My New Apprentice

By Spike Meyers

Published on Sep 19, 2022



Date: 09/13/2022

Author: Spike Meyers


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Notice: This story is a work of fiction and may contain explicit sex between adult male(s), sex between adult male(s) and male minor(s), sex between minors, incest, and sexual fetish. If you are offended by such material, do not read this work of fiction. The character(s) in this work of fiction is/are not based on any known person(s).

My New Apprentice 09

"Make sure you take your ID. With that beautiful, baby-face of yours you're going to have to show ID," Randy advised him.

"Yeah, I know. I'm used to it. I always get carded even when I had the beard. Be right back." Joel said, kissed him quickly and off he went.

As Randy started preparing lunch, his thoughts shifted from Joel to the work he thought he was going to get done today on the house. Things were not exactly going as he envisioned earlier. Instead of letting himself get frustrated at his lack of progress, he decided to just let it be and roll with the punches. Besides, it was certainly way too hot to be crawling around in the attic running conduit and wire at this hour. It was probably 140 degrees in the crawl space. That was a task to be undertaken in the early hours of morning.

As his thoughts returned to Joel, he heard a strange sound. It was faint but he was definitely hearing something. He turned around listening carefully and followed the sound. As he stepped out of the kitchen into the foyer, it suddenly dawned on him that it was a phone. The sound was coming from the bedroom. It had to be Joel's phone so he turned around and went back into the kitchen.

Just a few minutes later, he heard the garage door opening. "My baby's back," he said to himself feeling a little juvenile for some reason. A minute later, Joel walked into the kitchen with a six pack of Corona in each hand. "That was quick," he said smiling at Joel.

"Hey I'm a quick guy. I can do other things quickly too in addition to cumming in your mouth in ten seconds flat," he joked as he put the beer in the fridge. "You know, I was thinking on the way over to get the beer, are you always so trusting of people?" Joel asked.

"What do you mean?" Randy asked.

"We have known each other for four days and you hand me your car keys seemingly without a second thought of it. You even offered me your debit card. I could have stolen your car and your money," Joel said as he closed the fridge and stepped over to Randy.

"Oh please, you and I both know that you would never do something like that. You're not that kind of person. You know it and so do I. Besides, I would not have done that with someone else; I'm not stupid. I love you, Joel. I trust you." Joel stepped behind Randy, wrapped his arms around him and hugged him tight. "Oh, before I forget, your phone was ringing just before you got home," Randy mentioned.

"Did you see who it was?" Joel asked.

"No, baby. I don't even know where it is exactly; I just heard it ringing somewhere in the bedroom. Are you ready for lunch?"

"I am. How can I help?"

"Napkins and forks, baby. I'll grab the plates and meet you in the bedroom," Randy answered.

Joel released Randy and stepped to the side. He watched Randy pick up the plates and couldn't help but notice how his bicep flexed as he lifted the plate from the counter. He then noticed Randy's pit hair and smiled. Suddenly he remembered how he admired Randy's legs while they were at Lowe's earlier. "Sexy man," he said to himself.

As they sat down on the bed to eat, Joel asked, "So, where do we start after lunch?"

"I was thinking about that when you went to buy beer. It will require me to be in the attic crawl space for quite some time. It's far too hot up there now for me to be up there for any length of time, so my plans have changed. I usually wake early, so I'll start first thing in the morning. But I'm going to need your help."

"You got it. What do you want me to do?" Joel asked.

"I want you to not distract me. I need to stay focused on what I need to do," Randy giggled.

"What? I'm not following. How do I not distract you? What do you mean?" Joel asked.

"I mean, at least initially until I get in my groove, you can't touch me and I won't touch you. Don't let me see you naked or anything like that. Don't even smile at me. I know how ludicrous that sounds but that's what I need you to do."

"Seriously? You're fucking with me, right?" Joel responded not believing for a second that he could be remotely serious.

"No, I'm serious. The fact is that all I have to do is look at you and I get stupid. I have so little will power or self-control when it comes to you. I need you to help me to stay focused tomorrow. I really want to get some work done on this house. If I'm slobbering all over myself because I want to love on you all day, I'll never get this house done."

"My gosh, you're serious," Joel giggled. "I really thought you were joking. OK, I give you my word that tomorrow, until you say so, I will be on my best behavior; no funny stuff, I promise. Tomorrow, I will strictly be your work apprentice; nothing more. Scouts honor."

"Thanks, baby. Don't forget to check your messages. Your mom is concerned."

"I thought you said you didn't know who called?" Joel asked.

"Um, I don't. I just sensed it was your mom calling when your phone rang. It was just a feeling. It happens sometimes."

Joel got up and grabbed his phone from his back pack. He returned to the bed and checked the missed call log. "Fuck me!" he said out loud. "It was my mom. How did you know that?" he asked.

"I can't answer that because I don't really know. All I know is that, sometimes, I just know things. It has been happening all my life. It really freaked Daniel out so I learned to keep it to myself. I'm not sensing that it disturbs you. Sorry, I can do that too; sense things sometimes." Randy answered.

"No, it doesn't disturb me at all; In fact, I think that's really cool you can do that. I wish I could do," Joel said.

"You can and already have," Randy responded calmly before biting into his sandwich.

"How do you mean?" Joel asked.

"Well, for example, when I subconsciously told you in the garage that I loved you, what happened? What did you do? You literally jumped into my arms and said and I quote," I knew you loved me. I could feel it."

"Yeah, but that's different. Just the way you look at me I would have to be a total buffoon not to suspect at least." Joel answered.

"Perhaps so; my point is that you felt it; it was a feeling. That is how I knew it was your mom calling. You should call her after lunch. After we finish lunch, I'll clean up and give you some privacy."


"Yeah, baby."

"Thanks for making lunch. It's really good."

"You're welcome gorgeous." * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Hi mom," Joel said as his mother answered the phone.

"Hi honey. I haven't heard from you in over two weeks. I have been a little worried. You usually call me. Are you OK?" she asked.

"Oh yeah, mom; I'm great. Things are going exceptionally well for me right now. I even have a place to stay and sort of a job."

"Are you still at your friend Roger's house? What do you mean you have sort of a job?" she asked.

"No mom, I'm not staying at Roger's house. That only lasted about two days. His wife did not want me there. I met this guy by the name of Randy; he's a building contractor. I am staying at his house. He has plenty of room. He's a great guy. Get this mom, I don't have to pay him any rent. Instead, I'm helping him fix up his house. I'm his new apprentice. It worked out perfectly for me. I'm going to work with Randy and then just find a part-time job around this area until I decide what I want to do."

"Oh, that's great to hear Joel. I'm so relieved to hear that you're OK. You know how I worry about you. Your dad does too but he'll never admit it. So, tell me about this Randy person you've met."

"That was a lengthy conversation with your mom," Randy said as Joel stepped out onto the back patio. Randy was sitting in the hot tub with a cold beer sitting on the wall of the tub beside him. He raised his arms and beckoned for Joel to join him.

"Are you goofing off?" Joel asked jokingly. "You better not let the boss catch you."

"I'm not worried; I have him wrapped around my little finger. You'd be wise to get him on your good side too," Randy joked back.

Joel stepped over towards the tub and removed his shirt. He slid his thumbs under the waistband of his shorts and slide them down his legs. "How would you propose I do that?" he asked as he stood up and smiled at Randy.

"I think you just did," he said softly appreciating the view. "Did you have a good conversation with your mom?"

"Yeah, we always do. She wants to know everything I'm doing. She still thinks I'm a little boy."

"Of course, she does; she's your mom. So, what did you tell her?" Randy asked.

"I told her that I met this great guy who can't seem to get enough of my big dick," Joel giggled as he stepped into the hot tub.

"You're a funny guy," Randy said sarcastically as he grabbed Joel and pulled him towards him. Randy sat back down on the bench and Joel straddled him so they were face-to-face, their soft cocks dancing together under the surface. Randy cupped Joel's handsome face in his hands and said, "You're a brat, but I love you anyway," then kissed him.

"Mom and I had a good conversation. We talked a lot about me which is what we usually do. She always wants to know everything that I'm doing; so, I tell her. Obviously, I didn't tell her that we have been sucking each other off every day since we met; but I told her about you, of course. I hope you don't mind; I gave her this address."

"No, of course, I don't mind. I'm glad to hear you did that," Randy told him.

Joel grabbed Randy's beer and took a good swig. "I did not tell her that I have realized that I'm gay," he said almost timidly.

"Wow! Good for you, Joel. That's huge admitting it to yourself. How does it feel to say that out loud?" Randy asked.

"Honestly, it feels really good. I've been thinking about everything that has happened since I met you. It's pretty obvious to me that I'm gay. I mean, this thing between you and me, it's not just experimentation or curiousness. I know that now since I have been acknowledging my thoughts and feelings like you suggested. At least it not scary anymore. I have also accepted the fact that I'm definitely not bi; but you already knew that didn't you?"

"Yes, baby, I knew. But that's something you had to come to terms with yourself; we all do.

"I have you to thank for that. You made it easier for me, Randy. Without you, it probably would not have happened; most certainly not like this anyway. You made it safe for me to deal with."

"We all need a little help from our friends from time-to-time. I'm glad I could be there for you."

Joel wrapped his arms around Randy and hugged him tight. He nestled into the base of Randy's neck and cuddled in. For several minutes, neither of them said a word; they simply held each other completely content.

The following morning, Randy was up earlier than usual. He went in to pee, got dressed quickly and quietly, and went to the kitchen to put the coffee on. As the coffee was brewing, he went out to the garage to get his tools arranged for the work ahead of him. He brought one of his step ladders into the laundry room and removed the door in the ceiling, sliding it to the side, that gave access to the attic crawl space. Once he had moved the attic door out of the way, he went to the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee.

He returned to the garage, coffee in-hand, and grabbed several 100-foot extension cords, drop lights, LED battery operated lights and a few other things that he was going to need to illuminate the attic. He sat his coffee down on the workbench and proceeded to put on a one-time-use suit to protect his skin and a respirator in preparation to install the lighting in the attic.

It took all of twenty minutes to install and setup the lighting in the attic and now he was ready to start work. He grabbed the diagram off the workbench that he designed on the computer. It gave him exact measurements and he got to work. He wanted to be out of the attic by noon because it would be too hot to work up there.

Joel woke to the sunlight streaming through the bedroom window. He opened one eye, turned over, and reached for Randy. When he didn't feel Randy, he opened the other eye, lifted his head off the pillow and looked around the room. He let his head fall back to the pillow and yawned. He stretched out in bed and looked down at his morning wood staring him in the face. "Good morning to you too," he said to his dick and took his hardon in hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. He softly stroked himself a few times and let go of his cock. "Time to get up," he said to himself as he made his way to the bathroom to pee.

He Stepped out of the bathroom and remembered his promise. He had to wear clothes today and not do or say anything that would "distract" Randy, whatever that means. He giggled to himself thinking that was just silly but was going to comply with Randy's wishes as promised. He walked into the kitchen and put a fresh pot of coffee on immediately. As the coffee was brewing, he heard a noise in the attic above him. He hurried out to the garage and on the way, saw the ladder in the laundry room. He climbed the ladder and stuck his head through the opening in the ceiling. "Randy!" he called out. "Are you up here?"

"Just a second, baby," he heard Randy call out. I'll be right there."

Joel didn't budge from his position and waited for Randy. In just a few seconds, he saw Randy come around the corner of his hands and knees. "How long have you been up here?" Joel asked.

"Since around 4:30 this morning," Randy answered.

"Why didn't you wake me? I thought I was going to help you?" he questioned.

"I'm sorry, baby. I did not have the heart to wake you up, plus I didn't trust myself. I had half a cup of coffee and got right to work. Actually, I've got a lot done; I have made all of the drops for the kitchen, living room and front bedroom. I was just working on reinforcing the ceiling for the fan in the front bedroom when you called me."

"I can't believe I slept right through all of this. I just put some coffee on. Can you take a short break and have coffee with me?" Joel asked.

"Coffee sounds good. I'll be right down."

Joel went down the ladder and walked back into the kitchen. He grabbed two mugs, filled them with the fresh brewed coffee and waited patiently for Randy. In two minutes, he heard Randy coming down the ladder. Joel smiled as Randy walked into the kitchen.

"What exactly are you wearing big daddy?" Joel asked as he handed Randy his coffee.

"It's a protective coverall. It is designed to protect your clothes and skin. We use these a lot for installing fiberglass insulation. It's similar to what medical staff wear in isolation rooms. I put it on this morning because I did not know what I was going to encounter in the attic; it's just a precaution. It's disposable, you just toss it in the trash when you're done."

"I thought it was a new fashion statement," Joel giggled. So, after the break, what do you want me to do?"

"I'll bring you up in the attic so I can show you what I've done so far. I'm planning on staying up there until noon, but I don't have another coverall for you so I don't want you staying up there with me. I'll come back down if it starts to get too hot. Once I come back down, then we will start running wire through the walls. Sound good?" Randy asked.

"Sounds good; you're the boss, big daddy." Joel laughed.

                              • Joel came back down from the attic and stepped out to the garage. He took a look around and considered putting things back in their place and then decided against it. He was not going to touch anything until Randy told him too. On his way back to the bedroom, he heard his phone ringing. He hurried into the bedroom and picked up the phone without paying attention to the caller ID.

"Hello," he said.

"Hey, Joel, it's Roger. Are you busy?"

"Um, no, not at the moment. Why?" Joel answered.

"Tiffany and I had a fight. She can be such a total bitch! I called out today. I was wondering if we could meet up. You know, do something today if you're not busy. I'll pick you up."

"Gosh, Rog, I was supposed to work with Randy today on the house. We're running wire; he's up in the attic right now."

"Well, what if I come over and give you guys a hand. I'm pretty handy with that shit." Roger said.

"Let me talk to Randy and I'll call you back. Give me ten minutes."

"Talk to me about what?" Randy asked as he stepped into the bedroom.

"That was Roger. He and his wife had a fight; he sounds a little upset. He wants to meet up with me. He offered to pick me up or come over here and help us run wire. I think he just doesn't want to be alone right now."

"I just need to pee. What do you want to do?" Randy asked as he stepped into the bathroom.

"He's my friend, so I'd like to be there for him if it's alright with you," Joel said standing next to him at the toilet.

"Of course, it's alright with me. He's your friend, you should be there for him. Give him our address and have him stop by. I can handle things here; don't worry. Call him." Randy kissed Joel and zippered up his coveralls. "I'm going to get back to work. You're OK, right?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm good. It's just, I've been here almost a week and I have done nothing to earn my keep here. It bothers me. I'm not a free-loader," he said.

Randy stopped at the bathroom door and turned around to face him. "Joel, look baby, it's not about you earning your keep. It's not as if I'm running a tab on you. Personally, I don't care about you "earning your keep" around here as you put it. You have a lot going on right now, don't add more pressure on yourself needlessly. Now, call your friend. Go do what you need to do." Randy stepped over, kissed him quickly and headed towards the bathroom door.

"Randy, before you go back to work, may I borrow the car if necessary?" Joel asked.

"Sure, you know where I keep the keys, and before you ask again, it's OK if your friend comes over here. Whichever you think is best is fine with me. If you need me, you know where to find me." Joel's heart once again filled with appreciation for Randy. He felt so lucky to have met him. He picked up his phone and dialed Roger.

"Hey," Roger said answering the phone. "What's the verdict?"

"That depends, Rog. Where are you right now?" Joel asked. "You know what, it doesn't matter. It's not like I would know even if you told me; stupid question on my part. Just come over here. I'll text you, my address. Is that, OK?"

"Yeah, that's fine with me. What about your boss? Is he OK with me dropping by?" Roger asked.

"Yeah, he's a great guy Rog; no problem."

"Cool, I'll wait for the address and text you back with my ETA. See ya soon, Joel."

Joel hung up the phone and texted Roger immediately. He decided to let Randy know that Roger was coming over. He ascended the ladder into the crawl space and immediately felt the heat. "Randy?" he called out.

"Over here," he heard Randy respond. Joel crawled across the floor and peeked around the corner.

"I just wanted to let you know that Rog is coming over. He should be here soon."

"OK baby; thanks for letting me know."

"It's hot up here, daddy. Don't stay up here too long," Joel said in concern.

"Just wait; this is nothing compared to what it's going to be like in a couple of hours. Now you know why I started so early."

"If you're not down by noon I'm coming back up to get you, OK?"

"No worries, baby; I've been doing this a long time. I'll be down around noon. I promise," Randy called out.

As Joel descended the ladder, his phone chimed. He grabbed his phone and read the text. It simply read "ETA 7 min." He had just enough time to brush his teeth and pee before Roger arrived. While he was peeing, he decided to wait in the driveway for Roger.

He waited in the driveway all of about two minutes before a Ford Ranger pickup truck pulled up, Roger hanging out of the window. "Hey, good morning, Buddy." Roger greeted him and proceeded to park in the street in front of the house.

"Good morning, yourself," Joel called out to him as he waved. Roger put the sun shade in the windshield and exited the vehicle. Joel watched him get out of the truck and close the door. It was as if he was seeing Roger for the first time. He noticed that Roger was wearing a New Mexico Lobos tank-top and a gray pair of cut-off sweats that fitted him like a glove. On his feet, he was wearing sandals made of leather that were quite attractive. He had not really realized that Roger was a good-looking guy; sexy and rather muscular. Roger came up the driveway and hugged Joel picking him up off his feet. "Wow, nice neighborhood," he said as he returned Joel to the driveway pavement.

"Yeah, well, wait until you see inside the house; you might change your mind," Joel responded. The whole house is gutted; you'll see. Come on in."

They walked into the garage and just before stepping into the house, Joel closed the garage door. "Be careful walking in, there is a ladder just on the other side of this door. Randy is up in the attic running wire and conduit; he's rewiring the entire house. Joel opened the door and they stepped into the house.

"Wow! Roger said out loud. You weren't shitting me," his eyes almost bugging out of his head.

"Come on, I'll give you the nickel tour," Joel smiled.

Joel showed Roger around the house and when they returned to the kitchen, Roger asked, "So, this house belongs to your boss, who is a contractor by profession?"

"Yup," Joel answered him.

"Wow, he's got brass balls to do this on his own. It's so much work. I spent some time when I was in college working for a contractor as a laborer. It was fun; I learned a lot. This is quite the undertaking doing something like this by yourself. Good for him. That's awesome."

You want some coffee or something?" Joel asked him.

"Do you have any beer?" Roger asked. "I could use one right now."

"Yeah, help yourself. They're in the fridge," Joel answered him.

"You want one, Joel?" Roger asked him.

"No thanks, it's a bit too early for me. Just about an hour ago I finished having coffee. I'm good."

"So, what's going on Rog?" Joel asked. "You mentioned that you and Tiffany had a fight. We can talk in the bedroom if you'd like. As you can see, we have no furniture so there is no place to sit down. The only other option is the hot tub. The heat does not work on it so it's just a tub of water. The jetties work though. Your choice." Joel said.

"Hot tub," Roger immediately responded. "Oh shit, I didn't bring a suit or anything, and I'm going commando today."

"No problem, we don't need a suit. We don't use them around here unless we go to the community pool. No biggie. I'll get us a couple of towels," Joel said casually. "I'll meet you out back."

Joel returned quickly with two fresh towels to see Roger still standing in the kitchen. "Come on, Rog, let's hit the hot tub, my friend." When Roger didn't move Joel asked him what was wrong.

"Dude, I know we have seen each other naked in gym many times, but that was a while ago. What about your boss? Is he going to be pissed when he finds out we're naked in his hot tub?" Roger asked. Joel could help but laugh. "I promise you Rog, he's not going to be pissed in the least. Don't worry; come on."

Roger shrugged his shoulders and followed Joel out to the back patio. Joel tossed the towels on the lawn chair next to the hot tub and removed his shirt. He then dropped his shorts to the floor and stepped over to the hot tub.

"See, my dick hasn't changed; it's still there. I'll bet yours hasn't changed either," Joel said with a smile.

"Damn, dude; you have changed. You would have never said something like that when we were in school." Roger walked over to the hot tub and sat his beer down. He immediately removed his shirt and tossed it on the chair with Joel's. He then dropped his shorts and tossed them over on the chair.

"See, just as I thought, your dick is still in the same place," Joel said smiling. As Roger stepped into the hot tub, he said to himself, "Damn, Rog looks good naked." He wished he could take a photo of him to show Randy later. Roger sat down on the bench across from Joel.

"So, what's happening with you Rog?" Joel asked.

Roger took a sip of his beer and said, "I think I made a big mistake, Joel. My marriage is a complete trainwreck. I think I made a big mistake marrying Tiff. I don't know what else to do. I've tried everything I can think of to try to fix things but it seems like no matter what I do, she's either not happy about it or she gets totally pissed her off. I'm at a place now that I don't care. I'm so close to just calling it quits and going our separate ways. The blow up this morning was the last straw so I left because I'm tired of arguing with her all the time. I just can't live like this anymore. I actually dread going home after work."

"Oh, damn, Rog. I'm so sorry. How long has it been like this?"

"About two years now; maybe a little more," Roger answered. "I'm sure that she must be as miserable as I am. I suggested we go to counseling. She absolutely refused; she wants nothing to do with it. Even if I submit and let her have her way, she's still not happy. This morning's incident was confirmation for me."

"What happened this morning?" Joel asked.

"I planned to take the day off because I bought tickets to a show at one of the community theaters down in Phoenix; they are doing Les Misérables. When she asked me this morning why I was not getting ready for work, I reminded her about the show tonight; showtime is 5:30. She suddenly flew into a rage and insisted that I told her the show was next week, not this week. The tickets were attached to the fridge with a magnet. She started screaming at me. Your always fucking shit up Roger! Why are you so fucking stupid! I took exception to her screaming at me and we started arguing. I had to leave; I couldn't deal with it anymore. She has been burning up my phone since I left this morning. I have no doubt that my voicemail is full with her ranting and raving criticisms and outbursts."

"Fuck, Rog. I'm so sorry. What are you going to do now?" Joel asked him. "Honestly, Joel, I have no fucking idea. I probably won't know until I go home tonight. I'd rather have a root canal without anesthesia; it would be far less painful than having to go home. I'm on E, do you mind if I grab another beer?" Roger asked.

"Of course, help yourself, Rog. You know where the fridge is."

Joel watched as Roger stood up and stepped out of the hot tub. He walked over, grabbed a towel and wrapped it around himself. Joel very much appreciated seeing his, lithe, muscular body as he walked into the house. He was never physically attracted to Roger before; he was always just his friend. He was now seeing him differently for the fist time since they met in the third grade many years ago. He was pleased with himself to acknowledge those thoughts without letting them affect him adversely.

Roger returned quickly with a fresh beer in hand. He tossed his towel on the chair and Joel got a full-frontal view once again and couldn't stifle his smile. "Sexy guy," he said to himself. "I wish Randy could see him," he thought.

"Fuck, Rog, I don't know what to say that would be of any help," Joel said as Roger got back in the hot tub. "I know what I'd like to say but I'm not going to be disrespectful of your wife. Obviously, something has to give somewhere. You can't spend the rest of your life like that. I hope you can find a solution. I wish I could be more helpful."

Roger looked across at his friend. "Just letting me tell you what happened this morning makes me feel better. You are the only one I have told this to. I haven't even told my parents we've been having problems." Roger confessed.

"Maybe you should, Rog. Perhaps they may have some insight for you. I have just recently learned that you should not keep shit bottled up inside you. It's not good Rog; trust me. It will sneak up behind you and bite a chuck right out of your ass."

"So, what's going on with you Joel. We haven't had a chance to talk really. You have been a bit of a nomad the past two or three years; always moving around and not staying in one spot too long. What's up with that?" Roger asked.

"Um, I'm not sure I can tell you without a beer for courage," Joel smiled.

"Oh shit, Joel. That sounds a little ominous. But I want to know everything, so I'm going to grab you a beer," Roger said standing up in the hot tub.

As Roger hurried into the house, Joel pondered whether he should open up to Roger. Perhaps its too soon having just discovered it himself. He himself is still confused; what if he can't make him understand. What then? Roger walked back out with a beer in his hand. He had to make a decision immediately.

"Ok, my friend," Roger said as he handed Joel his beer and sat down in the hot tub. "Spill it. What's going on with you?"

Joel took a big sip of his beer and at that very second decided to open up to Roger. If it didn't go well, then it didn't go well; that was just a chance that he would have to take. It gave him comfort knowing that Randy was close by. "Come on, Joel; you're stalling. Out with it" Roger requested.

"Um, I guess you could say that for the past few years I have kind of been on a quest, so to speak. Although I'm not sure that it was entirely conscious on my part," Joel said.

"What kind of quest?" Roger asked.

"As it turns out, a quest to find myself, really. Although, I did not realize that until I discovered something of great importance about myself."

"What was that? What did you discover, Joel?" Roger asked as he sipped his beer.

"I discovered that," Joel took a sip of his beer before finishing his sentence. "I'm gay, Rog. I'm gay."

"No shit! You're gay. That makes total sense," Roger said accepting Joel's news with ease. "You were never into girls. You never had a girlfriend as long as I have known you. I figured you were either asexual or gay. I'm glad you are gay and not asexual. Sex is far too awesome to feel indifferent about it or worse yet, have no interest in it. You're gay, now I know why you were always looking at Nelson Bradley in the locker room when we were kids."

"God, that is such a relief that you know now. I wasn't sure I was ready to tell you but I'm so glad I did. I'm glad you're not freaked out, Rog. We've been friends a long time. I'd hate to lose your friendship," over this," Joel said relief in his voice.

"Oh, please. You're gay; big deal. So, what's it like sucking cock?" Roger laughed but was asking seriously.

"Fuck, to use an expression I heard recently, it sends me into orbit. That's how good it is." Joel laughed.

"You know, I've been sucked off by a guy before. Scout's honor." Roger said making the hand symbol.

"Really? When?" Joel asked.

"Do you remember back when we were about 16 and my aunt and uncle came out from Florida to visit us for a week. Do you remember my cousin Nathan. He was about three years older than us, so he was nineteen at the time. Anyway, he stayed in my room the entire time they were there. Nathan is gay; he must have sucked me off at least ten times that week. Every opportunity we had he suck the jizz out of my cock; he loved it. Damn, he could suck cock. No one has ever sucked my cock like he did."

Roger took another sip of his beer and asked, "So, when was your first time?"

"You mean with a man?" Joel asked.

"Yeah, silly. With a man. When was the first time you had sex with a man?"

"Five days ago," Joel said so softly Roger couldn't hear him.

"What? I didn't hear you."

"I said five days ago," Joel repeated himself.

"Five days ago; seriously? Nothing in college or high school?" Roger asked.

"No, I would not admit it to myself at that time in my life. Even if I did admit it to myself, I would never have allowed myself to do it. So, there you go. It's not an easy thing to admit to yourself, Rog. At least, it was not easy for me. I struggled with my feelings and desires for a long time; more aptly, I ignored them. If it weren't for Randy, we would not be having this conversation right now."

"Wait. Randy, your boss?" Roger asked surprised.

"Yes, Randy is not exactly my boss. Randy is my, well, I guess he's my boyfriend and my lover."

"Oh my God, Joel. You just met this guy." Roger said not believing his ears.

"I know! It's completely insane! I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. I've never done this before. I'm just embracing my feelings and desires. I have feelings and desires for Randy; big time. I have decided to let my heart lead the way and not my head. I know this is highly unusual but I'm not going to let myself run away from it or him just because my head is telling me it's completely crazy. For once in my life, I'm going to listen to my heart and my feelings. I have serious feelings for Randy."

"God, Joel. I just hope you know what you're doing. That's all I'm saying. If you have feelings for the guy, he must be something special."

"Just wait until you meet him, Rog; you'll see. He's an awesome guy. He makes me feel like I'm the only guy on the planet. Just the way he looks at me is incredible; I can feel him so strongly. No one has ever looked at me the way he does. I have never had these kind of feeling before about anyone. It's hard to describe in words but I feel him so strongly. I don't care about the age difference between us."

"Age difference? He's older?" Roger asked.

"Yes, he's 42." Joel answered.

"Does he at least have a big dick?" Roger joked.

"Bigger than mine?" Joel answered.

"Please, my sister's dick is bigger than yours?" Roger joked.

"Funny," Joel said. "You're an asshole. All I care about is that Randy loves my dick. That's good enough for me."

"This beer is going right through me. I have to pee," Roger said.

"Just pee over there; we do," Joel said pointing to the side of the patio.

Without question, Roger got out of the hot tub, walked over to the side of the patio and peed. Joel enjoyed watching Roger swaying his hips side-to-side as his stream watered the back yard.

As soon as Roger finished peeing, they heard a noise in the ceiling above them. They looked up simultaneously to see a drill bit come thru the ceiling.

"You guys OK down there?" the muffled voice asked.

"We're good Randy. Thanks for checking." Joel called up to him.

Roger looked over at Joel. "Do you think he heard us talking?" he whispered.

"Nah, I seriously doubt it. But it doesn't matter; Randy is a smart guy. You'll get no judgement from him. By the way, what did you mean when you mentioned Nelson Bradly?" Joel asked.

"Nothing bad; just that you were always looking at him in the locker room. You liked him, didn't you?"

"I wasn't sure what I liked back then, but looking back on it, most definitely I liked him. He was handsome and had a perfect body. I think he was my first secret crush. It was even a secret to me." Joel answered.

"Well, what about me. I'm not exactly chopped liver you know. Were you ever attracted to me? I'm just asking." Randy said stepping back over to the hot tub.

"Well, since we are being honest with each other, not until today." Joel answered shyly.

"Why today? Why not before?" Roger asked.

"I guess because in the past, I have not let myself acknowledge my attraction to men before. I can do that now without feeling bad about it. So, yeah, you're a stud. Does that make you feel better?" Joel giggled.

"Yes! Roger laughed. "It most certainly does. By the way," he continued, "you can suck my dick anytime if you want. I'm just saying."

"Seriously? You're such a perv," Joel laughed. "Don't get your hopes up dude; probably not going to happen."

"Why? You just said I'm a stud. But you don't want to suck my cock." Roger asked. It's not like we're going to run off and get married. I like pussy to much for that. It would just be for fun. Anyway, if you change your mind, just let me know. I'm always up for a good blowjob."

Joel looked over at him and giggled. "Yeah, I'll be sure to keep that in mind, Rog. Doesn't Tiffany suck your dick?"

Roger made an awkward face and said, "Hell no. She says it's disgusting and refuses. But she always likes it when I go down on her. It doesn't really matter; Tiffany and I haven't had sex in a year. She is always in a mood or pissed off about something. It's not exactly inviting intimacy when she's like that. I just jerk off."

"Welcome to my world. I am very familiar with jerking off," Joel commented as he took a sip of beer. "I'm sorry, Rog. I wish I had some words of wisdom for you. The only thing I can suggest, something that I have only recently learned, is that you be painfully honest with yourself when making decisions. That's much harder to do than to say of course. It can be very scary. You deserve to be happy; remember that too. For the first time in my life, I'm happy. I have Randy to thank for that; he has been a world of help to me personally."

"You sound as if you're in love with Randy, Joel. Are you?" Roger asked.

"I'm not really sure, Rog. I think so, but I'm not sure. I have never been in love before. I don't know how to measure the feelings that I have for him. I know that my feelings are intense and I know they are true. Perhaps I am in love with him. This is all new to me; it's foreign territory. I can tell you this, I love how it feels. I've never felt anything close to this in my life."

"Well, it sounds to me like you do. I don't want to put words in your mouth but it sounds like you're in love, my friend. Are you sexually compatible?" Roger asked.

"Oh my God, Rog! It's fucking amazing. I mean, I have no experience other than Randy, but geez-louise, when I'm with Randy, he makes me see stars," Joel answered excitedly.

"Christ, Joel. You make me want to join you guys. Fuck, you're making my dick hard just listening to you. I think I'm jealous. You certainly make it sound so incredible."

Suddenly, they heard the sliding door open. "Hey guys," said the friendly voice standing in the doorway. "Everything OK?"

Next: Chapter 10

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