My New Friend Craig

By moc.loa@yugsitnalta

Published on May 6, 2021


Note that the following story is a work of semi-fiction, or maybe "inspired by a true story." Part is 100% true, and part is fantasy, and I leave it to the reader to determine which is which. Certain details have been tweaked to protect the "innocent." By all means, send feedback along to

Gay--Adult Friends

My New Friend Craig, Part 5

"I'm hungry," Craig said simply. "You want anything?"

"Absolutely," I responded, laughing. "I can't tell you how many calories we've burned off so far."

"All in good fun! I'll be back in a flash... you want to top off our glasses? I don't think either of us is driving tonight!"

I laughed and watched him pad into the kitchen, showing off that amazing ass of his. God damn he was hot, and I couldn't get over how much this sex god loved having me ram cock up there, and how well it fit. Man... hot muscular ass, just the right amount of hair....

I chuckled again, thanked the gods for my good fortune, and refilled our drinks. I also tended the fire, enjoying the low glowing heat.

Craig reappeared, proudly calling out, "Ta-da!" He was holding a huge pile of cut up meats, sausages and cheese... a man-platter if I ever saw one.

"Jesus, man, that's a spread!" I called out approvingly. And hungrily.

"Yeah, it's kind of a tradition. When I was a kid, the family would visit my grandpa, and he'd take me and my brothers out fishing. He'd always buy cheese curds and summer sausage at the general store... he'd call it 'man fuel.' When we were older, he'd give us money so we'd all buy something of our own to share. He'd always say 'Man is by nature a provider, and a true man never shows up to a feast empty handed.' We'd proudly buy up jerky, meat sticks, everything and anything. We'd share the bounty and eat like kings. Hell, we felt like kings." Craig paused, momentarily lost in the memory. "Grandpa was a great guy."

"He sounds like it, and he brought you up right. Cheers, man."

We gorged on the food. Between the dying fire and the bountiful scotch, the room had softened into a warm glow. It was getting late, and we agreed to turn in for the night.

I was... giddy as a schoolkid getting into bed with him. It was a first for us, sleeping together, and I was grateful for the gift of time. No reason to watch the clock, no reason to have to get up in the morning. Time alone with my bud. As we slid in the sheets, we embraced each other, and started making out again. Teasing. Arousing. Playing. I ran my hands across Craig's muscular body, enjoying the light friction of his hairy limbs, feeling the rub of his hairy chest against mine. Craig lightly brought his hands to stroke my jaw, but then them through my hair. The stubble of his jaw ran rough across my skin, awakening it. He absolutely filled me, filled my senses. I could feel his rock-hard cock rubbing against my balls, then sliding below them, nestling in my ass crack. God damn I was horny. Horny for Craig. And more specifically, horny for Craig's cock.

I rolled over onto my stomach, and spread my legs apart. I closed my eyes and growled out my hunger. Craig needed no invitation. He pulled himself between my legs and lowered his face into my crack. GOD FUCKING FUCK I loved the way he ate me out. He was always a wild man, but this time he was even better. He fucking ground his face in my ass, pushing my whole body forward with his strength. His strong hands split me open as wide as possible. He whipped his head around fiercely, his stubble scouring my tender skin. He chowed down on my pucker, forcing me to bite out a series of expletives in approval. His tongue rolled and pitched against me, sending shudders across my body. Even better, the pounding his massive dick had given me earlier had loosened me up, which gave his tongue deeper access than ever before. My groans were punctuated with high pitched yips as I begged him to go deeper, fucking DEEPER inside me. He kept going. And kept going. Never coming up for air. Refusing to let up. And my body completely surrendered to him. From my prone position I started bucking back heavily against him, desperate for more. The sensation of his mouth had set my entire body on fire but it was not fucking enough. DEEPER. FUCKING MORE.

More than his mere tongue could provide.

Craig shifted position, set his hips against my hairy butt, and drove his cock inside me up to his balls. I bellowed out my approval... FUCK I loved the feel of his dick when he drove in deep. No matter how many times he did it, no matter how much I was expecting it, the rocketing feeling always caught me off guard. His cock head that ripped me open. The never-ending shaft that railroaded through my guts. Just the fucking weight of his massive dick inside me, setting off a hurricane of feelings. As he split me open, he leaned onto me and grabbed my shuddering body tightly, his hairy chest grinding against my back. He too snarled as his dick filled me, and in that connection we both felt fully alive as men.

Our bodies felt the shared friction as he began thrusting hard into me, deeply long-dicking me as he nearly pulled all the way out of my ass, then slammed back up his balls. I roared with each deep dive... GOD I loved this. Each thrust built on the last, stoking the blistering fire burning inside me higher each time. My cries finally morphed into two words, shouted out again and again and again: "FUCK ME! FUCK ME! FUCK ME! FUCK ME!" I had lost all control, I just wanted to get fucked for the rest of my life.

Craig wanted more friction, and pulled up on my hips so we were no longer lying flat. And he gave me both barrels. FUCK the raw power that man brought to his fucking! When we started out, I could never have taken this, but my ass now knew his cock as well as he did. It rejoiced in the explosive power. The sensations dove me out of my mind, as I desperately clawed at the pillows, the sheets, anything to hang on. All my words were obliterated, as I bellowed myself hoarse. Wild lights filled my vision, and my whole body began tensing up, readying itself for release. Unrelenting, Craig pounded on, knowing we were close. I shot first, as his dick fucking ripped me apart. My spunk blasted out like fireworks, as if my entire life force was exploding out of my dick. I could feel Craig responding in turn, screaming out his own release, bathing my guts with his cum.

Holy Fuck.

I think I was barely conscious at the end, stimulated past my weary body's endurance. But it was a blissful, extraordinary sensation of... deep satisfaction. I think Craig pulled out of me and I rolled onto my side, with Craig spooning against me. His cock nestled in my asscrack.

And we slept.

It's possible that Craig was the loudest snorer of all time. It is entirely possible that he was an unrepentant blanket hog. I neither knew nor cared... I was completely catatonic all night. I felt a tinge of security as I slept, knowing that we had nothing but time.

I was the first to wake up in the morning, bleary-eyed and disoriented for a second... until I saw the fucking God of Sex sleeping next to me, naked, with his arm thrown lazily over his head. The sheets were wrapped around his torso, but I suspected he was sporting some morning wood just as I was. But his exposed hairy pit was too inviting to pass up. I slid next to him, rested my nose among the exposed hair, and inhaled deeply. Craig. Pure Craig. I ran my face through his hairy pit, losing myself in his scent for a few minutes, before I started tonguing him. Lazily. Lightly. He squirmed... and I swear he purred.

Well, let's see if I could spark a different kind of sound from him.

I slid down his torso, gently pulled back the sheet, and looked over his massive, rock-hard prick. FUCK what a man! I started slow, teasing the tip of his dick with the tip of my tongue, and starting to lick into wider and wider circles. Soon I was circling his dick head, as Craig moaned lightly. I took his head in my mouth and suckled him, gently mouth fucking him with exquisite pleasure. "Aww FUCK Andy!" Craig cried.

"Rise and shine, bud!" I chirped happily, before returning to his dick, and driving down his shaft as deep as I could. I dove down a few more times while Craig groaned out his approval.

Fully awake now, Craig shifted his position so we were side to side, saying "I gotta get in on this too!" A second later, we were both sucking each other deep, as deep as we could.

It was mind-blowing blow jobs that first brought Craig and I together. Maybe not surprisingly, it was still something we excelled at. As a guy, Craig knew instinctively how to pleasure me. How hard to suck, how deep to go down, how to use his tongue. No one could give a blow job like Craig. I gave myself over to the feelings, trying to match him blow for blow. His morning scent was particularly rich, his hairy bush alive with the scent of man-sex. It washed over me when I went after his balls, and it set my whole body tingling with hunger. I stared violently going down hard on his cock, using my hands to twist and drive his shaft. He loved it, and followed suit... soon we were pounding each other mercilessly driven by mutual hunger, and greed for the other's spunk. After a few desperate minutes I was close, and drove down on him with everything I got. He tensed and started his rhythmic cries, and I went down as deep as I could. He blasted out waves of cum inside me, flooding my mouth and forcing me to swallow to keep from downing. The sensation triggered me, and with a gurgling scream I shot my load into his gullet.

We tried to catch our breath, but I was still nuzzling Craig's hairy balls, and he was slowly, gently cleaning my cock with his tongue.

"You," Craig said approvingly, after few blissful moments, "are a hairy fucking sex beast."

"And that is why you invited me." I retorted.

"I wouldn't have it any other way. Hungry?"


Making breakfast was a blast. Craig was mostly in charge, with me providing moral support by shamelessly, licking his ears, tweaking one of his nipples, or rubbing my cock against his hairy ass crack. It was a miracle we finally got to eat.

We noted that the torrential rain had seemed to let up, so Craig suggested we run down to the lake and go skinny dipping. It was bracingly cold, causing us to throw barbs at each other about our balls shriveling up. Ultimately, that triggered a round of splash-fighting, which led to us flinging mud at each other... and then a bout of full-on wrestling. I should say that the wrestling started out legit, as we tried make the other pay for this or that muddy indignity. But it took only seconds for the wrestling to devolve into "wrestling," which entailed massaging each other's balls, fingering our asses, and grinding mud into our hairy chests. At this point, the rain returned in a fury. At one point, Craig stood there, water up to his knees with the rain washing mud off his hairy body in streaks, his hard cock proudly at attention. He threw back his head, and let out a roaring "whoop!" It was the most masculine thing I had ever seen.

That said, the cold, driving rain got the better of us and we ultimately scampered back up to the cabin, and a much-needed hot shower. Together, of course. The shower itself was fairly small, which restricted the kind of shenanigans we could get into. But it gave us enough space so we could clean each other off and feel the blood flowing again.

By this point, it was past lunch time and we were feeling famished. We pulled together the fixings for a pair of Dagwood sandwiches and moved over to the fire. Once we had the blaze going, we settled in for an impromptu picnic--attacking our food with the same gusto we had been fucking each other. All about keeping our appetites satisfied.

Food restored our energy, and soon we were getting frisky. I had gotten up to clear away our dishes, and as I stood in the kitchen I felt Craig come up from behind me. His dick was awakening, and I could feel it press against my ass as he folded his hairy arms around me. I could feel his mouth on the back of my neck, kissing me, inviting me. Man... the feel of his stubble as he dragged his jaw around and started kissing me around my ear....

Craig's hands wrapped around and began massaging my pecs, his fingers sliding through my chest hair. He took my nipples in his fingertips just as he raked my neck with his teeth. I growled in pleasure. His cock, rock hard now, was still behind me, and I swirled my hips until his man meat was nestled in my crack. He rocked gently, dry humping my hairy cleft with only a bit of precum. His mouth ranged across my neck, ticking my skin with the tip of his tongue.

I don't know if this all was exactly romantic, but he sure had my dick hard and throbbing.

The hunger was taking control of him, and Craig decided he needed more. He forcefully spun me around. I kissed him hard, but I knew what he wanted; I felt the hunger too. I knelt down and locked my jaws around his cock. This fucker was mine. I drove down hard, without any fancy prelude. I needed that fuck stick in my mouth, and I was taking it. I drove down as far as I could until I hit my gag reflex, I pulled back slightly, and drove down again. Again I gagged, and it was pissing me off. I wanted Craig's cock, the whole fucking thing. Craig was massaging my head sympathetically, groaning in pleasure... but I didn't want his moral support, I wanted his cock.

Fuck it.

I reared up again, starting to drive it down. I sucked him hard and bobbed up and down a few times while I got my courage up, and then went down. For all the money. When I could feel him hitting my throat, I tried something different--I gulped down, and swallowed.

Somehow, that worked. I thought I was going to choke to death, and my eyes watered from the effort, but I finally was able to take him all in. All of him, his entire manhood. His wondering cries went into overdrive. "OH MY FUCKING GOD! OH MY FUCKING GUNGHHHHHHHHHARRRRRRRGH!" I bottomed out, with my lips at his base, and my nose nestled in his man bush. I was holding onto his butt so hard I think he was going to have bruises.

I could only hold it for a short time before I wrenched my head away, saliva pouring out of my mouth and down the length of his cock. I gasped for breath.

"Oh my fucking GOD, Andy! You fucking... you fucking..."

"Yeah... I know... I was there," I panted, while wiping the excess spit from my lips with the back of my hand. "That's going... to take... a lot more... practice." I looked up at him with a smug, self-satisfied look. "But... your cock... is officially mine."

I swear Craig's eyes actually sparkled as he looked at me. He reached down and hoisted me to my feet, and then planted an enormous kiss on my mouth, virtually swimming in gratitude. "And it is all yours, stud... All. Fucking. Yours. And while you get your breath back, I'm going to give you the blow job of the century."

And he did. He pulled me over to the couch and sat my naked ass down. With a huge, obscene leer, he then got between my legs and showed me just how grateful he was.

Craig had become a monster cocksucker. It was amazing, because he had essentially learned everything about how to pleasure a man by working on me. And so, Every. Fucking. Thing. He. Did. was specially created to send me into the stratosphere. God, the friction that man could bring to my throbbing dick, the force, the pressure. He knew just how to work the underside of my cock, sucking hard, using his whole mouth, yet also using his tongue with laser-like precision. He was giving me twisting torque with his hands, but giving deep strokes up my shaft at the same time. He kept stroking me intently with his hands while going after my hairy balls, alternating suction and tongue-lashes. I could feel his spit running between my legs. There was no other thought in my head but the incredible shouting joy of my balls and cock. He must have been down there for a half hour or more... all I could do was flail and buck against his mouth, screaming my pleasure.

My hormones boiled over, and I had to make my move. I wrestled Craig onto the couch, kneeling down with his head hanging over the back and his hairy butt opened up for my pleasure. I rimmed him hard. Half out of my mind with raw lust, I launched a brutal, tongue-first attack on him. Slurping loud and deep. Getting him wet. Getting him loose. Craig gripped the back of the couch and moaned like a bitch in heat. My tongue dived in deep, swirling around his hole as my fingers dug deep into his muscular cheeks. I loved, loved, loved eating his ass.

But of course I needed more. Driven on, I lubed up my dick, throbbing in anticipation. Standing behind him, I lined myself up and dove in hard. His muscular ass melted around my cock as I dove in, my flared head sending shock waves through his body. Craig roared out, his back rippling sinuously as he adjusted to my hairy cock's invasion. No quarter. No prisoners. I fucked him deep. And when I could go no further, my bush crushed against his hairy pucker, I held on tight, running my hands underneath him to grab his hairy pecs.

And then I pounded. Hard.

My balls slapped against his ass as I dove against him, and his rock-hard dick slapped against his hairy torso. "FUCK ME!" he bellowed, and I gave him everything I had. God, I loved the feel of my cock surrounded by his muscular ass, bearing down hard on me, squeezing my cock so hard it was almost uncomfortable. He started slamming backwards, fucking me as hard as I was fucking him. Man to man. Testing our limits. I drilled faster and faster, and we both started out a wailing cry as the sexual energy ripped through us, body to body. Shared. And made stronger by the sharing. The incredible friction lighting a fire in us both, as we sweated, screamed, and slammed our pleasure into each other.

But there was something missing. I drove in as hard and as deep as I could, causing Craig to outright gasp. I leaned down so my face was at his neck, which I kissed... and then snarled "Ok. My turn!"

I abruptly pulled out of him, with a slurpy "pop" that made Craig gasp again. I slapped his ass playfully, then sat down on the couch. I pulled my legs up by the knees, flaring my hungry ass into the air. "C'mon you fucker, fucking pound me!"

Craig wasted no time, his sexual fury having been kicked into overdrive. He hastily slapped some lube on his dick and impaled me. I yelled out obscenities as I felt his monster cock rip through me, re-arranging my guts from the force of his invasion. Subtlety, form, and technique flew out the window, there was only a raging "mate or die" instinct as he drove his spear into me again and again. Sweat poured down his face. The expression on his face was terrifying and beautiful all at once--a stare as violent as his fucking, but with an unbroken intensity that suggested oceans worth of emotions. He leaned in and kissed me savagely, and then pulled back to give himself maximum leverage. I think each thrust into my hungry ass was driving the couch back several inches.

God, his battering ram of a cock was setting my whole body off like fireworks. It was like an inferno was going on inside me, sexual pleasure igniting a sexual firestorm. All I could do is thrash about wildly as I let the feelings fill me, firing every nerve ending in my body.

Finally, it was too much for him. He couldn't have held back if he tried, but there was no fucking way he was going to try. His thrusts got more and more desperate, as his grunting got louder and louder... barked off through grit teeth. Finally he threw his back and howled as his cum flooded my ass. Staggered by the force of his explosion, he lost balance and slid over, sprawling hap-haphazardly behind me.

But the roaring fire his cock had started in my body was still consuming me. We were not done yet. I propped his ass up in front of me, kneeled behind him and plowed him all over again. The muscles of his ass rippled from the force of my hammer blows. I was in a fury and would not be denied. I kept up the assault as long as I could until I felt my balls starting to boil over. I increased my speed, desperate to unleash my white-hot cum inside of him. Finally, I hit the point of no return and with a devastating roar I shot deep inside him. Five, six blasts. Deep. I kept fucking him, churning my spunk inside him, loving the feel of my slick cock inside his muscled chute.

The rest of the afternoon was a bit of a blur. Spent from all our action, we agreed to crawl back to bed for a nap. I spooned against him, loving the feel of my semi-had cock nestled in his ass, but also just loved the feeling of wrapping my arms around him. As it was, we ended up sleeping away most of the afternoon. I remember half-asleep fondling going on, and at one point resting my head against his hairy chest, but it was all a vaguely-remembered dream.

The rain held off long enough for us to successfully grill steaks for dinner, and to roast some potatoes to go with them. I guess it was the stereotypical man-feast, but that was just what our bodies needed. We bantered back and forth as we chowed down, also enjoying a range of ball-busting and flirting... the later having a noticeable effect on our dicks. It may have helped that we were very well-lubricated by the booze I had packed. We knew the evening was special and made the most of it.

Finally, I got up, grabbed our plates and brought them over to the sink. Craig came up behind me, and folded me up in a massive, hairy hug. God, I loved the feel of his body. I held there as he gently rubbed my neck and check with his... our stubble rubbing together. I could feel his hairy cock against me, hungry.

I turned and we kissed, a strong kiss that we both leaned into. I loved the taste of him. The wet feel of his tongue against mine. Thinking of that tongue everywhere....

"You want to start a fire?" I asked lightly.

"You've already started a fire in me," he responded, twitching his dick for emphasis. "Forget the fire. I want to spend the rest of the night in bed with you."

I mouthed his neck, right under his ear, and whispered, "I will never get tired of you saying that."

Somehow we managed to get ourselves onto the bed. We had shot so many loads that there wasn't the same... well, violence as before. But there was all the intensity. Playing only as two horny men could play. Aggressive, but cooperative. Hard, but yielding. Raw, but luxurious.

We made out for a long time, enjoying the strength and push-back of kissing a fellow guy. The hunger shared as we mashed our mouths together, then went after each other's neck, and ears. I made my move toward his arm pit, rolling my face in his scent, made savagely masculine from the sweat and the sex of the afternoon. Fuck, I could breathe him forever. It didn't hurt that as I was doing so, he sucked deep on one of his fingers, and reached around me to slide it into my ass. Fuck, the sensations.

He rolled me off, and went after my own pits. His tongue dragging across my sensitive skin, wetting my pit hair with his spit. I couldn't reach his asshole, but massaged his balls hard and lightly jacking his cock. Precum had already started leaking out of his dick, and I slowly smeared it around his cockhead.

The feel of his hairy crotch was sending a new wave of testosterone cascading through my system, and I needed more. I repositioned so I had better access, and started grinding my face through his bush. Fuck, he smelled good. Like a fucking man. A hard-edged musk, spiced with sex and spit. A fucking musk ox needing to rut. I swallowed his hard cock, taking the entire head in my mouth and rolling my tongue around it. He shuddered in response, and shifted so we were side by side. I groaned out my excitement as he took my throbbing cock into his mouth and gave me the same treatment I was giving him.

There was a desperation in how we sucked each other, a need to lose ourselves in the other's cock. My mouth was everywhere, driving down hard, creating friction to set us ablaze. He countered, using his mouth to make sweeps up and down my shaft. Shifting to taking my balls in his mouth one at a time. I sucked hard and fast around the underside of his dick, knowing that drove him crazy. His reaction didn't disappoint. After a few minutes he started mouth fucking me in earnest, chowing down on my cock as far as he could go.

As he sucked me down, I pulled his legs apart to give me access to the deeper parts of him. I licked my way down his taint, until I could lock lips around his twitching hole. As always, Craig's ass provided a symphony of sensations. The ripe musk was there in force, a man's scent from a man's body. The hairs of his ass holding his scent for me. After nearly hyperventilating on his funk, my tongue went to work. His masculine taste set of depth charges in my brain. I dug deep into him with my mouth, loving the intensity of the sensation.

Craig, too, had moved down and was giving my hairy hole the full treatment. Violently pulling me apart and driving his tongue deep inside me. Sucking. Biting. Tongue fucking me. His sweeping licks ran the length of my hairy crack, and I pushed down hard against his face to really feel his mouth.

We ate each other until our jaws ached.

The sexual hunger took over, and Craig needed a more violent release. I rolled on my back, ready to give myself to his fire. Craig slapped some lube on his dick, pulled my legs up his torso so that my feet were on both sides of his face. And he drove in. Hard. Determined. Confident in what he wanted, and what I would give him. He bucked hard against me, making my whole body bounce in recoil. My hands flew down hard against the bed, clawing the sheets in a vice like grip. I howled in perfect cadence for each blow. His cockhead rubbed hard against my magic spot, and I saw stars. He repeated the blows again and again, and I shook from the power of his thrusts.

At that point he surprised me by slowing his assault, giving shorter, rapid-fire thrusts, but then taking my right foot into my mouth and suckling my toes. "FUuuuuNNGHGGNNNnnnCK!" I howled out as my body writhed. The sensations took over my entire mind. There was no other thought, only the roaring light of sexual energy swirling inside my body, a sexual thrill that filled every fiber of my being. For good measure, he started to slowly jack me... and I think I lost consciousness. I had become SEX.

How long he lavished attention on my feet, I cannot say. But after a while, I realized that he had lowered my legs to his side, and leaned forward and was now dragging a sloppy wet kiss across my mouth. My scent was everywhere on him, and I instinctively clutched my arms around his sweaty body and pulled him tight against me, his cock still reaming out my hairy ass. Filling me. Massaging my innards as his sweaty, hairy chest rubbed across my skin. My own rock-hard cock rubbed hard against his hairy body, deliciously massaged between us as we collided.

There was only him. I wanted him. I wanted his sweat. I wanted his groans to vibrate in my mouth as we kissed.

He clearly felt the same way. We needed the feel of each other. His strong fingers held my head, the fingertips latched onto my sweaty scalp. The pounding of his cock into my ass was causing us to both shudder and bolt. We leaned into the motion... riding our passion, together.

The sexual light roaring through me continued to swell, getting hotter, more ferocious the longer he plowed me. Just as I thought I couldn't take any more, I felt a new intensity in my balls. I was close again, and I threw myself into the building sensations. I broke from his kiss and shook my head violently, with my voice rising into a cry to shatter the windows. My body exploded in sexual light, and my cum started shooting out everywhere.

Craig gripped me hard, and made his last few thrusts... harder and more urgent than ever before. Then he, too, threw back his head and let loose inside me, breeding my ass with his endless volleys of spunk. He collapsed on top of me, still thrusting, and my convulsing ass milked his dick for all it was worth.

We were both sweaty, spent messes, dripping with cum. We clumsily started making out. I half wondered if our women folk would be more disgusted by the fact that their men had had sex with another man... or that we were in such a messy state, with our nasty, reeking selves covered in an array of unmentionable bodily fluids. I chuckled but purged the thought immediately--there was no way I was taking anything away from this masculine paradise by bringing our women into the picture. I breathed in deeply and gave myself over to the Sex God on top of me.

It was an eventful night, with us fucking twice more before crashing hard into much-needed sleep.

In the morning we staggered into the kitchen for a massive breakfast, then started readying for our return back to the real world. We showered, and threw the bedding into the cabin's washing machine. We dressed for the first time that weekend, and gathered all our belongings by the door in preparation for our eventual departure. At my suggestion, we rummaged through everything before re-packing it, just so it looked like everything had been used.

Fortunately, the rain had finally lifted, and we decided to walk down and take a look at our surroundings in the daylight. It was a magnificent sight, with the whole lake laid out in front of us, and the lush green woods all around. It smelled of rain and pine--a perfect counterpoint to a weekend of deep masculine scents. Craig and I stood in companionable silence, just taking everything in.

"It's gorgeous," Craig finally said simply. "Makes you think."

Indeed. The quiet, and the contemplation of our long ride home, had brought several thoughts boiling up. "What are you thinking about?" I asked wistfully, my own thoughts swirling around.

Craig turned to me and... looked. Intently, but gently. "Lots of stuff." There was a very long pause, filled only with the sounds of the forest. "You have fun this weekend?"

"Jesus," I replied. "Man, I think that goes without saying. Probably the best fucking weekend of my life."

Craig smiled, and turned his attention back to the water. He nodded while saying, "I know what you mean. Best weekend, but more specifically the best sex of my life." He paused again, and I could see there was something on his mind. "I just hope...." Long pause. "I just hope... I'm not being... selfish."

"Selfish?" I was genuine confused.

"Yeah," he said. After a moment, he sighed, and turned back to me. "Andy, not going to lie. This really was the best sex of my life. And it was made that way because of you. We just have... amazing chemistry together." I smiled, and let him continue. "I like you. I'd walk across broken glass for you. But I also know that... this," he waved his hand between us, "is probably as much as I can ever give you. I mean, I... I still love my wife, and love my kids. I can't see myself leaving them. But I still want to be with you. Like, really bad. I just... hope I'm not being unfair to you." He looked back at the water.

"I think I get what you're saying," I responded gently. "To clear the air, I'm not looking for anything more from you, or any changes in my own life. Certainly no announcements. So I totally hear you." Craig looked up at me. We smiled, and he looked down. I went on. "I've thought about this a lot over the past few weeks. You've made me grow. Mind-blowing sex with you has made me grow. I'm more alive... and it's hilarious, but fucking around with a guy has made me feel like more of a man." Craig laughed out loud, and nodded. "I don't want to give that up. The thing is, I don't know I could ever cheat on my girl with another woman... but you provide something she could never give me. No woman would be capable of giving me. It's not just great sex, its fucking masculine sex. And it's worked like a pressure release, like a steam valve. The funny thing is that releasing all that energy with you has made me a better partner. More in tune with her."

Craig laughed in agreement. "I know, right? That's so fucking weird. I thought that was just me."

"No, me too. Completely. But here's the thing. I haven't found myself drooling over other guys. I mean, I might have curiosity, but it's all about... you. You have stirred something in me like no one ever. You fucking rock my world. I want us to keep going."

"You do the same for me, bud." He had an intensity in his eyes. "So... you're totally ok with how things are going? You're cool with us being... um..."

"Fuckbuds?" I offered cheerfully.

"Fuckbuds!" he guffawed. He crossed the distance between us and gave me a massive hug, bristling with real emotion. And God damn it, his scent made me weak in the knees.

"It feels like we should inaugurate our new status officially, shouldn't we...?"

Craig's scent stayed with me as I drove home, lodged in my memory. I smiled a huge, loopy grin. Part of me could have stayed another week with Craig, us fucking each other's brains out. But at the same time, I was looking forward to seeing my girl. As I told Craig when we finally left, I felt like I was the luckiest guy in the world--having an awesome life, but unexpectedly finding the perfect, like-minded friend to explore a whole new world of possibilities. A world I never knew was out there, and had never thought to explore.

It felt like a new chapter in my life was just getting ready to be written, and I was more than ready to see where it took me.

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