My New Personal Assistant

By I Dusk

Published on Jan 3, 2023


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Chapter 8 - Vanilla, my ass!

Content warning: Consensual rough sex, bondage

Thomas stood at the door waiting for me, watching me undress the rest of the clothes I had on. He traveled with an ardent look all over my body, soaking me in. I don't know if I ever felt more alive, alluring, and eager. I went to him and kissed him, trying to force him into the door frame when he yanked my hair down, and I, with a scream, knelt before him.

"What the fuck?!" "Manners, baby." "You love it when I fight you." "Yes, I do. I have to say you are the first to get me this hot, fighting me like that. Still, I have different plans, so turn off that hunter's attitude. You are now the prey. The sooner you accept it, the less it will hurt." "Maybe I like it to hurt." "Then I can still get back to fuck you dry. Your choice. You can change it anytime."

"And what if I overpower you?" I know I could. It would be painful and challenging, but I am sure I could have a chance. He leaned to me closely, licked my lips, and moved to my ear. Then, in a deep husky voice, he said only: "Then we will never know what it would be like." His look got severe. I got the message. I wanted to be fucked. I knew that. Maybe he is right. Perhaps I should be grateful he wants my first time to be less painful than a raging struggle for dominance ending with my hole ripped apart.

I nodded. "Very well, Thomas, you are in charge." He kissed me tenderly. "Good boy." Fuck I nearly forgot how hot this was! I shivered. He let go of my hair and showed me with his hand to go in. I stood up and went to bed.

"I don't remember the last time I saw a bed with poles." I stopped next to the nearest one and touched the hardwood. I explored that black rope tied to it. It was very soft to touch, and I fondled it between my fingers.

"Canopy. Well, I find them very useful." He stood behind me, and I could sense his heat radiating on my back. Then he leaned even closer, and I felt the tip of his dick leaking on my buttock, and his chest pressed on my back. Then, after a little while, he took the rope from behind me and started wrapping it around my wrist at a mesmerizing rhythm.

"Are you going to tie me down?" "Yes." "Didn't you want to ask me first?" "No," he looked into my eyes with strange intensity. I smirked. "They feel nice." "They do." He was also smiling. I liked his smile. I felt drunk from his presence. I slowly put my head on his shoulder, watching him. He looked at me and kissed me lightly as he finished tying my hand.

"Lay on your back." I did, and I could see that he knew what he was doing. The length of rope he left was just perfect for me to spreadeagle in the middle of the bed.

"What would you do if I chose the slut option?" "I would hope you really want that, cos I would dry-rape your ass right there. Then I would fight you hard, drag you over here, and tie you down." "You take a pretty long time to tie this. I think I would be able to fight you on that." "Sure, but you have no idea how much pain you'd already be in from that dry fuck. I don't suppose anything else than your fingers were in your hole." He looked up from my wrist as if to expecting an answer. I nodded. "Right, and I suppose you used some kind of lube." "Yes." "How many did you get in?" "What?" "How many fingers have you got in?" "Two mostly, once three." "In that case, I don't know if you would stand a chance fighting me. It could be fun if you would really enjoy things like that, but I am glad you haven't chosen it. I would feel bad... a little." "Only a little?"

He moved to my legs and sat between them, running his hands on my claves covered by thick dark hair. "You would choose, not me." "Still, how would you expect me to let you tie me and just lay here after I would be raped? I would be furious as fuck, and I would try to beat you down." "Well, you would be able to choose again, lay still, and be tied nicely with these, or I have another much less comfortable option. Tell me." He looked into my eyes, amused. "What do you think you'd choose?"

He liked playing this mind game with me. I could see it in him. "I think that would depend on how much pain you are talking about. But indulge me, please. What would my option be if I'd chosen to fight?"

He leaned over me and bent above my head. He reached somewhere. When I looked after his hand, I saw him holding a tight red rope with a little noose at the end. Fuck. He put it in my palm for me to feel the tightness and roughness of the material. Fuck, with how thin it is... it would be torture. "One like this is ready for each limb." "Fuck! You are a sadist!" "Yes, I am." He looked intently into my eyes. I started to shake from that look. Judge all you want - I fuckin loved it! "I warned you I am not the best option for you to be your first."

The fucked up thing was that I was not shocked. Just turned on... A lot! Still, part of me worried a great deal. So that's what Thomas meant when he said I am not ready.

"What are you going to do to me now?" I asked with dazed eyes watching him sit between my legs, scanning me. "Deflower you." He said slowly, looking at my hairy pecs. I grunted. "I am not a fucking woman!" "That seems to be an issue for you." He looked into my eyes with a query. "I pride myself on being the masculine type. Always have." "Yet now, you are my bitch." He said with a leer. Fuck... I realized he was right. I turned away in shame.

"Is that a hard limit?" I heard his voice. "What is?" I looked at him. "Emasculation." "I don't like it. It makes me feel exposed, and it's enraging me." "That wasn't my question." "Then what do you mean under a hard limit?" "What you absolutely will not do, something that's non-negotiable." "Well..." I thought for a moment. "I guess it's not a hard limit. I just don't like it." "Good. Can you think of one?" "Hard limit?" "Yes" "Why?" "Cos I want to respect that." "How noble," I said mockingly. "I like to inflict pain to those willing, not to push the boundaries of those who are not." "As I said. How noble." He gave me a stern look. "I don't know. I never thought of that." "I think it's time." He looked at me like something delicious he was about to devour. Then, he started moving his hands across my body slowly as if to get to know every crevice and every muscle. He took my legs with each hand and traveled up my calves, brushing and rubbing them. "It's hard to concentrate when I see you like this," I whispered, dazed a little from his touch.

He looked into my eyes with a smile. "Ok. So, bondage is welcomed as I see it, same with beating, so I think spanking is the opposite of hard limits." He helped me. "I guess so." "Same with breath control. You love it." "So do you," I said accusingly. "True," he grinned He raised my leg and fondled each toe.

"Humiliation?" "I don't like that." "But as we established, it's not a hard limit. Still, I will take that into account." He rubbed my sole and let it slide back to bed. "It also depends on the humiliation itself." "I think I get what you mean."

He raised my second leg. And licked my thumb. It sent shivers down my spine as he watched me. "Tickling?" "I don't know, but I don't mind the thought. I just find it silly." "Trust me, it can get very intense but noted."

He also let go of this leg and moved his hands to my thighs. "How about golden showers?" "No! Ok, that's a hard limit!" "Ok, I will respect that until you decide otherwise." With his perfectly manicured nails, he started scratching the skin on my things and spreading them, looking greedily at my ass. "I won't. And don't even think about shitting on me!" "I won't. I don't do scat." He raised my knees and spread my legs widely as he sat closer to my butt. I started breathing shallowly but resumed this conversation.

He went on naming things, and I kept telling my view on them. Some made my cock twitch, and with some, I was shocked people consider arousing. We spent a couple of minutes like this while he was caressing my whole body. I could see his features change with different sounds I made when he touched sensitive areas. Still, he hasn't touched my dick! I felt offended. Again. This better not be a pattern.

"And what are yours?" "Sorry?" He looked into my eyes. "What are your hard limits?" He looked like he was taken aback that I asked him that question. "Excessive amount of blood, bestiality, scarification, needles, scat, those are non-negotiable for me in general, and tickling me, I don't mind doing it to subs." "Right." I nodded, trying to sound like I understood everything he had just said.

He smiled. He was now raising my legs again and spreading them to look at my hole closely. I felt a bit exposed and tried not to think like that. But it's hard when someone looks at your butt crack like a piece of art displayed before the auction.

"So. How are you going to do it?" "I am just thinking. It's been a long time." "What has?" "Taking someone's cherry or fucking someone vanilla." I laughed out loud and pointed out that I was lying here tied up. He gave me one intense look and leaned toward me. "Be glad. In a way, that mainly protects you from yourself. "Or you, if I choose to beat you down instead." "Like I said."

"So we will do it vanilla?" "The first time, maybe. I usually prepare for sessions like this more in advance than one hour." "Then do what you wanted to do to me since you met me." He gave me this wicked chilling look I grew to love as it made me shiver like nothing else yet. "You are not ready for that, boy." "Try me." "Maybe I will, but not the first time."

"Come here, Thomas." He leaned over my body, his arms on the sides of my head. When his head was above mine, I kissed him roughly, sucking his mouth into mine hard. "Don't take me for fragile little virgin. Fuck me hard. I need it!" I wrapped my legs around his torso and squeezed, pushing my ass to his dick. He took my hair and pulled my head to the side. His eyes grew dim, and there was this menace about him. Finally!

"You seriously pushing your luck, baby." He snarled slowly, and the look of him was making me shiver. "Destroy me if you think you can! I will still find enough in me to fuck you as hard as you will do me."

"Fuck you, little bitch. I tried to warn you!" "Good. I've been warned. Now stop boring me." "Fucker," he said with a wide wicked grin.

He stood up and went somewhere, bringing back my blue tie, which he had taken that night. Then, he sat next to my junk and started to wrap the tie around my hard cock.

"Fuck, what are you doing?" "Don't worry, baby. I've done this more than enough times." He stood up and started a countdown on the clock on his nightstand - Twenty minutes. "What will happen in twenty minutes?" "You will cum."

I don't know why but that was fucking intense! My cock jerked, and I felt the tension as the tie restrained it. I sneered and watched his eyes. He bent closer and whispered in my ear: "Lady."

"What the fuck?" "That's your safeword, baby. If anything is too much, you say it." "Why 'lady'?" "Because I want to." With that, he licked the inside of my ear, gradually moved his tongue out, then bit the earlobe and pulled on it. He traveled down my neck, and all that was sending goosebumps down my body.

He sat on my chest and put his dick in front of me. "Lick the head." I stuck my tongue out and took that salty pearl on the tip. "Show me." I did, and he fucking spit on it! "Eat it." Disgust ran all over me as I did what he said. He saw it on me and sneered devilishly. So now I know why he asked about spit. Fucker. "Again." I took my tongue out and licked his head, savoring his taste. But aware of what's coming. I shook with disgust before he said it. "Show me." What the hell... not again! But he did!

He took my head closer by the hair. "Suck it slowly." I put my lips around the big head and started sucking. After a little while, I started bobbing my head on his dick, sucking the best I could when he grabbed me by the hair and pulled away. He slapped me across the face. "What t..." "I said slowly bitch. Again." With hate in my eyes, I started sucking him again. "Keep looking at me, bitch." I never realized how hard that is. When Thomas was standing or lying, I could move in a way that was at least feasible, knowing how sexy that was for me, but in this position, it was tricky. I tried anyway.

"Good boy." He brushed my hair and changed the angle. "Now take it whole." That was tough. My throat still strained from that power struggle in the living room, and this position made his dick push against the back of my throat in a way that I didn't think would be possible. He moved again, and now he was above me, pointing his cock down my gullet and raping it without remorse. I started to gag and slurp. I tried to stay calm, but then he squeezed my nose so that I couldn't breathe. I began to struggle, thrusting with my arms. It has maybe taken a few seconds, but it was fierce! Finally, he let go, and I started coughing, but he wasn't done this time. He gave me maybe a few seconds and did that again.

After a few minutes of this, again and again, he let go and raised himself. Vanilla, my ass! He took a black fabric and wrapped it around my neck, then he stood next to the bed and pulled me, so my head hung down the edge. Is he fucking serious?! Again?

I saw him get something and return back to me. "What is that?" "Open up, bitch." "What is that?" It had a weird L or rather C shape and ridges on one wider end, and there was a button in the middle. I've never seen anything like that. I suppose it looked like a sex toy but not one I've ever used or seen. "You either open up, or it's going in dry, boy." "Fucker." I opened my mouth, and he put it in. "Lick it good. You will thank me, bitch." I closed my lips around it and swirled on it with my tongue. Thomas slapped me softly on my cheek and kissed my closed lips. "Good boy, let go." I did, and he went away. I felt him spreading my legs and pressing that thing against my butthole.

"What is it?" Even now, I had an idea. "Push against it, boy." "Fuck..." I did, and that thing went inside. It was unpleasant. It wasn't thick, so it didn't hurt much, but I didn't like the feel of it there. Then that thing hit my prostate! Fuck-fuck-fuck!!! It started vibrating on it! I gulped some air and breathed heavily, trying to calm down. I wasn't expecting this!

He returned to me, took the fabric around my neck, and pulled on it, making me suck for air. "Beg me for my cock bitch!" "Fuck you!" "You are still not lubed up slut. I can do it like this. How satisfied I will be from your performance here that much lube I will use." That horny smile of the devil himself was just doing it for me. As much as I wouldn't accept it, those choices of his were turning me on big time! "Now bitch, what do you say?" He tightened my throat again.

"Fuck! Please let me suck your dick!" He pulled it tighter. My cock jerked from all that sensations. "Show me that you can do better, baby." "What do you want me to say?" "Beg me nicely to fuck your face and choke you." I watched his eyes above me. He was serious. And also alluring as fuck. "Please, Thomas fuck my face," I said in a pleading tone "And?" "And please choke me with your dick." He gave me an upside-down kiss. Then licked the trimmed beard on my chin and moved, licking my adam's apple. "What a good boy. Look at that crying cock of yours." He raised my head, and I did look at it. It was leaking like a faucet, red and swollen, with a shiny blue tie around it. It was shaking slightly, and that fucking vibrator was making me crazy. I moaned and exhaled sharply.

"Open up for me, baby." He whispered into my ear. I hung my head back down from the edge and stuck my tongue out for him to fill my mouth with his shaft. "Fuck, you are one hot fucker, Matt. I want to ravish you! The things I would do to you if I would have my time with you!"

I didn't have a chance to answer as his meaty pole was impaling me from the top, and I was struggling to breathe like this. Fuck! His dick pushed mercilessly into my throat, and without any remorse started slowly thrusting in and out, every time forcing his whole dick in, my nose slamming into his balls. It hurt like bitch! Fuck, but I loved it! I gagged, and saliva ran down my cheeks, but I felt my cock jerk with each slam of his cock, and that vibrating marvel was driving me crazy.

Then I felt hands on my chest, playing with the fur on it and finding my nipples. First, I felt his tongue on them. Damn. I struggled to breathe, and my throat was burning. Then he sucked my nipple and bit it as he was with the full length in me! I would scream, but I couldn't. I pulled on the ropes rapidly and heard him. "Hush, baby. You doing so good." His voice was coarse, husky, and deep. My dick was pumped, and that little thing in my butt made me desperate at this point! I wanted to cum now! Fuck! If he offered to suck my dick now, I would give him my house for it!

He let go after a few minutes. I coughed and spat out on his floor. He slapped me across the face so hard that I turned. "What a mess you've made, bitch." He leered at me and threw a towel on it.

Then he went again to my legs. I looked at the clock, and we had over thirteen minutes left. Damn! "But you did good, boy. Let me reward you." He pulled me by my knees more to the center of the bed so my head won't be hanging and slapped my thighs hard, leaving red marks on them. I yelped and groaned a little watching him. He lifted my legs and put some leather collars on both. He then attached them to the poles above my head with long ropes and tied them so that I had my legs up in the air, spread for him like a five-dollar whore.

"What you going to do me now?" My voice was hoarse from my throat hurting. "I told you, boy. Don't worry. I will be gentle, at least in comparison to what I usually do."

He took out the vibrator and covered my hole with his mouth, he licked at it first, and I arched my back, pulling on those ropes. Then he started sucking, and I screamed in pleasure. He smiled and rimmed that hole so good I would cry! Fuck! I've been hard ever since we met at that restaurant. I've been ready to shoot an hour ago! Another ten minutes is too much! "Please just fuck me already, Thomas!" He took my dick like a joystick, and I nearly came just from that touch. That restrain was getting painful now.

"Bear with it, baby. Your pussy will be full soon." "Don't call it pussy!" I panted as I flexed my legs and begged with my hole to be fucked. He got it and smirked. "Do you want my dick in your pussy, baby?" "I want your dick in my hole. That's more than enough out of my comfort zone, cunt!" "Tsk, tsk, tsk... I told you, boy, that I would punish your pussy or your ego. So for you to be fucked by me and cum you need to deal with me having this pussy." He slapped it! He spread my ass cheeks and fucking slapped my crack! Fuck! He did it again and started running over it with his rigid cock.

"Now, what do you say?" "No!" "Well, we can wait until those eight minutes will pass like this. Then I will untie you, and you can be on your way home or to the hotel."

I looked at him. He was calm, smirking, but his eyes were serious. Damn it! "Ok. It's pussy. Please just fuck me, man!" "Please, Thomas fuck my pussy and make me cum." He said with a meaningful stare. "Fuck! Ok. Please, Thomas, fuck my pussy and make me cum." I said angrily through my gritted teeth. "Good, now correct the tone bitch." He slapped my ass hard. I yelped.

I exhaled. "Please, Thomas, fuck my pussy hard and make me cum!" I said in the most seductive tone I had on me. I practically purred the last words, and I could see that it worked Thomas a great deal. His eyes grew darker, and I could see him part his lips in a snarl that escaped his lips. He sat between my legs and spat on his hand, smearing the spit on my hole. Then he spat again and jerked with it his cock aiming at me. "You said you'll lube me up." "And you said you like the pain. You know the safe word, baby. If you want me to use it or stop say it." The fucking dark menace in him was scary and thrilling. I stopped breathing as I watched him point his swollen dick to my hole and push.

I saw stars! The pain was bearable but it hurt like hell! I screamed and rasped as I kept watching his face. He tilted over me, got me by the throat, and squeezed hard as he rammed into me to the base. I panted and pulled on those ropes so hard that weaker bed would be in pieces. I flexed my ass muscles around his dick, milking him inside. He roared and pulled out. Then he rammed back even harder, making me shout and jerk my whole body with each next trust. Tears ran down my temples, and I grit my teeth in pain. That sharp pain was like needles spreading from my hole to the rest of my back. Cold sweat emerged on my skin, and I was shivering. "Fuck! You fucking cunt!!" And he still kept going. Finally, I started to get into it, and the pain became somewhat cathartic. I flowed on it into oblivion. "More!" I panted, and his face tensed, observing me in maniacal awe.

We were practically missionary now, he was squeezing my throat, and with every hard ram into my asshole, he was closer to my face. I squirmed under him, but I took it and loved it! I started moaning and grunting as he impaled me hard every time. Finally, when he was within my reach, I raised my panting and sweating face to him and licked his lips. He dove into my mouth and sucked my breath out in the most intense kiss I ever had. All the while, he was pounding my hole mercilessly!

"Fuck, I love your tight pussy, Matt. I could fuck it for hours!" His voice was filled with such tension and roughness. I wanted to cum on him now! I loved his coarse, deep voice. He was still squeezing my throat, changing the pressure so that I could breathe yet still struggle under him, and his face was now inches from mine, red, threatening, and so fucking seductive! "Do it! Fucking wreck me, Thomas, fuck this is so good! I can't take much more. Please let me cum! Now!" "Patience, baby. You nearly there." Then he kissed me and increased the tempo aiming right at my button. I was getting delirious! I licked his mouth, panted, and roared. Then, as I watched his dazed dark eyes, I thought I would faint! "I need to shoot, please!!"

I was trembling at this point and needed to feel someone on my dick. "Please, Thomas, touch my dick!" I pleaded. There was no opposition or resistance, just succumbing plea. He looked at me and kissed me gently. He was nearly kind at that moment. He kissed me until we both heard the sound of a soft bell ringing. Then he reached for the tie around my cock and pulled on it, releasing me. "Cum for me, Matt." His tone made me shake, and then I erupted so hard - ropes of cum shot from my balls on my chest and his while I was screaming in madness shaking and crying.

He gave me a moment to collect myself and went to turn off the alarm. Then he came back and put his dick into my hole again.

"What are you doing?" I asked weakly. He smirked wickedly "I said you will cum, not that I will be done with you, boy."

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I. Dusk

Next: Chapter 9

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