My New Personal Assistant

By I Dusk

Published on Jan 17, 2023


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Chapter 9 - A Deal is a Deal.

"You gotta be fuckin' kidding me! Get out, now!"

I was shocked he was going back in after I had just shot my load!

"Hush, baby. You're gonna love it, trust me."

"Fucker." I grunted.

I was sensitive, and my whole body was aching. The ropes were cutting my wrists, my legs were shaking from being high in one position, and my hole felt like it'd been ripped apart. Yet, the weirdest thing was that I liked it. How much I've missed this feeling. I buried this longing for thrill and pain deep, and now it surfaced more intensely than ever in my life!

He leaned over me and kissed my lips tenderly.

"Breathe slowly, baby. It'll pass."

"You will pass fucker!" I tried to be angry. And part of me was.

He smiled at me with such a soft smile I got lost in my thoughts for a second.

"Fuck, you are beautiful when you smile like that..." I panted under him.

He blinked in surprise and observed my face. Then he just smirked and stayed in. I felt his dick twitch in my sensitive hole, and after a little while, I managed to relax a bit around him. I breathed out and tried to calm down. But everything was uncomfortable after I cummed.

He reached above me and released my legs from the ropes. They fell next to his hips, and he untied the knots on the poles of the bed, leaving rope around my wrists, but the long ends were hanging loosely next to my head. I moved my hands, checking how it felt. Freedom...

I looked at him quizzically. "You have the guts to untie me?"

As an answer, he pulled out and rammed back in, making me scream and grunt in sudden pain.

"Yes." He said with a wicked leer

Fuck it! Fuck my dignity. I need this. I need more!

"More!" I hissed

He looked into my eyes, and he seemed like he knew this was in there the whole time, and he just waited for it to come out. The triumph in his eyes was fucking sexy!

"Repeat that."

"More! Do that again!" I screamed desperately, feeling my cock grow and cry in need.

"Ask me nicely, baby." He caressed my cheek, combed through my trimmed beard, and reached for my neck.

I purred, looking him into his dark blue eyes, and pulled his face to mine with my now free hands.

"Pound me hard, Thomas, please. Wreck me." Then I licked his lips and kissed him deeply. My cock jerked as I heard him growl into my mouth.

He sucked my mouth as his tongue invaded it. He then started pounding hard into me, and I moaned each time his dick head rammed hard on my prostate.

Fuck! I was getting to full mast again!

I got an idea and pulled his face off me with a fistful of his hair. Then with one hand, I wrapped one loose end of a rope from one of my wrists around his neck and pulled, making him gasp and pierce me with his glare as he increased the intensity of pounding into my hole.

"Fuck! Fuck, I need this!" "More!" I screamed like I was possessed. I felt like I was about to cum, yet the release was somewhere out of my reach. The tension and pressure in my balls were maddening!

I thrusted with my hole towards his cock, and we were panting and sweating from all the strain we'd unleashed upon ourselves. He bit my neck hard, and I squeezed my ass muscles around his cock.

Then I grabbed his wrist and turned with him, so I was on top. He looked at me like delicious candy and grazed his palm on my torso, combing through my chest hair.

"Fuck I love how they feel on my smooth body." He said, his voice husky, and I could sense he was getting close.

I ground on him, and he moaned. I then took his hand and put it on my cock.

"Stroke it," I said seriously.

"I don't touch the dick of my subs often."

"You will touch mine," I said in a coarse voice as a command while I lifted my knees and raised my thighs in a deep squat. My glutes flexed tight, milking his cock, and then I slammed down on him and rammed that pole back in me hard. We both hissed and moaned. He arched his back under me, gripping my hip with one hand tightly. I did it again.

"And I am not your fucking sub, cunt. I am your fucking boss."

"You are hot when you are in charge, Matt, but I don't do the submissive role."

"Then fight me or stop labeling everything, fucker. I want you to wreck this hole, but I am not some sissy bitch that will bat my eyelashes at you and moan."

I started riding him hard, underlying with it every word what I said next: "I am a fucking man, and you will treat me as such!"

His eyes grew fierce, and he parted his lips as he groaned. He still had the rope around his neck, the one my wrist was tied to, and I pulled on it as on reins.

"Stroke my dick, Thomas."

He looked at me for a while as I was riding him, then he fastened his grip on my shaft, and I moaned, tilting my head back. He watched me with an intense look as he started thrusting from beneath me and jacking my dick hard.

Fuck! Sensory overload!

I was shaking and moaning. Then I felt Thomas's teeth on my neck, shoulders, pecs, and nipples! Fuck he was biting hard!

"More fucker!"




I rode him so demandingly and fast my legs hurt, but I couldn't stop!

With a roar, he pulled my hips close, and I could see he was getting ready to shoot. He looked terrifying now and so goddamn fucking sexy!

He pushed me away and jumped on me, pressing me against one pole. Then, he wrapped the loose rope from my second wrist around my other hand behind the pole, making me tied to it. He pulled on it and grabbed my hips, pushing deep inside me. Then he forced my face to the pole and started fucking me as if he wanted to kill me with his dick."

"I am going to breed you, Matt. I will fill that pussy!"

"Do it!"

Fuck! 'Breed me.' I loved the way it sounded! I never said that to anyone, and him saying it like that... I felt filthy. I felt used. I felt good!

"Beg me for it!"

"Please, Thomas, breed my pussy. Fill me! Make me yours!" If anyone had demanded that from me ever before this moment, I would have beaten them down or at least would make it fucking clear that no one is allowed to speak to me like that. But now I was delirious. Yearning for his load inside me!

I moaned with each of his thrusts, begging him with my panting breath and pushing my ass for him. I heard his deep breath and coarse heavy moans. Knowing he was this close to the shooting was beyond arousing! It was a savage need in me, a primal urge. I was a whole different person, and I needed his cum in my hole!

I felt his grip on my nape, his erratic shaking hands, and fast hard thrusts.

He pulled my hair, tilting my head to him, and dove onto my lips, destroying them with that impact of a harsh kiss as he bit my lips and sucked my tongue out of my mouth.

Fuck! It was starting to be unbearable!

"Please, Thomas, please! For fucks sake, breed my pussy! I need that load!"

I purred desperately, looking into those crazed eyes.

"Cum for me!" He said.

Fuck!! I don't know how he did that! The way he looked at me, that tone of his deep rough voice, and all that pain and pleasure were too much! I screamed as he roared. My hands were tied, my hole filled, and my balls started shooting, releasing all the tension at once! No warning, no build-up, just fucking thunder within me lashing out!

I blacked out, and as if for hours, I couldn't stop shaking as my cock shot volley after volley of cum! I felt my hole squeeze and milk his cock into me. Spraying my insides with his cum!

I must have really fainted. I came to a bit later, and Thomas lay next to me panting. We were covered with sweat, and I felt cum leaking from my hole. I was so damn tired I couldn't move. I looked at Thomas next to me, and he smiled.

"That was wild! I don't think I could ever fuck a woman like that."

"I wouldn't know."

"Is it always like this?"

"In all honesty, I never fucked someone like this."

"Should I take that as a compliment?"

"You should." He turned on his back with a grin.

I was beaming.

"I still get to fuck you."

"A deal is a deal." He said with a sweet but tired smile. "But I need some time to catch my breath. Give me some time to rest."

"Yeah. I need some too." I said, and I must have dozed off.

I felt something warm and creamy on my crack. The sensation was soothing, and I opened my eyes. Only a dim light was shining somewhere in the room.

"What are you doing to me, Thomas?"

"I am saving you some pain in the morning."

"It feels nice."

I heard his soft chuckle.

"You will still be sore. I got carried away."

"I loved it. I am kind of grateful. I don't remember the last time I came so hard."

"Me neither."

I turned and looked at him. His tone carried a strange sensation to it. Like he was overwhelmed with feelings, he didn't understand himself. But I may be projecting. I, myself, was overwhelmed with feelings I didn't understand...

"You're all done. You can sleep here if you want, but I think you should leave tomorrow."

He turned, put the cream on a nightstand, and wiped his hands.

I hadn't said a word. Something about this way I was slowly descending from the high just a few hours ago with the dim lighting, and his caring, beautiful presence was somewhat magical and captivating. Like when I walked around the desk back in our office, starting this all, the same way my body now moved on its own.

I took his hand in mine and pulled him closer to me. Then, with the other hand, I gently drew the side of his neck to my lips and kissed him on that mesmerizing bulging vein I hadn't paid enough attention to in so long.

His moan grazed my ears, and I licked the skin, traveling to his ear and licking it.


"Hush, Thomas. I don't want to think."

He looked deeply into my eyes and then kissed my swollen lips. His beard had started to grow and was noticeable when my swollen, sensitive lips grazed his skin. It felt different, but I didn't mind it. I savored his taste and pulled him next to me on the bed. When his head touched the pillow next to me, I raised myself on my elbow and shifted, so I laid on the left half of his body. We made out slowly, maybe we were just tired, but the slow tempo felt mesmerizing, nearly loving.

I caressed his smooth chest feeling his prominent muscles, and slowly reached for his hard dick. He gasped in my mouth when I gently spread his legs and lay between them.

I imagined the first time I would have him would be a fight for dominance. Rough and challenging, but now being here like this... Nothing was more perfect than this contrast to our first time.

He gazed into my eyes with sweet surrender as if we both knew it was time. He raised his legs slightly, and I moved naturally closer. I ate ass before. I've feasted on every part of a woman's body, enjoying it every time, but now I laid above this hot man, and I felt like there was so much I didn't know.

"Let me explore you, Thomas. I need to taste every part of you, or I will go mad!" I whispered, watching his face.

"Do it," he said softly as he watched me.

I took his hand and kissed his palms before putting them on a pillow above his head. Then I soaked in the view I was given. Firm muscles with defined veins were traveling along the whole length of his arms. He didn't even flex, and his muscles were pronounced and hard. I raised myself up on my knees.

"Flex for me, Thomas."

He did, and I felt a hot wave spreading from my cock. His neck, hard pecs, and that smooth six-pack. There was no hair on his body. He told me he was swimming, so he probably waxed as there were no rough patches of newly growing hair on him.

I traveled with my tongue around his nipples and took them one by one in my warm mouth, feeling his smooth body under my hands. I kissed his belly button and felt him shiver under me, his hands on the back of my head and neck.

Then I got to his cock. I looked at it without the trill of primal passion, and still, I was captivated by the way the veins ran on it, the thickness and feel of it under my hand. A clear drop of precum appeared on the tip of the big head, and without any thought, I licked it, enjoying the moan from his lips. I took it in my mouth, savoring the taste of it and feeling the veins with my tongue. I liked how it fit in my mouth, and soon my poor throat willingly opened and welcomed him in. I took him slowly and without pressure; this time, I didn't even gag. I just swallowed and felt him growing deep in me.

He breathed shallowly, and his dick twitched in my throat. I pulled it out and licked his smooth balls. I swallowed them in my mouth and licked unhurriedly while I ran my hands on his silky legs. I raised them higher and naturally progressed towards his asshole. I was initially worried, but the subtle musk of it felt intoxicating at that moment. I dove into it as I have into any tasty pussy and started worshiping this place.

He groaned and hissed. Soon his lips sighed, and I felt the muscle getting softer and suppler. Instinctively, I pressed my finger on the edge and pushed gently, observing it in awe, sinking in. We both moaned deeply. I, from the sight of it, he, I suppose, from the feel of it.

I licked the crack again and pushed my finger deeper, watching Thomas's face tilt back slightly in exhale. I couldn't help it, and I added a second, spreading the entrance with them and watching Thomas's face as I took him. I pressed more, and I felt something smooth inside. It was different than the rest of his hole, and when I brushed it with my fingers, Thomas let out the most beautiful sound I had ever heard! He looked into my eyes with a dim look, and his parted lips curled in a smile.

My dick was now leaking onto his sheets, and I wanted to feel him more. I climbed to his face and kissed him, spreading his legs underneath me as I jerked my cock with one hand.

Then he started to caress my torso and gently pushed me onto my back, mounting me while kissing me tenderly. Thomas took my hand from my cock and licked my palm while looking into my eyes with a soothing smile. Then he kissed my neck, traveling to my shoulder and chest, grazing it with his fingers, enjoying the feel of my hair as he went even further, and for the first time ever, I felt a man's tongue on the head of my dick. I arched my back and gripped the sheet under me from the sudden urge for more. I looked down at him, and he was licking my dick along the whole length, smearing saliva on it before engulfing the head with his lips.

What came after was the best damn blow job I could ever imagine. No one has ever made my cock feel so good as this man right now! I was in heaven and refused to come down! The way he sucked it and gradually took more and more until his nose was touching my pubic hair was insane! The warmth, the tightness of his throat, and that fucking tongue of his were making me crazy.

I moaned like a virgin with her pussy eaten for the first time. I was astounded and dazed. I wanted to cum into that tight neck and kiss him the whole night from gratitude. I held his head on my cock and felt him bob on it agonizingly slowly.

"Fuck, Thomas, that is so good!" I groaned. If he'd done it just a beat faster, I would have shot in his mouth within the first few minutes! I don't know how long he was down there, but it felt long, yet not long enough!

He pulled away and kissed me. I could taste my cock in his mouth, and I had to admit that it was really hot. I shook with excitement when he straddled my hips and took my dick into his strong hand. He jerked it a few times, smearing his spit on it. Then he lowered his ass onto it in the same position I did just a few hours ago, with the difference that I did it rough, hard, and fast. He took his time... slowly! Mercilessly slow. He impaled his tight asshole on my shaft, and the pressure from all sides gave me chills!

When he sat, his asshole embracing my whole cock, Thomas started moving in a circular motion and raising and lowering himself ever so slowly. He was so tight I had to grab his head, pull him closer to kiss him, and turn with him so I would be the one dictating tempo. I respected his slow start, and while kissing him, I cherished that tight hole, but I needed more! So I started gradually raising the speed, watching him below me moan every time I grazed that silky spot within him with the head of my dick. I began to ground his button on purpose, naturally speeding up and enjoying the view of his parted lips that started to shake and moan under me.

We kissed as I thrust into him, and he wrapped his legs around my waist. We spent a while like this, watching each other, kissing, panting, and moaning. He enfolded his fingers with mine, and I licked his neck, making him shiver and squeeze that tight asshole around my cock. I was getting so close. I didn't know if there would be any cum left in my balls, but I knew I would shoot soon!

"I am going to cum, Thomas," I whispered, watching him squirm on my cock.

"Breed me, Matt." He kissed me and tightened his hole around me. It was nearly painful now to move. He was squeezing me so tight! I spat in my hand and dove onto his lips again. Then, with my right hand, I started jerking his cock.

"Cum with me, baby," I said while kissing him.

He rubbed my butt and moaned into my mouth.

"I am close, Matt. Keep going!"

I had to bury my head in his neck. I did everything in my power not to cum yet.

Soon I heard his groans and huffs, his dick started twitching, and I could tell he was cumming.

"Look at me!"

We both moaned as I milked his cock in my hand and watched his eyes close and open, dazed in ecstasy while he screamed.

"I am cumming! Breed me, Matt!"

Nothing could stop me then; I was lost and came so hard, shaking and filling him with my load while still jerking his shooting cock.

We lay like that for a while. My softening dick was still in him, and his legs were around my body. We looked at one another, and I couldn't help but smile and kiss him again. He then combed his fingers through my hair and beard and kissed the corner of my mouth, smiling tenderly.

"You are one special deal, Matt Sanders."

"You are too, Thomas." I smiled

"Do I have to leave and sleep at the hotel now?"

"Well... that was the deal, even I have to say, I thought you would fuck me tomorrow, so I wouldn't feel bad kicking you out."

"How nice of you. If you want, I can fuck you tomorrow as well." I smirked and kissed his jaw.

"Tempting." He grinned, playing with the hair on my chest.

"If you want, we can add an addendum to the contract."

"I am listening."

"We can extend this one-time deal for the duration of your stay here. So, until you leave through that door."

"Even if I take Monday day off?"

He thought a little. "Yes, if you want, but not longer. I don't want to be your lover." His look was severe now saying this.

I suppose I would take what I can now. But something in me hoped this wouldn't be the last time.

"Ok, I'm in." I smiled softly.

"I thought you would be, given you will have to be somewhere for the weekend anyway since today is Friday."

"Is it Friday already?"

"Yes, it's past two o'clock."


"But. I have one condition."

I frowned a little suspiciously. "What?"

"I get to fuck you in stockings."

I raised myself to the plank above him.

"Fuck you! No way."

"Then it was my pleasure, Mr. Sanders. I will see you Monday. Have a good business trip." He said with the sweetest smile.

"You mean it?"

"How many times have you thrown the woman you just had sex with into a cab, sending her on her way home in the middle of the night?"

"Not that many."

"Cute. Still. I do that all the time with my subs. And trust me, I've built up quite a resistance to a guilty conscience. I don't have people overnight usually. I wanted to honor our deal, so I accepted it, but you got ahead of yourself."

I sat down, staring at him, sulking.

"Why stockings?"

"I like pushing boundaries that I find hot. I love your body and the way you carry yourself. I want to see the contrast and how you will look in them. I think it will be fucking hot."

"I don't have stockings, fucker."

"Don't worry. I have quite a collection."

"Do I get to fuck you in them too?"

He looked at me sternly, but I could see he was intrigued.

"Are you willing to wear the whole lingerie set with them?"

I was utterly dumbfounded now. I looked at Thomas's ripped, masculine yet smooth body. I loved what I saw, and for some reason, I wanted to see him in lingerie now that he mentioned that.

"Fuck it. If I am wearing that shit, it doesn't matter having a few more scraps on me. Bring it on! But I want you in white or blue lingerie as well."

"Which one?"

"Do you have both?"


"Then blue, it will go with your eyes."

"Deal, you will get black."

"Will we have them on at the same time?"

"I don't know. I've never worn it myself, so I have to think about it. I may decide when I see you wearing it. We have a whole weekend ahead of us. Who knows what more we can try."

I liked the idea of experimenting, yet the prospect of wearing lingerie and stockings was leaving a bitter taste in my mouth.

"Fuck... You better have a good memory cos that won't ever happen again."

"Don't worry. Nothing will happen again after you leave this house Monday."

"How can you be so sure, Thomas?" I said with a seductive smile.

"I am pretty strict, and I keep my promises."

"I thought you also said you are strictly the one on top." I winked at him.

"Don't push your luck, Matt."

I smirked. "Just saying."

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I. Dusk

Next: Chapter 10

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