My New Sex Slave Kevin

By Edmund Davies

Published on Nov 13, 2004



It was the sixties and everything was alive with the sound of music. There could be a song I thought. I was off to buy The Beatles newest album Rubber Soul. Man they were a great group. My twin brothers, five years older than me, were home for the Thanksgiving weekend from University. It was great to see them. I looked up to them in more ways than one. I was five six a hundred and fifteen pounds at age fourteen with short thick dark hair and hazel eyes. I was in the first year of high school and pretty popular with the girls not to mention being on the soccer team. I got along with the guys at school and felt I wasn't the school jock but was in darn good shape. My twin brothers were six feet tall, dark hair equally athletic with brown eyes. My dad was a widower for the past five years. Mom had died in a head on car crash and they said she had not died in pain because she was knocked out on in pack.

So dad had taken on the role of both father and mother to us boys. The past summer Tony and Alec my two brothers had tried to encourage dad to begin dating again but it was no use. Dad said he wasn't ready and he felt he would be cheating on mom. We all tried our best to convince him mom would want him to carry on with his life but it was no use. Dad was a really handsome man at age thirty nine. He could easily passed for ten years younger with his dark hair with no grey, hazel eyes and he was in great shape going to the gym almost everyday. He worked as the manager at the large A & P. grocery store down town.

Any way all four of us, me, Alec, Tony and dad were all together for Thanksgiving dinner. Alex had not brought his girl friend home or either had Tony. I hadn't begun to date either. I had invited Kevin for Thanksgiving dinner. His dad would be drunk all day and his mom drunk as well and I knew he wouldn't have a good thanksgiving dinner. As for myself, I did see some attractive girls at the last dance I had attended and had no trouble finding girls to dance with. I don't want people thinking I'm arrogant or any thing like that. I just didn't find it difficult to be social and asking girls to dance with me. I had become friends with Kevin for reason who was as tall as me but sort of the outcast at school. I had finally convinced him to come to the school dance. I could have danced with many more girls but I wanted to keep Kevin company. After all I did talk him into coming to the dance and I could see how shy he was about asking girls to dance. He wasn't unattractive in the least. It looked like he swam or walked a lot and had a good trim body. I guess he just was shy. I met him in my home room at school. I saw a couple of the school bullies pushing him around. I am not a bully myself and as soon as I saw them push him I went up to them and said. "Lay off Jeff. Give him a chance."

Jeff and his buddy I didn't know just starred at me then said. "Your into helping fruits now Hank?"

I had said. "Your cruel Jeff. Just because someone is shy doesn't make him a fruit."

"Please Hank don't make waves. It's okay." Kevin said.

I had walked away with Kevin and that's when I invited him to our place for Thanksgiving dinner. He had told me reluctantly about his parents when I had visited him one day and his parents were both drunk laying around a total mess of a place. I told him I should report them for being unfit parents. Once again he begged me to stay out of it. So I did.

I could see Kevin felt out of place with my brothers and dad. I tried to put him at ease. I did notice he was looking at my brothers, and dad with a strange look that he often looked at me and other boys at school. It was as though he was actually attracted to boys and men. I kind of shrugged my shoulders and thought it was just my imagination.

Dad cooked up a storm with Alex, Tony myself and even Kevin pitched in to help. We set the dinning room table and even had some flowers as a centre piece. The dinner was delicious we had turkey and all the trimmings and of coarse for desert pumpkin pie and ice cream. I was stuffed and we all sat in the living room to relax. Dad even brought out some wine for us to sip as we relaxed. After a glass we got up and helped clean up the dinning room and washed the dishes. Then we went back to the living room to relax again. The drapes were pulled and we just sat and chatted about what was happening in our lives mostly. It was getting to be early evening. I knew we would be late so had asked in advance if Kevin could stay the night. He had gotten permission from his parents which was no trouble at all. They would be flaked out he told me and wouldn't know if he was home or not anyway.

I still noticed Kevin was especially giving my dad the eye. I knew dad hadn't had sex with a woman in years since mom had died unless of course masterbated a lot and I wouldn't know about that. Dad seemed to enjoy Kevin looking at him though because I noticed he spread his long muscular legs as if to give Kevin a better look at his crotch. I looked over at Alex and Tony which had also spread their long muscular legs as if to put a show on for Kevin. So what the heck I thought to myself why not copy my brothers and dad. By George this was sort of exciting at that.

I noticed Kevin looking directly at my crotch now. I don't know why I said it but I just bursted out with it. "Like what you see homo."

My Dad looked over at me as well as Tony and Alex. They then looked over at Kevin who has his mouth wide open. He gulped and said. "What are you talking about Hank?"

"I bet I know what your talking about." Alex said and winked at Tony. "Bet you do also Tony and so does dad. Right dad.

I put my hand on my crotch. "You want some of this boy." I said beginning to enjoy my new role with Kevin. I didn't even think how Kevin must have felt. I was just having too much fun. I did notice Kevin was licking his lips though as he starred at my crotch.

"Told you he was a homo Hank along time ago but you wouldn't believe me then. I see you do now though." Tony said.

"I kind of thought he was a pervert." My dad said. He pulled off his t-shirt.

"Holy shit your going to actually let the sicko see you nude dad." Alex said.

"You bet I am and get a damn good blow job as well. Man it's been a long time since I had my cock sucked and this will be a first from a fucking queer. I hear you guys give good blow jobs." My dad said undoing his slacks and lifting his ass from the chair and pushing them down along with his under shorts. It had been the first time I had seen my dad nude. Man he was a handsome man and at least a good ten inch thick cock. I looked over at Kevin and noticed his jaw had fallen open. "Man look at that homo look at my cock. He is practicly drooling. Come on and strip down and blow me fag."

I didn't know what to expect Kevin to do and was surprised when he pulled off his t-shirt and undid his pants after standing up. He looked like he moved in a trance. His eyes focused only on dad's huge cock. Man what had I started? I wondered to myself. My dad or brothers or even me never acted this way toward anyone before. Now we had poor Kevin under our thumbs and I loved it. "Yea you perv suck dad's cock. I get first bids on the homo's ass though guys. I've known the cunt the longest and brought him here for our entertainment."

I stood up and stripped myself and saw as Kevin was now on his hands and knees walking toward my dad. "On your knees you homo where you belong and crawl over here." Dad said with a sly smile.

I looked over at Tony and Alex who had stripped also their matching at least nine inch cocks in their hands. "Go for it homo." They said the same time.

"Yes Mr. Cook." Kevin said now on his knees heading toward dad. "I hope I can suck you Mr. Cook I've never sucked cock before."

"You fags are naturals. Get the fuck over here and now and take it in your fucking mouth.

I saw as Kevin open his mouth and circle dad's large cock head. It was so hot to watch him. I went over to him and spread his hairless ass cheeks. I had taken a jar of vasaline out and opened the jar. I scooped a large amount out with my finger and pushed it into Kevin's ass. I could here him moan as he swallowed more and more of dad's cock. "Oh man your ass is tight." I said as I continued to screw his ass with now two fingers. Man his ass hole was warm. I needed to shove my cock in it so bad my cock was so hard. "Get ready you fucking fag for my cock." I said

I held Kevin's ass cheeks and with one push I pushed my cock head in his ass. I heard him moan around dad's cock. I had no idea what he was feeling but it must have been pleasurable for him because of the moaning he was doing. I sure loved it. I pushed harder as more as my cock went in his ass. Finally my balls slapped his ass. I pulled out to my cock head and back in again.

I heard Alec say. "Oh fuck Edmund screw that homo's ass."

"Yea screw him Edmund." Tony called.

"I am guys." I said ramming my cock in and out of Kevin's hot ass.

I could hear dad. "Suck my cock you queer. Suck it good. Man I'm glad you brought this homo here for dinner. Man he's a great cock sucker. Oh man I'm going to shoot my wad in his mouth. Drink my cock you homo. Oh fuck I'm cuming . oh yes cumming."

I heard Kevin slurping dad's cum. I was so hot humping Kevin's hole. I then heard Kevin who was swallowing cum saying. I'm cumming Master. Oh yes your dad's cum tasted so good and your cock in my ass feels so good Master Edmund shoot your cum in my ass because I'm cumming.?"

I couldn't believe Kevin was calling me his Master and it made me hotter than ever before as I rammed hard into his ass and shot my hot cum. I enjoyed his ass a few more momements before pulling out. I could see Alec and Tony wanted his ass as well. I moved to one side and soon Alec was ramming his cock down Kevin's mouth and Tony had his in Kevin's well used ass from me. That night my life changed toward Kevin and I am sure Kevin felt differently toward me.


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