My New Apprentice

By Spike Meyers

Published on Nov 16, 2022


Date: 11/13/2022

Author: Spike Meyers


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Notice: This story is a work of fiction and contains explicit sexual material. It may also include, incest, sex between minor(s) and adult male(s), sex between minors, and sexual fetish.

If you are offended by such material, do not read this work of fiction. The character(s) in this work of fiction are not based on any known person(s).

My New Apprentice 14

Randy sucked out every last drop and released Joel's cock. He helped Joel step down off the bench, took a seat and pulled Joel over onto his lap.

Together they sat there in silence on the bench for about thirty seconds. Roger turned sideways to face them.

"Are you OK, Rog?" Randy asked him.

"Um, I'm not sure; I think so," he answered. "We all just fucking had sex together. Where the fuck did that come from?" Roger questioned.

"That's easy to answer; mutual interest and curiosity on all our parts. Are you regretting it happened?" Randy asked him.

"Ah, no; I don't regret it. It was fucking amazing. I am feeling guilty though. I've betrayed Tiffany," he answered.

"Look Rog, try not to beat yourself up about it. We all have needs and desires. We are all sexual creatures. We all like to be touched and desired. It's an innate human characteristic. None of us planned this but it happened, and we all enjoyed ourselves and each other. Enjoy it for what it is, love, affection, pleasure and desire between the three of us. Don't let the bullshit societal guilt beat you up. We did not do anything wrong. We gave you pleasure and the attention that you needed and deserve; what could possibly be bad about that? Let that guilt go, stud; cast it away. You don't need it."

"Do you really think so, Randy?" he asked wanting desperately to believe it.

"I do, Roger; I know it. And, just for the record, this does not make you gay," Randy said confidently knowing that he was questioning his behavior.

"Yeah, I don't think so, I love pussy too much, but it was freaking amazing guys. You did things to me that I have never experienced before. You made me feel so good. That old saying comes to mind, the one that goes like "You don't know what you're missing until you experience it" or something like that. I feel like I should thank you for such an amazing experience." "Our pleasure, Rog, trust me. We can explore other things if you're interested. It's entirely up to you, stud; you call the shots. What do you guys think about a little cuddle session in bed. I would not object to a short nap either," Randy said smiling.

"Excellent idea," Joel immediately responded. "Feel like a bit of a cuddle, Rog?"

"Yeah, why not; I mean, you guys just ate my ass, sucked my dick, and swallowed my load; twice! Why not a cuddle too?" he laughed.

They all stepped out of the hot tub and toweled off. Randy toweled Joel off first, and then turned to Roger. Come on, stud. Get over here," he said to Roger with a smile.

"Do you want to me my daddy too?" Roger giggled as he stepped over to Randy and raised his arms to his side.

"I'd be honored to be your daddy, stud. I have love in abundance; there is plenty of love to go around." If I'm going to be your daddy, it comes with certain privileges, you know," Randy said giggling as he toweled him off. "That also applies to your little brother here too."

"Yeah, I figured as much... Daddy." Roger giggled.

Joel and Randy were up the next morning by 7:30 AM. They were having coffee in bed as usual and just chatting about various things as they waited for the sheetrock to be delivered.

Joel suddenly changed topics. "Did you know that Roger wanted out of his marriage, Randy?" he asked.

"Not until yesterday, baby. Why do you ask?"

"I was just curious. I mean, he was really upset yesterday when he said it and understandably so. Roger is a very loyal person and takes his responsibilities very seriously. He always has, as long as I have known him."

"Yes, he is; I haven't known him very long and I can see that in him. Based on what he has shared with us, it's obvious that he and his wife have not been happy together for some time now. He deserves to be happy, as does his wife; we all do. In my opinion, it's ridiculous for them to stay together and be miserable for the rest of their lives just because they made a promise before God, and signed a piece of paper. People change. Feelings change. God would want them to be happy. We all deserve to be happy. I hope he can come to terms with that."

"Do you think his wife wants out too and is afraid to admit it? Maybe that's why she has been sort of a bitch to him," Joel asked.

"Yeah, it's possible, but unless she is willing to talk to someone about what she is feeling, it's most likely not going to change." Randy answered.

"I love Rog, he's a great guy. I would find it hard to understand why she would not want him," Joel said as if he was thinking out loud.

"The truth is, we don't know what kind of demons she is battling inside. There could be a constellation of reasons she feels the way she does. Perhaps she's not aware of it herself. Just like Roger admitting yesterday he wanted out of the marriage. He didn't want to admit that even to himself. That's why I had to coax it out of him the way I did. He just needed permission to say it and admit it to himself. We made it safe for him to do that. You can certainly relate to that my love. Just look at what you have recently learned about yourself.

It could be a similar situation for Tiffany. She may just need to have someone make her feel safe enough to admit and acknowledge whatever may be troubling her. As you know, that can be very scary. A therapist could help her do that."

"You could help her do that. If you meet her, you could possibly sense what is going on with her. Maybe you can help her," Joel suggested.

"Babe, I'm just a regular guy. Other than being there for Roger if he needs us, it's not my job or our job to fix people. We are not qualified. It's not as if I have all the answers to life's problems so take me off the pedestal gorgeous. I don't belong there. I'm just a regular guy that is just as fucked up as anybody else. But I thank you for the compliment; that's very sweet."

"But you did it with me, and yesterday you did it with Roger. When we cuddled yesterday you two talked about him wanting out of his marriage. He even told you how good it felt to admit it; remember?" Joel reminded him.

"Babe, that's completely different. I had already met Roger; he was comfortable with us and being around us. Besides, he started confiding in us before he admitted he wanted out of his marriage. He was already willing and wanting to talk about his feelings. Tiffany doesn't know me from Adam. And she is apparently already royally pissed off about something. Yes, I could possibly sense what the issue might be, but it doesn't always happen. Even if I could sense what her issue is, it is extremely unlikely that she would want to admit that to me, let alone herself. She doesn't know me, babe. It's a different situation."

"I guess. I just thought that if you could help Tiffany, that it turn, could possibly help Roger. I just want him to be happy," Joel said as he rolled over onto Randy and rested his head on his chest.

"I know you do baby, so do I, but we need to let them work it out on their own. It's better for both of them. They have to figure it out for themselves, otherwise, they can't grow and learn. If Roger asks us for help, then we can do what we can to help, but we can't stick our nose where it doesn't belong even if our intensions are well meaning." Randy advised him.

Roger walked out to the kitchen to find that his in-laws were already gone. They left a sticky-note on the bar for him. The note simply said, "We love you, dear. We'll call you tonight."

On one hand, he was incredibly relieved that Tiffany reluctantly agreed to a two-week trial period with her parents. She did not have to worry about work for the next fourteen days after electronically signing her medical leave of absence paper for work. On the other hand, it saddened him that he wanted out of the marriage and even so, he missed her. "You can't have it both ways asshole!" he said to himself.

He started to sob silently when he realized that he was no longer in love with her. Although he loves her very much, he's not in love with her anymore. The turmoil and fighting over the last two years between them had destroyed what he once felt for her. Considering her attitude towards him, he thought that she most-likely feels the same way. It saddened him, four years down the drain; just like that.

He decided to take a quick shower and get out of the house. At this point, there was nothing that he had to do. It was still a bit too early to start the search for a new place to live. He still had two and a half months before his lease would expire; there was plenty of time to start the search.

He swung through Starbucks for a Grande. As he left the drive through, he pressed a button on the steering wheel and said, "Call Joel, mobile."

"We should get up gorgeous, but I'd rather not. I love it so much when you lay on top of me like this. I can feel that perfect cock of yours on my dick. It feels so good," Randy moaned as he squeezed Joel tight.

Joel brought his head up and kissed Randy gently. He slid his hands under Randy's shoulders and started a soft hump, cock-to-cock. Randy grabbed Joel's butt cheek in each hand and thrust upwards. "Cum on me baby," he growled in Joel's mouth.

Joel kissed him hard and started frotting more intensely. Randy squeezed his ass hard and moaned as Joel's phone went off. Joel broke their kiss and looked over at his phone laying on the floor next to the bed. "It's Rog," he said.

"Go ahead, answer it, gorgeous," Randy smiled.

Joel jumped off Randy, his cock at half-mast and answered the phone."

"Hey stud, what's up?" Joel asked.

Joel sat on the bed next to Randy and leaned back against the wall as he talked with Roger. Randy scooted down the bed and laid down on his belly in front of Joel. He spread Joel's legs and took his cock in his mouth which elicited a gasp from Joel.

"You alright?" Roger asked him.

"Yeah, I'm good. Daddy just swallowed my cock when I wasn't expecting it," Joel giggled.

"Christ, are you two at it again? Is that all you guys do; have sex all day?" he laughed. "Only when we're not eating or working on the house," Joel laughed.

"You guys are too much. I was going to ask you what you were up to today, but I guess that answers my question."

"No, not all day, besides, the sheetrock is going to be delivered today. Once that arrives, there will not be much time for sex unfortunately," Joel answered.

"Oh fuck, suck my dick," Joel moaned out loud.

"Um, I'm still on the phone you know," Roger giggled.

"Well, it's nothing you didn't see yesterday. Are you coming over?" Joel asked.

"I was going to ask you if you wanted some company. I have the day free and I really don't want to be home." Roger admitted.

"Come on by; we'll be here," Joel said and hung up the phone.

He grabbed Randy's head and shoved his hard cock down his throat. "Roger's coming over."

Randy slid his hands under Joel's ass and pulled him tight against his face as he dry-humped the bed. He was moaning profusely and couldn't get enough of Joel's cock down his throat.

"Damn, eat my dick, daddy. Suck the cum out of my cock!" Joel growled.

Randy yelled out muffled by Joel's cock in his throat as he shot his load all over the bedsheets. Joel was right behind him, "Fuck, I'm gonna cum!" he moaned as he grabbed a fist full of bedsheet and exploded down Randy's throat. "Fuck!"

Randy came up halfway and let Joel's cock ooze what was left of his jizz onto his tongue. He held him in position without moving. Joel started to squirm a little since he was quickly becoming a bit sensitive post orgasm. He grabbed Randy's head, thrusted up gently and groaned out as he let go a stream in his mouth.

Randy, taken pleasantly by surprise, started moaning between swallows. Joel cut his stream off and laughed. "You want more, daddy?" he giggled as his cell phone went off again.

"Are you two done yet, Roger asked over the phone. If not, too bad, I'm here horn-dogs," he said giggling.

"Damn, that was fast, Rog is here," Joel announced as he placed the phone down. Randy looked up at him and smiled. "Go let the man in gorgeous."

Joel jumped up and hurried to the front door. Roger was standing there as Joel opened the door. "Come on in, Rog," Joel said smiling.

Roger stepped into the house and hugged Joel as Randy ambled down the hallway, his belly still covered in cum. "Aren't you two a sight," Roger said smiling shaking his head.

"You're just jealous because you couldn't join us this time," Joel said as he slapped him on the butt.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, dude," Roger quipped back.

"Hey Rog," Randy said. Can you do us a favor and keep watch for the delivery truck while Joel and I jump in the shower. We have kind of made a mess this morning.

"Yeah, sure; no problem. Take your time, I'll keep watch."

"Piggy back," Joel giggled and jumped on Randy's back.

"How do you deal with this guy every day?" Roger asked Randy smiling from ear-to-ear. "He's like a little kid."

"Yeah, that's why I love him," Randy smiled as he carried Joel down the hallway on his back.

Roger walked through the kitchen and out into the garage. He opened the garage door, took a seat at the workbench, and waited on the guys to come out. His mind wandered off wondering how things were going with Tiffany and his in-laws. He considered giving them a call and then decided against it. Afterall, they said they will call him tonight. Somehow, just being at Joel and Randy's made him feel better emotionally.

He started checking things out in the garage, "It must be nice to have a space like this to tinker around in" he said to himself. Having worked for a contractor when he was in college left him with an appreciation for working with his hands. As he was admiring Randy's workbench, he heard the door open and out walked Joel, stark naked.

"Don't you ever where clothes?" Roger asked him.

"Only when we go out," Joel responded. "Since I met Randy, I have realized that I love being naked."

"Are you not concerned that someone could walk by and see you; the garage door is wide open?"

"A month ago, I would have said yes, but not now, I don't care. If they see me, they see me. It's just a naked body. It's not as if I have a hardon and I'm jerking off in the center of the garage. You need to chill out stud. By the way, how are you doing my friend?"

"Well, overall, I think I'm OK. I mean, I had a little episode of feelings this morning, but at the moment, I'm OK. I'm actually glad and relieved to be here with you and Daddy man," he giggled.

"Randy is the best, isn't he? I told you he was a great guy. He has changed my life."

"Yeah, I can see that, Buddy."

"I know you don't know him that well, Rog, but his ability to know things and sense what people are feeling; it's a gift. He has helped me in so many ways. I'm not just talking about the gay stuff. I have learned so much from him in the what, five or six weeks since I met him. I have learned to trust him completely.

"Well, you should, Joel. He obviously adores you. I can see how he looks at you; he loves you. It must be the best feeling in the world knowing that someone loves you so completely. You're a lucky guy."

"If you let him, Rog, he can help you too. You'll see as you get to know him better. It just has a way of happening."

"In a way, he already has. I mean, what happened yesterday was fucking amazing. I mean, yeah, the sex was fuckin' awesome, but he just makes me feel so comfortable I guess is the best word. I'm comfortable around you guys. Where is he by the way?"

"Oh, he's on the phone. He volunteers at an animal shelter one day a week and they called him right after we got out of the shower," Joel answered.

"He volunteers at an animal shelter; of course, he does. This fucking guy is a Mother Theresa," Roger giggled.

"And fucking sexy as all get-out; all I have to do is look at him and I get hard," Joel announced proudly.

"Yeah, I don't know what it is with Randy, but he has an effect on me somehow. I mean, yesterday, in the hot tub, I fucking kissed him so hard and I didn't want to stop. I have never kissed a man before or even had a desire to kiss a man. Fuck, I don't think I even kissed Tiffany like I kissed Randy. I have never been sexually interested in a guy before, but him, it's freaky. Last night, so many times I thought about what we did yesterday, what all three of us did, and it makes me chub-up. Fuck, the way you sucked my cock, I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I just get horny around you guys."

"Yeah, I know Rog. It happened to me too. I was so completely drawn to Randy when I met him. You're not alone feeling like that. He had the same effect on me. He has this way about him. He's loving and gentle and sexy and desirable and affectionate. He makes you feel safe and secure, kind of protected and under his care. When he's with you he gives himself completely to you. He's a total daddy. I love him."

"OK, since we are talking about this stuff right now, I have a question, I'm just curious. When you were sucking my cock yesterday, did you like it? I mean, you just basically swallowed my entire dick. I mean, no girl I've been with could take more than half. You just seemed to inhale me." Roger asked kind of bashfully.

"Fuck yeah!" Joel answered without delay. "I loved it. Randy has a pretty big dick. He's not quite as big as you, but he's big, as you know. I wanted to please him so he schooled me in the art of deepthroating. I love it and thankfully so does he. We absolutely love sucking each other off. So yeah, I loved sucking that gorgeous cock of yours. Your cum tastes good too. It's not as sweet as Randy's or mine; it's a bit more salty, but it's good. It was awesome when I felt your dick shooting off in my mouth."

"Christ Joel, don't hold anything back now, Buddy. I'm just kidding, I'm glad you liked it; so, did I. In fact, it was amazing. No one has ever sucked my cock like you did. Now that I think about it, no one has swallowed my ball juice since my cousin Nathan. I told you about him in the hot tub when you told me you were gay."

"Fuck, Roger. That's so sad. I mean you are such a stud that's hard to believe. You deserve better. I know we bust each other's balls all the time, but fuck me, Rog, you are very deserving of good loving."

"Are you offering?" Roger giggled slightly as he adjusted himself.

Joel stepped over and stood between his legs. He grabbed Roger's thighs in each hand and looked him directly in the eyes. "All you need do is to ask my dear friend," Joel said softly.

Roger smiled and reached around Joel. He cupped Joel's ass in his hands and pulled him in closer between his legs. "I want to kiss you, Buddy," Roger whispered.

"Then kiss me," Joel whispered back as he wrapped his arms around Roger.

Slowly, he leaned in towards Joel and kissed him gently on the lips. He pulled back and looked at Joel.

"Kiss me like you want to!" Joel ordered as he reached down and grabbed Roger's dick.

Roger gasped feeling Joel's grip on his cock. He placed his hand on the back of Joel's head, and kissed him hard and passionately. Randy stepped out into the garage and smiled at the sight. He was hoping that the two of them would find their way together and pleased to see the progression between them. He stood and watched them kiss for about 15 seconds before they noticed he was standing there.

"Hey daddy," Joel said with a smile. "Come join us."

Randy walked over to the boys and wrapped his arms around them both. "I'm glad to see you boys enjoying each other. He leaned in and kissed Joel softly, and then Roger.

"Look at this fucking cock!" Joel moaned as he pulled Roger's sweat pants down and released his throbbing member. "It's so fucking beautiful; isn't it?"

"That it certainly is, baby," Randy responded.

Joel ran his finger across the tip of Roger's cock scooping up the pearl of clear nectar oozing out and licked it from his finger.

"Why don't you two continue this in the bedroom. I'll wait here for the delivery truck."

"Are you sure? You're not going to join us?" Roger asked a little confused.

"Not this time, stud," Randy said smiling. "You two go on in and enjoy yourselves; have fun. Go on now."

Joel stepped back from between Roger's legs after putting his cock back in his pants. Roger slid off the workbench stool, his cock sticking up at 45 degrees and out of his sweat pants. Joel led the way into the house.

They stepped into the bedroom and Joel immediately made his way to the bed. Roger stood at the end of the bed and slowly disrobed for Joel's benefit. He lifted his t-shirt up and off his body, intentionally flexing his muscles. He smiled down at Joel who was watching him intently and slowly lowered his sweat pants. His cock snapping up hard and proud as he released it from his sweats.

"You're such a fucking man-stud," Joel growled. "Get over here!"

Roger scooted down and crawled up the bed. Joel's hard cock sticking straight up rubbed across Roger's abs as he slowly made his way up the bed. He straddled Joel's slender body and stopped midway, their cocks rubbing against each other.

"Are we actually going to do this?" he asked Joel softly.

"Oh, don't back out on me now, Rog. You know you want this as much as I do."

Joel sat up, grabbed Roger, and pulled him down on top of him. He grabbed Roger's face and kissed him hard as he thrusted his pelvis up against Roger. He felt Roger thrust back and suddenly, Roger cast all inhibitions away and went for it.

He sat up and pulled Joel up to him as he kissed him urgently. He wrapped his arms tightly around Joel and thrusted his cock against his smooth body. Joel felt the heat and passion pouring from Roger's body. Joel pulled back from their kiss and grabbed Roger's biceps. "Fucking muscle stud," Joel moaned. He ran his hands across Roger's pecs and gently pulled om each nipple and then work them with his tongue. Roger grabbed Joel's head and pressed it tight against his chest as Joel devoured each nipple.

Roger grabbed a fistful of Joel's hair and pulled his head back forcefully. Joel completely surrendered to him. Roger looked at him intently, kissed him hard, and forced him back onto the bed. Joel felt Roger's dick leaking profusely and so badly wanted to take his cock in his mouth.

Suddenly, Roger pulled back from their kiss, sat up and forced Joel's arms above his head. He leaned forward and placed the head of his cock on Joel's lips. Joel moaned loudly as he extended his tongue and licked the precum from Roger's knob.

"Yeah, Buddy, lick the cock goo off my dick. You like it don't you, you little slut-boy."

Roger grabbed his cock and squeezed a big gob of precum across Joel's lips. Joel licked his lips urgently and took Roger's knob in his mouth.

"Oh fuck!" Roger groaned out loud. "You really want my cock, don't' you, Buddy?" Roger growled. He pushed forward into Joel's mouth and stopped, enjoying the hot, wet feeling on his dick.

"Fuck, that feels so good, Joel. Stick your tongue in the hole. Shove it in there! Harder! Yeah, that's it; just like that."

Roger reached behind him and for the first time in his life, he grabbed a dick that was not his own. It felt a bit strange; Joel's dick was not even close to his size and his hand almost completely engulfed it. He started to awkwardly stroke Joel's dick. However, it didn't take him long to coordinate a rhythm and soon, he was gliding up and down on Joel's cock effortlessly and with finesse. He loved feeling a hard cock in his hand, a different cock, something that he has often wondered about in the last 48 hours.

He remembered what Joel told him in the garage earlier. Joel said his cum was sweeter than his own. He wondered what it tastes like. He let go of Joel's cock and brought his hand, slick from Joel's juices, and stuck the tip of his tongue in the palm of his hand. It was slick and gooey but there was no taste really. He reached back behind him, grabbed Joel's cock, and ran his finger across the tip of his cock as he saw Joel do earlier in the garage.

He stuck his tongue out and licked the goo from his finger. "Um," he heard himself groan. "He's right, it's kind of sweet, but not overly so like sugar," he thought to himself. He was expecting it to taste like sugar. He pulled out of Joel's mouth, bent down and gently kissed Joel.

"I want to suck your dick, Buddy," he said shyly.

"I'd love that; we can 69," Joel said. They repositioned themselves in bed and immediately, Joel wrapped his arms under and around Roger's ass and swallowed his cock down his throat. Roger groaned in pleasure, placed his hand on the back of Joel's head, pressing his face into his crotch. "Oh, fuck yeah, suck my cock, Buddy" he bellowed.

Roger looked at his friend's cock throbbing and staring him in the face. He slowly stuck out his tongue and inserted it into the clear drop of fluid on the end of his dick. This time, it tasted sweeter than the last. It was not unpleasant at all. He leaned forward again and took the head of Joel's cock in his mouth. "It's happening" he said to himself. "I'm sucking a dick."

He was surprised that Joel's cock knob felt so big in his mouth. He didn't expect that. He expected a cock to taste nasty, or dirty, or like piss, but it didn't. Except for Joel's precum, which was sweet and actually pleasurable, it didn't taste much like anything. Certainly not what he expected it to taste like. Becoming a bit more brave, he took more and more of Joel's cock in his mouth. When it hit the back of his throat, he started to gag and cough. Joel couldn't help but find it amusing that he was gagging on his cock but stifled his giggle.

Joel released Roger's cock. He grabbed Roger's head and slowly guided him up and down on his dick. "Watch your teeth, Rog. Just take it slow and steady."

Once Roger got the hang of it a little better, Joel let go of Roger's head and started sucking his cock again. He was now bound and determined to make Roger cum so he went full steam ahead. He rolled Roger over on his back and went balls to the wall on his dick. Roger was moaning loudly although a bit muffled with Joel's dick in his mouth.

Roger suddenly wrapped his arms around Joel, his body stiffened, his legs fully extended and taught. Joel felt Roger's dick start to spasm against his tongue as Roger unloaded in Joel's mouth. The first volley filling his mouth instantly forcing him to swallow immediately. The second and third volley were not as much as the first and he got to savor Roger's precious gift once again before swallowing it down. He continued to nurse Roger's impressive appendage in his mouth until the last drop had been released and it started to deflate. He did not release him until Roger recovered from his orgasm and started to become sensitive.

Joel laid down on top of Roger and kissed him softly. Roger groaned softly and wrapped his arms around Joel. "Thank you, Buddy. That was fantastic," he said softly. "Did you cum?"

"No, almost, but I didn't."

"Fuck, I wanted you to cum too. I guess you need to school me, huh?" he laughed.

"Are you, OK?" Joel asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good. Why?"

"Well, this is a first for us; one-on-one I mean. I just don't want to add anymore agita for you to have to deal with," Joel answered.

"Thanks, Buddy; that's sweet of you, but I'm good. I thought a lot about what Randy said yesterday. It's all good, Buddy. Hey, you know, sucking dick is not half bad, is it?"

"Fuck no, it's heaven on earth!" Joel giggled and quickly scooted down and took Roger's dick back in his mouth.

"Stop, stop," Roger giggled as he rolled over and covered his crotch with his hands laughing. "It's sensitive; you're gonna make me pee!"

Just over an hour later, Joel walked back out to the garage. Randy was sitting at the workbench reading on his kindle.

"Hey, Daddy," Joel said as he walked up and hugged him. "What are you reading?"

"Dweller on Two Planets," Randy answered.

"What's it about?" Joel asked.

"I'll tell you later. Right now, I want to know how you and Roger got on."

"We had a really nice time and enjoyed each other completely. Roger even sucked my dick. Can you believe it?"

"Oh yes, that's why I wanted you guys go off alone. He's been curious. Besides, I know you wanted to have sex with him too. Just remember baby to not to push him. He must to come to terms with this on his own and he will. Understand?"

"Yeah, I get it. Just like you did with me."

"Similarly, yes, but Roger isn't gay baby. I don't want you to get your hopes up about having a gay best friend with benefits."

"But you just said..."

"Roger is coming to terms with his attraction to men. But, he's not gay, baby. He's seventy five percent straight for the lack of a better way to explain it. He just feels safe enough with us to let himself experiment. He and Tiffany are not having issues because he's gay and doesn't know it.

Is he attracted to men sometimes? The answer is yes, he's just now starting to realize that and he will eventually accept it and be OK with it. But he must do it in his own timeframe; not yours, not mine, not ours, just his."

"I think you just popped my bubble, daddy. I thought that perhaps I was going to gain a gay best friend/brother."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, my love. But think of it this way, once Roger comes to terms with this new revelation, you'll have a pseudo-bi best friend that you can have sex with from time-to-time. Doesn't that sound fucking awesome?"

"Now that you put it that way, it does sound awesome; perfect even."

"What sounds perfect?" Roger asked as he stepped out in the garage suddenly.

"Your dick, stud!" Joel giggled. "Your dick is perfect."

"You're only saying that because it's true," Roger promptly quipped back.

"Hey guys, it almost eleven fifteen. The delivery truck should arrive soon. Why don't you guys put some clothes on and run over to Longfellow's and pick us up some lunch. I'll wait here for the truck. Take my debit card, baby."

"No, not this time, daddy," Roger smiled. "I'm buying this time. You treated last time. It's my turn."

"What's your flavor, sexy daddy? Joel asked.

"The Spicy Italian; just tell Jack it's for me. He knows what I like," Randy answered.

"Hey guys!" Randy called out to them as they opened the door to the house, "check to see how much beer we have left. I think we're running low. Rog will want a cold beer with lunch."

"It amazes me that he does that," Roger said to Joel on the way into the house. "I was just thinking that a cold beer with lunch sounds good."

"Yeah, like I said, you'll get used to it. He does it all the time. It's annoying sometimes that he knows what I'm feeling before I do," Joel responded.

Next: Chapter 15

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