My New Apprentice

By Spike Meyers

Published on Aug 27, 2022



Date: 08/25/2022

Author: Spike Meyers


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Notice: This story is a work of fiction and may contain explicit sex between adult male(s), sex between adult male(s) and male minor(s), sex between minors, incest, and sexual fetish. If you are offended by such material, do not read this work of fiction. The character(s) in this work of fiction is/are not based on any known person(s).

My New Apprentice 05

"I don't eat a lot of meat, but I do love bacon; kooky right? I treat myself every so often. I won't be long, baby,"

"Honey, I'm home," I called out giggling when I got back from the market. I didn't see Joel so I put the beer in the fridge and headed towards the bedroom. He was journaling again and apparently so focused on his writing he didn't know I was home.

`Everything OK?" I asked as I entered the bedroom.

He jumped when he heard my voice. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I called out to you when I walked in the house but I guess you didn't hear me. Are you OK?" I asked him.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine; thanks. I just wanted to get some things down on paper while they were fresh in my mind. They come and go so fast, sometimes I forget. Don't worry, I'm OK; I'm not freaking out or anything."

He put the notepad down and gave me a sweet smile. He got up, walked over, and gave me a really nice hug. He released me and stepped back.


"Yeah, gorgeous,"

"What you said, earlier I mean, were you serious?" he asked shyly.

"What would you think of me if I said yes?" I asked him knowing full well he was referring to my earlier comment about him peeing on me.

"Um, I don't, I mean, I'm not freaked out about it or anything. I still meant what I said to you earlier; that hasn't changed. I've just been thinking about it since you went to the market. I just can't figure out why it intrigues me. While I was journaling, certain memories came into focus in my mind. The memories were very clear." I grabbed Joel's hand and pulled him down on the foot of the bed. "You said these memories were very clear; were they good memories?" I asked him.

"Well, yes and no; I think I'd categorize them as neutral; not good or bad," he answered.

"Can you give me an example?" I asked.

"A few of them were of my dad when I was just a little boy. I remembered standing at the toilet peeing with him. I clearly remember that. I clearly remember being fascinated by the size of his dick; it looked huge to me. I'd look at his big dick and then down at my little pecker. That came to mind several times. I remembered having pee-sword fights with my dad; it was so much fun we would laugh and laugh. Perhaps that is better than a neutral memory; I think I'll officially categorize that one as a good memory.

Memories of elementary school would come to mind too. I remembered standing at the urinals with the other boys peeing; I was always looking at their dicks. I liked watching them pee. I liked it when they watched me pee; it was exciting. When I was in high school, I would get hard just standing at the urinal. I'm not sure that counts though; I was hard most of the time in high school now that I think about it. I remember going into the high school bathroom to pee and didn't have to go just so I might see something.

Fuck me! I'm a perv too, aren't I?" he asked me, almost giggling.

"God, I certainly hope so, I don't want to be the only pervert in this house," I said laughing.

He laughed harder and softly punched me in the arm. "So, what do you think this all means, professor?" he asked with a smile.

"Oh gosh; I don't know, baby. Maybe you're just curious. Maybe you're really a closeted piss-pig, just like me I joked. The fact is, they are just memories; pleasant memories, thankfully. The good thing is you are not letting them freak you out. That is awesome. And just for the record, you can pee on me anytime you want; you'll get no objection from me."

"God, you're such a nasty daddy," he smiled but I could tell he was intrigued.

"Be that as it may, this nasty daddy is a bit hungry. How about you?" I asked him.

"Yeah, me too. My mouth is watering right now just thinking about those BLT's," he smiled.

I stood up and reached down for his hand. He put his hand in mine and I lifted him up off the bed. "What can I do to help?" he asked, as we walked into the kitchen.

"You will find two large cooking trays in the oven. Grab those out of the oven at set the oven to 400 degrees. In the garage, you will find a blue plastic tub. In that tub, you will find a roll of parchment paper. Line each of the tins with parchment paper. While you are doing that, I'm going to cut up the tomatoes and lettuce. Do you like avocado?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I love it," he answered.

"Good man," I said. "Me too. I always put avocado on my BLT's. What about onion?"

"Yeah, I like onion, too."

"That's my boy. My secret in making perfect BLT's is to cut the veggies nice and thin. Comes out perfect every time; you'll see. Last question, sexy man; how do you like your bacon?"

"Nice and crispy if that's OK," he said kind of shyly.

"That's my man. Let's get to it then; my mouth is watering just thinking about it," I heard myself say out loud as I opened the fridge to take the veggies out.

Joel finished preparing the tins and asked, "What's next?"

"The bacon is in the fridge; open the package and place each strip of bacon side-by-side on the parchment paper. The tins are large enough to hold the entire package of bacon. Once the tins are ready, just pop them in the oven and set the timer on the stove for eighteen minutes.

Joel executed his task and stood beside me as I finished slicing up the veggies. "Can you do me a favor, gorgeous? In that blue plastic tub in the garage is a large serving platter, will you grab that for me please?"

"Sure," he responded and walked away. He returned with the platter and said, "Ah, Randy, there is no place to put it. You have no counter space."

"No problem, sexy, just bring it over to me and hold it up for me at counter height. I'll lay out the veggies on the platter and we can pop it in the fridge until the bacon is ready."

I opened the refrigerator door for Joel and he slid the platter onto the shelf. He stepped back and said, there's not much in there is there?"

"No, there's not. I have been eating out mostly. With the kitchen such as it is, it's not so easy to prepare meals right now. It does get a bit expensive eating out all the time, however, I don't frequent upper-shelf establishments for the most part. Since we have no furniture to sit on, shall we go back to the bedroom until the timer goes off?" I asked him. He nodded his head and we headed back to the bedroom.

"Um, umm, umm," Joel moaned as he bit into his BLT. He placed his hand in front of his mouth as said, "God, this is heaven; it's so good! I mean, really, so, so good. It's much better than I have ever had in a restaurant. I'm not shitting you; seriously."

"Told ya; I really do believe it's the thin slices of veggies and the way I layer the sandwich." I was thrilled that he liked it. We didn't talk for several minutes; we just ate silently with exception to Joel's occasional moans.

Joel finished the last bite of his sandwich and took a sip of his beer. "Would you like another?" I asked him. "I would love another, but I don't think I can eat the whole thing; I'd be too full and then I'd be uncomfortable," he answered.

"What if we spilt a sandwich?" I asked him. I could easily eat another with no problem but I know I shouldn't. Let's spilt one," I said.

"That works for me," he said smiling.

"Coming right up. I'll be right back."

When I returned with the sandwich, Joel was obviously thinking about something. He appeared to be off in his own world or deep in thought. "Are you OK? I can feel you thinking," I said.

"Oh, yeah; I'm fine. I was thinking though," he answered. "May I ask you a question," he said looking directly into my eyes.

"Sure, you can ask me anything," I answered him.

"How many relationships or boyfriends have you had?"

"Um, I have had four partners or relationships in my life. My first one was with the Legal Aid Investigator I told you about, Matt. That relationship lasted just over two years."

"Wait, wait; I thought you said your first one was with that guy Daryl, when you were fourteen?" he asked.

"Daryl was more of a fuck-buddy. I know I referred to him as my boyfriend when I told you about him but we were never boyfriends. The term boyfriend or girlfriend is a common expression as you know; it's used widely to refer to someone with whom you are involved with. Daryl and I were never involved with each other; we were more like friends with benefits. There was no emotional attachment between us; just friends who had sex together. It was never more than that; we just had fun. I have had several fuck buddies over the years especially when I started tending bar."

"Oh, I see what you mean," he said. "So, what happened with Matt?" he asked.

"Um, I met someone who just made my head spin so fast it kicked my ass. He was a Systems Analyst. He was also drop-dead, gorgeous; like you. I fell madly in love with him. He was my first true-love. We were together for 5 years."

"I'm confused. I thought you were with Matt?" he asked.

"I was with Matt. Matt and I had an open relationship. He was frequently away on business about fifty percent of the time. He would be gone for days on end. He was gone so much in fact he had a second place in New York. We both agreed that we could see other people even though we were a couple, quote-unquote. When I started seeing Keith, I told Matt about him. I didn't go behind Matt's back and violate our agreement."

"What did Matt do when you told him about Keith?" Joel asked.

"At first, he just wanted to know what he looked like and if he was good in bed and nonsensical shit like that. I never divulged a lot of information to Matt about Keith other than I told him he was fucking gorgeous and had a beautiful cock. That was as far as I went. I fell madly in love with Keith in a very short period of time.

I started having severe panic attacks and didn't understand that they were panic attacks. I just thought I was having a heart attack and I was going to die. I had a good friend, someone I worked with who was much older and wiser than my 19 years at the time. He helped me understand what a panic attack was and helped me through it. It was one of the most difficult times of my life. I was a complete and total mess. I was so conflicted because I had feelings for both of them. Ultimately, I left Matt and moved in with Keith."

"How old was Keith?" he asked.

"A year older than you are right now; twenty-four. I was nineteen at the time," I answered him.

"Keith was older than you, just like Matt was," he said.

"Oh yes, both were older than me; absolutely. However, that was not intentional on my part; it just worked out that way," I told him.

"You said you and Keith were together for five years; what happened with you guys?"

"I'm curious, why all the interest in my past love life?" I asked him.

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to intrude. I'm just curious and interested because my experience is so limited. Besides, the more you tell me, the more I can try to understand myself; if that makes sense. We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

"No, baby; it's OK," I said. "I don't mind talking about it at all. I was just curious because you seem so interested. Let's do this, I'm going to clean up the dishes and we can continue this conversation in the hot tub with a cold beer. Sound good?"

"Sounds perfect," he said with a smile.

I grabbed my plate off the bed and reached for his. "I got it, daddy. I can clean up after myself," he said smiling. We had the kitchen cleaned up in no time at all and headed out to the hot tub. I walked around the tub and flicked the switch and in seconds, the bubbles started. I took the same corner I did last night and settled in.

Joel waited until I got settled in and stepped into the tub and sat down right next to me. He placed his beer on the wall of the hot tub and turned towards me, our thighs pressing together. He looked directly into my eyes, something he has been doing more of as of late, and said, "Are you sure this is OK; talking about your past?" he asked.

"Yeah, baby. It's not a problem. I've worked through it all quite some time ago. It's OK," I answered him honestly. "So, what happened, I mean, between you and Keith?"

"The short answer is, he left me. Well, more accurately, he really didn't actually leave me; he told me that he wanted to see other people and thought it best that we go our different ways. I was devastated. He was the most important thing in my life. I absolutely adored him. "

"So, you left; you two split up?" he asked.

"Yeah, I left. However, I was bound and determined to get him back. I stayed with my mom for about a week; maybe ten days. I was a complete mess. To this day, I have no idea how I kept my job. I got an apartment in the same complex where Keith and I lived, just two buildings over. I had to stay close to him. I would walk across the parking lot at night and look up at the bedroom window just to see if I could get a glimpse of him. I was a nut-case; a total whack-job. I couldn't eat, I went down to 143 pounds; I'm 6' 2". I looked and felt, like death warmed over. I was a mess; a total fucking mess."

"Oh my God! You stalked him; you must have really loved him a lot," Joel said with amazement in his voice.

"Oh, yeah; I stalked him. I loved him alright. I almost killed myself loving him. I got so sick I wound up in hospital for 12 days because I was dehydrated, malnourished, and on top of that, I had hepatitis and didn't know it. I was really, really sick."

"Fuck me! Joel said as he reached over and grabbed his beer. "What happened then," he asked.

"When I got out of hospital, a friend of mine stayed with me until I was able to take care of myself. I mean, I could take care of my personal needs, showering, going to the toilet and that kind of thing. I just did not have the energy to cook, clean, do laundry, go grocery shopping; that kind of stuff. My friend, Bill, helped me with all of that."

"Now, hold old were you when all of this went down?" Joel asked.

"Your age; I was twenty-three," I answered him.

"So, after you got better, what did you do?"

"Well, thanks to my friend Bill, and a couple of other close friends I had made while I tended bar, each one of them took turns giving me a swift, hard kick in the ass and basically told me to get over it. It was almost an intervention. It took some time, but eventually, I got over him. I never stopped loving him though. He will always have a place in my heart until the day I die. He was my first true-love."

"So, who was your next partner; you said you had four relationships?" he asked.

"OK, gorgeous, let's make a deal here. If you really want to know, I will tell you, but then we change the subject. I'm tired talking about myself. Deal?"

"Deal," he responded. "So, after Keith, I moved to California. I did not get involved with anyone for about ten years."

"Why?" he asked.

"Well, two reasons really; one, I did not want to take a chance and get my heart broken again, and two, the AIDS epidemic hit hard and heavy. At the time, it was a death sentence. Back then we didn't know what we know now. I lost a lot of friends, just like a lot of other people. So, for about ten years I developed a massive collection of porn and stroked my cock mercilessly. That was, until I met Daniel."

"Daniel?" Joel repeated.

"Yes, Daniel. I was visiting one of my closest friends in the world, James. He had just moved into this furnished apartment. I was leaving his apartment one day, heading towards the stairs, he lived on the second floor, when I saw this vision stating at the top of the stairs. Physically, he was exactly your size. He was blonde, tanned, smooth, shirtless, and fucking gorgeous. It turns out, he was the pool boy for the complex. When he and I met, sparks were flying all over the place. We started dating and just like I experienced with Keith, I fell madly in love with him.

"So, what happened with Daniel?" he asked.

"Daniel and I dated for several months but we never had sex. We were affectionate and loving with each other but we never had sex. I wanted so badly to cast caution to the wind and have wild, passionate sex with him but I was scared of AIDS. I wouldn't take the chance. We talked about it many, many times and decided to get tested for HIV because we both wanted to have unprotected sex. So, we went and got tested."

"So, what happened?" he asked sitting totally vertical at the end of the bench.

"We waited two weeks for the results; I was negative and Daniel was positive. We were both devastated. I hid my devastation well because I wanted to be there for him. I told him it changed nothing as far as I was concerned and I meant it. I still loved him. From that point forward, Daniel pulled away from me and did things to deliberately hurt me. I knew exactly what he was doing. He was doing this shit intentionally so I would leave him. Eventually, he succeeded. It was just too painful for me to stay, so I left."

"Was Daniel older than you?" He asked.

"Yes, but only by two years."

So, then what?" Joel asked as he took a sip of his beer.

"I recovered and a couple of years later, I met Jeremy. Jeremy was eight years younger than me. Blonde, blue eyes, glasses and a cutie-patootie. We started dating and got involved. We were together for about a year when we found out he was HIV positive. Fuck, here we go again I thought. The difference was this time, Jeremy, unlike Daniel, clung to me like white on rice; at least, for a while. A year later, he left me for someone else.

"So, now you know. That's the story of my love life. The End." "Damn, Randy. That's a whole lot of shit and a whole lot of heartache. Do you keep in touch with any of them?"

"No, baby. I did for a while; I kept in touch with all of them. Keith and Daniel passed a while back. I haven't talked to Jeremy in about five years. I heard he married some guy and they adopted two kids. I don't know if that's true. Matt would be in his late seventies now; maybe more. I think of him the most to be honest. He was a really good teacher; I learned a lot from him. Ok, that's it. No more questions about my ex's for the rest of the night. A deal is a deal."

"You want another beer?" Joel asked.

"Sure; sounds good," I told him as he stood up, his luscious, naked crotch no more than a foot from my face. He raised his leg up onto the tub bench, his entire package swaying slightly; I so wanted to pounce on him. He quickly stepped up and out of the hot tub. "Be right back, daddy," he said as he stepped away.

He returned quickly, holding a beer in each hand. He sat his sweet ass on the hot tub and swung his legs over the side. He remained seated on the wall of the hot tub and handed me my beer. He took a sip of his beer as his legs parted a little wider. I draped my arm over his leg, gripped his shin in my hand and kissed him on the kneecap.

"I love your legs," I said to him as I caressed his leg from the knee down to his ankle.

He gave me a big smile and took another sip of his beer. He sat his beer down and looked directly into my eyes. He rested his hands on the tub and asked, "When you look at me so intently the way you do, is that how you looked at Keith and Daniel?"

"Probably, I generally only have one setting; intense. Why do you ask?" I asked him with a smile.

"It's just that, while you were talking about them, I saw in my head, I mean, I could picture you looking at them the way you look at me sometimes. I'm not suggesting it's the same thing at all; you were in love with them. I know it sounds strange but I could see it in my head; I could feel it. It must have made them feel like it makes me feel."

I stood up and knelt down on the tub bench between Joel's legs so we were almost eye-to-eye. I draped my arms over his legs and hugged them close to my body. I leaned in and kissed Joel on the side of the neck.

"The truth is Joel, the connection that I feel for you is the same kind of connection that I felt for Keith and Daniel; there's no difference. I know that the connection that I had with each of them intensified the love that I felt for them. I felt the connection first, the love followed the connection. It's like a hand in a glove; the tail of a comet. For me, the connection is always first; always. I have had the good fortune to fall madly in love two times in my life. Each time, the connection was what I felt first."

Joel listened intently to what I said; his eyes never waivered from mine. "Do you think that they felt it like I do. I mean, it's almost like you're in my head; it's freaky."

"I don't know. If they did, they never told me," I answered him. "You are very different than Keith and Daniel, so perhaps they didn't interpret it or receive it the same way you do. It's just a guess. I don't know, baby."

"How am I different? What do you mean I'm different?" he asked a slight look of bewilderment on his face.

"Keith was a Systems Analyst; therefore, he was a very logical person and well educated. His head just worked logically like Spock's does in Star Trek. That's just who he was. He was also very loving, caring, attentive, demonstrative, and sexual among a constellation of other positive things. He also had a slew of one-night stands, failed relationships, and a slight problem with cocaine before I met him.

Unlike Keith, Daniel was not an overly educated guy. He was more blue-collar, shoot from the hip, sex, drugs, and rock and roll kind of guy. As long as it feels good, do it and do a lot of whatever "it" was. He was also a very loving and caring person. The kind of person that would literally give you the shirt off his back. The kind of person that would give you his last dollar. Daniel was also quite the slut before I met him.

They were as different from each other as Earth is from Jupiter. And in no way am I judging them or their behaviors. My point is that both of them had a degree of unpleasant history and bad baggage. Not that everyone doesn't have baggage, they do. I think it is perfectly plausible that due to their own personal histories, they were not as receptive to this "connection" as you are; they were much more guarded. You on the other hand, are much more open to the connection that we have; that's why you can fell it so strongly. That's what I mean."

"I'm not sure, but I think you just complimented me again," he said with a smile. "I need to pee, daddy."

I stepped back in the hot tub and let him stand up. He stepped out of the tub and walked over to the end of the patio. I had to smile to myself as he released his stream. He certainly isn't pee shy anymore that's for sure. He caught me watching him as he shook off and smiled twitching his eyebrows at me again.

"Are you flirting with me? I asked him.

"Maybe," he smiled as he walked back over to the hot tub. He swung his leg over the tub wall and stepped into the water. For just a few seconds, he stood on the tub bench looking down at me before stepping down into the tub. He stepped over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I could feel his emotion and responded in kind, hugging him tight. I bent down and kissed him on the shoulder as his head pressed into my chest.

I hugged him tight and lifted him up off the tub floor supporting his full body weight in my arms. I swayed him slightly side to side as I squeezed him tight, his legs dangling in the water. I could feel his grip on me tighten as he moaned softly and my cock start to respond. Neither of us said a word as I stood in the center of the hot tub with him in my arms.

I slowly brought him back down to the tub floor and released him. He took a half step back and looked up into my eyes. His face was quite flushed. I grabbed his face in my hands and gently kissed him on the lips. I so badly wanted to make love to him but something told me to wait. I have learned to listen to that little voice in my head that historically has guided me so well. I just knew that I had to listen to it now.

"Are you OK, baby?" I asked him as the flush in his face lessened slightly. He didn't respond right away and stared into my eyes as if he were in a trance or something. He suddenly blinked his eyes and kind of woke up for the lack of a better word.

"Um, yeah, yeah, I think so. That was so weird!" he answered.

I guided him back over to where we were sitting earlier and handed him his beer. "Here, sit down and take a drink. Tell me what was so weird."

"I think I must have blacked out or something," he said.

"You didn't black out. You were holding tight onto me the whole time. Tell me what it felt like,"

"But I must have, I felt really warm all of a sudden; it was like a heat wave passed thru my body and everything went white. My mind went completely blank; there was no thought; just calm and blank. I felt this like electrical current going through my entire body. It was such a strange sensation but it wasn't scary. What do you think it was?" he asked me.

"Your guess is as good as mine, gorgeous. I have no idea. Maybe you just got too warm. Maybe you had an out-of-body experience or something. The good thing is you are OK and it wasn't scary. I don't think it was an anxiety attack because you said it wasn't scary. Anxiety attacks are scary in my experience. What were you thinking just before it happened?"

"I don't think I wasn't thinking about anything. I was just enjoying our hug; I felt you so intensely. I was feeling not thinking."

"So, you're OK now; you're back to normal?" I asked.

"Normal? No, I haven't been normal since I met you," he laughed.

"I'll take that as a yes," I said. "Now I have to pee."

"Can I watch?" he asked as he twitched his eyebrows.

"Not only can you watch, you can hold it if you want," I said twitching my eyebrows back at him as I stepped out of the hot tub. I walked over to where he had peed earlier and turned slightly so he could see me. "Last chance," I said smiling. When he didn't respond, I said, "OK, then; your loss."

I pointed my dick at the back yard and released my stream waving my dick all around as I peed. I heard Joel snickering over in the hot tub. As I squirted out the last few drops, I looked over at him and said, "Would you like to shake it off for me?"

"He giggled and said, "You're a big boy, daddy, I think you can manage by yourself."

I shook off and stuck my tongue at him. He shook his head and smiled. I stepped back into the hot tub, sat down next to him, and pulled him over onto my lap. He leaned back against me and I wrapped my arms around his waist resting my hands on his flat belly. I could feel the silky hairs of his happy trail and gently played with them between my fingers. I squeezed him gently and kissed him on the cheek.

Next: Chapter 6

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