My New Life

By James Midwest

Published on Feb 1, 2000


My New Life

This is the first attempt at a story that has been kicking around in my head for some time now. It is to be a story of friendship that develops between the main character, Marc Newman and the guys of N SYNC.

Legal Disclaimer:

This story is totally fictional and is not meant to imply anything about the personalities of Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass, J.C. Chasez, Joey Fatone, or Chris Kirkpatrick of the music group NSYNC. If you are under the age of 18, offended by male/male material, or it is illegal to view such materials in your area, you should be leaving now. If you are looking for a story with lots of sex, go away! This is a story of friendship and only time will tell which direction it will take.

Like anyone who writes feed back, good or bad is needed. The good feed back, strokes our ego. The bad feed back, strokes the delete key. My e-mail:

A special Note: I want to thank everyone who sent me e-mails. Especially Jeff, Clive, and AD. Your stories have been an inspiration to me. And special thanks to Andy, Matt, Tonny, Charles, Randy, and Neil. Keep the feedback coming.

Last time.

"Marc, you know something about us, how about sharing something with us" asked Josh.

"Well, what do you want to know?"

"How about, how old you are, when is your birthday?" said Justin.

"Well if you must know, my birthday was last month May 15th. And I just turned three."

"Three??" they all said at once.

Part 4: Inside Marc.

"Well, my life started May 15th. 1996, when I awoke from a coma, at St. Johns Hospital, here in Big Bear Lake. I was spotted by a group of hikers, at the bottom of a ravine, on the other side of the lake. No one knows how long I was in the ravine, but best guess was at least three days. When they got me to the hospital they found I had a massive head injury, dislocated shoulder, three cracked ribs, and a broken leg. I was severely dehydrated and suffering from exposure. I was out of it, for almost three weeks." said Mark

"It is said that people in a coma know what's going on around them, is that true?" asked Lance.

"Yea, kind of. There is no sense of time. At first I thought I was dreaming, a bad dream. I would get short blips, words, phrases, smells, and touches. It was like listening to a radio, when the station keeps fading in and out. Most of the time it was just noise. But after I while I started to react to the stimulus. You start recognizing voices, some make you feel good and others you don't like. Near the end, there were two voices I looked forward too. A male voice, he made me feel safe. And a female voice, always so sweet and caring. Then the words started to run together into statements. Statements that I understood. When I realized it was not a dream, but the voices were real and they wanted me to wake up. But I was awake, in my head, I just couldn't open my eyes. It was a real struggle, I knew I needed to wake up."

"When you woke up what happened?" ask Chris.

Chuckling, Marc, recalled that day. "The female voice was there, talking so sweetly, telling me it was time to wake up. Fussing around me, touching my hand and face. I wanted so badly to open my eyes for this person. Then I heard her walk away. I was trying so hard to open my eyes and this sweet person was leaving."

"I was crushed, she left before I could see her. Them a few minutes later I heard her returning. This was my chance, my eyes started to open, it was so bright, and someone was standing next to my bed. My eyes finally was able to focus, and there stood the ugliest, nurse I have ever seen."

"What was your reaction to seeing the nurse? Asked Joey.

"I just screamed." I said.

"Who was she?" Joey asked.

"Nurse Winters, head nurse on the second floor. She is old, and looked like she sucked lemons all day. As it turned out, it was her voice I didn't like when I was out. Well, all the screaming brought Dr. Morgan and nurse Sara running into the room."

Was Sara the voice you wanted to see? Asked Lance.

Yep, Sara was my angel. And Doc Morgan was the other voice I remembered.

As it turned out my head injury caused amnesia.

You didn't remember anything? Asked Chris.

Oh, it was not full amnesia. I knew how to talk, I could read, I could identify objects, I just had no memory of me. Nothing at all about me, I had no name, no family, no past. I knew things that I had to have learned in school, but I have no memory of school. No memory of growing up in a family." Marc said softly. Tears starting to run down his face. "There was this big empty spot in my head, where I should have been. But I wasn't."

Lance put his hand on Marc's, giving a gentle squeeze. "Marc, if this is too hard for you , you don't have to do this."

"It's ok, my psychologists said, this is good for me. It keeps me from kidnapping celebrities and holding them for ransom." Marc said with a slight smile.

"We DON'T want to go against your psychologists, How did you get your name?" asked Joey.

"Well after confirming my amnesia, Dr Morgan asked me what name would I like to go by. Remembering what the sweet voice, Sara, kept calling me, I said Prince Charming."

"Prince Charming?" they all said with big smiles.

"Yea, Prince Charming. Sara kept calling me that, when I was unconscious. I was looking at her when I said it. She turned so, red. And all her dad could do was laugh at her reaction." "Dr Tom thought that Prince, sounded more like a dogs name, than the first name of a person. So I chose Marc."

"Why, Marc?" asked Chris.

"I don't know, for some reason I liked Marc. For all I know, it really may, be my name."

"And Newman?"

"I was starting a new life. I was a new person, new man seemed to fit, so I became Marc Newman."

"Your birthday?"

"The day I woke up."

"Now, we understand the third birthday."

"Doc Tom estimated my age at 19, from physical traits, bone, dental, and muscle development. He said his guess would be within six months, give or take."

"How long did they keep you in the hospital?" asked JC.

"Six weeks, I had a broken leg that was in a cast for three more weeks, than physical therapy to learn to walk again. During that time I started to read. My head was like a sponge, everything I would read, I would remember, everything. And the speed I read keep getting faster. I was able to look at a page, for just a second and I knew everything that was on it. In two weeks I read every book, and magazine in the hospital library. I finished the medical library a week later. The nurses started bring books from the public library. They would get six at a time, drop them off at the start of their shift and pick them up when they got off."

"What kind of books?" asked Justin.

"Books on every subject, the only thing I stayed away from was fiction. Text books were a favorite. The librarian kept a list of all the books checked out by the staff for me so I wouldn't repeat any."

"How many a day?" asked Chris.

"I had 10 to 12 people each day bringing me books, over 60 a day. But they would come in staggered, as the shifts are. So I was able to read them all over 16 hours."

The guys kind of had a stunned look on their faces.

"You have to realize I could read a 500 page text book in about 10 minuets, and if there were lots of pictures it took less time. It went on like that for five weeks. Than I had a break down. Doc said it was information overload. My brain said stop, no more, need time to process. For three days I couldn't talk, my eyes wouldn't focus, I was unresponsive. I slept most of the time. Doc feared I had a stroke. But after three days I woke up normal, everything working again."

"Were you still able to speed read?" asked Chris.

"Yea, I could still speed read, but I didn't enjoy it any more. I found reading like a normal person was more enjoyable. I just slowed down."

"After the break down, Tom set up some testing to see if a level of education could be established. After all I didn't have a high school diploma and I needed to get my GED. Two eggheads came from Madison and started giving me tests. I Q tests, SAT, if there was a test, I took it. At first it was fun, but after four days it started to get boring."

"And how did the test's turn out?" asked Lance.

"It seemed I passed most all of them. I got my GED. I.Q. turned out above 180. And they offered me a scholarship to the University of Wisconsin. I was put into accelerated programs, I had qualified for a lot of credit hours, in a lot of subjects. All I had to do was take a few courses in each major, to get a degree."

"Degrees in what subjects?" asked JC.

"Well I've earned my bachelors degree in Computer Sciences, English Literature, and Music. I should complete my masters in music this fall." "I also have minors in accounting, business management, and business law."

"Wow, you completed all that in three years. When did you find time to have

a life, hang out with friends?" asked Joey.

"School became my life, it was everything, I didn't make friends, I was too busy learning. The only people I had any kind of relationship with doc Tom and Sara."

"I've heard you call Sara sis, did they make you a part of their family?" asked Chris.

"Well they are two of the most important people in my life. Sara and I bonded right off. She would put up with my endless questions. She would listen to my fears, help me work through my emotional times, give me support when I needed it and give a kick in the rear when I needed that too. She is my best friend and I love her a lot." "Tom, he kind of became my dad. He always makes time to listen, helps me make big decisions by talking me thru the problem. He's been there for me, from the start, showing his support and love." "On my first birthday we went out to dinner, to celebrate. After dinner Tom handed me a birthday card. In it he had written `Marc, over the last year I have watched you grow and develop into a outstanding young man. Sara and I have grown to love you deeply. Will you consider a name change, and agree to become my son?'"

"I told them both that nothing in the world would make me happier than to become part of their family. But I couldn't. Not knowing who I was, or if I had a family out there somewhere. They understood. But unofficially we became a family. I have a dad, and a sister in my life and I know I will always have them there for me."

"On my second birthday dad hands me a big envelope. On the outside is written `Just in case you change your mind. Love dad."

"What was in the envelope?" asked Justin.

"Adoption papers. With a note attached: `For when the time feels right. Love Dad.'" "And this year I got an updated version for my birthday."

"That's real cool, do you ever think you'll sign the papers?" asked Lance.

"Maybe, some day, but I have to try to find out about me, first." looking around the table at his new friends Marc said. "But first we need to clean up this mess" looking at the table. "Since Lance and I cooked super, you guys can decide who gets K P tonight."

"I thought we were guests." said Joey.

"Oh, guests, right" Marc reaches for the pad of paper on the counter. "Lets see, accommodations for five, in a rustic lake side resort cabin, $250.00 each a night. Gourmet meal with floor show, $125.00 each, minus Lances discount for helping with dinner."

"All right, we get the picture. Come on Josh, lets get this cleaned up." said Joey, getting up from his seat.

"I'm glad you two finally volunteered your services." said Marc as he got up from the table. "I need to make a few phone calls, be back in a few." turning and heading to the den.

"Well guys, what do you think about Marc?" asked JC

"I think he's cool." said Joey.

"Yea, I like him a lot." said Chris. "He's sure had a ruff life."

"You know what I like best about him?" asked Lance. "It's the way he is around us. He's a fan and all, but he's different."

"Yea, he treats us like normal people, not celebrities. He doesn't put up with our shit. I like that." said Justin.

Smiling Josh added. "Yea, I liked how he shot us down about being guests. I think we've found a new friend."

"Guys, I know we had plans for this week. Would you mind if we just hang out with Marc? I'd like to get to know him better." said Justin.

They all exchanged looks and agreed it would be neat.

Marc, went to his desk, picking up the phone and dialed a number.

"Hank's Body Shop, Hank speaking."

"Hi, Hank. It's Marc."

"Hay, Marc, how are you doing? Heard you had an accident."

"I'm doing alright. That's what I called you about. The van I ran into needs to be fixed right away. It's a rental, Alamo, and I don't want them, to get stuck with the repair bills."

"No problem, what kind of damage?"

"Right side sliding door. I put a big dent in the lower half and messed up the paint."

"That wont take to long to fix. You can have it back in three days."

"Great! What do you have on the lot that can handle six? There's no way we can squeeze six into my car."

"The blue Chevy will seat eight. Will that do?"

"Perfect, can you drop it by in the morning when you pick up the van?"

"Yea, no problem. Do you need anything else?"

"Yea. On your way out, stop by the bat shop, and pick up five, out of state fishing license. That way we can spend the day on the lake."

"You got it. I'll drop it off around 6 a.m. And I'll see to it all the paperwork is taken care of."

"Thanks Hank, have a good night. Bye."

Looking up as Lance walked in. "Hi Lance, you guys need to get all you stuff out of the van. The body shop will be picking it up early in the morning to fix the door."

"Ok, I'll tell the others."

A few minutes later Justin came in with the folder from the sheriff's office. "What do you want me to do with this?"

"It's yours, do what you want with it. But my suggestion is destroy it. You don't want any reporters getting a hold of it."

"Yea, your right. I'll go throw this on the coals."

"Justin, first what is the file number?"

"BBL74589 why?"

"I want to check on something, Bobby Lee gave in too easily."

The other guys came into the den with their bags as Marc booted the computer.

The computer said. "Please identify."

Marc said. "This is my tree, don't pee on it."

Identity confirmed.

"Computer, connect to county sheriffs system. Use back door. Security protocol Bata."

Connection confirmed.

"Computer search for file BBL74589."

File located.

"Computer display file." on Marc monitor was displayed Justin's arrest record. Everybody gathered around the desk to see the monitor. When Justin saw the screen he softly moaned.

"Dame you Bobby Lee! Your not going to get away with this."

"Computer, search for all reference to Justin Timberlake."

Results, current file.

"Computer, delete current file."

File deleted.

"Computer, activate worm program Marc 21."

Program configuration.

"Computer, search and delete all reference to Justin Timberlake and /or file BBL74589."


"Computer, life 90 days."

Program configured.

"Computer, upload to connected system and run."

Upload confirmed.

"Computer, exit system."

Exit confirmed.

"Computer, shut down system."

Confirm shut down.

"Computer, confirm shut down Marc 7."

Good bye.

"What exactly just happened." asked Chris.

"Bobby Lee gave us Justin's paperwork with out any arguments, that was not like him. So I just checked the police computer to see what he was hiding and he was." said Marc.

"Is it not against the law, to break into a police department computer?" asked Josh.

"It is, but I didn't break in. I designed and built that system. I just did some routine maintenance. Cleaned out some old files and started a house cleaning program." said Marc with a sly smile.

Getting up Marc said to Justin. "Lets go barbeque that file." everybody went out to the patio to watch Justin place the folder on the still glowing coals and see it burn.

Justin said. "I'm beat, I'm going to head on to bed. See you in the morning.

Good night."

"Good night, Justin" everyone said.

"It's sure quiet out here." said Lance.

That's why I love living here, it's so peaceful at night. And look at the sky, have you ever seen so many stars?"

Everyone just stood there for ten minutes in silence, enjoying the view of the sky.

"Well guys, I'm going to head to bed. I get up at six to go running. I'll try to be quiet so you can sleep in. See you at breakfast."

"Good night Marc." they all said.

Marc stopped by the bathroom and changed into a clean pair of shorts and headed to bed. Marc was surprised to find Justin had chosen to shair his bed. As he crawled in under the covers Justin rolled over to face Marc.

"Marc, thanks for being there today. I don't think I would have survived in the jail. You've been a good friend. I really appreciate it."

"Thanks, but I didn't do anything special. I don't have many friends, but when one needs help, there's nothing that can stop me." "Now lets get some rest. Good night Just."

"Good night Marc."

Part 5: A new day.

Marc awoke before the alarm went off to find a arm draped over his chest. Justin had snuggled up to him during the night. Smiling at Justin, Marc slowly slipped out of bed. Justin stirred, raising his head. "What time is it? Where you going?"

"It's early, go back to sleep. I'm heading out for my morning run. I'll see you at breakfast."

"Ok, have a good run." mumbled Justin. Pulling the covers up to his noise, going back to sleep.

Grabbing a pair of running shorts and running shoes Marc headed to the bathroom to change.

Entering the kitchen Marc was surprised to see Joey sitting at the table. "Morning Joe, your up early. Can't sleep?"

"No, slept fine. Want some company on your run?"

"You up to a 5 mile run through the woods?"

"I'll try to keep up. What are we going to do take dear trails?"

"No, I run on fire breaks, their wide, fairly smooth, and there is no traffic to worry about. They're set up on a grid system. Two sections out,

one over, and two back is about 5 miles."

They went out onto the patio and started stretching, preparing for their run.

"Ready?" asked Marc.

"Yea, lets do it."

They headed out, down the drive and across the road, on to the fire break. Keeping a brisk pace they ran side by side enjoying the morning. Marc had neglected to mention the fact that although the path was straight, it was hilly. After four miles Joey began to loose steam and started to fall back. Seeing his friends pace slow, Marc pulled back and matched his new pace. Crossing the road and back up the drive they headed to the back of the house slowing to a walk. Joey was taking deep breaths as he followed Marc toward the dock.

"Joe, I'm impressed, you kept up pretty well. Do you get to run much while on tour? Other than running from fans." Marc said with a slight smile.

"No, when we're on tour they keep us on a tight leash." said Joey still taking deep breaths. Noticing Marc was not even breathing hard he asked. "This wasn't your normal run was it? You are not even breathing hard. How far do you normally run?"

"Fifteen miles, three times a week when the weather is good. It's hard to run through snow drifts." seeing how sweaty Joe was he got a nasty idea.

Kicking off his running shoes, he said to Joey, "Come on lets cool off." he turned and ran down the dock and dove into the lake.

Joey steeped out of his shoes and followed right behind.

Marc, surfaced in time to see Joey jump in to the lake. When he surfaced Marc could only laugh at Joey's reaction to the cold water. "Dame Marc, this water is freezing."

"Yes, refreshing, isn't it."

      • Back in the house the guys were waiting for Marc and Joey's return from their run when Lance saw them out the patio door. "Their back."

Everyone watched as the two runners walked toward the lake cooling down. Then they both kicked off their shoes and ran down the dock and jumped into the lake.

"Yea, I could go for that." said Josh.

"Lets join them then." said Chris.

"HOW IS THE WATER." yelled Chris as he and the others came out the door.

"GREAT, WHY DON'T YOU JOIN US." Marc called back. Looking at Joe with a grin, he asked "Do you think we can get them all to jump in?"

"You know, your evil, and if they don't have heart attacks, they are going to kill us." Joe answered. "COME ON IN, THE WATER IS GREAT!" he yelled. With a wicked smile.

With out any other prodding, the four unsuspecting victims, stepped out of their shoes and removing their shirts, came running to the end of the dock.

"Joe, lets head back to shore, I want to be out of their reach after they hit the water."

"At least if we're on land they can't drown us, when they get a hold of us." Joe said with a grin.

The four guys came running down the dock and flew off the end, fanning out in mid air. Joe and Marc reached the shore just as the four hit the water. All four broke the surface yelling. It was so funny seeing them trying to walk on top of the water. They all made a quick dash for the dock and climbed out to find Joey and Marc on the beach rolling with laughter. As hard as they tried to be mad at the two jokesters they knew it was as much their own fault for believing them.

"Lets give them something to laugh about while there down." said Chris. "Lance you and I get Marc, you two take Joe. Tickle attack!"

In seconds they were upon their laughing victims. Marc and Joey put up a good fight but were soon screaming uncle. Rolling off the piles they just laid on the beach enjoying the warmth of the sun.

"Shit, Marc, that water is freezing. My nuts have pulled so far up into meits going to take a week for them to work their way back down." said Josh.

"We still had snow on the ground, two weeks ago. This is Wisconsin after all." said Marc.

"What are we going to do today?" asked Chris.

"I thought you guys might like to spend the day here at the lake." Marc said as he got up. After everyone got to their feet he lead them over to the boat house saying. "Hank, picked up fishing licenses for you all, so if you want to fish you will find everything you will need in here." Marc opened the door to the boat house, reveling a dozen fishing polls with tackle boxes. "Oh, if your interested, I do have these two jet skies."

"Oh! Man that's great!" yelled Lance.

"Yea, that's what I'll be doing." said a smiling Joey.

"Ok, there yours to use. But first some rules: One, you must ware a life vest." said Marc walking over to the vest on the jet ski. Picking it up he held a plastic card attached to the vest by a cord. "This is a safety key, it must be inserted into the slot on the dash of the jet ski in order for it to start and run. If you fall off, the key comes out and it kills the engine." Two, you must also ware helmets. Three, the speed limit within 100 feet of the shore is no wake. Once you are out far enough you can open them up. If you stay on this side of the lake you will keep out of the way of the sail boats. Four, you go out only as a pair. No solo jetting. And five, you have one hour running time, so watch your time. Be sure someone on shore knows what time you are to return. Other than that, just have fun."

"I call first dibs." shouted Joey.

"Me too." yelled Lance.

"How about first we get some breakfast." said Marc.

"Do we have to?" winded Joey.

"Yes!" Marc said with a small laugh.

After breakfast Marc went out to the van and got the fishing license, taking them back to the kitchen. "Here, fill out the top part and I will drop them off at the bat shop when I go into town a little later."

"Why are you going into town?" asked Justin.

"My dad wanted me to check in with him today, to make sure everything was alright. You want to come along?"

"No, I got dibs on the second round of jet skiing." "What do you have planned for tonight?"

"Are you guys up to going to a dance club tonight?"

"Clubbing! We're always up for clubbing."

"Ok, we'll head out after supper." Marc said as he grabbed his car keys. "I'll be back in a hour or two. Try not to kill yourselves on the jet ski's."

"Hay, dad. You got a minute to check out my head?" asked Marc.

"You don't have to, it's empty." quipped Sara coming up behind Marc and poking him in the back.

"Good morning to you too Sara." Marc said giving her his best death ray look.

Grinning at the antics of his kids he pointed to exam one. "In there, let me look at that head of yours and change that bandage." The three of them entered the exam room and Marc hopped up on the exam table swinging his legs like a little boy.

"How is your guest?" Sara inquired.

"There spending the day on the lake, fishing, jet skiing and absorbing some rays."

"Marc, your bandage is all wet, what have you been doing?"

"Joey joined me for my morning run and we jumped into the lake to cool off."

"You got him to jump into the lake?" smiled Sara.

"I got all of them to jump into the lake." grinned Marc.

"Your, so bad." said Sara.

Marc just grinned at her.

"There, your injury looks good, just try to keep it dry." admonish Dr. Morgan

"Thanks dad."

"You going to show up tonight?" asked Sara.

"Yea, the guys want to go "Clubbing," so were going "Clubbing."

Sara gives Marc a questing look. "What are you up to now?"

"Who me?" giving my best innocent little boy look. "Do you want us to pick you up, or are you going to meet us?" changing the subject.

"I'll meet you there, what time?"

"How about 7:30." Marc said jumping down from the table.

Marc, turned to his dad asked. "You look tired, didn't you get much sleep?"

"No, Linda and Jim Lindstrum had twin girls last night. She went into labor about 5 p.m. and didn't deliver until 2 this morning."

"Well you look like you need a hug." said Marc, as he wrapped his arms around his dad and pulled him into a big hug.

"Well Dr. Marc, you always know what I need." his dad said as they broke the hug.

"That's my job. Giving hugs to my dad is what I do best."

Sara just smiled and shook her head. "Marc, your so full of it."

"Yes, I know. And I like to spread it around." grabbing her into a hug as he was leaving.

Walking into the den with today's mail Marc found Lance at the desk with pencil and paper working on something. "Hi, Lance what's you working on?"

"Hi, Marc, I've had this tune running around in my head all morning, and I wanted to get it down before I loose it." "This would be easer if I had my key board with me."

"No problem, let me boot my computer and I'll show you."

Lance got up from the chair to let Marc access to the computer.

The computer said. "Please identify."

"This is my tree, don't pee on it."

Identity confirmed.

Reaching down to the drawer, in the center of the desk, dropping the drawer front and pulling out a key board.

Computer, load music room.

Music room running.

"Here, just play it on the key board. The computer will write it down as you play." Marc stepped back so Lance could have access to the key board, and sat down in a side chair.

As Lance started playing the melody a smile came across his face. Looking down at his hands as Lance continued to play to the end. "That's an interesting tune. Want to hear it played back?"

"Yea, sure."

Computer, play back, full orchestral arrangement."

Lance, was astonished at what he heard, the song he just played coming back played by a orchestra. And even more astonishing was it didn't stop it continued on for another four minutes.

Seeing Lances expression all Marc could do was laugh.

"Boy Marc, that's some program you have there."

"Computer, identify the composition."

Winter's Night, by Marc Newman.

"I'm sorry Marc, I don't know how it got into my head." Lance said a little upset.

Chocking back a laugh Marc asked. "Lance did you by chance sleep here in the den last night?"

"Yes, Chris and I slept in here."

"Computer, access black noise generator. Scan for any part of Winter's Night hidden in system."

"The first twenty-two bars are found."

"Computer, restore default setting to noise generator."

"Setting confirmed."

"When I work here, I found my mind wonders because it is so peaceful. So I installed a black noise generator, it help me concentrate when I'm working." "I was having a problem with that piece, so I loaded it into the generator as a background noise and forgot it until now."

"Do you do all your composing here?"

"No, when I'm at school I use the music labs. I just record it and bring it home to the computer, to transcribe it."

"What other things have you done?"

Marc got up and took a note book from the shelf and handed it to Lance. "Here, these are six songs I wrote in your guys musical style. Look them over, if you see anything you like, you can use it."

"Thanks, I'll look them over."

"Now changing the subject, what was your plans for this week before out little accident?"

"We were heading to the Dells, going to hit one of the water parks, and just do tourist stuff."

"I'm sorry to spoil your vacation." Marc softly said.

"Marc, don't feel bad. We're having a blast here with you. Your great to be around, and anyways we voted last night that we wanted to stick a round and get to know you."

"You did?" Marc said surprised.

"Yea, we did."

"Well than, let me make some calls. I've got a road trip to plan. We can still do the tourist stuff." Marc said with a grin.

Lance got up taking the folder of music with him, leaving Marc to his calls.

Lance went out to the patio and sat down at the table and started looking the music Marc had just given him.

Fifteen minutes later Josh came up from the beach. "Ha, Lance. What's you looking at?"

"Josh, have a seat. Here, take a look at this. Marc gave me this to look at. It's six songs Marc wrote. Tell me what you think."

Josh took the note book and started reading the music. After he finished he looked up at Lance and said. "Marc wrote all this?"


"I'd like to try all of them. There fantastic. Do you think he'd let us record them?"

"He's given them to us. Said if we found any we liked, we could us it."

"Wow, doesn't he realize what could happen if we record these, and they take off?"

"I don't think so. I think we should get Justin's mom into this. She'll know how to protect Marc's interest."

"Who will?" asked Justin, while toweling off from his jet ski ride. Chris and Joe was with him. "About what?"

"About this." Lance handed the note book to Justin. Chris and Joey, looked over his shoulder as Justin looked through the music.

"These songs are great, who wrote them?" asked Justin.

"Look at the top of the page, dummy." said Chris.

"Marc, wrote these?" asked Joey. "Wow, there great. Do you think he will let us record any of them?"

"He said we could have them all, if we wanted them." said Lance.

"Just like that?" questioned Chris.

"Yea, just like that. That's why I think Lynn should be contacted. You all know what the record company will do to Marc, if we record any of these." said Lance.

"Yea, they will screw him royally." said Chris.

"And Justin's mom, is the only one I truly trust, that won't give him the shaft." said Josh.

"Justin, could you give you mom a call and see if she would be interested in representing Marc?" asked Lance.

"Yea, where is Marc now?"

"He's in the den making some phone calls"

"Great. I'll call. I'll use my cell." said Justin going to the bedroom to get his cell phone.

In Orlando Lynn Harless was at her desk looking oven contracts. Here direct line rang. glancing at the caller ID she smiled. "Hi, Justin. Enjoying your vacation?"

"Hi mom. Vacation isn't going exactly as planed. We've met someone new, and we're having a blast hanging with him."

Next: Chapter 4: My New Life 6 7

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