My New Pimp

By Justin Abbott

Published on Jan 26, 2023


My New Pimp, part 9

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I laid there all night, tied up on the bed, in the crummy motel room. Around seven in the morning Miguel came back with Robbie. They smelled of beer, cigarettes, and sex. They were loud and drunk.

Miguel was shirtless and seemed like he had forgotten about me. "Oh fuck, the faggot's still here. Untie him and get his ass dressed and outta here."

Robbie untied me and I scrambled to pull on my boxers and cargoes. I found my flip-flops but my wife beater had been ripped off me earlier and was useless. I wanted to get out quickly and figured I could piss outside.

"Tell this nigger pimp of yours that I'll be by his crib at six tonight to collect my whore. That's you."

With that Miguel fell on the bed and passed out. Robbie got ready to crash on the floor, and I took off.

I walked all the way back to ZeShaun's place, but he didn't answer his phone and neither did Slick. I pounded on the corrugated steel garage door but it never went up so I figured ZeShaun was asleep. I laid down in the narrow alley next to his garage apartment right by the trashcans and went to sleep. At least it was shady and cooler there.

Around three that afternoon I heard the garage door go up and out walks ZeShaun. He's just wearing a pair of white boxers and is smoking a Kool. He's carrying a baseball bat.

He starts scratching his nuts and says to me "Oh it be you bitch. Saw sumpin on my screen, layin here. Git yo ass inside."

I scampered inside and he followed me, lowering the door. "Git yo ho clothes on."

I went over to my corner where he let me keep my bag and clothes, and where I was allowed to put down a blanket and sleep most nights. I quickly kicked off my flip-flops, shorts, and boxers, and pulled on the lacy black girl panties and bra his girlfriend had bought for me.

"Dat better, cocksucker. Now you look like a real bitch. Fix me ma brekfuss."

I avoided his eyes and his fists and made my way over to the little kitchen. I felt ridiculous wearing the women's underwear but what could I do?

"You gots ma money or Slick take it?"

"Well, see, the guy who made the date stiffed me" I stammered. "Didn't pay me nothing."

Before I could continue and explain that the guy, Miguel, wanted to have it out with ZeShaun in a few hours, he came across the room and grabbed me by the neck.

"You stupid mothafuckin faggot. You tink am gonna buy dat lie bout no money?" He was choking me and I couldn't breath. He pushed me to the ground and kicked me in the balls.

"I'm sorry. Really sorry. But I'm telling you the truth. He wouldn't pay. I called Slick but he didn't pick up. You know I wouldn't hold out on you."

"Stupid ass bitch". He grabbed a plastic ashtray and threw it and the butts and ashes at me.

"I'm so sorry. You have no idea. I would never not bring you your money. He said to tell you he wanted to see you today at six and was gonna come over here. I think he wants to fight you. Robbie was with him and so he'll tell him where you live."

"Dat other fuckin white boy, huh? I said I'd kill her sorry ass if she left that piss freak I set her up wid. You fuckin faggots make me sick. Can't you do nuffin right?"

I could see ZeShaun tenting out his boxers. He always got hard when he was angry. "Bitch, you better clean dis shit up and den git ma brekfuss." His cock popped out of his fly.

He caught me staring at it. "But maybe furss you bedda take care o you man."

I brushed the ashes off me and got to my knees. Kneeling in the cigarette butts and ashes I started licking his long black dick. When he moaned after a minute or two, I took it in my mouth. I was starting to get to be a pretty good deep throater- had to be with ZeShaun's monster.

ZeShaun grabbed my ears and hair and started to mouth fuck me. After two more minutes I started to choke, and he bellowed as he shot his load down my throat.

"Fuckin bitch. Fuckin no good white faggot. Suck ma dick you worffless peeza shit."

I cleaned him off and finally he pulled away, tucking himself back in his boxers. I felt kinky pubes on my lips. Then, just as I was expecting, he slapped me hard across the face and pushed me down to the floor.

"You disgussin faggot. Diss otha dude put diss tattoo on you? Miguel da mothafuckas name, huh?. Will see whose bitch you is later." He laughed. `Now git me ma brekfuss."


ZeShaun had taken a shower and eventually allowed me take one too. Cold water only he told me. "Your not waissin ma spensive hot water, bitch".

But first he had me dry him off, wipe his ass after he took a shit, and pull out his clothes. I put away his old clothes, made his bed, and cleaned up the kitchen, all in my panties. Fucking humiliating, and each day he seemed to dream up more embarrassing shit for me to do for him.

He told Slick to come over around quarter to six. He told Slick what was up, and they seemed to be looking forward to Miguel coming over and a possible throw down.

"Boss, I still say this faggot is holding out on you from last night. Let me fuck her up. Just that tattoo alone says he been cheating on you." I was sitting near them, in my panties and bra, on a hard chair, waiting for orders for more beers or to spark their cigarettes.

"I cuffed da queer good befo. Let her go o she get marks an den no body want da skank." I felt my cock harden. I guess I was getting to like the attention, when ZeShaun and Slick beat me. It usually meant I was gonna get to blow one of them.

Suddenly, there was a pounding on the garage door, "Open up nigger. I came for my whore."

"Game time" said ZeShaun, and he motioned for Slick to open the door. He just sat in his purple leather chair, legs spread wide. He was wearing a low riding pair of jeans, with a pair of pale green boxers sticking out eight inches. He was shirtless as usual, and wore Timberlands.

The door rattled up and Miguel stood there. He had on black leather jeans, real tight and low, and a wifebeater. His long black hair was pulled back in a ponytail. Robbie stood behind him.

Slick said, "Come on in. Boss expecting you."

Miguel walked in. "Stay out here asshole and wait for me." Robbie obeyed.

The door clanked down and Miguel walked in. He gave the small space a once over, and then his eyes settled on ZeShaun, sitting low and cocky in his chair. ZeShaun had his legs spread real wide and he was rubbing his hard on through his baggy jeans.

Miguel stood in front of ZeShaun and crossed his arms. I could swear I could smell the sweat on each one of them. Miguel had no weapon, but ZeShaun slowly pulled a small black gun out of his jean pocket. It was the one he liked to shove in my mouth. A few hours earlier he had shoved it in my asshole for a laugh.

"Just came to get back my property. This whore here in the panties."

ZeShaun grinned, evilly, and waved the pistol around. "Dat too bad. Diss whore belongs to me."

"Let's do a trade. I take this bitch back with me to Philly, you take the cocksucker outside."

ZeShaun laughed. "Bouff dem faggots belong to me now. An dat queer outside gonna get his lil white balls cut off later tonight fo disobeyin me."

Miguel started to come after ZeShaun, but my new pimp was quick as a cat, and jumped up and pistol-whipped Miguel in a split second. He took him down, and delivered four or five jackhammer punches to the mouth. ZeShaun laid on top of Miguel, pinning him down with his weight, their bodies heaving and giving off a raw animal odor.

Miguel struggled, but ZeShaun punched him hard in his balls, and then his stomach, and Miguel seemed to pass out. Slick jumped in and started to tie Miguel's ankles and wrists up. ZeShaun ordered me to help. Then we put a dog collar around Miguel's neck, threaded a rope through it, and threw the rope over a steel rafter. We hoisted Miguel up so he was almost standing, and tied off the rope.

He was tied to the rafter, and seemed to be passed out from the punches, hanging, with his feet touching the floor. His head lolled to one side and blood came from his nose and mouth. I couldn't believe how quick ZeShaun had knocked him out. Some tough guy.

ZeShaun told Slick to piss on Miguel's shirt, face, and hair. Then he said I was to blow Slick. ZeShaun got up to leave and said he'd be back in a few hours. I knew Slick would have his way with me and the beating commenced as soon as ZeShaun closed the garage door.

Next: Chapter 10

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