My New Apprentice

By Spike Meyers

Published on Sep 13, 2022



Date: 09/12/2022

Author: Spike Meyers


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Notice: This story is a work of fiction and may contain explicit sex between adult male(s), sex between adult male(s) and male minor(s), sex between minors, incest, and sexual fetish. If you are offended by such material, do not read this work of fiction. The character(s) in this work of fiction is/are not based on any known person(s).

My New Apprentice 08

"My arm pits are sexy?" he questioned. "How are arm pits sexy?" he asked.

"For me, I find them to be very sensual. I think a man's arm pits are very sexy, especially on a good-looking guy and he doesn't have a complete forest under each arm. Yours are sexy; the hair looks soft and silky, and it's not too dense. Definitely, sexy pits."

"I must admit, I do find that a little strange, daddy. You give me so much to think about, but I'm learning. I have learned a lot since I met you," Joel said as he laid down on top of me. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him tight against me. I cupped his sweet, little ass in my hands and thrusted up against him. "I love feeling you on top of me?" I moaned. `It's become on of my favorite things."

I reached up and pushed back the hair from his face. "You are so fucking beautiful baby; you take my breath away."

Joel kissed me hard as he thrusted down pressing our growing cocks together. I moaned loudly in Joel's mouth and thrusted up against him. I cupped his ass in my hands as we explored each other's mouth. Joel released my tongue and tilted his head back. "God, that feels so good pressing our cocks together; I love it," he growled.

He lifted up supporting his weight on his arms, and started a gentle hump; his cock against mine. We were both close to being rock-hard. I lifted my head up and took his nipple in my mouth. He gasped slightly and pressed his cock down harder against me.

"Cum on me, baby," I whispered to him. "Cum on my dick!" I squeezed his ass in my hands and pressed our cocks together. Joel collapsed on top of me and slid each hand under my shoulders. I could feel his fingers dig into my back as he held on. Our cocks were now as hard as iron. I could feel Joel's cock sliding around my cock as his precum oozed and mixed with my own.

He kissed me hard again and started to groan profusely. I felt my orgasm approaching quickly and squeezed his little, firm butt in my hands again. I pulled him down onto me increasing the pressure on our cocks as my dick exploded spewing cum between our bodies. Joel pulled back from our kiss and threw his head back and bellowed out, "God! I gonna cum; you're gonna make me cum!" he yelled out as his body trembled and I felt his cock spewing his precious fluid over my cock and between our bodies. A few seconds after Joel's orgasm wave subsided, he suddenly sat up straddling me. He scooted down the bed, a smile on his face, and took my spent cock in his mouth.

I gasped audibly because it felt so good and I was somewhat sensitive after my orgasm. I felt Joel's tongue work over and around my glands as he cleaned off the head of my cock. I could feel his low moans vibrate against my dick. Suddenly, he took my entire cock into his mouth and started a somewhat awkward up and down motion. He grabbed my hips and held on tight as he continued his efforts.

"Nice and slow baby. Up and then down. Be careful with your teeth." I coaxed him softly. "That's my boy, yeah, just like that. That's it; there you go. Now, take it all the way down. Open up your throat and swallow my cock, gorgeous. I reached down and guided Joel's head up and down on my cock. I released him after a few seconds and let him continue on his own. In just a couple of minutes, I could tell that he was starting to get tired. My cock was coming back to full mast and he was having trouble taking the entire shaft in his mouth.

He suddenly pulled off and took a deep breath. "I want to make you cum again but I don't know if I can right now," he confessed.

"That's OK, baby. We have noting but time gorgeous," I said softly.

"But I really want to taste your cum, Randy. I have wanted to do this for two days now and it hasn't happed."

"But you have. You just cleaned my dick off," I said with a slight laugh and a smile.

"Yeah, kind of, but not really. There was just a little left," he said almost disappointedly.

"What if I help you?" I asked him.

"How?" he asked a little confused.

I smiled at him and grabbed by dick which was now a full-mast again. I started a slow stroke and he immediately perked up with a smile on his face. He scooted down the bed and I spread my legs to make room for him. He laid down on the bed and nestled between my legs. I started a steady stroke and he started licking by balls.

I groaned softly as he took a single ball into his mouth. I could not only hear, but feel the vibration of his moans on my balls. It was incredibly pleasurable in conjunction with my stroking. "That's by boy, suck daddy's balls. It feels so good," I complimented him.

Joel seemed to take pleasure in my words and attempted to suck both balls into his mouth. I could feel him struggling to accomplish his task and eventually he attained his goal. I groaned loudly not just because it felt good, but I wanted Joel to realize that I was enjoying his efforts. In just a few short seconds, Joel released my balls and took a deep breath. He looked up at me with desire in his eyes. I could sense that he was becoming somewhat impatient.

I enjoyed the feeling that it gave me to see him, my fantasy man, want something from me so badly. I increased my stroke slightly and looked into his eyes. "You want daddy's cum, don't you, baby? You want me to cum in your mouth. Wrap your lips around my cock, gorgeous. I'm gonna give you what you want."

Joel immediately wrapped his lips around the head of my cock enthusiastically as I brought the speed of my strokes down to a gentle rhythm. "Work your tongue over my knob gorgeous. That's my boy, just like that?" I coaxed him. I felt my orgasm fast approaching and grabbed a fist-full of Joel's hair, holding his head in position. "Here it comes, gorgeous. I'm going to feed you right now; get ready!" I bellowed out as by cock started erupting in Joel's mouth.

As I squirted the contents of my balls in Joel's mouth, I watched his reaction. His cheeks bubbled out slightly as my jizz filled his mouth. He swallowed quickly and when he did, I saw leakage seep out from the corner of his mouth. He swallowed again and held my cock knob in his mouth. I could feel the rest of my juice oozing from the head of my cock. Joel held steadfast, only his tongue working my knob.

I released my cock and let my hands fall to the bed. I laid there in the bed I don't know for how long, my cock still in Joel's mouth. After my cock started to deflate, Joel, once again, took the entire shaft in his mouth. My dick was becoming very sensitive but I did not want to pull out of Joel's mouth. He seemed to be relishing in the aftermath of my offering. Apparently, something that he, as well as myself, has realized that he takes a great deal of pleasure in.

I laid there in bed for quite some time it felt like. Joel had nestled in between my legs and held my spent and flaccid cock in his mouth as he rested his head on my cum-covered belly, most of which had dried. When he hadn't moved for some time and I didn't feel his tongue in my piss slit anymore. I thought that perhaps he had fallen asleep.

"Joel? Baby, are you awake?" I asked softly. It took him a few seconds to respond.

"Yeah," he muffled his answer, my cock still in his mouth.

"Um, are you ever going to take my cock out of your mouth?" I asked.

"No," he said. I could feel him smiling.

"Really?" I responded with a giggle.

"I'm so comfortable. I could stay like this forever," he said after he released my cock.

"As awesome as that sounds, I'm not sure that's sustainable," I responded and pulled him up to me.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you enjoyed that," I said with a smile.

"Fuck, Randy, to say that I enjoyed that is an understatement. It was so totally amazing. It was everything and more than I thought it would be. Now I understand what you were talking about when you said it sends you into orbit. I have some of you inside of me; it's such an incredible feeling. I thought my head was going to explode when you came in my mouth; it was so fucking awesome and exciting. I can't wait to do it again. I love your cum. I can't believe I just said that, but it's true; I love it."

I rolled over and glanced at the clock; it read 5:58 AM. I sat up in bed and looked over at the gorgeous man sleeping soundly beside me. Just looking at him fills my heart with joy and desire. I decided that I needed to get a grip on myself and go pee.

I stepped out of the bathroom and came around the corner to see Joel turn over on his belly. "God, he is so gorgeous?" I said to myself. I so wanted to go over and bury my face between his two glorious, firm butt cheeks but I resisted the temptation. Instead, I decided to let him sleep and went to the kitchen and put the coffee on.

As the coffee was brewing, I stepped out into the garage and noticed the newly located electrical panel I just installed. I have been so preoccupied with Joel for the past few days that I have not made much progress on the house. I decided right then-and-there that I was going to make some progress, at least today anyway.

As I turned to go back into the house, Joel stepped out into the garage. I looked over to see his beautiful smile looking back at me.

"Good morning, gorgeous," I said softly.

"Morning, daddy," he replied. "You're up early this morning."

"I had to pee," I said to him as he wrapped his arms around me.

What's the plan for today?" he asked as reached down and grabbed my dick.

"I was just contemplating that when you walked out," I said as he cupped my balls in his other hand. You are not making it easy on me to keep my plans for today."

"I know what I'd like to do," he smiled as he gently squeezed my rising dick.

"As much as I would love that, I think we should get a little work done today. We can't live like this forever my love. There is a lot of work to do."

Joel suddenly let go of my cock and took a step back. "What did you just say?" he asked.

"I said we have a lot of work to do," I answered him.

"No, before that," he quickly responded with a wave of his hand.

"You mean when I said we can't live like this forever?" I asked him.

"Yes, but in addition to that, Randy. You said something else too."

"I did? I don't remember saying anything else," I said. "Oh, I do. I remember exactly what you said. You said and I quote, "We can't live like this forever MY LOVE." You called me my love. You really don't remember saying that?" he asked.

"No, baby. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."

"But, I'm not," he blurted out.

"You're not what?" I asked to make sure that I understood him correctly.

"Randy, I'm not upset. In fact, there are several other adjectives that I could offer up in opposition. I'm not freaked-out. I'm not having a melt-down."

"Then you're OK with the slip of my tongue?" I asked in surprise.

"Yeah, I'm OK with it, especially if it's true. Did you mean what you said?" he asked somewhat hopefully.

I looked deep into his eyes and pondered my response to his question. I took a deep breath and said, "the short answer to your question is, yes. My feelings for you are no different than they were for both Keith and Daniel. They just manifested much, much sooner with you. Honestly, I feel a little foolish at this age because we have only known each other for four days. It's ridiculous for me to admit to myself, and to you, that I have fallen in love with you so quickly. I told you that you're my fantasy man. But, in addition to that, I also know why this has happened."

"The connection we have," Joel said out loud.

"Yes, our connection. Believe in the connection or not. Accept it or not. I love you. I know this is true," I told him confidently.

Joel rushed over and literally jumped into my arms so forcefully he almost knocked me down. He wrapped his legs around me and held on tight. "I knew it. I knew you loved me. I could feel it so strongly."

Joel released his grip on me and I slowly lowered him to the garage floor. I did not want to let him go completely so I kept one arm around his waist. He looked up at me and shook his head.

"This is insane, isn't it. If someone were to tell me a story such as this, I would have thought they should be committed to an asylum. I don't know how to handle this. I mean just four days ago I thought I was straight. Now, I am involved with a man. I am feeling things that I have never felt before. I have had the best fucking sex of my life. I find myself thinking about you all the time. I have even jerked off thinking about you. I swallowed your cum and loved it. You make me a little crazy, Randy; it's a good-crazy though. Never in a bazillion years would I have ever imagined something like this happening to me. It's fucking awesome!" Joel said excitedly.

"Wait, you jerked off thinking about me? When did that happen?" I asked with excitement.

"Yeah, but don't let it go to your head. You're still a daddy," Joel said laughing.

"I'll take that as a compliment," I told him.

Joel looked up at me and smiled. "You should, daddy. I have never been in love before so I don't know what that feels like, but if it feels like this, the way you make me feel, the feelings you have brought out in me, it's the most wonderful thing on the planet. That far outweighs the insanity of all of this. At least, I think it does."

"What about our age difference. I'm so much older than you gorgeous. Doesn't that concern you?" I asked him.

"I know I tease you a lot about that, but seriously, it doesn't concern me in the least. You are a handsome, sexy man. I kind of like that you're older than me. Twenty years from now..."

"Twenty years from now I'm still going to be twenty years older than you," I interrupted him.

"So, take your teeth out when you blow me; I've heard that feels incredible. I'll let you know if the rumor is true twenty years from now. I don't know about you, but I could use a cup of coffee, daddy," Joel said as he turned abruptly and walked back into the house.

I stood in the garage and watched Joel's sweet, little bubble-butt flex as he walked back in the house. "He does have a point," I said to myself. "I'm going to put the age difference to the side and not ponder it any more. If he leaves me in five years, at least I have had my fantasy man for five years. What I need right now and urgently is a cup of coffee."

I walked back into the kitchen and Joel was nowhere to be seen. I saw the empty coffee mug sitting on the counter. I filled the mug, took a sip immediately, and walked back to the bedroom.

"What took you so long, daddy?" he asked as he played with his cock flopping it side-to-side.

I walked over and stood at the foot of the bed looking down at him playing with his dick. "Are you trying to give me a heart attack gorgeous. You know, too much excitement at my age could be a problem," I said smiling down at him.

"I think we should risk it," he quipped back. I knelt down at the foot of the bed, sat my coffee cup to the side, grabbed his legs, and pulled him down to me. I crawled up the bed on my hands and knees, straddling him. I leaned down and kissed him gently. "Do you want to try something different?" I whispered.

"Show me, daddy," he moaned. I kissed him hard quickly, reversed position, and rolled over onto my side. I reached over, grabbed his hip, and rolled him over on his side facing me. His cock was already hard as I slid my arm beneath him and around his ass pulling him into me as tightly as I could. He gasped audibly as I swallowed him completely in a single gulp. I so enjoyed my nose in his silky pubes. I was rock-hard and could feel my dick leaking already. Joel tightened his thighs together around my head as he instinctively started to thrust his cock deeper down my throat.

He groaned loudly and took my cock in his mouth. In seconds, he started to gag and I pulled back. He immediately grabbed my hips and stopped me from pulling out. Once again, he attempted to impale himself on my dick and couldn't quite accomplish his goal. This time when I pulled back, he let me. I heard him cough several times and take a deep breath. I lifted Joel's thigh off my head and let his cock fall from my mouth.

"Take it slow, baby. It will happen; you'll see." I looked at Joel's cock throbbing in my face to his heartbeat, a clear drop of liquid forming at the tip. I stuck out my tongue licking up the precious nectar and swallowed his cock again. This time, however, I started a slow sucking rhythm up and down his entire shaft. I just couldn't get enough of him and started sucking him faster. I heard him call out with a groan. "Fuck, you're gonna make me cum too fast; go slower," he panted.

I slowed down my sucking and varied the depth that I sucked his perfect cock. He appeared to almost duplicate my actions. I knew he wanted my load as bad as I wanted his so I started to concentrate for longer periods of time on his knob. As soon as I felt him getting close to the precipice, I'd back off.

I felt his desire as he worked my cock knob. I started sucking his entire cock again and he duplicated my actions as best he could. I felt him begin to moan from deep within as his cock got even harder in my mouth. I concentrated my efforts on the top half of his cock as my own orgasm quickly approached. I felt his entire body begin to quiver as a deep, muffled groan vibrated against my cock. As I felt the first shot from his cock fill my mouth, my own cock shot off filling Joel's mouth.

I savored his glorious essence before swallowing to make room for more of his precious gift. I so wanted all he had to offer; all he was willing and able to give me. After his final volley ended, I held his wilting cock in my mouth wallowing in his offering. I was completely and utterly satisfied. I felt Joel's body go limp with one exception. He held my cock in his mouth and continued to suckle. I knew he was going to be sensitive so I took him into my throat and let him rest there peacefully. Together we laid there completely content and in silence.

I had no idea how much time had elapsed when I suddenly felt the need to pee. I released Joel's cock and looked down to see Joel fast asleep, his head resting on my thigh. My cock was completely flaccid but still pointing at his face. I turned to look over at the clock. It read 8:45 AM. We had been sleeping for at least an hour I guessed. As I sat up in bed I disturbed Joel, waking him up. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Good morning, again," I said softly.

"What time is it?" he asked still foggy from his slumber.

"It's 8:45 gorgeous; time to get to work. At this rate, we are never going to finish this house."

Joel wrapped his arms around me and laughed. "It was well worth the delay if you ask me. What else do you want to try big daddy? I'll do anything you want."

"So, now I'm big daddy," I asked smiling.

"Well, yeah. I mean, I failed horribly trying to suck that big, daddy cock of yours," he responded. "First, my dick is not that big..."

"It's way bigger than mine," Joel interrupted.

"Second, sucking cock is new to you. It just takes practice. I think you did a great job. I have no objection to a lot of practice. I have no doubt that you are going to become a top-notch cock sucker; you'll see."

"I'm not so sure about that," he smiled, "but I'm willing to practice every day."

"I'm going to make us a coffee to go, but first, I have to pee."

"Me too, I'm coming with you," Joel said.

I pulled into the Lowe's parking lot and found a parking space in the center of the lot. "Ready, gorgeous?" I asked Joel.

"Ready, big daddy," he responded with a giggle.

On the way across the parking lot, Joel asked. "So, does Lowe's have fitting rooms by any chance?"

"You're such a perv!" I quipped back at him.

"Yeah, and whose fault is that I wonder? Hum?"

"I'll take the fifth. Grab a cart," I said.

"Why do we need two?" Joel asked.

"You'll see. Trust me," I answered him.

"Hey Randy, back again I see," the clerk greeted me as we headed towards the electricity isle.

"You know how it goes, Henry. This is my home away from home," I answered him.

Joel looked over at me and smiled. "What?" I asked expecting a smart remark from him.

"Nothing, daddy. Just an observation that I'll keep to myself for now. What are we looking for again?" he asked.

"Flexible electrical conduit, sometimes referred to as FMT or Flexible metal conduit. It has a spiral construction which allows the conduit to bend easily. Think of it like a tube. The electrical wire runs through the tube. The flexibility of the conduit makes it much easier to install. We live in the desert and we have critters that like to chew through stuff. I will be rewiring the whole house so I'm installing the conduit through the attic or more accurately, the crawl space, so if a mouse finds it way into our attic, he won't be able to chew through the wires. Make sense?"

"Got it," Joel responded with a thumbs up.

"Here we are; this is what we are looking for. We need three rolls baby. While you are doing that, I'll grab the Romex."

"Wait, what's Romex?" Joel asked.

"Romex is the wire we are going to run through the FMT."

"Wow, he has really nice legs," Joel said to himself as he watched Randy hurry down the aisle. He found himself picturing Randy naked in his head and he felt his dick twitch. He took pleasure knowing how Randy felt about him now that the secret was out. He thought about their activity this morning remembering how he felt with Randy's cock in his mouth. How much he enjoyed and now longed for Randy to cum in his mouth. It was such a good feeling to acknowledge and enjoy his new found desires and feelings that he hid from himself for so long.

He found himself clutching his growing cock in his sweat shorts that belonged to Randy. It gave him a charge to wear Randy's clothes even though they were a little too big for him. In his head, it reinforced the connection they have. "I wonder if this is a part of being in love?" he asked himself as he stepped behind the cart to hide his growing erection. An image popped into his head of Randy sucking his cock and found himself gently squeezing his hardon again thru the fabric of his shorts. He was again immediately aware that never before has he had such physical and sexual desire for someone as he does Randy.

Suddenly, he heard Randy's voice in his head. "Joel, are you OK? Baby?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry; I didn't see you there for a second. I was just thinking," Joel answered him.

Randy walked up to him and placed his hand on Joel's shoulder. "Thinking about what, gorgeous? Randy asked.

"You," Joel responded as he took Randy's hand and placed it on his crotch.

Randy smiled widely and squeezed Joel's hardon. "I'm glad to know I have that affect on you. It's nice to hear, and feel. I love you too." Randy released his grip on Joel's boner and stepped back to his own cart. "We just need a few odds and ends and then we can go home."

"Lead on, big daddy," Joel said happily behind a big smile.

As they checked out at the contractor's corner, Joel found himself contemplating Randy's words over and over. "I love you too. I love you too." As they pushed their respective carts across the parking lot to the car, Joel said, "So, I have a question, it's probably a stupid question, but I'll take that risk and ask it anyway. You know that I have all of these new feelings that I am dealing with, it's not really scary anymore, but I don't know how to interpret some of them; well, most of them actually."

"OK, so what's your question, gorgeous?" Randy asked.

"Back in the store, when you found me in that sort of haze, you asked me what I was thinking about and I told you that I was thinking about you."

"Yes, I remember."

"Well, that actually happens a lot. I mean, I think about you a lot and I really, really, love having sex with you. I love everything about it. I got hard thinking about you in fucking Lowe's. In the store you said, I love you too. Is that what I'm feeling. I mean, is that part of what you feel. Is it love? Is that what I'm feeling?"

"I'm sorry, I did not mean to put words in your mouth. In my opinion, and that's all I can offer, I think love is probably different for all of us. I'm sure there are similarities in what being in love feels like to each individual. The only thing that I can be sure of and share with you without reservation is what love feels like to me personally; and that's based from my own experiences.

So, this is what I know. You are always at the forefront of my thoughts. Strictly speaking from a physical perspective, for me, you are perfect: face, body, smile, hair, dimples, cock, ass, balls, belly, chest, legs, taste, smell, pits, skin, body hair, head hair; just everything. I wouldn't change a single thing about you. Physically, you're my fantasy man. I think you are drop-dead, fucking gorgeous and too sexy for words. From the second I spotted you standing on the corner that day I was and still am extremely attracted to you. You make me crazy and perpetually horny.

Now, having said all of that, we also have this connection between us that we talked about. I can't say that I understand it, but I believe in it and I completely trust in it without reservation or hesitation. Part of this connection that we have also tells me that you are a good-hearted, kind, loving, caring, and decent man. I know this deep down inside because this connection between us makes me feel it in my soul.

Love is the most purest thing that we as humans on this planet can feel, share and express to, and with, each other. It is unconditional and sits at the very apex of the universe. For me, that is how I know that I love you; it's all inclusive.

I also have to tell you that I sometimes am hesitant to tell you how I feel because all of this is so new to you, I don't want it to be anymore overwhelming than it already is. I also want you to make your own decisions. I can't, won't, and don't want to influence or interfere with your decisions. That would not be good for either of us.

So, I would suggest that you be honest with yourself, trust your feelings, and that little voice that only you hear in your head. Try not to let the fear make all of your decisions for you. All of the answers to your questions are already within you.

"Fuck me, daddy. That was more than I expected," Joel said as he wrapped his arms around Randy. Did you really mean all of that stuff you said about me?" Joel whispered.

"I would not have said it gorgeous if I didn't mean it. You don't know what you do to me. I told you; you make me crazy. We better put this stuff in the car before I jump your bones right here in the parking lot and get arrested for lude conduct." Randy couldn't help but smile as Joel looked around the parking lot. "I'm so hard I could cum in about ten seconds," Joel said lasciviously.

"You're such a perv! Now I know why I love you," Randy giggled.

Randy backed out of the parking space and headed towards the back of the lot. When he came to a stop sign, Joel lifted his ass up off the car seat and pulled his shorts down to his knees, his full-on boner popping up hard and proud. Randy looked over and growled. "Fuck! Look at that gorgeous, hard cock!" He quickly pulled into a parking space at the back of the lot.

"Make me cum, big daddy," Joel said.

Randy wasted no time; he bent over the console and took Joel's cock in his mouth. Joel grabbed Randy's head in both hands and thrusted up into his mouth. "Fuck! That's feels so good," Joel hissed. "I love it when you suck my cock." Randy held his head stationary and let Joel set the pace. "You want my cum, daddy?" he groaned. Randy grabbed Joel's thigh and squeezed tight as Joel continued to thrust in and out of his mouth.

"It's coming. It's coming, Fuck, I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum! Joel announced urgently. Randy felt the first shot hit the back of his throat. He increased the pressure around Joel's cock so not a drop went to waste. Joel thrusted up one last time holding Randy's head tight and collapsed back in the seat. Randy continued bobbing up and down on Joel's cock a few more times before he came to a full stop. Joel released his grip on Randy's head and breathed deeply, his left hand resting on Randy's back.

Randy released Joel's cock, rose up and kissed Joel sharing the last remnants of his sweet offing with him. Joel moaned deeply as he tasted his own seed once again. "Fucking stud!" Randy whispered as he pulled back from their kiss. "Boy, I sure do love quickies," Randy said as he sat back in his seat. Joel reached down, grabbed his softening cock and squeezed any residual goo left in the tube and licked his finger.

"I think you should ride home like that," Randy said. "In fact, why don't you just take them off."

"I'm not sure that's such a good idea. You know what's going to happen if I do that. We don't need to get into an accident because you are preoccupied by this massive cock of mine," Joel giggled.

"Yeah, you're right. I probably couldn't control myself being the size queen that I am. You better pull your pants up just to be safe."

Randy pulled into the garage and closed the door behind him. He could most definitely feel a wet spot in his pants as he exited the vehicle. "Let's get this stuff out of the car gorgeous and we'll have some lunch."

As they walked into the house after unloading the car, Joel asked, "Do we have any beer left?"

"No, I don't think so baby," Randy replied.

"Crap! A cold beer would be perfect right now," Joel said as he opened the fridge. "Tuna OK for lunch?" Randy asked as he wrapped his arms around Joel and kissed him on the head.

"Sure, I love tuna. Truthfully, when it comes to food, I'll eat just about anything. Are you OK if I take the car and go get us some beer?" Joel asked.

"Sure, keys are on the hook. I'll put lunch together. It'll be ready by the time you get back. I don't have any cash so I'll give you my debit card," Randy said as he released Joel's waist.

"No, that's OK. I have my debit card. I'm good."

"Make sure you take your ID. With that beautiful, baby-face of yours you're going to have to show ID," Randy advised him.

"Yeah, I know. I'm used to it. I always get carded even when I had the beard. Be right back." Joel said, kissed him quickly and off he went.

Next: Chapter 9

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