My New Apprentice

By Spike Meyers

Published on Mar 9, 2023


Date: 03/06/2023

Author: Spike Meyers


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Notice: This story is a work of fiction and contains explicit sexual material. It may also include, incest, sex between minor(s) and adult male(s), sex between minors, and sexual fetish.

If you are offended by such material, do not read this work of fiction. The character(s) in this work of fiction are not based on any known person(s).

My New Apprentice 24

"Here, have a seat, Rog. I'll get you a beer," Randy said giving him a smile. As he opened the fridge to get Roger his beer, he suddenly paused holding the refrigerator door open. He suddenly understood what he has been sensing about Mark. "No fucking way!" he said to himself.

"Mom, dad, will you guys let me take you out for dinner tonight? Joel asked.

"Oh honey, thank you so much for offering, but I'm not sure I can have dinner tonight. Your father and I have sat here for that last couple of hours and gorged ourselves on these fabulous hors d'oeuvres Randy has put out. I don't think I can eat dinner tonight. How about we do breakfast tomorrow instead. Is that alright with everyone?"

"Oh, OK; sure, we can do that. Is that OK with you Randy?" Joel asked.

"Sure, sounds like a great idea.

"But what about, Rog. Rog has to work tomorrow," Joel said disappointed.

"That's OK, Buddy. I have an appointment with the attorney tomorrow anyway. Your folks are going to be here for a week. We have plenty of time. No worries," Roger said as he reached up and placed his hand on Joel's shoulder.

Roger was the first one up the next morning. He was showered and dressed by the time Randy came out to make coffee. "You're up early, Rog. Everything alright?" Randy asked him.

"I guess I'm just a little anxious about meeting with the attorney today," he said as he poured Randy a cup of coffee. "I guess my primary concern is whether Tiffany is going to make it more difficult that it already is."

"If you need me, all you have to do is call," Randy said as he accepted the coffee cup. He leaned in and kissed Roger gently. "Just take it step-by-step, baby. Today, Tiffany is not going to make this difficult. Today is just a meet-and-greet, you tell her your side of the story, listen to what she says or recommends, and go from there. She will guide you through the legal crap and Joel and I will be here to love you and help you with everything else. We got you covered."

"You have a silk tongue, daddy-man. If I were naked right now, you'd see my dick rising to the occasion. You have a knack for making me feel better," Roger smiled.

Randy reached down and cupped Roger's crotch. "I pray that never changes," he whispered in his ear.

"I had better be going or I'm going to wind of naked and late for work. I'll see you tonight daddy," he whispered back, sat his coffee mug in the sink, and walked out of the kitchen.

"Good morning, guys," Kathy greeted them at the front of the restaurant. She approached and hugged Joel first and then Randy. Mark hugged Joel and then he hugged Randy a little longer than necessary.

"I took the liberty of reserving us a booth," Mark said as he took a step back.

"Thank you, Mark. That's perfect. Good thinking," Randy smiled. He placed his hand on Mark's shoulder and the other, on Joel's. "Shall we head on in," Randy asked.

The hostess escorted them to a booth, waited until they were all seated, and then handed each of them a menu. "Our special this morning is Eggs Benedict with salmon," she said. "Your waiter will be along shortly."

Randy smiled up at her and said, "Thank you so much; enjoy your day." She smiled, nodded her head and stepped away from the table.

"So, what would you guys like to do today?" Joel asked his parents.

"We haven't really planned anything for today, Joel. We thought that we would just play it by ear and see what the day brings. However, while we are here, sometime this week, I'd love to see the Heard Museum, the Phoenix Art Museum and maybe even the Botanical Gardens. I'm no too sure about Mark, but I'd like to see those three things while we're here," Kathy answered.

"I would go for the Heard, but I'm not so inclined about the others. However, I'm not opposed to seeing the others. I would definitely go," Mark added.

"What about this, Mark? Joel tells me that you are a golfer. What if you and I play a few holes while Kathy and Joel do their thing. How does that sound?" Randy asked. "Since we have several courses available to us, we have multiple choices."

"Now you're talking my language," Mark said excitedly. "Count me in. Now I'm glad that I tossed my clubs in the car when we left. Is that OK with you Kathryn?"

"Of course, Mark. I know how much you love being on the golf course. You two go and enjoy yourselves. Joel and I will make the best of it in your absence," Kathy said giving Joel a wink. "Thank you," she mouthed to Randy in silence.

Randy couldn't help but smile. He reached down under the table and rested his hand on Joel's leg.

"After breakfast, you guys can follow us home. When we get home, I'll call and see if I can get us a decent tee time," Randy commented. "Hopefully, our guardian angles will be sitting on our shoulders and bring us luck."

"It's been a while since I've been on the course, Mark. I'm really rusty; I hope you'll take pity on me today," Randy joked.

"Sorry, Randy. I can make no such guarantee. I have a tendency to take no prisoners in this game," he laughed.

"Oh, I see; so, that's how it's going to be, is it? Fair enough, then. We shall see what we shall see," Randy said in jest. "Show me what you got."

"Mom, I'm really not prepared to make a trip down to Phoenix today. Would you mind if we do it tomorrow instead?" Joel asked.

"Of course, Joel, tomorrow is fine. What would you like to do today instead?" she asked.

"I was thinking that perhaps we could do a spa day. We have all kinds of facilities over at the recreation center, mom. The place is huge; they have everything imaginable. How does that sound? Randy got me a pass so we can go and get pampered. Doesn't that sound good to you?"

"Oh my gosh, it has been ages since I did that. It sounds wonderful; what an excellent idea. Let's do it!"

"Yeah!" Joel said excitedly. Let me grab my backpack and we'll bug out. I'm so excited to do this with you mom. Randy is not really the type to go do this kind of stuff," Joel volunteered.

"You are quite fond of Randy aren't you, Joel? Do you love him?" she asked.

The question stopped Joel in mid-step. He turned to face his mother and said nervously, "What do you mean, mom?"

"Joel, please, it's an easy question. I see how he looks at you and how you look at him. I don't mean to pry into your private life, Joel, but it sure seems as if there is something more between you two; something more than just friendship. You are so much more than Randy's apprentice. Am I right?" she asked.

"Would you be disappointed if I said yes, mom?" he asked in return as he returned to the kitchen bar and sat down.

"Of course not, Joel. Absolutely not. I want you to be happy. If Randy makes you happy and he treats you well, I'm happy for you. I just don't want you to feel that you have to hide your life from us. When we talk on the phone and you speak so warmly and highly of Randy, that told me something Joel. I started to suspect Randy was more to you than what you were willing to tell us. I can only imagine how difficult that must have been for you. You don't have to do that Joel; not with your dad and me. You can be who you are. I like Randy very much; he's a good man. It's also obvious to me that he loves you."

"Oh God, mom. I was so afraid to tell you and dad the truth. I've been on pins and needles about this for months now. I didn't want to disappoint you or make you feel less of me. It scared the crap out of me. Randy is my first real relationship. It's not something that I went looking for. In fact, I resisted it at first but then it just kind of happened. He makes me feel so safe and loved, mom. I don't know how else to explain it. No one has ever made me feel the way Randy does. He loves me so much mom, it's hard to put into words. But, but I can feel it so strongly, mom. I can feel his love for me. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it's the truth. I have learned so much since I met him. He's my everything, mom. He's my everything."

"Joel, instead of doing the spa today, why don't we have a glass of wine, sit down and just talk."

Randy and Mark were on the 5th hole when Randy suddenly felt Joel so strongly that his face became flushed. He stopped almost in mid-swing and took a step back.

"Are you OK, Randy? Are you feeling alright?" Mark asked as he quickly approached him in concern.

"Um, sorry, Mark. Yes, yes, I'm good; thank you for asking. I just had to take a moment; that's all," Randy responded.

"Perhaps we should call it a day," Mark suggested.

"Thank you, Mark, but that won't be necessary. Honestly, I'm fine."

"Are you being honest with me, Randy. Are you really, OK?" he asked.

"I give you my word, Mark."

"Then will you be honest with me about something else, then." Mark asked.

Randy took a deep breath and looked at Mark. He knew what Mark was going to ask next. "Of course, Mark. You have my word."

"I know it's none of my business, but are you and Joel lovers?"

"With all due respect, Mark. I think you should have this conversation with Joel."

"You're right, Randy. I apologize for putting you on the spot like that. I just want you to know that Kathy and I have discussed this on more than one occasion. I want you to know that if you and Joel are more than just friends, we are perfectly OK with that. We both, Kathy and I, think you're a good man, Randy; we like you."

Mark reached up and placed his hand on Randy's shoulder and smiled. "You know, Randy, Kathy and I are not a couple of old fuddy-duddies. Christ, we are only a couple years older than you. Please, don't judge us by our cover; you just might be surprised. What do you say we pick this game back up another time, go to the bar and have a good talk you and I. We should get to know each other better if we're going to be family."

Roger left the attorney's office with a better feeling than the rather ominous one he arrived with. Not only did he hear Randy's words from that morning, but the attorney made him feel as if his impending divorce was going to be rather simple and easy based on her experience over the years that she has been practicing.

They own no real estate together or individually. They each have their own separate vehicles in their own names exclusively. They have no debt together to speak of, and they each have their own individual bank accounts. He has already relinquished all ownership of their personal belongings they had together to Tiffany, so that only leaves a small savings account they held jointly.

He couldn't care less about that account; there is only a few thousand dollars in it anyway. The life insurance policies can be easily terminated. He was feeling so much better about everything. He just couldn't bear the thought of having to fight Tiffany for anything. He did not want to go down that ugly road.

Before heading back to the office, he decided to treat himself, and went through the drive thru at Starbucks for a Grande Caramel Frappuccino. More calories than he would ordinarily consider, but he gave himself a free pass just this once.

He pulled back out onto Bell Road and found himself thinking about Randy. He could still feel Randy's lips on his from this morning. He reached down and grabbed his crotch giving it a gentle squeeze. He looked forward to going home and being with the man that has changed his life. He was acknowledging some serious feelings for Randy. More intense than he has been aware of in the past. It is more than just the sexual desire for the man, it was more the way Randy made him feel. He now fully understood what Joel was trying to explain to him. "Am I falling in love with Randy?" he questioned himself. Sure, from almost the very beginning, he was drawn to Randy somehow, but this, this was a deep-down almost longing feeling he was having. These kinds of feelings for a man were foreign to him.

As Mark ordered his second Manhattan, Randy ordered another rum and coke. "May I ask, Mark, when you and Kathy started to suspect my relationship with Joel was something other than you thought it was?" Randy asked him after the waitress walked away from their table.

"Um, I guess it was around three or four months ago; maybe more. I'm not quite sure. Joel called and spoke with Kathy, who then put him on speaker. I do remember him mentioning that you guys were going to take a weekend trip to a place called Pris something or another," Mark answered.

"Oh yeah, Prescott. I was going to take Joel up to Prescott. He had never been there before. We were working so much on the house that I thought it would be a nice change of pace for him. We never made it, unfortunately. We never took the trip for some reason that escapes me at the moment. What exactly made you suspect something else was going on?" Randy asked.

"A number of things actually. The way Joel talked about you; it was always Randy this and Randy that. Randy says, blah, blah, blah. I can't recall anything specific at the moment. It's probably the Manhattan. He often said things like we did this or we did that. Plus, he was always so bubbly when it came to you. Everything was we this or we that. He always referred to your house as home; it was obvious to us the Joel was quite happy and content with you.

As you probably already know, Joel has been a bit of a nomad these past two or three years. When he met you, his nomadic existence came to a screeching halt. As his parents, we knew all of these things combined was not the norm for him. When it was obvious to us that Joel was going to stay-put, there had to be a reason. You were the only choice; you were the reason."

The waitress arrived with the second round of drinks and the conversation was temporarily suspended. "Thank you, so much," Randy said with a smile to the waitress before returning his attention to Mark.

"So, there you have it. Kathy and I knew something did not add up. There was much more to the story than what Joel was telling us. When we arrived at your house, and you were the kind and gracious host you were, I knew our suspicions were true, as did Kathy. Even you could not hide your feelings, Randy. It was never "I" statements. It was always, "we" or "us" statements. "We don't have any furniture yet, next time you can stay with "us". Things of that nature. You guys are a pair; an item. You're in love with each other. Why not just admit it?"

Randy looked at Mark and smiled. "You and Kathy are very observant. All I can say at this time is that it is not my place to confirm your suspicions irrespective of the facts. But I will tell you this much, I absolutely adore your son. He is everything to me. Is that fair enough?" Having said that, I guess I just confirmed it didn't I?" Randy asked.

"Yeah, pretty much. I applaud your candor, integrity and commitment to my son. He's lucky to have you. I am beginning to see some of what Joel sees in you; older, wiser, loyal, handsome, sexy. Shall I continue?" Mark said with a smile.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you are flirting with me, Mark," Randy giggled softly.

"Maybe I am," Mark said starting to laugh. "On that note, I have to pee," Randy said as he extracted himself from the bar table.

"Need any help," Mark giggled.

"Ok, you're just fucking with me, right?" Randy said as he turned to face Mark feeling Mark's energy.

"Maybe, maybe not," Mark answered with a smile and a wink.

Randy smiled back, enjoying their banter. As he made his way to the restroom, he thought to himself, "He's fucking with me; he has to be. He can't be serious, but it feels like he's serious. This is what I sensed at the house yesterday or is my Spidey sense, as Joel calls it, suddenly all fucked up. It feels like he was being serious. How can that be? He's Joel's dad for fuck sakes."

He stood there at the urinal, dick in hand and completely off in his own world. He was oblivious to his surroundings lost in his own thoughts. Suddenly he came to and looked down. His cock had already started to inflate. "No! Stop! He yelled in his head. "Knock it the fuck off you traitor!"

"Manhattans do that to me every time," he heard a voice say.

Randy looked to his right to see Mark standing there. "I have the same problem he said calmly. See for yourself," Mark said looking down with a smile on his face.

Randy looked down to see Mark holding his partially erect dick in his hand. It looked just like Joel's gorgeous cock, just a bit larger. In that instant, Randy completely snapped back to himself; calm, cool, and collected. "Let's see how far he's willing to take this," he thought to himself.

"That's a really nice cock, Mark. I'll bet it tastes good, but not as good as your son's."

"How do you know until you taste it?" Mark quipped back.

"I guess that is the $69,000 question isn't it. Do you want me to taste it, Mark? Do you want me to swallow that pretty cock of yours. Suck the cock-snot right out of that baby. Make you cum like a race horse. I can do that you know. All you need do is ask. Are you asking, Mark?"

"It would have to stay between the two of us exclusively. It would be our little secret," Mark said softly.

"Oh, absolutely; I totally agree. But how do you think Joel would feel about that if he ever found out? Would he be OK with it since you're his dad, keeping it in the family so to speak, or would he never talk to either of us ever again. What about your wife? How would she react if she ever found out? So many queries to consider wouldn't you say?"

"Kathy wouldn't be an issue; but Joel, that I don't know. You would know better than I about that. What do you think?"

"Mark, I think you take the cake!" Randy responded calmly, but inside, he was bouncing off the walls.

"I'm sorry? Have I have offended you, Randy? I'm sorry if I have; that was not my intent," Mark said softly.

"What was your intent then, Mark? And please, be specific." Randy calmy requested.

"Yes, I will do just that, Randy, but not here. Let's go back to the table so we can talk privately in a more appropriate place. Let me at least try to explain what I meant." Randy zipped up and walked over to the sink to wash his hands. Mark stepped up beside him and did the same. Together, they walked out of the bathroom door in a single file back to their table. At this point, both of them had completely lost what little buzz they had.

"I have so many questions Joel, I don't know where to begin," Kathy said as she picked up the bottle of Chardonnay that Joel sat on the counter.

"If Randy were here, mom, he'd say start at the beginning," Joel smiled.

"We're going to need a couple of glasses dear," she said to Joel holding the bottle in mid-air.

"Right, sorry mom," Joel said as he jumped up, retrieved two wine glasses from the cupboard, and sat them on the bar. Kathy pulled the cork out of the bottle and immediately started to pour the wine.

"Ask away, mom, I'll try to answer as best I can," Joel said as she poured and he took a seat at the bar.

She corked the bottle, sat it back on the counter and picked up her glass. "To new beginnings," she toasted as they gently clicked glasses together.

"So, my first question is, how long have you known that you were gay?"

"Not until I met Randy, mom; at least consciously. Randy helped me figure all of that out; he helped me figure out a lot of stuff actually."

"For example?" she asked.

"For one, he helped me learn how to talk to myself and then how to listen to what my subconscious is telling me. I learned how to interpret my thoughts and put them in perspective. That was huge, huge, huge for me, mom," Joel answered. "That was challenging for me."

"Prior to Randy, you never had a crush on a boy before?" she asked next.

"Not that I permitted myself to acknowledge at the time, mom. It was not until Randy helped me look within myself did I remember one boy back in school. Back then, I did not permit myself to think about those things."

"So, I take it you never experimented with a boy sexually before Randy?"

"God no! If I wouldn't allow myself to crush on a boy, I certainly wouldn't have sex with one!"

"What about with girls?"

"Yes, a couple of times after I graduated high school; not before."

"Was that satisfying in any way?"

"No, it was very mechanical; no emotion, no feeling. Of course, to be fair, I have to say that I didn't know what the hell I was doing either. I mean, I was well versed in the mechanics of heterosexual sex, but that was it. After the fact, after it was over, I couldn't figure out what all the fuss was about honestly. It did nothing for me. I would have got just as much pleasure from mowing the grass. That's when I decided that sex was not for me. But I tried one or maybe two more times just to make sure my assessment was correct. I was; correct I mean; sex was just not my cup of tea."

"Oh God, Joel. I'm so, so sorry. Sex can be such an incredible, mind-blowing and fulfilling experience. I'm sorry that was not the case for you. That makes me sad."

"Don't be, mom. I have that now with Randy. Randy makes my head spin like a top.

"Randy was your first male experience, then?" she asked.

"Yes, he's my first, mom."

"Have there been any others since Randy?"

"Mom, I'm not going to sit here and tell you about all of my sexual exploits. Some things need to remain private; that's personal. How would you like it if I asked you that?"

"I'd tell you the truth, Joel. I'd say yes, there have been others since your dad. I'm not ashamed or embarrassed to tell you that. That's true for your dad too. We all have needs and desires Joel. As longs as you're being honest with your spouse or partner, and you agree to a set of rules that you both make and agree to, why not let yourself indulge in physical pleasure? Life is too fucking short for this societal nonsense that they want to cram down our throats about morality and monogamy. Screw them! We're all different people and it's OK to be different."

"Mom! I've never heard you talk like that before. Who are you and what did you do with my mother?"

"Joel, you're a grown man, why should I not treat you like one. Why shouldn't we be able to talk openly and honestly about these things. We all have our own experiences and opinions about things in life, why not be adult about it and discuss them openly? What possible harm can that do? Your father and I do it all the time; we have no secrets between us.

Now you know, your dad and I like to have fun. Sometimes it's together, sometimes it with other people; and sometimes, sometimes it's all of the above. Big deal. He always comes home and I always come home. We don't take any chances with our health. We have certain rules that we have agreed to and adhere to. It works for us. Perhaps it wouldn't work for everyone, but it works for your dad and me. Can you understand that?"

"Yeah, mom, I totally understand. Randy helped me to understand that long ago; we tell each other everything.

"You know, Mark, that information would have made all the difference in the world. You could have told me that before you made me want to punch you in the face. You really pissed me off. You should have been honest with me from the start. You made me feel like you of all people would betray your own son. That's what really pissed me off; I was pissed for Joel. You don't know how close I came to punching you out! For fuck sakes, from now on, be fucking real with me and with Joel or I will knock you on your ass!"

"OK, OK. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. From here on, nothing but my cards on the table, face up. No more charades to try and prove a point. I promise. I just wanted so desperately to be a part of your personal life with Joel. Especially when I saw with my own eyes the way you two interact with each other. I guess I tried too hard to prove our commonalities to you without thinking it through. Please forgive me; I made a mistake.

"You are forgiven, Mark. I do very much appreciate what you tried to do now that I know what your true intensions were. I guess your heart was in the right place, it just backfired big time. I'm partly to blame too, I should not have led you on like I did and said all of those things. I'm sorry too."

"So, all of those things that you said to me in the bathroom was not true? You don't really think that I have a nice cock and it looks tasty?" Mark asked and started to giggle.

"Hey, a nice cock is what you saw me holding in my hand at the urinal. Now, that is a nice cock. But, having said that, yeah, you do have a nice cock. And yes, it does look quite tasty if we're going to be honest with each other from here on out. It's almost as nice as your son's. His cock is fucking perfect; at least I think it is."

"I know that I'm biased because he's my son, but he's really incredibly handsome; isn't he?" Mark asked.

"Oh God, yes. When I first saw him, I was sitting at a red light and looked over. He was just standing on the corner; he took my breath away. Joel is my dream-come-true. I kid you not. I told him that too. I adore him with everything in me. I tell him that every day. I will continue to love him as long as he lets me."

"Good, I'm glad to hear you say that. You know, at the risk of pissing you off again, would you be offended if I told you that I would love to watch you make love to my son? I know how pervy and inappropriate that sounds, but I told you that from here on out, I was going to be honest with you and with Joel. Please don't punch me in the face," Mark said with a slight grimace on his face.

"Oh my God; you really are a perv, aren't you? Randy laughed. "When I first met Joel, he used to say that to me all the time. He'd say, you're such a perv whenever I introduced him to some new sexual thing or idea we could do together. You might be surprised to hear me tell you that I personally, don't have a problem with that in the least. In fact, it's kind of kinky and turns me on," Randy said softly laughing.

"Really? You'd be OK with it?" Mark asked completely surprised to hear Randy say that.

"Yeah, why not. It would be fine by me. You'll get no judgement from me, Daaaad," he said elongating the word intentionally for emphasis.

"Fuck me! I knew I liked you, Randy. You're a let the pants fall where they may kind of guy, just like me. You're willing to explore different things. Fucking A; that's so fantastic! Do you think Joel would be OK with it?"

"Christ, Mark, I have no idea. That topic has never come up between Joel and I. I can honestly say that the idea of his dad watching us have sex together has never come up before. Imagine that. I would wager a guess and say probably not. Although, he has surprised me in the past."

"Just the idea kind of makes my dick tingle," Mark said kind of to himself but out loud."

"On that note, I have to pee again. Are you ready to get out of here?" Randy asked.

"Yeah, I'm ready if you are," Mark answered.

"Good, we'll settle up when I get back."

"Need any help," Mark giggled.

"Only if you want to hold my dick between your lips while I piss," Randy quipped back.

"Careful, careful, I might that you up on that," Mark retorted.

"Yeah, yeah; promises, promises," Randy said smiling as he walked away.

"Kathryn, the coffee is ready," Mark called out as he poured himself the first cup of the day.

"Be right out; just finishing up," Kathy called back from the bathroom.

Two minutes later, Kathy walked out to the living area of their suite; a combination kitchen, dining area and living room. "Have a seat, I'll bring you your coffee," Mark said.

Mark sat her coffee cup down and took a seat at the table across from his wife. "What's on tap for today?" he asked. "Is it going to be the Heard today like we talked about?"

"Possibly, Joel and I did talk about going down to the Heard today. We haven't confirmed yet though. Randy has his shift at the Thrift Store today. Did I tell you that he volunteers at an animal shelter once a week. He works in their thrift store. I'm so glad Joel & I had a chance to talk yesterday. I feel so closer to him now," Kathy said with a smile.

"I very much want us to have a heart-to-heart talk too," Mark said. "I told you that Randy and I had a good chat yesterday. I want to do the same with Joel. I want him to know how I feel and I want to tell him myself," Mark said.

"I know you do, Mark, and you should have a heart-to-heart with him. I'm OK if we don't go down to the museum today. We still have plenty of time. Why don't you call him and ask if you two can spend the day together; just the two of you. Don't worry about me, I am quite content with my own company. Go on, give him a call."

"Has Rog left for work already?" Joel asked.

"Yeah, baby, just a couple of minutes ago," Randy answered him as he pulled Joel over on top of him. "If you need him, just give him a call. He just left."

"No, it can wait. We talked about going bowling sometime this week. We used to bowl a lot when we were kids. We haven't gone bowling in ages. He was going to ask you to join us. Do you want to join us? Say yes, we'll have fun."

"Yes, of course, I'd love to join you guys. Just let me know when."

"You'll be home normal time after your shift today?" Joel asked.

"You bet my love, I'll come straight home after my shift. I am so pleased that you and your mom had a good talk yesterday. I told you it was all going to be alright. They know now and are OK with everything."

"Yeah, I would have never guessed that my parents are swingers basically. It still blows my mind. I never would have guessed. Did you and my dad really have a nice time yesterday. You're not just saying that because he's, my dad?"

"No, baby. Mark and I very much enjoyed each other's company yesterday. Initially it was a bit awkward, but then we kind of just jelled. We got comfortable with one another and got to know each other a little better.

I'm glad I got the chance to spend time with him alone; you know, one-on-one. Plus, he's kind of easy on the eyes. Don't you think?" Randy giggled.

"Yeah, I guess so. I've never really thought about it. But, yeah, now that you mention it; my dad is kind of hot, isn't he? He probably looks good naked too. Don't you think? I mean, he looks like he's in pretty good shape; body wise."

"He has a nice dick too. I can attest to that. We went to the bathroom together. I should say, we ran into each other in the bathroom. We didn't go in together," Randy confessed.

"No! You saw my dad's dick? Really? What's it look like?" Joel asked. "God, I can't believe I just asked you to tell me what my dad's dick looks like. I'm such a perv."

"Do you really want to know? I got a really good look at it while we were talking standing side-by-side at the urinal."

"Fuck! Yes, hurry up, tell me before I change my mind."

"Well, he's circumcised and his dick looks like yours, baby," Randy smiled.

"Come on, be serious. Tell me the truth," Joel wined.

"I am telling you the truth. It looks almost exactly like yours; his is just slightly bigger. Your dad has a pretty cock. You got your body size from your mom, but that gorgeous cock of yours, you got that from your dad. No question about it; your cocks could be twins."

"Do you think we're the same size hard?" Joel asked out of curiosity.

"I'm don't know since I haven't seen your dad with a hardon; but probably. If I were to wager a guess, I'd say you are more of a grower than your dad. I suspect he's more of a shower than a grower. Maybe his size doesn't change much; it just gets hard. Who knows? Does it really matter anyway?" Randy asked.

"No, I was just curious. I haven't seen my dad's cock in almost twenty years. I remember being in the bathtub with him when I was a little boy. I just don't remember what his cock looked like. You would think that I would remember that but I don't. Would you do him; my dad I mean?"

"Oh yeah. He's a good-looking guy with a nice cock,' Randy answered honestly.

"You would do my dad?" Seriously?" Joel asked as he lifted his head off of Randy's chest.

"Well, yeah. You yourself said he's hot? Why not. If I met your dad at a bar, I would probably have sex with him if he asked or if by some chance the opportunity presented itself."

Joel thought about what Randy said for a few seconds and said, "Yeah, I see your point. Under those conditions, I probably would too. I mean if I was who I am now. Yeah, I would definitely have sex with him. Christ, I'm such a perv. I just admitted that I would have sex with my own father. Is that sick or what?" Joel asked rhetorically.

"Why is that sick?" Randy asked.

"Duh! Having sex with my dad; it would be incest!" Joel answered.

"And that would be a bad thing in your opinion; to have sex with your dad?"

"Don't you? Don't you think it would be a bad thing to have sex with your own father?" Joel asked lifting himself up on his arms and looking intently in Randy's eyes."

"I don't see why that would be a bad thing, personally. I used to jerk off with my cousin when I was young. We even sucked each other's cocks. That was a rather enjoyable thing; there was nothing bad about it. So why would it be any different if I had done that with my father? I guess I just see it differently. As long as it's consensual, I don't see what the problem is."

"I don't know, daddy. I hear what you're saying, but I don't know. I guess I'm going to have to think it; give it some thought. Maybe I'll journal about it," Joel said.

"You do know that it's perfectly fine to disagree with me. It's OK for us to have a difference of opinion on things. I'm not going to love you any less for having an opinion that opposes my own." Randy said as he ran his hand lovingly across Joel's back.

At that very moment, Joel's cell phone started ringing. He reached over and picked up the phone. He looked at Randy and said with a smile, "Guess who's calling?"

Next: Chapter 25

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