My New Apprentice

By Spike Meyers

Published on Nov 19, 2022


Date: 11/15/2022

Author: Spike Meyers


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Notice: This story is a work of fiction and contains explicit sexual material. It may also include, incest, sex between minor(s) and adult male(s), sex between minors, and sexual fetish.

If you are offended by such material, do not read this work of fiction. The character(s) in this work of fiction are not based on any known person(s).

My New Apprentice 15

"Yeah, like I said, you'll get used to it. He does it all the time. It's annoying sometimes that he knows what I'm feeling before I do," Joel responded.

They quickly threw a pair of shorts on both going commando, grabbed their shirts and headed back out to the garage. Randy was back on his kindle at the workbench and swiveled around to face them when they walked out.

"Just look at you two, fucking delicious! I'm such a proud daddy."

Randy walked over to Joel and picked him up, his legs dangling above the garage floor. "I could just eat you," he growled as he hugged him tight. He sat Joel back down and turned to face Roger. He could feel Roger's emotion.

"You doing alright, sexy?" he asked as he ran his fingers through Roger's hair, brushing his bangs from his eyes. Roger looked at him and nodded his head slowly. Randy hugged him tight, ran his hand across Roger's butt, then stepped back.

"Be safe; see you soon," he said and went back to the workbench and his kindle. Joel started walking towards Roger's truck, he turned expecting to see Roger but he was still standing in the garage where he left him.

"Rog, are you coming or what?" Joel called to him.

"Yeah, yeah," he said snapping out of his fog. "Sorry, Buddy."

"You sure you're, OK?" Joel asked Roger as he approached the truck.

"Of course; I'm good, Buddy," he said as he pressed the button on the fob and unlocked the truck. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Guys, wait a second!" Randy called to them jogging over to Joel's side of the truck. Joel pressed the button on the door and rolled down the window. "Did you remember to check to see how much beer we had left?" Randy asked as he reached through the window and ran his hand up Joel's thigh to his balls.

"Shit! I forgot," Joel called out.

"That's OK," Roger said, "I checked. We'll stop and pick some up."

"Good man," Randy said as he grabbed Joel's crotch giving it a quick grope before withdrawing his hand. As Randy headed back to the garage, Roger called out "Hey daddy-man!" Randy stopped, turned around and walked quickly back to the truck. He rested both arms on Roger's window and smiled.

"Heineken work for you?" Roger asked.

"Works for me, stud," Randy said as he leaned in the widow and kissed Roger smack dab on the lips. "Drive safe," he said and trotted back into the garage. For several seconds, Roger just sat there in silence staring out the windshield into the garage.

"Rog, are we just going to sit here all day? Come on, lets go," Joel said as he tried to hurry him along. Roger suddenly woke up and hit the start engine button on the dash.

"OK, ok, don't get your panties in a knot, Buddy; we're going.

"Fry's is on the way, Rog; we'll stop there and get the beer. Longfellow's is not much farther down," Joel said as they backed out of the driveway.

When they reached the stop sign at the end of the street and Roger had yet to respond, Joel asked, "Rog, did you hear me?"

"I'm sorry, what was that, Buddy?"

"I said we will come to Fry's first, we'll stop and get the beer there. Longfellow's is just a little farther down from Fry's."

"You got it, boss," Roger said.

They rode in silence for the 4-minute drive to Fry's. Joel so wanted to reach over and grab Roger's bulge but resisted the temptation. Roger pulled into the parking lot and started the search for an available parking space. He wound up having to park way in the back behind the building. He pulled into the parking space, rolled up the windows, and turned off the engine.

"Busy place today," he said as they exited the truck.

Together, they walked into Fry's. "This way, Rog," Joel said as he led the way. Roger followed behind him in silence. When they arrived, Roger grabbed two six packs of Corona, turned and started to walk away.

"Rog, wait!" Joel called out.

Roger stopped immediately and turned around.

"I thought you wanted Heineken?" Joel asked. Roger looked down and saw the Corona in his hand. "Oh, yeah; right, Heineken," he said suddenly remembering asking Randy about it. Joel took the Corona from Roger and put it back on the shelf. He turned towards Roger, and folded his arms across his chest.

"Alright Rog, what's going on with you? You are acting weird. Is it because we had sex?" Joel whispered softly.

"What? No, of course, not," Roger answered him frowning.

"Then what is it?" Joel whispered.

Roger walked past Joel and grabbed two sixes of Heineken.

"Come on, Rog; what's going on?" Joel asked again.

"Not here, Buddy," he said and started walking to the front of the store. Together, they waited in the self-checkout queue in silence. He secretly studied Roger's body language to try and figure out what was going on with him. He wished Randy was there, he would know. He was pleased to see that Roger didn't appear to be angry or scared, he was more pensive like.

Roger paid for the beer and they walked out of Fry's. Joel's phone rang as they were making their way down the parking lot towards the truck.

"Hey daddy," Joel said answering the phone.

"Hey baby, the delivery truck just arrived; it's parked in the driveway. It's going to be about twenty or thirty minutes before the guys get the sheetrock in the garage so take your time. There is no need to hurry."

"OK, I'll let Rog know," Joel said.

"I love you; I gotta go," Randy said and hung up the phone.

"That was Randy, Rog. The truck just arrived and it's blocking the driveway. Randy said it will be 20 to 30 minutes so we don't need to rush."

"Got it," Roger said, as they continued their short walk to the truck.

Roger put the beer behind the driver's seat and hopped in the truck. He started the truck and rolled down the windows. As soon as the windows were down, Joel reached over and turned the engine off.

"Rog, you're my friend and I love you; what is going on with you? Are you sure its not about this morning?" Joel asked again.

Roger gave it some thought before he started to answer. He looked over at Joel and said, "Um, no, it's not entirely about this morning, Buddy. That's part of it, but It's more than that."

"So, what happened this morning between us really is a problem, then?" Joel asked trying to understand.

"Yes, in a way, but not the way you think. I'm not sure how to put this in English, or into words, so I am just going to tell you what I'm feeling and thinking about.

"OK, that sounds good to me," Joel said nodding his head in approval.

"Alright, here goes, let's just start with this morning; I totally enjoyed having sex with you this morning and I'm not sorry that it happened. You made me feel so wanted and desired; you made me feel sexy. I like the way you look at me. I like the fact that I make your cock rock hard. I like that my dick gets rock hard. I love that you swallow my load. Obviously, it all strokes my ego, but let's put that to the side for right now.

I so enjoy being naked with you guys. I like it when we're naked together. I look forward to coming over and visiting you guys. The other day when we all cuddled in bed was just the best thing ever; it was so incredibly nice and so comfortable. I am realizing that I am sexually attracted to you and Randy. I also find myself hoping and wanting to have sex with you guys. Just before we left the house I actually thought about pouncing on Randy.

The fact is, Buddy, I don't want this to stop, regardless of what happens with Tiffany and me. Sometimes I think that, if you had never met Randy, all of this stuff that is foreign to you and me both, at least initially, would have likely never happened. You have certainly wholeheartedly embraced your new self. I want to do that too, and hopefully with a bit of grace.

I am suddenly finding myself attracted to men; at least with you and Randy. For fucks sakes, when I was sucking your cock this morning it was so exciting even though I was not very good at it. I so wanted you to cum in my mouth."

Roger took a short pause as if he were searching for the correct words.

"OK, so, the thing is, no one, and I mean no one, Buddy, including my wife, has ever made me feel the way you guys make me feel. The fact is, in the four years that Tiff and I have been married, I never once felt that kind of excitement or desire from her as I do you and Randy. Why with you and Randy? Why not with her? They way you looked at me this morning, the desire I felt from you, I never felt that from Tiffany; never.

It's as if my eyes have suddenly opened and I can see how attractive and downright fucking sexy men can be with each other. And Randy, fuck me that man pushes my buttons. He could do anything to me and I'd probably still want more. I don't know what it is about him but he just makes me melt. I don't know how to explain it. He just sucks me in, hook, line, and sinker, and I'm gone. I have never felt so safe with anyone as I do him. He has this calming but knowing feeling about him that just puts me at ease. I don't know why, but I trust him completely.

I love women. I love pussy. I love tits. I don't understand why I am suddenly having these kinds of feelings. So, there you have it. This is what I have been pondering lately, over and over and over. Oh, and that's in addition to wanting out of my marriage with Tiffany." "Wow, Rog, that's fucking awesome you figured all this out on your own. Randy had to drag my shit out of me. I'm really happy for you, Rog. It takes brass balls to admit all of that to yourself let alone someone else. I'm glad you told me. Randy told me you would figure it out. Once again, he was right."

"You mean, he told you what I just told you?" Roger asked.

"Oh, God no, he wouldn't tell me anything. I asked him to because I was so worried about you but he refused. He just told me to try and not worry because you were going to be just fine when you sorted yourself. He knew that you would figure this stuff out on your own and you did. He's quite fond of you, Rog. Trust me, you trip his trigger too; it's not one-sided at all," Joel answered him.

"I'm not sure that I've figured anything out, honestly." Roger commented.

"You are at least consciously aware of these things though; that's huge, Rog. If Randy feels that you will come to terms with these revelations, I have every faith that you will; Randy is confident that you will."

"Christ, now I really want to suck his dick," Roger giggled.

"Speaking of sucking dick, do you really want me to cum in your mouth?" Joel asked smiling.

"Fuck yeah," Roger said grabbing his crotch. "I want to know what it tastes like; what it feels like."

Joel dropped his shorts and looked over at Roger with a big smile on his face. Roger looked down at Joel's dick starting to rise to attention. "Then suck my cock, Rog, make me cum in your mouth."

Roger took a look around the parking lot to see if anyone was around. Satisfied that the coast was clear, he bent over the console and took Joel's dick in his mouth. Joel groaned softly and thrusted up gently into Roger's mouth. Roger placed one hand on the side of Joel's hip and started bobbing up and down on Joel's cock. "Watch your teeth, Rog," Joel whispered down. He grabbed Roger's head and guided him up and down as he did to him in bed earlier that morning.

"I'm gonna teach you how to suck cock properly, Rog. You need to get ready to handle Daddy's cock. You are going to love his cum; it's so good."

In thirty seconds, Joel's cock was standing at full mast. As Joel guided Roger's head up and down on his cock, he thrusted up gently as he brought Roger's head back down.

"Keep going, Rog, I'm gonna let go. Nice and steady now; up and down. Careful of your teeth. That's it, just like that, keep going, stud, suck that fucking dick." Joel stopped thrusting up and let Roger do all the work. He ran his fingers thru Roger's hair as he came up his cock. "Feels so good, Rog, you're doing great."

"OK, Rog, I want you to try and relax your throat, and I want you to go all the way down on my cock until your nose is in my pubes. Little by little, stud, nice and slow, down you go, all the way. Nice and slow now." As soon as Roger's nose hit Joel's bush he started choking.

"Ok, just relax, come back up and try again. You can do this Rog; I know you can. It just takes a little practice. Ready?"

Roger mumbled and nodded his head.

"OK, back down nice and slow, just relax and let it slip in; nice and easy. That's it, Rog, you're almost there, nice and easy now. "Yeah, baby, there you go. That's it. Fuck, Rog, you did it. I knew you could do it."

Roger came up quickly gasping for air. "OK, ok, just relax and breathe," Joel said softly.

Roger came off Joel's cock and looked at the knob. "Your dick is so fucking hard, Buddy; it's just fucking throbbing," he panted taking deep breaths.

"It really likes you, Rog. Wrap your lips around the knob. Work it with your tongue; rub your tongue underneath the head. Suck that precum out of there. You like it, don't ya? I'm gonna turn you into a cum pig like daddy and me."

Roger suddenly thrusted down hard on Joel's cock. "Fuck, yeah, stud. Suck that dick! Make me fucking cum in your mouth. Come on suck it!" Joel growled.

He grabbed Roger's head, thrusted up and felt his balls start to churn. Roger started choking again so Joel brought his head halfway up his cock. "You better get ready, stud, I'm going to feed you right here. Here it comes, Rog. You ready?" Joel hissed.

Roger started to groan loudly and grabbed Joel's naked thigh. Joel grabbed Roger's head and held it stationary as he emptied his balls in Roger's mouth. Roger started to cough, Joel's juice flooding out of the corners of his mouth.

"Come on, Rog, don't waste it. Close your lips around my dick and swallow it all. Come on, stud, you wanted this now take it."

Roger's face turned bright red as he struggled to coordinate sucking, breathing, and swallowing. His face and chin was covered in jizz. Tears ran down his face. His nose was leaking profusely. He was a slick, wet mess. Joel didn't release him until his cock stopped shooting. To his surprise, Roger did not back off and held steadfast.

Joel looked down at Roger, fully expecting him to sit up and wallop him. Instead, he stayed right where he was and kept Joel's dick in his mouth. Joel reached up and brushed the hair from Roger's face and lovingly stroked his hair.

"Damn, Rog, that was freaking awesome. You were great, stud. Damn, that was so hot!" Joel complimented him. Roger worked Joel's dick with his tongue one last time and sat up.

"Are you OK, Rog?" Joel asked. "I'm sorry if I got a little carried away."

"You are a little fucking animal, Buddy. I had no idea you had that in you. That was fucking awesome. You just about killed me, but damn that was fun!

"You're not pissed? Joel asked.

"Hell, no! Just look at this cock. Does this look like I'm pissed?" Roger asked as he released his hardon. Joel looked down to see Roger's massive erection. The head of his dick was slick with precum.

"Damn, look at the big fucking cock," Joel hissed. "Feed me; I want your cum!" Joel growled as he leaned over and inhaled Roger's cock.

"Fuck," Roger growled softly. "Suck my dick, Buddy. I'm gonna cum in your hot, little mouth!"

Immediately, Joel started bobbing up and down with urgency. He so badly wanted Roger's precious seed. He grabbed a hold of the steering wheel to balance himself and went hog-wild on Roger's schlong. Roger threw his head back against the head rest and left Joel to it. He closed his eyes and wallowed in the pleasure. "Aghh!" Roger moaned loudly. "You love that big cock, don't you, Buddy?"

After just a few minutes, Roger felt a rumbling in his balls, his orgasm was fast approaching. He groaned loudly, grabbed Joel's head in his hands and pressed it hard against his crotch. He opened his eyes to see a guy standing next to his truck door looking down at the action.

"Fuck! Stop! Joel, stop!" he yelled out and pulled Joel off his cock. When Joel looked up to see what the problem was, he froze in mid-air seeing this guy standing there watching intently. Roger tried to conceal his glistening erection by covering it with his hands.

"No worries, guys," the stranger said as he reached in and grabbed Roger's hard dong. He started to stroke it and looked at Joel. "Get back on the big cock, boy! I'll keep an eye out."

Joel did not hesitate, he jumped back on Roger's dick and picked up where he left off. Roger watched the stranger stand there and fondle himself through his jeans. He could see the outline of the guy's cock through the fabric. The stranger wrapped his hand around his own dick and squeezed. "Big fuckin' man cock!" the stranger hissed out loud.

Roger realized that he loved having an audience. He leaned back in the seat as best he could and let Joel do his thing. The stranger reached in thru the window and grabbed Joel's head, forcing it down into Roger's crotch. "Suck the cock, boy!" the stranger ordered as he released Joel's head. Roger was quickly approaching the point of no return. He felt his balls start to churn again and grabbed a handful of Joel's hair,

"I'm close, Buddy," he whispered hoarsely.

"Shoot your load in the little cocksucker's mouth!" the stranger ordered. "Swallow it all boy; don't you waste a fucking drop of that man juice!" he ordered Joel. Roger started moaning continuously, he threw his head back and shot off in Joel's mouth.

"Swallow it boy!" the stranger said. He pulled his zipper down and took his cock out. He gave it a few strokes and shot his load all over the parking lot next to Roger's truck. He left his cock dangling out of his pants, reached in thru the window and grabbed Joel by the hair of the head.

He pulled Joel's head off Roger's cock, looked Joel in the eyes and smiled. "Good boy," he said then released his grip on Joel's hair. He grabbed Roger's cock, squeezed a glob of cum out of the tip, scooped it up on the end of his finger and stuck it in his mouth.

"Um, good," he moaned. He reached down and tucked his cock back into his pants, zipped up, and walked away. Roger watched him in the sideview mirror as he walked around to the other side of the vehicle parked next to him. He jumped into the vehicle, looked over, nodded his head at Roger, and started the car. Joel watched as the guy backed up and pulled away.

Roger looked at Joel and started laughing. "That was fucking weird," he said.

"It was fucking hot!" Joel said smiling as he sat back down in the passenger seat and pulled up his shorts. "We better get out of here, Rog."

Roger tucked his still deflating cock back into his shorts, engaged his seat belt and pressed the start engine button.

"Good afternoon gentlemen, the woman behind the counter greeted them. What can I get for you today?" she asked.

Joel looked at the woman and said, "I'll have the veggie delight, please. How about you Rog?" he asked.

"I'm going to try your club please, with guacamole," he said to the woman.

"You can add guac to that veggie too please," Joel added. "Plus, we need a Spicy Italian. Randy said to tell Jack that it was for him."

"Well, I'll be," the woman smiled. "You must be Randy's Joel. It's so nice to finally meet you." She turned and called out to her husband. "Jack, come here, this is Randy's Joel."

Joel was a little surprised by the sudden attention he was receiving. Jack stepped up to the counter and extended his hand to Joel. "Nice, to meet you, Joel. Randy told us that he met someone special. He quite fancies you," Jack said smiling.

"That's very nice to hear," Joel smiled back. "The feeling is quite mutual, I assure you. This is my friend, Roger." They all chatted for a few minutes and then Jack excused himself and went back to making sandwiches. Joel and Roger stepped to the side to let other customers place their orders.

Joel and Randy stood in silence but Joel could tell that Roger was off in his head somewhere. He casually dropped his arm and when he was sure no one was looking, he ran his hand over Roger's plump butt. Roger turned to him and smiled; he was definitely enjoying this newly found liberties with Joel.

Roger pulled into the driveway, rolled up the windows, and turned the engine off. Joel grabbed the bag of sandwiches and got out of the truck as did Roger. Randy was nowhere in sight. As they stepped into the garage, Randy walked out. He looked at the guys and smiled.

"There are my boys. I trust everything went well?" he asked as he walked over and hugged them. "Come on guys, I'm starving," he said as he released them and stepped back. "Our table awaits."

"I see you have started bringing in the sheetrock," Roger said seeing several pieces strategically placed around the house. "I'll give you a hand after lunch."

"Thanks, Roger. That would be great. I appreciate the offer."

"Meet you in the bedroom guys," Joel said as he walked out of the kitchen with the bag of sandwiches in his hand.

"Alright baby, I'm just going to wash my hands first." Randy walked over to the kitchen sink and turned on the tap.

"Shit, the beer is still in the truck. I'll go grab it," Roger said as he turned and left quickly.

Randy was drying his hands when Roger walked back into the kitchen with a six pack in each hand.

"I'll just put these in the fridge if that's OK," Roger asked.

"Sure, go right ahead sexy," Randy said as he looked intently at Roger. He noticed a flush that appeared in Roger's face. Roger stood in silence for just a couple of seconds as Randy walked across the kitchen never taking his eyes off Roger. He opened the refrigerator door and said, "Why don't we put a few of those in the freezer, stud. They'll get nice and cold and we can enjoy them after lunch."

Roger cleared his throat and said, "Yeah, good idea." Together, they put the beer away and Randy closed the refrigerator door. Randy placed his hand on Roger's shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Rog, when you're here, you make yourself at home. You don't need permission for anything. If you want something, just take it. Understood?"

Roger shook his head silently and smiled.

"Good man," Randy said as he patted him on the butt. "Come on, grab those cold Coronas and let's eat. I'm starving."

They walked into the bedroom and Joel was naked, his back propped up against the wall, journaling. "What took you guys so long?" he asked.

"We left the Heineken in the truck so I went out and brought it in," Roger answered him.

They stepped up onto the bed, sat the Coronas down on the floor and plopped down on the bed in front of Joel.

"Um, aren't you two studs forgetting something?" Joel asked.

Roger and Randy looked at each other and then back at Joel. Randy started to giggle slightly. He stood up, pulled off his t-shirt and dropped his jeans.

"Your turn, sexy," he said looking down at Roger as he grabbed his cock, gently pulled down, then up separating it from his balls. "You want some help?" he asked Roger as he released his cock and let it dangle.

Roger looked up at Randy, smiled, and stood up raising his arms. Randy pulled his shirt up and off his body, dropping it on the bed next to his own. For just a couple of seconds, Randy stood there and admired Roger's body. "You really are beautiful, Rog," he said as he dropped to one knee and lowered Roger's sweats. Roger placed one hand on Randy's shoulder and one foot at a time, he stepped out of his sweats. Randy placed them on the pile of clothes and sat back down on the bed. Roger felt a tingle run through his cock as looked down at Randy. He gave his cock a quick stretch as Randy did and quickly sat down.

"Oh my God, you won't believe what happened when we were out," Joel said excitedly to Randy.

"How do you want to do this, boss?" Roger asked Randy as they stepped out into the garage to bring the wallboard into the house.

"I'd like to take enough wallboard in to finish each Room. We can place it up against each stud wall in the room and stack the rest of it out here. I'd like to get it off the garage floor and out of the way. That would be enormously helpful."

"Sounds good; lets do it," Roger said as he clapped his hands together ready to get to work.

"What about me, daddy; what can I do to help?" Joel asked.

"You can prop all of the doors open baby and guide us through the house," Randy smiled. With the three of them working together, they were finished in no time.

"Thank you so much Roger; I very much appreciate your help. Let's knock off for the rest of the day. What would my boys like to do?" Randy asked them.

"I'd love a cold beer," Roger immediately responded.

"I know; we can have a beer in the hot tub and then go over to the rec center," Joel said excitedly. "Wait until you see it, Rog. It's so nice, they have everything imaginable."

"Sounds good to me; count me in, Buddy. How about you, Daddy-man? Roger asked.

"I'm in; whatever my sexy boys want."

"Awesome; let's go get wet!" Joel said enthusiastically as he rushed into the house leaving Randy and Roger behind.

"I swear, Joel's like a little hummingbird; he's so full of energy. How do you keep up with him?" Roger giggled.

"He keeps me young, sexy."

"He's so happy right now. I have to confess, I envy him," Roger said softly.

"Yes, he is very happy. He's seeing life with a new set of eyes; everything is bright and shiny. I pray that never changes."

"He was not like this before he met you, Daddy-man. You have changed his life you know. He almost worships you in a way. You know, Joel and I had a talk when we were out today; actually, I did most of the talking just before our encounter with that guy he told you about."

"I was hoping that would happen and I'm glad it did. You two should confide in each other. You guys are so tight and the current changes in your friendship will only increase the bond that you guys have. Don't be afraid to let that happen, Rog. Just let nature take its course. I can tell you honestly, Joel is elated about it. A part of his happiness has to do with you; don't negate that."

"Do you really think so?" Roger questioned.

"Absolutely, Rog; there is no doubt about it; trust me."

"That's just it, Randy. I told Joel earlier today that I have complete trust in you and we barely know each other. Honestly, I don't know what it is with you. I mean, I know how you make me feel; I'm very aware of that. I just don't know why.

"Is it necessary to know why, Rog? Is that something that you feel like you absolutely, positively have to know? Would that even serve any purpose? Would it change anything?" Randy asked him calmly.

"I'm not sure; probably not." Roger answered him after thinking about it briefly.

"There you go. Most-likely, knowing the answer to that question you're asking yourself would change nothing and serve no purpose. So, it seems logical to me to just let it go, and not waste anymore time and energy contemplating it. Doesn't that make more sense? It does to me."

"Yeah, I see your point. I haven't thought about it that way, I guess. In this case, I should just trust my gut."

"That, and that little voice in your head that only you can hear. It's kind of like your guardian angel sitting on your shoulder. The key is learning how to listen to him; he won't fail you."

Roger smiled at Randy. He suddenly had this overwhelming urge to hug him. He stepped over to Randy and wrapped his arms around him. "I think you're changing my life too Daddy-man," Roger said as he subconsciously pressed his naked crotch against him.

They stood in the garage and held each other tight, neither one of them wanting to let go. Randy kissed Roger gently on the neck and pressed his crotch against him gently. Roger let out a soft moan as he gently pressed back. He raised his head up and kissed Randy gently on the lips.

"What is taking you guys so long!" Joel called out as he stepped back into the garage with a towel wrapped around him. He looked at the guys embracing each other and smiled.

"Oh... Never mind. Take your time," he said imitating Gilda Radner on Saturday Night Live. He tossed the towel over his shoulder giggling as he walked back into the house.

Next: Chapter 16

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