My New Friend Craig

By moc.loa@yugsitnalta

Published on Apr 22, 2021


Note that the following story is a work of semi-fiction, or maybe "inspired by a true story." Part is 100% true, and part is fantasy, and I leave it to the reader to determine which is which. Certain details have been tweaked to protect the "innocent." By all means, send feedback along to

Gay--Adult Friends

My New Friend Craig, Part 3

Anticipation was killing me... I had been pacing so furiously around the apartment that I had worn a new pattern into the carpet. Craig was finally on his way over again.

It had been over a week since he stopped over "just to talk" about how things lay between us. That encounter ended up blowing our dicks off, and we both knew we needed to get together as quickly as possible. Here it was, several agonizing days later... but we had finally found a mutually agreeable time.

And the waiting sucked! I had never experienced this level of anticipation before, and certainly not with Craig. When we first got together, it was a spur-of the moment thing, made in the heat of the moment. We had decided to experiment "a little," and we ended up in a bout of man sex for the ages. The second time we got together we had both ruthlessly tamped down expectations, promising ourselves and each other that we were meeting simply to talk, and not to fuck like rabid rabbits. Hell, going into that second encounter I wasn't even sure what I was looking for, or what I thought about our rendezvous. But that second encounter cemented things in both our minds... we now knew exactly what we wanted from each other. What we needed from each other.

We needed raw, masculine sex. Period. All hesitancy was gone. It was like we were a pair of divers who locked arms and jumped off a cliff together, plunging into the glorious, churning surf below us.

And the thing was, Craig had opened up a whole new world to me. A world of sexual pleasure--sexual intensity--that I never knew existed. Our encounters had shown us new possibilities, but also whetted our appetites and fueled our imagination. Everything ahead of us was exciting. Raunchy ideas were filling my mind, with each one calling to me like a carnival barker shouting to a kid with allowance money burning a hole in his pocket. I fucking wanted to try stuff, and have him try stuff on me. As a result, I was in a serious hormonal daze that nothing could lift--not my increasingly vigorous bouts sex with my girl, not jerking off, nothing.

Hell, Craig was only minutes away and it was still taking every bit of will power to keep myself from jerking out a load just to take the edge off.

Fortunately he finally arrived. Hearing his steps as he approach my door was all it took for my already-swollen cock to roar to full attention. My hands were jittery as hormones started to boil my blood.

"Hey bud," Craig said as he came in, flashing a crooked smile and a knowing glint in his eye.

"Get in here, stud," I growled back, as I locked the door behind him and nearly body-slammed him into the bedroom.

I had never had so ferocious a kiss before. I had usually thought of kisses as romantic gesture... generally self-contained, although it could certainly lead to more. Not with Craig. "Romanic" is hardly the word I'd use. Our kiss was more all-inclusive, a form of highly focused oral sex. And it was flat-out aggressive. We were sucking, tongue-lashing, almost chewing and swallowing as we ground our mouths together. Holy FUCK it was intense. Our breathing, such as it was, was reduced to gasps and explosive bursts, as if we were wrestling.

Making out with Craig was flat-out foreplay.

And like all good foreplay, it left us needing more. I loved it when someone lavished attention on my ears, and thought it might get a rise out of Craig, too. I slid away from his lips to launch an attack on his neck just below his ear, teasing him with light suction and flicks of my tongue. As he let loose a growl, I gently slid my teeth down his earlobe. He moaned in approval, enjoying my attentions before forcefully going after my own neck. God that tongue! It was strong, determined, and knowing, and his lips were setting my sensitive skin on fire. Even better was his stubble--the pricking as his jaw rubbed against me played with the wetness of tongue, and the combined sensation made me shudder.

God, I needed more. And so did Craig.

Horny as a Grizzly Bear in heat, Craig pulled away from my neck and wrenched my shirt over my head, giving him access to my hairy chest. I may have had goosebumps in anticipation. He savagely ran his mouth side to side across my pecs, again setting my skin afire with the combination of his wet lips and rough stubble. My hairy nipples were all his. God fucking dammit he knew how to play me.

But he was just getting started. He raised up one of my arms and fucking dove into my bushy pit. Scenting himself. Breathing me in. And then unleashing his hungry tongue on me. Fuck, it was so sexy having him feast on me like this. Teasing me. Wet, slobbery sensuality. As the wild sensations ripped through my mind, I threw my head back and moaned "Fuck, Craig, this is so fucking HOT!"

"YOU are fucking hot," he growled into my hairy pit. "You have no idea what you do to me!"

At that, he ratcheted the temperature higher, sliding a free hand down my torso into by sweatpants, sliding down past my rock-hard dick to massage my balls. One finger sliding further back, reaching toward my hole.... GOD the man was driving me out of my mind.

I couldn't take it. I pulled back enough be able to reach his pants, and in a few savage strokes had wrenched them down to free his dick. It was in its glory, standing like the Washington Monument and leaking precum that oozed all along his swollen head. I knealed and got ready to give him the blowjob of a lifetime.

I fucking inhaled his cock as far as I possibly could go. I hit my gag reflex, silently cursing myself, but pulled back and worked him in as far as I could get. God I loved his dick. It was so strong, so powerful. A fucking slab of granite. I pulled back and worked the head, just as I knew he liked it. Circling, teasing the rim, seeking out every sensitive point with my tongue. From below, I latched onto the underside with my mouth sucking hard, twisting up and down. His undulating groans picked up in volume and intensity, until he final broke out "I fucking LOVE when you do that!"

Apparently I was getting too much of a rise out of him, and gurgled out "Slow down... slow down a bit bud, I'm too close and I want to last." I was happy to oblige... my god of a man had many other parts that were screaming for attention.

I made a slow, forceful glide down his shaft, reaching his balls, and buried my face in his bush. Craig had shown me the light--I loved breathing in his manly musk. Fuck, I loved being with a man... a real man. Goddamn, how could women not get into this? This was the raw scent of sex, a man's body advertising to the world that it was fucking ready for action. How could it not make a woman's pussy wet, when it made me all sweaty with anticipation?

While there, I gave his balls the attention they needed, their masculine taste making me even harder, if possible. Craig loved me ticking his balls with his tongue, but I knew how much better he liked it when I took them in my mouth, playing a game of suction and tonguing while he rumbled his approval.

Finally, he had had enough. He pulled me up and landed an explosive kiss dead on my lips. He stepped back, whipped off his shirt so we were both naked. With a firm, one-handed push, he sent me flopping down onto the bed, got up next to me with his knees at my hips, and fucking went down on me. The speed and aggression of the action caught me off-guard, and gasped out a thundering "Oh GOD!!"

And in truth, I don't think God himself could have given me better head. Craig was fucking into it. Man, Craig was like a man utterly possessed. His mouth was everywhere, suckling my cockhead, driving down my shaft, his tongue everywhere I least expected it. Faster, and faster, urgently and insistently. All the while he was giving this very satisfied growl, creating vibrations that were searing my mind. His hands were roving all over me, teasing my chest hair, or tweaking my nipples for emphasis.

I loved what he was doing, but needed to feed off his own masculinity myself--Goddammit, we were going to pleasure each other at the same time. I grabbed his torso, and managed to hoist him into a position where he was kneeling on top of me with his knees flanking my rib-cage. With his knees apart, his hairy ass opened up inches in front of my face, with his pucker winking at me. FUCK. I knew what I needed.

Without hesitation, I drove my head forward, burying my nose in the hair surrounding his hole. FUCK he smelled good. It was that earthy, slightly sour funk I loved so much, the smell of pure, natural man in all his glory. The smell of sex. Instinctively I ran my face through his hairy crack, wanting to scent myself, wanting to breath his ass scent for the rest of the night. I could feel the drag of my stubble against his skin, and his growls became more and more intense. If my cock hadn't been completely down his throat, I think his cries would have rattled my windows.

But I needed more. My nose satisfied, I unleashed my tongue, eating his ass with a raw violence that set both our hearts pounding. I wasn't just simply licking him... no, the power of my oral attack got me sweating, as I sucked his pucker hard, then swept up and down his crack. I shook my head wildly, and then moved to fucking his ass with my tongue. Craig was with me every part of the way, grinding his hairy ass back against me as hard as he could. God, I had no idea how fucking sexy the male butt could be. It wasn't just some hole you could plug, it was... the embodiment of masculine sex.

I needed that fucking hole. Now.

With no fanfare, I wrenched myself out from under Craig, putting a hand on his ass as I did so. "Don't move," I said as I gave his hairy cheek a squeeze. I rolled over to my night stand; now that I knew what to expect from one of Craig's visits, I had picked up some good quality lube. I splattered some on my hand, smearing it on my dick. FUUUUUUCK that felt nice... frictionless friction, if you can imagine what I mean. I drizzled some into Craig's ass crack... the cool liquid caused him to hiss, which for all the world sounded like hot oil sizzling in a pan.

Given I'd only fucked him once, he was pretty tight. In retrospect I should have gone slow, but we were both too amped for that. Plus, the lube was slicker than I thought... and in one thrust I essentially speared him all the way to my hairy balls. It was the most glorious 1/10th of a second I ever experienced.

"Jesus CHRIST, man!" Craig yelled

Abashed, I asked him, "Sorry man, are you ok?"

"It's... fine. Just give me a second. Just remember, you have a fucking HUGE dick." After a minute, he continued, "That lube is... slick. You just... surprised me. Give me a second."

The thing is, I fucking had to stop, or at least slow down... the feeling of sliding into him got me dangerously close to shooting right there and then. It was... unbelievable. The pressure, the heat, the satiny smoothness of his chute... it was like nothing my dick had experienced. It was like my dick was singing "THIS! IS! SEX!" And as Craig adjusted, it just got better. His ass muscles bore down on me, tightening their hold on my cock. Massaging me in a way that was making my heart race. I tried to give him as much time to adjust as I could, but finally I started thrusting... deep slow convulsions as I grabbed his hips for support.

"Oh GOD you're so fucking BIG!" Craig cried out, but this time without a hint of pain... just wonder and sexual elation. He started rocking his head from side to side and shouted "FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!"

Hunger had exploded into near-insanity for me. Craig was setting of explosions in my mind, and my body responded in kind. I started slamming into him, rapid fire pile-drives, 10 at a time. I held on a second to catch my breath and feel the sensations wash over me, before starting another wave of pounding. Pausing, and then another wave. Somewhere I heard a deep guttural sound, and realized Craig and I were both howling like fucking wolves. It was like his ass was suctioning me in, holding me, squeezing me... needing me. I had always prided myself on my stamina, but there was no way I could hold on long. There was only need. My whole being was being driven by my furious dick.

Too soon, too soon, I hit that point of no return. I couldn't hold back, and just started pounding his ass for all I was worth. Relentless. Furious. I could feel my load building in my balls screaming for release. Suddenly, Craig started deep-body shudders and his ass squeezed my dick hard enough to grind coal into diamonds. With a below he shot white-hot cum everywhere. His screaming cumfest set me off too, and I shot so hard inside him that I swear my dick experienced recoil. My thrusts turned ragged as I flooded his guts with my spunk, until fatigue started setting in. I was dizzy, sweating balls, and finally collapsed onto my side.

Craig followed suit, rolling onto his side so we were facing each other. And we kissed. It was a kiss of deep satisfaction, but residual hunger. We were both still hard, still feeling the intensity, but our kiss was sweetened with much mutual gratitude. His hand came up and massaged my stubbled jaw with his fingertips. It was the one of the most erotic make out sessions I'd ever had, as we explored each other's bodies. After a time our lips drifted apart, and we quietly laid there, eyes locked. The smoldering need had died down, but was still very much connecting us. We both lazily ran our hands over the other.

"You, my friend, just rocked my world," Craig said plainly.

"You, my friend, inspired me," I responded. We laughed.

"It goes both ways," he stated. "You have no idea what you do to me. I mean, I thought about sex with you... pretty much thought of nothing else for the last few days. But when we get together, you just trigger something in me. Your eyes, your body, your taste... even your smell, you nasty pig!"

I chuckled. The scent of ass, balls, spit, sweat and cum had indeed come together to create the heady, unmistakable scent of man sex.

"I know what you mean. 'Trigger' is right. And it just keeps going. Holding you like this, feeling you, everything is so damn sexy. I mean, we just finished rolling in the hay and I'm ready to go again. For the life of me all I can think of is a Shakespeare quote from sophomore lit. Change the gender, and you have: 'Other guys cloy the appetites they feed, but he makes hungry where most he satisfies.'"

Craig just looked at me, mouth agape. "Did you... did you just quote Shakespeare to me? To a guy in your bed?! Who you just fucked the shit out of? What kind of over-educated...."

I cut him off with a deep, deep kiss that took his breath away. My tongue met his, stoking the fires of our still-burning passion. I pulled away slightly, and whispered, "Look, if I have to prove my masculinity to you..." Our lips met again, passionately.

Truth is, neither of us needed to prove our manhood to the other. We still hadn't gone soft, but as our passion intensified, our rapidly-stiffening cocks began dueling against each other in earnest.

What struck me about this was how sensual it was, still deeply masculine even though our previous aggression had died down. Now, the masculinity was in how we shared our bodies... how we experienced our bodies together. As we slowly started grinding together, I was... set on fire by the feeling of his crotch and chest hair, and how it felt intertwining with mine. By the feeling of his muscles, so much heartier than being with a woman. And we had both been sweating like whores in church, giving our skin a slight sheen and a slickness that played well against the roughness of our hair. The friction/anti-friction was waking up my skin. Also, as we made out, I could feel the splatterings of cum against my skin, adding to our shared sense of touch.

The closeness, the feel of each other, the all-too-obvious excitement we were feeling was starting up a slow boil inside me. We were both rock hard again... my cock was starting to throb and ache, needing release.

Craig must have felt the need, too. I was surprised that he broke our kiss, rolled over to his other side, and slid my raging dick up and down his ass crack.

Holy fuck.

This wasn't just hot as fucking hell, it was a huge boost to my ego... this fucking god, the sexiest man I knew, needed me to fuck him again. Needed. Even with a gallon of my freshly squeezed cum still sloshing around inside him, he needed my dick. Badly. He cantilevered one leg up, giving better access, and centered my dickhead at his hole. The cum, the residual lube and the sweat of our encounter made it easy to slip inside him again, and with the easiest of thrusts I slid in. My hairy bush ticking his well-stretched hole. I swirled my hips in deep circles, swirling the cum up inside him.

And we fucked.

I was completely overwhelmed by the sensations, but also taken aback. I had no idea how different this would be. Our first bout was hammer strokes, volcanoes, violence, explosions. Masculine in the purest sense. This was... God, I don't know how to say it, but it was luxurious. Maybe our high-driving rutting had burned away some of our shared aggression. Maybe it was that our position didn't lend itself to butt-pounding in the same way. This was deeply sensual, and far more intimate, but still entirely masculine.

As I thrust into him, I could really feel him. The velvety smoothness of his chute, but his whole body. My hands were free to roam across him, feeling the twitching of his muscles as I hit some deep-seated pleasure point inside him. The roughness of his chest hair as I held him. The rise and fall of his chest as his breaths gave way to panting. The way that spooning his bare ass fit right into the curve of my lap, as if we were two pieces of a puzzle meant to fit together. How if I nestled my head against his neck, I could feel the rumblings as he groaned in pleasure. I felt...all of him. In so many unexpected ways. Connected to--of all things--another man. In a way I had never thought about before. This was the rarest gift a man could give another... a pure, intimate connection.

And as that feeling of connection swept over me, a parallel feeling did too. Another side of masculinity. I felt... protective. That Craig had completely given himself over to me. Put himself in my hands. A trust beyond words.

We were going to enjoy this. Together.

I have no idea how long we bucked and slid together. It was all masculine rawness, washed over in masculine sensuality. Our touch was white hot, super-charged, sexual as fuck. I reached down and jacked him, running my hand his steel girder of a shaft, then down to his hairy balls, all the while massaging his innards with my cock. It was pure joy.

Finally, the feelings overtook Craig, and I could feel in his motion that he was going to shoot. I furiously jerked him while making out with this neck. He howled in pleasure, a deep throaty cry as masculine as he was. As he shot a massive load all over my sheets, I picked up the pace until I joined him in release, unloading deep inside him. Howling myself hoarse, and holding onto him for dear life. My body convulsed, as every nerve ending fired at once. When I was finally spent, I think I drifted off for a bit. I was still clutching Craig tightly, not wanting to lose our connection.

Sometime later, I roused myself, looking around to get my bearings. Craig in all his magnificent nakedness had propped himself up on an elbow, and was looking at me.

"Hey man," he murmured. "There's no way I can quote Shakespeare at you, but fucking goddammit that was the best fucking sex of my entire fucking life."

I snorted. "Yeah, that's not quite Shakespeare. But close!" We laughed. Rich, golden laughter that gently subsided into golden silence. After a few minutes, I grew more serious and said "I am the luckiest guy in the world."

"What?" Craig jerked up. "No dude. What you did for me, it was like... a full-body massage, eating a steak dinner, getting shit-faced drunk, riding a roller-coaster, and having the biggest orgasm in the history of the world. You're a fucking sex god! That dick of yours is a national treasure!"

"I'M a sex god? Fucking-A, man! What about you? You brought out a side of me I never dreamed I had. That was so raw, so intense... fucking epic sex! And... well, I don't want to get weird or anything, but that was the most intimate experience I've had in my life. I can't believe how lucky I am. How honored I am that the sexiest guy on the planet shared that with me!"

Craig chuckled. "Listen to us. We're starting to sound like a couple of girls from a chick-flick!"

I laughed. "Not quite, but I'll quit yapping. The thing is, that was the most masculine experience of my life."

"I know what you mean. It's funny... we started out looking for some male-bonding release, a couple of buddies helping each other out. But this is way, way beyond anything I could have dreamed about. This isn't just tiding us over... this shit is real."

I grinned broadly. "Well, then let's just say we're equally lucky... and count our blessings."

"Amen, brother."

"So... when are you free again?"

The funny thing is that the next time we were free to see each other wasn't for sex, but was the next of his regularly-scheduled poker nights. Trust me, I would have rather had another bout of Bedroom Olympics with him, but at the same time I actually really liked Craig's company, and was happy to spend time kicking back with him.

Once all the guys assembled, we were off and running--drinking a bit too much, talking a bit too loud, and using language that ensured Craig's girls were safely out of earshot. In fact, I think his wife had run off with them to her mom's, which was probably for the best.

The dynamics were... fascinating. Especially since I was still a bit of an outsider. The bravado was thick enough to cut it with a knife (or given the room's bluster, "hacked with a machete"), particularly from a guy named Mark who was the cockiest sonofabitch I ever met. Naturally, we all loved him. Mercifully we were all at about the same skill level, evened out further by some booze, and so by and large we were on a pretty even keel.

As the night progressed, thinks quieted somewhat. Conversation turned to less flashy topics, and slowly died away to longer bouts of companionable silence. I was particularly interested that Mark seemed to grow quieter, and more... well, for lack of a better phrase, more overtly nonchalant. Most of the guys were intent on the game and not really paying attention, but I kept an eye on Mark.

Sure enough, after a pause, Mark very subtly tested the water with a new conversation topic. A topic that seemed to be weighing him down heavily. "So... a couple of days ago, I had a big talk with Jenny."

A couple guys moved their chips around. One guy casually flipped his bet into the pot, while asking "It go well?"

Mark shrugged, and after a second, went on. "Not sure. She wants to get serious. You know... serious."

"That's great, man," one guy chimed in, with... conversational excitement. "You've been together, what... five years? She's a great girl."

"Yeah. Yeah she is." Mark raised a short stack of chips and let the stack fall back to the table, with a rhythmic clack-clack-clack-clack-clack. No one said anything else to him, refusing to pressure him. There were no sounds except for the normal run of the hand: clinks of beer bottles, the interplay of chips, the rustle of repositioned cards.

"I just.... It's hard, you know? I love her, but I just keep thinking, you know? Is this it? Is this the last woman I'm going to be with? Am I going to be tied down, like forever? I just keep thinking of all the chances I'll miss. And I mean... shit, is she thinking kids? What about our freedom? I... don't know."

"A settled man is a terrible thing, that's for sure," another guy nodded noncommittally.

It was curious. The hand continued, with the guys dropping their voices to respectful murmurs as they set up the big and small blinds. All were studiously looking at their cards, drinks... anywhere but at Mark. And yet there was a roaring sea swell of non-verbal communication going on. In their own male way, they were helping him work through to a decision. It felt the manliest of man conversations--a conversation conducted entirely in silence while studiously doing something else.

After a few minutes, Craig gently slid into the conversation. "Dude, it's your life, for sure. And every guy has the panic attack about settling down. I'll tell you this, though...your eyes light up every time you talk about her."

Mark gave a half-smile, then looked his cards over and folded. His eyes focused on the pot at the center of the table, without really seeing it. "You love her? I mean, really love her?" Craig asked lightly, as he reached for the chips.

There was a pause. "Yeah. You know... I do."

I had enormous sympathy for the guy, and I think I knew exactly what he was wrestling with. Sure, I've only hung out with Mark and the gang for the briefest of times, and only as a fellow poker player at Craig's table. But I felt like I fully got what he was wrestling with. I'd been there myself.

"I'd hate to see you suffer, bud," Craig continued. "Would staying free mean letting her go for good? People you really connect with are rare. That's for sure. They're important. I'd hate to see you run away something, just for the sake of running."

Another long pause. Mark sighed, and signaled to be dealt in. "Feels wrong to lock down the rest of your life."

Craig responded, as if he was musing aloud and not talking to anyone in particular. "It's funny, life. You think you've made all the plans, made all the decisions... but you're never done. Even after a big decision, there's more to be made. More choices. You still have a big wide world ahead of you, and all kinds of new directions. And life constantly throws you curve balls. Some bad, some good. Some very good." I caught myself starting to smile and looked down. "A man isn't less of a man for 'settling.' I think a man is less of a man if he doesn't grab life by the horns and take advantage of things when they come his way."

Craig drained the last of his beer and continued. "And it's always better to have a partner in crime."

Mark smiled, just a bit. A smile that this time reached his eyes.

I folded my hand theatrically, then put my hands behind my head with the elbows out, and leaned back. "No one here really knows me from Adam. Or has any reason to listen to anything I say. But I can back Craig up. A few years back I was spinning my wheels, afraid to 'settle' myself. What brought me back is I realized I didn't have any good reason for constantly running away from things... it wasn't like I had some bigger plans or some grand strategy. I had just decided that I was the 'won't settle down guy.' I was doing it because I had set myself up in my mind as a guy that didn't settle. Not for a job. Not for a girl. Nothing. Stubborn. But after I realized I was running away from things just on principle... well, it was easy to knock some sense into my thick skull. To take stock of what I had, and get on with my life. Now, don't get me wrong... I still look at the horizon. But If I have something good in my life, I hold on tight and don't let it go." Craig imperceptivity shifted in his chair. "I'm happier now, happy with what I have."

Craig jumped in. "And hey, if you're going to be stuck settled at home, at least Jenny has a great ass."

Mark laughed. "Stand down. Jenny's taken. You do not want me to kick your ass!"

"With those girly arms? Hell your sister throws a better punch!" The conversation laughingly devolved into a series of taunts, jibes and threats as everyone piled on for some serious ball-busting of Mark, Craig, and everyone else.

I chuckled... and people say guys can't ever talk about their feelings. They do, just in their own way.

With the equilibrium of the room restored, I wandered upstairs to raid the fridge for another beer. Craig came up behind me and pinched my ass as I was digging around. I jerked upright and furiously looked around to see if anyone could see us, but we were alone. He casually reached around me to grab a cold one himself, and we both took a swig. I looked at him appraisingly, and said, "You're a good man. And a good friend."

"You're not so bad yourself. Here's to grabbing good things when they come your way."

"And... knowing when you have a good thing going. Cheers."


After poker night, I knew Craig would have a hard time getting away for a while. As a result, I was stuck with a sense of anticipation again. Oh, I had my girl to take the edge off my sexual frustration--and boy howdy did I take advantage of that--but I still missed Craig's and my particular kind of connection, and the raw masculinity of our fun.

To burn off some energy, the following Saturday I decided to grab my bike and hit the trails. It was fun getting out, fun busting my body, and I was in a far better mood when I got home.

Just as I got back to my apartment, I got an unexpected call from Craig. "Hey Andy," he chirped. "Glad I caught you! I was out this morning and am not too far away from you. I'm supposed to be heading home, but any chance you're free at all?"

"Seriously man?" I enthused. "That would be fucking awesome! Great timing, I just got back from a ride and was literally going to hit the shower. Another minute and I wouldn't have heard you. This is fantastic, I'll jump into the shower now and be ready for you."

"Hell, no!" Craig responded. "Stay as you are, I have a plan!"

"Seriously? I mean, I literally just got back from a ride and I...."

"Quit teasing me man, I'm already going as fast as I can. See you soon!"

All I could do was laugh. My Craig was a weird one. Well, I figured there was no sense standing around in my gear, so I stripped down bare. I'm sure Craig wouldn't mind if I answered the door naked.

Not surprisingly, he didn't mind at all.

I could hear his steps as he approached my door, and knew he was as horny as I was--I think the guy was flat-out running.

I opened the door and his eye about bulged out of his head. Just thinking about him had my dick standing at red alert, and throbbing with anticipation. Craig gathered me up in both arms, and landed a wet, slobbery kiss on my mouth. God, I loved this. No one kissed like Craig. There was power there, power that forced me to respond in kind to keep up... and literally, to keep standing. We were fucking grinding against each other, like two continents colliding.

But after a few moments, it was clear what had gotten Craig so fired up. He slid his lips away from mine, and began muzzling my sweaty body, sniffing and licking me in the most sexually aggressive way. His mouth roamed everywhere, my ears, my temples, back down to my neck... and then my hairy pecs. Tasting me. Smelling me. Fuck... he was giving me the mother of all tongue baths.

By his low-rumbling groans, I knew Craig was in heaven, but I swear the sexual energy I was feeling was on a whole different level. His wet, nimble tongue was making my skin sparkle, for lack of a better term. It was so sensual, so unlike anything I had ever experienced. And he was everywhere. He fucking worshiped my hairy pit, making me whimper. His hands gripped me firmly, which is probably the only reason I was still standing, and kneaded my muscles. The feel of those hands was so completely unlike any woman I had known. Strong in the fingers, rough in texture. Brushed with hair. With my free hand I grabbed one of them, clutching it... giving myself over to the feeling of his probing hands.

In in fact, I had pretty much completely given myself over to him. It was so strange. I was surrendering to him... to his hands, to his tongue, to... him. But it wasn't some sort of dominance contest, I was simply giving myself to him and going on a wild ride to wherever he was taking me.

Where Craig took me was straight into the bed room. He laid me down, and stripped off his clothes before returning to the work at hand. I don't know that he missed a spot anywhere on my body, reveling in the feel of me, the taste of me. He gave my balls a teasing lick, before running down my legs, tracing my muscles with his tongue. He flexed my right leg at the knees, bringing my foot to his mouth. I can't even describe the animal sound I made as rubbed my toes around his face, and started suckling my toes.

Fuck my cock was throbbing.

He switched to my other foot and repeated, before moving back up my leg to where my dick was screaming for attention. Finally, he gave my cock what it needed, taking me in... but not as a hard-driving blowjob. He continued his expert tongue work while I moaned in pleasure. Taking in my balls. Going back to my cock. Down to my balls again. He had driven me absolutely crazy so far, driving my hormonal levels through the roof, but all within a strictly-controlled boil. Goddammit I wanted more. I wanted to let loose. I wanted the Clash of the Titans.

And yet he teased me.

Finally, he reached what seemed to be the grand finally. While I moaned out encouragement, Craig hoisted me up and drove face first into my ass. Fucking God DAMN it he was GOOD. My skin was vibrating with sexual excitement. My head rolled violently, and the rest of my body bucked and thrashed against him as he ate me out. His tongue was everywhere. His tongue was inside me. His tongue set my hairy trench ablaze. My ass was on roaring with raw need. All I wanted was more. The foreplay was so fucking good but I hit my breaking point. "FUCK ME! FUCK ME FUCKMEYOUFUCKER!"

Craig pulled back and crawled forward so his face was hovering over mine. He smelled like... me. My scent all over him. His eyes blazed fire. He voice was a ferocious whisper: "I'm gonna fuck you so hard you'll be shitting out my cum for the next week."


Lubed up and ready, he positioned himself between my legs and found my hole with his dickhead. He pushed. And fireworks went off in my head.

I pushed through the pain and gloried in the fucking feel of his dick as it slid inside me. I swear I could feel every part of his flared head as it drove ever-deeper inside me. He hit my magic spot, and it felt like waves of electricity were arcing across me. Blowing away thought. Blowing away everything but The Fuck. And it kept going. The prolonged foreplay had affected him, too--he fucking unleashed on my ass. All I could do was arch my back and howl as he drove into me again and again, each thrust sparking more thunderbolts in my mind. My body swept up and exploded with excitement. Rearing up to meet him. Bucking against him. Clenching down on his dick as it slid inside me. It surprised me to realize I was fucking him just as violently as he was fucking me. Why the hell did people associate getting fucked with being passive?

After a few minutes, Craig leaned forward, catching me off guard. He wrapped one arm behind me, cradling my neck and shoulders, and unleashed a kiss that hit me like an avalanche while he kept pounding my hungry ass. God I was on fire. I can't even explain the physical sensations, but there were also emotional sensations. I was feeling this unending sense of euphoria, a connection to Craig beyond any human description. My arms wrapped around him, desperately feeling him, sliding across the sweat of his back. With his free hand Craig reached for my face, his fingers gently resting behind my ear.

And we fucked. And fucked.

God, the... experience. The feel of him, both inside me and pressed against me. His eyes as we slammed into each other. The friction of his hairy chest as we collided. The way that our fucking called to each other, ordering each other to bring it on, to not hold back. To seize that moment and fucking feel it.

The roaring thunderstorm in my mind was calling out for release, but Craig was determined to stretch things out. The fucker somehow paced himself so that when either of us got close, he slowed things down back to sensual grinding and sliding. Part of me was furious for having, at this moment, an attentive sex partner who knew how to read my signals, when all I wanted was for him to pick up the pace so we could both release.

At one point Craig pulled out, and roughly rolled me onto my belly. He then hoisted up my hips and dove into me again. Far, Far deeper than before. God, it was like I felt his dick the length of my body. And he let loose. I couldn't think straight. The power drives as he drove inside me again and again and againagainagainagainagin... I could only brace myself as best I could. I could feel that raging thunderstorm build inside me, becoming a fucking hurricane sweeping over everything. Somewhere below I could feel the release building, roaring out of my balls... and with a superhuman cry I blasted out cum like I was firing a water cannon. I saw stars as wave after wave shot out my dick, flooding my sheets.

Craig unleashed at the same time. His disciplined thrusts became wild, and with a roar he flooded my innards with his seed. God, he was right... there was so much cum inside me I'd be shitting it for at least a week.

We lay together, still entwined with each other. As exhausted and spent as I was, I felt fucking alive. Each bout with Craig was better than the last, and this one won the jackpot. It was so bizarre... again, my whole life I had thought getting fucked was the worst thing that could happen to you. A sign of weakness. But with someone like Craig, it wasn't failure but strength. The height of male bonding. We pushed each other in the way only guys do. We challenged each other, and celebrated our shared masculinity.

And I reflected on our earlier conversation. I very much knew a good thing when I had it. And I was not going to let it go.

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Next: Chapter 4

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