My New Friend Craig

By moc.loa@yugsitnalta

Published on Apr 11, 2021


Note that the following story is a work of semi-fiction, or maybe "inspired by a true story." Part is 100% true, and part is fantasy, and I leave it to the reader to determine which is which. Certain details have been tweaked to protect the "innocent." By all means, send feedback along to


My New Friend Craig, Part 2

It wasn't full-blown awkward between Craig and I after our get-together, but there was at least a degree of awkwardness.

We had been in regular communication since we met at my friend's party, and his messages were always... playful, exuberant, expansive. Like him. After our mind-blowing sexual encounter, I didn't hear from him for a couple of days, and when I did the messages were... formal. Even polite. He didn't give any indication that he was upset; on the contrary, he thanked me for a great time, but the vibe seemed a bit... off.

Or maybe that was just me. I mean, I wasn't entirely sure what I thought about what we'd done, and my own thoughts were scattered. I mean, I'd always just assumed--based on much evidence, often replicated--that I was a standard-issue straight guy who loved banging women. I freely admit that I found Craig interesting in ways I didn't expect... but I still can't believe how eagerly, how decisively I jumped into bed with him. The first moment it came up. And it wasn't a fluke; even the most casual thought about what we did got me harder than a rock. And thinking about that guy's incredible ass... I mean, I could not get that image of his incredible ass out of my mind.

But what the hell was I thinking? I mean this was crazy! I had a girl. He had a fucking wife. With kids! No wonder he was skittish.

But on top of everything, I missed him. I missed the way that silver-tongued, boisterous guy had come booming into my life and become a real friend.

Ok, forget all this worrying and uncertainly... we were going to sit down and clear the air. And I hoped that whatever else we could resume our friendship. I mustered up my courage, and asked to meet face to face. I promised it wasn't for sex, but just to talk. He agreed.

Of course, scheduling something just the two of us was easier said than done. Mercifully I lived still alone, but I still had my girlfriend to work around, and he had his own family obligations to contend with. Things were not falling into place, until a couple of weeks later when business brought him over to my side of town again. He had a critical meeting, but promised to stop by as soon as it was done. I told my girl I had a big project to ensure she'd leave me alone for the evening. Finally, the day arrived and I nervously paced my apartment waiting for him to show up.

I had thought through a hundred ways to greet him and break the ice... but all my plans went out the window. Holy hell was he in a state when he arrived. I had no idea what was up, but he stormed through my door, seething.

"Hey Andy. Do you know what that sonofabitch Mike did?" I stared at Craig in slack-jawed silence, with no idea who this "Mike" was or what he might have done. Craig barreled on: "I'll fucking tell you what Mike did! He decided to fucking play a game of `Let's fuck over Craig,' is what he did. I've been fucking working on that goddamn offer for months! What the fuck was he thinking?"

He launched into a seething tirade about some sort of offer, whose main points I could barely understand, involving people I had never heard of. Gesturing wildly, and jabbing a finger in the air or towards me to make his points. And his language was spectacularly colorful... part of me wanted to grab a pen and take notes for the next time I needed a really epic insult. I had never seen him like this, and I had seen his best buddies wipe the floor with him at the poker table. And all of this was going on just in the entry of my apartment. Finally, the story came to a truck crash of an ending, with me fully expecting him to swear a blood oath of vengeance against this guy Mike who seemed to be the cause of everything.

There was a moment of silence as he stood there, like the God of Wrath, with his hands on his hips, trying to get his breath back to normal. I had been strangling myself not to burst out laughing, and finally gave up the attempt. What started as a snicker finally burst into a guffaw as I clasped his shoulders and blurted out, "Good to see you too, bud!"

He glared at me, but finally burst out laughing himself, and knocked my hands away playfully. "Laugh it up! You're going on my shit list, too, asshole!"

Well, so much for needing to break the ice.

"Peace, man. It is good to see you. Say, it sounds like you're going to need a drink. A good drink. You in the mood for scotch?"

Craig immediately brightened. "I accept any and all attempts to get back on my good side. Scotch is perfect!"

I turned to get my bottle, shouting over my shoulder, "The glasses are in the cupboard over the sink. Pull a couple down while I get the bottle. Given your day, I'm thinking we're drinking it neat."

It took me a couple of minutes to fish out the special bottle I was looking for from a stash I had hidden in a closet. When I walked back into the room... well, Craig stopped me in my tracks.

The thing was, he wasn't even doing anything. This side of the kitchen there was a counter that served as a bar, with a couple of bar stools. Craig was just there, leaning against it. He wasn't being suggestive, not provocative in his stance, but was simply standing there with his weight on one leg, his other slightly bent. The stance was something like Michelangelo's David. But mirroring the famous sculpture, Craig was the absolute embodiment of masculinity. His frame radiated strength--a casual strength ready to be unleashed. But what stopped my heart, and my breath, was his ass. That magnificent ass I had been fantasizing about since he was last here. It filled his work pants flawlessly... round, full, muscular. Even though Craig was fully dressed, that ass was obscene.

I promised no sex. I had no design on sex. We were only going to talk.

Fuck that.

I walked behind him, placed the bottle on the bar, and then grabbed his ass with raw desire. I rubbed it hard, but sensually. How could a guy have an ass that amazing? It was powerfully muscular, yet yielding to my probing fingers. Craig took in a sharp intake of breath, but in a second his head rolled back and he let out his breath in a very satisfied growl. I kept going. I dug my fingers into his muscles, as if I was giving him a neck rub. Probing. Stimulating. Awakening. I dragged a finger up and down his fabric-bound crack... playing. Suggesting. He continued a low groan, and leaned back into me, wanting my touch.

As I teased his crack with my right hand, I moved my left around him, and began rubbing his chest, expanding my points of contact. He reached over and put his hand on top of mine, and our hands continued to pleasure his chest.

I wanted more. I thought too long, and too hard about that ass... this was no time for mere stimulation.

Somewhat to my surprise, and perhaps to his, I realized both my hands had circled around him, and had made a beeline for his belt. I swear, this was all instinct, without a conscious thought. It didn't matter; in a few seconds I had released the buckle and unzipped his fly. The light-fabric pants fell around his ankles and I wrenched down his underwear, more aggressively than I had intended. But hunger had overwhelmed me. God Damn I Needed This.

I knelt behind him, with his supercharged panting urging me on. I pulled up his shirt tails, letting me see that fucking amazing ass I had so desperately wanted, finally seeing up close and personal what I dreamed about. Up close and in the light, it was even better than I remembered. It wasn't smooth, but covered in a spray of fine hair that grew denser and thicker nearer his hole. I kneaded his asscheeks in slow circles, which pulled them apart and revealed his hairy trench, leading down to an gorgeous rosebud of a hole that was winking at me with desire. Fuck. How had I never realized how fucking sexy a man's hot hole was? I needed it. Fucking NEEDED it. Somewhere above me, my god of a man actually whimpered in anticipation.

Pulling his cheeks apart, I leaned in and brought my face to his hole. His scent filled my nose, triggering a cascade of testosterone. It was so fucking... hot. It was a deep earthy musk, powerful as Craig was. Slightly sour. Raw man. Unending maleness. The fucking smell of man sex. "FUUUUUUUUCKK," I hissed.

In sexual overdrive, I rammed my face against his hole and fucking ate his ass like it was my last fucking meal. Craig barely hung on. The violence of my rimming drove him forward, and he had to brace himself. He started bucking, grinding his hole to take in every part of my hungry mouth. I sucked on that rosebud pucker like I was French kissing the love of my life, driving my tongue in as far as I could go. I wildly shook my head from side to side, and then drew long slashing laps the length of his asscrack before diving in to make out with his hole again. I sucked as much in, sucking hard, sucking deep... and went back to teasing him with my tongue.

Based on the shouted string of vulgarities, I knew Craig was in The Zone... very much right there with me. As much as he could, he drove his hungry ass against my mouth, unwilling to miss a single sensation. His thrusts we hard enough that he was nearly knocking me over.

Fuck, this was the most intense, masculine oral play I had ever done, driving me even crazier than I was driving Craig. And I couldn't stop. I kept driving my mouth into his ass again and again, until my jaw ached, my kneeling legs screamed out, and my dick felt ready to explode.

I stood up, shaking life back into my legs. In deft movements I dropped my own pants, and leaned in to slide my rock hard cock into his spit-slick crack, giving him the first taste of my cock. My arms wrapped around his torso, reached in under his shirt and began rubbing his hairy pecs hard. At this Craig wrenched off his work shirt, and braced himself with his hands against the bar. "Do it, Andy! Do it! I want to feel you! I want you!"

I followed his cue from our last encounter, spat into my hand and wrapped it around my cock, hopefully giving me the lube I needed to make his virgin hole mine. My dick was so hard it was painful. I lined myself up, and started grinding my dick against his hole in slow circles... slow circles... slow circles... and then pushed. And pushed hard. And pushed hard again. Finally, his ring of fire gave way, and my cockhead was in.

"SHIT!" Craig bellowed. I knew enough to hold still.

"Relax... relax. Breathe. It gets better."

"It mostly surprised me. Just... give me a minute."

God... that minute was sooo fucking delicious. Craig's ass was So. Fucking. Tight. It was unlike anything I had experienced. No pussy could ever compete with that.

But it just kept getting better. Better than any sex I'd had. Once Craig relaxed, I began the process of driving into him, and pulling back a bit, and it was so fucking tight. And he clamped down and pushed out as I moved inside him, making his chute feel more fucking alive than any pussy I had fucked. It was multiple waves of stimulation, all new. Fuck! And when I finally got all in, bottomed out in his ass it was like something out of dream. It was so fucking masculine, all muscles and aggression and primal sensations. Craig wanted it as much as I, and our bodies fell into a mutual, sinuous rhythm as we collided again and again. I was grabbing his hips and chest hard enough to leave marks, and he was gripping the countertop hard enough to rip it off. And we were both loud as hell, swearing oaths, howling like wolves, cursing like sailors.

It was all completely overwhelming, and I know for all the energy we were releasing we could only last a few minutes. I hit the point of no return first, with my thrusts growing wilder and wilder as I lost control. I felt the familiar boil from my balls... boiling up like they never had before. I shouted out a warning, and with one last thrust as deep as I could go, I erupted what must have been a gallon of cum into my buddy's ass. The sound of me letting lose triggered Craig, who shot off his own screaming volley of cum. Fuck it was hot. Better still, his ass clamped hard on my cock as he did so, shooting off a whole new sensation that about fried all my neurons. I swear I saw stars.

It was several minutes before the world came back into focus, and we were both wobbly-legged enough that we more or less collapsed into a pile of clothes and naked limbs on my carpeted floor. After a few minutes, Craig mock-whined, "I thought you said no sex--we were just going to talk!" We both laughed at that.

"We did talk. You made several religious statements, and taught me several vivid expressions. I learned a lot."

"Always the college boy!" he ribbed me.

"But we worked up an honest sweat, too... does that count as a good day's work in your book?"

"Oh it was good. It was very good," Craig responded.

I got up, stepping out of my pants, which were still wrapped up around my ankles. I rustled through the closet to find towels to wipe ourselves off, and while Craig cleaned up, I poured our drinks. We threw them back fast through gritted teeth and self-satisfied smiles, and I filled them up again. Satiated for the moment, we moved over to my couch and dropped ourselves down.

"Well," I ventured, "with that out of the way, it feels like we should get down to business."

"Now we're getting down to business?" Craig asked with a dramatically raised eyebrow.

I smirked. "Well, seriously... it wasn't my intent to ravage you. I mean, I really just thought we should talk about what happened last time."

"You should really buy a guy dinner before ravaging him," Craig admonished.

"Seriously, and all kidding aside... I mean, are we ok? When we were talking after our last go-around, I thought it felt... weird. And... well, I mean, what are we doing? What the hell are we doing? I have a girlfriend. You have a wife and kids for God's sake. Are we... gay?"

Craig's demeanor became more thoughtful. "Yeah, sorry to keep making light. I think it's a defensive mechanism. I'm... first, I'm sorry if things felt weird. Like you said, I wasn't sure what was going on. I mean, I never ever considered myself gay. Hell, if you grew up like I did, no one was gay. And if you suspected a guy was gay, you had to shit all over him so no one thought you were gay. Homophobia was stronger than the force of gravity. And then... for all that, the first second it came up, I fucking went for it. I threw out years of thinking. Years of prejudice. And totally led with my dick. I'm thinking I owe several people from my past an apology for dumping on them. I just had no idea. I think I've been feeling guilt, but a lot of it has been for just been such a knucklehead and just not thinking."

I looked at him with open surprise.

He continued. "But the thing is, everything we did was... so incredibly amazing. Like parts of me fell into place that I didn't know were out of whack. And for everyone dumping on gay guys because they aren't real men... that was the most real, the most honest, the most incredible feeling of what it meant to be a man. And it was... freeing. Like I was finding out who I really was. And that there's a whole other side to me that needs to be freed up. I don't care what society says. I don't care what they teach us. Guys should be free to express this, to like experience this. To find all this out, and blow past the rules of `masculine' behavior to find their true selves."

I admit my surprise deepened. "Craig... you're a philosopher at heart. You know that?"

"Naw, I'm just a horny guy who has discovered a whole new world of sexual pleasure and most definitely wants to explore some more."

"Fair enough. But what about the women in our lives?"

Craig lapsed into thought, and I didn't push until he was ready to talk. "Here's the thing, Andy. Do you still like fucking your girl?"

I was again surprised, but thought about it. "Truth is, I do. I love that female energy, the seduction and play. But, messing around with you was... different. Like a completely different experience. Raw masculinity. It was like being in a thunderstorm. If I tried anything like that with her, she'd freak. But with you... it was like having an itch that she couldn't scratch. but you could scratch it. And it's not like I'm going after other guys. It's just you. You... you've sparked something in me."

"Andy, I could say the same thing about you. It's like this is... outside us. Outside our lives. I still love my wife. I love getting up in her wet pussy. I love my kids. I wouldn't give them up for anything. But with you.... With you...."

"I know."

There was a long thoughtful pause before Craig spoke up again. "Maybe we're overthinking things. Just like you college guys, right?" I smirked. "Maybe we should just let ourselves be. We're not the first guys to have a little action on the side. Maybe our side action lets us explore parts of us we'd never get to explore otherwise."

I took a deep breath, and said something I never thought I'd say. "The stuff we did blew my mind. I didn't think sex could be that good.... Your body. Your ass. Your hairy balls. That fucking incredible cock you have..."

Craig leered at me. "This cock?" he said reaching down and giving it a nice long stroke. My eyes couldn't leave it. Again, it was perfect. The perfect size, the perfect head flaring like a mushroom. Nestled in a tangle of hair and sitting on top of two perfectly-shaped balls that were endlessly churning his man milk. A powerful weapon that his loudly proclaimed his unparalleled masculinity. A weapon rapidly rising in fury, itching to be used in battle.

I didn't even respond to Craig; there was no need. I leaned in, leaned down, and made his masculinity mine. The battle was joined.

I first drove my face into his bush, and breathed him in. Fuck he smelled good. His manly musk filled my nose, but there was more. Traces of cum from when he shot his load were still there, and this plus the tang of sex-sweat created a sharper scent that smelled even more strongly of sex than before. God, I loved his man funk.

I moved to his cockhead, and without a word took him all in, sucking hard. Craig groaned appreciatively and ran his fingers through my hair, gently massaging me. He tasted fantastic--again, the traces of spent cum added a saltiness. I sucked him clean, running my tongue roughly around his cockhead, before tickling the tip, tasting a new rush of precum as it bubbled out. Craig was vocal, growling out half-understood sounds in his thick baritone voice.

I decided to concentrate first on his head, giving it a hard suck and rapidly bobbing my head up and down all the while. I could feel the fast friction getting to him, as he started squirming on his bare ass and his cries got louder. Not wanting to go too far too fast, I popped my mouth off, leading Craig to slouch back onto the couch with a sightly disappointed sigh. To keep him on his toes, I went back down on him, this time driving down as far as I could, slurring my tongue across his shaft as I went. After holding for a second, I came back up, coming off his dick entirely. A slurping pop rang out as he sprang free of my mouth.

"SHHIIIIIIIIIIIT!" I repeated this deep suck two more times in rapid succession and each time I got a similar response. He had pulled one of his hands away from my head, and was roughly toying with one of his hairy nipples as he continued a deep rumble of pleasure.

I pulled off his cock entirely, and taking his cue, began licking my way up his chest to pay his nipple a visit of my own, while gently stroking his hard cock all the time. As I suckled him, his hand shot up and he began running it through his own hair, giving me a perfect view of his hairy armpit. It was reflex on his part and not an invitation for me, but I seized the moment to explore him as he had explored me.

His man musk was strong there, honest and masculine. It was so fucking... HOT burying my face there, letting his essence fill me, and feeling the rough tangle of hair against my tongue. He was gurgling in passion, his whole body writhing in desire, and my hand ran against his hairy chest, encouraging him. His head tipped back, and I could see his eyes roll back as he savored the moment. From swirling my tongue, I moved to kissing his hairy pit. Languidly. Sensually. I shifted around and was soon doing the same across his pics, up toward his neck....

As I moved, I realized his mouth was right there in front of me, lips slightly open from an endless moan of desire. His mouth. Right there. I almost moved mine against his... but after a second thought better of it. Was that too personal? Would he get weirded out? I held still. Finally, he lifted his head back and stared straight into my soul. There was hunger--a hunger I had awoken in him. We both knew what we wanted.

"Fuck me, Craig." It's all said. It's all that needed to be said.

In a flash we were in my bedroom, and Craig surprised me by nearly throwing me on the bed, face down. He hauled me to the edge of the bed and hosted my hips up so I was kneeling, with my bare ass waving in the air. Exposed. Hungry. Ready for action.

Craig leaned in and began a violent oral assault on my butt. FUCK! I hadn't forgotten for a second how good that felt, but the reality of Craig's tongue was far, far better than any memory. FUCK! I shouted out words of encouragement that slowly morphed into a long undulating cry of raw pleasure, and of desperate need. FUCK! His mouth was everywhere. His tongue drove inside my hole, which began spasming in anticipation. FUCK! His tongue started wide circles around my pucker, moving into laps that ran the length of my hairy trench. FUCK! He drove his face in deep, desperate for more. FUCK! With one hand I reached around and desperately tried to pull my ass open even more, giving him even more access to me. FUCK!

I don't know how long he kept it up, but I know that somewhere along the line my growls had given way to a repeated plea: "FUCK ME! FUCK ME! FUCKME!"

And finally he did. Lubing himself up with spit, Craig leaned into me, grinding his cock against me until it finally broke through. The pain was sharp, and I know I yelped... but I knew it would only last a second, replaced by pleasure of the purest, wildest, rawest, dirtiest kind. Craig began slow, rocking thrusts as my hole stretched to accommodate his massive dick. I could feel myself relax, giving in... surrendering, but at the same time making his dick mine... part of me. I could feel each delicious sensation as his cockhead brushed my magic spot, sending arcs of electricity shooting through my body, setting my skin on fire. He drove down, balls deep, and I could feel his bush ticking my tender hole.

God, I was so fucking full. Connected in such a primal way.

Fully in, he started making long sweeping circles with his hips, rolling his dick around inside me, touching every part of me. The circles sparked a different wave of energy, and I found myself rolling with him. God. Damn. He felt good... so fucking good.

But he wanted more, and so did I. He shifted gears again, going to hard, loud thrusts that slammed into me, his hairy balls slapping against me. Each hammer blow built up the pleasure... the pressure of pleasure. The power. The raw sexual power. It was so masculine, so raw. We both were drenched in sweat, and our cries were starting to rattle the windows. Again and again he pounded me. Again and again. There was no other thought. Just the sexual overdrive.

At one point he pulled out far enough that he actually popped out of my ass altogether. I gasped in shock, and expected him to pound it right back in. But to my surprise, he decided to do something different. He pushed my ass forward, then rolled me over roughly, so I was on my back. Then he pushed my legs apart and moved on top of me, between my splayed legs. His rock hard cock found my hole again, and he slid in deep. And then went back to fucking the daylights out of me.

It was odd. With me on my knees, sex was raw piston-plunging power. Volcanic. Raw. But with us face to face, it was... starkly intimate. Still raw, still masculine, but sensual. I felt this sense of... love bubbling up. Filling me. A raw desperate love.

"Kiss me, dammit!"

And he fucking kissed me. It was as passionate--as violent--as our fucking. Hard, deep, desperate, and masculine. Like we were loving each other, and sucking each other's soul out of our bodies at the same time. My hands ran roughly though his sweaty hair, and his ran across my sweaty body. It was... intense. Even better, he kept sliding into me, filling me with this rock-hard dick, and the paired sensations of having Craig fuck me and having him kiss me started to blur in my mind. It was just one endless swirl of passion coming at me from all sides. All at once. I couldn't think straight.

After a few minutes he returned to pummeling my hungry ass, driving in hard and fast. Our lips broke apart as we both began panting like dogs in heat. I could feel the passion building, getting hotter... like steam pressure building inside me, ready to blow. I got closer and closer, closer and closer... and finally exploded, with all my sexual energy going off at once, just like a bomb. I have no idea how many volleys of cum I shot, but my seed was everywhere. Craig exploded with me, screaming "FUUUUUUUUUCK!" loud enough to wake the dead, and grabbing me hard enough I thought I'd end up with bruises.

He kept fucking me slowly for several minutes, churning the cum inside me and letting us both savor the feelings. He leaned in again, and we kissed... with all the passion of before, if less of the desperate need.

Whatever trepidation I may have had before, whatever fears I may have had about my self-identity, almost completely receded. They were all washed away in gallons of shared cum.

I knew somehow, we would find a way to make this work.

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Next: Chapter 3

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