My New Pimp

By Justin Abbott

Published on Oct 12, 2023


Your comments both favorable and otherwise are always welcome at Thanks, guys. Peace, Justin

My New Pimp, part 7




"Who's this?"

"Hey, it's me, Robbie. Remember me from Philadelphia, A.J.'s friend?

Silence, then: "Yeah man, how could I forget. You enjoying my ride and my cash?"

"Look, man, about that. That wasn't my idea. A.J. cooked that shit up and stole your car. He just made me go along with it dude, and he said he'd get me my drugs if I helped him. You don't know how sorry I am and how I want to make it up to you."

"That right? And how exactly would you make it up to me?"

"Well, it's only been about two weeks and I bet your car is still in Miami where he stashed it. You could fly down here, meet me there. You could take me back to Philly with you and put me back to work for you."

"Sounds decent. But I need more."

"Yeah, well, that's the good part. I know where A.J. hangs and I could take you there. He dicked me over, and I'd like to help you find him. Then you could make him pay for what he did to you, man, and if you wanted to take him back to Philly too, like maybe tied up and thrown in your trunk, I could help you. I'd love to fuck him over as much as you would."

Miguel considered this for a moment as the phone went quiet. "Yeah, maybe I could use a vacation in sunny Florida. I'll get a flight and be in Miami tomorrow at five. Where am I meeting you- where's my car at?"

"I forget the street corner but I can find it. I'll call you on your cell around four tomorrow and tell you where I'm at."

"How do I know you'll really be there tomorrow faggot? I don't want to fly down there for nothing."

"Look, Miguel- dude, I really am sorry. I want to go back and work for you. And we both want to fuck over A.J. I'm gonna have to hustle a place to stay tonight cause I'm on the run from a tight spot. But after we get you your car I'll take you right to A.J. tomorrow. He hangs at a bar for old queers here in Lauderdale called the Satin Slipper, and I'll take you there. You gotta trust me, man. I'll do anything to get back on your good side."

"I'll expect your call tomorrow at four. And you better not fuck me over asshole. I swear I'll find your skinny faggot ass and hurt you really bad if you ain't there." And with that Miguel hung up.

I found out later that Robbie occasionally had lucid moments between smoking the crack pipe that his piss master gave him, and was even allowed to get cleaned up every other day or so. He had become really docile and seemed to really like the whole piss scene, as disgusting as it was.

I guess the piss master would take him out once in awhile, for dinner or drinks, to show him off, and that was when Robbie had bolted. He didn't have anything but the clothes on his back, and no cell phone, but he remembered Miguel's number and called from a pay phone. What a prick. And to think how many times I let him blow me. I found this all out later. If only I'd known what was coming.


When Miguel got off the plane at three the next afternoon, he went to a bar in the airport and waited for Robbie's call. At four his cell rang.

"What's up?" Miguel said.

"Hey dude, it's me, Robbie. You in town?"

"Yeah. Where am I meeting you?

Robbie told Miguel the address, and the pimp took off in a cab. Miguel was feeling good. He had an extra set of keys, and he was going to get back his wheels. He was in south Florida, and tonight he was going to fuck up the cocksucker Robbie, real good, then make the queer tell him where his real prey, A.J. was.

Miguel settled back in the cab, adjusting his swelling cock in his boxers. He wore a tight pair of gold colored Dolce and Gabbana slacks and a tight white shirt, unbuttoned most of the way, that showed off his tattoos on his arms and chest. His long black hair hung onto his shoulders.

He always got hard when he thought about beating people up, and after he took care of disciplining his property, he was planning on getting laid by some whore he'd pick up tonight, so he wanted to look good for her. It was going to be a fine night. His cock stirred and throbbed as he thought about A.J. trussed up with a coke bottle shoved up his ass.

When he got to the corner in question, sure enough, the faggot Robbie was standing there next to his ride. He grabbed his overnight bag and jumped out.

"Hey man! You made it!" Robbie offered, nervously.

Miguel ignored him and gave his car the once over. Then he pulled out his keys, and opened the door. He jumped in and after a cough or two, the engine roared to life. Robbie just stood there. Finally Miguel waved him in.

"Tell me how to get to Lauderdale. We gotta find your boyfriend now".

Robbie just stared at Miguel's body. The tight pants and the tattooed, muscular upper body brought him back to Philadelphia and how jealous he was that only A.J. ever got to suck their pimp's cock.

Robbie gave Miguel directions. Traffic was heavy, but by six they were in Lauderdale. Robbie showed his pimp the bar where A.J. hustled, and the block where he could usually be found at night.

Miguel checked into a hotel, and told Robbie to come with him to his room.

"Faggot, you know you gotta be punished." Robbie just stood there and nodded.

"This here's gonna be one of many times where I'm gonna hafta fuck you up for what you did. You know you got that coming. And believe me, I like hurting faggots. Strip down to your panties, cunt, and get on your knees."

Robbie pulled off his sneaks, his tee shirt, and his jeans. He kneeled on the floor in front of Miguel wearing just his boxers.

Miguel smacked him across the face. "You stupid, motherfuckin faggot. What the fuck were you and your boyfriend thinking when you did that shit to me? " Miguel's voice was extra loud, even though the TV was blasting.

He smacked Robbie again, three or four times, so hard the boy fell over, but Robbie knew better than to lay there and quickly got back up on his knees. "I oughtta cut you, so nobody ever wants your sorry faggot ass again. But I need you to make me back all that money you stole." He punched Robbie in the face, and the teenager fell over.

But Robbie came too pretty quickly, when he felt Miguel kick him in the nuts. "Get the fuck up you stupid bitch. Face that wall and put your hands up against it." Robbie quickly scrambled up and obeyed.

Then Miguel pulled off his belt, and yanked down the kid's boxers from behind. He proceeded to lay on nearly thirty lashes, whipping the boy's back and ass until his arm gave out. Welts appeared and blood oozed from several. "You motherfuckin stupid white bitch. You ever do anything again to piss me off and I swear I'll cut your balls off and stuff em in your cocksucking mouth."

Robbie fell to the floor, sobbing, and apologizing to his pimp. "Now get dressed and get the fuck outta here. But be back here at eleven."

Robbie quickly pulled on his clothes. Miguel stood there, belt in hand, a raging hard on tenting out his pants. He pulled down his fly, and his huge cock sprang out of the fly in his boxers.

"Before you go, take care of this", and Robbie fell again to his knees, and greedily took his pimp's steel hard cock in his mouth.


Next: Chapter 8

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