My New Personal Assistant

By I Dusk

Published on May 27, 2023


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Chapter 21 - "It's your choice, Matt."

I felt a gentle tug of the noose around my neck and broke the kiss with a last peck. Peter smiled at me and licked my lips playfully. There was no hostility between us now whatsoever. Was that Thomas's intention from the beginning? I looked at that black behemoth behind my solace. The way he was devouring me with his eyes was scary. However, it was a different form of fear than I felt with Thomas. If I perceived Thomas as a lion. Ben was a hellhound. I could see him protect his domain with loyalty and love, but the poor soul being devoured by him was taken without mercy. Maybe I should have been nicer to Peter... Still, even though I wanted only Thomas to own me and me to possess him, I was drawn to that darkness in front of me. I felt Thomas's presence next to me, and I crawled into his arms while Ben kept imprisoning me with his stare. I could see him holding Peter in his arms, and Thomas's hand was caressing my aching body. Damn. I am musing all of a sudden. But fuck, this here was different from anything I had ever experienced. . "I want to fuck him," Ben said, never taking his sight from my eyes. I started to tremble. I wanted that man, but I yearned for Thomas. "That is not up to me, Ben." Thomas licked my ear and whispered. "You can't stop yourself, can you?" I shook my head. "Help me." "Do you want me to punish you or cherish you, Matt?" I already had my fill of being punished. I needed Thomas to be mine. Even if we share them, and I was definitely up for that, I must know he is mine! This realization broke the spell Ben held over me, and I turned to Thomas. There was no smirk. He was not angry or amused. He was ... loving... I blinked, watching his expression and realizing that he really may care for me, and I did too. I am not his sub. I never will be. I will willingly be his toy and make him my. I can share and enjoy this moment because I can see that it wouldn't change my feelings for him. Choke me, fuck me, beat me. I will never be your inferior. . I took his face in my palm and kissed him. Then I looked into his eyes and turned his face upward to lick that vein on his neck, sucking on it and pulling him closer to me. I don't care what is expected from subs. I am not one. I looked into his hazy blue eyes and smiled. "Let's devour each other, Thomas." He smiled and leaned forward to kiss me more while he pulled on that rope. My neck tightened, and I gasped for air with a wide grin. Man! If he wants it like this, I will more than gladly oblige! I growled as I grabbed his neck harshly and pulled his hair, making him hiss. . We made out like this, and then I made him sit on me. I kissed his neck and bit him making him scream and scratch my sore, painful back. I groaned and pulled him from me. We both stared at each other with hungry smiles. And then it was on! He pushed me on my back, and I knew I needed to move, or he would get the upper hand. We wrestled and bit the parts of our bodies, not careful enough to avoid our mouths. We rolled and hissed, screamed, and panted as we made out with such fury that we forgot two people were watching us with shocked but horny expressions. Thomas used that rope wisely, and soon we were fighting for it, trying to grab it from each other. I was constantly fighting for the mere chance to breathe. And that was making me riled up even more! I roared, and the moment I got hold of it, I tied the end he used to choke me around Thomas's neck. He shouted, but I wouldn't let go. I kissed him and felt his hands around my wrists, trying to get me off him. I was on top! I was winning, and even though I was getting lightheaded from the lack of air, I was ecstatic. Thomas's eyes grew wild, and he relentlessly pulled me close, resulting in me not being able to breathe and having to push off of him to straighten up and gasp for air. He used this chance to free his neck and kick me off him with such force he threw me on my back. He immediately jumped on me, and the rope fell from the hook above us, freeing me now. We both grinned. When Thomas pinned me under him, I couldn't take that anymore! I spread my legs more and purred, "How much I've missed you!" Thomas smiled, spat in his hand, and pushed into me. "Fuuuck! I roared in agony. "You fucker!" . I grabbed his throat and did my best not to punch him. I was not prepared for the pain this gave me! I yelled, and that fucker just stared at me. During this whole time, no one lubed me! He didn't even rim me, for fuck's sake! Tears ran down my face, and I was fuming! "If you just as move now fucker I will split you in half!" He just stared at me, observing me with a subtle smile. "So what do you think, tough guy? How much strength would you have left?" Was he implying that conversion from the first night? Like, I give a fuck about that now! "Fuck you! Lube! Now!" He chuckled and looked at those two. I even forgot they were here. "Would you mind handing me some?" . He had one fucking beautiful grin now. I stared at him, trying to imprint this image into my memory, and couldn't help but smile a little. I realized that Peter had come into my vision field and handed Thomas the bottle. Peter looked at me with strange emotion in his eyes. Respect and awe mixed with him being definitely disturbed... that look... was fucking powerful to witness it. I didn't know the rules these people made for themselves; at that moment, I didn't care. I needed that solace this man was giving me. I reached for him, and without asking anyone, I pulled him to my face and licked his lips. He stared at me, absolutely shocked, and then I kissed his lips. My tongue found its way into his mouth, and I felt Thomas's cock drive into me, making me moan into Peter's mouth. . I heard Ben approach us and kneel next to my head. His giant hand grabbed my hair and pulled me back onto the ground, and I saw that the second hand was firmly pulling Peter away from me by the hair. I was moving with Thomas's hard thrusts and defiantly looked at Ben. He was smirking. I looked at Thomas. He was evidently amused. "It's your choice Matt, but I warned you." I raised my eyes and gulped. This man will destroy me. I couldn't tell if he was angry or just horny. His eyes were black, as I would imagine on some demon or, yeah... hellhound! I am doomed. Ben didn't ask with words or even with his eyes. Instead, he launched on my lips, and that impact made me arch my back and squeeze my hole around Thomas's cock. Ben kissed me so harshly I thought he would crush me, yet his lips were so full and soft I couldn't get enough. I lashed with my tongue against his, but then he just smacked me back down. Now I realized that both of them were naked, not only Peter. I couldn't help but look at that huge cock standing before me and the leaking droplet on his cock head. Fuck! Did I ever before find cocks this beautiful? I got really curious about what Peters looked like. So I turned and saw it before me. It was nice. Each of us had a vastly different one. Peters was straight with a pink head and about seven inches. He didn't have any hair above his base. "Suck it." Ben's voice commanded. I looked at Peter, and he smiled. Ben kept holding both of us by the hair, and I glanced at Thomas, still pounding my asshole. "It's your choice, baby. But I would love to see that!" Fuck it! Who am I kidding? I want that! With that, I licked his cock head and savored the salty-sweet taste before I put it in my mouth. I heard Peter whimper, and I was getting really worked up now when I was lubed up. Slowly the pain subsided, and I was getting more and more hungry for that cock and what it did to me. Fuck! It felt good. . After a little while, Ben's grip intensified, and he pulled me away, turning me to his. I looked at it and realized that he was waiting for my decision. Of course, that was nice of him, but I thought about everything that decision could unleash upon me. I looked into his eyes, and I knew I was right. The second I put that thing into my mouth, the game is on. Fuck it! I licked it and dove into it! I couldn't unsee the devious grin on both Ben and Thomas! The first thing that surprised me was the feel of it. It was huge and definitely stiff and hard, but Ben's dick was... softer, as if the hard dick was covered with another layer of soft tissue, and the texture was also different from Thomas's or Peter's. How fucking amazing! I couldn't help but explore it more. I was crazy about all this and just couldn't get enough. . My ass was squeezing Thomas's rigid cock, and the waves it sent all over my body felt intoxicating. Then I felt someone's lips on me, traveling from my neck to my pecs and nipples, and then someone took my cock into his hot mouth. I screamed in sheer madness and started jerking my body and shaking, thinking I would just explode. Then everything stopped at once! I roared in frustration! . They all leered at me. Finally, Thomas dove onto my lips and kissed me hungrily. Then Peter kissed me and then Ben. I was delirious. "Please just fuck me." "Which one of us are you asking this?" Thomas asked. "You." I kissed him, and he took me again. Slamming his body into mine with such force I couldn't help but scream and moan. Ben smiled at Peter, and they started making out. . Soon they were mirroring our fucking with Thomas, and we were mirroring theirs. When Thomas pulled my nipples high and made me moan, Ben did the same to Peter. When I saw Ben slapping Peter across the face and kissing him passionately, I felt Thomas's palm collide with my cheek and soon his mouth on mine. We fucked side by side in so many positions I lost track after a while, and all that remained of me was a moaning mess begging for more and holding Peters's hand as our holes were cherished and destroyed simultaneously. Peter and I kissed from time to time. But we were both taken only by the person we came with. Once, as they were pounding us from behind, we were leaning on each other as if we were kneeling in front of the mirror. Peter's head was on my shoulders, and I stared into that darkness before me as my hole twitched around Thomas's cock. Ben grabbed me around the neck, and Thomas took Peter's in front of me. Then they made us kiss while we were moaning and gasping for air. . I don't know how long they have fucked us, but at one point, they looked at each other. "I am close!" "I want to shoot on them kissing!" "You heard him, darlings." Fuck! I was so horny I couldn't think straight. We grabbed each other and hungrily kissed while we felt their dicks leaving our holes, and in short moments I felt the spray of two loads on the sides of our faces as we kept making out. "Eat it off him." We both complied without any hesitation. "I need to cum!" I growled when Peter licked cum of my neck. "You need more, my beautiful slut?" "Yes!" "Good, then wait. You will get your fill." I was disappointed, but Peter's calm smile soothed me. . Ben and Thomas sat on the couch, and Peter and I sat on the ground between them. It felt really nice. My head was foggy from all the sensations I had tonight. And I knew this wasn't the end! I wondered what it would be like to fight with that man. I couldn't help but keep looking at him while Thomas stroked my hair. "If you keep staring at me like that, boy, I may get the wrong idea," Ben said with a smile. "Do you fuck like this usually?" Ben turned from me and asked Thomas. "I have to say I was surprised myself at first, but yeah. This was actually quite mild in comparison with some." He smiled at me, and Peter looked with that strange expression at me again. "Damn. I have to say it looked hot," Ben smirked. "Matt is a unique breed, I suppose." "You two never tried it?" I asked them. Ben looked at Thomas. "He will not be trained?" "No. I don't think so." Ben looked at Thomas as if he understood something essential and sad. I didn't understand and looked at Thomas, but he just smiled at me. "Are you sure? He looks special," Ben asked. "He is, but I think it would be best that way." Ben only nodded as if respecting Thomas's decision and looked at Peter. Then he kissed his ear and whispered something. "Thank you, Master." Peter kissed Ben and sat next to him. "What?" "Nothing. I just ended the play. And to answer your question, Matt, no, we don't usually fuck like Thomas and you. I had only one partner with whom I had experienced something like that, but that's a long time ago, and it was never as cruel as you two were." "So you can now talk with me?" I taunted him. I found all these rules silly in a way. Ben laughed. "Trust me, Matt, the things I would tell you would make it even harder for me to restrain myself from fucking you back then." I blushed but composed myself quickly. "How do you know I wouldn't like that?" Ben's smirk disappeared, and his eyes darkened. "Don't tempt me, boy." I just smiled at him and leaned more on Thomas's knees. . "You care about him, do you?" Peter asked. "Who? Me?" "Yes." He had this sad smile on... Why? "I do..." I looked at Thomas with a smirk. "Then why do you say you are straight?" Not this again... I tried not to roll my eyes. "I just am." I shrugged my shoulders, but both looked at me with slight frowns. Thomas looked unphased by it. . "Do you have sex only like this?" I pointed to the room behind me. "No, we vary based on how we feel like and who we are with, but I am strictly the top and Peter the bottom." "Is it usually like that with gays?" "You really are talking like a straight guy...." Peter frowned with disappointment. "He doesn't have a filter," Thomas said calmly. "Right..." Ben looked at me. "It depends on the person. Some guys are only tops, others only bottom, and then there is everything in between." "So you never topped?" I asked Peter. "I have tried it, but I prefer bouncing on some hard cock." I grinned and looked all over Ben's stature. "And you?" I couldn't imagine a guy that would top this one. Even if he were with that Ross guy, I'd think Ben would be the top. "You really have guts. I tell you that, Matt." "I am just curious." "I bottomed a few times, but not many can take pride in being able to top me." I just sneered at him. I sneered at him as I used to at those huge guys back then. Ben reminded me of that time. I longed for that thrill, the pain, the fear, that taste of victory when a stronger guy lay under me defeated. Ben saw that, and his eyes got fierce. We started at one another, and I wondered if I could take him down. I was like twenty all over again, stupid, wild, and dangerous. I felt the adrenaline spiraling in my chest. "Don't start a fight you cannot finish, boy. You are entering a very dangerous territory." I heard his warning, but I was far beyond listening. I felt a hand around my neck. "Matt, look at me." I heard Thomas's voice. It was calling to me and calming me down. I turned around, and he watched me closely. "Close your eyes." I did. "Breathe, Matt." I obeyed. "Open them." I was back, just like that... what power has this man over me? He leaned to me and kissed my lips. "Good boy." I purred and smiled at him. . But then I looked back at Ben. His eyes were hungry, not only that. I knew that look! He had the same look as I used to! He was also burying it deep inside him, like an alcoholic avoiding the bottle. But then we put a glass of our favorite brand right in front of us. The room went quiet. We all knew. What was worse, Ben and I knew. And we were fucking thirsty.

As you surely know by now, I have Patreon -

The next chapter is here if you can't wait. Chapter 22 - In my apartment -

Have a great day!


Next: Chapter 22

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