My New Life

By BNDMaster

Published on Jan 3, 2007



All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create unresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

"My New Life"

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For me the day my new life began normally enough, it certainly didn't end that way however. It was a morning like any other since I had moved to Houston, Texas about 1 month before. I still, really didn't know anyone, and the job that I was supposed to have started, ended before it even began. I was fresh out of college and had been recruited for a design job. As I really didn't have any family to speak of, I had no trouble deciding to move the almost 2000 miles to take what would have been an awesome job. My parents had died while I was in college and all the family I had anymore was an old aunt that I really didn't even know. I rented a small furnished studio apartment as I had almost no furniture. It was perfect for me as it was right on a bus line and my old car would never have gotten me back and forth to work. All seemed to be going great until the day before I was due to report to my new job. I got a phone call telling me that the position had been eliminated so I no longer had a job. They were very sorry and at least had the courtesy to give me 3 months severance pay as well as reimburse my moving expenses. Great here I was in a new city where I didn't know anyone and now had no job. I thought about moving back home. But home held nothing. Thankfully though I almost immediately found an ad for another firm, and they had gladly arranged for me to interview with them.

As I looked at myself that morning in the mirror I felt confident that I could impress them enough to get the job. I knew my looks would help. The person I was seeing was a woman, and women tended to find me attractive. I looked like a young, energetic college boy ready to make his mark on the world. My short blond hair was styled just perfect. My blue eyes sparkled with youthful confidence. My smile was dazzling and I had chosen a shirt and suit that was tailored to show off my trim, hard body. As I stood there looking at my reflection, I remember actually thinking, that if I didn't get this job perhaps I should think about becoming a male model. Of course that was simply me trying to bolster my confidence for the interview that lay ahead. In reality I had never quite seen what others saw. In my eyes I was just a normal 23 year old guy. But I knew others found me attractive and I would gladly play on it to help me get this job.

I had checked the address on a street map the day before. The firm was in a converted, older home on Harrison Street. At least I was pretty sure it was Harrison Street. The problem was when I had written down Harrison I failed to indicate if it was street or avenue. There was one of each on the map of course. I was almost positive it had been street and I was not about to call them again and look like an idiot. But just to make sure, I had decided to leave early so if the first place was wrong I still had plenty of time to get to the other. If the first place was the right one then I would simply get some lunch and then go to my interview. I grabbed my brief case and set off never realizing that a new life was awaiting me.

The bus dropped me off about 4 blocks from the address I wanted on Harrison Street. The area was full of older homes. A few were had even been turned into businesses so I was pretty sure I must be in the right place. However, as I neared the address I was looking for the area became just a little more run down. I was surprised that the firm I was looking for would be located here. But as I knew little of Houston, perhaps this was soon to be the up and coming neighborhood. I found my address. It was a large older home that sat back from the side walk with a small lawn in front. The flower beds had been recently worked in and it had the overall look that it was cared for. However, there was no sign out front indicating it was the graphic design firm I was looking. I decided to go up and make sure then go find a place to wait until it was time for my appointment. As I approached I could see in as the front blinds were drawn. I stood on the porch for a minute deciding what to do. Should I knock or just open the door? Or again perhaps I should actually call them again and make sure I was in the right place. I finally decided to knock on the door and see what happened. I grasped the knocker, that was centered on the door, in my hand. I had no more than let it fall than the door was opening and I was being grabbed from inside. I was roughly yanked through the door and thrown to the floor. As hands held me pinned down, I heard the sound of the door being slammed shut behind me. As my arms were wrenched behind me all that I could think of was, Oh my God, what the hell was happening? What had I gotten myself into?

I tried to struggle and tried to yell at my assailants. But the minute I opened my mouth to scream a gag was shoved into it. As I bit down on it, I realized it was leather and that it completely filled my mouth. I quickly tried to push the gag back out, but by that time I felt a buckle being drawn tight behind my head, firmly lodging the gag in place, and making it impossible for me to get it out. I tried to yank my arms free but it was also already to late. What felt like leather cuffs were already being buckled on to my wrists. Once finished I felt them being hooked together locking my arms firmly behind my back. As I lay there I felt the full weight of a person come down on my back, knocking the breath out of me. I realized that he was actually sitting on my back holding me down to the floor. Now I felt hands at my feet. I tried to kick out but realized that at least several people where holding my legs. Hands began removing my shoes and I heard at least 4 voices discussing that I was a little over dressed from what they were expecting. But the voices said they would soon fix that. What did they mean, from what they were expecting? My mind reeled full of questions. However, I had little time to think about it as hands began to remove my shoes and socks. I then felt cuffs being applied to my ankles. Shortly my feet were tightly hooked together just as firmly as my wrists. At this point the man sitting on my back got off and I was rolled onto my side. I finally got a chance to get a look at my captors. Standing over me were four men. All looking to be between about 21 and 23 years old. From there size and bulk, if I had seen them at my college, I would have taken them to be football players. Which I found out latter they were. The four of them leered down at me and one was actually groping his crotch, while he looked at me like I was a piece of meat. I wanted to scream, I wanted to fight, but tied up and gagged that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. All I could do was simply lay there trying to catch my breath, wondering what the hell was going on and what the hell was going to happen next.

"Let's get him in the living room and take a look at what he's hiding under that fancy suit," the one I learned latter was Duke said. As hands lifted me up and carried me into the main living area of the house I started to twist and squirm once again trying desperately to get loose. They dumped me, unceremoniously, in the middle of the room. As they did another guy spoke, his name I found out was Eric.

Gesturing at me he said, "I though Pete told you he liked this kind of thing? Pete said he actually begged to get to do this. If he did then why does he keep fighting us so bad?"

"I don't know," Duke answered, "Maybe he is just really into this whole kidnaping scene. He must like to make it as realistic as possible. If that's what he wants let's give it to him." I heard him leave the room and I laid there wondering what they were talking about. Who was Pete? What kidnaping scene was I supposed to be into? Before I could collect my thoughts Duke reappeared and squatted down next to me. He held a black object up in front of my face and said, "Boy this is a tazzer. I can set it to give you any amount of jolt I want. If you don't cooperate and quit fighting us I am going to use it on you. You volunteered for this and I don't want to spend all my time fighting with you." I tried to yell that I had no idea what he was talking about but all that came out was a muffled noise. "You just aren't getting the idea are you? I want you to settle down now!" With that Duke applied the tazzer to my right leg. Pain instantly lanced up my leg and exploded into my brain. God it hurt so bad I wanted to die. As the pain ebbed Duke grabbed me by the hair and looked directly into my eyes. "If you don't cooperate and stop fighting I am going to keep doing that. Do you understand?" he told me. I quickly nodded my head that I did. I would play along with them for awhile. I really had no choice. I sure didn't want him using that thing on me again. Eventually they would take out the gag and I would be able to explain that I had no idea who Pete was or what they were talking about.

Duke held the tazzer menacingly in his hand as two of them started cutting up my pant legs with scissors. This had been my best suit and they were totally destroying it. They completely cut up the sides and then pulled the ruined pants off my body. Next they turned their attention to my coat and shirt treating them exactly the same. Soon I was left only with my white briefs between them and my naked body. Duke handed the tazzer to Eric and took a pair of scissors in his hand. "My turn now. I get to find out what he has hiding under those briefs" he said with a wicked tone to his voice. As he reached for the waist band I couldn't help but try and flinch away. I did not want to be naked in front of these guys! Just the thought of being bound helplessly and then being naked scared me half to death. What exactly did they have planned?

"Boy, move again, even one little inch and you will get zapped again," Duke warned as he slid the scissors under the waist band of my briefs. I held still despite my terror. I did not want to be zapped again. I also didn't want him to accidently cut me as he sliced through the thin material. I felt the scissors trace a line down each side of my hips, severing my briefs in half. When he was finished he yanked them away in a flourish, exposing my now naked cock and balls.

"Not bad," Duke commented as he grabbed my balls firmly in one hand, giving them a hard twist and a squeeze. I groaned into my gag from the pain of the rough treatment he was inflicting on my balls. "Come on, you know you like it," Duke said as he continued to yank and twist them. I didn't know which hurt worse, his torturing my balls or his zapping me.

He finally released my balls. His hand moved to my dick. "I would have thought a boy like you would be hard as a rock," Duke said as he rolled my flaccid penis in his hand. Hard, how the hell could I be hard? I was laying bound naked on the floor with four guys towering over me, one playing with my dick, scared to death. "Oh well," Duke added, "We really don't care about your cock tonight, only your mouth and ass." He rolled me slightly onto my stomach and slide one hand into the cleft of my ass. He found my ass hole with one finger and slid it inside, making me jump in pain. "My God, this boy feels nice and tight. We are going to have fun." As Duke said this he swatted my ass check hard with his open palm. "Let's save that sweet cherry ass for latter, but I really think we should try out his mouth and see if he really is as good as Pete said he was at sucking cock." I watched in disbelief as Duke removed his pants exposing his own erect cock to me.

With that view burning into my mind thought of the tazzer left it. These guys were going to make me suck their cocks. No way! Yes I was gay. I had even fantasized about being a slave to a group of guys, but not quite like this. These guys who I had never even met wanted to use me. No way was I going to let any of these guys put his cock in my mouth. I started struggling and yelling into my gag for all I was worth. I had to get loose, I had to make them realize that I was not who they thought I was. As I struggled I didn't even see the tazzer approach my leg until I felt the pain of it sear through me. "Calm down, you are only making this harder on yourself," I heard Duke say as the pain slowly ebbed away. "I am going to remove your gag now. I don't want to hear even one little noise out of you or I will zap you again," he added. He removed the gag and finally my mouth was empty I could finally tell them they must have the wrong person. I could beg them to let me go. As soon as the gag was out I started speaking, trying to talk to them. Before I could get more than two words out the tazzer was once again applied to my body. "I told you not to talk," was all Duke said in an angry voice. His hard cock touched my lips and he started to pull my head down onto it. "Open up or I'll zap you again," he ordered. What choice did I have? I opened my mouth and allowed him to ram his cock into it. "If I feel even a little bit of teeth you will pay for it," he said as he started pumping in and out of my mouth.

I don't really know exactly how long the four of them fucked my mouth. I do know I sucked all four of them off at least once if not more. I also know that they zapped me at least twice more when I tried to put up a fight. At some point I finally just gave in and did what they wanted. I think I even began to enjoy it. I know my cock started getting hard. When they eventually finished with me I was once again gaged. I was still bound hand and foot and all my mind could think about was what was going to happen next. My emotions were warring with me in that some part of me was actually excited to see what was going to happen, while the rest was still scared shitless.

They left me laying in the middle of the room for a little while. Eventually, two of them, I now knew them to be John and Sam, came to get me. They half carried, half dragged me into the back kitchen area of the house. Duke and Eric were waiting for us next to what looked like a small square butcher block table. It was on wheels and stood about three feet off the ground. In addition it had hooks embedded in it's surface at various points. I would soon learn what the hooks were for. They released my ankles and ordered me to get up on the table. As always Duke held the tazzer in his hand to make sure I readily cooperated as hands helped me climb up onto it. I was made to kneel and as I did they pulled my knees apart. Sam produced a ball stretcher which he applied to my balls. It pulled them down in their sack a good three inches. I felt him affixing something to the harness. Once he had finished they helped me bend forward. They positioned me on the table so my ass was just at one side and my head was just at the other. I felt my ball harness being attached to the table, I assumed to one of the hooks. I attempted to adjust my position and realized I couldn't. My balls held me firmly attached to the table. A collar was fitted around my neck and then they pulled the cuffs confining my hands up toward the collar, tying them securely in place. This held them just above the small of my back and well away from my ass. Next they passed straps over my bound body. These were tied off to the straps and then snugged tight, holding me firmly in a kneeling position on top of the table. Next they removed my gag, after Duke warned me not to make a sound. He held his trusty little toy in front of my face as he gave me the warning. The gag was replaced with a ring gag and head harness. The ring gag fit firmly into my mouth, ensuring I couldn't close it. I realized that in addition to not being able to close my mouth, I also couldn't prevent anything from entering my mouth. That gave me a pretty good idea of what they had planned for me. The harness itself fit around my head to hold the ring gag in place. I realized the harness must have a ring at the top when I felt something being feed through it. Then they were pulling the top of my head back toward my hands via the ring. This forced my head, up and brought my mouth to the perfect level for what I now assumed was cock sucking. When they had finished with this I felt lube being applied to my asshole then something hard pressing against it. As it was forcibly pushed into my ass I realized it must be a butt plug. Duke patted my ass as the plug seated itself deep inside me and said, "This is just to get you ready for latter. As you already know we are having a party tonight and you are going to be part of the entertainment. Pete said this was your thing, it's why he got you to volunteer." God, there was that name again. Who was Pete and how did he manage to get me into this position?

Just then I heard what sounded like the doorbell ring. I heard one of them leaving and then shortly thereafter I heard what sounded like two people coming back. I heard Duke's voice behind me say, "Hi Pete. This guy is great. You couldn't have done better." My ears perked up and my heart jumped, Pete, maybe now this mess could get cleared up and they would let me go.

A voice new to me answered, "Duke, my guy just called me. He couldn't make it. That's why I am here early, I wanted to let you know."

Duke's startled voice responded, "If this isn't your guy then who the hell is he?" Duke walked in front of me and added, "One of you guys go see if he has a wallet in the clothes we cut off of him." A few minutes latter someone handed Duke my wallet and he pulled my driver's licence out. "This says his name is Derrick Wheatley. It also says he is from Ohio. What is he doing here? And what the hell is he doing at our front door? I guess we had better ask Derrick here."

He released the head harness and removed the ring gag from my mouth. Finally I was going to get to talk and explain to them that they had the wrong person. As I started talking I was almost babbling, "I am in the wrong place. I was supposed to be on a job interview. Please let me go. I won't tell anybody if you just let me go, please."

Duke put his hand over my mouth saying, "Slow down, slow down. I think we need to talk about this." Unbeknownst to me he had the leather gag in his hand. As I kept trying to babble on he slipped it into my mouth and quickly buckled it closed. I screamed into it, now that they knew that I wasn't who they thought I was they should be letting me go, not putting a gag back in my mouth. As I laid there listening to them I really began to panic.

"Guys, what are we going to do with him?" I heard Eric asking, "We can't keep him tied up we need to let him go."

"No way," Duke replied, "All he has to do is tell someone and we are fucked."

Oh my god it had not really dawned on me until that minute, they were right, I could actually get them in a lot of trouble even though I now realized it was an innocent case of mistaken identity. I knew that if they would just let me go I would never tell anyone but they didn't know that. If anyone found out they really would be screwed. What were they going to do with me?

Duke's voice interrupted my thoughts, "Guys, he is from Ohio. His wallet doesn't have any pictures, we don't even know if he knows anybody in town. Let me think about what we should do with him. However, right now we have a party to get ready for and I for one am not going to let little Derrick here ruin it. In fact let's go ahead and invite him. We still need entertainment and I don't really think he is in any position to refuse. Are you Derrick? And as I recall several times this afternoon your cock said you were having a great time" Duke looked me in the eyes and my blood ran cold. He was serious and I realized there wasn't a thing I could do about it. They walked out of the room talking together while I was forced to lay there, bound into a tight ball waiting for my fate. Somehow what started out as a good day, had turned into a journey into hell. All I could think to do was pray that they would change their minds and let me go.

Eventually Duke returned and replaced the ring gag and head harness. I tried vainly to talk to him but a quick zap on his part shut me up. He then added a blindfold, plunging me into darkness. When he was finished he wheeled me on the table out into the main area of the house. By this time, from the noise, I knew it was filled with guys. Duke slapped my ass and announced to the crowd, "This is our slave boy for the evening. Use him all you want. Believe me he loves it." Once said he jerked the butt plug out of my ass and gave the table a shove. I must have rolled right into the crowd as I quickly had hands all over me feeling every available inch of my body. This was replaced almost immediately by a cock in my mouth and another in my ass. How many times I was fucked that night, I have no idea. It just became a haze as one cock was replaced by another. As before my panic was eventually replaced with desire and I felt my cock hardening under me. The more I was used the harder I became. This was crazy I had been kidnaped and now I was getting turned on by being tied up and used by these guys as their sex toy. I found myself wanting so badly to get off and yet I couldn't do anything about it. I would make them cum but no one cared about me. When the party had finally wound down or perhaps someone just took pity on me I was released from my kneeling position on the table. They helped me off and had to hold me up, as my legs wanted to collapse under me from being confined for so long. Whoever it was helped me to a what felt like a blanket somewhere on the floor. He released my head from the harness and my hands from the collar. He left them cuffed behind me but at least they were no longer pulled up behind me. I felt him relock my ankle cuffs together. Before I fell asleep totally exhausted I couldn't help but wonder how could this could have happened. Here I was bound on the floor, cum dripping out of my ass, and yet my cock was hard. This was crazy. Maybe I would wake up tomorrow and find out it was all a dream.

As I slowly came awake the first thing I became conscience of was that my ass ached. Then all the horrors of the day before washed over my mind. I had been kidnaped and abused by four college guys. I slowly opened my eyes hoping in vain that maybe it had all just been a bad dream. But, no it had been real. I was laying on the floor in the same room where I had served as a sex toy the night before. I tried in vain to pull my hands apart but they were still firmly locked behind my back. My feet were still locked together just as they had been when I fell asleep. I felt an ache in my balls from the stretcher they had locked on them the night before. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs but the idea of bringing my tormenters from yesterday down on me scared me into silence.

As I laid there, trying to calm myself down, the events from yesterday played themselves over in my head. Again, just as last night, my cock responded to my thoughts. The more I thought about the abuse and degradation the harder my cock got. As it got hard I felt the tug of the ball stretcher holding my balls down in their sack. I really hoped it was responsible for the way my cock was responding. I really couldn't comprehend that I was actually getting off on what had happened to me. Yet still I could ignore the fact that my cock was hard. The hardness of my own cock reminded me of all the cocks I had serviced last night. They had all gotten to cum and right now, that was what I realized I wanted to do more than anything else. I felt the roughness of the blanket under me rubbing against my hard cock. I started moving my hips to slide against it's roughness. As I did my mind envisioned one of those cocks from the night before filling my ass. I started slow, but as I got into it I began to move my hips harder, humping myself against the blanket. I was getting close to blowing my load when a foot connected with my ass knocking me onto my side. Above me towered Duke, totally naked, his cock almost as hard as mine. He reached down and delivered a hard slap to my cock making me yell out in pain. Amazingly the pain did nothing to quell my erection. As Duke slapped me, he said in a mad voice, "Just what the hell do you think you are doing Derrick boy? Did I tell you that you could cum? That pathetic little thing of yours doesn't matter, mine here is the only cock you need to worry yourself about."

As he finished speaking he dropped down and straddled my head. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head up, thrusting his cock into my mouth. I assume it was my own horniness, but having Duke's cock in my mouth was heaven. As I sucked him I felt my own cock throbbing between my legs, desperate to cum. But at that moment the only thing that mattered to me was satisfying Duke's needs. Duke must have sensed my response as he said, "Yesterday you hated this now suddenly you love it? Good boy, I just might be able to make a nice little cock slave out of you after all."

My thoughts swirled as I greedily sucked on Duke's cock. At that moment all I wanted was just that, to serve his cock for the rest of my life. He was right, yesterday I had hated it, fought him every minute, and now I was so turned on I was going crazy and loving every minute of it. Even having my hands bound behind me felt right. That seemed to make me want to work all that much harder to satisfy him with my mouth. When Duke finally exploded in my mouth I felt totally overwhelmed with contentment. I didn't even care anymore about my own desperate need to cum.

Duke laid my head back down and stood up. His magnificent cock hanging over my head. He walked off leaving me there wishing he would come back. I wanted to yell out for him but he quickly returned. He knelt over me again and pulled my head up. I opened my mouth expecting his cock again, but instead he shoved a gag into my mouth. It felt like the same penis shaped one from yesterday. Duke buckled it tightly behind my head and then standing up he rolled me onto my side. He pulled my cuffed ankles up to my bound wrists and hooked them together, binding me into a hog tied position on my side. When he was done he stroked my cock several times. I felt it throb in his hand, so desperate to cum. He kept it up until I was right at the edge then quickly pulled his hand away. As he did he said, "No boy. You may not cum and if I catch you trying to hump anything, ever again, I will make you wish you had never been born. For now I want you to just lay here. I still have to decide what to do with you. Who knows maybe it might just be fun to keep you as my little toy for a while longer."

With those words he walked off and the reality of my situation overcame the hormones that had been dancing through my head. I had effectually been kidnaped and sexually assaulted by these guys. I remembered the comments from yesterday in the kitchen when they had first found out I wasn't the person they had thought I was. They had basically said that they didn't see how they could let me go. What the hell had I been thinking trying to get my nuts off when I had no clue what was going to happen to me. The more I thought about it the more panicked I started getting. I tried to pull against my bindings. My thrashing attracted Duke's attention and he once again came over to were I was bound. This time he had pants on but no shirt. As I looked up at his muscular chest I felt the same feelings resurface. God he was beautiful. I wanted him so badly. My cock, which had lost it's erection with my panic, once again sprang to life as my thoughts changed from fear to lust for Duke. This was crazy! The guy who had done all this to me, was driving me nuts with lust. Duke held up the tazzer that I remembered so well from the day before. "Do I need to remind you how bad this hurts, or are you going to lay still like a good slave boy?" he asked.

I nodded my head vigorously that I would hold still and stopped my movement. I forced myself to settle down and just wait. The hardest thing I was having to deal with though were my own conflicted thoughts. One minute I was scared and the next turned on by the whole situation. I wished so much that my mouth was free and Duke would just let me talk to him. Maybe if he realized how I was feeling he would feel better about just letting me go. Who was I really going to tell after all? The police? Did I really think they would believe me? No! Four college guys against one out of town boy, who when questioned would be forced to admit he was gay. They would probably laugh in my face, if they even bothered to listen. I realized at that point that I had no intention of ever saying a word. All I had to do was convince them of that. Next time my mouth was empty I would try again.

Just as I had come to that realization Duke returned. This time Sam was with him. While Sam held the tazzer Duke released my feet. He unlocked the cuffs from one another but left the straps still firmly locked on each of my ankles. He then helped me to my feet and made me stand at attention with my feet spread. He then tied a cord to a ring on my ball stretcher. Walking behind me I felt him pulling it through my wrist cuffs. He pulled until my balls were yanked back toward my hands and I was forced to keep my wrists tight against my ass to keep from pulling them off. I felt the cord sink into my ass as he tied securely in place. Duke then took me by the shoulder and led me into the kitchen. When we got there he indicated two bowls sitting in the middle of the floor. One was full of water and the other contained what looked liked raw eggs mixed with bread. Duke pushed me down on the floor in front of them and said, "I know you must be hungry and thirsty. Eat up as this is all I intend to give you for awhile."

With that he removed the gag and pushed my head toward the dishes. I wanted to yell out and try talking to them. Duke must have sensed this, as he took the tazzer and held it right in front of my face. "If you open your mouth to do anything except eat and drink I swear I will put the gag back in and let you go hungry. I will also use this on parts of your body that will make you wish you were dead. Now eat,' Duke ordered me.

What choice did I have. Not only was I aware of just how hungry and thirsty I was, but I didn't want to give him any excuse to use the tazzer on me. So I lowered my head toward the bowls. This required some effort. As I lowered my head my hands moved up my back pulling painfully on my balls. But I finally managed to get my head down and began eating. The raw eggs and bread was gross, but as hungry as I was I finished every bite. Then I turned my attention to the water bowl and lapped at it until I was no longer thirsty. When I was done I leaned back up so I was sitting on my knees. Duke washed my face clean and then reinserted the gag. He helped me to my feet and led me to the bathroom. He held my cock over the toilet while I peed and then asked me if I needed to take a shit. I nodded my head no and he once again led me back into the main living room of the house. He and Sam sat down on the couch and he made me kneel next to him on the floor. Duke let the hand that had been on my shoulder drop down to my tits, which he played with for a minute. My cock responded immediately to his attention. Trust me he did not fail to notice. "Derrick, your cock keeps telling me that you are enjoying yourself. Maybe you are just a natural born slave," Duke said as he let his hand drop to my hard cock.

He continued to stroke my cock with one hand while he played with my tits with the other. He kept this up until I was so close to cumming I could hardly stand it. But amazingly my mind remembered the comment he had made earlier, I was not allowed to cum without his permission. If my mouth would have been un-gagged I would have been begging him to allow me to cum. Finally he took his hands away and then gently stroked my head. "Derrick we have some things to talk about. What are we going to do with you? If I let you go and you report us we're fucked."

I shook my head no, wishing so badly my mouth was empty. "No you won't report us or no we wouldn't be screwed?' Duke asked.

"Let me rephrase that. Are you trying to tell me that you aren't going to tell anyone if we let you go?"

I quickly shook my head yes. Duke looked at me seriously and replied, "I think you really mean that. I think if we let you go that you really wouldn't tell anyone. However, I'm sorry, I just can't take that chance. You see, my dad is a judge and if he ever got wind that his son had done something like this, my life would be over. Derrick, my life is more important to me than yours is. I just can't take that chance. But, before I make up my mind what I am going to do with you I am going to need some questions answered. I'm going to remove the gag. You will answer only what I ask. You will not add anything or leave anything out. If I think that you are holding back or lying I will apply the tazzer and ask you again. If I were you I would be totally honest. After all the rest of your life depends on what you have to tell me. Do you understand me?"

As he said, this all thoughts of them just letting me go left my head. I needed to make this good. I frantically nodded my head yes. Duke leaned over and removed the gag, reminding me to respond only to what he asked, other than that I was to keep my mouth shut and listen. "All right Derrick", he started, "Let's make the first one simple. Who knew you were coming here?"

"No one, Sir," I responded. Where had that come from? I was calling him Sir. Somehow it just seemed natural. Despite all my fear just looking up at him was still turning me on.

"Very good slave," Duke replied. "By the way, you will keep calling me Sir when ever you speak. Got that?"

"Sir, yes Sir," was my reply. Despite the situation it seemed right, me kneeling at his feet, naked and bound, calling him Sir and he calling me slave.

"Slave your drivers license says you are from Ohio what are you doing in Texas?"

"Sir, I just moved here, Sir. I was supposed to have started a job but it fell through, Sir"

"Slave do you have family here or in Ohio?"

"Sir, I really don't have any family anywhere, Sir. Just an old aunt that I really don't even know, Sir."

"Slave, what about friends here boy, how many friends do you have?"

"Sir, none Sir. I haven't had time to get to know anyone here, Sir. I really didn't have anyone back in Ohio either, Sir. It's why I didn't mind moving to Texas, Sir."

"Slave I want the address of where you are living." As Duke asked this last question my mind was really wondering what was going through his head. I gave him the address of my little apartment and then he once again placed the gag back in my mouth. "We are done for now slave. I need to think about a couple things."

He helped me over to the side of the room and chained my ankles to a hook set into the baseboard. He leaned down and kissed me gently on the cheek then whispered in my ear, "Don't worry slave. It's going to be all right. I think instead of getting rid of you I might just keep you and train you to be a real slave. If I do, then you will be mine and I will never let anything happen to you."

With those parting words he was gone, leaving me alone. He had kissed me so gently and spoken so lovingly, maybe it would all turn out ok after all. I realized that somehow what I wanted most at that moment was to be exactly what he had just said, his slave. I had read on the internet about Master / slave relationships. Hell, I even had fantasized about it for years. I had always been a loner and the idea of belonging to someone and being loved by them had always turned me on. It was like clarity of mind finally hit me. No wonder I was so turned on by this whole thing. I had been imagining myself as a slave and that was exactly the way I had been used in the past 24 hours. In retrospect what had happened to me was what I had always wanted. As these thoughts went through my head my cock throbbed hard at attention between my legs. God how I wanted to cum. Would I try and find a way to make myself cum? Of course not! Master Duke had ordered me not to cum without his permission and I would obey him as a slave should. God how badly I wished I had his permission to cum!

That was really the true beginning of my new life. All I wanted to do was sit there on the floor and wait for my Master, Duke to return and pray that he would decide to keep me as his slave.

What finally happened when Duke returned? He informed me that he was cleaning out my apartment, taking what money I had, and, let me continue this by jumping ahead in my narrative to the present. It has been six months since that day when I knocked unsuspectingly on Master Duke's door. What is my new life like? It is wonderful! Master Duke has made me his slave. He has become my Master, what more could anyone want.

The cuffs on my ankles and wrists have become a permanent part of my life. Master Duke keeps me restrained almost all the time. In the six months that I have been his slave my hands have only been released from behind my back for very short periods and always under Master Duke's supervision. My feet are usually hobbled so I have learned to shuffle around the house quite well. That of course is when he allows me to have any freedom. Master Duke purchased a cage that he put in his bedroom and when he doesn't need me that is were I spend my time. He keeps my ass plugged unless he is fucking me or I am being allowed to take a shit. He says that a boys most private area is his asshole and he wants me to always know that he owns every part of me. In addition my ass is now for his exclusive use, no one else is allowed anywhere near it. The plug helps make sure no one violates this rule. My mouth on the other hand is fair game for anyone that asks. Oh yes, they have to ask my Master, but he will always say yes and then my mouth had better be instantly ready and willing. In fact he likes to keeps a ring gag in my mouth all the time unless he is allowing me the privilege of eating. As far as eating, what he feeds me has changed very little since that first day. I get water, raw eggs, bread, and dry dog food. Once a day I get a serving of fresh vegetables and a vitamin tablet. Between this diet and the regular exercises Master Duke makes me do, I am incredibly healthy and fit. I remember thinking before that I could have been a male model. Now I could be a male underwear model. Master Duke has honed my body into something he can be proud of.

Speaking of being a underwear model. The fact that my cock is in a constant state of arousal would sure make any pair of underwear look great. In addition my balls are so full from not being allowed to cum that I swear they had doubled in size. The fact that Master Duke's keeps a cock and ball harness locked on them no doubts helps in this area. It has been six months since I became Master Duke's slave. How many times has he allowed me to cum? Six times. Only it was six times all in one session. He had not allowed me to cum for the first four months and then forced six out of me all in the same evening. By the fourth he was hurting me and by the sixth I was praying I would never cum again. As he informed me his slave should not enjoy getting to cum but actually dread it. Now it has been another two months and I have no idea when he will let me cum. To be honest after the last time I really am in no hurry. Master Duke has said if and when he let's me, he wants to try for seven. I of course am not allowed to even touch my cock, not that I can ever get my hands on it. And I never attempt to rub myself off. A month into my slavery I tried that and got caught. Master Duke beat my ass so bad that I wanted to die. He told me that if he ever caught me trying it again my punishment would be even worse. Because of this I have learned to sleep so my cock doesn't rub against anything, that takes temptation away. Although my tits have become almost as bad. Master Duke loves to play with them and torture them. He likes to keep them so sensitive from his abuse that the slightest friction against them goes straight to my cock. Some days just the breeze across them drives me crazy. He has made sure I know that if I cum from rubbing my tits, I am in just as much trouble as if I had done it rubbing my cock.

Now for the big question, am I happy? OF COURSE! I am the happiest slave boy in the world. I have the best Master in the world. Every day I thank everything holy that I knocked on that door six months ago. The life I was living was nothing but a shame. Now I am truly happy and fulfilled, I am a slave. What more could anyone want?

(I think there could be more to write here, but I'm not sure. Any ideas, comments, suggestions, or just a slave out there that wants me to turn them into a Derrick for my pleasure let me know

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