My New Friend Craig

By moc.loa@yugsitnalta

Published on Apr 30, 2021


Note that the following story is a work of semi-fiction, or maybe "inspired by a true story." Part is 100% true, and part is fantasy, and I leave it to the reader to determine which is which. Certain details have been tweaked to protect the "innocent." By all means, send feedback along to

Gay--Adult Friends

My New Friend Craig, Part 4

I don't think I have to say it out loud, but God damn I loved sex with Craig.

It wasn't just the fantastic sensations we got from fucking each other. My masculine ego was stroked as much as my rock-hard dick, and I had a noticeable spring in my step, an extra bout of confidence. The guys at work noticed it. My girl noticed it, and strangely enough our sex life improved, too. We had only gotten together a handful of times, but each round was better than the last... and made me hungrier for more.

But that was the problem. The only thing that sucked in our arrangement was the fact that it had been incredibly difficult for us to find mutually-agreeable times to get together. I rolled my eyes at the irony of it all. We had started fooling around because we weren't getting enough relief at home and were sex-starved for action. Well, now we were still sex-starved--desperately wanting more not just from our women, but from each other, too.

Maybe we were just a pair of degenerate horndogs.

But whatever. His wife and twin girls rightfully took pride of place in his life, leaving him with only bits and pieces of free time along the edges. And while I loved each and every one of our encounters together, there was always an implied sense of "hurry up and get it done" to our sex that was not indicative just of our passion, but reflected the fact that we were watching the clock.

That was about to change.

It had been a couple weeks after our last get-together, and the memory of Craig giving me a tongue bath the last time he was here still brought my dick to full attention. So when I saw his phone number pop up on mine, my cock started stirring of its own accord, before he said a word.

"Hey man, how's it hanging?" Craig said.

"Not hanging at all at the moment, pretty much standing straight up! You know what you do to me!" I growled in response.

"I take that as a sign you're free to talk. Good! Andy my man, I think I have a proposal you're going to approve of. What are you doing the weekend of the 18th?"

"Whatever the next five words are to come out of your mouth."

Craig burst out laughing. "The trusting type, huh? Ok, listen up. I've got a cabin for the weekend, all to myself. Don't ask... it's a long and uninteresting story. It's about 90 minutes away, on a lake and pretty secluded. I was thinking about heading out Friday, coming back Sunday morning. Care for a get-away?"

I was seriously rock-hard just thinking about the possibilities. "Holy shit, are you serious? Oh man... yeah, I'm almost positive I'm free, but should check in with Carrie to be sure. This is going to fucking rock! What... what are you telling the Mrs.?"

"I'm calling it a "guy's weekend." I'm just being vague about how many guys there will be. My wife hates camping, so it is of no interest to her whatsoever, not tagging along, not any of the details. Plus, I'll promise to swap her out later so she can do a shopping weekend with her sister or something. Not a problem."

"Oh man. This is so fucking awesome." I was fucking dancing around the room like kid at a birthday party. After a meaningful pause, I added "Just going to say it out loud... I am really to having some quality time with you, bud."

"Me too, Andy. You have no idea. And... no jerking off beforehand. I want you primed, fresh, and ready."


Those next few days passed with agonizing slowness, and I think a blood tox screening would have showed dangerously high levels of testosterone in my system. Time with Craig. Uninterrupted time.

Fuck I was horny.

We agreed to leave separately from our homes, and would meet up for dinner at a place along the way. I had stuffed my SUV with all the expected trappings needed for a guy's weekend, knowing full well we probably wouldn't need even one change of clothes. Despite a false start on his end, we made it to dinner, at a pizza bar near where we got off the highway. We excitedly talked as we wolfed down our food, both of us in high spirits and looking forward to the weekend ahead. I must have been radiating sexuality--the waitress and I got into some shared, over-the-top flirting, to Craig's unending amusement.

As we made our way over the last half hour or so, the woods got deeper... and the weather got nastier. We were warned that rain was likely the whole weekend, which didn't bother us in the least being our plans were to pretty stay inside. We pulled up to the cabin just as the rain started flying, and we scrambled mightily to haul everything we needed inside before the sky truly opened up.

We had just managed to pull everything inside and shut the door when the storm burst in earnest. A few flashes of lighting, and the downpour began. As the cracks of thunder boomed around us, we stood there panting, laughing, and looking at each other.

God almighty. Looking at Craig, slightly tousled from our frenzied unpacking... my body reacted in so many ways. Unbelievably handsome already, Craig really came alive when he was active. The masculine grace as he just stood there, weight on one leg. The hint of arm pit hairs poking out of his T-shirt as he lazily rubbed the back of his neck. His tight frame, slightly heaving in time with his breaths. His breathing through opened lips in the slight curve of a smile. A couple of beads of sweat on his forehead and temples, wicking into his sideburns. His gorgeous features occasionally thrown into sharp relief by the flashes of lightning.


I never thought of Craig as being a "Greek Adonis" in his looks--there was far too much American red blood in him, in both in mannerisms and his look. Casual masculinity. Craig was too scruffy to be a god; he was instead the perfect guy. The perfect embodiment of manliness.

And at the moment, my perfect guy was making my heart race, and my dick as hard as a railroad spike.

Craig looked at me... just looked at me. Then smiled slightly, looked down and shuffled one of his feet. He looked up again, and crossed the distance to us, reaching out with his hands, which came to grip my shoulders right at the base of my neck, massaging me. Then, one hand slid upwards, his palm cradling my jaw and fingers reaching behind my ear. The other slid down, resting between my pecs. Instinctively I wrapped my arms around him. After a particularly loud rumble of thunder rang out, and we laughed lightly. As the thunder finally subsided, Craig murmured, "You are the fucking sexiest, most masculine guy I've ever met. You have no idea what you do to me, just standing there."

"We can do more than stand," I replied. A sharp crack of lighting roared outside, and we locked lips.

We were going to fuck the fuck out of each other.

Our kissing was always rough and violent, a testament to our animal passions. But this was particularly intense. No wives or girlfriends to consider. No downstairs neighbors. No ticking clocks. Just the masculine need for sexual release, or to die trying. In truth, Craig and I were going after each other so hard it was like we were sexual rivals, fighting each other for the last chance to mate. Our hands were everywhere, clutching hard, trying to brace for better leverage. Craig's stubble sheered across my skin almost like a weapon, leaving me raw and exposed. Our mouths pummeled each other, kissing, sucking, grinding. We could barely breathe, with each breath coming in an explosive gasp. Thunder blasted around us, a perfect counterpoint to our savagery.

We were finally free to be ourselves. Our true selves.

Craig and I had sometimes indulged in a bit of teasing foreplay, but not tonight. Craig forcefully backed me against the wall, pinning me there with the driving force of his kiss. He quickly kneeled, and wrenched down my shorts and underwear to expose my raging cock. God, I was throbbing in anticipation. He took me into his mouth, and drove down as hard and fast as he could go.

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" I howled in animal fury--a cry nearly obliterated by the thunder from outside. Craig was sucking me hard, taking no prisoners as he throat-fucked me again and again. My right hand slammed against the wall for balance, while my left grabbed his head in encouragement. "FUCKING TAKE MY COCK! SUCK ME YOU FUCKING BASTARD!"

Even in his berserker fury, Craig knew enough to vary his assault. He pulled back, sucking desperately just around my cock head, sending his tongue against the rim, the tip, and tip of my underside. God, he knew exactly how to play me. He pulled back and went after my balls, taking each one inside his steaming mouth, rolling it against his tongue while he breathed in my bush scent through his nose. He kept shifting, shifting, making my dick all but scream in joy. Sucking, suckling, swallowing. I had never had a blow job like this.

Finally, Craig stood up again and leaned into me in another passionate kiss. It was sloppy and raw--I could feel the saliva smeared on his face. My musk clinging to his stubble. We moaned together as we made out, feeling each other's rumbling roars in our chests.

I needed Craig's dick. Now.

I pushed back from the fall and dropped to my knees in front of him. I similarly hauled down his shorts... and just the sight of his towering monster sent a fresh wave of hormones flooding through me. I was no more gentle with Craig than he was with me; there would be time enough for romance later. His cock filled my mouth and I sucked him as if it was the last chance to save my life. God he was big. My mouth was everywhere, tasting the precum that was liberally flowing from him, rolling around his mighty girth. I used my hands together with my mouth, extending the depth of my thrusts and providing additional sensations. As I worked his cock head, I was able to position my nose into his bush, and take in his scent--raw and masculine. I worshiped his balls, rolling and mashing them. The thunder made it hard to hear anything Craig said, but the tremors ripping through his body and his deep ragged breathing tole me all I needed to know about how he was enjoying himself. I saw him hoist his shirt over his head, flashing his hairy pits as he did so. I stood up and did the same; we were standing naked, dick-to-dick as we grabbed each other and made out again.

Animal passion drove us on. Craig wrenched me back around, so I was facing the wall. My ass started shivering in anticipation. Sure as shit, seconds later he pulled open my ass and drove his face in. "UNNNNNNNNGH!" was all I could scream, my mouth partially muffled against my arm. God Almighty I loved it. Craig went crazy on my ass, his mouth everywhere. It was as if he was continuing the violent make out session with my hungry asshole. He drove his tongue in, Made huge swipes the length of my trench. Sucked my hole. Made hard circles with his mouth. My ass hair was drenched with his spit. While bracing myself against the wall with one hand, I reached around and pushed his face as deep as it would go into my ass. I was alive, and my butt was the center of my universe.

He pulled away for a second, and I heard him rummage through one of the pockets in his discarded shorts. I knew what was coming and my whole body surged with need. I needed Craig's cock. And I needed him to give it to me hard. Hard.

No courtesy this time. Craig was too far gone. He splattered some lube onto his cock, positioned his dickhead against my pucker, and rammed it home. I could feel his flared head push all the way through me as he drove deep inside me. I howled. The sting. The heat. The expansion. And the scratch of his bush. In the final moments before he hit bottom, a flash of lighting lit up the entire room followed by thunder so loud it shook the walls. The storm sensed our need, and roared with us to share in the primal glory of it all.

My howl modulated into a thundering roar of my own as Craig fucked the living shit out of me.

Craig hooked his arms under my chest, holding us tighter than tight and giving himself the leverage to pound my ass like a team of men laying railroad ties. Now, his pounding always awoke incredible sensations in me... but I swear, it was like the lighting outside awoke lighting inside me, and my body exploded in fire in response. As Craig fucked me, I felt like I was already cumming. The hairs on my arms were standing on end, and my mind was roaring like a jetliner. The wild sexual energy ripping through me, ripping apart every other thought, but against the whirlwind I could still savor some details. The feel his scruff on my neck. The clutching muscles as he braced against me. His grunts of passion. His sweat against mine. Again and again he pounded into me, desperate for leverage. Desperate for release. Again and again. Each thrust sparking new lightning to rip through me. I was almost terrified by the intensity of it, but exhilarated to a level I had never thought possible. It was so intense it was like finding... clarity. Clarity in raw sexual pleasure.

And then the intensity sparked further... my balls boiled over and I could feel my release building. It was like I was going to be ripped apart. Pressure building with each thrust of his cock inside me. "AAAAAAAAGGGGGH!" I screamed as five massive volleys of cum exploded out of my cock. I jerked wildly... totally off my bearings, and feeling like I was falling off a cliff. Behind me I could feel Craig's entire body tense and convulse, as with an ear-splitting scream of his own he erupted deep inside me, filling my guts with spunk. Thunder crashed around us, roaring the storm's approval.

If Craig hadn't been so strong, I think the aftershocks of our release would have sent us tumbling backwards to land sprawling on the floor. As it was, we staggered back some, his cock still spasming inside my ass, and he stabilized me until I got my footing back. We stood there, heaving together, and I reached up a hand to brace myself against the wall. Craig's hands rolled all over me, smearing my sweat. He couldn't help himself, and ran his hands down to my crotch, massaging my balls and lightly stoking my dick as it deflated. His dick finally slid out of me with a wet sloop. Still tingling all over, I turned around and met his mouth with mine, in a kiss of deep gratitude. We kissed hard, neither of us wanting the let the moment go, as we slowly crashed down onto the floor, hairy limbs intertwined.

Finally, Craig pulled back to look at me, and said the most romantic words a guy can say: "You are one hot motherfucker, you know?"

"Always the romantic!" I said as I gave him a shove, so that he rolled flat on his back, laughing. "God, I love your cock." Craig looked at my impishly, locked his mouth on mine and rolled us over, ending up so that he was squatting over my chest. He threw his head back and gave a theatrical, wolf-like howl, amplified by another crack of thunder.

"God almighty," I laughed. "I'm fucking the God of Thunder!"

Craig leaned down and gave me a massive, wet kiss. "And don't you forget it!" We kissed some more, as our heart rates finally slowed back to normal. "C'mon... let's put our stuff away so we can kick back and relax."

I grabbed a pair of washcloths from the bathroom and we cleaned ourselves up a bit. Good enough. We then checked out the rest of the cabin. Craig mentioned that he had called in a favor to stay here. It was a pretty sweet set-up; there was a master bedroom and a loft, along with a great room connected to an open kitchen. There was a massive fireplace, a gorgeously cabin-like fireplace that radiated rugged charm. There was a back door, which I gathered opened on a path that wound its way to the lake, somewhere out in the storm. Well satisfied, we put everything away. It only took a few minutes to stow the food, and we dropped the rest of our gear in the bedroom. Craig offered to make a fire, and I did my part by pulling out a special bottle of scotch I had saved just for such an occasion and pouring each of us a man-sized draught. Now fully settled, we sat our naked butts down on the rug in front of the fire, our backs to the sofa behind us. We each threw back a hard swallow, and took everything in.

We were quiet for some time; we didn't need words. The worst of the storm had passed, but the low rumble of thunder continued on around us. After a while, the heat of the fire, the smokey scent of the wood, and the smoothness of the scotch began getting to me. I could feel the beginning of an all-encompassing emotion that I couldn't quite put a finger on, and couldn't quite name. I leaned into Craig, and let the moment seep into me. Craig returned the gesture, and reached down to lazily run his hands across my hairy thigh. God this was good.

I don't know how quite it started again. We were close, reveling in the feel of each other. I ran my chin across his shoulders, finally reaching his neck. Once there, I slowly kissed him, and then let my tongue roll over his skin. He moaned softly, and leaned into me. I loved breathing in his scent there right below the ear... just the normal male, Craig scent. He took a huge gulp of his drink, set it down and turned to me. We kissed. Hard. Intense. The hard sex we had had earlier took a bit of the sexual urgency away, but in the end we were a pair of hungry leopards ready to feast on our fresh kill. We had tasted blood, and there was no stopping us.

I pulled away from his lips and turned to his hairy chest, working him over, relishing the slight taste of salt from his still-drying sweat. I worked his hairy nipples, teasing him slightly with my teeth, and driving him crazy with the alternating smoothness of my lips and the bristle of my stubble. I lifted his arm and nuzzled his hairy pit, tasting him in his glory. His scent filling my nose.

Craig was not going to be left out of the fun. He rolled me down and started in on me... going after my own pits, each in turn, and then driving down my chest and torso with his tongue, working his mouth toward my navel. He teased me, tongued me, tasted me, while I swore expletives in encouragement. Hunger drove him on, and he went after my hairy crotch... again breathing me in, but running his mouth everywhere. He took in my balls, giving them all the attention they deserved. I had gotten louder in my cries, words giving way to guttural sounds. Like I was channeling the storm. He surprised me by sticking out his tongue and giving me an obscene lick from the base of my balls to the tip of my cock, and then raised his face and started making out with me again.

Hunger drove our kiss, but hunger also drove us apart. I needed Craig's body the way he had needed mine. And most of all, I needed his dick.

I returned the favor and licked my way down him. His hairy balls, rapidly refilling with spunk, had an amazing scent that got my pulse racing. I had less control than he did... I decided to go down on him as hard as I could. It was so fucking hot. The knowledge he had been inside me not so long ago added to my fire. I worked his cock as hard as I could, as fast as I could, knowing that having shot already he probably had the stamina to take it. I mouth-fucked him, driving down as hard and as fast as I could, and using my tongue to heighten the sensation. Again and again I drove down on him, and soon my spit was running down his shaft and around his hairy balls. All the while, Craig gave animal cries of pleasure, not needing to cheer me on. I sucked that fucking cock like my life depended on it. The distant thunder encouraged me.

But Craig needed my cock as much as I needed his. He grabbed me, shifted his weight around and positioned himself so he was kneeling on top of me, so that he could drive down on me at the same time. Part of me loved when we were working on each other separately, either so I could concentrate on experiencing his fantastic oral skills, or I could savor his man meat without distraction. But there was something so fucking hot about sharing each other, too.... Not just the incredible sensations, but a connection.

But it wasn't only Craig's dick that got me going... I needed his ass. I shifted positions slightly, so I could suckle his balls, hanging so tantalizingly in front of my face. Then I sent my tongue up his taint towards his hairy pucker. GOD I loved getting my face inside his trench. His masculine scent flared my nostrils, and I dove mouth-first to make out with his hole. With him working my cock, I was a man possessed--driving my tongue in as deep as I could, rolling it around him, lapping up and down his crack. Driving hard, making vulgar sloppy sounds as I went. We were both moaning loud, letting each other know how much we loved what the other was doing. Testosterone boiled in my veins, and I was rapidly losing whatever control I had left.

Craig hit his boiling point, too.

Craig roughly peeled himself off of me, turning around. He kissed me hard, like he was throwing a punch. He snarled out, "Fucking BREED me!"

I shifted slightly so I was sitting on the floor--my back against the couch, and my legs out in front of me. Craig straddled me, and lined up his hungry hole with my dickhead. As he rocked his butt against me, I could feel my flared head stretch his hole, and with a slight pop!... I was in.

He hissed out sharply, his eyes a grimace that somehow managed to show a touch of pain wrapped in overwhelming sexual pleasure. Craig rocked a few times, swirling his hips around to get used to my furious cock, then began a slow relentless drive down my cock. All the way he undulated like a snake dancing for a snake charmer. His whole body was into it, his chest heaving as his hips circled. He threw his head back and gurgled out a barely understandable "OH GAWWWWWWWD!" as he sat down on me, only stopping when his hairy hole was resting on my hairy balls.

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" we said in unison as he hit rock bottom.

He started bucking up and down hard, driving my cock in as deep as it would go. Pounding me, as hard as he had been pounding my ass earlier against the wall. His eyes were nothing but white slits as his head rolled wildly from side to side. He was moaning desperately.

My cock inside him was blazing away like a supernova. The wet pressure of him. The way his ass gripped me, sucking my cock as hard as his mouth had been doing before. Unlike any other sex I had had. Driving me to rise to his level. My passion was burning me all over, every part of me blazing to life.

I leaned into him and kissed him. Hard and messy. Needing to share my fire with him, and feel the heat of his own blaze. It was rough and physical, our lips grinding against each other, heedless of anything but need. Fire. My arms wrapped around him, feeling his sweaty body slide, shudder, and spasm as my dick sent lighting bolts through his body. Our shared heat was overwhelming, and sweat poured down our bodies. Ran down his face. Making our kiss taste like salt.

Craig stopped with his violent thrusts and went back to wild circles with his hips, then rocking forward and back as our mouths ground against each other. HOLY FUCK. His movements opened new feelings in my dick, the torque and bending and shaping it as his ass rolled against my hairy crotch. We ground together like ocean waves churning in a storm. There was nothing else but our passion. For me, my dick led the way, but my entire body was roiling along with it.

Hungry for him, hungry for all of him, I broke away from the kiss and drove my mouth across any part of him I could reach. Stimulating him, I hoped, but mostly feeding my hunger. At one point I was able to wrench his arm over his head and dive into his pit, the hair matted with his sweat. I feasted, as he threw back his head and howled like a wolf.

Finally he grabbed onto my head with both hands, his fingers behind my ears. Driven into sexual fury, he slightly shifted his weight and then resumed pounding, and I mean pounding himself up and down my cock, as if the friction on my cock was the last thing keeping us alive. He fucking rode me with an intensity I had never experienced, dropping his head for a moment and then throwing it back with a mighty scream... and without even touching himself his cock began exploding cum everywhere splashing my sweaty chest, hitting both our faces... exploding. Wave after wave of white-hot cum. He continued driving himself up and down my cock as long as he spewed, and for a long time thereafter.

But there was no way in hell I was done with him yet.

As his thrusts slowly became more ragged and less forceful, I made my move and crash-rolled him onto his back, my hard cock still balls-deep inside him. I kissed him hard. And then I fucked him. However hard he had been thrusting himself into me moments ago, I pounded him harder. Fire took over me. I kissed him, then threw my head back. Somehow, I heard myself growling out a loud, steady roar that I could barely recognize. Craig, still reeling from his orgasm, barely knew wat to do. Soon his wailing roar matched my own as he started bucking wildly on the floor, his hands gripping the rug so hard I thought he would rip it apart. I didn't care. There was only my dick and his ass. Finally I felt my balls roaring up. The blazing fire inside me coming into focus. I drove on, and on and on. And at last the boiling rage inside me released, with sexual fury enough to shatter the sky. I screamed to the heavens as my cum blasted deep inside him... flooding him. Marking him as mine, just as he had done to me.

We lay there in each other's arms, kissing wildly and deeply... not stopping, for nearly a half hour. Like the storm outside, we had unleashed our full fury. Now well-satiated, we continued to passionately make out and explore each other as the thunder gave way to a steady rain. I could tell we were covered in cum, but given the violence of our coupling I almost thought we'd be covered in battle scars.

There was nothing like sex with Craig.

As we laid there, spent and supremely happy, I could do nothing but smile. "You know, man, this is exactly what I was hoping for. This weekend is fucking perfect!"

Craig laughed. "Don't jinx it! We only just got here!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I fired back as I punched his arm. "I'm taking nothing for granted." I found myself getting serious, and went on. "I'm just going to say it. You... you bring sex to a whole new level. It's more than just being creative in bed. It's more than just discovering new positions. You... sex with you brings out whole new worlds of what it means to be a man, and experience things as a man."

Craig rested his hand on my chest. "I could say the same about you, bud. It's not just sex, it is man sex. Sharing something only guys could experience. And experience with other guys. And it's always a surprise. Like finding out something you didn't even know you were missing, is now something that you can't live without. And man! I don't know if I could live without your cock. I mean, I don't know what it is--the size, the length, the shape? But whatever, it like perfectly connects with me. Just feeling you slide in feels like I'm half-way to cumming. And it only gets better the longer we go at it. I mean like that last round, I had just shot my load and I swear I shot out another one. I think I was dry cumming!"

My grin was a mile wide. "Your ass is the most amazing thing. And I never thought I'd get into it... I mean, a guy's hairy, smelly ass was always like the worst thing in the world. But with you.... God, it drives me crazy. And the hair, your scent aren't just good, they aren't things you put up with... they are what make it so hot! They make me fucking hard. But here's the thing, as hot as it is plowing your ass... in some ways, it's even better having you balls deep in mine. I know just what you were saying just now. Your cock sets me on fire from the inside out. There is nothing like it."

"You are So. Fucking. Right." Craig responded, lightly thumping my chest with his fist for emphasis. "I could never choose which is better, getting fucked or doing the fucking. I love it all with you. And holy shit, I would have never thought of my armpits as being a hot spot. You turn me on in ways, in places, I never could dream about."

I got thoughtful... maybe needlessly so. "That's what's so incredible being with you. It's like... Surround Sound Sex. 3D Sex. I don't know. Like Multi-Dimensional Sex."

Craig chuckled and groaned at the same time. "Aw, man... are you making up words again?" He stretched out his arm to retrieve our drinks, and handed me mine. We both took a hard swallow.

"No!" I responded with mock outrage. "It's just that... sure, there are a bunch of things you can do in bed with a woman. All good, some variety. But they're all just kind of on a narrow band. With you... there are just so many different ways we're able to sex ourselves up. Getting fucked opens up a whole new universe of sex. And you fucking hit all my senses... all of them! But best of all, you... you actually love everything we do. Love doing everything we do. It doesn't take a week of me whining and begging and agreeing to do the dishes for the rest of the week. You're ready to go again the second you shoot!"

"Yes, sir! One horny bastard, at your service!" Craig responded. We laughed, and continued downing our scotch. "And you know what? Having someone who matches my sex drive, matches my excitement? Who doesn't just match me blow for blow, but fucking pushes me to bring me A game? It's fucking rare. It's a fucking gift."

"Having someone push me like that is so freeing," I agreed. "So exciting, but so freeing. I don't have to think, I can just be. And just do."

Craig nodded. We grew quiet, both in our own way reveling in our good fortune. "Andy, I will say again. You are the hottest motherfucker I know." His free hand ran across my chest, idly playing with my chest hair.

"Fuck, man. You're hottest motherfucker in the world. I love everything about you... never change!"

We started kissing, our bodies tangled together. Everything about that moment was locked in my mind, the crackle of the fire, the splatter of the rain against the windows, the heat from Craig's body, the taste of scotch on his lips, the scruff of his hair... the scent of two sexual, and sexually satisfied males. The way his semi-hard cock rolled around next to mine.

I don't know what else was in store for us, but this was shaping up to be the best fucking weekend of my life.

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Next: Chapter 5

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