deep as I could, I let go all my morning piss and sent it directly into his stomach.

I pushed him away and tried to look angry, I'm not sure if I really succeeded, I went outside and sat on the chair on the patio, Stuart bought me my coffee and put it down next to me, I lit a cigarette not offering him one and I could see he was unsure if he should sit next to me or not. He finally decided to drink his coffee in the kitchen `at least he knows he has done wrong' I thought.

Stuart appeared when my coffee was finished and had the coffee pot in his hand in case I needed another. "Mmmm nice coffee boy." and I pulled him into a long hot snog. "Now go and get the flogger I bought recently, I need a workout." He jumped up and ran upstairs and came back quickly with the leather flogger. He handed it to me and knelt on the floor looking up at me. "Good boy." he smiled and turned placing himself over the arm of the chair took his butt plug out and waited patiently for me to stub out the remains of my smoke. A thought came over me and I smiled and I thought `I wonder if I could stub out my cigarette on him if he was really, really naughty' then I realised that I could never hurt my boy that much and dismissed the idea totally.

I stubbed my cigarette out in the ashtray and stood up with the leather flogger in hand I caressed his arse with the strands first and pushed the handle between his arse cheeks, well it was the shape of a dildo. He moaned and I smiled to myself. I lifted the flogger high and bought it down on his arse hard, in fact it was harder then I meant to and Stuart yelped in pain. "Shut the fuck up boy otherwise you will get even more." I heard him gulp and stopped his noise. I hit him again and just as hard as before and he took it this time without yelling. "Mmmm good boy Stuart, well done." I said meaning every word, I had never hit anyone this hard before and Stuart apart from that first yell took the pain, I felt his dick and it was rising to full hardness "you are a good boy to your Sir, aren't you?"

His arse was getting nice and red but I needed it ever redder. I continued hitting him with all the strength my muscled arms could muster, Stuart didn't cry out once but I knew he was in pain which turned me on no end. I stopped hitting him and looked closely at his arse. "Mmmm" I moaned as I caressed it feeling the heat from the beating and the welts that had appeared. I felt his dick and it was steel hard. "What the fuck do I do with you boy, I am supposed to be showing that you were wrong for helping yourself to my dick but you are hard from me beating you."

"No Sir, my dick is not rock hard from the beating. It is hard knowing that my Sir is enjoying himself and I know that he will get horny. I do really hate the beating but knowing that you are getting pleasure is a pleasure for me."

I pulled Stuart up so he was standing in front of me. I pulled him into a long hot snog caressing his hot and very red arse as we snogged. "I love you boy." Stuart grinned and snogged me back.

"Now how about some more of that lovely coffee of yours." He poured me a mugful and then poured his own, I sat down but Stuart remained standing. "Not sitting boy?" he shook his head "Oh yeah." I sniggered knowing that his arse will be hurting, he went red. "Turn boy."

He spun round and the redness on his arse hadn't gone down at all, still tender, and still a fucking great turn on. I pulled him backwards and onto my lap, my dick sunk into his arse filling him to maximum. "This is what you have wanted all morning isn't it boy?"

"Yes Sir." All thoughts of his red arse were gone as he fucked himself on my dick he used the same technique for the deep squats that he learnt in the gym. He was fucking himself hard and a big smile came across his face. I sat there only moving upwards gently as Stuart did all the work.

Stuart was smiling as he fucked himself on my dick, he was looking me in the eyes his own eyes sparkling despite the pain from the hard beating. "Sir, I will endure any amount of beating if I get this as my reward. Feeling your big hard dick in my arse sends me to places I have only ever dreamed about. Feeling those piercings as they rub against my sweet spot gives me so much pleasure. I can only hope that you get as much pleasure from using me in any way you desire."

I smiled at my boy, my smile turned into a huge grin. "You are my boy, my plaything. Nothing will ever change that. I love you with all my heart and soul and I yes I do enjoy inflicting pain and knowing that you endure it to give me pleasure means everything to me." I pulled his long hair towards me and we kissed. "Now let me see about seeding that cute arse." I lifted him off my lap and he got to the floor, his legs high, Stuart was pulling and pushing his arse and he was almost winking at me. "Mmmm" as I got behind him and started a hard fuck.

As I rammed in and out of his delicious arse I leant down and kissed him "Just think boy, when I have seeded and pissed in your arse we can go to my meeting, knowing you are well filled will turn on Charles and Don, they will probably want to fuck you as soon as you walk in, I chose your outfit especially, they both love super tight jeans on a boy and they will show your muscled legs and that cute bubble arse of yours. Your smooth chest just showing through the denim jacket. Yeah they'll have you laid over the meeting room table as soon as you walk through the door." Stuart grinned and kissed me back moaning all the time "Looking forward to it boy?" he nodded grinning "yeah I thought you might, there dicks are as big as mine and they are both pierced too and if I know them two they will want to double fuck you."

"Oh fuck."

"Don't panic boy, I know you can do it and I know you want to please me don't you?" he nodded smiling "good boy." and I rammed in and out another three times and seeded his arse yelling out all the obscenities I could think of as I unloaded sending my load as deep as I could get it. "Fuck boy I needed that and I know you did" we kissed as I came down from the mammoth cum. I stayed hard and deep inside him as we kissed, I needed to relax slightly if I was going to give him my piss.

Stuart went for my tits "Leave them alone boy, I fucking know your games." And I slapped his hands away.

"You can't stop a boy from trying Sir." His smile was wide and infectious, we both laughed and kissed. I relaxed now Stuart had left my tits alone and filled his arse with all my piss. "Thank you Sir that was awesome."

I pulled albeit reluctantly out of his arse and pushed in his large plug. Stuart moaned as it went in. "Still horny boy?" he nodded "Well you'll just have to wait won't you." And I slapped his still red arse the welts still showing "fuck boy that looks good."

"And sore Sir."

"Tough. Now get dressed in your clothes and let me get ready." I sat on the bed waiting Stuart pull on his jeans, they were tight, much tighter than anything he wore before, and he was having a little difficulty pulling them over his thighs but managed just. He had to lie on the floor to do up the button and pull up the zip. His dick was on show and of course it was hard. "Fuck that looks great boy, leaves no doubt what you are after" I said with a smile. Stuart grinned back nodding. "Turn round boy."

He spun round and showed me his arse "Grrrrrr that looks good enough to fuck." I slapped his arse a couple of time and he moaned in pleasure as the plug pushed even deeper inside his arse. "Jesus how I need to rip those off you and fuck that cute muscled arse, those squats and all that riding are doing wonders for your arse boy." Stuart giggled and stood up and turned to face me, I was still naked and my dick was at full harness.

He briefly looked down "Need some relief Sir?"

"Fuck yes" I looked at my watch "but it will really have to wait boy, I need to get dressed and then we can set off into town. Fuck off downstairs and let me get ready. He grinned at me and my then looked down at my stiff dick, sighed and disappeared.

Although I said I was going to wear trousers and a shirt, I changed my outfit slightly. I still wore close fitting black trousers but wore some black snakeskin cowboy boots, with a fairly high Cuban heel as I knew Stuart would appreciate it. I looked through the shirts hanging in the wardrobe and couldn't decide, I went to the wardrobe holding my leathers and selected a short sleeved button through leather shirt. I put it on and popped the studs and looked in the mirror. "Yeah that works." I smiled and went downstairs.

Stuart took one look at me when I appeared and fell to his knees. "I take it you like the look boy?"

Stuart nodded quickly. "I've not seen business attire quite like this before Sir, but fuck it is sexy on you." He was staring at my rock hard dick as he spoke showing through the slim black trousers.

I lifted his face up so he was looking me in the eyes. "Well if you think I look sexy then that is good enough for me." I pulled him up and we kissed deeply and lovingly. "Come on boy let's go."

"Hang on Sir" and Stuart popped open the shirt just a little bit more showing off my tight muscled chest. "Much better Sir."

"Boy, I want you to pack some clothes for a weekend away, when we get home, we are flying out on Friday morning from Heathrow airport." He looked at me and I knew he wanted to know more. "I suppose you are thinking about what to pack and where we are going?" Stuart nodded "Well you'll find out when we get there boy, pack the wrong things and you get a very severe beating and get your throat raped, pack the right things and we can make love all weekend." Stuart looked at me open mouthed and nodded. I smiled back "that's got you worried hasn't it boy?" again he nodded "good."

We headed out and walked together towards town. I could see Stuart was hesitant and wondered why. I somehow knew what was worrying him, I took his hand in mine and we walked all the way into town holding hands. Stuart was grinning despite some of the looks and derisory comments we got.

We made fairly good time and stood outside the office and had a smoke before going in "Sir how did you know I wanted to hold hands?"

"I just did boy, I've said before we are perfectly matched and I can usually tell what you are thinking and before you say anything else I know you are thinking about kissing me to say thanks and you are a little worried about being too open." He nodded sheepishly and promptly went red. I smiled at his embarrassment "Come on boy, just do it." He looked round, shrugged his shoulders and pulled me into a long hot smouldering kiss. There were some comments as we kissed but we were enjoying the moment or at least I was. I took his hand, stubbed out the remains of the smoke and went inside the office where Charles and Don would be.

The receptionist, a blond long haired lad perhaps 18 looked us both up and down and grinned broadly. "Good afternoon Sir, I am to take you up to the meeting room, Mr Charles and Mr Don are waiting for you there." He stood up and he was wearing white tennis shorts cut nice and tight showing a nice bulge. As he came round the desk to greet us I noticed he wore white boots with a 6 inch stiletto heel. "Please follow me." He minced off wiggling his cute arse and took us to the meeting room. He knocked on the door and opened it and showed us inside.

"Thanks Tiffany." Said Charles and Tiffany closed the door behind us.

"He's new."

"Yeah, came in for an interview and after we fucked his cute arse a couple of times we gave him the job as receptionist, he asked if there was any particular dress code and when we said that there wasn't he grinned and said see you next week. We were a little gobsmacked at his attire but we love it and he never gets enough dick."

Both Charles and Don were staring at Stuart "Right" I said shaking them a little "I'll go and look around and see some of the staff I know. You three have some fun" I kissed both Don and Charles and left the meeting room to look around.

I walked round and saw a lot of new faces all young and very cute. All stared at me as I went past which made me smile "Gil?"

I turned "Eddie you fucking slut, good to see you." He came up and we kissed each other. I reached for his arse "yeah I thought so, plugged as usual."

"You know me too well Gil, I am never happy with an empty boy pussy." He sat back down at his desk and I carried on looking around.

I spoke to a few guys I knew from the days my dad owned the business and everyone was genuinely pleased to see me. I made my way back to the front desk "Tiffany, it has been a while since I visited and I seem to have forgotten where the toilets are."

A huge smile came across his face "then let me show you." He picked up the phone and dialled a number "Fred, cover the front desk please." He stood up and took my hand and led me through a few corridors and into an empty office. "You don't really need a toilet do you?"

"No, but I need your throat." He grinned and knelt on the floor. And pulled down my trousers. My dick reared up to full hardness and he kissed the end and jangled the four piercings. "Please my I take in my mouth Sir." I nodded "thank you Sir." He took me inside his mouth and deep inside his slutty throat.

I grabbed hold of his long blond hair and started to face fuck him. "Mmmm" I was incredibly horny and closed my eyes and thought of Stuart and what he was doing on that boardroom table with Charles and Don. I was thrusting hard inside Tiffany's throat and soon came to boiling point and unloaded, Tiffany swallowed everything and as he pulled away smacked his lips.

"Mmmm tasty Sir." He stood up and kissed me "it has been a long time since I was used hard like that, I may be a bit of a sissy but I do like my sex rough."

I looked down at his white tennis shorts and they were wet "I told you I liked it rough" he said with a smile, he turned round and bent over "The front and back match now." I could see a damp patch on seat of his shorts, I wondered how I had missed it before. "I'll show you back to boardroom." He minced off in front of me and I made a grab for his hips. "Naughty, naughty, I have work to do."

He opened the door and both Charles and Don were just at boiling point and were unloading into Stuarts arse. "Perfect timing Gil." Stuart turned and saw me and grinned.

"You okay boy?" he nodded grinning.

Stuart stayed on the boardroom table, re-inserted his own butt plug and then got up. He picked up his clothes and was about to dress when Don stopped him "Tiffany take Stuart into the private bedroom. You are due a break anyway." They both left.

"Private bedroom?"

"Yeah Tiffany gets fucked regularly by a lot of the staff here gay and straight, I hope you don't mind if Stuart him helps out?" I shook my head "Good, didn't think you'd mind too much, when you need him back, the private bedroom is what used to be your office." He said smirking.

I laughed "right then let's get the meeting out of the way then." We all sat round the table and over the next two hours we discussed everything about the business and the shape it was in, all in all everything seemed to be going the right way and I was content that mum and dad's business was doing well.

"I see that some of the old staff are still around, how do they deal with the likes of Tiffany?"

"Believe it or not, they are the ones that tend to use Tiffany more than the out gay guys."

Don made us some coffee and pulled out some sandwiches from the fridge. We ate drank and chatted for about another hour. "Well guys, I need to collect my boy and get going." I made my way to my old office and opened the door, Tiffany and Stuart were chatting Stuart went red when he saw me. "Talking about me then boy?" he nodded. "Come on boy, time for home."

Stuart lit up two smokes and handed me one "thanks boy." I said smiling "So boy how was the session with Charles and Don."

"Brilliant thank you Sir for allowing it, I was very apprehensive as I knew that they would want to double fuck me as you said that they might but I knew I couldn't let you down." I took his hand and gripped it a little tighter "But now I need for my Sir to make love to me."

I pushed him up against a hording "you do, do you boy?"

"Yes Sir, I love having sex with others when you permit it but it is only you I want to make love to."

I leant in and kissed Stuart lovingly "When we get home I might just add some more stripes to that cute arse of yours, then I can have some fun slurping all of the cum inside you before I fuck you." Stuart looked surprised. "Hey boy I like cum just like the next guy."

I took Stuart's hand and we headed home. As we got to the front door Tito and Greg were just going out both dressed in one piece Lycra suits, Tito's was black and wet look Greg was white both were very tight and showed off every muscle they had. "Very nice boys" said Stuart "Where are you off to?"

"A private party in town, everyone is to wear something that is in one piece, most of the guys will be in onesies and that sort of thing but I want to show off and I know Greg does." Greg promptly went red. Tito said smirking. The taxi arrived and they got in and sped off.

"I bet they have a good night boy." Stuart nodded. "I suppose you want something like that too?"

"Only if you wear one too."

"Okay boy, I see what I can do." We went indoors and Stuart immediately stripped off. He ran off and came back with the cane, flogger and the cat.

"Not sure which you would want Sir." He said with a grin.

"Okay boy, strip me and we can get on." Stuart took all my clothes off folding and tidied them away, as soon as he finished he got on the floor with his arse high and waited. I picked up the flogger first and swung it high and bought it down on his muscled arse. "Fuck." Stuart uttered under his breath at the first hit.

"Careful boy." I hit him another three time with the flogger before changing to the cat and hit him another 6 times. All were hard and I could see Stuart's face, tears rolling down his face but to his credit he was quiet. I was horny, mind you I was always horny especially for Stuart but when I hit his nice, cute muscled arse it felt so good as I knew when I fucked him I would be able to feel his hot red sore arse radiating out towards my own crotch. `Fuck just thinking about it is getting me harder than ever.' I continued hitting Stuart until he had received 15 in total.

I put the cat down and rubbed his nice, hot arse feeling the heat. "Fuck boy that feels good, I have just got to get inside it." I quickly got into position and sunk my dick deep inside him. I felt the heat radiating from him as I fucked. Sadly Stuart had got me so turned on I was soon flooding him with my seed. I stayed hard and stayed deep inside. "Sorry boy but you got me so fucking turned on letting me use you like that I needed to cum so fucking badly."

Stuart turned his head and we kissed deeply. I slowly pulled and pushed inside him. Stuart was moaning now, like me he liked a hard fuck but the gentle fucking motion had us both moaning. As I fucked my boy nice and gently I was able to fill him with some piss. That spurred me on as the gentle fucking mixed with the piss in his arse got me going and I fucked him a little harder using every inch to fuck him, this time we made love and didn't just fuck. I turned Stuart over not leaving his arse once. Stuart was smiling as he looked up at me "you okay?" he nodded and pulled me down to him and we snogged as I fucked.

We stayed like that for ages me simply fucking his arse but all good things must end and I soon need to shoot again, I fucked him hard again, Stuart moaned knowing full well he was going to get more of my cum. I screamed out loudly, kissed him and loaded his arse with more cum. I even managed to piss a bit more filling his arse to maximum. As I pulled out Stuart clenched and I pushed his plug in.

"Thank you Sir" he said after I stood up. Stuart took all our things upstairs and put them away properly. He came down naked with a pair of shorts and my trainers which he handed to me.

"Am I getting dressed boy?"

Stuart went red "Master Sven told me to make sure you go for a run, every day."

"Did he now and I suppose you always do as you are told?"

"Not always Sir" he said with a sly grin. "But at least I get to use my tongue to clean you when you return and Master Sven said he would beat me more severely than anything you have dealt me in the past."

I pulled Stuart towards me and kissed him "Okay boy, I had better go on my run, I don't want to get on the wrong side of Sven either." I pulled on my trainers and shorts and headed out.

I zoned out and just concentrated on running, I looked at my watch and realised that I was putting in a good time, I nearly allowed myself to slow down but didn't I kept up the pace I set out on and continued for longer and further than ever.

By the time I arrived home I was really pleased with myself, okay I was tired but I put in a good 10 mile run and much faster than ever, I was pleased with myself. Stuart opened the door as soon as he saw me and handed me a water bottle which I grabbed and drank from.

We went inside the house "fucking good run that boy. I went further than ever and faster to. Don't you have to go to the gym boy?"

"Yes Sir, tonight at 5pm. You are to come too Sir as Master Sven wants to show you where he is up to with my training. He said that we are due to fly off soon and he wants to make sure that you push me when he is not around."

"Okay boy." I stripped naked and held my hands behind my head, Stuart smiled and waited for my permission. I nodded and he grinned and padded over and attacked my armpits for all the sweat he could find. I could feel Stuart's rock hard dick banging against me legs as he licked my armpits off all the sweat and funk build up from the long run. When he was satisfied he had everything he moved down my chest licking each nipple one before moving down, he ignored my dick, he knew only too well he would be told when he could have that part of me. He moved round to my arse, he parted my arse cheeks and licked and pushed his tongue inside. Licking the sweat and smells emanating from my not too clean arse both of us moaning.

"Fuck boy, you know how to turn me on." I said a Stuart continued licking every part that he could find that had sweat and funk. He sat back when he had everything that he could find, that left only my dick. He was looking up and directly into my eyes, I knew damn well he wanted to look at my long fat pierced dick and take it inside his mouth and down into his throat and I wanted it too but it would have to wait, a little abstinence from both of us wouldn't hurt.

I grabbed hold of his hair and pulled him up from his kneeling position and snogged him "Thanks boy, you can have that last part of me later "yes Sir" he said a little sadness in his voice. I smiled at him and he went red. I smiled and pulled him into a long hot kiss.

"Come on boy, let's shower properly and go into town and then we can head to the gym later." We headed upstairs and Stuart automatically went into the bathroom and got everything ready for us.

"Ready Sir." He shouted from the bathroom. I went inside and stepped in and had my shower whilst Stuart tidied. I stepped out and Stuart got in and had his shower. I got some clothes ready for the gym and chucked everything in the bag and looked through what we would wear into town.

I liked Stuart in both leathers and super tight skinny jeans. Leather probably wasn't best for the gym, so I got out some washed out blue super skinny jeans and a small size t-shirt that would also be tight over his body. I got out some chino shorts cut nice and slim and a shirt.

Stuart appeared and helped me dress and then dressed himself. He picked up the bag and we went downstairs. "Thanks boy." he looked at me eyes furrowed. "You never baulk and what I get you to wear boy, you always carry everything."

"Sir. That is my job as your boy. I would never consider anything different, besides" he went red "I like being submissive to my master, I like my master directing me, I like my master tasking charge and" this time he looked to the floor "I even like it when my Master has to chastise me for being bad."

I walked over and lifted his head, I could tell he was totally embarrassed at his statement. "I love you boy." and took his hand, Stuart of course picked up the gym bag and we walked hand in hand into town.

We got to out coffee shop, Ivan noticed us from the window and waved telling us to sit down. A few minutes later he came mincing out with our coffees. "Thanks Ivan." I said with a grin but I could see that he wasn't his usual chirpy self. "Ivan?"

"My landlord is selling up and I have to move out and cannot find anything, I have a few weeks left before I am going to me homeless."

"We have to help Sir."

"Yes boy of course we do. Give me your number and I'll do some thinking." Ivan actually smiled and went back to work after giving me his mobile.

"Now boy, what gives you the right to tell me what to do?" I said sternly.

"Fuck, sorry Sir, but he is a friend and friend's help each other don't they?"

I took Stuart's hand "Boy I am joshing you, of course he is a friend and of course we have to help him." Stuart relaxed "Oh boy, by the way we were due to go and see David and Chris in London this weekend as you know but something else has come up. We are going away for the weekend, flying out on Friday morning and flying home on Monday. I'll leave it to you to decide what we wear and what we take with us and before you ask, no you don't get a clue, so you will have to think carefully about what to pack."

"Oh fuck okay Sir." I could see Stuart was worried and that was fine with me. I smiled to myself wondering what he would pack and what we would travel in.

We sat drinking our coffee Stuart looked round and the tables outside were full "Sir?"

"Yes boy."

"Please may I light up?"

"Of course boy, I'll join you." Stuart lit two and handed me mine. "Thanks boy." we got a few looks which Stuart knew I would enjoy, nobody said anything but there were a lot of arm nudges and odd looks. Stuart looked at me and he was only slightly red but was beaming from ear to ear.

We enjoyed our smokes and coffee and as soon as the mugs were empty Ivan appeared with more. "Thanks Ivan" Stuart said and caressed his pert arse causing a moan from him. "Sir" he said after Ivan had walked off "Ivan is plugged Sir."

"Is he now" and I looked through the window into the café, clearly Ivan knew that Stuart felt the plug.

"Come on boy, we need to get to the gym, we don't want Sven getting angry." Stuart went inside and paid Ivan leaving a huge tip and we usually did. I could see Stuart whispering something in his ear and he smiled and nodded.

"What did you whisper boy?" I asked as we walked towards the gym.

"I said that I am always plugged especially if I have my Sirs cum filling my arse."

"Good boy." and I patted his arse feeling the base of the plug sealing his arse.

We walked to the gym and Stuart stripped my things off not caring that guys were watching open mouthed. He then gave me my shorts and trainers and put on his jock strap and trainers. "Come on then boy." we walked out of the locker room "I am proud of my boy."

"Sir?" he asked.

"You served me your Master without a care of who was in the locker room, well done." I opened the door to Sven's office and went inside.

"Ah good." He said looking up. "Sit down the pair of you." Over the next 45 minutes he took me through everything that Stuart would need to do when we were out of the country for the English winter and then took me through what he expected of me "And if I don't see more muscles on you both you will be in trouble, and you know I mean it don't you Gil." I nodded quickly remembering that Sven was the only guy who could beat me into submission. "Good" he grinned at me. "Now go and get on with your workouts the pair of you and no showing your pussy to your Master either Stuart, he needs to concentrate."

"Yes Master Sven." We walked to the workout area and warmed up. I could see Sven walking round watching the pair of us closely and I'm sure I heard him moan at least one looking at Stuart every time he bent over to lift the weights on the bar.

By the time we had finished the gruelling workout, I was knackered and so was Stuart but I felt fucking good. "Well done the pair of you." Sven said looking us both over. Go into the Sauna Gil, Stuart come with me." We both did as we were told.

I walked towards the sauna, I didn't particularly want to but I knew that Stuart would get fucked my Sven a few times. I opened the door and went inside closing the door behind me, I noticed a guy sitting there on the lower levels. He was younger than me and looked about Greg's age and from what I could see he was totally shaved everywhere. He wore a huge septum piercing and a large chain round his neck and his legs were totally covered in tattoos. He immediately stood up hands behind his back and lowered his head in reverence to me. "Boy."

"Master Sven told me to expect you Sir. He said you would be horny after your workout and I was to do whatever you desired."

"That's good of him boy, come and kneel at my feet." He jumped quickly and knelt looking up at me. "What would you like to do boy?"

"Not my choice Sir, I am a slut and am here to serve the alpha male."

"Good boy." I grabbed his pierced tits and pulled him up from the floor, he was in pain I could see that but he didn't murmur. I kissed him and he responded moaning as we snogged in the heat of the sauna. I pushed him back to his knees, he stared at my big dick and then up at me "want it boy?" he just moaned. "Lick it." He licked the head and then up and down the top and the underside of my dick the piercing jangling as he did his work, he sat back and waited. "Want more?"

"Only if it pleases you Sir."

"It does boy, take ALL of me in your slut throat." He took the head in and quickly hoovered all my dick into his throat. I moaned as he sucked my dick making sure that his throat gave me as much pleasure as he could. I leant back against the wall loving the sensations that this boy was giving me.

I needed to shoot but I wanted his arse. I pushed him away and quickly turned him round, he was wet and dripping cum "Sven?"

"Yes Sir." I rammed inside him and fucked him hard, if Sven was screwing him then I knew he would want it hard. His arse was luscious and this boy was a good fuck, I used his arse hard until I felt myself getting closer and closer.

I pushed as deep as I could go and shot my load, spurt after spurt filled his arse and he too shot his load all over the sauna floor. "Thank you Sir." He said after I pulled out. "Sven told me you were a masterful fucker. Come." He took my hand and led me back to the office where Sven and Stuart were enjoying a post sex smoke.

"Ah there you are Gil, enjoy using my cousin then?"

I smiled "I might have known you filthy cunt, screwing your brother senseless wasn't enough for you, you've moved on to your cousin."

"Hey he propositioned me."

"Yeah right."

"I did Sir, I knew I what I wanted and I went to visit him during the school holidays. I walked round his flat naked all the time, bending over showing off my boy pussy. Things were going too slowly, so I took to fucking myself with anything I could find until he came home finding me getting fucked by the concierge. He simply stood and watched and when the concierge left he rammed inside me and made me his."

"Yeah and a good fuck he is too, much better than his three brothers, so I kept him around and made him my personal slut boy. You love showing off your boy pussy to anyone don't you boy?"

"Yes Master."

"Come and sit on my lap boy." He went over with a huge smile on his face and sat on Sven's enormous dick. He moaned as it filled him to maximum. "When are you flying off for the winter Gil?"

"28th but before than we are flying out tomorrow for a long weekend."

"Nice, I need a good holiday but this place needs me here."

"I know a couple of skinheads that are into serious body building, they live in London and own their own gym. I'm sure that they can come down and cover if you need a holiday. Just think about it and let me know I'll speak to Jerry and his boy Tom." (Search for my story - changing boyfriends and becoming a slut for more on the two skinheads)

Sven and I shook hands and we went to the locker room and changed into shorts and t-shirts and headed towards home. "Beer Sir?" Stuart asked as soon as we got indoors.

"No boy, water for both of us."

"Yes Sir" and he disappeared into the kitchen coming back with two large glassfuls.

"Thanks boy."

"Please may I be excused Sir, I would like some time to get things ready for our weekend away.

"Of course boy, have you decided what we are taking?"

"Yes Sir, the small carry on case you chose don't hold much, so I have had to be very selective."

"Okay boy, I am intrigued as to what you choose, go." And he turned and left me alone in the lounge.

Stuart appeared much later and sat at my feet waiting patiently. "Good boy." I rubbed his head when I finally acknowledged him.

"Sir, I assume that we are biking into London rather than take the train."

"I hadn't really decided boy, do you want to bike it up to London then?" he nodded grinning "Okay boy then we will."

"Good. Then I have made the right decision about our travelling clothes. He smiled and got to the floor and curled up at my feet giving them the odd lick. I was flicking through the channels on the television trying to find something to watch. I finally settled on a David Suchet film of Poirot.

My mind started to wander `I wonder what he means by the correct travelling clothes. I suppose we are going in leathers, that'll be interesting at the airport' I thought to myself. I suddenly remembered that I have a stainless steel butt plug somewhere, it has never been used and I bought it on a whim once. "Stay here boy." I said getting up.

I went to the spare room and searched finally finding it at the bottom of my chest of playthings. `Mmmm I had forgotten how large it is. I am going to made Stuart wear this and when we go through the scanners it will sent them haywire, oh just think of the embarrassment. Lovely." I put it back and went back downstairs smiling to myself.

"Come on boy, let's go outside and I can have a cigar." Stuart got it ready for me and lit it. He handed me the cigar and grabbed the ashtray and sat by my side on the floor watching for when I needed to flick the ash.

I took a long drag taking as much smoke in as I could and grabbed Stuart by the hair and pulled him up, I kissed him pushing all the smoke into his mouth, he took it all in and down into his lungs. Breathing out what was left. "I think Sir that I much prefer taking you used smoke that having a cigar of my own."

"Why's that boy?" I must have looked confused.

Stuart grinned "Because Sir I get to kiss you when you give me your smoke."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Good logic boy." and I pulled him into a long hot snog. Stuart totally relaxed and let me do as I wished with his body.

"Come on boy let's go to bed, we have an early start tomorrow." We went upstairs and into the bedroom where we undressed the few things we wore. I looked at the things he got out for travelling. "So boy, full leathers then?" he nodded. "And what is in the case?"

"A couple of pair of jeans each and some t-shirts and all our washing things. There wasn't room for much else.

"So wherever we are going we will be in full leathers most of the time then?" he nodded "Interesting." He looked at me worried "Don't worry boy, everything will be okay, just different." I pulled him into bed and under the covers, we kissed. I could feel Stuart was hard as it was rubbing me in the leg. I went down the bed and took the head of Stuart's dick into my mouth and gently sucked. If I did anything more he would shoot immediately. I wanted this to last. I let it go and licked the top of his dick and then along the underside. I took his balls into my mouth and pulled and suckled on each one. Stuart was moaning all the time loving it.

I got rid of the duvet and lifted his legs high, I got between his legs and licked his arse hole "Fuck yeah oh Sir that feels wonderful." I pulled his arse cheeks apart and got my unshaven face as deep as I could and pushed my tongue as deep as I could "Fuck, fuck, fuck." I love it Sir."

I licked a finger and pushed that inside him. His arse opened and took the finger, I added another and then another. All three went in easily and Stuart was squirming like a teenager on her first date. "Keep still boy."

"Sorry Sir, but it feels so nice." He tried to keep still be failed. I lubed my hand liberally and managed to get all four fingers inside his arse. I wanted to go further but we have a long journey tomorrow and I want him to enjoy it and not be in pain from a fisting. I managed to stop myself and lowered his legs and took his dick into my mouth and down into my throat. He fired almost immediately as I knew he would.

I swallowed the large cum load and moved back up the bed, Stuart was crying. "Boy?"

"Sorry Sir, but that was so unexpected and so wonderful."

"Good I'm glad that I can surprise you occasionally." I kissed him "Now let's settle down we have an early start."

We both hugged and kissed each other, then settled down with me behind Stuart and my arm over him pulling him close. Stuart wiggled his arse wanting and needing to feel my dick in the crack of his arse. "Stop it boy." he stopped and we settled down to sleep.

The alarm woke us very early and Stuart immediately ran downstairs to make us coffee. I took the opportunity to jump in the shower and came out feeling refreshed as Stuart appeared with the coffee. He went in the shower and I got out our leathers, Stuart couldn't bare his arse, so I got his tight leather jeans with the rear zip.

He came padding back, his dick hard as usual. I threw him one of my well used jock straps which he smelt and sniffed. "Put it on boy, it isn't for you to get you jollies on." I said grinning, he nodded and pulled it on tucking his hard dick inside the pouch. We dressed ourselves as time was marching on and I had no idea what the traffic would be like.

We stood and looked at each other "Very sexy" we said at the same time. I do admit, Stuart looked fucking ace in full leathers especially as he is much fitter then he used to be. I pulled him towards me and kissed him deeply and lovingly. "Just one addition boy." I went into the spare room and got the huge stainless plug. "Bend over boy, you are not dressed properly yet."

Stuart bent over and I lubed the cold steel plug. I opened the zip covering his arse and pushed it in, Stuart took a deep breath. "Fuck that's cold Sir."

"Tough boy, it will soon warm up when it is seated inside your arse." I kept pushing, Stuart groaned at the size but knew better than to say anything. All of a sudden and with a plop it went inside. "There boy that's much better." I pulled the zip up and Stuart turned and kissed me as a thank you.

"We'll have breakfast at the airport boy." I went out and got the bike ready and started her up just as a taxi pulled up, Tito and Greg got out just arriving home from the party. Stuart joined me outside making sure the house was secure and the small carry-on bag strapped to his back. He put my Muir cap in the pannier.

"Good time boys?"

"Fucking ace." Greg said.

"That means you got screwed then?" he nodded grinning.

"He spend most of the night bent over taking dick after dick, a real fucking whore my boyfriend is."

"You had you fair share of arses too" he said indignantly.

"Yeah but not as many as you took up your cunt."

"Where you off to dad?"

"I have no idea son, all I know is we are flying out of Heathrow for the weekend. We will be back on Monday."

The boys went into the house and we put our helmets on and zoomed off towards London.

MORE TO COME (chapter 14 won't be long)

Next: Chapter 14

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