My New Pimp

By Justin Abbott

Published on Aug 30, 2023


Your comments good and bad are always appreciated and answered. Thanks for all the story line ideas and plot twists. Keep them coming guys!

Peace, Justin

The next few days passed pretty normally, at least for my new routine. I'd show up in the early evening, pull two or three tricks for ZeShaun, and hand over fifty bucks for each date I scored on his block.

I got to know a couple of the others who worked for ZeShaun: a couple of drag queens, and a couple of gay guys. They couldn't believe I was straight and working this block, but whatever.

I'd also learned that Asshole was called Slick. Right.

He'd told me I had to give him my cell phone number and my address in case ZeShaun had a date for me during the day. Robbie had officially flown the coop. His clothes were gone and he hadn't left any note. Prick.

Each night was pretty much the same. Around two or three Slick would tell me it was a wrap, and after I gave him my last payment for ZeShaun, he always wanted to go in the alley and I was supposed to blow him. Dude was a bully. Shaved head, tattoos, thought he was real macho with his switchblade and big mouth. But I knew I better keep him happy. If Slick ain't happy, ZeShaun ain't happy, he'd tell me.

But I hadn't seen ZeShaun since that night at his crib. I mean, I'd seen him, cruising around in his Jag convertible, or walking down the other side of the street talking to Slick, but he never talked to me. Once in a while he'd stare real hard, like he was sizing up my loyalty, but I never got invited back to his place.

It had been super degrading that night to be ordered to suck off Slick in front of ZeShaun. Then to blow ZeShaun in front of Slick. And I'd never imagined a dude could have a cock as big as ZeShaun. Miguel had been big and servicing him could be brutal sex, but ZeShaun was the most masculine guy I figured could exist.

I mean, I'm straight and I can usually hold my own in a fight, but ZeShaun was like an animal. I don't think anyone could say no to him about anything. I guess I figured I was lucky to be able to work for him, and if a dude like that needed me to swallow his load, what could I say?

Caitlin was usually coming over before or after her shifts at the coffee place. We were hitting if off real good. And she was a fuckin tramp in bed, dude! So that's why what happened next was so fucked up.

She was visiting one afternoon when Slick knocked at the door of my room.

"Dickhead, I been calling your cell for an hour" he said as I let him in.

"Sorry dude. Look, I'm kinda busy here" I answered.

He looked at Caitlin sitting on my bed. "Nice. Who's this?"

"She's my girlfriend."

"Jailbait. Who'd have thought you'd be able to get a girl, dickhead? Anyway, ZeShaun has a job for you." He handed me a piece of paper with an address. "Get over there now."

"Let's go," I said to Caitlin. "I'll walk you to the bus."

"She stays here with me, until you get back" Slick said.

"No way" I shouted.

"Don't worry AJ," she said. "Sounds like business and we need the money. I'll be ok here with your friend."

He ain't my friend, I thought, but I just grabbed a wifebeater and took off for the job.

That was one of the biggest fuckin mistakes of my life. When I got back two hours later, I walked in to see Caitlin tied up and spread eagle, naked, on my bed. She looked drugged out and could hardly focus her eyes on me.

Slick was sitting on the bed next to her, naked too, and pushing a capped plastic soda bottle into and out of her pussy. It looked like he had cum on her face. He just smiled at me.

"Your bitch has a pretty stretched out cunt, faggot. Can't be from you. ZeShaun been into this snatch?"

I flew at him, knocking him on the floor. He was naked, so he'd be without his fuckin knife. I'd see how tough he was without it.

I got in a few good punches, but the punk was stronger. He held me down somehow with his legs and left arm and pounded my face good. His cock and balls kept slapping my chest. Gross.

He kicked me in the balls finally, and I nearly passed out. Then he did knock me out with a shot to the side of my face.

When I woke up again, it was nearly seven. They were both gone. I hurt like hell and had a black eye, but I got cleaned up because it was almost time to be at work.

When I got to the block I couldn't believe my eyes. Slick was holding court on a corner with a couple of thugs, and he had his arm around Caitlin. And she had her hand down his shorts, and kept leaning over to kiss him. He shot me a big shit-eating smile.

I just couldn't believe it. The prick had stole my girlfriend and drugged her and practically raped her. Now he had her wrapped around his little finger and had her acting like a little whore on a street corner.

But I had to admit, Slick had laid me out good. I wasn't gonna fuck with him anytime soon. Plus, if I did, it might mean he'd report me to ZeShaun and I'd be out of a job. I sat down out of sight. Within minutes he was texting me about a job, with the time and address.

I took off, still a little sore from the beating, and plenty pissed off. I checked my black eye in a store window. Not good.

I got to the apartment building where my date was, a couple of blocks away. Run down dump. I buzzed and was let in. His place was in the basement, and I walked down. He had the only apartment on that level, and he was standing in his doorway wearing just a black jock strap.

He smiled and told me I was real cute. I came in and he immediately got me a Coors Light. We made a little small talk and I confirmed that he had agreed to pay $200 for a two-hour scene. Turns out it was to involve piss, but mostly, he said, it was gonna be us pissing on a third guy.

We relaxed a little and talked. I had a second beer. He just sat opposite me in his jock strap, once in a while stroking himself. Finally he pulled out another jock strap and told me to go change into just that.

"Don't wantcha to get all fucked up, kid," he said, "but if we're gonna piss on my piss slave, we both better keep drinking beer."

When I came back out of the bedroom, wearing just the jock, he walked up to me and started playing with my long blond hair. Then he worked down to my arms, rubbing his hands up and down them. He tweaked my nipples like the faggots always do.

Then he took me into another room that looked like it had once been a small laundry room for the apartment building. It had a concrete floor with several drains. There was just one dim overhead bulb. It was dark and stunk of piss.

In the corner was a young guy, about my age, with long black hair. Skinny and naked, his back turned to us. He seemed to be asleep. He had a steel collar around his neck, that was attached to a chain that was hooked up to the wall. He was laying in a shallow pool of what I guessed was piss, near a drain.

My date had picked up a black leather belt off the floor. He walked over to the boy and whipped him with the belt several times across the back. "Wake the fuck up, piss slave," he yelled.

I was fuckin shocked when the kid turned around and I saw it was Robbie. He looked mighty wasted and drugged out, but he managed to smile when he saw me, and said "Hey lover boy. Watchu doin here?"

The guy came up behind me as I stood and stared, and he started to run his hands over me again, finally heading down to my crotch, which he started to fondle. "Like my piss slave?"

"Uh. Yeah, I guess. I mean, I know him."

"You know my piss slave? Great! Piss slave, tell my blond boy here how I got you."

Robbie turned to me again and smiled. "Yeah, dude, it's weird." He didn't seem like he could get up. He just laid there in the puddle of piss and looked at us. "My piss master bought me from my pimp. A black dude named ZeShaun. My piss master gave my pimp $5,000 and I gotta stay here a year and drink and lay in his piss. If I leave, ZeShaun said he'd kill me. But it's cool. I get all the crack I want from my piss master."

Then he winked at me. "And this is the best part. I get all of his piss-all of it!"

Robbie's piss master just laughed. He had his hand inside my jock now. "Ready to let it rip on my piss slave?"

I walked over and pulled out my dick. Robbie got up on his knees, and opened his mouth wide. I let it out He tried to drink what he could swallow, but allot ran out of mouth and down his already smelly body.

When I finished, the piss master moved me aside and he took my place. Robbie was still trying to swallow the last of my piss, as the guy let loose a good stream in Robbie's mouth. He intentionally splashed allot in Robbie's hair and face.

When he was finished, he dropped to his knees in the piss on the floor, and began sucking me off. I just watched Robbie lay back down in the pools of piss and fall asleep. I came in the guy's mouth eventually. Man the room smelled.

So that's what became of Robbie, I thought as I dressed and got ready to leave. ZeShaun sold him as a piss slave for a year (!) to a fuckin degenerate faggot. A slave! Fuckin nuts.

NEXT TIME: When can I see ZeShaun again?

Next: Chapter 5

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