My Next Door Lover

By Iain Bell

Published on Sep 21, 2018


My next Door Lover chapter one

I hope you enjoy this new story of mine, as always you need to donate to NIFTY to keep this website alive for those us that write here and you the reader who enjoy the various scribblings.

I love to head feedback of any kind, so please do email me. Originally I was going to post chapters when the story was complete but I am still writing, so I thought I would start posting it now. Oh and for those that have read a Daddy's Love, I haven't forgotten that I promised to revisit that story but I wanted to get this and another couple of stories which I am working on published here on NIFTY first.

I've never had a lover, at least not a full time move in sort of lover, I always played the field, you know different men every time I got horny and kicked them out before breakfast. I could say that is the fault of my parents but that wouldn't strictly be true. My parents worked hard building up three successful businesses. They managed to amass a huge fortune from all three but they never lived long enough to enjoy it. I had no brothers or sisters so everything came to me. That is why I never settled down with a man, nearly everyone I met were gold diggers or at least I assumed that they were, not all of them I suppose but I didn't allow anyone to get that close just in case. I hired the best people to run the business and cut them in for some of the profits, I knew that way they would do their best to maintain the high standards and high profits my parents set up.

I don't need to work, I attend a few board meetings when required and that's it. The rest of my time is my own. I live on the South coast of England during the summer and I fly off to my villa in the Canary Islands during the English winter. I bought the villa and a bar in the Yumbo Centre on the island of Gran Canaria on my 20th birthday.

I love working bar when I am there and spent the last 5 years turning the bar to be the best and busiest. The staff don't know I own the place, only my bar Manager is aware. The bar is of course gay and I love working in just a jock strap serving all those hot men on holiday.

I had a good body, a great all over tan and a good sized dick that I knew how to use. I quite often took bois back to my villa and fucked them till late morning before I kicked them out back to their hotel. That was my life in the winter and part of me did actually miss home. Home would always be England but I hated (with a vengeance) the English winters, which is why I live abroad during that time. Oh I know I sound conceited and probably act it too. I was bought up that way, Dad was just the same. I always thought Mum was in awe of Dad.

The part of my life that this story is concerned about begins on the day I arrived home, I could afford a luxury apartment or anything else I wanted, but I (still) love my family home. A semi-detached house very close to the south coast of England. There were only four houses in the small cul-de-sac where I lived, the ones opposite were holiday homes which didn't get used much. I was advised by my solicitor whilst I was wintering in the Canary Islands that the house next door was being sold and a father and his son would be moving in. Jorge always kept me up to date with everything going on at home when I was wintering away, mind you he wanted to keep on my good side as he liked my dick. As soon as he told me about the house next door my only thought was I hoped they were quiet, I loved my solitude when at home as it was totally different from my other life in the Canary islands.

I arrived home very early one morning and crashed and went to sleep. I woke late in the afternoon, had a shower and went downstairs naked, I rarely dress if I didn't have to. I made some strong hot steaming coffee and sat in the garden when I heard voices from next door.

"Are you really wearing the white Lycra cycling suit son. You know it gets almost see through when it gets damp."

"Why the fuck do you think I am wearing it dad." And I heard him chuckle.

"This I've got to see." I went into the lounge and saw a young long blond haired youth get on his racing bike and race off, the guy watching from the roadside was I assumed his father was wearing a pair of tiny running shorts watching.

"Mmmm interesting" I said to myself as I drank my coffee. I noticed the father cup his dick inside the tiny shorts and I could see his dick growing. "Yeah definitely interesting."

I went out into the garden and put the music system on, not loud but loud enough for next door to hear, I hoped it would peak his interest. I have a great sound system that cost me a small fortune as it has speakers in the garden that no-one would suspect that they were actually music speakers.

I looked in the mirror. I had pierced nipples and a large Prince Albert through the head of my dick, my ears were pierced with small flesh tunnels and I had inserted rings through those to help stretch them further. I never wore any other jewellery. Liking what I saw in the mirror. I went into the garden and lay down on the sunbed. I lit a cigar, opened a beer and relaxed. If anyone looked over the low wall they couldn't fail to see I was naked and half hard.

I wasn't disappointed either. "Hello." Said a small voice.

I looked over and gave him a huge smile. "Well, I've got new neighbours" trying to sound surprised. I saw him closely for the first time, he was a mirror image of his son same blond hair and a great build except he was of course older "I flew back into the country early this morning. Fancy a beer, I'm having one?" and I got one out of the ice chest fridge hidden under the patio. "I'm Gil.

"Thanks. I'm Stuart." He jumped over the low wall and couldn't keep his eyes off my dick which responded my getting harder and harder. We clinked bottles and he sat next to me on the other lounger. Stuart I think looked younger than his years, he clearly kept himself fit and in good shape. I particularly loved his blond hair that just touched his shoulders.

"Bit overdressed aren't you?" I said nodding to his tiny shorts. "They're not covering much anyway." He smiled looking a bit embarrassed. "Might as well take them off." I said firmly.

He got the message and stripped off, his smaller dick was also rock hard and pointing to his navel, the only thing stopping mine from doing the same was the heavy Prince Albert. "So are you and your son settling in?"

"Yes, this is a great place to live, I had to get out of London, I grew to hate the daily grind and when my wife walked out, my son and I moved here as soon as soon as he left school at 16."

"Sorry to hear that."

"Don't be, she was a total bitch, she even left on the day of Greg's 13th birthday party. Mind you at least I didn't have to pay her a divorce settlement. Greg became my life after that."

All through our conversation his eyes never left my dick "So Stuart. Are you going to just stare at my dick all day or are you going to get your lips around it and suck me off?"

"Fuck was I that obvious?"

"Just get to sucking me off, I need the release." He got off the sun lounger next to me and went for my dick, he took the head into his mouth and licked round the head. "Mmmm feels good Stuart." I grabbed his blond hair and pulled him down gently forcing more into his mouth. He soon got the message and took me into his throat. "Fuck yeah, oh wow feels great." He was sucking me off using the entire length of my dick in and out of his throat. I reached for his arse and rubbed it, using my fingers up and down the crack between his cheeks.

Stuart pulled away from my dick "Please fuck me Gil, it has been so long since I was fucked."

"I assumed you and Greg were fucking."

"No" he laughed "we are both bottoms and we both love getting screwed, neither of us top." I smiled and raised my eyebrows.

"Get over there on the grass and raise those legs high." He ran to where I told him to go.

"You must be desperate."

He went very red "Told you, it has been a while. I get sick of listening to Greg every day telling me about the lads he had met and how many times he's been fucked. My son is a real slut."

"I like the sound of him more and more" I said coming out of the house with the lube. I got between his knees and lifted his legs and liberally lubed his arse. I used a finger and gently pushed inside him. Stuart moaned as my lubed finger pushed inside him easily. "Mmmm" I pulled out and added a second finger "God it has been so long since a guy used my arse, it feels wonderful."

I continued using two fingers for a while "So why has it been so long?"

"The job I was doing at the time was really stressful and I was working virtually 24x7 just to keep that bitch of a wife happy. When she left, I changed jobs so I was home more to be able to look after Greg. I grew to hate London and everything it stood for, I still don't really understand why but I almost had a breakdown. That was the catalyst and I knew I had to get out of London. I managed to buy this house and I now work as a gardener at the large hypermarket just out of town, I don't earn much, but I am so relaxed and actually enjoy going to work again, I fucking love it, Greg thinks I am wasted doing a menial job, but he doesn't really understand, all he knows is that he has his dad back."

I was now using four fingers gently pushing in his arse, I moved slightly deeper until I found what I was looking for. I flicked it a couple of times and Stuart jumped in ecstasy. "Please" he begged.

I got in position and put my piercing to his arse and pushed that inside. I let him get used to the large piercing before gently pushing the head of my dick inside, it went in easily. He was so relaxed. I gently pushed my dick inside him pulling him onto my dick as it went inside him. He moaned loudly knowing that I was entirely inside him. "Oh fuck that feels so good."

"Mmmm, you are nice and tight, it has been a while since I fucked a nice tight hole like yours. I bet you son is nice and sloppy." I leant down and kissed him, he pushed his tongue into my mouth and we snogged for a while.

I moved to get him in a better position and as I lifted his legs higher, I fucked him harder and he moaned loving the abuse his arse was getting. "Feel good Stuart?"

"Yeah, I've missed a good arse pounding."

As I fucked Stuart hard he moaned out loudly and shot his own load all over the two of us "Oh yeah tighten that arse Stuart, fuck yeah milk my dick." I was ramming as hard as I could until I shot my load deep inside his arse. "You are a good screw Stuart." I said leaving my hard dick inside his arse. "Squeeze that arse Stuart, squeeze it hard around my dick." I leant down and kissed him "Keep tightening that arse Stuart, I shall be ready to go again in a minute."

"Oh fuck." He said surprised but he was grinning. I felt his arse clench on my half hard dick making it totally erect again. "Yeah" and I started to fuck his arse once more, I could feel my huge load of cum as I fucked. It started to make squishing sounds as I fucked seeping out of his still tight arse.

I lasted much longer this time but I really enjoyed fucking his arse especially as I fucked it nice and hard just how I liked to fuck. I felt myself getting close to shooting once more. I rammed inside him and unloaded another load of cum.

This time I pulled out "good fuck Stuart." I presented my dick to his mouth for cleaning, he didn't hesitate and took it inside cleaning my dick of his anal juices and the remains of my load.

We both got up and wandered back to the loungers. Stuart moved to the sunbed and lay down on his stomach, he looked at me and smiled. "Thanks Gil. That was awesome. Do you want me to go?"

"Nah, stick around, I might get horny again, beer?" he nodded and I got another couple of beers and handed him one. I lit another cigar.

"I suppose I couldn't have one? I haven't had a cigar for years."

"Of course, the least I can do for the great fuck." And I handed him one. He lit mine and then his own taking a nice long hit.

"Fuck these are good, must be fucking expensive." I nodded. We relaxed smoking and chatting about everything and nothing, over the next couple of hours we became good buddies.

"Mmmm I should go, that sounds like Greg back from his ride."

"Nah, stay just as you are."

"Dad" we heard from over the wall. "Dad where the fuck are you?"

"He's over here Greg." I shouted and his sweaty face appeared over the low fence.


"Yes Twice." I said smiling. "Come over and join us." He smiled and jumped over the low wall taking off his damp and sweaty Lycra. He had a decent sized dick bigger than his dads and he was totally shaved everywhere, not a stray hair anywhere. A particular fetish of mine. "Help yourself to a beer."

He got one out and popped the can open taking a good swig. "Dad, I thought you gave up smoking?"

"I did, when I gave up sex." Stuart grinned at his son and Greg just laughed. "You out tonight?"

"No I need to do some work for college."

He knelt on the ground and reached for my dick. "No" he looked at me in shock at being refused. "This is all for your dad at the moment Greg." I looked at Stuart and he was grinning. "Besides you get quite enough from what I understand." I reached over and grabbed the back of Stuart's head and pulled him onto my dick, he took me in his mouth and inched slowly downwards into his throat. I pulled Greg towards me and kissed him. He returned the kiss, smiled and jumped back over the wall leaving his sweaty cycling gear on the floor.

"Mmmm, so nice Stuart. You say you haven't done this for a while but you are good, you certainly make me feel good." Stuart didn't leave my dick for a moment, he was enjoying himself sucking my man meat. I pulled on his shoulders and pulled him up to my mouth, he moaned at losing my dick which made me smile. I kissed him "So you staying over tonight then?"

His face turned to the biggest smile I had seen on anyone. "Fuck yeah, I'd love to."

"What about Greg?

"He's old enough to look after himself."

"He's not very tidy" I said pointing to his discarded cycling gear. "Just like his mother, I was forever clearing up her mess." Stuart picked it up and sniffed it. He moaned and then looked at me and went red.

"Sorry Gil, but I love the smell of sweat."

"Well I've got to go for a run later, you can have fun licking me all over when I get back if you want to."

He simply smiled and nodded. "You know you could cycle with me whilst I'm running, you could set a fast pace for me to keep up with, it'll be good for me to have a pace setter."

He nodded. "Fancy going now then?" again he nodded. "Get that on."

"I can't it isn't mine and it will be too small."

"Just do as you are told Stuart and get it on NOW." I said very firmly.

He nodded without questioning me and pulled on the white all in one Lycra cycling suit, it was difficult as it was extremely tight on him but he managed and it was pulled very tight over his body and his rock hard dick was clearly on show. "Nice and sexy, should keep you all turned on for me, wearing your son's sweaty cycling gear. He nodded looking at my dick which was nice and hard.

"See you out front in 5." I ran upstairs and pulled on a jock strap that hadn't been washed for months. And a pair of skimpy running shorts and pulled on my trainers.

I got out front and Stuart was there with his son's bike. Greg appeared at the front door "Dad what the fuck are you doing, that's my suit and bike, the suit is too small for you. Stuart turned and Greg saw his Dads rock hard dick "Ah now I see, you are turned on by wearing my sweaty gear." Stuart nodded smiling sheepishly. "I suppose you know you'll have to buy me another now you've stretched that one out." Stuart nodded. Greg shook his head and went back indoors.

"Come on then" and we set off. He set a good pace for me to follow and I was running a little behind him as I wanted to look at his tight Lycra clad arse moving on the bike as he rode "fuck I am getting turned on again." I said and he looked round grinning and got a little faster. I sped up too and we soon reached the promenade that runs the whole length of the beach, it was a glorious late afternoon and not many people were around, so we were able to keep going at the rate he set.

He looked at the counter on the bike and turned and we headed back towards home. He rode faster and I of course sped up getting faster. "I know what you are doing you fucker." He turned and grinned nodding. "Yeah that's what I thought you cunt. The more I sweat the more you get to lick up." He nodded and poked out his tongue. We were in a quiet area and there were no people or cars around, I managed to catch him and stopped the bike, I planted a kiss on his lips and raised my armpit and he licked it once moaning. "Come on the last one home gets fucked." I sped up even faster and really put a huge spurt I knew I would get home before him I was quite the athlete at school.

I was waiting for him at the front door. "So you're getting fucked then." He smiled, parked the bike next door and jumped over the wall.

"I enjoyed that Gil. Haven't had so much fun exercising for fucking ages."

"No neither have I, and I got to stare at the cute arse of yours as you cycled in front of me, what the fuck could be better than that." I pulled my shorts off leaving my sweaty jock strap on. I pulled him into a snog and he moved down and across me wanting to get to my armpits. "Eager aren't you."

"It's been a while since I have been able to lick a nice sweaty muscular and good looking young man." I lifted my arms over my head and Stuart got to work licking all my sweat away.

I saw Greg over the fence staring "Fuck me, dads a slut just like me." He said grinning.

"Yeah, given the chance son." He said pulling away from my armpit just long enough to speak.

"I need a fuck." He announced and got on his mobile and disappeared indoors. I pulled his head over to the other armpit and he got to work smelling and licking all my sweat away.

He screamed "you okay?" I asked a little concerned.

"Sorry Stuart I was enjoying myself so much I have just shot my load." He went red again.

I looked down and could see cum leaking from the white and very tight white Lycra. I smiled and kissed him. "You have nothing to apologise for Stuart." I kissed him again and pulled him to my chest and he started to lick and slowly moved down toward the jock strap.

He took one sniff "I think I must have died and gone to heaven either that or I am dreaming." And he sniffed, licked and took the pouch of the jock strap into his mouth tasting my funk. He didn't touch my dick he just wanted the pouch of the jock strap.

I pulled him up for another kiss. "You are a disgusting filthy cunt, you know that don't you." He looked down. I lifted his head and smiled kissing him "I'm so pleased to have met you." I pulled my jock strap off "now get that in your mouth." He nodded and knelt on the floor and took me into his mouth sucking round the huge piercing before slowly taking me down into his mouth and into his throat.

"Mmmm yeah." I grabbed hold of his blond hair and face fucked him. He sat there letting me do all the work fucking his throat hard and the he took it too. I was really ramming in and out of his throat like I did his arse earlier. He was looking up at me his eyes sparkling.

I soon felt the inevitable coming and I buried my dick as deep as it would go and unloaded one of the biggest cum loads ever. "Fuck that was good." I said pulling out.

He stood up and hugged me tightly "I've only dreamt of being used like that. Thank you." He looked down at my dick and a few drops of cum leaked, he bent over and licked them up. He stood smiling at me. I pulled him into a kiss and shoved my tongue inside his mouth as far as it would go.

"Nice. Now let me make you some dinner." I kissed him again and I went towards the kitchen.

Stuart followed. "Anything I can do?" he asked as I washed my hands.

"You can get me a beer." he got one popped open the can and handed it to me. "Thanks. You not having one?"

He went red again and I looked quizzically at him. "You didn't say I could." I simply smiled "get yourself one then."

"Thank you" I think he wanted to call me Sir but stopped himself. He sat down and watched me work and in hardly anytime at all I had prepared a nice nutritious and healthy meal for the two of us.

Greg appeared at the door "I was going to ask if you intended coming home for dinner but I think I have my answer."

"He's staying over tonight."

"Well don't keep me awake all night fucking." He said grinning

"Bloody cheek son, I suppose you haven't got Tito staying over?"

"I might have."

"Well I hope you don't keep us awake then, I know how big a boy Tito is."

"Oh yeah, I remember you saw him going into the toilet the other day. He's by far my favourite."

"I should think he is, he has more than enough to keep you satisfied. I'm actually surprised he hasn't moved in."

"Would you mind?"

"Fuck no, my son's happiness means everything to me and if you have a steady boyfriend rather than being the slut and sleeping with every guy who has a big dick then I will be very happy." Stuart and Greg hugged and kissed each other.

"I've wanted to broach the subject for ages but wasn't sure how you would react, not having any sex yourself."

"Well I think he's made up for it this afternoon" I said grinning. "Now fuck off and leave us to our dinner." He ran home with a huge smile across his face.

"I think I've just made my son a happy boy."

I nodded. "Now make me happy and get me another beer." He nodded and ran to the fridge and got one for me. He sat down and we finished our meal and he cleared the things away whilst I sat and lit a cigar. I took a deep drag on the cigar and he noticed, came over and kissed me. I knew what he wanted. My used smoke, so I gave it to him, he inhaled deeply taking it all into his own lungs. He smiled and got on with what he was doing.

He finished clearing the things away and I got up and went outside, he followed. I got on the sunbed enjoying the early evening sunshine, Stuart followed and got on the other sunbed. "So when did you realise you were gay?"

"Greg and I have always been close and one day when he was 11, he confessed that he had sucked off one of his teachers and he swallowed his cum."

"He asked me if I had ever sucked dick and I told him that I did at college and I even got fucked a few times but I wanted a family and therefore I put it behind me." Stuart looked deep into my eyes as he continued speaking. "It was the day that Susan left I went into town to one of the gay pubs and got fucked for the first time in years and I loved it. Greg had to be my first priority at least until he left school and went to college."

"Well he's at college now." I grinned and pulled Stuart into a kiss. "Come on let's shower and get into bed, I want to fuck you at least twice before we get to sleep."

We went upstairs and I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower, it quickly got to the correct temperature. "Well come on then."


"Come and jump in the shower."

"I assumed you would be first."

"It is large enough for two." Stuart poked his head round the corner and grinned at me. He got in with me we kissed as the hot water rained down on us. He went for my nipples taking them into his mouth and gently nipping at them. "So that's what you want is it." And I made a grab for his tits and squeezed them but I wasn't gentle like him.

"Fuck." He screamed in pain.

"You'll get used to it that is if you want more of this." I said pointing to my dick. I let his tits go and we automatically cleaned each other. We dried each other too.

When we stepped out into the bedroom we fell into a deep kiss. I wondered what was happening to me, I never got close to anyone before, as I wouldn't let them. I enjoyed the casual sex I had when in my Villa in the winter but this guy who was old enough to be my father even though he was fit and looked 15 years younger, was really getting to me.

"What's up Gil?" Stuart asked knowing something was on my mind.

"Oh nothing sorry." But I knew he didn't believe me. I pushed him against the wall and shoved my tongue down his throat. "Now shut the fuck up." He nodded looking a little scared of me.

I pulled him towards the bed and he sat down, I got on the bed next to him and kissed. We fell back still kissing and managed somehow to get on the bed properly. I snuggled behind him, my dick resting against his arse. "Mmmm this is so nice. It had been a long time since I snuggled close to anyone."

I pulled him round "Do you want to snuggle or get fucked." He grinned "Yeah silly question. Now get flat on your back and lift those legs."

He moved and lifted his legs over my shoulders. His arse was dry, so I lifted him higher and licked at his opening. I pushed my tongue and he opened up letting me in, Stuart was moaning clearly loving the sensation. "Oh fuck that feels good Gil, nobody has ever done that to me before. Oh Jesus yes."

I spat as much as I could wetting his arse before moving back and to enable me to fuck him. This time I wanted to go in rough, I wanted him to know I like my sex hard. I raised his arse off the bed and put the piercing to his arse. "You ready for this?"

He nodded. "Fuck me please."

"Here it comes." I rammed in hard and fell on his arse pushing all of it inside him until my balls were banging against his arse lips. He screamed out in pain and I could feel him tense up. "You still want to spend the night?" he nodded. "Now you know how I like my sex, you okay with that?"

Again he nodded. "I've not been with many men over the years but, somehow despite the pain I just felt as you rammed inside me I just know this is right, I cannot really put it into words."

I left my dick deep inside him until he got over the initial pain of entry. I didn't want to put him off. I leant down and kissed him as I fucked in and out nice and slowly. "Feel okay now?" he nodded "Good." I started to fuck him harder using the entire length of my dick to fuck him, long in and out strokes but never taking it out totally. Stuart started to moan and a look of pleasure came across his face as I fucked. "I could do anything with you now couldn't I?"

His eyes remained closed "Yes."

"How about this then." I pushed deep and started pissing inside his arse.

He opened his eyes and smiled "You dirty fucker."

"Aren't I." I leant down and kissed him.

"This feels so erotic Gil, I have never done this before. I've only read about it."

"Glad you enjoyed it. Pissing is one of my favourite hobbies." I started fucking harder, I moved slightly to get better access to his arse. I started to fuck even harder and Stuart only grinned up at me loving every minute of the hard fuck. "Tell me what you can feel Stuart."

"As I tighten my arse I can feel every inch of your big dick filling my tight arse. I can feel your hot piss sloshing round your dick as you ram in and out. I can feel your big Prince Albert piercing pressing against me as you push in and out. I personally feel." He stopped as he closed his eyes briefly and shot another load of cum over himself and me "Wonderful."

I pushed deep one more time and shot my cum and it mixed with the piss already inside him. I reluctantly pulled out of his arse, he clenched hard as I pulled out I wondered if it was him not wanting to soil the bed clothes or him wanting to keep everything inside his cute arse. I thought about asking but decided against it.

"What are you going to do now Stuart, run to the toilet and let all that go or clench all night?"

I noticed him going red "I don't want to do either Gil."

I kissed him and moved to the bedside cabinet, I keep something in here for emergencies, it has never been used, and it just sits there but now." I showed him a butt plug. "I shove this in your arse and it seals everything inside until it comes out." I lubed it and gently pushed it inside his arse. It went in with a plop and a little pain showed on his face. "There. How does it feel?"

"Strange but I'm sure I'll get used to it." Stuart raised himself off the bed and kissed me "thanks for everything today, you have done everything that I desired and more and I will be forever grateful."

"Come on I'm getting tired, let's sleep." I snuggled behind him and we spooned going to sleep comfortable with each other, which in its self was odd at least for me. I usually prefer to sleep on my own.

I woke feeling extremely refreshed, Stuart was wide awake when I opened my eyes and he was looking at me smiling. He reached in for a kiss. "Better after that sleep Gil?"

"Mmmm, best sleep for fucking ages."

"Stay where you are, let me get some coffee on the go." I nodded smiling back, he got up and wandered out of the room, the butt plug still sealed in his cute arse. I have a state of the art coffee machine in the kitchen I hoped he knew what he was doing. He came back with two steaming mugs of black coffee. "I couldn't find milk, so I guessed you like it black like me." I nodded "Good."

I took a sip "Fuck that is great. How do you know that I like my coffee strong?"

"I didn't, I made it how I like it and hoped for the best." He got back into bed with me and we lay together drinking our coffee.

"Stuart how would you feel about me treating you to lunch today, there is a nice French bistro in town and I would like to treat you."

"I'd love it thanks Gil." He gave me a peck on the cheek.

"How does the butt plug feel Stuart?"

"To be honest I have forgotten it was there, it strangely feels so comfortable."

"So I guess you want to keep it in then?" he nodded smiling. "I need to go for a run, want to ride with me again?"

"Okay." And we jumped out of bed, Stuart pulled on his sons white Lycra cycling suit, pulling it tight over his body. He moaned as the plug was pushed deeper into his arse by the Lycra. "Fuck that feels nice." He said looking at me grinning.

I pulled on a different jock strap and a pair of shorts. "Right go and get the bike and we'll head off." He ran downstairs and jumped over the wall. 5 minutes later he was out front with his son's bike and we set off again. As he rode he moaned constantly feeling the plug pushing against his sweet spot constantly. "You going to be okay Stuart?"

"Mmmm." I couldn't help but laugh and he got embarrassed once more. I have to admit as we ran I loved to see the innocence of Stuart, his embarrassment most of all. I didn't really understand why this man had managed to get close to me, as I said earlier, I usually fuck and kick them out not letting them even stay for breakfast, I suppose it was an age thing, most of the boys I fucked were all about my age.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Stuart yelling at me "Come on you can do better than that Gil."

I looked up and ran after him, he was racing ahead. I ran hard and managed to catch up with him. I stopped him and pulled him off the bike and pushed him against the hedge. "Yell at me to do better will you Stuart." I said angrily. He nodded looking a little scared of me again. "Well just carry on doing that Stuart." I kissed him deeply shoving my tongue in his throat. "I like it when you push me to do better, I have run so much better with you at my side when we have been out. You are good for me."

I slapped his arse playfully and also pushed the plug still lodged inside him. "Now get on the fucking bike and head for home, I need to fuck your throat." He jumped on the bike moaning as the plug pushed deeper and raced off at top speed "Fuck you Stuart." I shouted after him as I ran harder than ever.

"Hope so" I heard from ahead of me.

I did manage to catch him up and overtake him and got to the front door first. "Ha" I said as he finally arrived. "About fucking time you got here." Stuart got off the bike and we stood at the front door kissing.

"Can't you two take that indoors?" we both turned and Greg was standing there with Tito and they were arm in arm. "And you need your own bike Dad and don't forget you owe me another Lycra cycling suit."

"Okay Greg, I'll get something sorted." I looked at Tito he was standing there in just a well filled jock strap, he had a great toned body, I could see what Greg saw in him, mind you his huge dick probably helped.

"Oi" said Greg "you have your man own stop eyeing up my boyfriend."


Greg and Tito looked at each other and kissed deeply "Yeah, I asked Tito to be my boyfriend and he agreed, no more casual sex for me unless Tito agrees that is."

Stuart jumped over the low wall between the two houses and hugged and kissed Greg and shook Tito by the hand. "I am so happy for you both, I always thought you two looked great together."

"Thanks Mr" I stopped him.

"No Tito, call me Stuart.

"Thanks Stuart, it took me a long time to come to terms with the fact that I love Greg." They kissed each other "I always thought it was just a buddy thing but I have learned that it is love and I am so happy right now."

"Err dad?"

"Yes Greg." I said knowing what he was about to ask. "Actually Greg before you say anything the answer is yes, of course Tito can move in."

Greg playfully punched Tito in the arm. "Told you." And they kissed again. "Dad is one of the good guys."

Tito smiled "Thanks Stuart."

"My pleasure, but if I find out your studying is suffering I will tan both your hides." They both looked shocked.

They looked at each other and then at me "You're joking" they both said together.

"Am I?" and I turned and went back to Gil winking. I managed to stifle a laugh and I opened the door and we went in closing it behind us, Stuart peeked out and saw the boys both still not quite believing what they heard.

"Dad had never spanked me, well not since I was 10 anyway."

"That's got them worried" I said turning back to Gil.

"Would you?"

"Too fucking right I would."

"Well I want front row seats then." And we both laughed and I pulled Stuart into a snog. "Come on I want that throat fuck."


Next: Chapter 2

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