My New Apprentice

By Spike Meyers

Published on Nov 13, 2022


Date: 11/12/2022

Author: Spike Meyers


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Notice: This story is a work of fiction and contains explicit sexual material. It may also include, incest, sex between minor(s) and adult male(s), sex between minors, and sexual fetish.

If you are offended by such material, do not read this work of fiction. The character(s) in this work of fiction are not based on any known person(s).

My New Apprentice 13

"We better rinse off, the water is getting cold," Joel said flexing his butt cheeks against Randy's cock.

Roger decided that instead of calling Joel, he was just going to drive over there to see him. After all, both he and Randy said to drop by any time. It was about 1:30 PM and he had taken care of everything that needed taking care of. Tiffany's job was secured, his short-term absence from his job was taken care of over the phone, the contractor called and confirmed Monday's schedule, and the other miscellaneous, little things he had to do were finished. For the first time in days, he felt like he could breathe.

He was looking forward to seeing Joel and Randy. "I bet those two horn-dogs will be naked when I get there," he thought to himself as a smile came to his face. He envied that Joel and Randy were so into each other and had no problem with showing their affection for each other in his presence. Although, it was initially a little odd to witness that between two guys, he quickly got used to it. He had certainly enjoyed being naked with them. It was a bit emancipating; it felt good. It was even a bit exciting to me naked with them. He could tell that both of the guys were physically attracted to him; it stroked his ego.

He found himself holding onto his dick as he drove. It was even starting to come to life. He acknowledged the fact that he liked showing off in front of them. He wanted them to desire him. He wanted them to want to suck his cock. The more he thought about it, the harder his dick got. He was an exhibitionist, no doubt about it. He loved the attention his physical appearance brought him.

"I wonder what it feels like to hold another man's dick?" he said to himself. "What does it taste like?" he thought when he recalled Joel's comment about cum not going to waste in their house. He let his mind continue to wander and suddenly realized he has been on auto-pilot because he was almost at Randy and Joel's house. He let go of his chubbed up dick and slowed down so it could go down before he got there.

"Are you almost ready, gorgeous?" Randy asked.

"I just have to grab my phone and wallet, daddy, then we can go," Joel responded.

"Look at the sweet, little ass," Randy commented as Joel bent over to grab his wallet on the floor next to the bed. He couldn't resist and ran his hand over Joel's butt. Joel stood up and turned to face Randy.

"If you make me hard again it's not my fault," he said with a smile as he wrapped his arms around Randy.

Randy wrapped his arms around Joel and lifted him off the floor. "God, I could just eat you constantly," he sighed.

"You can eat me when we get home," Joel said releasing his hold on Randy. "Come on sexy, daddy; let's go before you make me hard again."

As Joel and Randy stepped out into the garage, Randy hit the button on the wall to open the garage door. "Give me one second, gorgeous. I just want to check the mailbox," Randy said as he headed towards the garage door.

He walked to the mailbox, withdrew its contents, and closed the door just as Roger pulled up behind him. "You two studs going somewhere?" Roger asked jovially.

Randy turned to face him. "As a matter of fact, we were just leaving to go over and check on your sweet, plump, little ass if you must know," Randy smiled back. "Joel has been really concerned about you."

"I know, I'm sorry I haven't called back. That's why I'm here. I decided to just come over and see you guys," he said. "Any beer left in the fridge?" he asked with a smile.

"Come on in the house stud. We have plenty in the fridge. Just park your truck in the driveway," Randy said as he started walking back towards the house. Joel stepped out of the garage and waved at Roger.

"It's about fucking time, Rog. Why didn't you call me back? I have been concerned about you; you shit!" Joel scolded him.

Randy jumped out of the truck and closed the door. He walked over to Joel and hugged him. "I'm sorry, Buddy. I have had my hands full of shit. Today was the first time it worked out and I decided to come over and see you guys as opposed to calling."

"Randy and I were just on our way over to see you; you fucker. I'm glad you're here," Joel said as he squeezed his friend tight and then stepped back. Randy arrived and placed a hand on both of their shoulders.

"Let's go in the house guys," he said and passed between them on the way towards the garage door that leads into the house. He waited until the guys had cleared the way and pressed the button to close the garage door. He held the door open for Joel and Roger and then stepped back into the house.

"Damn! You guys have been busy. It's starting to come together and beginning to look like something," Roger said as he looked around the kitchen and living room noticing the work they have done on the house.

"Joel and I have made some progress. We finished the vapor barrier and tomorrow the sheetrock arrives," Randy said with a smile.

"Let's get naked and enjoy the hot tub," Joel suggested.

"A beer would be nice to go with it," Roger quicky said with a smile of anticipation.

"Coming right up," Randy added. "You guys go ahead; I'll grab the beers and join you out back.

Roger wrapped his arm around Joel's shoulders as the made their way to the back patio.

"Your voice mailbox is still full, Rog. You need to clear that out," Joel said rather annoyed that he hasn't been able to leave a message for him.

"Yeah, Buddy, I know. I'll clear it out today. I have listened to a few of the messages but haven't deleted them yet. They are all from Tiffany just ranting on and on. I kind of what to hear all of them because it might give me some idea as to what happened with her."

"What do you mean, Rog?" Joel asked, "Did something happen to Tiffany?" Joel asked as he dropped his shorts to the patio floor.

"So, are you going commando from now on?" Roger asked looking over at Joel wearing no underwear.

"I think so; I like it. It feels good not wearing underwear," Joel answered him as he pulled off his polo. Joel stepped into the hot tub and turned around to face Roger. Randy slid the slider open and stepped out onto the patio. He handed a beer to Joel and waited until Roger finished undressing before handing him his beer.

Roger stepped into the hot tub and stood next to Joel. Randy sat his beer down and proceeded to disrobe. "So, I couldn't help notice that you had a wet spot in your underwear," Joel whispered to Roger as they watched Randy disrobe.

"Yeah, well, it happens when you haven't cum in about three weeks. So, I take it you were checking me out when I was undressing. Did you like what you saw, you can lick the wet spot if you'd like," Roger giggled softly back at him.

"Yeah, I think I'll pass on that pleasure," Joel whispered with a smile secretly wanting to do just that. Randy picked up his beer and stepped into the hot tub. "So, Roger, tell us, how are you doing; what's going on?" Randy asked.

"Gosh guys, I'm really not sure where to begin," Roger said.

"Every story has a beginning; why not start there. Begin from the time you left our house last," Randy suggested. Roger took a big swig of his beer and started to fill them in on everything that had transpired from the time he saw them last. Both Randy and Joel remained silent as he told the story. It wasn't until he finished, they started asking questions.

"Wow, Roger, I'm so sorry this has happened. Tiffany gets out of the hospital tomorrow? Joel asked.

"Yes, tomorrow. It's just because of her injury. They did not know if the cut on her arm and hand was a suicide attempt or just an accident, so they can hold her for 72 hours for observation. She will be released tomorrow since there have been no obvious issues since she came out of the sedation.

"Rog, since I'm new in the area, you said Tiffany's parents are here. Where exactly is Waddell?" Joel asked.

"Waddell is northwest of Phoenix. It is an unincorporated community in Maricopa County, and named after Donald Ware Waddell, a native of Ohio. He was a major player in arranging private financing for the construction of the dam that created Lake Pleasant. He also served on the board of the Maricopa Water District. He died in 1963. I only know this stuff because I did some research when I applied for my job. I thought it might come in handy during my interview," Roger answered him.

"So, at this point, you really don't know what made Tiffany snap-out like that and do what she did?" Randy asked him.

"No, as I said, the police thought that perhaps it was drug related, but if you know Tiffany, that's not possible. The ER doctor tested her for recreationals and she was negative. It's looking like she had some kind of psychotic break or something. My heart really hurts for her. It must have been hell for her," Roger answered.

"And she really doesn't remember much, like how she cut the cut on her arm?" Joel asked.

"No, she doesn't remember much of anything at all. She broke every single glass in the house. It could have happened then, or she could have put her fist through the living room window. We just don't know. It will most-likely remain a mystery."

"How do you feel about her possibly going back to stay with her parents?" Randy asked.

"At first, I was a little taken aback by the suggestion, however, since I have had time to think about it now, to be honest, I'd actually be relieved if she went back with them. I hope she does go back with them at least until she gets her head screwed on tight. Unless her attitude towards me changes, I can't imagine what my life would be like living with her. She's so hostile towards me. This hostility goes way beyond the scope of our little tiff that morning. This is something else guys, there is something very wrong somewhere," Roger answered with sadness in his voice.

"I agree with you, Roger. There has to be some underling thing going on inside of her that is causing her to act like this. I know you told us that you guys have been having issues for the last couple of years, perhaps this is the apex of whatever that issue is with Tiffany. Since the medical doctors can't find anything wrong, perhaps a psychologist can. That could take time. Personally, I think it sounds as if she needs that kind of help," Randy said respectfully.

"I have suggested that several times and she wanted nothing to do with it," Roger repeated.

"Perhaps your in-laws can help with that. She's not hostile towards them, correct?" Joel asked.

"No, not like she is with me. But even with them, her attitude is different. They are the only people on the planet right now who could talk her into seeing someone. I'll suggest that to them tonight when I get back."

"Roger, may I ask you a very serious and personal question?" Randy said looking directly into his eyes.

Roger looked at him but didn't respond right away. He looked over at Joel and then back at Randy.

"Um before, I say yes or no, Joel told me that you can sense stuff about people. I totally believe in ESP; my grandmother was like that. Are you sensing something in me or Tiffany?"

"Um, I don't know Tiffany, I have not met her of course. When I sense things in people, I have had to meet them in some way. I need some kind of contact such as a voice on the phone or a face-to-face encounter," Randy said calmly.

"So, that leaves me then, doesn't it?" Roger asked. "You're sensing something in me," he said with a slight touch of fear in his voice.

"Rog, try to stay calm. It's nothing bad per se, but it might help you to accept whatever the outcome of this situation will bring in future. I can't tell you what I feel because it could have an adverse effect on you. I don't want that to happen, but I promise you, it's not a bad thing. It's something you already know deep down inside."

"Why can't you tell me what you know?" Roger asked.

Randy got up, stepped across the hot tub and sat down next to Roger. He looked directly in his eyes and spoke calmly, "In my past and on more than one occasion, I have told people what I know or sense and it has made the situation worse for them on some level. I can't take that chance with you and I won't. You could make decisions based on what I say and that could be disastrous. I can't take a chance and influence any decision you make. Just know this my new friend, I will be here for you should you need me."

"Do you know what's going to happen?" Roger asked looking intently at Randy.

"No, Rog. I can't see into the future. I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow or next week, however, I do know this; you are going to be OK. That much I can tell you, my friend."

"But what you are sensing in me is not a bad thing?" he asked Randy sheepishly.

"No, Rog, it's not bad. It is, however, going to be challenging for you to accept. You are not going to want to accept it. You are going to fight yourself. When you are ready to face it, Joel and I will be here for you."

Roger looked over at Joel. "Do you know what he's referring to?" Roger asked.

"Sorry, Rog, I have no fucking clue what he's talking about." Joel answered him. "However, I can say this from personal experience, when Randy has said these kind of ambiguous things to me, he has been spot-on every single time. He's always been right. It used to piss me off a little, but now, I have complete trust in him and not just because I love him."

Randy turned to look over at Joel and smiled. "I love you too, gorgeous," he said softly.

"Ok, so, the bottom line is, you can't tell me what you know because it could possibly make things worse for me on some level, but you know that I'm going to be OK, no matter what happens. Is that about how it goes?" Roger asked.

"Um, yeah, that about covers it, stud," Randy answered him with a smile.

"I don't know about you guys, but I could sure use another beer. Do you mind if I help myself?" Roger asked.

"Make yourself to home stud, you know where they are," Randy said.

Roger stood up and asked, "You guys want another beer?"

Joel gave him a thumbs-up and Randy nodded his head in the affirmative. "Be right back. I gotta pee too."

Roger stepped out of the hot tub and Randy went back over and sat next to Joel. "Tell me what you know, Daddy," Joel said as he got up and straddled Randy's lap so they were face to face.

"I can't baby. If somehow it leaked out that you know, it would make it difficult for you not to tell Roger. This has to play out naturally as the universe intends. For Roger's sake, it just has to be that way," Randy said as he gently kissed Joel.

"But he's my best friend," Joel responded in a whisper.

"I know, that is why it would be so difficult for you not to tell him should he glean that you know. If he figures out that you know, it's not going to be easy for you not to tell him when he pressures you to tell him. Trust me, gorgeous. Just trust me on this."

Joel knew deep down that Randy was right. He also knew without a doubt that Roger would surely pressure him into divulging what Randy told him. It's better that he not know. "You're right; that would be really hard for me to deal with," Joel admitted. "Must you always be right; it's kind of annoying," Joel laughed.

Randy wrapped his arms around Joel and kissed him. "Do you always have to be so fucking gorgeous?" Randy quipped back. Joel smiled at him and reached down and grabbed Randy's dick.

"If you make that thing hard, you're going to have to do something about it right here," Randy joked. "You can demonstrate your newly acquired deepthroat skills to Roger. How does that sound?"

"Don't tempt me, Daddy. I just might surprise you," Joel threatened with a devious smile.

Roger stepped out onto the patio with three fresh beers. Joel turned around and sat down on Randy's lap. As Roger stepped back into the hot tub, Randy placed both of his hands in Joel's crotch cupping his cock and balls completely in his hands. Roger stepped in front of them and handed them the beers. Randy made no effort to move his hands.

"Sorry, Rog, my hands are full at the moment," he said and started giggling softly.

Joel reached up and grabbed the beers from Roger's hand. It suddenly dawned on Roger what Randy meant by that comment and started to laugh.

"If you want a real handful, grab a hold of this," he said as he reached down and flopped his cock at them. "Now this is a handful," he said laughing.

"I'd say that would be a bit more than a handful," Randy quipped back. "How big does that thing get?" he asked.

"Eight and three quarters," Roger proudly responded. "Not too shabby, huh?" he asked rhetorically, still flopping his dick about slightly.

"If you got it, flaunt it I always say," Randy joked. "It's big and beautiful that's for sure if you like that sort of thing."

"What? I thought all of you gay guys liked big dicks?" he asked.

"Oh sure, many of us do, the bigger the better in fact. However, not every gay man on the planet is a size queen. Personally, I prefer and average sized man. That's just my personal preference. A big dick is not something that I seek out in a man. If he has a big dick, so be it, but it's not something that I would personally seek out."

"Wow, I guess you do learn something new every day," Roger responded a bit surprised.

"That's a stereotype, Rog. Not all gay men want a man with a giant cock. Some yes, but certainly not all. Personally, I like smaller guys in stature and I'm not talking about the size of their cock. This man right here sitting on my lap, is the man of my dreams. Joel is perfect for me; he's the kind of man I would seek out. I adore him and he knows it. I would not trade him for anything or anyone," Randy confessed.

As Joel is hearing Randy's words, his dick is starting to twitch and Randy is squeezing him gently under the surface of the water. "So, let me ask you this, if you and I met in a gay bar and I hit on you, you would not find me attractive and want to have sex with me. Is that it?" Roger asked.

"God no! Randy quickly responded. "I'd pounce on you like white on rice. You are a total fucking man-stud. I'd be on my knees quicker than you can say jack rabbit. Why wouldn't I, you are fucking hot; you're cute, you have an awesome body, a very eatable ass, and a beautiful cock. Why would I not want to have sex with you. You're a walking wet-dream." Randy responded.

"But you just said," Roger started to say.

"What I just said you misconstrued, stud. I did not say that I was not attracted to masculine, muscular, men with big dicks such as yourself. What I said is that I would not go in search specifically for a man like that. I'm attracted to a lot of men for various and different reasons. Sure, I have a preference for small guys like Joel. I couldn't care less if his dick is three inches or ten inches.

As far as I'm concerned and I'm sure that I don't stand alone here, a man's dick is just a part of the overall package. I have preferences Roger as many of us do, but a preference is just that, a preference. It's not something as far as I'm concerned that is written in stone or a must have or that is a cause for elimination. That's the point I so poorly tried to convey."

"So, you would have sex with me then?" He asked again.

"Of course, I would definitely have sex with you in a New York second. You bet that sweet ass of yours. I'd eat you up with a spoon, stud," Randy answered him.

Joel started to laugh. "You're such a dork, Rog. You should have seen your face when you thought that Randy wouldn't have sex with you. You looked so disappointed. Think of it this way, some straight guys like big tits on a girl. That doesn't mean they wouldn't have sex with a girl with small tits does it. They'd still shag her. It's the same difference. They may like big tits but it doesn't rule out girls with small tits."

"So, if Randy and I had sex, you'd be OK with it?" he asked Joel.

"At this stage in my life, yes, I'd be OK with it. I know how much Randy loves me. I can feel it in my bones. Just because he would want to have sex with another guy doesn't mean that he doesn't love me anymore. I understand that now. A year ago, even six months ago, hell, three months ago, I would have most definitely had a problem with that. Not now," Joel answered him.

"Why not now?" Roger asked.

Joel paused slightly before answering Roger. "I have learned so much because of this man. He's a fantastic teacher. He has encouraged me to look beyond my previous traditional thinking. I have learned so much about myself and other things that I hadn't a clue about. It was not easy to accept at first, it scared the fuck out of me, but with Randy's guidance, he helped me through it and taught me some steps to combat the fear. I know how nauseating all of this sounds, but it's the honest to God truth."

"I can say this, in the almost twenty years that we have been friends, you have certainly changed Joel. It blows my mind to see the difference in the old you and the new you. I am almost kind of jealous in a way. I don't feel like I have grown much since I got out of college. I graduated high school, got good grades, graduated college with honors, married a beautiful girl at 19 years old, got a good job and make good money. I did everything that I was supposed to do, and yet, I feel a void somewhere. I feel that I'm just spinning my wheels. Why am I telling you guys all of this shit. I need to shut the fuck up! You guys don't need to hear this crap," Roger scolded himself.

"I totally disagree, Roger," Randy said. "You need to talk about these things. What safer place to do just that than here with us. We are not going to judge you about anything. Besides, saying these things out loud will have a purging effect on you. It lets you release those pent-up feelings and emotions that you have been harboring deep down inside for however long. Say it and release the emotion; just let it go."

"Believe him, Rog. That's what I have learned how to do. Once you learn how to do it, it feels so good you will never stop doing it. It really works; it's amazing. It will change your life for the better," Joel added.

"Really, are you serious about this? I mean, I could go on and on until you just want to shoot me to shut me up. Be careful what you ask for; I'm warning you," Roger chuckled.

"I'm willing to take that chance, Rog," Randy quipped back. "I think Joel is too. Let's do this, why don't you tell us just one thing that is eating at your crawl right now. Something that has perhaps just popped into your mind from time-to-time. Something that you have immediately pushed back down into your can deep inside of you. Let's start there, fuck the little shit, that you can deal with after we handle the bigger concerns. That's the one Roger, the one that just popped into your head. Tell us about that one," Randy suggested.

Roger took a deep breath, tears started filling his eyes. "How did you know?" he asked Randy.

"I just do Roger, but you have to say it yourself. If you don't say it and release it, it's not going to stop biting you in the ass. You need to be honest with yourself Roger. It's OK, just say it and let it out," Randy said calmly and with confidence.

Roger looked at Randy as a single tear rolled down his face. He bent over and held his head in his hands. "I don't know if I can say it, Randy," he said softly.

"Just take your time, Rog. You can say it. You're ready to say it. You want to say it. It's time to say it." Randy softly responded.

"Fuck!" Roger moaned out loud. "I don't want to be married anymore!" he yelled out.

Roger held his head in his hands and started to sob. Randy didn't say a single word and let Roger expel the emotion he had bottled up inside with these feelings. He knew instinctively that Roger had to feel what he was feeling before he could help him recover. All of that emotion had to be released. He motioned for Joel to get off his lap. He gently crossed over and sat down on the bench next to Roger. When the time was right, he would console Roger and hope he could ease his turmoil.

He let Roger sob quietly for a few minutes before he placed his hand on Roger's back. Roger startled when Randy touched him because he wasn't expecting it. He dropped his hands resting them on his knees, and raised his head. He looked over and saw Randy's friendly face looking back at him.

"Come here, Rog," Randy said softly as he wrapped his arms around Roger's shoulders and hugged him tight. Roger hesitated for just a fraction of a second before he let Randy pull him tight against his body. He wrapped his arms around Randy and buried his face in the crook of Randy's neck and continued to sob. Joel hurried across and sat down on the bench on the other side of Roger. He wrapped his arms around him and rested his head on Roger's back.

Randy placed his hand on the back of Roger's head and began to gently caress his hair. "It's gonna be OK, Rog. You're gonna be OK. Just let it all out," he whispered in Roger's ear. He felt Roger tighten his embrace as he continued to whisper pleasantries in his ear. Together, he and Joel hugged Roger until he stopped sobbing.

"God, I feel like such a fool crying like a baby," Roger mumbled in Randy's neck.

Randy released his hug on Roger and sat back slightly. He grabbed Roger's face in both hands and brought their foreheads together. "Don't be silly. We all have emotions and we are all entitled to express those emotions. That includes you. You're not a fool. You just acknowledge something huge to yourself and us. Of course, you are going to have intense feeling about it."

Randy kissed him on the cheek and brushed the hair from his face. Roger looked into Randy's eyes and saw the sincerity in them. Roger took a deep breath and sat back in the tub. He was completely unaware that he had a hardon and the head of his dick was sticking up out of the water. He didn't notice it until he saw the smile on Joel's face, and followed his line of sight to his cock.

"Fuck!" he declared out loud. He quickly tried to push his hardon down under the water but it would not yield. "Christ, this is embarrassing. I'm so sorry guys. I don't know what is wrong with me."

"There is absolutely nothing wrong with you Roger. You are a red blooded, healthy, young man; there is absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about. Personally, I'm enjoying it immensely and I know Joel is. Just look at that big smile he has on his face," Randy said trying to lighten his embarrassment.

"It's just, I mean, no one has touched me in a very long time. I guess it responded when you and Joel were hugging me. It just felt so nice and safe. I didn't know; honestly, I didn't," Roger pleaded.

"Roger, it's OK, really. Don't let it bother you. It's alright. You've seen me half hard the last time you were here. It's no big deal. Um, let me rephrase that, it's big but it's not a problem," Randy laughed. "It's quite beautiful, actually."

"Gorgeous is more like it," Joel quickly said giggling.

Together, their laughter put Roger at ease immediately. "Here then," he said, as he lifted his pelvis up and out of the water so they could see it in all its glory; tall, strong, and proud. "It's been a long time since someone has seen me with a roaring hardon, especially two guys," Roger commented.

"Fuck, Roger, it's a work of art the cock of yours. It's stunning. It's perfectly proportioned. Tiffany does not know how lucky she is," Randy commented.

"Oh please, she couldn't care less. She hasn't seen this cock in I don't know how long. She was never into sex anyway. She never wanted to have sex, even when we were getting along well. It's been a very frustrating four, long years of marriage for me," Randy volunteered.

"Go ahead, touch it," Randy smiled.

"Are you sure, Roger. Are you absolutely sure?" Randy asked again.

"Yeah, I'm sure. It's OK. Touch it," he repeated.

Randy brought his hand up and wrapped it around Roger's cock. The skin was so silky smooth but his cock was incredibly hard. He started to gently stroke Roger's cock and had to resist the temptation of taking it in his mouth. Roger moaned in pleasure. It felt good to have his cock stroked by someone other than himself. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes. His stomach muscles pulled tight displaying his beautiful body.

Joel reached over and joined Randy, together they gently and slowly stroked Roger's cock as a clear drop of dew appeared from his piss slit. It took every ounce of self-control in both of them not to lick the goo off the head of his cock. Instead, they let it run down the shaft until it reached their fingers and licking it off. As Roger's cock began to leak more profusely, he started to moan more often.

"Fuck, that feels so good guys, but if you don't stop, I'm gonna cum."

Joel looked at Randy and smiled from ear-to-ear nodding his head. They increased their speed easily gliding up and down Roger's cock slick from his precum.

"Cum for us, Rog. Shoot that sweet cock juice," Joel growled.

Roger groaned from deep within as his face contorted, his legs started quivering, his dick got even harder as he bellowed out. "Ahhh! I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cuuumm!"

The first volley shot straight up in the air and landed on Roger's chest with a very audible splat. He continued shooting covering his torso in gobs of man juice. He opened his eyes and looked down just as his cock shot out the last gob of ball juice onto his belly. Joel's hand was covered in spunk since his hand was the closest to Roger's cock knob.

"Christ, I'm covered in jizz. I can't remember the last time I came so much," he said out loud between deep breaths. Can you guys grab me a towel please?" Roger asked. "Oh, we can do better than that, stud," Randy quickly said with a smile. He immediately leaned forward and started to lick up the juice from Roger's chest. Joel wasted no time in cleaning up the gobs of spunk that had landed on Roger's ripped abs. It puddled nicely in the gullies of his abs making it super easy to lick up. In just seconds, there was no evidence left to see.

"You guys are fucking nasty," Roger giggled. "Now, clean off my cock."

Joel immediately took Roger's cock in his mouth and sucked the cum off it. Roger gasped as he felt Joel's, hot, wet mouth on his cock. "Fuck, dude, that feels so good. Keep going. Don't stop.

Joel immediately stood up and started sucking Roger's dick with enthusiasm. Randy slid off of the bench onto his knees in front of Roger. He raised Roger's ass, his legs resting on Randy's shoulders, and took Roger's balls in his mouth. "Fuck me!" Roger yelled out. "That feels fucking amazing!"

Randy released Roger's balls and stood up in the hot tub. His cock was rock hard and standing at full mast. Roger looked up at him and smiled. "Big cock, dude," he commented.

"Stand up, stud," he said to Roger.

Roger slowly scooted back on the bench and stood up in the water. His cock still hard and proud pointing towards the ceiling.

"Turn around," Randy told him and he complied.

Randy looked over at Joel, pointed to the bench in front of Roger and said, "Sit down."

"Bend over and put your hands on the hot tub wall, stud," he instructed Roger.

Roger obeyed immediately placing his trust completely in Randy. Joel took Roger's cock back in his mouth as Roger leaned forward, his ass sticking out towards Randy. Joel grabbed Rogers hips and swallowed his cock. "Fuck!" Roger hissed as Joel started sucking his cock.

Randy dropped to his knees, grabbed onto Roger's thighs and buried his face in Roger's ass. Roger literally yelled out as he felt Randy's tongue on his asshole. Randy let go of Roger's thighs, spread his ass cheeks apart and dove back in. Roger's arms were shaking trying to support his upper weight. After no more than two minutes, Roger was swinging his head about constantly as Randy ate his ass and Joel sucked his cock.

"You guys are killing me," he moaned. "I've never felt anything like this. I'm gonna fall! I'm gonna fall," Roger repeated urgently as his arms and legs struggled to hold his weight.

Randy stood up behind Roger, wrapped his arms around him pulling him up and back against his body. He wrapped one arm around Roger's abs and the other around his chest supporting his weight. Roger let his head rest back against Randy as he planted his hard cock between Roger's firm globes. Randy could feel Roger's body shaking.

"I'm gonna cum all over that sweet ass of yours stud," Randy moaned in his ear. "I know you that you want to know what that feels like. What a man's hard cock feels like rubbing against you. You like it don't you? It feels good, doesn't it? You want me to cum on you, don't you stud? I'm gonna show you how fucking awesome that is."

"Yeah, cum all over me," Roger whispered back. "I was thinking about it on the drive over. Fucking cum all over my ass!"

Randy grabbed a hold of Roger's nipple and squeezed gently. He sucked Roger's ear lobe into his mouth and held it between his teeth. "I gonna cum, Rog! I'm gonna cum all over your sweet ass, stud. Kiss me, Roger. Fucking kiss, me!" Randy ordered him.

Roger turned towards Randy and kissed him hard. As soon as he tasted Randy's tongue, he felt an electrical shock run down his spinal column. He brought his hand up, placed it on the back of Randy's head and forced his tongue down Randy's throat. His body started to spasm; he called out loud into Randy's mouth as his cock exploded in Joel's mouth.

Joel wrapped his lips tightly around Roger's spewing cock. His mouth filled quickly as he started swallowing Roger's precious gift. His cum was a bit salty in comparison to Randy's or his own but he savored Roger's flavor nonetheless. He held Roger's cock in his mouth long after it ceased firing nursing every drop that he could.

Roger would have collapsed in the water if Randy let him go. "How do you feel, Rog?" Randy asked. "I'm good," he whispered. "I feel great but I can hardly stand. I think I need to sit down."

Randy helped him to the bench and gently sat him down. Joel looked up at Randy and gave him a big smile. Making sure that Roger was secure on the bench, he leaned over and picked Joel up out of the water.

"Did you have fun, my love?" Randy whispered in his ear.

"I had a blast, Daddy. It was so much fun. I'm glad it happened. I wanted it to happen."

Randy kissed him hard and stood Joel up on the bench. Joel's cock was rock hard. Randy bent forward and kissed him on the belly, then swallowed Joel's cock. Joel grabbed Randy's head and started thrusting in and out of Randy's mouth. Roger heard the slurping sounds and looked over. He smiled up at Joel and continued to watch intently.

Joel enjoyed Roger watching him fuck Randy's mouth and soon felt his balls start to churn. "I'm so close, Daddy," he said. "I'm gonna shoot!" he yelled out. He grabbed Randy's head and plunged his cock down Randy's throat as he shot off. "Fuck!" He yelled out, "Eat me! Eat it all, daddy!"

Randy sucked out every last drop and released Joel's cock. He helped Joel step down off the bench, took a seat and pulled Joel over onto his lap.

Next: Chapter 14

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