My Next Door Lover

By Iain Bell

Published on Dec 15, 2018


My next Door Lover – chapter 10

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"Good boy." I teased him with the riding crop by rubbing it against his arse. I think I heard him swear under his breath which made me smile wickedly. I raised the crop and bought it down on his arse, it was hard but not that hard "FUCK" he yelled out.

"That's better isn't it boy." and I bought it down again on his arse slightly harder. He screamed out again "The more you yell out boy, the more you will get."

"Yes Sir" and his head dropped. I hit him a couple more time much harder and he didn't scream out but I did hear a whimper form him "Good boy." and I put the crop down and rubbed his arse. "Mmmm nice and hot, nice and red mmmm" I wet my finger again and pushed it inside his arse. Stuart moaned and pushed back on my finger. All thoughts of his arse hurting were forgotten it seems.

I reached round and felt the pouch of the jock strap, it was full of hard dick. "Did you go soft boy?"

"Briefly Sir."

"Good boy, well done." I pulled him round and kissed him sending my tongue as deep as it would go.

"Sorry Sir."

"Don't be and you can continue to be a little bit of a rebel as I shall enjoy beating that arse red and I think deep down you enjoy it too." Stuart looked to the floor "boy?"

"Yes Sir, it hurt but I don't understand it but yes, it felt good somehow." He looked up into my eyes and saw the biggest smile across my face. "Well done boy." And I pulled him into a kiss. "Now undress me boy." he started my slowly removing my chest harness and took a lick at each nipple and bit into each one as he removed the harness, I raised my hands and put them behind my head. He took the hint and attacked my armpits licking and sucking the evenings sweat away. When he had everything he was going to get, he moved down to my boots and turned so his arse was facing me and he wiggled at me making me moan, he turned and grinned. He pulled each boot off followed by my boot socks.

I stood up and he slowly took off the studded leather belt and opened the buttons and pulled down the zip. He pulled the leather jeans down over my muscled thighs and I stepped out of them leaving me standing in just my dirty jock strap. Stuart was staring at it licking his mouth waiting for me to give the word. "Good boy, waiting for me to give my assent boy?"

"Yes Sir." Still licking his lips.

"Your salivating boy, for my dick or the jock strap?"

Stuart looked me in the eyes and grinned "both Sir." I couldn't help but laugh and he went red. I pulled him up and kissed him. "Now go upstairs and put everything away and come back naked."

"Yes Sir" and he gathered everything up and ran upstairs.

I couldn't help but smile as he ran almost falling over everything in his haste to come back and get used.

He soon came back and knelt on the floor again staring at my dick still encased in the smelly jock strap "Go on then boy." he looked up, smiled and went for the pouch licking and sniffing taking in my smell and the smell of the dried cum, piss and sweat. He used his teeth and moved the pouch aside and my big dick fell out, he took the head inside his mouth and licked round the head. He went deeper looking up at me his eyes firmly planted on mine. I inched inside his throat until my balls were against his chin.

I stayed like that for a while enjoying the feeling of his tight throat surrounding my dick. I took hold of his head and started face fucking him I looked down and Stuart was still fixed on my face and eyes. I smiled down and stopped fucking his face and pulled away. "This is no good boy, I need your arse far too much. He stood, turned and bent over. "Fuck boy, you are still red, fuck that is so nice boy" as I rubbed his arse. I knelt on the floor behind him and started to lick his arse, pushing my tongue as deep as I could get it.

Stuart was moaning all the time clearly loving the attention I was giving him. I pushed a couple of fingers inside him and added a third `mmmm I said softly to myself, opening nicely.' I licked again sending waves of pleasure through Stuart. I needed my fuck.

I put the head of my dick to his arse and pushed the piercings inside and then the rest of my dick, his arse swallowed all my big dick easily but he was still tight. I started fucking him nice and gently to begin with. Stuart was moaning now loving my big dick filling his arse. "Yeah boy it does feel good." I fucked him a little bit harder.

I pulled Stuart up and turned his head round and managed to kiss him, I was fucking him still albeit gently. "So good, boy." I knew I was getting close I never did last long when I fucked Stuart no matter how I fucked him, his arse was just too good inside. I pulled him into a long snog and shot my load deep inside him as we snogged. He moved forward and let my dick go, he quickly pushed in his plug and knelt swallowing all my dick cleaning it as he went.

He stood up when he finished and he flung his arms round my neck. "Thank you Sir, that was fabulous."

"Just the fuck or all of it."

"All of it Sir, from taking me out, showing me up, hitting me" he went red at that point "and fucking me and giving me your precious seed deep inside me. I have had a wonderful evening.

"Good I'm glad you enjoyed it boy. Come on it is getting late, we need our sleep. I'll pick you up after work tomorrow and we'll go to the gym, I want you to meet Sven, he's Swedish and a real hunk, you'll love him, he will give you a real work-out."

We went upstairs and into bed, we spooned with my dick pushing against the plug sealing off Stuart's arse.

Stuart must have woken first as he was facing me when I opened my eyes and smiling. He kissed me "coffee Sir?" I kissed him back and nodded. He dashed out of bed and ran downstairs to make the coffee. I decided to get up and padded downstairs. Stuart was making the coffee oblivious to me standing there. I coughed and he spun round with a smile, he came over and kissed me again and dashed back to the coffee as it was almost ready.

Stuart came back with two steaming mugful's we sat both naked at the kitchen table drinking "Please can I shower Sir?" I smiled at Stuart and nodded. "Thank you Sir." He took his coffee and ran upstairs and I heard the shower go on and Stuart singing to himself.

He soon came down shaved and smelling clean, he was wearing his work shorts and a vest with work boots. "I suppose you have another of my jock straps on?"

"Yes Sir." He said proudly, I try to wear a different one every day as I like to smell my Sir on me all day. I just need you to plug me Sir and I can go." Stuart handed me his plug and I lubed it and he turned, dropped his shorts and I pushed it home deep in his arse, Stuart moaned in pleasure as I pushed it in. He pulled up his shorts and turned back to face me "Thank you Sir. Please can I go now?"

I nodded, Stuart kissed me and left for work. I finished my coffee. "Time for a shower I think." And I went upstairs and got everything ready. I jumped in loving the hot water cascading down my tight muscled body, I just stood there still wondering why the fuck I got up so fucking early. `Oh yeah otherwise I would miss Stuart.' I smiled to myself.

I dried and dressed in running shorts and a vest, donned my running shoes and headed out into the early morning sunshine. I took a long roundabout route today, I wanted a long run but not a fast one. I headed down to the promenade and ran as far as the new marina with all the expensive boats that are hardly ever used except by the weekend sailors that came down from London.

I made my way round the back of town and out into the road towards the hypermarket. It was starting to get really hot and I ran just a little bit faster to ensure I would break into a little sweat by the time I got to Stuart's work.

I saw him tending to the flowerbeds and crept up behind him and just stood there, his co-workers were about to say hi, when I hushed them. "Morning Sir." Said Stuart without even turning.

"How did you know it was me boy?"

"I know the smell of my man Sir" he said turning and grinning. He kissed me on the lips and we snogged for a few minutes "See you later boy." and I ran off to complete my run. His co-worker who watched the entire scene was just shaking his head in disbelief.

I made it home, had another shower, stayed naked and made myself some breakfast. I went into the study and got the latest few chapters from David and sat outside on the patio and ate my breakfast and started to read about the skinheads he was writing about. `Fuck this is so horny' I said to myself as I read and noted any errors that needed work or perhaps slightly better grammar.

There was a knock on the door. Never one to be shy of my body or dick I went and opened the door. The guy standing there was wearing Hi-Viz trousers and waistcoat and had a good body and a shaved head. He looked shocked to say the least "Can I help you?" I asked as he looked me up and down and his eyes stayed on my steel hard dick. "You caught me relaxing."

"Don't look like you are relaxing to me, it looks as if you are horny and in need of relief." He said with a smile and pushed his way inside the house closing the door behind him. "Right first things first." And he got to his knees and took my dick into his mouth. I moaned as he took it inside his throat and I soon felt my balls against his chin.

"Oh fuck yeah." I moaned out.

"Do you fuck with this thing?" he asked as he let my dick go from his throat?" I smiled and spun him round and pulled down his hi-vis trousers and took off his hi-vis top. I noticed his body was also totally shaved like his head

"Nice." I said as bent him over and felt his shaved arse he was wet "been fucked already this morning then?"

"Yeah, I stopped at my lovers work as I knew he would need relief like I did." I knelt on the floor and licked at his arse taking any cum I could find. I pushed my tongue as deep as I could and he pushed out letting more seep from his arse. "Fuck yeah, oh wow." I stood up and put the head of my dick to his arse and pushed deep, shoving all my steel hard dick inside his arse in one long hard fuck. "Fuck yeah." He moaned as I hit rock bottom and started my fuck. I rammed in and out hard, I didn't really care if he liked it hard or not, I need a good hard fuck and that's just what I was getting.

He must like the fuck as he was pushing back just as hard as I was ramming inside him. "Fuck yeah, you cunt." He yelled out "Give that fucking dick hard, ram that fucker inside me and shoot your seed deep in my cunt."

I grabbed hold of his hips and fucked him a little harder getting closer and closer to shooting. "FUCK" I yelled out and unloaded deep inside his arse."

"Now that was a fuck." He said as he turned and licked me clean.

"Fancy a smoke?" I asked as I could smell the cigarettes on him. He nodded and we went out to the patio. I lit up and passed him one and he too lit up. "Now what else can I do for you?"

He smiled "We are working on the main road outside, we are doing gas main repairs. Your road will be closed off for about two days from tomorrow, so you will be unable to get a car out of your cul-de-sac."

"Will I be able to get my bike out?"

"Yeah no problem."


"The other houses seem empty."

"Two of them are holiday homes and are rarely used. The other, is my partners son and his lover, they don't drive so no problem there."

He smiled and took a long drag on his smoke. "We'll be around for a few weeks. I hope that you'll let me visit you again?"

"You a cheeky sod aren't you?"

"You don't get what you need if you aren't"

"And I suppose you need a constant supply of cum in either end like my boy?"

"Of course I do, my boyfriend loves sucking me out when he knows I have been well fucked."

"Ever wear a plug to work?"

"Never tired it why?"

"Well Stuart always goes to work plugged, he like to remain horny all day and if I have shot my load of cum or piss in his arse he stays hard and horny all day."

"You are a real dirty fucker aren't you?"

He it another couple of smokes and handed one to me. I got up and went into the lounge and got Stuart's smaller plug that he never uses anymore. I lubed it liberally and took it out to the patio and plonked it on the table between us. He looked at it and grinned. "My gift to you if you want it."

"Only if you put it in." I stood up and picked up the plug and he stood and bent over the table, I pushed my dick back inside him and took a piss. "Fuck you are a right cunt, I suppose I'll have to work all day with my arse full of piss?"

"Yep." And I pulled out and rammed the plug inside his arse before anything could leak out. We finished our smokes

"I'd better get back to work." And he stood up, I followed him back inside he dressed back in his Hi-Vis gear. "Thanks for the fuck and the gift." He said patting his arse. I opened the door and he left, he turned back "Are you going to be around tomorrow morning?" I nodded. "Good. See you then."

I smiled and closed the door. Temporarily sated I sat outside and got on with reading more of David's book. My phone went, I picked it up and immediately felt guilty about the sex with the navvy as it was Stuart on the phone. "Hello boy."

"Hello Sir. Have you had a visitor Sir?"

"Erm, yes boy." I said a little unsure of myself for probably the first time.

Stuart laughed down the phone "I knew you would be horny Sir and when I went to work I saw the workmen just setting up and recognised the foremen from the pub the other night. I suggested he call on you, I know my Sir cannot go long in between fucks."

"There you go again boy, putting my needs first, you are a good boy."

"Thank you Sir, I'd better go, see you later Sir."

"Bye boy." I ended the call `and I was worried about fucking somebody other than Stuart' I had a beer and finished reading the last few pages of the last chapter I had. I went inside and scanned them and emailed them back to David with my suggestions and corrections.

I looked at the time and got my bag ready with the things for the gym. I put on a jock strap, shorts and a vest for myself and a jock strap and trainers for Stuart. I accidently on purpose forgot shorts and a vest. Sven will appreciate that' I pulled on a pair of leather running shorts and my leather and chain waistcoat and a pair of 14 hold DM's. I looked in the mirror and grinned to myself This'll get Stuart going.' I went downstairs locked up and grabbed my keys and headed to the garage.

I chucked the bag in the back and started the car and roared off to the hypermarket. I saw Stuart sitting on the wall chatting to his mates, he was gently rocking, no doubt feeling the plug inside his arse. I stopped the car, Stuart had noticed me so I quickly jumped out and ran over to him and his mates. "Hello boy."

"Hello Sir." And he got to his feet and just stood there. I pulled him into a long hot kissing front of his mates. When I let him go he was red "Why are you embarrassed boy. Your mates aren't." Stuart turned and they were all smiling.

Davy, his immediate boss shook Stuart's hand "I love the way get embarrassed when you show your affection in front of us Stuart. You may be a poof" he chuckled still smiling "but you are a good man and I am proud to call you a friend now go, we'll finish up here." Stuart smiled and I took his hand as we walked to my car.

Stuart got in after me and I drove off to the gym "you're very quiet boy."

"Sorry Sir, but the lads at work surprised me."

"Stuart, they are your mates and they accept you for what you are, my boy. You don't hide, I won't let you" I said laughing "you have come a long way since you became mine. Did they mention the chain round your neck?"

"They did Sir, I told them that it was a sign that I was a boy that belonged to my Master." Stuart turned to me and kissed me on the cheek just as we pulled up outside the gym.

We jumped out and went inside. "Hello Sir" said the receptionist "Haven't seen you in a while."

"I've been busy with my new boy." and I introduced Stuart.

"Sven is expecting you Sir, he is in his office. He asked that you get changed and join him."

"Thanks. Come on boy." and we went through to the changing room. I opened the bag and got my things out "Okay boy get dressed." He went in the bag and took out a jock strap and his trainers.

He looked at me in shock "oops."

"That means you have done this on purpose Sir."

"Well of course I have. Now take that plug out and let's get on."

"Yes Sir." We both dressed in the things we had and went knocked on the office door.

"COME IN." I opened the door and Sven got up and came over, he was wearing a pair of trainers and shorts that didn't cover much. Stuart's face was a picture. He stood open mouthed at him. "Boy you are drooling."

"Eh. Oh sorry Sir." I have to say though Sven was a human mountain so I know why Stuart was staring. Sven was another guy I was at public school with, his father was a Swedish diplomat and his mother was an ambassador for Save the Children, Sven was a bit of a wimp at school but as soon as I introduced him to the school gym, I couldn't keep him away, he spent nearly every free hour in there. Sven has more muscles that I have seen on a man before. He was fucking giant and I know for a fact he has a huge dick to match.


Next: Chapter 11

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