My Next Door Lover

By Iain Bell

Published on Jan 13, 2019


My next Door Lover – chapter 12

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"Good boy." and I lit two smokes and handed one to Stuart. We sat and enjoyed the coffee and he smokes. "You're quite comfortable now baring your plugged arse for all to see aren't you?"

"Yes Sir, I never thought that I would but yes I am."

"Good then I think that it is time for me to get you branded." Stuart looked at me in shock "Nothing that bad boy, just a tattoo on your cute arse showing the world that you are owned and trained my Master Gil." Stuart smiled "You like the idea then?"

"Fuck yeah."

"Good boy." we finished our coffee and smokes and Stuart went inside and paid Ivan giving him a very large tip. We walked down the lanes and headed to the piercing and tattoo shop I knew.

"Gil good to see you"

"Do you know everyone round here Sir?"

I laughed "Only the important ones boy." I turned away and smiled "Geoff, I need my boy marked on his arse cheeks. Owned and trained by Master Gil."

"Mmmm nice but what about spreading it across both cheeks, I can get them larger that way. Owned by Master Gil on one cheek and trained by Master Gil on the other."

"Great idea Geoff." He worked out a price and I paid up. Geoff patted the bed and Stuart got up and lay down on his chest. He couldn't help himself and pushed the plug a couple of time causing Stuart to moan. Geoff yanked out the plug and was surprised at the size of it, he spread his arse cheeks and got his tongue inside lapping and slurping inside Stuart's arsehole.

"Fuck this is nice Gil, you know I love slurping a nice sloppy arse. You'll have to bring him along when he is loaded with piss and loads of cum for me to slurp."

"Come on Geoff get to work." And I slapped the top of his head. He reluctantly put Stuart's plug back in and got to work.

I went outside and had a smoke whilst Geoff worked. I saw a mate of mine and he waved and pointed to his watch "running late as usual, that boy is always late." I finished my smoke and went back inside. Geoff was finishing up one cheek and was just starting the other. I walked round the bed and knelt down to Stuart's level. "You okay boy?" he nodded "good and I brushed his long hair away from his eyes, I pulled his head to one side and kissed him. I got up and watched Geoff work his magic on the other cheek.

When he finished he covered them and Stuart got up off the bed and hugged me "Thank you Sir."

"What for boy?"

"For wanting to ink a permanent reminder that I am your boy, that means so much to me."

He took my hand, kissed Geoff on both cheeks and we walked out into the late afternoon sunshine. "Now boy, we are going home, it will be a little uncomfortable for you on the bike but I cannot do a lot about that."

"Yes Sir." We walked back to the bike and as we put our helmets on I noticed that Stuart hadn't yet stopped grinning. Stuart got on behind me and hugged me so tightly and then relaxed as we roared off towards home.

As soon as I parked the bike in the garage, Stuart was taking off his helmet and he was still grinning from ear to ear "You going to stop smiling?"

"Oh not for a while Sir." He said cheekily. "I feel so honoured to have my Sir's ink on my arse showing my ownership."

"Get on your fucking knees boy." Stuart came over and knelt on the floor looking up at me. "I do like you in that position boy." I said smiling down at him. I took his hand and pulled him up from the floor, I kissed him deeply. "It was a spur of the moment thing boy to get you inked, it does mean I won't be fucking you for a few days whilst you heal properly, but I can still fuck your face." And I kissed him again and pulled him indoors.

I sat down on the settee and pointed to the floor, Stuart got to the floor immediately and started licking my boots clean. "Good boy. Worship those boots boy get the grime from the ride off them using your tongue." I looked down and Stuart was working hard cleaning my boots. I picked up a cigar from my humidor and lit up. "What could be better boy, you at my feet cleaning my boots and a good cigar in my hand?"

Stuart continued to clean my boots using his tongue whilst I enjoyed my cigar. As soon as Stuart felt he had done enough he stopped and sat back. I looked down and was pleased with what he had achieved "Thanks boy, good job." He smiled up at me "you have permission to undress me." I stood up as did Stuart, he slowly undressed me taking his time and made sure that he caressed and played with each muscle group as he uncovered them.

I now stood there naked apart from my sweaty jock strap. "Please Sir can I?"

"Of course boy." he pulled off my jock strap and put the straps over his neck so the smell of the sweat and dried piss and cum would waft up into his nostrils. I laughed at Stuart and he went red. "Fuck boy I do love you." He smiled through his embarrassment and stared at my hard dick "Go on then, I don't think I can stop you anyway." Stuart smiled again and went down on me taking my dick inside his mouth and licking the head and jangling the piercings using his teeth.

He took more of me inside his mouth and I felt myself enter his throat, Stuart's gaze never left my face as he took all of me inside his throat. I continued smoking my cigar as Stuart made love to my dick. I smiled down at Stuart as he throat sucked me a task he adored and I loved him doing it, both of us totally relaxed and enjoying the gentle lovemaking. I wasn't in any rush to shoot a load so Stuart was able to go slowly so he could really enjoy the feeling of my large pierced dick slide up and down his tight throat.

I finished my cigar and made a grab for Stuart's hair. I pulled him on and off my dick, he got the message and stopped sucking me and let me face fuck him. I had been at boiling point for some time but I now needed to shoot and the only way I was going to do that was by fucking his throat. I moaned out loudly and sent my hot load into Stuart's throat, I pulled out so he could taste the last of my load.

Stuart stood up and hugged me tightly "Thank you Sir. That was awesome."

"FLOOR" Stuart immediately knelt on the floor looking at my feet. I couldn't help but smile, Stuart was so submissive and willing to follow my instructions. Sometimes though I wanted that little bit of rebelliousness he has, to come out so I could chastise him or show him up in public. I made a grab for his long hair and pulled it, he had no option but to stand up.

His face was a picture. He was in a little pain from me pulling his hair but also smiling just a wee bit especially when he noticed the large grin across my face. I really want to beat his arse hard but that would have to wait until his tattoo had healed properly.

"Get upstairs out of my sight boy, I might just forget and rape that cute arse of your and I cannot until you are healed properly and make fucking sure you are plugged when you get into bed."

"Yes Sir." And he ran off and upstairs.

I heard Stuart for a while and then nothing, he was far too quiet. "What is that boy up to?" I quietly went upstairs and saw Stuart surrounded by all my boots, I kept quiet and he was so engrossed he didn't see me, he was cleaning every pair making sure that each of them gleamed. I stepped into the room properly and he looked up and grinned.

"Just making sure my Sir's boots are all clean, I don't want my Sir to ever go out in dirty boots."

I looked down at his dick and he was hard and pulsing "Been making love to my boots boy?" I said pointing to his dick.

He nodded "I haven't cum Sir." He said proudly.

"I should fucking hope not boy." and I turned and left the room and went back downstairs with a smile on my face. `I'll suck him off later to thank him for cleaning all my boots' pleased with myself I looked through my emails and saw one from Charles. I read the email and they wanted Stuart to come into the meeting as well as they both wanted to meet Stuart properly. I smiled to myself as I knew that meant that both Charles and Don would end up fucking Stuart, although they are both lovers and had been for 10 years they both like to fuck and fuck hard, so I knew that Stuart particularly would be happy. I responded to the email telling Charles saying that we would be in as long as Stuart could get the time off.

I went out into the garden and lit up a cigar, Stuart could smell the smoke and appeared at my side and knelt on the floor grinning "Thought that would bring you running boy. Have you finished with my boots?"

"Almost Sir, I have just one pair to buff up."

"Good boy" I took a huge long drag on the cigar and leant down and kissed Stuart, he inhaled taking all the smoke down into his own lungs. I pulled on his tits and gently squeezed them getting harder and harder each time I pulled. Stuart moaned and closed his eyes from the slight pain I was inflicting "OPEN YOU EYES BOY" he did as instructed and I squeezed and pulled harder, I could see the pain on his face but he did very well and didn't cry out. "Well done boy for not crying out. Never close your eyes on my again boy, do you understand, I want to see your pain."

"Yes Sir I understand."

"Good boy, soon enough you will want to be hurt by me even more and you will enjoy the pain I inflict on you as you will know that it turns me on, I want to do so much with you boy. Candle wax, violet wands, sounding, mmmm so much."

"Yes Sir" he said proudly but with a little fear in his eyes.

"I've already told you this boy, but I like the fear in your eyes as you look up at me. Makes me even hornier for you. Now stand up." Stuart stood and his dick was fully erect maybe harder than I had ever seen him, mind you he hasn't cum for a while.

I knelt on the floor and took him inside my mouth and quickly down inside my throat as I knew that he wouldn't last very long, he never does when I suck him. He was no sooner balls deep when he cried out and shot his load. I swallowed everything he gave me and I stood up to see Stuart sobbing gently. "Tears boy."

He nodded and hugged me not letting me go "Hey boy, I am not going anywhere."

"Sorry Sir, but I cannot put into words the feeling you give me when you suck me off." I pushed Stuart away and looked deep into his eyes.

"Stuart, what you are feeling is love. I don't think that you have ever truly been in love before, I thought I was once. You and I are a perfect match for each other." Stuart sobbed again and hugged me tightly as I hugged him. "Come on boy that is enough, have one of my cigars and calm down."

We split apart and Stuart smiled as he helped himself to a cigar. We lay on the loungers Stuart smoking his cigar and me finishing the butt of mine. I lit a cigarette and sat up watching my boy smoke, his eyes wide open and smiling enjoying his cigar.

"Boy, can you get Tuesday off?"

"Probably Sir, I have some time owing."

"Good you are coming to my meeting, Charles and Don want to meet you properly."

"Yes Sir, please can I make a phone call?"

"Of course boy but first have a drink." Stuart grinned came over to my lounger and knelt on the floor close to my dick he looked at me and waited. "Good boy well done." He smiled at me and I nodded and he took the head of my dick inside his mouth and waited for me to piss, I started and Stuart gulped everything down I gave him. "Thanks boy."

"You don't need to thank me Sir, I love being your urinal."

"Well thanks anyway boy, I was bought up properly." And I smiled at him and grabbed hold of his hair and pulled him towards me and we snogged, just as the door opened next door and Greg and Tito came out and over the wall.

Stuart stood up and hugged and kissed his son on both cheeks and shook Tito's hand. "I am really pleased for you both. Please I beg you do not invite your mother to the wedding that is all I ask."

"No way dad. I wouldn't invite her, she would only spoil everything."

"We have spoken to my parents and they are both happy for us too. They are coming over to see us tomorrow. They too never thought that I would meet the right person, mum cried her heart out when I told her. As my parents are coming over we have cancelled our moving in party as they will probably want to stay the night." the boys disappeared indoors again.

"Sounds like you need tomorrow off as well boy, do you need to speak to your boss?"

"Yes Sir, please can I use the phone?" he asked again. I nodded and Stuart disappeared.

He returned 15 minutes later "All sorted boy?"

"Yes Sir, he said that as I was owed some holiday anyway it would be fine especially as we are on top of things at the moment.

"Good, now come here." Stuart sat on the floor next to me and I pulled him into a long hot snog. "Want to wear full leathers tomorrow to meet Tito's parents or tight jeans and a t-shirt?" Stuart went red "Ah you want to wear full leather don't you?"

He nodded "is that bad?"

"Of course not. Go up and finish that last pair of boots boy." he nodded, kissed me and ran off upstairs. I lay there staring into space thinking about how my life had changed over the last few months, it definitely had changed for the better. I felt contented for the first time in a long time. I looked at the clock on the kitchen wall `he's been a long time, what the fuck is he up to now?'

I crept upstairs and Stuart had all my leathers out and cleaning them thoroughly. "Boy."

"Sorry Sir, but after your boots I just knew I needed to spend time on your large collection of leathers."

I smiled nodding "you have nothing to be sorry about boy, I appreciate that you want me to be turned out properly and I can see you are turned on." Stuart looked down at his own rock hard dick. He looked up and grinned. "Let me help."

"Forgive me Sir, but this is a boy's job not a Masters."

I smiled and raised my arms in the air "okay boy carry on, come and find me when you are finished and I'll find some way of thanking you." He nodded and I went back downstairs. I found my gym bag and checked the things inside as we were going to the gym later, I found an old jock strap at the bottom I had forgotten about I pulled it out and took it out of the zip-lock bag. This one hadn't seen the light of day for months and stank to high heaven, piss, dried cum and sweat, this stank more than any of the others I owned. I pulled it on immediately I could smell the stench and smiled as I knew Stuart would fucking love it.

I grabbed a beer and sat in the lounge and watched the news, I was engrossed in one of the news stories and missed Stuart appearing at the door, he looked at me and grinned "I could smell you Sir." He looked at my crotch and then up and into my eyes "and a glorious smell it is too."

"Well come at sit at my feet and get to work." He got into position quickly and started to lick the stinking pouch. He was moaning clearly loving the rank jock strap. "I take it you like this one boy."

"Yes Sir, it smells of my Sir more than any of the others."

"I had totally forgotten about it boy but I'm glad you appreciate it." Stuart moved the pouch aside with his teeth and released my steel hard dick. I could see Stuart was thinking and wondering if he could suck me or wait until he was given permission. He looked up at me and waited patiently I smiled and nodded and he grinned and took all of my big pierced dick inside his mouth and down into his throat.

He didn't move he didn't suck, he looked up at me eyes wide and using his throat muscles to slowly bring me off. Stuart also knew that the slow and very sensual throat sucking would not be enough for me excellent though it was. "Grrrrrr" and Stuart's eyes sparkled as I grabbed hold of his hair and pulled his head onto and off of my dick. I fucked his face hard, Stuart knew it would happen and his eyes still never left mine as I used his mouth and throat as my own.

"Mmmm" as I felt myself getting close to shooting my load deep down Stuart's throat. My large balls contracted and my load escaped and shot like a bullet inside his throat. I pulled him up by the hair as soon as I stopped shooting and we kissed, I liked the taste of cum on my boy.

"Thank you Sir." Stuart was grinning from ear to ear.

I smiled at Stuart "Go and tidy yourself up boy, you look a mess." He looked in the mirror and ran upstairs. He came back a while later looking much better "Much better boy." he kissed me "Now sit at my feet and rest boy." Stuart got to the floor and rested as ordered. "How do the new tattoos feel boy?"

"Fine thank you Sir, I can't wait to go out and show them off." I smiled to myself and turned the television on and flicked through the channels until I found the channel I was after. I rested my feet on top of Stuart's back and watched my programme. As I looked down a Stuart was smiling, he was clearly pleased that he was able to serve me in the way he was, I had never asked this of him before but like everything else we had done together, he was happy.

The film was about two hours long and when it finished I moved my feet to the floor and Stuart sat up, he was still smiling and grinning. I pulled him up to my level and snogged him "thanks boy, you have pleased me, come on let's go to bed and I will please you." He hugged me knowing what it meant.

Stuart sat on the bed as I took off the jock strap as it was the only thing I was wearing. My dick reared up to full hardness and Stuart just stared at it, he even licked his lips but I don't think he was even aware of it, I approached him me dick was at the same level as his mouth, he went for it "wait until you are told boy." he moved back and looked up at me, his eyes showed that he was sorry.

I pushed him back on the bed and took his dick and licked up and down the length, I took his balls into my mouth and gently pulled on them giving him just the right amount of pain. I lifted his legs and got my mouth round his anal lips and pushed inside his opening "keep still boy."

"Sorry Sir but you are giving me so much pleasure, I can't help it."

"Do I squirm when you pleasure me?"

"No Sir."

"Well then get with it boy."

"Yes Sir." He tried to keep still but he failed, well not totally anyway. I moved back up and took his dick in my mouth and swallowed it deep in my throat. He shot his load almost immediately.

"You always cum quickly boy."

"Yes Sir, I wish I could last longer but you turn me on in every way possible and when you pleasure me like that it pushes me over the edge. It only ever happens with you."

"Thank you boy. I think." I pulled him into a kiss. I released him and we got into bed, I wanted so much to fuck him but I knew that his tattoos needed to calm down a bit more first.

Sleep was difficult even if Stuart was next to me, I needed a fuck and that was all I could think of, fucking my boy, fucking my boy hard, fucking my boy until I shot my cum deep in his cute and tight muscular arse and that is how it was all night. When it was time to get up I think I must have fallen asleep as Stuart nudged me with a cup of coffee.

"Thank you boy." Stuart got back into bed next to me and we drank our coffee.

"What would you like for breakfast Sir, and I will bring it up."

"Why do I need breakfast in bed?"

"Because some young alpha stud didn't get his fuck last night and the same young alpha stud didn't sleep much." Stuart glanced at me wondering if he had pushed me too far.

I just laughed "Okay boy, you are right and thanks for thinking of me and putting me first as usual." I put my cup down "Put that down boy" he put his coffee cup down and I pulled him into a snog. "Now finish your coffee and go and surprise me."

Stuart went downstairs. I was going to get up and have a shower but decided against it. I heard Stuart humming to himself `mmmm Elgar's cello concerto again.' I smiled to myself and would see if it was on anywhere that I could take Stuart before we flew off for the English winter.

Stuart appeared with a bowl of muesli covered in fresh strawberries, orange juice and more piping hot coffee. "Wonderful." I said looking at the food laid before me.

I ate my breakfast whilst Stuart double checked everything in the wardrobe where we kept all our leathers. "Happy boy?"

"Yes Sir everything is in a great condition and ready for you to choose whatever we will wear to meet Tito's parents." I finished my breakfast and showered whilst Stuart busied himself with some housework. I dried and stayed naked and went downstairs "okay boy when you are finished go and get showered." He stood and stared at my dick which rose as I spoke. I left for the study with a smile and looked at my emails and nothing important came in so I logged off.

I heard Stuart in the bathroom I was about to go out on the patio and have a smoke but changed my mind. I googled all the concerts that might be playing Elgar and one came up in the USA. Carnegie Hall, New York City to be precise and it was next weekend, I booked the very best tickets, one of my favourite New York hotels and 1st class flights from Heathrow. I was happy with myself which must have shown on my face as when Stuart re-appeared he looked at me "Sir?"

"Nothing boy, just happy."


"Just keep quiet boy." I said sternly and kept smiling mainly at myself. "Now let's have a look at your tattoos." I removed the covering "Looks good boy, healing nicely, think we can keep them uncovered now." And I removed the covering as Stuart walked away to make more coffee for us I started at his arse and new tattoos, my own dick rose to full hardness.

Stuart turned to get some more coffee and saw my dick. He padded over and fell to the floor in front of me and started at my dick. "Later boy, this is going in the other end." He looked up grinning and nodding. He went back to making the coffee but kept glancing over at my steel hard dick. "Will you concentrate boy, you will end up burning yourself or dropping coffee everywhere." He moaned and turned away and carried on making the coffee, he wiggled his arse a couple of time which made me moan and I knew Stuart was smiling even though I couldn't see him.

"Smoke Sir" he said when the coffee was finished and he had poured two large mugs for us.

"Yes boy." he was staring at my still steel hard dick and not at my face. "Remind me to give you a beating later."

"What for Sir?"

"For constantly staring at my dick when I am speaking to you." He went red straight away. He turned picked up the mugs and went out to the patio and I picked up the cigarettes and followed him out.

Stuart lit two and handed me one and we lay there drinking our coffee and smoking. I kept glancing over and Stuart was trying so hard not to stare at my dick. "I think the beating I give you will be a little more severe boy, you cannot help yourself can you?"

"No Sir, sorry Sir, I can't help it if I adore looking at your dick, just waiting for the word so I can make love to it."

"Mmmm, maybe boy but you won't get around me that way."

"Oh Sir, that's not what I meant at all." He said apologetically.

"No boy?"

"No Sir." He said looking me in the eyes."

"Okay then boy." we both relaxed and finished our smokes and coffee, we both heard noises from next door.

The back door opened "Well you are the fucking bitch round here, just get on with tiding up." and Tito stormed out, saw us and grinned. He stepped over the wall "just playing with him, he needs to remember who is the boss round here." and he stepped back over the wall. He put his stern face back on and went inside.

He left the door open and we heard slapping going on and a few moans and a few ouch's. Stuart and I looked at each other and grinned.

Smokes finished we went indoors "Right boy, I am going for a run, get all nice and sweaty for you to worship when I get back, I would like you to come with me but you need to rest that arse of yours, skin tight Lycra and a bicycle seat would do you no good at all. You can choose what we wear tonight."

"Yes Sir." And I pulled on my running shoes and a pair of shorts and set off in the hot sunshine. The workmen at the top of the road were just finishing up and the guy I fucked a few times looked over and waved as I went past.

I had a good run out and I went down to the beach, I find that running along the sandy beach gives me a harder workout, I didn't do it very often but as the beach was fairly quiet I was able to have a good hard run along the entire length. I reached the end and went back up to the promenade and started to run home. The sun was beating down as I ran and I felt myself sweat profusely which made me smile as Stuart would enjoy himself when I got indoors. Somehow it made me want to put a spurt on and I finished the run home much, much quicker than the run out and that was fast.

Stuart was in the front garden picking up a few odd bits of rubbish that had appeared through the night. He looked up and smiled and sniffed. "Mmmm very nice."

"And what makes you think you are going to get my sweat then?"

He looked thoughtful for a moment or two "because you like your boy, you like to watch as your boy devours your sweat, taking it into his own mouth. To know that your boy worships you and every part of you."

"Mmmm good enough." I laughed and Stuart grinned. "You'll do for me lover." And I walked over to Stuart and dropped my shorts, my dick rose to full hardness again and I raised my arms and placed them behind my neck. "Go on then boy."

Stuart moaned and got his face in one armpit savouring the smell and taste of his man. He licked, slurped and sucked until there was no more for him to have, he moved to the other and got to work, I felt his hard dick against me as he worked my sweat into his mouth, and my boy was so turned on from cleaning his man.

He finished both arm-pits and sat back, I turned and bent over, I let his lick my arse next. He dove right inside pushing his mouth tight over my arse, he licked at the sweat, taking it into himself and then pushed his tongue out and licked at my hole. He pushed his tongue inside me, cleaning me out as best he could. I was moaning, he was moaning both of us incredibly turned on, I pushed him away and turned. I grabbed hold of his hair and pulled it as hard as I could, Stuart winced from the slight pain. I pulled him onto my dick forcing it into his throat not really giving him time to accommodate me.

He gagged as I forced myself on him but I didn't care, I was fucking horny and I needed to cum. I fucked his face and as I looked down tears were falling down his face, I smiled knowing that my boy was hurting. Stuart knew that I liked inflicting pain on him and he knew his rewards would be even greater. I pulled his hair on and off my dick fucking his face as hard as I could.

My balls were hitting his chin and I knew it was hard as my balls felt the slight pain which made me even hornier if that were possible. I forced my dick inside his throat, moaned and unloaded probably one of the largest cum loads I had ever produced. It slid down and into Stuart's stomach.

I released him and he sat back I could see the tears from my hard use of his mouth and throat but he was grinning through the tears. "Thank you sir" he said with a lot of meaning in his voice.

"No boy" I said sharply. His face was a picture "It is me who should thank you, for allowing me to use you the way I wanted even though you were clearly in pain you accepted it and for that I thank you." I sank to the floor and we snogged using both out tongues fighting for space in each other's mouths.

We parted and stood up "So boy what are we wearing tonight then?" he took my hand and led me upstairs. Stuart had chosen my tightest black leathers with the single white stripe down both sides of the leg. A short sleeved black leather shirt with a tie, a Muir cap and a chain-mail waistcoat. "Mmmm I approve boy. What about boots?"

"I wasn't too sure Sir."

"Are you going to wear your harness boots?" he nodded "Than I'll do the same." He nodded and got them out, I looked through his chosen outfit and was surprised that he wanted to bare his arse "You sure boy?"

"Absolutely Sir, I want everyone to know what I am to you." He grinned.

"Well done boy, I really thought you would chicken out." I pulled him into a long loving kiss. I pulled his hair to force his head to the side. "And I haven't forgotten I owe you a beating."

"No Sir, thank you Sir." I released him and playfully slapped his cute arse.

We both went downstairs the kitchen door went "anyone home?"

"In here Greg." and Greg found us in the lounge.

"Erm" he said finding it difficult "What are you both wearing tonight?"

"I suppose you want us in jeans and t-shirt." He nodded "Tough, boy here wants us to wear full leathers, he has even chosen them. Show him boy."

Stuart took Greg upstairs not uttering a word. When they thought they were out of earshot I heard them speak. "Please don't do this dad. I want this to go well and you and Gil may upset things."

"Are you ashamed of me and Sir?"

"Fuck no of course not, but my mind is all over the place, I do so much want them to like me and I am scared."

"Do you want Tito's parents to get the wrong impression of the four of us, I think honesty is the best thing. I bought you up that way."

"Yes of course dad but."

"No buts Greg. In fact I think that you and Tito should wear your full rubber suits I know you have, especially now you have bought skinhead boots."

"No way."

"Yes Greg, trust me son, have I ever led you astray?"

"No of course not." They appeared back downstairs. Greg looked ashen and even more scared than when he came in, he left without even a word to me.

"Sorry about my son Sir, I will have a word with Tito and make sure he gets punished, I bought him up much better than that."

"You've frightened him boy." Stuart smiled and nodded. "Do you know something I don't?"

"Yes Sir. Sorry. I have met Tito's parents though Greg and Tito are not aware of it. They actually are a couple of hippies, about the same age as me but had parents that were hippies and grew up to love that lifestyle, so nothing that we or Greg wears will phase them."

"I see boy. So although you bought Greg up to tell the truth you weren't exactly honest with me were you?" he looked down and I know he had gone red. "Just wait until we are alone tonight."

"Yes Sir" he said still looking to the floor.

I walked out of the room and went out to the patio for a smoke. Tito was standing there have a smoke himself. "Boy has not told me the straight truth about your parents."

"Schhhh." He stepped over the wall "Greg has no idea. He is scared witless and I want him to stay that way, I love winding him up."

"You are very naughty."


"Stuart suggested to Greg that you both wear those new full rubber suits you bought with the skinhead boots. Stuart and I will be in full leathers."

"Fucking great idea. Greg will hate me." And he let out a loud guffaw." Greg appeared at the door. "Ah there you are baby. "Your Dad suggest we wear full rubber tonight, fucking great idea, get them out and ready will you baby." And he turned back to me grinning his head off. I looked at Greg and he was standing there open mouthed not quite believing what Tito had said.

He disappeared indoors. "You ought to say something, he is scared witless."

"No way, I am having far too much fun. Besides I need to pay him back for something and this is my way of getting him back." he winked and disappeared over the wall and indoors.

Stuart joined me "I suppose you are in on Tito's wind up?"

"Yes Sir sorry. Tito told me not to say anything, I really did want to say something but he insisted."

"Okay boy, as a Master gave you an explicit instruction, I guess that will have to do. Come and sit next to me boy." and Stuart sat on the floor next to me "you must have been torn, knowing that you should have told me everything as your Master but being told by another Master that you cannot." Stuart nodded tears welling up in his eyes. "Well boy, as you belong to me I am and always will be your number one Master and I always come first, anything that another Master tells you or gets you to do MUST be reported to me immediately or as soon as you can."

Stuart nodded "Yes Sir thank you for clarifying." I pulled him into a long hot kiss. "By the way boy it means a more severe beating." He nodded looking to his knees. I lifted his head and kissed him "you know that will make me extra horny don't you." He nodded and smiled. "Good boy." Stuart rested his head on my chest but not before licking each nipple and biting into each one.

I lit a cigarette as Stuart rested. I played with his hair, it was nice and long now and well over his shoulders. Stuart moaned as I caressed and played with his long hair. He looked up at me and smiled. "I suppose you want something to do?" he nodded quickly and I could tell he wanted to look down but managed to but only just.

I smiled at him and gave the slightest nod I could, a lesser boy would have missed it but not Stuart. He dove down and went for my dick taking the entire huge thing into his mouth and down into his throat. He moaned lustily at being filled and I knew that he was only really happy when he was serving his Master's dick. "Mmmm good boy Stuart, you always give me the best feelings."

He looked up as he sucked away on my dick, I smiled and he turned back his task and carried on pleasuring my dick. I didn't particularly need or want to shoot a load off anytime soon, I was enjoying my boy making love to my dick giving me pleasure and he knew exactly how to do just that.

We were interrupted by a knock at the door. Stuart went to see who it was. "Billy" and Stuart showed him outside onto the patio.

"Billy what brings you down here?" I looked him up and down he was wearing a full set of racing leathers cut nice and tight.

"I've finished Stuart's suit and I was staying overnight locally anyway. He pulled the rucksack off his back and took out my old suit, now altered for Stuart.

Stuart took it and sniffed. "Getting your jollies again boy?" This time Stuart didn't go red, he smiled and nodded. "Get it on then boy." Stuart pulled the old smelly suit on, it fitted him perfectly. Billy had done a great job as I knew he would.

"Were you tempted to keep it yourself Billy?"

"Of course, but I knew I couldn't." he grinned.

I walked over to Billy and pulled his shaved head towards me and snogged him deeply. Stuart took the suit off and disappeared upstairs clearly thinking of me again. "Get naked Billy." He took off his Sidi boots and pulled off his tight racing suit. I smiled as I took in his naked body "As nice as I remember."

"Thanks Gil."

"Kneel." He knelt on the floor and I walked closer, he opened his lips and took me inside him moaning. "Make it nice and wet Billy." He looked up and slobbered as much saliva as he could. He sat back and looked up at me. "On your back." He lay back and lifted his legs high. I placed them over my shoulders and felt for his arse. "Since when were you into toys?" as I felt the base of a plug sealing his arse.

"About six months. I was introduced to them by a fuck buddy, he said try riding your motorbike with a plug in your arse. I did and it was great, I even shot my load inside my leathers as I rode over the bumps. I always wear one now."

I pulled the plug out of his arse, I gasped at the size of it, I hadn't seen on as large as that before. "Fucking hell Billy."

"Yeah, I really got into them and trained myself to get larger and larger, this is the largest commercially available."

"There is no way I am fucking you Billy, I am going to use my fist instead." A serene smile came across his face when I said it "Billy."

"I want to be fisted Gil, I haven't yet but I knew that I wanted you to be the first, you were the first to make me suck you and the first to fuck me. Somehow I knew that you had to be the first to fist me as well."

I reached for the bottle of lube and coated my hands with loads of it. I put my fingers to his arse and they went in easily. Four fingers disappeared, I pulled my thumb in to make my hand as small as possible and pushed. I was gentle with him as this was his first time but he kept looking up at me and smiling, the smile never left his face, I pushed harder and he closed his eyes in pain but didn't tell me to stop.

I kept on pushing nice and gently nice and firmly. He winced a few times but I carried on "Okay Billy?"

"Fucking ace mate." I smiled and pushed once more, a nice hard firm push and my hand disappeared inside his arse. "Oh fuck thank you Gil." I moved my hand slightly, just to give him some feeling. He was moaning now and his dick which had gone soft rose to full erection. I twisted and turned my hand inside his arse, Billy was grinning and moaning loving the new feelings he was getting.

He even started to push back on my fist a clear sign that he wanted more. "Really?"

"Fuck yeah Gil, please try." I pushed a little deeper he moaned and I could feel him open up inside as I pushed.

"You sure you have not done this before Billy?"

"No never. You know I cannot lie to you."

"You are a natural Billy, you'll have a gaping arse and soon enough you will be begging for whole arms inside you. Is that what you want?"

"Fuck yeah mate, I can't wait, please open my cunt as much as you can."

I smiled down at him as Stuart appeared at my side, now naked and steel hard at the scene before him. "Lube my wrist and some of my arm boy." Stuart did as he was told and I pushed a little harder, I felt a block , I wiggled a little and gently moved, Billy's arse opened further and I gently pushed through, Billy was beside himself in sheer and total pleasure.

I stopped when I felt the second block "I think that is enough Billy." I slowly pulled out "relax Billy" he relaxed as much as he could and with a loud plop my hand came out. "Well Billy you look okay, no blood." He stood up and hugged me tightly.

"Thanks mate, I couldn't be happier right now." Billy turned to Stuart "you have a good man Stuart. One of the best, I wanted him but sadly that never happened. He is the best mate a man could wish for and I will do anything for him, you are a very lucky sod Stuart, he doesn't give his heart to just anyone."

"Fucking pack it in Billy." I said annoyed. Billy looked at me and smiled. I couldn't help but smile back "Stop putting me on a pedestal will you."

"I meant what I said Gil, I was so upset back then."

"That's enough Billy now dress and go" I said testily. Billy dressed and left his tail between his legs.

"Sir?" Stuart asked confused.

"Shut the fuck up boy." he gulped and left me alone.

I sat down and cried, Stuart must have heard as he came back into the room and sat on the floor next to me, I automatically put my head on his and let it all out.

Eventually I stopped and kissed Stuart "sorry boy, everything that Billy was talking about was a dark part of my life that I thought I had left behind. I don't want to go into details, I hoped that I had forgotten about it but Billy bought everything back, please I beg you don't ask me about it."

"Sir, I hate seeing you like this and I won't mention it again. Can I get you a Cigar?"

"Good idea boy thank you." Stuart went and got one, he got it ready and even lit it for me. "Thanks boy, but I am not an invalid you know."

"Sir, I like looking after you and if you are hurting I will move heaven and earth to make it better for you."

I smiled and kissed Stuart "you are so good for me Stuart. Thank you for coming into my life and thank you so very much for accepting everything I have thrown at you. You are a good man."

"Erm, I am a boy Sir." I smiled and nodded.

"Stand up boy." Stuart stood and I grabbed him and spun him round I looked at his tattoo covering his arse "Looks healed to me boy. That mean we can fuck tonight." He turned bent down and kissed me. He held out his hand and I took it and stood, we went upstairs "I said later boy."

"I think that we need to get ready so we can meet Tito's parents."

I looked at the time "Fuck so we do." Stuart had laid everything out ready for us. We dressed ourselves and both automatically looked in the mirror and then at each other. I pulled Stuart into a long hot snog. "Thanks sexy." He said grinning.

We went downstairs just as we saw a taxi door open. Come on let's go outside and greet them. I opened the front door "Hello, good to meet you, I'm Gil and this is my partner Stuart, Greg's father." they looked us up and down, they turned to each other and grinned. They came over and shook our hands both pulling us into a cheek to cheek kiss.

I noticed what they were wearing for the first time. They were about my age, quite young for parents and she was wearing a very short mini-skirt, 6 inch heels and had extremely large tits. He was wearing denim shorts that covered very little and a tight t-shirt and I noticed his nipples were pierced. "I'm Steve and this is my wife Aura."

Tito had appeared pulling Greg behind him. "Baby." Said Aura running over to Tito. "Good to see you and they hugged and kissed. "Is this the lucky man?"

Tito introduced Greg and we all chatted. I directed them into my place and everyone followed and we went into the garden. Tito ran over the wall and got beers for us all including his mum.

Over the course of the few next hours we all made friends and I could see Greg had relaxed, Steve was glancing at the rubber outfits and the rather large bulges they made at the crotch. Steve commented on the rubber outfits and thought that they looked great. "Say Aura, I think you would look great in rubber, you could wear those PVC stiletto boots you bought the other week."

"Well if you want me in revealing rubber you'd have to do the same." Everyone laughed.

Stuart turned to grab the cigarettes, Steve noticed his bare arse and tattoos. The alcohol had relaxed him apparently as he stepped over and felt his arse. "Mmmm nice. Very nice, love the plug. May I?" he said turning to me." I nodded. Steve pulled at the plug and Stuart automatically bent over moaning. Steve yanked out the plug and everyone saw Stuarts open arse. Steve pushed a couple of fingers inside him.

"Steve, leave the boy alone."

"Yes dear." And he pushed the plug back inside Stuart.

"I can't take my husband anywhere, he ends up wanting to screw everything in sight."

Steve reached into Aura's handbag. Here smoke these, this'll relax us all." I looked over at Greg who was looking shocked. As Steve handed round the unmistakable smelly smokes. Everyone lit up.

"Fucking great stuff dad." Said Tito. "Haven't had anything good this for fucking ages."

"Well you will move in with you lover and leave home." Steve said with a smirk.

By the end of the evening we all knew each other very well and Steve and Aura approved of the four of us, as they went to leave for the taxi Aura turned. "I am happy that my son is finally in love, both Steve and I can see the love they have for each other." She came over and kissed Tito and hugged him and went over to Greg. "Keep that cute arse of yours tight for his big dick and open for whenever he needs it and he will never wander."

"Mother." She simply grinned at her son and they got in the taxi and drove off.

We all wandered back into the garden and Stuart went for a bottle of champagne and poured it for the four of us. We all talked late into the night before we said out good nights and up to bed.


Next: Chapter 13

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