My New Life

By James Midwest

Published on May 4, 2000


Legal Disclaimer:

This story is totally fictional and is not meant to imply anything about the personalities of Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass, J.C. Chasez, Joey Fatone, or Chris Kirkpatrick of the music group Nsync. If you are under the age of 18, offended by male/male material, or it is illegal to view such materials in your area, you should be leaving now. This is a story of friendship and only time will tell which direction it will take.

Like anyone who writes feed back, good or bad is needed. The good feed back, strokes our ego. The bad feed back, strokes the delete key. My e-mail:

This story can also be found on my web site at:

A special thank you goes out to Garret, my friend and editor. With his help we will hopefully eliminate the annoying spelling and typo errors.

And now on with the story.

My New Life

Last Time

Marc's friends were escorted into the room and shown to chairs. Each chair had a folder on it, which everyone picked up as they sat down. Opening the folders they each found the score to Winter's End.

"What's this?" asked Justin.

Smiling Lance said, "Marc's little project. Justin, check out who the composer is."

Looking, Justin saw the composer's name, Marc Newman. There was hush as Marc entered and stepped to the podium. Raising his arms, Marc led the orchestra through his symphonic piece, Winter's End.

At the conclusion, Marc thanked the musicians for their time and dismissed them until the next day. Turning to his smiling friends, he went over to talk to them.

"Marc, that was beautiful," said Joey.

"Thanks, Joe," said Marc, as he sat down.

"I still don't understand," said Justin.

Smiling, Marc tried to explain, "Well, tomorrow I will conduct Winter's End in concert. It will be part of a series of broadcasts focusing on new young composers in the US. It will be broadcast live on PBS and NPR across the country."

"That's what those big trucks with satellite dishes are all about out back," said Chris.

"Yes, they have been working all week laying cable in preparation for the concert. As soon as your concert is over tonight they will be in here setting up cameras."

"That means you won't be leaving with us tonight and we won't be here for your concert," said Justin, with a sad look on his face.

Smiling at Justin, Marc turned to nod to Pete. Pete said, "You won't be leaving after the show tonight. You'll be staying over until Sunday. We'll take a limo to Milwaukee for your interviews and be back in plenty of time for Marc's concert. We'll take the bus back Sunday morning and be there in time for sound check."

Everyone was all smiles at Pete's plan. "Marc, did you get us seats?" asked Josh.

"I'm sorry Josh but you'll have to share the box with my dad and Sara," said Marc.

"Sara's going to be here. Great!" said a grinning Josh.

"I thought you wouldn't mind. Now am I forgiven for keeping secrets?"

"You sure are." said Justin.

Part 15 The Concerts

"Now don't we need to be getting ready for YOUR concert?" asked Marc.

"The limo is waiting," said Pete.

Marc picked up his backpack and walked out with his friends. Approaching the limo, Marc opened the door and let the others enter. Justin was the last to enter and he pulled the door shut behind him and locked it. Marc was left standing outside the limo with a perplexed look on his face. Reaching up, Marc tapped on the window.

The window lowered and Justin looked out. "Yes?"

"Are you going to let me in?"

Looking around, Justin said, "Sorry, no room," and raised the window.

"Come on, let him in," said Lance.

"Oh, ok," said Justin. He turned back to the window and Marc was not there. "Where'd he go?"

Marc had stepped back from the limo, turned and walked to the rear of the vehicle. With quick moves he stepped up on the bumper, to the trunk lid, to the top of the limo, and dropped down through the sunroof into the limo, taking a seat next to Lance. "How much time do we have before we need to be back here?" asked Marc.

"We need to be back by six," answered Josh.

"Ok, I'll be ready," said Marc. He rode the whole way back to the hotel in silence. He sat there with a half smile and stared at Justin all the way to the hotel.

Getting off the elevator Lance pulled Marc aside as the others went into their suites. "Marc, you do know you're driving him crazy?"

"Yea, I'll let him off the hook soon. But revenge will take a little thought."

"Just let me know when, so I can get out of your line of fire."

"What fun would that be? Besides with every war there are always unforeseen casualties," grinned Marc. "Come on or you'll be late for your own concert."

When the limo pulled up to the theater, screaming fans mobbed it. Security moved in and opened a corridor to the door. Everybody made a mad dash for the door with Marc bringing up the rear. He watched as the guys slapped out stretched hands as they ran for the door. Marc was watching Justin when he noticed the fans were grabbing at him. Moving up behind Justin, Marc was just about to move him more to the middle of the corridor when the grabbing fans made Justin stumble. Marc grabbed him before he could fall, picked him up, and rushed him through the door.

Placing Justin back on his feet, Marc asked, "You ok?"

"Yeah, thinks man. I thought I was going down for sure."

"Couldn't let that happen. It would have ruined the concert for me. Who'd want to look at you with a skinned up face, a missing tooth or two?" Marc grinned.

"You're right, I would have landed on my face, thanks."

"Anything for my best friend," smiled Marc.

Marc walked over to the stage and began to look around at the set and up into the rigging. Marc was standing in the middle of the stage looking out into the still empty theater and thinking when Justin and Lance came up to him.

"The view is a lot different from here," said Justin.

"Yeah, a little scary."

"Nervous about tomorrow night?" asked Lance.

"Some, it's not the first time I've played here. Music majors are expected to become a member of the symphony. I played with them last season."

"What instrument?" asked Justin.

"Instruments, I started out the season in the brass section, on trumpet. I ended the season in the percussion section."

"How many instruments do you play?" asked Lance.


"Another mystery," said Justin.

Smiling, Marc said, "Just let me say in order to write for a instrument it helps to know how to play it."

"Ok. Maybe I should have asked what instruments you can't play," laughed Lance.

Thinking for a moment. "Kazoo."

"Kazoo! Everyone can play a kazoo," said Justin.

"Anyone who can hum, right? But not if you hum off key. It sounds terrible." Marc said not able to look at his friends. He hated to tell little lies.

"Come on you guys. We have to get ready," called Chris.

"You go get ready. I'll be along in a bit," said Marc.

Walking to the edge of the stage Marc looked up to the balcony and had an evil idea.

      • Marc was sitting on a couch watching the circus going on in front of him. First one would go into makeup, then to wardrobe then back to makeup for touchups. One after the other they went. After awhile Marc lost track as to who was where. Lynn came in, spotted Marc, and joined him on the couch.

"Marc, you look like a kid in a toy store," laughed Lynn.

"I never realized how much activity there is before the show."

"Where is your camera? I thought you'd want this on the web site."

"Next time. I wanted to see this first. I don't want to put anyone into an embarrassing position. I should get a lot of good shots Sunday."

"I got a call from the print shop today. They wanted to know where the bill for the rush order, be sent?"

"Oh, the rush order. There will be no charge. Just have him submit the print bill to me."

Lynn gave Marc a questioning look.

"It's a little surprise for tomorrow night."

Looking at his watch, Marc decided it was time to put his plan into action. "I'm going to go find my seat. See you after the show."

"Enjoy the show," said Lynn.

Stepping into makeup, Marc found Joey and Lance, "I'm heading out to my seat, I'll catch up with you after the show."

"K, enjoy," said Joey.

Marc found Chris and Justin in wardrobe. Justin had his back to him and was bent over, "Damn! What a time not to have my camera."

Turning, Justin found Marc with his hands forming a frame aimed at his butt. "What's up Marc?" he grinned.

"Just stopped by to let you know I'm headed out to find my seat."

"See you later," said Chris.

Marc found Josh just outside the dressing room on his cell. He was smiling as he talked, that was until he noticed Marc, then he turned red. Marc rolled his eyes at Josh's reaction.

"I have to go. See you tomorrow," Josh said.

Marc indicated he wanted to say something.

"Wait, someone wants to talk to you," Josh said and handed the cell to Marc.

"Hi, Sara."

"How'd you know he was talking to me?"

"Not too hard to guess, I just wanted to remind you to bring my tux."

"It's already in the car. Don't worry. And Marc, take it easy on Josh, don't tease him too much about this call."

"Who me?"

"Yeah, you. I like him a lot."

"So do I. See you tomorrow. Love you Sara. Bye." Handing the phone back to Josh, Marc stepped away so Josh could say his good-byes.

Josh turned off the phone and walked over to Marc.

Smiling, Marc said, "Josh, I just wanted to let you know I was going to find my seat. I'm sorry about interrupting your call."

With a slight grin, Josh replied, "It's all right. It's just that I felt weird when you caught me talking to Sara."

Smiling, Marc said, "Josh, you don't need to feel weird about calling Sara. There is no one I'd rather have calling on my sister." He gave Josh a quick hug.

Marc turned to leave but stopped when he had a thought. Turning back to Josh, he said, "Ah, Josh. Justin is going to have a little trouble during Sailing tonight. He's going to forget the lyrics. Be ready to cover for him, will you?"

Frowning, Josh asked, "What are you up to?"

Marc just grinned at him and walked away.

On the way back into the dressing room, Josh still had the frown on his face. Lance noticed and went to Josh.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm not sure. I just talked to Marc and he said the strangest thing."


"He said that Curly is going to forget the lyrics to Sailing. Be ready to cover for him."

Lance's smile grew into a grin, as he had an idea as to what Marc had in mind.

"Do you know what's going on?"

"Revenge. It was a warning not to get in the way."

The doors had opened and the theater was starting to fill. Marc went to the stage entrance, "Hi Bill. I see there is still quite a crowd out here."

"Oh, hi Marc. Yeah they will be here until after the concert," said Bill, head of security.

Scanning the crowd, Marc spotted what he was looking for. Taking out a piece of paper Marc wrote a note. "Bill, see the little red head in the blue top, with the sign?

"Yeah, I see her."

"Get this note to her. Tell her she will be met at the box office will call window."

"Sure thing."

"Thanks Bill."

"Justin, will you get hooked up. We're only one minute to show," said Chris.

"Ok. Ok, I'm ready," said Justin.

Everyone took his position on stage. The music started and the lights came up and the audience erupted. As the guys did their opening dance steps to Sailing, they noticed Marc was not in his seat. Justin looked off stage at Pete with a questioning look.

"Something's wrong," said Pete. Looking at the area Justin indicated he noticed that Marc was not in his seat. "Marc's not in his seat."

Lynn took a look and said, "He wasn't there for the opening act either. I wonder where he is?"

The guys floated off the stage and out over the audience. Pete was watching them move out over the audience when he spotted Marc in the balcony. "I've got Marc," said Pete


"Balcony, front row center. What's he up to?"

      • Lance spotted Marc in the balcony and motioned to Josh where he was.

Marc watched as Justin floated toward him. Justin finally looked up into the balcony and spotted Marc. Marc stood there holding something in front of him. Grinning broadly, Marc opened the sign showing it to Justin. It took a second for Justin to read the sign, and then he lost all concentration and stopped singing.

"What's happening?" asked Lynn.

"Marc is holding up a sign. I can't read it. Whatever it says, Justin lost it. But JC is covering for him."

Marc held the sign so Justin could read it. As he read it, Justin turned red and started to giggle, completely forgetting the words to the song. Seeing the reaction he wanted, Marc folded the sign. Pointing a finger at Justin, making a shooting motion, than bringing the finger up to his mouth, he blew the smoke from his imaginary gun. "Got ya." Marc left his seat and headed up the aisle to be met by the little red headed girl. He gave her sign back, and after a quick kiss on her cheek, she headed to the seat Marc had just vacated.

As the guys floated back to the stage they saw Marc run down the aisle to his seat. Luckily Justin recovered quickly and completed the song. The rest of the concert Justin kept an eye on Marc, making sure there was no other surprises. Marc stayed in his seat, actually in front of his seat. Everyone actually stood and clapped and danced and yelled.

After the second encore Marc headed back stage. Working his way to the dressing room all of a sudden someone jumped on his back. From his laughter Marc knew it was Justin.

"Man how could you do that to me? I thought we were friends," laughed Justin.

"Payback is sweet," laughed Marc. "And I am the king of payback."

Marc continued to the dressing room with Justin on his back. Pete and Lynn, who were not happy, stopped them at the door.

"Marc, I want to talk to you, now!" Pete said.

Justin got off of Marc, as he did he muttered "Oh, shit!"

Opening the door, Lynn entered. Pete motioned for Marc to follow. Marc entered the room with his head down. Pete entered behind Marc and closed the door, leaving everyone else outside the dressing room.

Marc stared at the floor. He knew Pete had the power to send him home and his joke may have gone a little too far.

Pete looked at Marc and smiled at his nervous posture. Glancing at a smiling Lynn, he put on his most serious face and started.

"What the hell do you think you were doing out there?"

"Pete, I'm sorry. I was just . . ."

"I don't want to here, 'I'm sorry'! Do you realize what may have happened if this prank had backfired? Who could have gotten hurt? How much money it could have cost us?"

"No, I didn't think about any of that," Marc said meekly.

"For Christ's sake Marc, you're an adult. I expect more out of you." The whole time he lectured, Pete was circling Marc. "There's only one thing I want to know," he said, leaning close to Marc. He asked softly, "What did the sign say?"

Slowly looking up, Marc found two smiling faces. His own face broke out in a grin, relieved that they were not as mad as he thought. Hearing something brush against the door all heads turned towards it. Picking up a note pad and pencil, he wrote, 'Justin, I want to be the mother of your children,' and showed it to Lynn and Pete. Lynn put a hand over her mouth to muffle her laughter and Pete just shook his head.

All five guys had their ears to the door trying to hear what was going on in the dressing room.

"Damn it, Justin! It's your fault, if you didn't screw around with Marc in the limo he wouldn't have tried to get even," said Lance.

"Boy, Pete is really mad," said Chris.

"Quiet, I can't hear what they're saying," said Joey.

"The door has ears," Pete said softly.

Letting out a breath Marc whispered, "I know I will regret this but I haven't been fired this week."

Grinning at Marc's suggestion, Pete put on his serious face.

"Marc, you leave me no choice."

"Please, I promise not to do anything like that again," pleaded Marc.

"No! You can't be trusted. I think it's best you leave the tour."

"Noooo. Not that. Pleeaassee don't make me leave." Marc cried and quickly placed a hand over his mouth to stifle his laughter.

With his back to the door Marc watched the reflection of Pete as he went over to the door and placed his hands on the knob. "I want you packed and out of the hotel tonight!" Pete said loudly, as he threw open the door.

Marc watched as his friends fell in a heap when the door opened. Still holding his hand over his mouth, his whole body shook with his stifled laughter.

Justin was quickly on his feet and pleading with Pete, "It was my fault Pete. I started it with a stupid joke."

"Please don't fire Marc," pleaded Josh.

"We'll do anything you say. Just let him stay," said Chris.

Lance, seeing Marc's whole body convulse in sobs, went to comfort him. But after seeing Marc's face, he realized that Marc was not sobbing but his body was shaking with the laughter that he was trying to hold in. Lance also noticed Marc was watching what was happening in the mirror. Taking Marc into his arms, Lance gave comfort to his sobbing friend. Burying his face in Lance's shoulder to muffle his laughter, Marc wrapped his arms around him.

Softly, in Marc's ear, Lance said, "You're not fired are you?"

Marc just nodded.

"This is your best yet."

Shaking his head no, he whispered, "Pete's idea."

      • "Come on, Pete. Give Marc another chance," Joey pleaded.

Looking from the four young men pleading for Marc, to Marc wrapped in Lance's embrace, he asked, "Marc, can you give me your word, that there will be no more pranks for the rest of the tour?"

Pulling out of Lance's embrace, somewhat in control of himself, Marc looked at Lance and shook his head no, "No, Pete. I can't make that promise."

Four heads turned in disbelief; he was being offered a way of staying on tour with them.

"This is way, too much fun," Marc managed to say before erupting in laughter.

Lynn and Pete followed Marc over the edge.

"Damn he got us again," said Justin.

Shaking his head and pointing to Pete, Marc said, "It was not my idea. Pete started it."

"I thought he fired you and it was all my fault," said Justin softly.

Going to Justin, Marc pulled him in to a hug, and said, "Justin, don't think like that. What I do, comes out of my own warped mind. The only thing you did is be the inspiration." Pulling back and wrinkling his nose, he added, "Eeu you are all sweaty, and you smell."

Laughing, Justin said, "In case you didn't notice I did work hard tonight."

"Well, all of you go get a shower and change. I don't think I want to ride in the limo with you smelling like a locker room."

Marc awoke, stretched, and lay there thinking about the coming day. 'I sure wish today were over with. Either tonight works out and I move into a new phase of my musical career or I make a fool of myself and I go home and hide for the rest of the summer,' he thought, with a deep sigh. 'I could never do that. These clowns would never let me leave anyway. As if I could leave them. I had better not embarrass myself than. All right, Marc, move your ass. I think a hard run is in order for today. Get the blood running, clear out the cobwebs. Yes, today I need a really clear head.' Getting up, Marc quietly dressed and snuck out of the bedroom.

In the living room, Marc found Lance dressed and waiting for him. Lance's face lit up with a smile when he saw Marc.

Smiling, Marc asked, "Morning. I didn't expect anyone to be up. Can't you sleep?"

"I slept fine. I was just hoping to go with you again this morning," Lance said with a twinkle in his eye.

With a raised eyebrow, Marc asked, "Are you sure you're up to it?"

"Oh yes, yesterday's run was fantastic. And all day yesterday I felt so alive. And the concert last night, I've never had so much energy. I see now why you like to run."

"Ok, but today I will be changing the route. Let's get going," Marc said. 'Damn it Lance, how can I say no to you. Remember Marc, he is just your friend.'

After stretching out and warming up, Marc and Lance headed out running side by side. Today though they took a new route and headed out toward the university. Turning onto the track Marc slowed to a walk, "Lance. I need to do some serious running this morning. I don't think you can keep up."

"I'd like to try."

"Ok, I intend to do ten miles here. Keep up as best as you can, just don't stop. Slow your pace or walk the track. I don't want you to cramp."

Marc started out at a very brisk pace. Lance kept up for two laps before he had to slow down. Marc was so into his running he didn't notice Lance was not with him until he lapped him on the fifth lap. By the next time he lapped him Lance had slowed down to a walk.

As he finished lap forty Marc slowed to a trot and as he came upon Lance he slowed to a walk. Breathing hard, Marc completed the lap with Lance.

Lance looked over at Marc and asked, "What was that all about?"

"I needed a clear head today. And that is the best way for me to do it," Marc said. Than added, "I'm sorry to leave you alone so much."

"It's ok. I kind of got used to seeing your back side each time you lapped me."

"That must have been a depressing sight."

"No, not at all." Lance said, with a grin.

Marc rolled his eyes, and said, "Let's head back. You've got a long ride to your interviews this morning."

Coming out of his bedroom, Joey yawned. Seeing Chris, Justin, and Josh already at the table, he smiled, "I see Marc's missing."

"So is Lance," said Chris, with a smile.

The four friends smiled at themselves, each sharing the same thought.

Hearing the electric lock click all heads turned to see Lance and Marc returning from their run, all smiles and laughing about something.

"Hi guys. Breakfast here all ready?" asked Marc.

"Where have you been? We need to leave in an hour," said Josh.

"Damn it's later than we thought," said Marc.

Each of them grabbed a glass of juice and some toast off the food try and headed to their rooms to cleanup and change.

"Marc!" yelled Justin.

Stopping and turning to Justin. "What?"

Pointing to a garment bag laying across the back of one of the couches, Justin said, "That came for you a little while ago."

"Oh, thanks. I was expecting that," said Marc. Shoving his toast into his mouth and grabbing the bag, he headed with his juice into the bedroom to get cleaned up.

Lance was back at the table having a proper breakfast when Marc came out. His fork stopped midway to his mouth as he stared at Marc. All heads turned to see what was causing Lance's strange behavior. Marc looked like he just stepped out of the pages of an Armani catalog. He was decked out in a dark three button single-breasted suite. Light blue shirt and a red and blue silk tie completed the look.

"Damn boy, you sure do clean up good," said Joey with a grin.

"Thanks Joe, I'll take that as a complement."

"Looking good Marc. What's the occasion?" asked a grinning Justin.

"I will be taping a interview to be used during intermission." Marc said as he filled a plate from the breakfast cart. Taking a seat across from Lance he smiled at his still immobile friend. "Something wrong with the French toast?"

Justin poked Lance in his side to bring him out of his stupor.

"What? Oh, the French toast is great," said a blushing Lance.

Changing the subject Josh asked, "What time will your family get here?"

"They should be in around four. Barring any problems today, I should be back about the same time."

"Are they staying over?" asked Josh.

"Yes, Josh, Sara will be staying over. Pete has arranged for them to stay in their suite, since it has four bedrooms."

There was a knock at the door. Chris answered it and found Pete and Lynn.

"Come on the limo is waiting. Is everyone ready?" asked Pete.

Washing down the last of their breakfast they got up to leave.

Lynn approached Marc, smiling, as she looked him over. "My, you look particularly handsome this morning," she said, as she reached up and straightened his tie.

Blushing, Marc answered, "Thank you."

At the front entrance there were two limos waiting. Marc offered Lynn his arm and they walked to the rear limo. "How do you know which one to take?" asked Lynn.

"Bobby has been my driver the last two days," Marc said.

"Good morning, Marc," said Bobby, as he opened the door.

"Good morning, Bobby," replied Marc, as he let Lynn enter ahead of him.

"Pete, why is my mom going with Marc?" asked Justin.

"Today, she is Marc's business manager."

"Oh, that's right, I forgot," said Justin.

"Come on, let's hit the road, or we won't make it back in time for Marc's performance," said Pete.

Marc walked out onto the stage. Nsync's equipment and sets were long gone and the stage has been transformed for tonight's concert. Looking out, Marc spotted the three TV cameras.

Lynn walked up next to Marc, "Are you all right, Marc?"

Smiling Marc said, "Yeah, I feel great. As long as I ignore the cameras I should be fine."

"Well, speaking of cameras, they want you in makeup."

Making a face Marc headed for makeup.

The final run through came off with out any problems. All the early preparations had paid off. There were only minor changes to the sound set up. And the camera blocking took almost no time. Satisfied that everything was in order, the director dismissed everyone until six o'clock.

Grinning broadly as Marc approached, Lynn said. "That last number is something else. The boy's are going to love it."

"I hope so."

Sara and her dad walked into the lobby of the hotel and looked around hoping to see someone they knew. Not seeing anyone, they went to the front desk.

"Good afternoon sir, how may I help you," said the desk clerk.

"I'm Dr. Tom Morgan. We were to be met by a Marc Newman."

"Yes, Mr. Newman has made arrangements for you to stay with his party." Glancing at the front door the clerk noticed the limo stop and its occupants enter the hotel. "And I believe that's some of them now," she said, indicating behind them.

Turning, Sara was greeted by the smiling face of Josh. "Hi Josh."

"Hi Sara, Doc Morgan. Glad to see you again," said Josh.

"Any idea where my brother is? He was suppose to meet us."

"I'm right here," Marc said, coming up behind the group.

When Sara saw her brother she was surprised at his appearance. "Who are you? You vaguely resemble my brother. Ok guys, what did you do with Marc?"

Laughing, Marc said, "They gave me a makeover as a gift."

"Well, they did a good job," Sara said as she gave Marc a hug.

"We don't take any credit for the monkey suit, that was his own idea," said Chris.

Marc gave his sister a kiss on the top of her head than broke the embrace and turned to his dad. Tom looked Marc over then grinned as he said, "Pretty sharp, yep, pretty sharp." Looking at his son's face he caught the glint of something shiny on his ear. Reaching up, he took Marc's chin in his hand and turned his head from side to side examining the new additions.

Marc turned crimson with embarrassment as his dad looked at the earrings. Marc softly said, "It was either pierced ears or a tattoo. I chose the earrings."

Taking another look, Marc's dad finally said, "I like them."

Marc hugged his dad, happy to have his approval.

"Let's take this reunion up stairs," said Pete.

Marc got his dad and sister settled into their rooms and went to shower and get ready for tonight. A buffet was set up in suite A, and an extra table and chairs were brought in so they all could eat together.

Josh and Sara were on the couch in the boy's suite talking. 'Well, how is he really doing?" she asked.

"He's doing fine."

"Is he getting along with everyone?"

"Yeah, some of us better than others."

"Oh, really. Like who?"

"Like Lance. Watch them when they are together. Their faces light up when they're together. I wish they would stop fooling themselves and get together."

A little shocked at Josh's statement. "Josh, what are you saying?"

"Sara, everyone here has seen how the two of them are around each other. They both have massive crushes on each other. But I think they are just afraid to admit it."

"Josh, how do you feel about that? If they get together."

"I've known Lance for years, he's one of my best friends and I love him. That will never change. And I feel the same way about Marc. And if the two of them can make each other happy, it will make me happy."

Marc was in his dressing room pacing the floor as he listened to the first piece of tonight's program.

"Marc calm down," said Lynn.

"I am calm," said Marc, as he stopped pacing and began to bounce, in one place.

Lynn could only laugh at Marc's abundant energy.

Marc's family was seated in their box when the lights dimmed and the curtain opened. The boys noticed right away that something strange had been added. A triple bank of keyboards stood to the right of the podium.

"Ladies and gentleman, tonight we are proud to present a new work: Winter's End, by Marc Newman. Conducted tonight by Marc Newman," the announcer said.

Marc walked on stage as the audience applauded. Stepping up to a microphone Marc said, "Tonight I would like to dedicate this performance of Winter's End to my father and sister. For without their support, I never would have had the courage to complete it. And tonight we will also present a new piece. A variation on a theme called Jubilation. I dedicate it to my brothers, for they are an inspiration to me." Looking up to their box he smiled and nodded. Turning he ascended the podium and began Winter's End.

Sara and Josh held hands during the performance. She was so proud of Marc. Glancing over at Lance she had to stifle a laugh. Squeezing Josh's hand, she indicated for him to look at Lance.

"Do you see what I mean?" whispered Josh.

"Yeah, you could use him as a spotlight," Sara replied.

As Winter's End came to a conclusion the audience came to their feet in a standing ovation. Marc took his bows than indicated for the orchestra to stand and take a bow. As they were taking their bows the chorus from the first half of the program returned to stage taking their place on the raised platforms. Turning back to face the orchestra Marc could see that everyone was in place. He approached the podium but did not step up on it. He reached over and placed his baton on the music stand. Glancing offstage he gives the signal that they are ready. Turning his attention to the percussion section he gives them the count. Eight beats later the lights go out and the percussion section comes to life with a rock/pop beat. Lights flash on and off all around the stage until one settles on Marc, at the keyboards playing a rock version of Winter's End. The chorus is moving to the beat and really getting into the music. Turning from the keyboard Marc directs the chorus, leading them to use their voices as one powerful instrument. Drawing from each section of the orchestra the music builds till the end when all lights go out except one. The one spotlight on Marc. For three seconds there is silence, the last note still echoing off the walls of the theater. Than the audience erupts in applause and shouts. Marc walks to center stage to take his bow. Turning to the orchestra, he motions for them to stand and take a bow, than for the chorus to take their bow.

Looking up at the box reserved for his family, he sees the seven most important people in his life standing, clapping, whistling, and shouting their approval. Knowing he had given his all, he makes his last bow to them. Turning, Marc walked off stage. Approaching the wings he could hear the stage manager count down, three, two, one, we're clear, credits rolling.

Lynn had watched the performance from the wings and Marc walked up to her and they embraced. Holding Marc, she felt him begin to cry. The emotions that had been building all week had reached the point of overflowing. She held him tight. Softly she said, "Go ahead baby, let it all out," as she held and rocked him. Rubbing his back to comfort him, she said, "I'm so proud of you."

"I did good?"

"You did better than good. You were perfect."

"Thanks, I just needed to hear it," said Marc with a little smile.

"Dry those eyes baby, and get out there and thank the people that made it happen."

The curtain was lowered and Marc went back on stage. He personally thanked each and every member of the orchestra and chorus. Than the concertmaster presented Marc with the scores of Winter's End and Jubilation: they had been signed by everyone on stage tonight.

Marc and Lynn walked to the dressing room to find it filled with his family and friends. Each gave Marc a congratulatory hug and told him how proud they were of him.

Marc changed out of his tux and was ready to leave. "How about we get something to eat. I'm starved," Marc said.

"I thought you would be," said Pete, "I've arranged for a late night buffet at the hotel."

"Why can't we go to a restaurant?" wined Justin.

"Because you're supposed to be in Milwaukee, not Madison," Marc reminded him.

"Oh, that's right," said Justin.

It was after two in the morning and Marc was still too hyper to sleep. He stood at the big sliding doors that lead out to the balcony. Dressed only in his sleeping shorts he looked out at the lights of the city and his own reflection.

Marc saw Lance's reflection as he came out of his bedroom, wearing only boxers. He had his pillow and blanket. Marc smiled to himself, for he could hear Chris snoring up a storm and knew Lance had been driven out by the noise.

The sleepy-eyed Lance noticed Marc standing at the sliding doors. Dropping his pillow and blanket on a couch, Lance walked up behind Marc. He wrapped his arms around Marc's waist and laid his head on shoulder. Marc watched the reflection of Lance as his eye shot wide open and he became fully awake. Feeling Lance tense up, Marc placed his hands on top of Lance's and held him in place.

Marc softly said, "Please, don't pull away. I like how it feels when you hold me."

Lance slowly relaxed as Marc lightly rubbed the back of his arms. They stood there for a long time not saying anything just enjoying the closeness.

It was Marc who broke the silence, "Lance how do you stand the feeling after you perform?"

"What feeling?" Lance asked, a little concerned.

"Tonight when I was on stage performing I felt so great. I felt like I could go on forever. But now, there is an emptiness."

Lance smiled, knowing what Marc was talking about. "You're coming down off an adrenaline high. And to answer your next question, it does get easier to handle with time."

"Thanks, I thought I was weird."

"Not any weirder than the rest of us. We all go through it."

Marc watched Lance's reflection for a long time.



"I love you."


Turning to face him, Marc repeated, "James Lance Bass, I love you."

Looking deep into Marc's eyes Lance could see no deceit, only love. Pulling Marc to him he kissed him softly on the lips, "Marc, I love you too."


Author's Note: Well it had to happen didn't it? I know some of you will be happy and some of you will be upset by Marc's choice. Remember this is just a story and a lot can happen before it comes to an end. Just sit back and enjoy. A special thanks goes out to Z. Thanks for your input, and giving me something to think about. I'm sorry Marc didn't pick your guy, but hay the story is not over.


Next: Chapter 10

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