My New Personal Assistant

By I Dusk

Published on Dec 14, 2022


Hello dear readers :)

I have created this page hoping to pursue my dream and passion for writing. I have many projects in mind, but my primary focus is on explicit LGBTI stories. Therefore, my content is not suited for people under 18 years old.

Also, this story is fiction, created for entertainment only, and I kindly ask you not to repost this story without my permission.

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Chapter 5

"I think you know what I am trying to do, Thomas."

He reached and touched the side of my neck. It made me tremble, and I closed my eyes for a second. I wanted this bad!

His thumb pressed on the other side, and he squeezed my throat slightly.

"Are you sure, Matt? I am not usually a gentle lover." He squeezed harder as if to give me a taste of what I was getting myself into. Fuck, my cock just leaked the first blob of precum into my briefs, and I was never more aware of it than I was just now!

"You should try to do it first with someone like that if you are curious about this." His voice was coarse, and the thrill was nearly palpable in his tone.

"I want you."

He squeezed my throat even more and bent to me as he growled in my ear, obviously aroused.

"Careful, Matt, you may get more than your virgin pussy can handle."

I shook with anticipation and need. Fuck, this was so intense! I looked at him. My eyes silently pleading, and my uncertain mind was horny as fuck.

"Then beg me for it."

I didn't even know what to ask for, and I was never good at sex talk, but this was making me so hot.


"Please, what?"

"Please, fuck me," I said quietly.

"Have you ever been fucked before?" He was scanning my eyes, and I felt an arousing smell coming from his body.


"Why do you want to be fucked now?"

"I don't know."

He brushed my cheek with his left hand. "You can do better, Matt. Tell me why you want to be fucked by me, of all people?" He was mesmerizing. I couldn't keep that in any longer.

"I have been jerking to the thought of you ever since you came to work for me."

He blinked rapidly, and that fragrance grew stronger.

"Since you told Natasha you are a top, it has become a real problem for me to spend time with you in one room and not think about it."

The vein on his neck became more pronounced. I looked at it, enthralled.

"Think about what? What exactly have you thought about when you were jerking that cock?"

I became silent as I felt ashamed a bit. I turned away.

"Tell me, Matt."

I looked at his neck and then into his eyes, "Licking your neck."

"That's why you've been staring at it all this time?"

I nodded.

He ran his right thumb on my throat, brushing it up and down as if in a trance.

"Then do it."

I blinked and exhaled. The air escaping my mouth sounded like a moan. Thomas leaned to me but still, there was a distance. I needed to move closer, but I was frozen on the spot.

He sat there waiting. Observing me. He was just a few inches from me.

I collected every ounce of my courage and raised myself higher to him. I put my hands on his knees tentatively. He sat still, his eyes never leaving mine as I got close enough to kiss him. I moved past his lips and glanced at them. I looked into his eyes and then focused on that bulging vein. I darted on it with my tongue and then licked its entire length.

His breath became a growl, and when I looked into his eyes again, they were as if I had provoked a wild beast.

His right hand was still around my throat, while the left one was now holding back my head and he held me up there, right in front of his face.

"What else have you been thinking about?" If I weren't so aroused, I would be scared of the way he looked at me. As if he was restraining himself with the last resolve and it was running out.

I couldn't bring myself to speak.

"I am waiting. Tell me."

I looked away. I felt embarrassed.

"We're you imagining me watching you as you stroke your cock?"

I looked at him as if he had just exposed my deepest secret and nodded.

"Say it."

I managed a nearly inaudible "Yes."

He kissed my lips softly but possessively.

"Good boy. What else?"

I was shocked and turned on even more. My lips missed his, and I wanted more!

"Sucking your dick," I whispered, dazed.

He smiled, and his tongue licked my lips before his mouth found mine again. "Good boy."

I watched him move back after the kiss, and I moaned involuntarily.

"Do you like me praising you?"

"Yes," I said like I was purring.

There was now a wicked smile on his face, and that wild beast became a predator. Every single hair on my neck stood up, and my dick jerked in need as it leaked into my briefs.

"What else were you thinking about, Matt?"

I was aware that he was expecting answers, and each would make that hole I dug up under me deeper. How far am I able to go? That intent in his eyes was menacing, yet I wanted him to hunt me. I was like a different person right now. Different from the one I had known my whole life. In a near whisper, I said: "You, licking my ass."

"Really?" His whisper was throaty and coarse, and that slow, low baritone vibrated all over my body. "Well, Matt, I can tell you that I love eating slutty assholes." His lips were now maybe just an inch from mine.

"Did you also think about how I would fuck you?"

"Yes," I said in the lowest voice I ever heard to escape my lips.

He moved his mouth to my ear and bit my earlobe lightly, then, in a growl, whispered: "Have you fingered yourself thinking about that?"

I couldn't speak. All I was able to muster was a slight short nod.

He looked into my eyes with a grin

"Have you put anything else in your pussy, baby?"

I don't know how I feel about the words baby or pussy, but at that moment, nothing mattered. I shook my head in negative.

He planted his lips on mine in another soft kiss. This time, his tongue was pushing in, licking my lips.

"Let me in, Matt." He whispered in the middle of kissing me

I slowly willed my mouth to open and kissed him. Firstly uncertain but slowly growing in hunger.

My hands traveled up his legs to his torso and arms, and as we made out heavily, they reached the side of his neck and cheek. He pulled away heavily breathing with a glare that made me tremble.

"Hands behind your head, boy."

Boy? Why does it sound so hot coming from him looking like that right now? I complied.

He stood up, and I could see a tent on his grey suit pants with a wet spot that I was suddenly eager to lick. Fuck. If only I dared to ask.

He was observing me. "Tell me, boy. What is it you want?"

I returned his gaze, and with a dry throat, I attempted to say.

"I want to lick it."

His hand squeezed my neck, and his lips curved into a smile. "Do it."

I kept my hands behind my head and leaned over that little patch on his pants. The smell was intoxicating! Without any thought, I brushed my cheek on it and then licked it. There was a hint of saltiness, and I felt hooked. I looked into those foggy night-sky eyes, then I put that fully clothed dick-head into my mouth, and sucked the saltiness while licking it.

"Keep looking at me, Matt" His fingers were brushing my neck and hair as I watched his half-closed eyes dart from my eyes to my mouth and his parted lips sucking in air.

"Stand up, boy." He grabbed me by the throat and pulled me up.

With an intense look, he sat back in the chair and checked me out head to toe and back up. I shivered, and my cock must have made a similar spot to his. He stopped and looked at it but didn't say or do anything.

"Give me your tie."

I heard him, but it took me a little while to act. As if I needed more time to process that. I lowered my hand, pulled on my tie, and removed it. Then I handed it to him, and he tied it slowly around his neck. Why did seeing that make my cock jerk just now?

"Now unbutton the shirt."

I stared at him as I touched each of the buttons.

"Take it off."

I removed the cufflinks and put them down on his table, then I slid the shirt off my shoulders and slowly let it sink to the floor. The way he was looking at me was really satisfying.

"Damn... you are fucking hot, baby. Now belt."

I pulled on it, and when I gathered the whole length, I extended my arm and let it fall, listening to the noise it made hitting the floor.

"Take off the shoes and socks."

I averted my gaze and took a step back. Then I raised one foot and second, taking the shoes and socks off, not bothering with laces.

I looked at him again. He moved a bit back with his chair and unzipped his fly. As he pulled out a beautiful long veiny cock with a solid girth, I realized I never saw in front of me any other dick. At least not fully hard. It was intimidating and hot. It was about 8 inches long, about the same as me. It had such a nice massive head, and his was a bit thicker. Fuck... are there veins all over his body like this?


Now mesmerized watching him stroke his dick, I had a hard time concentrating. I unbuttoned the top button and unzipped the fly. When I was about to pull them down, he stopped me.


I looked into his eyes and did as instructed. It felt strangely arousing standing there, knowing he was watching me and I couldn't see him.

"Take them off, baby. And I want you to bend when you do it."

I did that and felt exposed and thrilled at the same time. My cock throbbed like crazy.

"Those too."

I repeated the process with the briefs I had on; this time, I bent the lowest I could for him.


I heard behind me, and I glowed with pride for some reason.

"Turn around, Matt."

First, I saw those dark eyes, parted lips, bulging veins on his neck, then his rising chest under his shirt, and then that fantastic cock. I tried to soak in everything with my eyes.

"Do you really want this?"


"Crawl for it."

I sank again to my knees and put my hands in front of me. I crawled slowly on all fours between Thomas's spread legs.

He kissed me again, "Good boy. Smell it."

I lowered my head to his cock and inhaled that musky odor, falling in love with it.

"Have you tasted cock before?"


"Keep your hands on the floor and lick the tip."

For the first time since we started, I felt uneasy, unsure if I was really up for this. Like this was the final line between straight and gay. Thomas must have seen it. He patiently waited until I decided, that I had already cummed while fingering my ass and thinking about him fucking me and I want this! I licked the slit and felt his precum on my tongue.

"Don't swallow yet. Show it to me."

Fuck, how hot this was! I raised my head with my tongue out, and he took me by the jaw and licked the bottom of my tongue.

"Good boy, you may swallow now." As I did, he licked my lips and then mounted my mouth. We kissed for a while, and then I felt a hand on the back of my head. With an intense look, he guided me to his cock.

"Start with the head. Suck it slowly."

I opened my mouth and engulfed his head. I started sucking. He growled above me and brushed my hair. It gave me encouragement, and I put my tongue on the bottom of his dickhead and swirled around it.

"Yes. Good boy, look at me."

I raised my eyes to him, my mouth around his cock. He took a grip on my hair and moved me up and down. I felt more of that salty precum and started slightly slurping as I put myself to it. I felt a distinct vein beneath my tongue, and I began to lick it while sucking.

"Fuck, Matt... it's so hard not to fuck that face of yours. I would plow that mouth if you weren't a virgin!"

The sight of him made me leak so hard that I was sure there was a puddle of precum on the floor under us.

His eyes grew darker, and the look he gave me was chilling. Yet he was pretty much gentle so far. Was he holding back this much? Was it because he knew I never had sex with men? I wanted him rough!

That need grew in me, as did the lust for his cock. I started sucking with everything I had, licking his shaft with my tongue as if I wanted to eat it whole, and began to bob on that pole, slurping and breathing heavily under him. I shot him a look of pure determination, and with a moan, I pushed deeper! Fuck how hot he was now. He grabbed my hair and thrust his cock deeper into my mouth. I gagged, but I wanted more! He pulled out, looking at me. His hands were holding my hair so hard it was painful.

"Fuck do that again!" I shouted at him.

"Careful slut, you have no idea how hard it is now for me not to destroy you." I believed him, but I wanted more! I dove on that pole and kept looking into his eyes.

"Fuck baby, you are natural." He growled and pushed his cock deeper into my mouth, making me gag again.


Some saliva leaked down my chin and onto my neck.

"Lick it slut. Fuck!" "Suck." He was now bobbing my head on his shaft, and my mouth started to hurt. I gagged and slurped. He then pressed harder, and the head popped into my throat. I wasn't ready for that at all! He groaned, "Take it slut!" I would love to obey him, but the pain I felt surprised me, and I couldn't breathe. I thought I would die, and I resisted with everything in me. I looked at him, and that satisfied sadistic grimace was scary as hell. He soon let go, and I bent to the side, coughing and catching my breath. What the fuck was that!?

I was scared and out of breath. My balls were pumping blood so hard into my cock that it was red and getting painful. I needed to cum!

I looked at him, and he just stared down at me, no remorse, no "are you alright." care... Just watching me to see if I could go further or if I would run.

He stood up above me and pulled me up by the throat again. Then, looking into my eyes with an unknown menace, he kissed me possessively and squeezed my neck with both hands. I was too horny to resist, so I just pleaded with my eyes. Finally, he understood and released me. He pushed me away. There was this strange resistance in his look.

I whispered, "I want more."

"For fuck' sake, Matt, you are making me crazy. I am seriously holding back with everything I have in me. Don't push me. You are not ready, trust me!"

I came to him and took him by the throat. Thomas looked at me like I had just pulled a lion by his mane and was stupidly expecting somehow to survive. This was a pivotal moment. I knew it, and I couldn't turn back now. I launched my lips on his and kissed him rougher and deeper than any woman ever. He pulled on my hair, but I didn't let go. We were tossing each other and pushing, fighting for dominance, and fuck, he was hot fighting me like that! Thomas pushed me onto the wall and licked my throat before taking back my lips. I forced him away and tackled him on the floor with my whole body. He landed on his back with a grunt. I was on top of him, pinning him down. He reached for my head, again grabbed my throat and back of my head, forced me to lower my head and kissed me roughly. We were panting and growling. Wrestling one another. Moans escaped our mouths every time one overpowered the other. We rolled on the floor, making out hungrily. Then he pinned me on my back and raised my knees to my chest, laying between them, pressing his rigid cock onto my ass. I froze, and I was sure he could see the fear run through me. He stopped moving as did I and gently touched my lips before he kissed them.

"Trust me, Matt." I nodded slowly, and he lowered himself between my legs.

"Hold them for me, boy." I would protest and ask why he kept calling me boy when a pulse of electricity ran up my spine. What the actual fuck?! His tongue ran up and down my crack, and then I felt this wet miracle push inside just a little. My whole body tensed, and I felt like I would come any minute! I had goosebumps all over my body and started involuntarily moaning and screaming. What the fuck is this? More! Fuck! Give me more!

Thomas spent ages down there, and I would sit on his face for eternity! My cock was seriously hurting now from all that blood rushing to it. He then left me, and I screamed in disappointment and need.

Thomas came to my chest and licked my right nipple. I watched him in agony. I needed to cum! Now! I started humping his chest, he was still fully clothed, while I lay naked under him. He grinned at me and twisted the nipple he just cherished with his mouth.

"Fuuuck!" It hurt, but I loved it.

He smiled at me and bit the second one. That made me scream more, and I raised my chest to him.

I took his throat and licked that fucking hot vein that started it all, then I bit his neck, and he growled, pulling my hair again and finding my mouth with his.

We made out like this for some time. I was nearly delirious as I still haven't cum!

"Will you now fuck me?" I asked. I was eager but, at the same time, scared shitless.

Thomas looked at me seriously.

"If I would fuck you now, you wouldn't be able to sit tomorrow."

"Can I fuck you?"

With a deep look, in a low voice, he slowly said, "No."

"I need to cum!" I was desperate! I would let him plow my ass now if that meant I would be able to cum! Somehow I think Thomas knew that. Yet he chose not to use it. Why?

"Kiss me, Matt."

I took the sides of his face firmly and brought him to my lips, kissing him with all lust I had in me.

He sat between my legs, holding his veiny, leaking dick.

"I want to see you cum for me, baby."

I reached for it, and he stopped my hand.


"What the fuck?"

"Trust me."

He took my hands and made me lay them beneath my lower back. I squirmed, and my cock was crying! Fuck I need to cum so bad!

Thomas stood up and went over to my desk. When he turned to me I saw he is carrying the glasses I wear in the evenings, when my eyes get tired from all that work behind the computer screen.

He squatted above me and I instinctively licked a blob of precum in his slit. He smirked and put the cock head in my mouth. I sucked it for a few moments while he put those glasses on me. Then he pulled out and sat again between my spread legs, pushing them further apart.

I watched him raise my knees and rim my hole again. Then I felt pressure in my ass and looked at him worried. Thomas had this wicked smile as he pushed a finger in my crack. I hissed and was about to cuss him out of there when he touched something inside that made me yelp. My cock felt as if I would cum any second, yet there was this strange pressure.


He moved his finger, brushing the spot. I started to shake my head, and I moaned uncontrollably.

"Fuck let me cum, Thomas!"

"Stroke your cock, boy."

He smiled tenderly and started stroking his thick veiny dick as he was fingering me. I grabbed my cock and pumped it fast, in need of relief.

I watched my cock leak about to burst, Thomas's cock in his hands, and I closed my eyes as I felt I was about to finally shoot!

"Look at me, Matt."

That gaze of his was intense. With everything I was feeling right now, I was lost!

"Fuuuuck!!" I screamed out of my lungs as I shot ropes of cum on my chest. I breathed heavily, watching Thomas stroke his dick.

"Fuck I wanted my jizz on these glasses of yours since I saw them on you the first time!" and then I saw volleys of cum landing on my face and chest, mixing with my cum.

"I will leave now, Matt."

I looked at him, spent and confused a great deal as I returned to reality.

"I want you to think about what we just did. Write me if you want me to still work for you. I will take tomorrow's day off."

He licked my nipple for the last time and kissed me. I could taste both of our cum in that kiss.

"I will be keeping this." He brushed my tie on his chest, and with a smile, he took his things and left.

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I. Dusk

Next: Chapter 6

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