My New Apprentice

By Spike Meyers

Published on Mar 23, 2023


Date: 03/18/2023

Author: Spike Meyers


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Notice: This story is a work of fiction and contains explicit sexual material. It may also include, incest, sex between minor(s) and adult male(s), sex between minors, and sexual fetish.

If you are offended by such material, do not read this work of fiction. The character(s) in this work of fiction are not based on any known person(s).

My New Apprentice 26

"Thanks, dad, I love you too," Joel said softly. He hugged his dad feeling so much closer to his father. As he embraced his dad, he suddenly felt a little tingle in his cock.

Roger hung up the phone after saying goodbye to Henry and looked down at Jason, his dick still in Jason's mouth. "I think you got it all," Roger chuckled.

Jason released Roger's cock, looked up at him and said, "Just making sure." He stood up, his cock still hanging out of his pants and gave Roger a huge smile. "Tell me, Rog, what are the chances of me getting you into a proper bed? This is fun and all, but I'd really like to get naked with you and take our time together. How do you feel about that idea?" Jason asked hoping to hear what he wanted to hear.

"I'm not opposed to that idea Jace, but please understand that I am not interested in anything serious. I'm going thru a divorce and I'm not interested in sliding into another relationship anytime soon; I have far too much on my plate. Can you understand that?" Roger responded.

"Perfectly, Rog; I understand perfectly. But if you ever want to get married again, I'm available," Jason laughed.

"Hey, hey; none of that talk," Roger laughed hoping that Jason was joking.

Joel released his hug on his dad and attempted to sit back on the bench. His dad responded by squeezing him tighter before letting him go. "Are you OK, son?" Mark asked.

"I think so. I'm just having a lot of feelings at the moment. They're sort of bouncing off the walls all over the place. But I'm OK," Joel answered him.

"Would you care to share these feelings with me?" Mark asked as he placed his hand on Joel's knee under the water.

When Joel felt his father's hand on his leg, his leg twitched as if a doctor was testing his reflexes. "Sorry, dad. I didn't mean for that to happen."

"It's OK, son; I understand. I'm sorry; I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," Mark said as he withdrew his hand and sat back on the bench. "That's the last thing I want to do, son. Perhaps we should talk about something else; I don't want you to feel awkward or uncomfortable around me. I wish I hadn't said what I said."

"Dad, please, don't say that. This is just going to take me a little time to sort in my head. I'm glad you told me. I'm glad that you want to be open and honest with me, I want that too; I really do, and as I said, part of me wants to, you know, have sex together. I'm just grappling with you being my dad. If you weren't my dad, I'd be on your cock already," Joel confessed, his face blushing.

"May I make a suggestion?" Mark asked.

"Please do," Joel answered looking at his dad for some kind of guidance.

"I suggest that we just take a deep breath, sit here together, side by side, and take baby steps with each other. Slow and easy, not rush into anything, and if and when you're ready, we can start with a simple, intimate touch. Does that sound OK?"

"Um, yeah, OK; that sounds good," Joel said softly as he took a deep breath and exhaled.

"We should probably put our dicks away don't you think?" Roger said with a smile.

"Yeah, I guess so, but I really don't want to," Jason answered. "I'd rather stand here and look at you; either that or go for round two."

"I don't think round two would be advisable. We've already pushed the envelope a little farther than we should have," Roger said as he pushed his office chair back, stood up and put his dick back in his pants. Jason immediately packed himself away never looking away from Roger.

"I need to pee anyway," Roger said, "You want to hold it for me?"

"I thought you'd never ask," Jason giggled.

"I was kidding; come on," I'll walk you to your car."

Together, Joel and his dad sat in silence for several minutes. In Joel's head, he found himself vacillating back and forth. Should I, or shouldn't I? Yes, or no? He's my dad, but like Randy said earlier, so what if he's my dad? He's hot, sexy and he wants me. As Joel was deep in thought, he felt his dad's hand on his leg again, just above the knee.

He took a deep breath and held it. This time, he didn't twitch in reflex. This time, it was not as shocking. Joel slowly exhaled and moved his leg slightly to the left; his legs now spread slightly apart. His father responded by gently rubbing his hand over and around Joel's leg so his finger tips were now resting between Joel's leg and the surface of the bench. He then stopped, squeezed gently and began to caress the top of Joel's leg softly with just his thumb. Neither one of them said a single word.

After several seconds, and no complaints from Joel, Mark continued up Joel's leg to his thigh. He gently caressed Joel's thigh and slowly, made his way to the inner-thigh and up until the back of his hand brushed ever so slightly against Joel's ball sack.

Joel suddenly decided to stop obsessing about the fact that this was his dad touching him, and to let whatever is going to happen, happen. His cock was quickly responding to his dad's touch; he spread his legs a little farther apart, leaned his head back and closed his eyes. Mark reached across to Joel's other leg and as he did, he felt Joel's lengthening cock brush against his forearm.

With his free hand, Mark grabbed ahold of his own very ridged dick and started a slow stroke. As Mark caressed Joel's thighs and stroked his own cock, Joel heard a faint moan escape his father's mouth. "You feel so good, son," Mark said softly. "You have beautiful legs. Has anyone ever told you that before?"

Joel opened his eyes and smiled, "Yeah, dad; Randy tells me that all the time."

"Of course, he does; it's true," Mark said as he turned sideways towards Joel and ran his hand up Joel's torso. He caressed Joel's chest, stopping briefly at each nipple, to lightly run the pad of his index finger across the nipple tip. Joel let his head fall back again as he enjoyed his father's touch. Mark caressed down Joel's body until he arrived at Joel's bush. He gently ran his finger tips through the top of Joel's neatly, trimmed bush, around to his hip, and down to his thigh ignoring Joel's now fully inflated cock.

Mark worked his way down Joel's leg to the kneecap and back up again before he gently grabbed Joel's ball sack. Joel moaned softly and without thinking, automatically spread his legs apart until he encountered his father's legs and stopped. Other than a few moans between them, neither of them said a single word. Mark continued to fondle his son's sack, occasionally lifting up the sack and running a finger up and down his perineum. Joel's cock was throbbing and he secretly wanted his dad to start stroking him.

Having just finished that thought, his dad grabbed Joel's hard cock and gave it a gentle squeeze. He gently ran his thumb over the piss slit and continued to thumb the entire crown making sure he covered every millimeter. Instinctively, Joel thrusted up into his father's hand and moaned. "Jerk my cock, Dad!" he said softly, surprised at the words coming out of his mouth.

Mark started a slow slide up and down the entire length of Joel's cock. "Your cock is so hard, son. It feels incredible in my hand. Suddenly, Joel cast all inhibitions to the wind. He lifted himself out of the water, placed his hand on the back of his father's head, and pulled him down onto his cock.

"Suck my cock, Dad!" he commanded.

Without hesitation, Mark opened his mouth and attempted to swallow his son's cock. He got half way down before he started to choke. "Come on, Dad; you're gonna have to do better than that," Joel said as he pushed his father's head down on his cock. Mark started to choke again and Joel let up on him. Mark pulled off, leaned back and took a big breath. "Damn, you're a little spitfire, aren't you?" he said before going back down on Joel's cock again. This time, although he struggled, he did better. Joel let him suck his dick without interruption. All of his fears or concerns suddenly faded away as he watched his own father suck his cock.

"Teeth, Dad, teeth," he called out softly. He placed his hand on the back of his dad's head and speaking softly to him, he guided and schooled his father in the art of sucking cock. After several minutes elapsed, his dad found his rhythm and Joel started to enjoy watching his father suck his dick. "That's it, Dad, much better," Joel praised him. It wasn't that long before Joel realized that his dad was already starting to get fatigued. It's probably been quite a while since he's had a cock in his mouth; he's out of practice," Joel thought to himself.

"Dad," Joel said softly. "It's my turn. Stand up; I want to see you. Show me that pretty cock of yours," Joel cajoled him. Mark let go of Joel's cock and sat up. He looked at Joel, smiled widely, and stood up as Joel requested, his cock pointing straight out from his body and throbbing to his heartbeat.

Joel looked at his dad and smiled. "Look at you, Dad; you're so sexy. I have such a sexy dad with a pretty cock," Joel said proudly. For just a few seconds, Joel let his dad watch him stroking his cock while he gazed at his father's body.

"Do you really think so, son?" Mark asked suddenly wanting his son's approval so badly.

"Fuck, yeah!" Joel answered as he scooted forward on the bench, grabbed his father by the hips and pulled him to him. "Look at that hard cock!" Joel hissed. He cupped his dad's balls in his hand and took his dad's throbbing cock in his mouth. He rolled his tongue around the knob and felt a shudder pass through his father's body.

"Oh God!" Mark bellowed out. Joel reached around and grabbed his father's ass in his hands and pulled him tight against his face, his nose buried in his father's bush. Mark instinctively grabbed Joel's head and held on tight. For several seconds, Joel worked his dad's cock using his throat muscles and tongue only. He did not back off until he started to run out of air since his nose was pressed against his father's body.

He came up slightly on his dad's cock, breathing through his nose and started sucking his dad's cock with fervor. "Oh my God, oh my God," Mark repeated out loud. "Christ, you're good at this son. I had no idea."

After only about three minutes, Joel felt Mark's cock get harder in his mouth, his cock knob expanded, and a low growl started coming to the surface from deep within. "Ah! Ah!" Mark groaned loudly, unable to form an actual word as he emptied his low-hanging ball sack in his son's mouth.

Joel felt the first squirt hit the roof of his mouth as the second immediately followed. He tasted his dad's seed, much saltier than his own or Randy's. He swallowed and waited for the third wave to hit his tongue. His dad's cock squirted one last volley before diminishing to a slow spill util it stopped completely.

For a few seconds, Joel held his dad's cock in his mouth as he listened to his dad's heavy panting. He felt his dad's legs trembling and decided to release his dad's cock so he could sit back down.

He scooted back on the bench, took his father's hand and guided him back down on the bench. He looked at his father as he sat on the bench, his eyes closed, his mouth slightly agape and waited patiently until his father's breathing normalized.

"Are you OK, Dad?" Joel asked.

"Oh yeah; I'm fucking great!" his dad responded. "That was so incredible, son. I have not had a blow job like that in I don't know how long. That was fantastic; better than I imagined it would be. Give me a minute son if you will, I want to make you cum like that," he said panting out the words.

"It's OK, dad. Just sit and relax. I'm fine. Why don't I grab us a couple of beers. It's got to be pretty close to noon, maybe more." Joel stepped out of the hot tub, his cock at half-mast. In less than a minute, he returned with two Corona's. He stepped into the hot tub, handed his dad a beer, and sat down on the bench next to him.

"Well, that was a first," Joel said as he raised his beer in a toast.

"I'm sorry I came so fast, Joel. It was so exciting and felt so amazing I just couldn't hold back; I'm sorry. I so wanted to make you cum first," he said apologetically.

"Dad, it's OK; really. That was our first time. It will get better; I promise. I liked watching you suck my dick and I enjoyed sucking yours."

"Really; I hope so, because I sure enjoyed it. I can't believe I came in your mouth."

"Oh, you came in my mouth alright, and I swallowed your load. I sucked the cock that made me," Joel giggled no longer feeling uncomfortable about having sex with his own father. "You know, Dad, I'd like to do it again some time. Next time, we both should be much more comfortable with each other."

Joel reached over and grabbed his dad's cock under the water. "Maybe I can make you cum again, Dad," Joel said as he fondled his dad's cock.

"You know, at my age, I've become a one-shot kind of guy, but if anyone could make me cum two times in short succession, my money is on you, son," he giggled softly. "I take it you are feeling better about us having sex?"

"Yeah, dad, I'm good now. I guess that I just had to experience it to realize that the planet is not going to stop spinning because I sucked my own father off and swallowed his load.

"Are you concerned about what Randy is going to think when you tell him?" Mark asked.

"You know, dad, knowing Randy the way I do; he probably already knows," Joel responded casually.

"What do you mean? How could he already know?" Mark asked not understanding his son's response. "Dad, I can't explain it, but Randy has certain abilities that most people don't have. I'm sure he already knows."

Mark looked at his son as if he was talking jibberish. "What does that mean, exactly," Mark asked.

"Dad, as you get to know Randy better, you will see for yourself what I'm talking about. Roger knows what I'm talking about. He's been with us long enough to experience it for himself. In time, you will too."

"So, do you think he's going to be OK with this. He's not going to want to kick my ass?" Mark giggled.

"No, Dad. Randy will be fine with it. It's not going to be an issue; trust me."

"OK, son; honestly, I don't quite follow, but I'll take your word for it. If you'll excuse me for just a minute, I have to pee."

"Need any help? Joel asked with a sly look on his face.

"Rog!" Randy said in surprise as Roger walked into the Thrift Store. He stepped out from behind the counter and approached Roger. "Is something wrong baby?" he asked sensing a little something coming off of Roger.

"I'm good, daddy," Roger whispered softly. "I just wanted to see you and took an extended lunch. Plus, I need a little advice if you don't mind. I did not want to wait until I got home to talk to you about it. I wanted to talk to you first before I tell Joel."

"Yeah, baby; of course. Just let me get someone from the back to cover the register. Wait here, I'll be right back," Randy said and quickly walked to the back of the store.

In less than two minutes, Roger saw Randy coming up the isle with a short, portly woman walking slowly behind him. As they approached the front of the store, Roger heard Randy say, "Thanks, Bonnie, I shouldn't be too long."

"No problem, Randy, take your time," she responded.

Randy approached Roger, placed his hand on the small of his back, ushered him to the front door and stepped outside. They walked to the left and sat down on a bench not too far from the store entrance.

"What's going on, baby?" Randy asked looking directly into Roger's eyes.

Roger immediately felt butterflies in his stomach again as Randy gave him his undivided attention. "I'm sorry, daddy, I'm being silly. I should just..."

"Rog, tell me what's on your mind. There is a reason you came over here as opposed to waiting until we get home. That tells me that this is important to you; so tell me, baby. What's going on in that gorgeous head of yours."

"OK, two things; I need to tell you something and then I need your advice about something," Roger said quickly.

"OK, gorgeous, I'm all yours," Randy smiled.

Roger couldn't hold back his smile. "God, Daddy, you don't know the effect you have on me; or maybe you do, considering your unique abilities, but having said that, I'm just going to say this. I have very, very strong feelings for you; Joel too, but you especially you, daddy-man. To borrow an expression from Joel, you make my head spin. I think about you all the time. I can't get you out of my head and honestly, I don't really want to. I mean, it's not just sexual, daddy, it is that too, of course, but it's more than that.

I mean, no one has ever made me feel the way you do, well, Joel too of course, but especially you. Tiffany never made me feel the way you and Joel do. Just a few days ago I was in my truck, driving up Bell Road, and you were all I could think about. My dick got rock hard just thinking about you and I wasn't even having sexual thoughts about you at the time. That's when I asked myself if I was in love with you.

I totally understand now what Joel was trying to explain to me a while back. He told me the exact same thing. I totally understand now what he was talking about. You have two guys, best friends even, who are completely enthralled with you, both emotionally and sexually. Honest to God, Randy, sometimes it feels so fucking overwhelming. That's why I had to come and talk to you now. I had to tell you."

Randy suddenly wrapped his arms around Roger and squeezed him tight. "That's my guy," Randy whispered in his ear.

Roger gently extracted himself from Randy's embrace, leaned back, looked in Randy's eyes and said, "Wait, you are not the least bit surprised, are you? You knew, didn't you?" he asked with surprise all over his face.

"I'm ecstatic that you told me, gorgeous. You don't know how happy that makes me feel to hear you say it."

Roger suddenly sat back on the bench and took a deep breath. Randy calmly sat back on the bench next to him and placed his left hand on Roger's right knee. They sat there on the bench in silence for a few seconds before Randy broke their silence.

"Rog, you do understand that both Joel and I feel the same way about you. We're in love with you too; both of us. To be honest with you, I have been in love with you for a while now. So has Joel, he just hasn't admitted it to himself yet; but he will soon."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Roger asked.

"Baby, I did, we did, you just weren't ready to really let yourself hear it or accept it for some reason. Think back, Rog, how many times have Joel and I independently told you that we love you? I'd say there are not too many days that have gone by that we haven't told you that we love you.

"Well, yeah, I mean, I heard you guys say that like a thousand times. I know you guys love me and support me; I guess that I didn't understand that your feelings went deeper than I thought. I guess I couldn't see the forest for the trees."

"To some degree, that is perfectly understandable gorgeous," Randy continued. "Until recently, you have lived your life as a heterosexual man. Now that you have broadened your outlook on life and are permitting yourself to experience new things, perhaps a man telling you that he loves you is more challenging for you to interpret. There are different forms of love. We have all told our family and friends that we love them and we mean it sincerely. But you must admit that when we say that to you, like we have so many times, if feels different. Doesn't it? It should feel different. I hope it feels different."

"Randy paused for about two seconds, "Yes, it does; it does, and it makes me feel so good when you guys say it." Roger responded.

"I'm glad to hear that. Now, I want you to hear this loud and clear gorgeous, so listen to me carefully; I want no misunderstandings. I, me, I'm speaking for myself here; I'm in love you, Rog. I love you. I know what a wonderful man you truly are. I'm physically and sexually attracted to you. I desire you. I think you are absolutely gorgeous. I love having sex with you. I love making love to you. I lust after you. I love your body. I love your cock. I love that gorgeous, sweet ass of yours. I look forward to you coming home from work every day. I want to spend my life with you and Joel. I love you in every way I could possibly imagine. I want you to know that you and Joel are my entire world. Have I made myself perfectly clear?"

"Yeah, yeah. I hear you, daddy. I hear you," Roger said as he felt a wave of heat pass through his body, absorbing Randy's words to the very core of his being. He placed his hand on Randy's that never left his knee. "I should tell Joel soon, shouldn't I?" he asked.

"Personally, I think that would be an appropriate thing to do considering you have come to terms with your own feelings. Of course, it is entirely up to you. It is just a matter of time before Joel tells you that he's in love with you too. It could be today, next week or next month, but he is going to tell you soon unless you beat him to it and tell him first," Randy answered him tenderly.

"Right, I'll tell him as soon as opportunity permits," Roger said. "I'm really confused about something though and I think that is why I have had such trouble with this; the three of us I mean and coming to terms with my feelings. I know how you and Joel are so connected, it's like you two are a part of each other. I have seen that from day one. I know how much you two love and cherish each other; it's so, so obvious. So, how can you guys love each other the way you do and love me at the same time? I mean, I understand in a way, more accurately, I can relate to it because I love both of you guys too, but how can that be?" Roger asked.

"I have given that some thought as of late, but to be honest with you, I have no fucking idea. I could answer that with a hoaky cliché and say, love has no boundaries. I honestly don't know. This is a first for me too; I have never experienced loving two people simultaneously. However, there is no doubt in my mind and my heart how I feel about you and Joel. I just know that for the three of us, it works and it works well; we live in harmony. In my heart, the three of us belong together. I'm at a loss to explain it. But obviously it has happened with us. Perhaps it's our societal belief that true love only exists between two people or somehow, it's not really real. Considering what we have, I would now take exception to that theory," Randy answered him.

"It's confusing, isn't it?" Roger asked.

"Yes, I guess it can be if you let it. But if you know how you truly feel, fuck it; who cares. Do we really need to understand; it is what it is. Unorthodox perhaps, but so what? That was my final thought on the subject before I let it go and released it into the universe," Randy stated looking into Roger's eyes and smiling warmly.

"You know, you're right," Roger said feeling relieved. This is real; we all love each other. That's what counts. OK, daddy-man, I have something else I want your advice on."

"Fire away, gorgeous. I'll try to help if I can."

Roger went on the tell him about Jason. He told him the entire story since their initial encounter at the Glendale office. He left nothing out of the story; a blow-by-blow if you will. He wanted Randy to know absolutely everything.

"OK, you have been honest with him and told him you're not looking for a relationship; so, what's the problem, baby?"

"But I didn't tell him that I was involved with you and Joel. He knows I'm going through a divorce and yes, I did tell him I wasn't interested in a relationship. But I worded it in such a way that it was due to my divorce. My concern is that if I give him what he wants, he's going to want more than just casual sex from time-to-time. I certainly don't have your abilities, but I think he may be a bit more interested in more than us saving sex."

"I applaud you that you are concerned about his feelings; it confirms one of the reasons why I love you; you're a good man, Roger. I would suggest that you, once again, tell him the truth. Just be honest with him. I'm not suggesting you go into detail; that's not necessary. Just let him know that you are already emotionally invested in someone but willing to, enjoy each other's company; just not as his boyfriend.

However, having said that, even if he agrees to those terms, you also have to consider that he may fall in love with you anyway. From what you have told me, he's a gay man, he's already infatuated with you sexually, and I've told you this before, you are easy to fall in love with. Personally, I wouldn't blame him for falling in love with you. That is a possibility that you must consider. Feelings are feelings and you can't control them as hard as you may try. It's not a switch that you can simply turn off.

So, my advice is that if you have this little voice in your head that is telling you he wants more than you can give him, back out of it now. I'd talk to him again, Rog; make sure he clearly understands your position as best you can. He's a big boy, let him make his own decision if that's acceptable to him or not."

"What advise do you think Joel would give me?" Roger asked.

"I have no doubt that Joel would want a full physical description of Jason and then ask you to bring him home so we can all enjoy his company," Randy giggled.

"You are so, right; I can see Joel saying exactly that. I better get back to work but before I take off, I have one more question I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts about," Roger said.

"Fire away, sexy," Randy smiled.

"Since I have professed my love for you guys, does that make me gay now?" Roger asked seriously.

"Look baby, try not to start labeling yourself and finding a category that you fit comfortably in. In my personal opinion, and understand it's just my personal opinion, I'm certainly not an authority about anything other than my own profession. The only way that I know how to try and give you an answer to that question is from my personal experience. I will use myself as an example.

I consider myself a gay man. I say that because I am not sexually or physically attracted to females. I just want to be as clear as I can here. I am exclusively physically and sexually attracted to men. I only want to have sex with men. I have nothing against women, I can see a beautiful, gorgeous, voluptuous woman and admire her beauty. I just would not be interested in bedding her; therefore, I consider myself a gay man.

If a man is attracted physically and sexually to women exclusively, then he is a straight man. If a man is attracted to both sexes equally, then I would categorize him as bisexual. Again, that is my personal view. Since you are now attracted to both sexes, I would consider you to be a bisexual man. Again, understand that is just my personal view.

"Got it; thanks. I'd better let you get back to work before we piss Miss Bonnie off," Roger chuckled.

"Yeah, I know; she can probably kick both of our asses," Randy smiled as he stood up. "Come on, I need a hug not to mention that I am so looking forward to you coming home tonight if you know what I mean," he said with a wink and a sly smile.

"So, how was the Heard?" Randy asked Joel and his mom as they walked into the kitchen.

"Oh my gosh, Randy. It was so nice; Joel and I had such a nice time. It was such a wonderful day." Kathy answered enthusiastically.

"Good, glad to hear it. May I get you guys anything?" he asked.

"No thanks, Randy. If you don't mind, I going to use the restroom and then go back to the room and rest for a little while before dinner. I'm a little tired to tell you the truth. We did a lot of walking today," Kathy answered. "Go ahead, Mom; you know where it us," Joel said. After Kathy stepped out of the kitchen, Joel stepped across and stood next to Randy.

"How's my baby?" Randy asked as he wrapped his arms around Joel. "Glad to be home with you," Joel answered as he slid his hand down Randy's back and into the waistband of his shorts. Randy moaned softly, reached over and grabbed Joel's crotch. He pulled Joel's zipper down and stuck his finger through the opening to find a rapidly growing appendage. "You're wearing underwear?" Randy questioned.

"Well, yeah, I spent the day with my mom. I thought it would be appropriate since we were out and around in a public space," Joel answered softly. "I guess my dad hasn't called for a ride back yet?"

"No, not yet. We might wind up taking him back if he doesn't call by the time your mom leaves. Are you still OK with what happened between you and your dad yesterday?" Randy asked.

"Yeah, I'm good; no problem," Joel answered as he reached down and grabbed Randy's cock. He moaned softly, leaned down, and slipped Randy a little tongue.

"Careful, don't get me all fired up while your mom is here. I'd be mortified if she saw something," Randy cautioned him. They both heard the faint flush of the toilet and Randy quickly withdrew his finger from Joel's zipper. Joel zipped up just as quickly and leaned against the counter so his mom wouldn't see his hardon through his shorts.

When she walked back into the kitchen, Randy asked again if she would like something to drink for the road. She politely declined Randy's offer, placed her purse on the kitchen counter, reached inside and grabbed her phone.

"Randy, did Mark mention by any chance about what time he expected to get off the golf course?" she asked.

"No, I'm sorry, he didn't," Randy answered her. "But he knew when my shift at the thrift store ended so he could call me when he was ready."

"Don't worry, Mom. If you want to go back and take a nap, go ahead. I'll bring Dad back later when he calls," Joel said to his mom.

"Are you sure, Joel? I don't want to put you guys out and interrupt your evening," she said as she put her cell back in her purse.

"It's not a problem, Mom. I'll bring Dad back," Joel repeated himself. "Thank you, Joel. I appreciate that. I'll see you guys tomorrow then. Have a good night and thanks again, Joel, for a lovely day."

"Any time, Mom. I'll walk you out."

Joel walked back into the kitchen after seeing his mom off and Randy was still sitting at the bar. "What do you want to do for dinner tonight when Rog gets home?" Joel asked. "Oh, I'm not waiting that long to eat; I'm hungry now!" Randy growled as he hopped off the bar stool and picked up Joel throwing him over his shoulder. Joel started laughing as Randy carried him out of the kitchen to the bedroom.

Just after 5 PM, Randy's phone rang. "I'm sure that's your dad," Randy said.

"Ugh! Mom just left fifteen minutes ago. I have to get off of you now, don't I? Joel whined.

"Afraid so, gorgeous. My phone is still on the bar, why don't you call him since you volunteered to take him back to the hotel," Randy told him.

"Oh jeez; OK, I'll call him."

"You did tell your mom that you would bring him back, but because I love you, I'll take him back if you want me to. That's how much I love you," Randy told him as he cupped his little bubble-butt and squeezed.

"Oh God, I love it when you do that," Joel groaned as he raised his head and kissed Randy hard forcing his tongue in his mouth.

Randy started to moan and pushed Joel back. "No, no, go call your dad. We have all night for that," he said.

"OK, I'm going, I'm going," Joel responded as he rolled off of Randy. He hurried to the kitchen and grabbed Randy's phone. He went to the missed call log and dialed his father back.

"Hey Randy," his father said. "I'm ready whenever you are. I'm sorry, I lost track of time at the club house."

"It's Joel, dad."

"Hey son; will you let Randy know that I'm ready please? I'll be waiting at the front of the club house," Mark told him.

"I'll be picking you up Dad. I told Mom that I'd bring you back; she just left not long ago. I'll see you soon."

"Looking forward to seeing you son."

"Me too, dad; see you in a few." Joel hung up the phone and placed it back on the kitchen counter. He turned and walked back to the bedroom. "He's ready," Joel said as he walked into the bedroom. "I'll be back as soon as I can," he said kneeling down on the mattress next to Randy to kiss him before he left.

Next: Chapter 27

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