My New Personal Assistant

By I Dusk

Published on Dec 25, 2022


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Chapter 7 - "Why should we be anything?"

Content warning: Consensual rough sex

M: Hi Thomas, please make a reservation for tomorrow at 5 pm at Freiss. Ask for a VIP table for six people. I will need you there. You don't need to come into the office before that. Thanks. Matt

I suppose that is his answer whether I want him to still work for me. I believe this is far safer than anything I could write mentioning our "hook-up." Within 15 minutes, he replied with

T: Done. I will see you Thursday. Would you like me to come earlier for a briefing? M: That won't be necessary. Thank you.

Ten minutes before five, I arrived and went up. I was dressed in my favorite grey suit. Since I started my mornings in the gym yesterday, my trainer was instructed not to go easy on me. I could feel the endorphins rushing through me, and I was hyped. I checked myself in the elevator mirror and was pleased with what I saw. As the door opened, I saw Thomas in a dark blue suit with vest and silver cufflinks on his white shirt. He looked like he just came from man catalog shooting. He had a clean, shaved face, angular jaw, and full lips. His midnight-sky-blue eyes were patiently looking around and waiting at the entrance.

I stepped closer, and our eyes met. He gave me a slight professional smile and greeted me. I smiled back, and we went in. "Mr. Sanders, welcome!" "Hello Marcus, how are you?" "Very well, thank you. Please, gentlemen, follow me."

Marcus led us into a private room. This high-end restaurant had the best service for crucial meetings, and as a founder, I had the chance to dine here from time to time when I was meeting essential clients. Thomas knew very well what dinner at Freiss meant, and I could see that he also made an excellent effort to look presentable. He looked more attractive than I had seen him ever before. Well, if our hook-up doesn't count.

"Please. Your waiter will arrive shortly." He held the door open for us to step in. "Who are we meeting? Thomas asked as he laid his trusty notebook on the table, and Marcus closed the door. "Each other," I said, looking for his reaction as I came to my chair. "Excuse me?" He glanced at me, startled. "I needed to talk to you," I said calmly. "Well." He composed himself quickly and looked at me with a forbearing expression. "I am sure you could have found a less expensive solution, but please elaborate." He always caught on quickly. I liked that. I sat opposite him. "Let's order first." We both looked at the menu. Shortly after, our waiter arrived, and we ordered. After he closed the door, Thomas looked at me. "You wanted to talk." "Yes."

He waited. His eyes were like those of a lion's. Hunter, calm and relaxed, observing and stalking me as its prey. Now I knew. "Why have you treated me like a woman?" "I haven't treated you like a woman." "You treated me like I would treat a prostitute." "I suppose that's your way of looking at things. From what I saw, you liked the way I treated you." My cock started to harden the minute we sat, and now it was growing to full mast. Just this talk alone, damn. This anticipation was something I had never experienced before.

"Why have you never touched my dick?" "Why should I have?" "I sucked your dick, shouldn't there be some kind of reciprocity?" "I don't suck my bottoms often. It's a rare treat from me. One they need to earn. You haven't yet." "Why should I be the bottom?" "Why should you be anything?" That stung. He was right, though. Why should I?

"So you haven't treated me like a woman?" "No. I was not touching your dick because it didn't feel necessary, and I was trying to restrain myself. Also, I don't sleep with women, so the notion that I treated you like one is inapplicable." "Why didn't you fuck me then?" "I told you." "You didn't think I am strong enough to take it?" "I believe you are strong enough physically. I am not sure about mentally." "Why do you think so?" "Matt. I am not the partner one should choose as his first. I am very advanced level if I put it like that. And I don't settle for less. I don't do closeted, straight, or bi-curious men. I don't need any of that drama. And especially, I don't do virgins."

"So I am not ..." A knock on the door interrupted my sentence. The waiter with two servers brought everything we ordered and left the room as instructed. We now had more than enough to drink and eat and would only be disturbed further once we called for the waiter. Thomas and I patiently waited until the door closed again.

"So I am not good enough for you." I finished my sentence. "You are Matt, you just not ready, and I don't need to turn your world upside down so that I could make a checkmark for fucking my boss. I think you are confused. Hot, but still confused."

He took his utensils and started eating. I could see by the look on him that he was pleased with the taste. I liked watching him enjoy it. I cut my meat and continued while we ate. "How do you know it's not something I want?" "How did you feel after I left? Be honest, please." "I was angry." He nodded. "I thought you would be. What else?" "Confused and hurt, but mostly because I felt emasculated and used." "Yet you loved every minute of it and even begged me for it." "Yes." "Matt, if I wanted, I could have fucked you there for hours, made you beg me to let you eat my load, made you into my cum-dump on call." That idea stirred my cock, and I knew he was correct for the most part, yet still, I didn't want to admit all that. At least that cum-dump could be far-fetched. I'd hope. "You are a bit assumptive." He raised his eyebrow slightly. "Would you let me fuck you if I chose to?" "Probably yes." "Hence my point. You loved it too much to resist." "So you've been a gentleman." "Yes, I was."

"So what now?" "Now you return to your fiance, and I either will continue to work for you or not. It's your decision." "Have you spared me because I am your boss or because you like me?" We kept looking into each other's eyes this whole time, neither of us budging, but after this question, he removed his eyes from me and took his drink. I could see he was collecting himself. I smirked. "Both."

"Then why couldn't we sleep together?" "There are many reasons." "Obviously. Still, indulge me, please." "You mean except the fact that you are straight, my employer, or that you have a fiance?" "Yes." "Those are usually more than enough, Matt." "Yet neither of them is the main one." "No, it's not." I waited if he would explain further, but he just resumed eating.

"Elaborate, please." "Matt. I would destroy you. I told you I am not a gentle lover. I fuck. I fuck hard and ruthlessly. I let guys stronger than you are, leave in tears, and I don't think our professional relationship could withstand that." "What if exactly that is what I want?" "Then you still don't know what you are getting yourself into. Find some dominant on Tinder, make him break you into it, and then if you are still up for it, come crawl to me. I don't do virgins." "Don't talk about me like I am a woman. I am not a fucking virgin. I had more sex than I can count." "Good for you. How many men plowed that pussy of yours?" "None, and don't call it pussy." "Hence my point, you are not someone I want to fuck." "Yet you do. Tell me you don't. I dare you!" I was getting angry. I don't remember when last time I took rejection personally like this.

"I would bend you over that desk of yours a month ago if you were gay. But you are not." "So you do want to have sex with me!" He took another sip of water, the vein on his neck was now very pronounced, and I was sure he was trying to control himself. I smiled.

"If this should continue, I wouldn't want to be the only one fucked. I want to fuck you too." "In that case, it's a good thing it will never continue." "So this will be the last time?" He shot me a dumbstruck look. "THIS will be the last time?" "I want you to fuck me, and I want to fuck you. I can see that beneath that controlled face, you want it as well." "Matt, I am not here to indulge your curiosity." "Maybe, but you also want to indulge yours."

I leaned back in my chair, observing him. Everything in me was telling me that I was right. Still, I may lose one of the most valuable employees if I misstep like this. But I needed to try it for my peace of mind.

He put his silverware down and wiped his mouth. "What do you propose?" "Hotel room, your house, or you taking off your clothes here and now." "Tempting. And what would be after?" "That depends on whether we will want it to continue." "I told you already. I don't do drama." "Very well. Then we will return to me being your boss and you being my assistant." "How can you be sure we will be able to work together like before?" "We both know by now we are professionals. Let's make this a one-time deal. No hard feelings. Whatever happens, will not affect our working relationship." "What if I refuse?" "We will return to the original state from before, and we will never know what it would be like." He nodded silently and drank the rest of his water. "Thank you for a delicious meal, Matt."

He then stood up, buttoned his jacket, took his notebook, and made his way to the door. I watched him quietly in disappointment. I was trying to think about it as a good thing.

Before opening the door, he turned to me with a stern face. "My house. One hour from now, if you come sooner or later, I will not answer the door. And I hope you've made the necessary preparations since you've obviously planned this ahead." He didn't wait for the answer and left. I smiled widely and watched his back disappear. I looked at my watch and put the address into the navigation. It was only about a 15-minute drive from here. I sat down and ordered coffee.

When I finished my coffee, I went to find Marcus and told him that our clients had to reschedule. I paid the bill. I may have overtipped even for a place like this, but I was so excited. I practically pranced my way to the car.

I drove to his place and parked in the driveway. I looked at the watch and still had a few minutes to spare. I let the music play and thought of him. What will happen behind that door? Will it change me? I hoped it would not ruin our ability to work together, but the way I thought about Thomas, I wouldn't think so. Still, I haven't been looking for a personal assistant instead of him. This may speed it up, even though I prefer to have him. Honestly, I found him even better than Dora, and I thought I got the best with her.

One minute left. I got out of the car and locked it on my way to the door. I knocked, and Thomas opened, inviting me inside. His house was small in comparison with mine but spacious and tidy. I liked the minimalistic feel and natural elements. Most things were white, wood or chrome. It looked pleasant. I turned around as he still stood behind me. He looked at me like a predator. Calm, steady, but ready to anytime strike me down. I loved those expressions this guy could make. I felt safe with him, yet threatened depending on the occasion. He stood there silently, arms folded in front of his chest, observing me, waiting.

This was my call. I should act the part. I came to Thomas and took him by the throat, brushing that vein on his neck with my thumb. He let me turn his head a little upward to see it more clearly, but otherwise, he hadn't moved and kept watching me with menacing patience. I stepped closer and leaned to his lips. Kissing him slowly, increasing the intensity gradually. He soon kissed me back but still refused to move otherwise. I kissed the corner of his lips, then his chin and jaw, traveling to his neck, holding him by it. His lips parted in a husky exhale when my tongue touched his skin. That gave me more than little encouragement to devour his neck and enjoy it wholeheartedly. I heard his soft moans as if hushed by his restraint.

I stepped away and looked at him. I took his hands and removed cufflinks from one sleeve and then another, putting them on a small table next to the door. Then I rolled the sleeves slowly up, looking him into his eyes the whole time. He started at me with his eyes growing darker as I took his forearm and ran my fingers on his smooth skin. Trailed the veins. I brought it to my lips and licked them while looking deeply into him. I took his fingers and sucked on them before I took the back of his head and kissed him. This time his hand squeezed my throat and turned me to pin me to the door behind me as he kissed me ravingly. I moaned in his mouth, and my hand found his hair and pulled. He groaned and squeezed my neck harder. I reached with my second hand to his, and we wrestled while making out for a good few minutes over there. I then shoved him away from me, and as he took that forced step back, I stepped ahead, launching on him and forcing him to backpedal rapidly into the room behind him. We caught some piece of furniture on the way, and I slammed him into it hard. I didn't care much about it. All I needed was to see him finally naked! He shoved me and turned with me, so I somehow ended up falling on a broad square couch. He stood there in front of me, panting, watching me angrily.

I sat, staring at him. "Take off that vest." I heard my coarse voice order him. He stood there for a good while, staring back at me. I saw he was contemplating all this. "Now," I growled "No." "Then I will rip it off you, cunt." "You better know what you'd be starting bitch!" "I don't fucking care. I can handle anything you throw my way, boy," I said in a mocking tone. Challenging him. "You seriously need to be taught some manners, asshole!" "Bring it on, baby." With that, I pulled hard on his vest and threw him on me, his knee next to my hip, nearly straddling me. Then with a smirk, I pulled the fabric apart, hearing it rip under my fingers. I heard Thomas's mad roar, buttons flying off, and the sound of thread ripping. I watched his face, red and seriously furious, as he hit me in the face. I turned at the point of impact, but I wouldn't let go and tackled him on the carpet.

"You remember you fucking started this!" He growled and pulled my hair so hard I collapsed in a scream on the floor next to him. He immediately straddled me and ripped my shirt apart. I think he will be picking up the buttons from all over the room. I didn't care one bit. I left my suit jacket in the car, and this shirt was definitely worth it! My cock was raging and leaking like possessed! I would fuck him now if I saw a hole. I was mad with lust. I crushed my lips on his and raped his mouth with my tongue as we yanked the clothes from each other. I smacked him on the floor, tore his shirt open, and stayed there. I stayed still, watching his muscled, defined abs and big pecs in awe. Fuck he was hot as hell itself! I pushed him down by the throat, and he started trusting himself, trying to break free.

I lowered myself with a wide grin, licked his smooth chest, and took his nipple in my mouth. I bit it hard and heard his scream and grunt as I licked it passionately and moved to the next. This time I bit the flesh of his big pec and squeezed the nipple between my fingers until I heard him moan under me. I started trailing down his pronounced abs, licking them as I let go of his neck, opened his pants, and pulled them down with his briefs.

His cock was fucking beautiful. If I will ever like cocks I want them like this one! Thick, veiny, and with a big head! I licked his precum and started sucking and licking. I looked at him. With his chiseled broad torso, messed up hair, and swollen red lips, he looked like the God of sex to me! Fuck I needed to devour this man!

His eyes were now without any remorse or gentleness. His hands took strands of my hair and pulled me down on his cock. He trusted up in my mouth, hitting the back of my throat hard and making me gag. He pulled out just so I won't throw up on him and then pushed again. I gasped, and my mouth hurt like bitch! "Fuck!" I screamed with my mouth full of his dick. "Take that bitch! You will eat it whole!" I tried to relax my jaw and throat, but the pain was too much. Tears ran down my cheeks, and after a few minutes of this constant torture, my throat gave up, and Thomas, with a wild roar, pushed his dick in me to the base! I wanted to die at that point! The pain and fear from not being able to breathe were too much! I struggled and heaved, but he kept me like that for more agonizing moments until he pushed my head away like a rag doll.

I coughed, and a stream of saliva went out of my mouth. I was riled! I wiped my mouth and jumped on him, straddling him and biting his neck. He was stronger than he looked. With a sudden move, he changed position and pinned me laying ass up to him as he sat on my back, ripped the pieces of fabric from my arms, and tossed it away with a roar. Then he laid on me and dry-humped my ass still in my pants as he pinned my hands to the floor and bit my nape hard, so hard I was sure he drew blood.

I cried out and tried to turn, but he was seriously fucking powerful and determined. He put his arm around my neck in a chokehold, and I grabbed his forearm with my hands to breathe. "So are you sure you can take it, big guy? Did you really want your cherry to be taken like this?"

That sadistic tone of his voice gave me a chill. Then he put his forearm on my nape, clasping me down, and slid his second hand to my belt and tugged it out. I felt him undid my pants and slide them down beneath my butt. Now I really was scared. "This is what you wanted, baby?" "Fuck! Get off me." I groaned, trying to wiggle free He started thrusting his cock onto my exposed furry butt, in a cadence of his words and my manic attempts to get him off me. "Now. Matt, this is your last chance to try it nicely. I will give you this one fucking last opportunity to beg me to fuck you like a good little bitch, or I will rape your ass like I would do a horny slut desperate for my cock, raw and dry." "I am not a fucking woman, you cunt." "I am about to make you into one for me, whore. So, how do you want it?" "No! Fuck, let me go!"

He stopped moving. I stopped moving. Everything froze. "Now, let's be absolutely clear here. You came here. You fucking attacked me in my own house. You wanted this, and you are leaking like a firehose because you want it rough like this. If you say one more time to let you go, I fucking will, but you will leave through those doors and never try this shit again. So now you've extended your options. Choose, virgin!" "I don't want to be fucked dry!" "Well, you've crossed too many lines bitch, so I will punish you one way or another. Either you leave or pay. With your ego or with your ass. Choose!"

Fuck fuck, fuuuck! This was too hot to let go and leave, but I was scared that he would really fuck me dry. I was scared like never in my life. Fuck it. I wanted this when I came here! "Bitch." I whimpered "Say it properly, boy." "Fuck me like a bitch, you asshole!" "No, no, no. You have to beg me nicely slut." "Fuck you." "I am losing patience here bitch." "Please fuck me like a bitch, Thomas." "Properly. Again!" "Please fuck me like a good little bitch, Thomas!" "You see, you can do it." He pulled my hair up and kissed me possessively. He stood up.

"Lose those clothes and shoes. I want you naked over there." Thomas pointed to his bedroom. "Fuck!" My cock leaked another blob of precum on his carpet. In his bedroom was a massive bed with ropes around wooden poles. Is he going to tie me down?

"One more thing before that, Thomas." "Yes." "Before I will leave this house, I get to fuck you." "Then you should call home, cos you are not sleeping there tonight." "I already dealt with that. I am officially on a business trip until Sunday, so I am expected to be home Monday after work. Even though I will need to buy a suit for that probably." "Yes, you do, for me! That one was my favorite." Thomas pointed to the ripped vest on the floor. "Then I will buy you a new favorite one." "You better." With that, he started walking to the bedroom. I looked astonished at his hard butt and thought, how is it possible I've never been with guys before?

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I. Dusk

Next: Chapter 8

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