My New Life

By James Midwest

Published on Mar 30, 2000


My New Life

This is the first attempt at a story that has been kicking around in my head for some time now. It is to be a story of friendship that develops between the main character, Marc Newman and the guys of Nsync.

Legal Disclaimer:

This story is totally fictional and is not meant to imply anything about the personalities of Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass, J.C. Chasez, Joey Fatone, or Chris Kirkpatrick of the music group Nsync. If you are under the age of 18, offended by male/male material, or it is illegal to view such materials in your area, you should be leaving now. If you are looking for a story with lots of sex, go away! This is a story of friendship and only time will tell which direction it will take.

Like anyone who writes feed back, good or bad is needed. The good feed back, strokes our ego. The bad feed back, strokes the delete key. My e-mail:

This story can also be found on my web site at:

A special thank you goes out to Garret, my friend and editor. With his help we will hopefully eliminate the annoying spelling and typo errors.

And now on with the story.

Last Time

Getting out of the van Marc grabbed his backpack and his suitcase as did the others. Entering the hotel they steeped off to the side and put their bags down. "Guys, out security and management is right over there and they haven't spotted us." said Chris.

"Yea, Pete looked directly at us and did not recognize us." said Joey.

"You guys want to have some fun?" asked Marc with a evil grin.

"What do you have in mind?" ask Lance.

"Justin, use your cell and call Pete. Tell him he must have given us the wrong directions to the hotel. Where here and there is no one to meet us. That sort of thing. Hang back so they don't spot you."

"Ok, got it." said Justin as he pulled out his cell.

"All right, Bert, Dave, Tad, and Billie come with me. Follow my lead and think country."

Making their way over near Pete they could hear his conversation with Justin. And Pete could not believe they had gown to the wrong hotel.

Marc started. "Dame guys, looks like some kind of big dooings goin on here."

Joey added. "Shour do. It's posed to be some kinda girlie band."

Marc finished it. "Yep. I heardit was that Backstreets Boys Band. Sapos ta be playin at the arenia this week."

A very annoyed Pete and Lynn turned to give death glares at the annoying group. But their jaws dropped as they saw six grinning young men looking at them.

"Hi mom." said Justin with a little wave of the hand.

Taking off his cowboy hat Joey said. "Hay Pete. I think we found the right hotel."

Pete finally was able to close his mouth from the shock then smiled saying. "Great disguise guys. I didn't spot you and I looked right at you as you were coming in." Looking at the new member of group. "You must be Marc."

"Guilty. It's nice to meet you Pete." Marc said shaking hands.

"And Lynn, I'm glad to finally meet you in person." said Marc with a smile.

Part 13

"Let's get you all up to your rooms before you're spotted," said Pete. "Security will take care of your bags."

Exiting the elevator, Pete said, "Most of our people are on the two floors below. You and management are on this floor. I've put you all in suite B. Since we'll be here almost a week, we might as well be comfortable." Holding up six key cards, he said, "Your bags will be right up. Get settled in. Then, Marc, come over so we can have a talk and get you set up."

"Sure, I'll be over in a bit," said Marc.

Entering the suite, Marc found a large central living room with two large couches, and two overstuffed chairs all facing a media center with a large screen T V and a VCR . On the opposite side of the room, by a set of sliding doors, was a large dining/work table with chairs. There was a small kitchenette to the left of the sliding doors. The three remaining doors led to the bedrooms. Everyone spread out looking over the place.

"Marc, I think we had more room at the cabin," said Josh.

"Yeah. But here there are three bathrooms and twin beds," said Marc, as he walked out of one of the bedrooms with a smile.

There was a knock at the door. Justin, being the closest, answered it. "The bags are here."

Marc walked over to the luggage cart and grabbed his bags and headed back to the bedroom he just came out of. Placing his bags on a bed, Marc started to unpack. Hearing a bump at the door he looked over to see Joe trying to carry three large suitcases into the room. Hurrying over to Joe, he took the two smaller bags from him. "Let me help. Where did all these come from? They weren't in the van."

"They're off the bus. We only had small bags with us, as we were on vacation for only one week."

"Now, I'm wondering if I brought enough with me."

"Don't worry, I started this tour with two bags. We tend to pick up stuff along the tour. We also have the tour wardrobe to fall back on. Besides we're about the same size so we can wear each others clothes."

"Ok, that could work. There is only one thing I won't share, underwear."

"Why? Afraid you'll catch something?"

"No. I don't want to take the chance of getting into a accident, and going to the hospital, and having doctors and nurses laughing at me because I'm in superman boxers."

Picking up a pillow and throwing it at Marc. "I'm not that bad," said Joe, as he popped open his suitcase.

Marc looked over at the open suitcase. He saw it filled with Joe's underwear and t-shirts. Laughing at what he saw, he said, "Oh really, not that bad?" Walking over and rummaging around in the bag, he added, "I know it must be here."

"What are you looking for?" asked Joe.

"The superman cape, I know you have to have one in here."

      • Out in the living room Josh and Justin were still sorting out the bags when they heard Joey, "Marc, get out of my underwear!" Then there was a thud.

They looked at each other with raised eyebrows. "Interesting," said Josh. Walking over to the open door, they found Joey and Marc wrestling on the floor trying to pin each other down. Marc was trying to turn Joe over, without much success. Trying another course of attack, Marc reached down to Joe's waistband and grabbed the top of his boxers. Giving a mighty tug, he managed to pull about a foot of boxers up out of Joe's pants, giving him a wedgie.

"There, I knew it, Superman boxers," laughed Marc.

"What's going on?" asked Chris.

"Joey and Marc were wrestling and he got a wedgie," said Josh.

"Oh, Joey gave Marc a wedgie," said Chris

"No. Marc gave Joey a wedgie." corrected Justin.

"No shit! We've never been able to give Joey a wedgie," said Chris.

Rolling on to his back, Marc lay there trying to catch his breath from laughing so hard. Looking over at the door he saw Justin, Chris, and Josh smiling at him and giving him a thumbs up.

"Newman! I'm going to get even for this," said Joe, as he tried to work his boxers back into place.

Marc rolled on to his side to look at Joe. "Any time Fatone, when you think you're up to it," he smiled, as he got up.

Joe glared up at Marc wearing his most intimidating expression. Marc just stood there smiling at him, offering a hand up. The longer Joey glared, the bigger Marc's smile got. Finally not able to keep the glare up any longer, Joe smiled and took Marc's hand and was pulled to his feet. Marc softly said. "You need to work on that look. It's almost believable."

"Don't you have a meeting to get to?" asked Joe, as he adjusted his shorts.

"Yeah. I guess I've goofed around long enough." Picking up his backpack, Marc opened it and removed his change of underwear, leaving it on his bed. Putting his pack on his shoulder, he headed out for his meeting. As he walked passed Josh, Marc gave him a wink.

      • In suite A, there was a knock at the door. Pete opened the door to find Marc. "Come on in. We're set up at the table."

Walking over to the table, Marc greeted Lynn, "Lynn, do you have something for me?"

"Yes, I've got everything right here." Lynn said handing Marc a document.

Marc quickly scanned the document and signed it in the marked locations. "That should take care of that," said Marc, handing Lynn the document.

A confused Pete asked, "What's going on?"

"Oh, just a little business. Lynn is now my agent in the matters of my music."

"Ok." said Pete, still not knowing what was going on. "Now can we get to the tour and what part you will play in it."

"Sure, what do you have in mind?"

"Well, we are in need of a web master. Someone to design and update a site about the tour. You will have free rein on the site. The only requirement is that I review everything before it's posted to the web."

"That shouldn't be a problem. I do have an idea. I'd like to focus on the behind the scene look of the tour. Make it heavy with pictures of what's going on when they are not on stage performing. A lot of candid shots of meetings, interviews, rehearsals, and what goes on before and after a show. Of course all shots will have to be approved by you and the guys, as well as with the text."

"How would you get the photo's?"

"I have two digital cameras," said Marc, as he opened his backpack and took them out to show Pete. Marc turned one on and smiled. Handing it to Lynn. "These are some shots I took on our road trip. These are from Circus World."

Lynn scrolled through the shots and started to laugh at the clowns. "These are really good Marc. Can I get a copy of this one? I'd like to put it on my computer as a screen saver."

"No problem. I'll put it on a disk for you."

"I like the concept of the web site Marc. But before we can go any further we have some paper work to do." said Pete.

"Pete before we do that there are some things I need to know. What's the schedule for this next week."

"Well, tomorrow is a free day. Nothing is on the schedule. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we have scheduled rehearsals for the afternoons. There are few interviews on Wednesday morning. Thursday we have a photo shout in the morning than a meet and greet in the afternoon. Friday morning is free, with a sound check in the afternoon. Show time is 7 p.m. Then, we leave for Milwaukee that night with interviews scheduled Saturday afternoon. Sunday is a repeat of Friday, a show day."

Marc thought for a moment, digesting the information Pete had just given him. "Pete, I do have a slight problem with this week. Up until last night I had no idea what the guys had in mind for me. I already have commitments for this week. Saturday night I will be performing with the Madison Symphony. I will be conducting one of my orchestral works, Winter End. It is to be simulcast on NPR and PBS. It's part of a series focusing on young new musicians."

Lynn and Pete both had a stunned look. "I hate to throw this at you without warning. I will have rehearsals starting Monday, in the afternoon. It looks like mine and the guy's rehearsals will be about the same time. And I won't be able to leave with you Friday night."

"Marc, are there any more of these concerts coming up?" asked Lynn.

"Well, that will depend on Saturday's concert. I know the Chicago, Boston, New York, and Denver Symphonies have all showed interest in my work." Reaching into his backpack, Marc took out a folder. "Lynn here is my correspondence to date with the contacts. I have also included information on my publishing company, along with the price lists."

"You have your own publishing company?" asked Pete.

"Yeah, I'm working with the local print shop back home. They can fill any order within two days. Once we have a sign license agreement the print shop will print the music with its own license number on it."

"What kind of money are we talking about." asked Pete.

"Depending on the type of license and the size of the orchestra it could cost from fifteen to one hundred thousand dollars."

"I think I have some homework to do. This is a new area for me," said Lynn.

"I'll get with you later. It's not that big a deal." Marc smiled, turning to Pete, he said, "Is there any way the guys could come back for the concert? I would really like them to be here."

Looking over the schedule Pete did some quick calculations. "Actually, we don't have to be out of the hotel on Saturday, if we stay over till Sunday, it may work. We could stay over Friday night, take a limo to Milwaukee, do the interviews and be back in plenty of time for your concert. We can take the bus back in the morning and have plenty of time before sound check."

Smiling broadly, Marc said, "Thanks Pete, I owe you big."

"Marc, do the boys know anything about this?" inquired Lynn.

"No. I want to make this a surprise. I plan on letting them know on Friday. They have sound check at the theater, right? Well, I have a rehearsal in another part of the theater. If you can bring them to my rehearsal after their sound check then I can surprise them."

"That should work. But what about the rest of the week?" asked Pete.

"I don't know. Meetings? Maybe I could be working on the web site at the computer lab at the university or something."

"Ok, we'll help you all we can to pull this off. Now, let's get to this paperwork or you won't be going on tour." said Pete, with a smile.

The guys were gathered in the living room waiting for Marc's return. "How long has it been?" asked Justin, for the eighth time.

"Almost four hours." said Lance.

"Lance, isn't tomorrow a free day?" asked Justin.

"Yeah, why?"

"How about we make it Marc's day," said Justin.

"Sounds good. What do you want to do?" asked Lance.

"A makeover." said Chris. "Let's give him a new look, and take him shopping for some new threads."

"We could also take him out to eat and there must be a dance club, since this being a college town." added Joey.

"Let's not let him know what we are up to. We'll just kidnap him after breakfast." said Josh with evil grin.

"Yeah! That's a good plan. We won't give him a chance to escape. But we don't know this city, we'll need a phone book and a map." said Justin.

"Someone's at the door," warned Lance.

The door opened and Marc came in. Walking over to one of the chairs and plopped down. "Do you realize just how much paper work there is to fill out just to work with you guys? Not to mention all the secrecy statements I had to sign. And all the rules! Your management company has too many lawyers on staff. They wanted me to sign five agreements that said the same thing."

Laughing at Marc, Lance asked, "How many did you sign?"

Marc held up a single finger.

"It took four hours just to sign some papers?" asked Justin.

"No. The paper work should have taken half an hour. But I rewrote about a third of the agreements and Pete was on the phone with the legal department getting them approved. And we spent an hour discussing the web site."

"Something tells me you are going to be a big topic around the water cooler at the home office," said Josh.

"Yeah, and my picture will be posted on some lawyer's dart board by tomorrow."

"How are they going to get your picture?" asked Chris.

Marc reached into the side pocket of his backpack and pulled out his employee ID along with six other passes. "A copy of this was faxed to the home office along with all the other paper work." He held up his ID with his picture.

"Marc that has to be the worst picture I have ever seen taken. What were you doing, making faces?" asked Josh.

"Yep. Pete took twelve pictures and I made a face in all of them," said Marc, as he grinned. "He ran out of film, so he had to use this one."

"Didn't he get mad? And what was my mom doing?" asked Justin.

"I'm not sure, does he get red in the face, and stutter?"

"We've never seen that," said Lance.

"Well, neither did I. He just hit me with a pillow and Lynn just laughed her ass off."

"It sounds like you made a memorable first impression," said Joe.

"Yes, I will be remembered." smirked Marc. "Oh, before I forget, you're going to be getting new charge cards with new names on them, along with matching Ids. Pete liked the idea and talked to someone in Orlando."

"No way! They went for it?" said Justin.

"Yeah, way!" said Marc. "And not to change the subject but I'm getting hungry, when do we eat?"

"What do you want to do, go out or order in?" asked Josh.

"Let's order in and watch some movies." said Lance.

"Sounds good." said Marc.

"What do we want?" asked Josh.

"Pizza!" everyone said at once.

"Ok, we need to find a place that will deliver." said Lance.

Marc picked up the phone next to his chair and dialed a number. "Hi Jill, this is Marc Newman. -- Who's on tonight? -- Oh great, can I speak to him."

The guys were giving him strange looks. "I go to school here. And I know where the best pizza is."

"Oh, hi Ed. -- I'm fine and you? -- Ed, I'm at the Hilton East. -- No I'm working. -- I got an internship with a record company. -- Yeah, it sounds better than it really is. -- I need to feed the bosses. -- Give me a large cheese, a large veggie, large garbage. -- Yea, and one without. -- A bucket of hot wings. -- Yeah, that should do it.-- Fine, have the driver go to the front desk, they will be expecting him. -- Yeah, it's something to do this summer. -- Oh, the bosses? They're not bad for corporate types, I'm trying to see who is going to be the biggest prick, they're real head cases." Marc noticed everyone getting out of their seats armed with pillows. "Ed, I need to go, the pain in the ass is calling. Bye."

"Biggest prick!" said Justin slowly advancing.

"Head case!" said Chris.

"Pain in the ass!" said Joey.

"Ah guys, it was just a cover story. You know I don't thank any of you are head cases." Marc said, as he tried to avoid being hit by the pillows. The attack was on. The pillows were thrown. Taking refuge behind the chair, Marc returned fire as quick as he could. To Marc's surprise Josh and Lance joined his side and the battle was on. Exchanging pillows across the room Marc felt his side was holding it's own, not realizing his allies would turn on him. When he was busy returning fire they each took a pillow and clobbered him.

"Traitors!" Marc yelled as they got him down and tried to tickle him. In seconds all five were on him. Justin noticed they hadn't found Marc's tickle spot. Taking Marc's right foot Justin knew he found the right area the way Marc tried to pull his foot away. Clamping leg under his arm, Justin pulled off Marc's shoe and attacked the bottom of his foot.

"No! Please, not the foot!" pleaded Marc.

Seeing Marc's reaction Joey knew now how to get his revenge for the wedgie earlier. Grabbing his other foot, Joey took off Marc's shoe and sock and began to lightly run a single finger over the bottom of his foot, sending Marc into spasms of laughter.

"Joe, please! Stop. I can't stand it! Please stop." Marc pleaded, as he laughed uncontrollably. Squirming to get free, Marc had turned red in the face and could only take short breaths. "Please stop. I'm going to pee my pants if you don't stop."

Lance looked at Marc when he made his last plea and saw that he looked like he was about to pass out from lack of air. "Joe, Justin, stop!" he shouted. "He can't breathe! Let him go!"

The boys looked back at Marc and quickly released his feet.

Placing a hand on Marc's chest, Lance said, "Come on Marc, take a big breath."

But Marc could only take rapid short breaths.

"He's hyperventilating. Get me a bag." Lance shouted.

Chris handed Lance a bag off of a side table. Holding it over Marc's mouth and nose, Lance said, "Marc, try to calm down and breathe."

'Shit I can't breathe.' thought Marc. Looking up into Lances concerned face, he thought. 'Please help me.' 'Yes, a bag, Lance knows what to do." 'Calm down. Listen to Lance's voice.' 'Focus, breathe in, out, in, out.' "Slower. Slower. Deeper. Deeper. Yes, better.'

Marc's eyes locked on Lance's. With each breath he calmed down. Each breath was deeper. Slowly Marc placed his hands on Lance's holding the bag over his mouth and nose. Now taking deep breaths, Marc gave Lance's hands a gentle squeeze.

Removing the bag Lance asked. "You ok?"

"Yeah, I'll be ok. Thanks Lance." Marc said softly.

"Marc we're so sorry. We didn't mean it to go so far," said Justin.

"Hey guys, don't worry about it. I'm ok, thanks to Lance. And now that you've found out my weakness I'm sure this won't be the last time." Marc said as he sat up.

Lance offered a hand up, that Marc gratefully accepted.

The phone rang and Chris answered it.

"The food is here. I had the hotel pay the driver and add it to our bill. They're going to send the food up."

In less than twenty minutes there was nothing left of the food. The whole time they ate, Marc noticed Justin watching him. As the table was being cleared, Marc asked Justin to help him with something in his room.

Closing the door, Marc turned to face Justin, "Just, I'm all right. I'm not going to break."

"I know Marc. We just went too far. I'm sorry." Justin said softly.

Walking up to Justin, Marc pulled him into a hug. "If I'm to stay with you guys you're going to have to get over this."

"Just give me a little time." Justin said returning the hug.

"No. You have to do it now!" said Marc, as he grabbed the back of Justin's shorts and gave a mighty pull.

"Where's Marc?" asked Joe.

"I think he's having a talk with Justin," said Chris.

From the bedroom came a shout, "Damn it Marc!" then the sound of Marc laughing.

Chris and Joey looked at each other and said, "Wedgie"

The door opened and Marc pushed Justin out ahead of him, both of them laughing as Justin tried to pull his shorts out of his butt crack. Lance gave Marc a high five as he walked by.

The movie everyone agreed on was, You got Mail. Lance and Joey each grabbed a couch, stretching out. Marc chose the floor in front of Lance. Laying back with his head on the couch cushion and turning to Lance, he said, "Can you see all right?"

"Yeah, your perfect." Lance said with a smile.

"I know.." Marc smiled.

The movie was great. The guy got the girl.

Chris and Joey made sloppy kissing sounds, making fun of the ending.

Marc turned to Lance, and seeing his moist eyes, he smiled. "Good movie."

"Yeah, good movie," said Lance, with a smile.

Marc awoke his usual time, five thirty a.m. Stretching as he got up and looking over a Joe, Marc made a decision. "Joe! Time to get up."

Joey stirred, looking over at Marc. "What time is it?"

"Five thirty. Come on, get up, you're going running with me."

"I'm what!"

"You're going running. Now get your ass up and get dressed."

"Why do I have to go?"

"Cuz you've been on vacation for a week and you've gotten lazy. Come on, get up. I'm going to get Josh up. You better be moving when I get back if you don't want to meet what's left in the ice bucket."

Marc went to Josh's bedroom door and listened. Opening the door slowly Marc went in and found Josh in the bed nearest the door. Leaning down and shaking his shoulder, Marc whispered, "Josh, wake up."

"Marc, what's up?"

"Joe and you are going to join me on my run. Come on, get ready."

Going back into the living room, Marc could hear Joe moving around their room. Picking up the phone he called Pete, "Sorry to wake you Pete, this is Marc."

"Yeah Marc, what's up."

"Just wanted to let you know Josh and Joey will be joining me on my run this morning. We will be back by seven."

"Ah, when you leaving?"

"In about ten minutes."

"I'll let security know. Have a good run."

"Thanks Pete."

Joe and Josh came into the living room at the same time. "Who you talking to?" asked Joe.

"Pete. I was letting him know we're going running. He said he would let security know." Marc said with a evil grin.

"What are you up to now?" asked Josh.

"Oh, not much. I haven't been introduced to your security people yet."

"Where is everyone?" asked Chris.

"I don't know, Josh was missing when I woke up," said Justin.

"Joe and Marc's door was open when I got up. I think they went running," said Lance.

There was a commotion in the hall and Chris could hear three voices. "I think they're back."

The door burst open and the three laughing friends came in. "Morning guys," said Marc.

"Where have you three been?" asked Lance.

"Marc took us down to the lake to run. The sunrise was great," said a peppy Josh.

"How long did security stay with us? Less than a mile, I think." said Joey.

"More like half a mile." said Marc. "And did you pick up on the questions as we were getting on the elevator?"

"Yeah, I thought he was going to have a heart attack when Marc said every morning," added Josh.

"Sounds like you guys had fun. Sorry I missed it." said Chris.

"Don't worry, you three are coming with me tomorrow." said Marc with a grin.

"Ah, ok." said Chris.

"What time are we getting up?" asked Justin.

"Around five thirty. Don't worry, I'll get you up."

"You three need to get a shower and get dressed. Breakfast will be here in fifteen minutes," said Lance.

      • After breakfast the guys rushed Marc out of the hotel and down to the van.

"Would any one like to tell me where we're going?" asked Marc.

"It's going to be a surprise," said Justin.

"O_k" said Marc, not knowing what was going on."

Pulling into the West Side Mall they parked near a side door. Upon entering, Joe went to the directory and quickly found what he wanted. "Down this way." he pointed.

Stopping in front of a hair styling solon everyone turned to Marc. "Marc, today we are going to give you a makeover, and we are starting with a new hair style." said Chris.

"Well, ok. But nothing too far out." Marc said. Looking at Joey, he added, "And no color."

An hour later Marc came out with his new do. After a lot of talking Lance had convinced Marc to let the stylist lighten the color a bit. Coming out front to his waiting friends he got everyone's approval.

"Ok, what's next?" asked Marc.

"New clothes." said Justin. "I've found a couple of shops that have promise."

Marc must have tried on thirty outfits before he found four the he and the guys agreed on.

Carrying his bags as they walked through the mall, a sports shop caught Marc's eye. "In here guys," he said.

Going into the clothing section Marc spotted what he was looking for. Bowling shirts. "Which style and color do you like?"

"Why?" asked a confused Lance.

"Well Tad. How can we have a bowling team without shirts?"

"Oh." said Lance, understanding. "I like the blue one."

"You would." said Josh.

"What's the team's name?" asked Chris.

"How about Orange Bowl Body Shop." suggested Chris.

They agreed that the team name would go on the back and their fake names on the front. And Lance got his blue.

While waiting for the shirts they decided to have lunch. On their way back to the sport shop they passed a body shop. "You know there's something missing." said Joe. Looking Marc over it came to him. "I know, he needs a tattoo."

"No! No way! I'm not getting a tattoo!" said Marc firmly.

"Ok no tattoo today. But you still need something to complete the look." said Joe.

"Jewelry store." said Justin.

Finding one close by they entered. Marc started looking at rings and chains, but Justin and Lance had other ideas. Grabbing Marc, they led him over to a display of men's earrings. "What do you like?" asked Justin.

"I'd like to leave here without any new holes in my body. That's what I'd like."

"Come on, Marc. Everyone wears earrings now. You'd look good in one," said Lance.

"I don't know about this. But if I had a choice between a tattoo and a ear ring I think that dark blue stone would be nice." Marc said, with a weak smile.

"Great. He'll take the blue pair." Justin said to the clerk.

Looking at Marc the clerk said. "Just sit down and we can pop these in for you."

Marc left the shop with his first set of earrings and a gold chain. The shirts were ready when they returned to the sports shop. Then everyone headed back to the van.

The group was very noisy when they got off the elevator. Each was carrying a large bag and as they approached their door, Pete's door popped open. Pete and Lynn were going down to dinner.

"Hi boys, did you have a good day?" asked Lynn.

Pushing Marc out in front of the group. "Yeah, mom. We spent the day giving Marc a new look."

Lynn and Pete smiled at the blushing Marc. "Looks real good Marc," said Lynn.

"Yeah, I guess I survived the makeover without too much damage. But it looks like I will need another suitcase."

"Do you guys want to join us for dinner?" asked Pete.

"No thanks, we've got plans for tonight," said Lance.

Lynn gave Marc a questioning look. "Don't ask me. I've been clueless all day." said Marc.

Laughing, Lynn said. "Well, have a good time, and stay out of trouble."

"Joe, what's taking him so long? It's never taken him so long to get ready," said Justin.

"I've never had to deal with this head of hair before," said Marc, walking out of the bedroom. "I'm ready. What are we doing?"

"We've got reservations at an Italian restaurant, then we are going to hit a couple dance clubs." said Joe.

"Sounds like fun. Let's go." said Marc.


A special note: I want to thank you, the readers for your feed back. I try to reply to all e-mails and one of my big questions to readers is, where are you from? I am not looking for address but I am interested in what part of the country (USA) or world your writing from. I want to thank Mike from Australia, "Saint" from Sweden, Adam from England, Marvin from Ontario, Canada, Jason, Guam, and Clive, England. And all my readers in the US Andy, Aron, Billy, Gemmi, Jeff, Justin, Loner, Matt, Rob, Tim, Michael, Kenitra, Radu, Charles and AD. Your responses are greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your support,


Next: Chapter 8

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