My New Personal Assistant

By I Dusk

Published on Apr 7, 2023


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Chapter 16 -- Merry Christmas . . The rest of the week at Brandon's was pure mocking hell. He wouldn't give me a day without some mention about my chest hair, and he saved the video from our call safely so he could show it to me like five times a day, pointing out how cute I looked when Thomas laughed. I didn't tell him that the mere sound of Thomas's laugh was worth his teasing, and I watched it willingly each time. Of course, pretending I am furious about it.

It was hard to admit I missed Thomas, but I knew I did. I worked from Brandon's, but it wasn't the same. We exchanged emails and texts with Thomas and attended meetings this way, but it felt cold and distant. He didn't even want to speak to me over the phone much.

But that wasn't the worst part. I hated the fact that I couldn't even jerk off. I thought it would be fine, and at first, it was manageable, but then, once, in the shower, I couldn't stand it and started fingering myself, remembering him fucking me after he waxed my ass. Thomas was so fucking horny then, rough and caring, switching it so I couldn't tell what to expect the next minute. As I was thinking about it, I felt so close to shooting that it hurt. I had to turn the shower to cold out of desperation.


My phone rang. I jumped like a teenager and frowned upon seeing the caller ID. Bran looked at me, seeing the screen and my troubled look.

"You not going to pick up again?"

"I don't know what I should tell her."

"I understand, but this is cruel, man."

"Fuck... okay."

I answered, feeling sick to my stomach... I am the worst.


"Hi, Mattew."

We were silent for a moment. I didn't want to be mean to her. She didn't do anything wrong, and I felt terrible.

"Hi... Look, I am sorry. I shouldn't have run like that." I palmed my forehead and tried to find better words...

Natasha sighed. "No... but I understand that sometimes life is just too much."

Damn, woman... don't be so understanding. Can't you be a bitch so I can be mad at you more than I am at myself?

"Yeah, I suppose you are right."

"I was talking with Grace."

I had to think there, who the fuck is Grace...? No idea...

"What did you talk about?" Not that I care, but what should I say to that?

"She told me that Mitch did the same a few months before the wedding. Like he had cold feet but didn't want to do something stupid, she told me he also went to his friend and stayed there for nearly a month. Grace almost broke the engagement. She was so hurt and furious... " I started to drift away as she kept talking... "And now they are happy. He just needed the time. It was just too much for him."


"I want to give you that space, Mattew, but I miss you."

"Yeah..." I didn't think of you the whole week. I am bad as can be for you, woman.

"You know, with the wedding coming up and your work, I know it can be stressful, but we should try to deal with it together. I want to be there for you."


Guilt. Enormous guilt was all I felt. Promises I feel like I am supposed to keep, yet I couldn't stand the thought of what that means in real life.

"Natasha, I don't even know if I want to go through with this."

"I understand. I have the same thoughts sometimes."

I doubt that very much...

"Could you just come home?" she continued.

"How long did Mark stay at his friend's?"


"Yeah, Mitch."

"About a month."

"Could you also give me a month?"

"What about Christmas?"

"You going to visit your parents, no?"

"You won't be coming?"

"I will spend Christmas with Brandon. You know so that he won't be alone."

Brandon looked at me with eyebrows so high it would look nearly comical if I didn't feel like shit. I really didn't want to deal with her.


"Mattew... did I do something wrong?"

"No. I know it sounds cliché, but it's me, not you. I have things I need to deal with by myself."

"I don't understand..."

"I am sorry I cannot tell you more now."

"Is there some other woman?"

"No, no other woman."

Brandon facepalmed. Natasha was quite obviously hurt. I knew she would cry soon. I couldn't bare it.

"I am sorry, Natasha. I will hang up."

"I love you, Mattew."

"Bye now, say hi to your parents..."

And the award for the biggest, cruel dick goes to...


Fuck! My life is screwed. Nothing makes sense now. Will I now start wearing sneakers and colorful shirts at 37 like Bran? Damn... if I become like Brandon, I will kill myself.

"If you are staying here for Christmas, you are getting pair of pink clamps as a present."

"Fuck you!"

"Man, seriously?"

"What will you do at Christmas?"

"Obviously, getting drunk with my best buddy."

"Thank you."


Brandon just patted me on the shoulder.


I started going over to my office. It was better that way, as we were in that loft all the time. I bought new clothes and got into my usual routine. Even went back to the gym. It was a good thing that I loved my work.

Monday morning, I got a message from Thomas.

T: Hi, Matt. Can we talk for a minute?

M: Sure, what's up?

T: I will have time off from the 23rd and return to the office on the 13th. I will prepare everything for you so that you won't have a hard time with the administration.

M: Fuck the administration!

T: Are you ok?

M: No. I am horny as fuck!

T: Right

M: Will you be at yours at Christmas?

T: No, I will fly home for the holidays.

M: When is your flight?

T: 23rd at noon.

T: What will you do over Christmas?

M: Brandon and I are getting drunk at his.

T: What about Natasha?

M: She goes to her family every year.

T: You are not joining her?

M: Obviously not

T: Well, then, I hope you will enjoy your holidays.

M: Sure, you too.

I wanted to write something witty or deep, something meaningful, but the thought that he would be gone was just sad. I kind of hoped he would be alone at home and I would come over. Selfish and silly? Sure... and? I suppose that's the new me. Fuck!

"Mr. Sanders?" A girl from the front desk knocked on my door.


"Courier is here for you. But he needs your signature."

"Right, I will be down in a minute. Thanks."

M: I need to go. See you, Thomas.

T: Of course. Bye, Matt.

I locked my screen and went to the lobby. The guy handed me a package. I signed it and returned to my office. What is that?

Yes! I opened it like an excited little boy. Inside was a sleek, elegant box. I opened it, and a heavy silver chain shined on me. I took it out and marveled at that craftsmanship. It was just perfect! If Thomas will have me, we will be regular customers!


. . .

Dec. 22nd, 2019:

It was a little after ten o'clock in the evening. I called Thomas.

He picked up.


"Come to the window."

"I seriously hope you are joking."

"Look, I will not knock or come in."

"Then what do you want?"

"Just to see you. I have a present for you."


"Thomas, just come."

"I can see you."

"I don't see you."


"Can you turn on the light, please?"



"I don't want to."

"Fuck, I miss hearing your voice."

Thomas got quiet for a moment.

"You are one strange breed, Matt."

"I am constantly horny."

"I believe you."

"Can you turn on the light? Just for a moment."

"Would that help you be less horny?"

"No," I chuckled, "But it would help me immensely."

"How do you usually deal with being horny?"

Fuck! That tone of his voice made my dick steer.

"Take your dick out, and I will tell you," I whispered brashly.

Thomas was quiet for a moment, and then he must have put the phone to the zipper cos I clearly heard him unzip his pants and take that cock out.

"Tell me, then."

"I think about you in the shower every day."

"What are you thinking about, Matt?"

"Something else every time. Today I was thinking about that Friday we spent at your house."


"Yeah," my throat got dry. "You've crossed all lines I thought I had that day."

"You looked hot in that black lace."

"I nearly cummed seeing you in that blue one."

"I remember," he said slowly in that fucking deep horny voice. He was making me crazy here. "I also remember that you gave me quite a show."

"That was embarrassing! I don't dance."

"It was hot. How uncomfortable you were and how you dealt with that was fucking arousing."

"Are you now stroking that veiny cock, Thomas?"


"Fuck! I wish I could see that."

"If you could see that, the whole street would see it as well," I heard a slight smile in his voice.

"Touché. I love your cock, however... Those veins are driving me mad. And that big head. I wish I could jerk now."

"You can."

"Can I?"

"Sure, you just can't cum."


"Continue, Matt."

"My dick hurts. It's so hard!"

"Tell me why?"

"I want to fuck, Thomas!"

"Tell me more about your shower tonight."

"I was fucking horny, as I am daily now. I couldn't touch my cock. It's getting too dangerous."

"My poor boy," he purred into my ear. I closed my eyes, trying to compose myself. This talk was taxing. I thought I would just rip my clothes off here and spray his driveway with my load.

"Fuck you," I hissed.

"What did you do then, Matt?"

"I have this oil there. Now I use it mainly on fingering my ass, thinking about what I would do to you or let you do to me."

"What were you thinking about tonight? What would I do to you?"

"Fuck... Thomas, your voice. I can hear how horny you are."

"Yes, I am. Now tell me, boy."

"I fingered myself while I thought about that day, how you grabbed me from behind."

"After you danced for me?"

"Yeah. You ripped those silk stockings on me."

"Yes, you were shivering like a leaf. You were so hungry for my dick."

"I was horny as fuck back then. I am now even more."

I remembered the anticipation as my exposed ass waited for his cock. The way he ripped it... My cock hurt so much now, straining against the clothes. I wanted to shoot badly!

"I grabbed you by the throat and rammed my dick into that sloppy hole."

"Yeah! You were pounding me mercilessly."

"You had clamps on your nipples then, right?"

"Damn, I forgot! Yeah, you fucking ripped them off just as I cummed!"

"You cummed a lot that day."

"You did too."


"Come closer, Matt."

"Which window?"


I came over, desperately looking for him. "I still don't see you."

"I see you just fine. Take that cock out."

"Thomas, I am on the street, and it's freezing."

"Show it to me, boy."

"For fuck's sake, Thomas. Your voice is so rough!"


"You getting close, are you?"


I breathed heavily.

"Okay. I need to put this somewhere," I looked around and put the box on the mat in front of his door, returning to that window. It was strange not seeing him, knowing he sees me. It was arousing, but the fact that I couldn't cum was killing me.

"Fuck!" I heard him moan when I took my poor, leaking, throbbing cock out.

The streetlight was strong enough for him to see it perfectly. Him and anyone else who would look in this direction. I looked like a creep masturbating next to someone's house. The humiliation was distracting, yet the fact that he was watching, jerking that beautiful dick of his, was so hot I couldn't care less within a few seconds.

"You know, anyone can see me now, standing here with my hard dick out, right?"


"And you love it."

"Yeah. Stroke it."

"What if I cum?"

"You are not getting a free pass, boy. Make sure you don't cum. You will be jerking that cock until I will shoot."

"Fucker," I started slowly fisting my dick, trying with everything in me not to cum. This was pure torture. Now not even the cold air wasn't much help now. I could hear his rough breathing in my ear--his silent moaning and groans.

"Closer, boy."

I stepped right to the window, bracing my hand against it before returning to that designated torture of jerking my horny cock without relief.

"You are killing me here, Thomas." I was so close I needed to keep stopping with every trust and breathe through it so that I won't cum all over his window.

"I am close, boy!"

Why did he have to say it? I was slowly losing it. My whole body was shaking, and I had to pinch my balls to stop myself from coming.

He must have seen that, cos at that moment I heard his rugged breathing and a loud moan that was partly heard from behind the window. I saw a little smudge on his window and then another. Fuuuck me!! His breathing was fast and erratic after that. I slammed my fist into the wall in front of me. I was breathing shallowly.

"Good boy."

I purred, hearing that. "You usually kiss me after you say that."


"You can put that cock back in your pants, my beautiful whore."

I tilted my head back and breathed out before I complied.

I stood like that for a little while when I realized I didn't hear anything from my phone anymore. I looked at it and found out Thomas had hung up on me.

"Damn it. I wanted to wish you Merry Christmas." I said aloud to myself, disappointed, putting my phone in my pocket.

"Merry Christmas, Matt," I heard behind me.


I turned around, and there he stood. He had a loose black t-shirt and baggy slacks on. I never saw him so dressed down, yet he looked scorching hot. I couldn't help but grin.

He came to me and kissed me. My hands shot in reflex to his jaw and the back of his head, pulling him desperately closer to me.

We kissed for some time. I didn't even care if anyone could see us. I was just so immersed in kissing this man. I've missed him so much!


He let go of me and stepped back.

"Goodbye, Matt. Enjoy the holidays."

"You too," I said with a dazed smile.

I watched him as he turned, picked up his present, and left with a smile.


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I. Dusk

Next: Chapter 17

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