My New Apprentice

By Spike Meyers

Published on Aug 26, 2022



Date: 08/24/2022

Author: Spike Meyers


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My New Apprentice 04

I turned my face sideways and looked up at him to see him smiling down at me. I smiled back and he twitched his eyebrows up and down at me. I had to jump off the bed or I was going to lose all self-control. I hurried into the bathroom and turned the sink faucet on and grabbed my toothbrush.

I had been brushing for about thirty seconds and Joel stepped into the bathroom. He did not say a word, he just stepped up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I had a mouthful of toothpaste so I just let out a little moan. I could feel his beard on my skin between my shoulder blades.

"Randy?" he said softly.

"Yes, baby," I answered him as toothpaste dribbled down my chin. "Isn't that attractive?" I said to myself. I was grateful that he was standing behind me and didn't see it.

"Why is there no door on the bathroom?" he asked.

"Because I removed it, gorgeous," I answered him. "Until now, I have been living alone so why do I need a door? Do you want me to put it back on? I think I still have it."

"Can I think about it before I answer?" he asked me.

"Of course; when you decide, just let me know. May I just say that I personally find it very appealing to leave the door off; that way we have no secrets between us. Just something to think about," I said casually."

He did not respond right away. I could sense that the wheels were spinning in his head. "Um, I'm not sure if I'm ready to have an audience while I'm sitting on the throne. Would you not find that awkward?" he asked me.

I turned the faucet on and rinsed out my toothbrush and put it back in its resting place. After I rinsed my mouth, I stood back up and turned around to face him. With both hands I reached up and brushed his hair back so I could see his handsome face. "I would not find that awkward, gorgeous. It is a natural bodily function that we all do. Just know this, if you are on the throne, I have no plans to stand there and watch you have a bowel movement. That's just not my thing."

"You're such a weirdo," he giggled. "I understand; we can leave the door off for now."

"Good man," I said and kissed him quickly on the lips. "Do whatever you need to do. I'll be out in and or around the garage. Remember what I said about the shower." I started to turn and walk away when he said, "Aren't you going to shower first?"

I stopped and turned to face him. "No, gorgeous. There is no point to showering when I'm going to be outside getting all hot, dirty and sweaty. It would just be wasting water. I'll shower after I'm done working," I answered him. He nodded his head in understanding but I sensed that to some degree, there was a certain level of disappointment too.

"Is that, OK? I asked.

"Oh, yeah, yeah; that makes perfect sense. I don't know what I was thinking," he said hitting himself in the forehead with the palm of his hand.

"If you need anything, help yourself; remember, this is your home too. If you need me, you know where to find me."

"Right; got it," he said as he followed me out of the bathroom. I went into the walk-in and grabbed a pair of work jeans and slipped them on. He walked in right behind me and grabbed his backpack. I pulled my jeans half-way up, leaving them hugging my thighs and grabbed a t-shirt. Joel stood there and watched as I dressed. Once I slipped the t-shirt on, I reached down and started to pull up my jeans the rest of the way.

"Going commando?" he asked.

"Um, yeah; I prefer it. I rarely wear underwear anymore. You should try it; it feels good," I said with a smile.

"Maybe I will," he said as he flung his backpack over his shoulder and stood there.

"Are you OK, baby?" I asked him as I buttoned my jeans.

"I think so," he said softly. "I just have all of these feelings, Randy. I'm confused; it's scary. I mean, I've been thinking about everything you said. I know that I have to deal with this and sort it, but that's scary. I'm almost afraid to be alone."

"I know baby. I get it. May I make a suggestion?" I asked him.

"Yeah, please. I'd appreciate your help," he said with an elevated degree of emotion.

I turned around, reached up and grabbed my notebook off the shelf that I used to carry with me when I was working. It's basically a metal box with dividers inside, and a pad of lined paper. I looked directly in his eyes.

"This is the notebook I used to carry with me on jobs. I'd like to suggest that you try this. It may sound silly to you, but I want you to trust me. In this notebook, you will find a pen and a pad of lined paper. I want you to write down all of the thoughts and feelings that you are having. When you have a thought or a feeling, good or bad, I want you to write it down on the pad. Don't worry about spelling or penmanship or making it neat. You are going to use a separate line for each thought or feeling that comes to mind. If you have the same thought six times, then you are going to have 6 lines on the pad with the same thought. You with me so far?" I asked him.

"Yes, but what is this going to accomplish?" he asked.

"Look baby, I don't want to scare you, but what you are experiencing is pretty, normal. Unfortunately, you have to walk through the storm before you can see the rainbow on the other side, if you will excuse the cliche. There is no other way; there is no magic pill. This is what I have learned from my own experiences. I promise you that the world is not coming to an end, you are not crazy, you are not losing your mind, your head is not going to explode, and your heart is not going to burst out of your chest.

When you have a feeling or a thought, and you write it down, it has a place to go. Once you get it out, it has a kind of purging effect on your psyche. You have released it and let it go. Eventually, if you let yourself do this long enough, you will see that the result will be a calming effect, therefore, it will be less scary.

This is an exercise that was suggested to me by one of my therapists. I resisted it at first, but then I tried it, and I found it to be extremely helpful. I used to carry a spiral-bound notebook with me everywhere, and I mean everywhere I went. I was always writing down my feelings and thoughts even if I thought they had nothing to do with anything. You can think of it as a coping mechanism. It helps to handle the anxiety; it worked for me and at the time, I was a complete basket-case. Do you want to try it? You have absolutely nothing to lose. It might help. What do you say?" I asked him.

Joel dropped his backpack on the floor of the closet and threw his arms around me with such force I almost dropped the notebook. I wrapped one arm around his little waist and held him tight. "You're not going anywhere; right?" he asked me.

"If I do, it would just be over to Lowe's and you can come with me," I answered him softly.

"OK, I'll try it," he said apprehensively.

"Good man," I said patting him on the ass. He released me, stepped back, and I handed him my notebook. He took the notebook, picked up his backpack off the floor, and stepped out of the walk-in.

"Baby?" I said as I closed the closet door. He stopped and turned to face me. "I am going to shut the power down to the house which means no A/C. It's probably going to get hot in here for a while. I just wanted you to know. I'll go as fast as I can."

"Thanks; no problem," he said softly and walked into the bathroom.

About 11:45 I decided to stop work and have a little lunch. I hadn't seen Joel now close to three hours. I left the power on as long as I could to keep the house cool. I took a shop towel and wiped the sweat from my brow and tossed it back on the workbench I set up in the garage. I was pleasantly surprised when I walked into the house because it was cooler than I thought it would be. The house must be better insulated than I thought.

I walked into the bedroom to see Joel propped up on the headboard wall. His knees were bent and he had my notebook propped up against his legs like an easel. He seemed to be quite focused as he was writing. I stepped up to the end of the bed and looked down. I could see his beautiful ball sack as it bulged out from between his legs. I stood there just a few seconds before he noticed me.

"Hi, gorgeous," I said smiling down at him.

He looked up at me and smiled, "Hi, daddy," he said.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him.

"Um, better than before," he answered.

"Good; glad to hear it. I see based on the number of pages hanging over the end of the notebook that you have been doing a lot of writing. Do you think it was helpful?" I asked him.

"Um, not at first. But then I realized about an hour ago, I felt better. So, yes, it appears to have worked. The bombardment of thoughts and feelings stopped; at least for now anyway. So, what's the next step, professor?" he asked with a big smile.

"That would be some lunch, hot-stuff. I'm starving. Are you hungry?"

He closed the notebook and laid it on the floor next to the bed. He stood up, stepped down to the end of the bed, and stood before me. We were almost eye-to-eye level. "I want to take you in my arms and squeeze you tight, Joel, but I'm all sweaty and smelly."

Joel did not say a word, he simply wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder. "I'm all sweaty," I commented.

"I don't care. Thank you for this morning, Randy."

"You're welcome, baby; anytime. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tight. "You drive me crazy; you know. You do know that, right?"

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to make you crazy. I just don't know how to handle this or how to act. You suggested that I let myself have these feelings, embrace them, express them. That's what I'm trying to do. I wanted to hold you, feel you in my arms, so that's what I did."

"I didn't mean that in a bad way, gorgeous. I want you to do all of those things. I meant that all I have to do is look at you and it makes my head spin. You are so beautiful, inside and out, and you don't even know it. It would be so easy to let myself fall in love with you. I have to keep myself in perspective. That's what I meant. You make that very difficult for me." "Do you want to read what I wrote down," he asked.

"Aah, I'm not a shrink, obviously, but perhaps the stuff that you wrote down should stay private; those thoughts belong to you; they're proprietary. Now, that's not to say that I am not curious beyond words to read them. It would be like reading someone's diary though. However, if there is something that you wrote down that you want to talk about, I think that would be an acceptable exception to the rule. I will leave that decision up to you."

"What if I want you to read them? When we talked this morning about the bathroom door you said that we did not have to keep secrets from each other; correct?" he asked.

"You're right; I did say that. Isn't that the same thing?" he asked.

"I would venture to say that it's at least similar, to a certain degree. So, let's do this, sexy man; you read them to me, that way if there is something you want to keep private, you can skip it and move on to the next. I just have one request."

"What's that?" he asked.

"That we do it after lunch and after I get the power back on in the house. Is that, OK? I mean, it's not something that we have to do right this second; correct?"

"Yeah, that's OK. We can do it later; after lunch, after you get the power back on, and maybe after you take a shower. You are a little smelly, daddy," he giggled.

"Deal, let's go," I said. Joel stepped off the bed and started towards the bedroom door.

"Joel," I called to him. He stopped and turned around to face me. "We're going out for lunch, perhaps you should put some clothes on," I suggested.

"We're going out?" he questioned.

"Yeah, I feel like having a Firehouse sub; there's one not far from here. We'll grab a quick bite to eat and come back so I can get the power back on. Joel walked back over to the bed, picked his cargo shorts up off the floor and slipped them on.

"Do you want a fresh t-shirt to throw on?" I asked him.

"Nah, I'll just wear yesterdays.; we won't be gone that long, right?"

"Right?" I answered, as he headed down the hall.

"Are you coming, daddy?" he called out from down the hall. I started to laugh and double-timed it to catch up with him.

When we got back home, I left the car in the driveway so I'd have a little more room to maneuver around in the garage. I pressed the garage door remote attached to my sun visor and the garage door opened.

We stepped into the garage and Joel turned to look at me. "What's up I asked him as I gingerly wrapped my arm around his waist. Immediately, he pulled away a little and looked towards the street. "What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Um, nothing; nothing's wrong," he answered quickly looking down at the pavement. "Um, I have to pee," he said as he hurried away from me. He walked over and stepped through the garage door into the house. I instinctively knew what the issue was; I could feel it in my bones. I spooked him when I put my arm around his waist because we were outside, in front of the house, with the garage door wide open for anyone to see. "OK then; lesson learned," I said to myself. I thought it best to just leave him be and let him have his feelings. I'd try to get him to talk about it later if he wanted to. I was going to leave that decision up to him.

I went back to work and about ninety minutes later, I had power restored to the house. I put my tools away for the day and pulled the car back into the garage. I closed the garage door and walked into the house. I stopped at the fridge and grabbed a bottled water; thankfully, it was still cold.

When I walked into the bedroom, Joel was journaling. He was naked and it surprised me. "Hey, baby," I said, back at it I see.

"Yeah, I had to get some stuff off my chest," he answered softly.

"Cool," I said trying to keep things light and let him know that I was OK with what happened in the garage. I hoped he was able to catch my drift. "I'm going to jump in the shower gorgeous; I won't be long."

"OK," he said with a sort of sad smile.

I immediately pulled my t-shirt off and unbuttoned my jeans. I stepped into the walk-in and tossed my clothes in the hamper. When I stepped out of the closet, Joel was actively journaling.

He quickly glanced over at me and went back to writing. As I was showering, he consumed my thoughts. By the time I had finished my shower, I consciously decided that I was not going to invest any more time analyzing the situation. After all, it is what it is. I can't change it. I can't fix it. I mentally sent positive energy his way and that's about all I could do.

I toweled off, combed my hair, and hung the towel up on the hook to dry. I stepped out of the bathroom and saw Joel sitting in bed, his arms wrapped around his legs, and his chin resting on his knee caps. It made my heart hurt. He looked like a lost puppy. He was obviously having some feelings again. I walked over to the bed and crawled up next to him.

"What's wrong, baby?" I asked him.

"I'm sorry, Randy. I got scared," he said softly looking down at the bed. "Just to be clear, you are referring to the situation in the garage; is that correct?' I asked him.

"Yeah, that would be the situation," he said looking directly in my eyes.

"Can you tell me what happened," I asked him as I placed my hand on his arm to comfort him.

He placed his hand on top of my hand and squeezed it. "That's just it, at the time I had no fucking clue. Suddenly this wave of ickiness, to use a technical term, just swept over me. I almost felt dizzy or light-headed. I know it must sound stupid but I don't know how else to try and explain the feeling. It scared the shit out of me; I thought I was going to pass out. I had to get away from it. I came right here and I have not left this bed since we got back from lunch.

"So, what did you do when you came in here?" I asked him.

"I didn't know what to do so I started writing down what I was feeling; like I did this morning. It was crazy shit at first; just coo-coo shit, you know."

"You said it was crazy shit at first, as you were writing, did it start to make sense to you on some level after you stopped writing?" I asked as I gently brushed the hair from his face.

"Well, sort-of, kind-of, in a way, but not really, at least, not while I was still writing anyway," he answered me running his hands through his air quickly.

"So, you stopped writing. Why?"

"Because, it was always the same thoughts coming to mind. It was like going around and around in a circle. I saw no real purpose to continue, so I stopped writing."

"So, after you stopped writing; then what?"

"I closed the notebook and sat it back down on the floor. That was right after you got in the shower. The shower was kind of helpful in a way, the sound of the water helped me to focus on each of the repetitive thoughts kind of individually. Once I started doing that, it got easier kind of. I mean, I was not so scared like I was when they bombarded me all at the same time."

"That's a good thing, I was hoping that you would learn to do exactly that; take each thought or feeling and look at it individually. Sometimes, one thought has nothing to do with the other; sometimes it does. Bravo, I'm proud of you for figuring that out so quickly.

"Quickly?" he asked. "It took me all fucking day to figure that out!"

"Joel, that's fast in comparison to me; it took me much longer than a day to figure that out. So, when you looked at or analyzed each thought individually, was there a common denominator?" I asked him.

"Oh yeah! You. You are the common denominator, Randy. At least, the primary factor; I think," he answered. I mean, I didn't started experiencing this shit until I met you.

"I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean, Joel," I said to him. "Alright, I'm just going to say this and shoot from the hip because for the life of me, at this very moment anyway, I'm not sure how to package it in a format that makes any sense as a whole. Considering what happened yesterday, and what happened in the garage today, considering all of those things collectively, I think I have figured out some of the pieces or components, but the final answer to the puzzle still eludes me. I'm just going to describe to you what I think all of this means from an individual perspective. I don't know how else to do it."

#1) I have already told you that I very much enjoy how you look at me, talk to me, how you touch me, how you call me these pet names. I can't tell you how good that makes me feel. You, you make me feel so safe, wanted, and loved. I feel it so strongly. That is so, so foreign to me to be able to feel that kind of energy, that kind of affection towards me from another person; especially a man. It blows my mind. It's never happened to me before and for some reason it scared me.

#2) For the first time in my life, thanks to you, I am now consciously aware that I am physically attracted to men much more than women; that is especially true with regard to sexual attraction. I can see that now.

#3) Since I have met you, I have been very conscious of how you touch me. I mean, it has been a combination feeling of oh my God this man makes me feel so fucking good, and oh my God what's this man going to do next. So, for me, it has been a bitter-sweet experience. However, having said that, the sweet side of it weighs much more than the bitter side.

#4) I have wanted to touch and embrace you many, many more times than I have permitted myself that pleasure. I do so enjoy your company, Randy. I love being naked with you, and I very much enjoy looking at your naked body. I am both physically and sexually attracted to you. I am now consciously aware of that fact.

#5) With regard to the garage situation, I think I know why I got wigged-out so suddenly. It's a two-part explanation.

Part 1: Plain and simple, man-on-man public affection. I was afraid that someone would see us and it scared me. We were in the front of the house and the garage door was wide open; anyone could have seen us.

Part 2: When you wrapped your arm around my waist, I was obviously aware of it because I could feel it. I mentioned seconds ago that I have wanted to touch you much more than I have allowed myself to do it. When you hugged me in the garage, I started to hug you back without the slightest thought about it. Don't you see, it was an automatic response on my part. I didn't think about it, I was just going to hug you. I mean, I was going to do it before I stopped myself and basically ran away because it scared me. I don't know how else to explain it.

"So, there you have it; that's my assessment from writing all of this shit down., I said it out loud and I admitted it to you and myself. I kind of feel better since I told you," Joel said with relief in his voice.

I laid down on the bed and rested my head on the pillow next to him. I reached over and rested my hand on Joel's thigh. "Wow, it seems to me that you have figured out a lot of stuff in a very short period of time. I'm really proud of you gorgeous," I told him. I grabbed his arm and pulled him over on top me. He settled down on me just like he did last night. "God, I love this so much," I said. He snuggled his head into my neck. "You smell good," he said, "fresh and clean." I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tight.

We laid there together for a couple of minutes not moving. I started to slowly rub his back loving the feeling of his soft, smooth skin in my hands. He started to moan softly, "That feels so good. I could get used to this," he groaned.

I reached down and cupped his firm, little ass in my hands. I felt him flex his buns as he thrusted down on me gently. I ran my hands up and down his body and over his buns. When I came back down to his ass, I reached down between his legs and ran my middle finger gently over his taint. He gasped audibly and took a deep breath. I made a couple of circular rotations over his perinium and ran my finger up the surface of the crack of his ass.

I made sure that I went slow, soft, and gently with him. The last thing he needed right now is for me to pounce on him like a sex-craved lunatic even though I wanted to. I wanted to make him feel safe, wanted and loved. He has discovered a lot of serious stuff about himself within the last 24 hours; that's a lot of new information for anyone to absorb and wrap their head around in such a short period of time. He needs time to process this new information he has discovered about himself.

We laid there in silence for about twenty minutes as I continued to caress him, every once in a while, I could feel his cock twitch; he was quite hard as was I. I took such pleasure in his occasional moans. I longed to take his glorious cock into my mouth and make love to it and him. Patience is a virtue I reminded myself.

I was scheduled to work at the thrift store tomorrow and wondered to myself if it was a good idea to leave him home alone for four hours. I had to smile to myself because I felt silly afterwards, he is a grown man after all.

"I have to pee again but I don't want to get up; I'm so comfortable," he said softly.

"Then pee right here," I told him.

"What!" he said raising his head up off my chest. "Did you just tell me to pee on you?" he said in disbelief.

"Well, when you gotta go, you gotta go," I smiled.

He started to laugh, "you are such a perv," he said to me as he reached out and pushed himself up and sat back on his heels straddling my hips. "I can't believe you just said that," he continued to laugh as he started his dismount.

"Wait!" I said, as I grabbed his arm. "Let me look at you before you get up."

He sat back on his heels, his beautiful, hard cock pointing up at 45 degrees. "God! You are so beautiful, baby. Just look at the gorgeous cock of yours. He's so hard and proud. Look at it! It's perfect!" I said to him. He smiled down at me, and to my surprise, he grabbed his hardon at the base and teetered it up and down at me. I heard myself groan as I watched him. He let go of his cock and jumped off me. He hurried across the bedroom and into the bathroom. I immediately got up and followed him.

I stood in the bathroom doorway and watched him as he stood in front of the toilet. His beautiful cock was so hard. I noticed for the first time, that his cock had a slight curve upward as he was standing there. He was such a sight to behold.

He looked over at me and flashed that beautiful smile of his. I leaned against the doorframe and crossed my legs. When I crossed my legs, I felt the pressure in my dick and the head of my rock-cock flared out.

"You're leaking," he said to me as he looked down at my cock. I looked down to see a small line of cock-droll hanging from the time of my dick. I reached down and scooped it up on my finger and licked it off. Joel's eyes bugged out of his head and his jaw dropped.

"You're a total perv," he said to me smiling.

"It's too good to let it go to waste," I told him. He looked at me smiling and shook his head.

"You are too much, daddy," he said.

I walked over, stood behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. As I hugged him, I felt my cock slide up his back. I hugged him firmly and kissed him on the shoulder. "I have to tell you something," I whispered in his ear as I hugged him.

"What's that?" he asked as he leaned his head back against my chest.

"I am scheduled to work at the thrift store tomorrow. My shift starts at 10 AM. I should be home by 2:30. Do you want me to call out?" I asked him.

"No. Why should you call out?" he asked.

"I want to be here if you need me," I answered him.

"Thank you. I appreciate that; it's very sweet of you to offer, but that's not necessary. I'll be fine tomorrow. If I have another episode, I have your notebook. I don't want you to worry about me."

I hugged him around the chest and kissed him on the cheek. "I'll leave my phone number on the fridge just in case you need it." By this time, he had stopped peeing. I didn't want to let him go; I could have held him in my arms forever. I kissed him again and released him.

"Do you have anything that you need to do right now?" he asked me as I stepped through the bathroom door.

"No, not really. What do you have in mind, gorgeous?" I asked.

"Hot tub and a beer?" he said. "It was so nice yesterday when we did that. I mean, when I wasn't having a melt-down that is."

"I think that's an excellent idea. There's just one problem; we are out of beer. We finished that entire six pack yesterday. I'll need to go to the market. By the way, have you called your friend Roger yet?" I asked him.

"No, not yet. I need to call him. I was supposed to call him last night. He's probably wondering what happened to me," Joel said pursing his lips tight together.

"I'll go to the market and get more beer and you call Roger. I was planning on a simple meal tonight; specifically, BLT's. Does that work for you, gorgeous?"

"Yeah, that sounds fantastic!" he answered. "I love BLT's. I'm kind of surprised you suggested it since you said you don't eat a lot of meat."

"I don't eat a lot of meat, but I do love bacon; kooky right? I treat myself every so often. I won't be long, baby."

Next: Chapter 5

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